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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册Unit 3同步练习1B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下!一、单选题(共5题;

共10分)1.(2分)在运动场上,啦啦队队员对正在参加长跑比赛的小明大喊: A.Come on!B.You're out.2.(2分)你想说它有小小的眼睛,应该说:

A.It has big eyes.B.It has small eyes.3.(2分)妈妈下午和你问好,你会说:

A.Good morning,Tom.B.Good afternoon,Mum.4.(2分)拉拉不见了,毛毛很伤心,你会怎么安慰他? A.Don't be sad.B.It's cool.C.I hope so.5.(2分)________ pencils do you see? A.What     B.How many     C.How much     二、单词拼写(词汇运用)(共1题;

共5分)6.(5分)What do you do on F________ Day.三、选词填空(词汇运用)(共1题;

共4分)7.(4分)— ________ are you going this afternoon?(When/Where/What)— To the cinema.四、情景交际(共1题;

共25分)8.(25分)(202_六下·东莞期中)Jim:________yesterday? Zhang: We saw a film in the down town.五、补全对话(共1题;


A.Don't make fires.B.The wind blows strongly.C.We are sorry.D.Some children are flying kites.E.Some children are making a fire.F.Look at the sign.Peter and Jack are taking a walk in the forest.Peter:Today is a fine day.Jack:Yes,and it is very dry.________ It is easy to start a fire in the forest.Peter:Look.________ Maybe they want to have a barbecue.Jack:________ Children:Why not? Peter:________ It means:“No fires“.It is dangerous.Children:________ Jack:Then you can fly the kites.Have a good time.Children:Thank you.六、匹配题(共1题;

共5分)10.(5分)将相对应的图片与词组匹配 ⑴ ________        A.turn right ⑵ ________        B.on foot ⑶ ________         C.go straight ⑷ ________          D.by bike ⑸ ________           E.turn left 参考答案 一、单选题(共5题;








人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册Unit 6同步练习1B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下!一、单选题(共5题;

共10分)1.(2分)(202_四下·广州期中)Sam is a boy _______ glasses and _______ a white shirt.A.with;in     B.with;at     C.in;at     2.(2分)He usually ___________on Sunday.A.goes fishing     B.goes running     C.goes shopping     3.(2分)Let's       and        that old man.A.to go,to help     B.go,help     C.going,help     D.goes,helps     4.(2分)I don't have        books in the bag.A.some     B.a     C.any     5.(2分)The mice are afraid ________ the cat.A.to     B.of     C.with     二、单词拼写(词汇运用)(共1题;

共4分)6.(4分)v c h i c k e n d 三、选词填空(词汇运用)(共1题;

共5分)7.(5分)The bed is________(to/too)hard.四、情景交际(共1题;

共25分)8.(25分)(202_一下·龙岗期末)A:What can she do? B: ________ 五、补全对话(共1题;


A.We can sing and dance together.B.We'll have a music class next Monday.C.Yes,I can.D.Can you sing songs? E.But I can't sing Chinese songs.A:________ B:That's cool!A:________ B:Yes.I can sing English songs.________ A:We'll learn a Chinese song.B:That's great!Can you dance? A:________ B:Me,too.________ 六、匹配题(共1题;

共5分)10.(5分)看图,选择合适的短语 A.fly a kite   B.play football     C.sing a song D.skip rope  E.ride a bicycle   F.four apples G.at home   H.go to the beach I.a new dress J.stand up    K.a new T-shirt(1)________(2)________(3)________(4)________(5)________(6)________(7)________(8)________(9)________(10)________(11)________ 参考答案 一、单选题(共5题;








人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册Unit 3同步练习1B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下!一、单选题(共5题;

共10分)1.(2分)The square is ________ Apple Street.A.in     B.of     C.on     2.(2分)People should _______ wait for their turn.A.always     B.never     C.sometimes     3.(2分)Willy told a story ______ the party.A.in     B.on     C.at     D.before     4.(2分)—What do you have on Mondays? —.A.I have seven books.B.I have Chinese.C.I read book.5.(2分)汤姆  A.Peter     B.Dolly     C.Tom     二、单词拼写(词汇运用)(共1题;

共5分)6.(5分)I cleaned the rooms and ________yesterday.三、选词填空(词汇运用)(共1题;

共5分)7.(5分)(202_六上·韶关期末)选词填空 A:Hi,what are you going to do this weekend? B:I'm going to take a ________(A.trip,B.ship)with my parents.And you? A:I'm going to ________(A.visit,B.look)my friend.Where are you going? B:We're going to the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.A:Is it very ________(A.far,B.farm)? B:Yes,We're going to get there by ________(A.plane,B.bike).A:What are you going to do then? B:We're going to go ________(A.swimming,B.shopping)for my grandpa.A:Are you going to take ________(A.pictures,B.draw)there? B:Yes,of course.A:What time are you going back? B:We're going back next ________(A.weekend,B.day).A:Have a ________(A.nice,B.good)time in Beijing!B:Thank you.四、情景交际(共1题;


A.Yes,it was.B.Let's go to the bookstore together!C.Not very good.D.He visited his parents.E.No,I didn't.(1)What did Tom do last weekend?(2)Did you clean your room?(3)I want to buy some new magazines.(4)How was your holiday?(5)Was it interesting? 五、补全对话(共1题;


Mike:It's November.Next month is my sister's birthday.Tom:Really?so When is your brother's birthday? Mike:________ ,________? Tom:My birthday is in August.________? Mike:Guess.Tom:________ Mike:No,my birthday isn't in November.It's in August.Tom:Me too.We can have birthday party together.Mike:________.A.Good idea!B.What about you? C.In November.D.When is your birthday? E.The same as my sister.It's in December,too.六、匹配题(共1题;

