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编辑:尘埃落定 识别码:15-988551 6号文库 发布时间: 2024-05-06 03:14:03 来源:网络


The topic:China lanching Chang’e-3 News papers:21st centry;The New York Times Conclusions:1.Both of the two news reports uses the word---China.What I want to emphasis is that 21st century doesn’t ues expressions such as “our country” and that well reflects the subjectivity.2.There are also a lot of differences:1)The emotion and feelings of the two reports are actualy different and that can be seen from several aspects of the reports.Of course,the report from 21st centry is totally positive,which does not mean that the other is negtitive,but it is just not so “positive”.Firstly,the titles of the reports.In 21st centry,the title is “Chang’e-3 on route to make space histoty”,the other is “China launches lunar probe in major milestone for its space program”.The feeling I have after reading the two is that the former like the tone of one’s own mother,while the latter like the tone of one’s stepmother---it even does not mession the “name” of the lunar probe;In the aspect of commenting the event, although both of them mention that “If Chang’e-3 successfully soft-lands on the moon,China will become the third country after the US and the former Soviet Union to do so, the New York Times instantly follows that “But it is still far away from catching up with the estiblished space superpowers, whose moon landings date back more than four decades.” The tone is very definite and proud.Instead, 21st centry writes “Despite the lunar mission’s fast progress,China still lags behind the US and Russia in its space technology.” These words are put in the end part and are comparatively more euphemistic.3)The detailed differences:The sign of 21st centry is set at the end of the report without the auther’s name, while the sign of the New York Times and the date are put at the beginning of the report with the author’s name in the end;There are Chinese meanings and phonetic symbols of some word for studying purposes of people with different levels, but the New York Times does not have such content;Besides, the former puts more emphisis on the event itself, however the latter just gives a brief introduction to the event and adds plenty of other information.









第四篇:英语专业课程 阅读与写作新闻读后感

Task 1

Topic :China eyes overseas markets

Date:September 7th,202_ on China Daily

Summary: Being merely a major receiver of overseas direct investment for its cheap labor cost and huge market, China is now becoming an active and powerful overseas direct investor because of Chinese companies' expanding capacity and the country's huge foreign exchange reserves.Sentence: Within three years, China's ODI will overtake its inbound direct investment, because it is expected to grow by between 20 to 30 percent, said Zheng Chao, commercial counselor at the Department of Outward Investment and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce.Vocabulary 1 outbound 向外的 outbound investment 对外投资 2 executive 决策的 决策者 3 capital 资本

Idea: Without any doubt, it’s very vital that China could change the pattern of investment.Obviously, China can not avoid the challenges, especially the political restriction from America.Overseas investment is not only about injecting capital, it also concerns many other factors, including technology, management, rules and policies.二

Topic: Pakistan monsoon rains affect millions

Date: Sep.8th ,202_ on China Daily

Summary: Monsoon rains in Pakistan have affected up to 5 million people and killed 132 others in a month.Sentences: Southern Sindh, a flood-prone province where authorities said more heavy rain was expected in the coming days, was the hardest-hit area, with crops and many houses destroyed.Vocabulary : 1 monsoon 季风 2 Pakistan 巴基斯坦(南亚国家)3 brace for = make preparation for

Idea: From this piece of news, I have learnt that most of killed died as a result of failing roofs, drowning and water-brone diseases.It showed that Pakistan had failed to take effective measures to protect people.In fact, it’s tough for the country to develop well because of the civil and external wars.I think the International organization should pay more attention to the poor countries and help them.三

Topic : Worth 1,000 words

Date: Sep.14th,202_ on China Daily

Summary :Picture books that were once all the rage have now become collectors' items, but new efforts are being made to make them mainstream once again

Sentences: Reading palm-sized picture books, or, xiaorenshu, was a national pastime in China for decades in the 20th century, but only hardcore collectors and people hankering after a taste of nostalgia bother to read them

anymore Vocabulary 1 hanker = keen =eager hanker for / after 2 nostalgia 怀旧 Noun 3 speculator 投资商人 speculation

