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人教版(PEP)202_-202_学年小学英语三年级上册Unit 3 Part C同步练习(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下!一、单选题(共6题;

共12分)1.(2分)How are you?          A.I'm fine,thank you.B.Good idea.2.(2分)早晨,你见到同学时,你会说:()A.Good morning     B.Good afternoon.3.(2分)Zip想问Zoom的耳朵在哪里,应说:()A.What's your ear?     B.Where is your ear?     4.(2分)Nice       meet you.()A.to     B.Too     5.(2分)当你邀请别人一同上学时,你会说:

()A.Let's play     B.Let's go to school.6.(2分)I have a pencil box.A.Me,too!B.Goodbye.二、根据所给语境选择合适的选项(共5题;

共10分)7.(2分)(202_三上·云浮期中)当你写错字时,你最需要什么文具? A.a ruler     B.an eraser     8.(2分)(202_六下·龙岗期末)你想询问地铁站在哪儿,你可以说:

A.Where's the bus station?     B.I can't find the underground station.C.Excuse me.Where's the underground station?     9.(2分)—_____________________ —Nice to meet you,too.A.Good morning.B.Nice to meet you.C.Hello!10.(2分)你想叫同伴看看这头大象可以这样说:

A.Look for the elephant.B.Look at the elephant.11.(2分)— Thank you.— _____________ A.You're welcome.B.No thanks.三、填空题(共4题;

共4分)12.(1分)I want to wear my blue ________.13.(1分)根据句子内容选择与其相对应的图片。

A.B.C.D.E.⑴We can make a pen holder.________ ⑵I can make a vase.________ ⑶We can reuse the rubber.________ ⑷They are cans.________ ⑸It is the sign of reusing.________ 14.(1分)根据图片,用open或close将图片与词汇连接起来。

⑴ ________                               A.the window ⑵ ________           a.B.the door ⑶ ________                              C.the book ⑷ ________         b.D.the mouth ⑸ ________                                 E.the pencil box 15.(1分)将下列英文与图片相匹配 ⑴ears  ________               A.⑵eyes ________                B.⑶big  ________                   C.⑷small ________                 D.四、匹配题(共1题;

共5分)16.(5分)将图片与对应单词相匹配 ⑴chopsticks________        A.⑵desk________         B.⑶computer________         C.⑷chair________        D.五、情景交际(共4题;

共4分)17.(1分)________ 18.(1分)________ ​ 19.(1分)根据答语,选择问句。

⑴My clothes,my shoes,some presents...________   A.Where will you go tomorrow? ⑵I'll go to the airport.________                   B.What did you put in your bag? ⑶At seven o'clock.________                      C.Who is going to go to America? ⑷Oh,me!I'm going to!________                  D.When will you leave tomorrow? 20.(1分)________ 六、阅读理解(共1题;


I have a good friend,Tom.It's a white little dog.It has big eyes and long ears.It has a short tail.It likes sleeping.Every evening I often take him to the park.It's very lovely.I like it very much.(1)My friend is a little monkey.(2)It has big eyes and short ears.(3)It has a short tail.(4)I often take him to the zoo.(5)It's very lovely.参考答案 一、单选题(共6题;








人教版(PEP)202_-202_学年小学英语三年级上册Unit 3 Part C同步练习C卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下!一、单选题(共6题;

共12分)1.(2分)Let's go to school.A.Me,too!B.OK!2.(2分)Look at my()A.foot     B.head     3.(2分)This        Mike.()A.are     B.is     4.(2分)I have a pencil box.A.Me,too!B.Goodbye.5.(2分)Nice       meet you.()A.to     B.Too     6.(2分)早晨,你见到同学时,你会说:()A.Good morning     B.Good afternoon.二、根据所给语境选择合适的选项(共5题;

共10分)7.(2分)你要问同学她的短裙是什么颜色的,你可以怎么说:______________? A.Look at your skirt     B.How is your skirt     C.What color is your skirt     8.(2分)(202_三上·兴化期中)—______ —Good evening,Miss Li A.Good evening,Liu Tao.B.Good afternoon;Liu Tao.C.Good morning,Liu Tao.9.(2分)— I am going to dance.____________________ — I'm going to sing an English song.A.What do you do?     B.How about you?     C.How are you?     10.(2分)假如你问朋友“这是什么?”应说:________ A.What's this?        B.What's that?     11.(2分)你想对朋友说对不起,该说:

A.Thank you.B.Touch your face.C.I'm sorry.D.lift your foot.三、填空题(共4题;


⑴________He is wearing a sweater.A.⑵________She is wearing trousers.B.⑶________He is wearing a Tshirt.C.⑷________She is wearing a skirt.D.13.(1分)Dingding is________ ________ ________,but it________ ________ ________.14.(1分)为下列图片选择合适的句子 A.This is a big ship.B.It's a book about London.C.London is a big city.D.It's Buckingham Palace.E.My house is very small,but it's beautiful.(1)________(2)________(3)________(4)________(5)________ 15.(1分)选择正确的单词,写在相应图片后面的横线上 A.pig    B.duck    C.juice    D.dog   E.ice cream F.milk   G.fish     H.monkey I.fruit    J.elephant ⑴ ________⑵ ________⑶ ________ ⑷ ________⑸ ________⑹ ________ ⑺ ________⑻ ________ ⑼ ________⑽ ________ 四、匹配题(共1题;


⑴  ________             A.Wow!It has a long nose.⑵  ________            B.This is my new friend,Wu Yifan.⑶  ________            C.Sarah is from USA.⑷  ________           D.How many birds do you see? ⑸  ________          E.I like pear.五、情景交际(共4题;

共4分)17.(1分)________ 18.(1分)________ ​ 19.(1分)Do you often exercise? 20.(1分)________ 六、阅读理解(共1题;


I have a good friend,Tom.It's a white little dog.It has big eyes and long ears.It has a short tail.It likes sleeping.Every evening I often take him to the park.It's very lovely.I like it very much.(1)My friend is a little monkey.(2)It has big eyes and short ears.(3)It has a short tail.(4)I often take him to the zoo.(5)It's very lovely.参考答案 一、单选题(共6题;








人教版(PEP)202_-202_学年小学英语三年级上册Unit 3 Part A同步练习C卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下!一、单选题(共5题;

共10分)1.(2分)找不同类的词()A.eye     B.face     C.Pen     2.(2分)根据图片选出单词的首字母。

A.r     B.f     3.(2分)找不同类的词()A.mouth     B.nose     C.ruler     4.(2分)根据图片选出单词的首字母。

A.c     B.h     5.(2分)-Let's go to school.-()A.OK.B.No.二、根据所给语境,选择合适的选项(共5题;

共10分)6.(2分)我妈妈是一个老师,应该说什么? A.My mother is a pupil.B.My mother is a teacher.7.(2分)当你要邀请别人今天晚上去看电影,你可以说:()A.Shall we go to see a film tonight?     B.Can you go hiking with me ?     8.(2分)老师想让你把盒子放到椅子上,她可以说:

A.Put the bag on the chair.B.Put the box on the chair.9.(2分)—Is he clever? —      A.Yes,he is.B.Yes,she is.C.He is ten.10.(2分)刚运动完回到家,感到口渴了想喝点儿东西,你可以说:

A.I want to eat.B.I want to drink.三、连词成句(共1题;


共5分)12.(5分)问答配对 A.No,the lion is big.B.No,it can't.C.A duck has wings.D.No,it lives in a forest.E.No!A tiger has stripes.(1)What has wings?________(2)Can a camel swim?________(3)Is the lion small?________(4)Does a monkey have stripes?________(5)Does the panda live in a tree?________ 五、翻译(共1题;


(1)看着我(2)闭上你的眼睛(3)Touch your face.(4)This is my nose.(5)thank you 参考答案 一、单选题(共5题;







人教版(PEP)202_-202_学年小学英语三年级上册Unit 3 Part A同步练习A卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下!一、单选题(共5题;


A.r     B.f     2.(2分)-What's your name?-()A.This is Bai Ling.B.My name's Bai Ling.3.(2分)找不同类的词()A.ear     B.pencil-case     C.Book     4.(2分)根据图片选出单词的首字母。

A.g     B.d     5.(2分)当你对别人说“早上好”时,应说:()A.Goodbye.B.Good morning.C.Good afternoon.二、根据所给语境,选择合适的选项(共5题;