Idea In my childhood , xiaorenshu used to cost 1 Yuan or so , but now it worths even 1.000 Yuan apiece.I think it ashame that people resell them at a profit , Xiaorenshu used to be read by a majority of people and they are Chinese culture.But it’s reported that xiaorenshu indusrry was at stake when Japanese picture books started selling in China.In my opinion, one of the factors that had led to the decline of Chinese xiaorenshu is the lack of creative illustrators compared with Japan.四

Topic : Improve overall medical security

Date: Sep.14th, 202_ on China Daily

Summary : A migrant worker in Hebei province has reportedly donated his skin to his daughter , who has suffered serious burns and needs skin grafting.His donation ,using local instead of general anesthesia to reduce the cost.Sentences.Some netizens have posted messages online that they were reduced to tears by the migrant worker’s love for his daughter and the poverty that his family faces.Vocabulary 1 grafting 移植法 2 all walks of life 各行各业 3 diagnosis 诊断

Idea After reading the news, I was puzzled why the Red Cross of China and medical insurance have not come to the family’s help.Later , I think maybe they just think there are so many people needed help ,they wonder how many could they help.As far as I am concerned , the governments ,charities and people from all walks of life should help the people needed.五 Topic :Milk powder imports dominate market

Date: Sep.17th,202_ on China Daily

Summary: China's milk powder imports have surged more than fourfold since 202_, when the melamine-tainted baby formula scandal was exposed, pressing hard on domestic milk powder manufacturers

Sentences :Based on current momentum, the foreign brands will surpass domestic ones this year, and they will take at least 60 percent of the baby formula market

Vocabulary 1momentum 动力 势头 noun 2dominate 控制 支配 v 3 autonomous region 自治区

Idea Actually, after the event of melamine-tainted milk powder, I felt very disappointed at the milk industries.Babies are so fragile to hurt like this.As we know, the examination of the milk in foreign countries are more strict.So it may do more good to our health to drink imported milk.Only after the Chinese milk company improve their product would I choose to buy them.六

Topic :Honest research needed

Date : Sep.17th ,202_ on China Daily

Summary: None of the Chinese scientific research works shortlisted for the 202_ National Nature Science Awards has qualified for the top prize for 8 years.Sentence.Given the fact that the money the United States allocates for scientific research has increased by more than 20% a year over the past decade.Vocabulary.1 shortlist 候选人名单 2 allocate 分配 for 3 plagiarism 剽窃 抄袭

Idea From the news , the United States have spent so much money on science.However, it revealed that only about 40% of the funds allocated for scientific research is used on the projects.The rest is usually spent on things that have nothing to do with research.Besides, some scientists get research funds because of their connections with officials rather that their innovation capacity.A lot of scholars and scientists have forgotten the perseverance and are lack of interest in science.七

Topic.Confucius alive

Date: Sep.25th,202_ on China Daily

Summary: China's ancient sage is helping the country propagate its language and culture abroad.And TCSL teachers are sent abroad to teach.Sentence: Hanban recruits more than 7,000 TCSL(Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)teachers and volunteers from Chinese universities each year.Candidates are recommended by their universities or schools first, and then selected by strict exams

Vocabulary: 1sage 圣人 智者 2confucius 孔子 Confucius institute 3TCSL teaching Chinese as a second language

Idea It’s reported that many foreigners know about ancient China from history lessons, and their impressions about the country are often confined to novels about China before the reform and opening up, though high-profile events like the 202_ Olympics.Therefore, it's very essential to propagate our language and culture abroad as China’s economy and exchange with the world grow so rapidly.八

Topic: Euro-zone debt crisis complicates China’s policy-making

Date: Sep.26th.202_ on China Daily

Summary: The job of China’s policymakers to tailor macro measures to better manage inflation and economic growth is becoming increasingly complicated as the Euro-zone’s debt woes escalate.Sentence: China once again stands at a crossroads facing mounting uncertainties both inside and outside of the nation.Vocabulary.1defaulting 拖欠债务 2forex reserves 外汇储备 3offset 抵消 补偿 v

Idea I think that to establish an independent fiscal system would be an effective way to resolve the crisis.Facing the debt crisis, China has difficulties that it would impair exports and increase inflationary pressures.Therefore, China mush make good policy to help itself get through the crisis, even help the Euro-zone.The lady of the camellias