共10分)6.(2分)(202_三上·微山期中)—What's your name? —       A.My name is Sarah.B.Goodbye,Sarah!C.This is Mr Jones.7.(2分)—________.Where is the bank? —It's in front of the cinema.A.Thank you     B.Excuse me     C.Sorry     8.(2分)—What's she doing? —________ A.She's walking.B.She's eating.9.(2分)妹妹见到了一只猫头鹰,她会告诉你说:____________ A.It's a owl.B.It's an owl.10.(2分)你想向别人介绍你的妹妹,可以这样说:

A.This is my friend.B.This is my sister.三、连词成句(共1题;


共5分)12.(5分)我会选出正确的答语 A.Yes,I do.B.It's blue.C.It's a tomato.D.No,I don't.I like potatoes.(1)What's this in English?________(2)What colour is it?________(3)Do you like pears?________(4)Do you like potatoes?________ 五、翻译(共1题;


(1)看着我(2)闭上你的眼睛(3)Touch your face.(4)This is my nose.(5)thank you 参考答案 一、单选题(共5题;







人教版(PEP)202_-202_学年小学英语三年级上册Unit 3 Part C同步练习(II)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下!一、单选题(共6题;


()A.Let's play     B.Let's go to school.2.(2分)How are you?          A.I'm fine,thank you.B.Good idea.3.(2分)Zip想问Zoom的耳朵在哪里,应说:()A.What's your ear?     B.Where is your ear?     4.(2分)Let's go to school.A.Me,too!B.OK!5.(2分)Look at me.This is my()A.nose     B.mouth     6.(2分)Look at my()A.foot     B.head     二、根据所给语境选择合适的选项(共5题;

共10分)7.(2分)A.Tomorrow is Tuesday.B.I'm sorry,Mocky.We can't.C.I'm sorry,Mocky.We don't.8.(2分)Show me black.A.OK.B.Hello!9.(2分)当你和蒂娜分别时,你应该说:

A.This is my sister.B.Goodbye,Tina.10.(2分)你想表达“它那时是个大城市吗?”应该说:________ A.Is it a big city now?     B.Was it a big city then?     11.(2分)—Don't shout in the library.—________.A.I'm sorry.B.Thank you.C.No,thank you.三、填空题(共4题;

共4分)12.(1分)给下列图片选择合适的句子或对话 A.Daming and Sam went for a bike ride yesterday.B.Lingling had a fever yesterday.C.—Did Jack fall off his bike? —Yes,he did.D.I went to the doctor.E.—Did you buy some water? —No,we bought a watermelon.(1)________(2)________(3)________(4)________(5)________ 13.(1分)It's cool in autumn.I ride my bike.________  14.(1分)给下列句子选择相应的图片。A.B.C.D.E.(1)China's National Day is in October.________(2)The sports meet is on September 15th.________(3)April Fool's Day is on April 1st.________(4)Children's Day is on June 1st.________(5)My mum's birthday is on July 3rd.________ 15.(1分)给下列图片选择合适的句子 ⑴ ________ ⑵ ________ ⑶ ________ ⑷ ________ ⑸ ________ A.I went to the zoo last Sunday.B.Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space.C.I met Simon at the airport last Sunday.D.My father was a teacher five years ago.E.She wrote some letters on the apple.四、匹配题(共1题;

共5分)16.(5分)读一读,将图和单词匹配起来 ⑴ ________  ⑵ ________  ⑶ ________  ⑷ ________ A.pizza    B.pie    C.hamburger    D.cake 五、情景交际(共4题;

共4分)17.(1分)________ 18.(1分)________ ​ 19.(1分)选择合适的句子补全对话。

A.All right.B.Let's go to the shop.C.Stop and wait.D.Be careful.E.It's yellow.(1)A:________I'm going to buy a gift for my mother.B:OK.(2)________Look at the traffic lights.________(3)A:Don't cross the street.________ B:________ 20.(1分)________ 六、阅读理解(共1题;


I have a good friend,Tom.It's a white little dog.It has big eyes and long ears.It has a short tail.It likes sleeping.Every evening I often take him to the park.It's very lovely.I like it very much.(1)My friend is a little monkey.(2)It has big eyes and short ears.(3)It has a short tail.(4)I often take him to the zoo.(5)It's very lovely.参考答案 一、单选题(共6题;