The lady of the camellias is a novel by Alexandre Dumas,fills , first published in 1848.Alexandre Dumas,fills(January 27th,1824—November 27th,1895)was a French author and dramatist, the son of Alexandre Dumas, pere.Alexandre Dumas.fils was an illegitimate child, born in Paris, France.At that time, the law allowed the elder Dumas to take the child away from his mother.His mother’s agony inspired Dumas, fils to write about tragic female characters.In 1884, Dumas met Marie Duplessis, a young courtesan who would be the inspiration for his romantic novel “The lady of the camellias“,where Duplessis was named Marguerite Gauthier.The lady of the camellias is a love story between Marguerite Gauthier , a kept woman who suffered from a serious disease, and Armand Duval.Armand falls in love with Marguerite and finally becomes her lovers.And later they live in the countryside happily , But Armand’s father is worried that Marguerite’s bad reputation would destroy Armand’s sister’s marriage , so he asks Marguerite to leave Armand, who believes Marguerite leaves him for another wealthy man and starts to revenge.It is after Marguerite’s death that Armand realizes he misunderstands Marguerite.I felt so puzzled when I first read the several chapters.The story is in the third person, “I” in the novel is the witness and the listener of the whole story.And it begins with a aution of furniture and valuable things, whose owner was dead.But later I found the dead woman was the heroine, Marguerite Gauthier.And a note with words “ Manon to Marguerite “ also made me confused.But little by little , I understand it and feel quite clear.What attracts me most in the scene that Armand misunderstands Marguerite and tries to revenge her.Marguerite is so pure that despite suffering from the bleeding heart and pain of the disease, she only explained her behavior and shows her love to him.In fact, when Armand was harming Marguerite , I felt so upset.This means the novelist has described the story so impressive that can move the readers.There is no doubt that Dumas fils was so successful in the novel that every description is vivid and the plot is so attractive.Task 2

Dear professor Huang,I am writing to inform you that I couldn’t attend the classes until November 30th because I had a serious car accident yesterday.I have to stay in bed for I have broken my legs and my doctor advised me to have a good rest for a month.I am worrying about my study.I will do all the assignments and read the course books.But I still wonder whether I need to go through the teaching materials.What else can I do to keep up with other students ? Do I need to make up the mid-term examination ?

Thank you for your advice.I am looking forward to your response.Your sincerely,Lindy

Dear Mrs.Li.I am writing to inform you that I want to withdrew from two courses because of my heavy study load.Recently other teachers have assigned a lot of homework , and in the meantime , I have to make full preparation for the coming TME 4 examination.So I have no time to attend so many courses, Could I withdrew the psychology and English writing courses? If possible, how much refund could you return ?

I am so sorry to bring such trouble to you.I am looking forward to your response.Your sincerely,Lindy

Dear Mr.Li,I am writing to give you a report about my English-language courses.I have been taking the

English-language course since last September, and I have studied hard to improve my English in every aspect.Now , I am very interested in learning English and have found a suitable way to keep on learning it.Besides, I have passed the CET 6 this June with a high mark.So I think it’s unnecessary to take further courses.I hope you can give me some suggestions.Thank you for your advice, I am looking forward to your reply.Your sincerely,Lindy

Dear Moore,I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a teacher.My name is Lindy, an outgoing, patient and responsible sophomore in Shaoguan University.I have passed the CET 6 in June 202_ with the highest mark in our university.Besides,I have experience in teaching English.I had taught in a teaching centre and as a tutor before and the students I taught have made some progress and become interested in learning English.What’s more, I think the most satisfactory is that I still keep in tough with the students and give them courage and advise on learning.So I am confident that I would do the job well.I would appreciate it if you give me a chance.I am looking forward to your response.Your sincerely,Lindy

Dear Wendy,Hello!My name is Lindy.I am very happy to have the chance of becoming your pen pal.I am a teacher in a middle school in my hometown now and I enjoy it.I graduated from Shaoguan University in English major in 202_.Every evening I run for an hour to keep fit and I am fond of playing badminton and enjoy listening to music.During this summer vocation , I will be travelling alone to your country.If convenient , I would be glad to meet you in flesh.I hope I we could become close friends.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Lindy


'Melo drains game-winner to help Nuggets stun Raptors The words of Carmelo Anthony after he missed two free throws and a potential game-winner before getting a third chance to lift the Nuggets over the Toronto Raptors.An offensive rebound from Nene led to a Chauncey Billups assist to Anthony, who nailed a jumper as time expired, giving the Nuggets a thrilling 97-96 victory over the Raptors.“It all started with the two free throws and then we got the ball back out of bounds,” Anthony reflected.“I had a chance to end it right before the game-winner.I missed it.Three times is the charm.” The win prevented the Nuggets from dropping four straight and was a huge boost with road games against Orlando and Dallas coming up.“Somebody up there likes me,” said Denver interim coach Adrian Dantley.“That's all I can say.” The shot snapped the hearts of Raptors fans, who watched their team come out with the energy that had been lacking in back-to-back losses of 26 points in their last two home contests.The shot completed a comeback that had the Raptors up 12 with just over eight minutes to go in the fourth.When a three-point play from Andrea Bargnani put the Raptors up three with 44.4 seconds, Anthony was fouled and missed two free throws.Despite the Raptors owning a 58-38 advantage on the boards for the game, the Nuggets came up with the offensive rebound and Chauncey Billups hit a 3-pointer to tie the game at 95-95 with 33.9 seconds.After Chris Bosh made one of two free throws, Anthony missed his first jumper with 6.9 seconds on the clock and the Nuggets came away with the biggest offensive rebound of the night, feeding Anthony for the game-winner.“It's disappointing, but down in the end their two clutch players made two great shots,” said Raptors coach Jay Triano.“Chauncey's three with a hand right in his face gives them a chance and then the second look, Carmelo makes a contested two at the buzzer.Their stars made plays.It's tough to swallow, but there is nothing we can do about it.” Anthony finished with 25 points and eight rebounds, Nene scored 20 and grabbed nine rebounds and Billups overcame a 4-for-18 shooting night to finish with 18, none bigger than his final 3-pointer.“That's why he's named big shot,” rookie Ty Lawson said.“Because he makes the big shots.” With 12 games remaining and a playoff spot still up for grabs, the Raptors were desperate to get a win and right the ship before heading out on the road for a crucial two-game swing against Miami and Charlotte.It appeared as though they were on their way when things fell apart for the Nuggets in the third.Despite open looks and transition opportunities, they couldn't make a shot.“Great looks,” Billups said of Denver's looks in the quarter.“Layups, transition passes, 10-foot shots.It was incredible, but we didn't get discouraged, we didn't hang our heads, we just continued to play.” After shooting 56 percent in the first half, the Nuggets made just 3-for-21 in the period and were outscored 29-16, trailing 81-72 at the start of the fourth.“We didn't quit,” Dantley said.“Throughout the whole game we didn't do a good job of transition runbacks.We didn't quit and that's the bottom line.Third quarter I just kept telling them don't quit, just hang in there....Luckily, the guys didn't quit on me.” The Raptors played without Hedo Turkoglu, who was out with the stomach flu.Sonny Weems started in place of Turkoglu, finishing with 14 against his former team.Bosh led the Raptors with 18 and 12 rebounds, Bargnani added 14 and 15 rebounds and rookie DeMar DeRozan had 15 off the bench for the first time this season.With his teammates mobbing him as the buzzer sounded, Anthony celebrated.In the locker room afterward, he said it was, “on to the next,” but acknowledged the feeling of finishing off the Raptors on their home floor.“I think hitting one on the road, you get that much more joy out of it,” Anthony said.“That much more satisfaction.You've got 20 thousand people against you and you can make a shot to silence them?” He smiled once more.“That feels good.” Durant lifts Thunder to surprisingly easy win over Lakers Kobe Bryant and his Los Angeles Lakers teammates had been cruising along like a well-oiled machine during their seven-game winning streak.They came into Oklahoma City with a 12-game winning streak over the Thunder franchise dating back to the Seattle days.But Friday night in front soldout and roaring crowd at Ford Center, Kobe and the Lakers(53-19)clanked, clunked and sputtered in their worst performance of the season, while the Thunder(44-27)sizzled in rolling to a shockingly easy 91-75 win that wasn't nearly that close.The 75 points was L.A.'s lowest output this season.OKC led by 33 at the end of the third, 80-47, when the Lakers managed just 13 points to begin the second half.They scored just 15 to begin the first half and shot just 39 percent for the game.L.A.even had touble hitting free throws--going just 15-for-24.“They have speed and quickness, they beat us to all the loose balls,” said Lakers coach Phil Jackson.“They were just quicker than we were in all areas.” It became such a mismatch that Thunder coach Scott Brooks didn't know what to say to begin his postgame news conference.He sat down, looked around at the gathered reporters and said, “Well,” paused looked around a moment more and finally added, “we played good basketball tonight.” Indeed.It looks like the Thunder's early spring swoon that saw them drop three of four is over.They played well despite losing to San Antonio on Monday night then throttled Houston Wednesday night before drilling the Lakers Friday night.“We bounce back well, we never get too high after a big win or too low after a disappointing loss,” said Brooks.“Our guys like to compete and wanna get better.” The Lakers seemed a little disinterested coming off a big come-from-behind win in San Antonio on Wednesday night.Bryant didn't score in the third, missing the only shot he took and didn't even play in the fourth.He finished with almost as many turnovers(nine)as points(11)and was just 4-for-11 shooting.“Thabo [Sefolosha] did a great job on one of the best players in the game,” said Brooks.“I couldn't ask for a better defensive game.Thabo has changed the culture of our team with his defense.He sets the tone, he's an inspirational player.Not too many people can do what he does.” Sefolosha, who is gaining more of a reputation around the league for being a defensive stopper, constantly pestered Bryant with hands in his face and around the ball.Bryant slipped down a couple of times and tripped another time as he turned the ball over.“Kobe had nine turnovers and you can't do that,” Jackson said.“You can't have a game like that and expect to have success especially this late in the season.” “They played very well,” a solemn Bryant said after the game.“They executed and did a good job.They did great defensively.” On what if anything this loss might indicate as far as the Lakers are concerned heading toward the playoffs, Bryant had the obvious answer.“We want to play better.There are things we have to do.I know what we can do.I know what our game really is and so I'm not second guessing it.” Bryant had scored 31, 26 and 40 points in the previous three meetings with the Thunder this season.“Thabo's defense was great,” said an admiring Kevin Durant, “Kobe is the best player in the world.Thabo gets us going on defense, he did a great job of fighting Kobe.” The showdown defensive matchup was supposed to be the Lakers' Ron Artest on Durant.Artest almost single-handedly shut down the Spurs' offense Wednesday night.Early in this contest, Artest bothered Durant's shot a little, but the All-Star forward scored 26 to lead all scorers and added eight rebounds.He was 9-for-19 shooting.Artest was just 1-for-6 for 2 points.The Lakers had only two players in double figures, Lamar Odom with 15 and Kobe's 11.In additon to Durant's 26, point guard Russell Westbrook broke out of his recent shooting slump, hitting 10-for-13 for 23.Jeff Green and Nenad Krstic added 10 each and Krstic grabbed 10 rebounds.The Thunder outrebounded L.A.42-39 and dominated in the paint and on the break--outscoring the Lakers 44-30 down low and 15-7 on the run.The Thunder started just the way Brooks had hoped they would--with a lot of energy and stingy defense.The Lakers seemed to meander around on offense, never getting in sync early, shooting just 30 percent in the first for 15 points.Oklahoma City, meanwhile, got off to another hot shooting start, hitting 48 percent and scoring 27 in the first.The Lakers also had trouble with turnovers.They came into the game averaging just 13.5 per game, but had 11 by halftime--eight of those belonging to Bryant.The Lakers will continue their road trip in Houston on Saturday night.“It was a tough game for us but we really don't have to make a huge deal about it,” said Lakers center Pau Gasol, who had nine points.“We just have to bounce back tomorrow, put together a good game and move on.” Oklahoma City will stay home to host Portland in another key Western Conference game Sunday night.“We got a good one tonight but now we've gotta get ready for the next one,” said Durant in a happy but quiet Thunder locker room.“We have 11 more games left so we have to keep pushing and play our hardest.”