共25分)10.(25分)(202_二下·龙华期中)小朋友,将下面的句子与对应的图片匹配 ⑴They're giraffes.They're tall.________      A.⑵I like skipping.________                   B.⑶I can hear a train.________                C.⑷Open the pencil case,please.________     D.参考答案 一、单选题(共5题;








人教版(PEP)202_-202_学年小学英语六年级上册Unit 3同步练习(2)B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下!一、选出不同类的单词(共5题;

共10分)1.(2分)找出不同类别的单词()A.water     B.box     C.coffee     2.(2分)找出属于不同类的单词。

A.hello     B.goodbye     C.hi     3.(2分)选出不同类的一项()A.fast     B.watch     C.high     D.young     4.(2分)选出不同类的一项()A.go     B.see     C.dish     D.play     5.(2分)找出不同类的一项()A.active     B.quiet     C.Internet     二、单选题(共7题;

共14分)6.(2分)Look _____the pandas!A.in     B.on     C.at     7.(2分)I can take the water and the paper ________ the window ________ the sun light.A.in;to     B.near;into     C.on;under     8.(2分)It will be sunny ________ Sunday.A.in     B.on     C.at     9.(2分)Linda is __________ her grandparents' house.A.in     B.on     C.with     10.(2分)—Do you like monkeys? —Yes,I.A.am     B.do     C.can     11.(2分)—Can he swim? —_____________.A.Yes,he can.B.No,he isn't.C.Yes,she can.12.(2分)—________ —Thank you!A.I'd like some milk.B.I have two white birds.C.Happy birthday!三、判断题(共4题;

共8分)13.(2分)bird 14.(2分)I have a bag.15.(2分)—Are they hens?   —No,they aren't.They are dogs.16.(2分)根据图片,判断句子是否正确。

—Where is the music room? —It's on the first floor.四、单词拼写(词汇运用)(共1题;

共10分)17.(10分)I am s________.五、选词填空(词汇运用)(共1题;

共5分)18.(5分)选词填空(1)I ________;ten then.(2)I ________;a clever pupil now.(3)You ________;very naughty then.(4)They ________;my grandparents.(5)—What ________;this? —A desk.六、语法填空(共5题;

共13分)19.(3分)I'm ________(go)to play a cat from Mars.20.(3分)My father ________(be)________(go)to the zoo ________(今天下午).21.(2分)They are going to ________(plant)something in the hill.22.(3分)用wasn't或 weren't填空(1)Her hair ________;long then.(2)My grandparents ________;old then.(3)I ________;fat then.(4)We ________;tall then.(5)He ________;thin then.23.(2分)Let me ________(help)you.七、补全对话(共1题;


A.it’s not a good manner in public places.B.It’s also very dangerous.C.Let me take a photo for you.D.I think he is taking photos.E.It’s the longest wall in the world.F.I want to take better photos.Mary:Wow,look at the Great Wall.It’s really great.Tracy:Yes,________ Mary:Oh,look at that man over there.What is he doing? Tracy:________But he is climbing up on a tree.Mary:That’s a bad manner.________ Tracy:Yes,we should tell him not to climb up on that tree.Let’s go.Mary:Excuse me,sir.Man:Yes? Tracy:What are you doing up there? Man:________.Tracy:But it’s not safe to climb up on the tree and ________.Man:Right,thank you very much.I shouldn’t do that________.Mary and Tracy:OK.Smile!八、连词成句(共5题;

共5分)25.(1分)flag,the,of,is,here,U.K.,the(.)________ 26.(1分)pretty  It  is  very(.)________ 27.(1分)have,fish,feet,doesn't,the,any(.)________ 28.(1分)pen,his,red,is(.)________ 29.(1分)连词成句。

(1)your  touch nose.________(2)me  your show red crayon.________(3)like  I hot dog.________(4)birthday to Happy you ________(5)are How you old ? ________ 九、阅读理解(共1题;


Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright are brothers.Their job is to mend bicycles.In their spare time,they like inventing things.One day,they are watching some birds flying in the sky.They want to fly in the sky,too.They think they should invent a flying machine,so they can fly in the sky too.But it's a hard work to invent a flying machine.They work very hard.First,they watch how the birds fly.Next,they draw a picture of a flying machine.Then they build the machine,it is heavy and ugly,the machine can't fly to the sky.So they work again and make it lighter.Finally,they make the first plane in the world,though the plane only flies in the sky for twelve seconds.(1)The article is about.A.mending bicycles.B.flying birds in the sky     C.inventing a flying machine(2)Orville Wright is Wilbur Wright's.A.friend     B.brother     C.father(3)Orville and Wilbur want to fly like birds so they want to.A.mend bicycles     B.invent a flying machine     C.eat the birds(4)The first plane flies in the sky for.A.twelve seconds     B.twelve minutes     C.twelve hours(5)How do you think of inventing a flying machine? A.I draw a picture.B.It's a hard work.C.I fly a plane.参考答案 一、选出不同类的单词(共5题;











人教版(PEP)202_-202_学年小学英语六年级上册Unit 3同步练习(1)(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下!一、音标题(共1题;

共5分)1.(5分)读—读,写出相应的音标 ①van  ________ ②roof  ________ ③with  ________ ④life  ________ ⑤thin  ________ 二、单选题(共6题;

共12分)2.(2分)(202_·聊城模拟)He is riding his bike,________it is starting to rain.A.and     B.but     C.then.3.(2分)Sally wants ________ all the words.A.remembering     B.remember     C.to remember     4.(2分)My grandfather __________ to take me to Hangzhou.A.want     B.can     C.wants     5.(2分)My family ________ going to get together and have a big dinner.A.am     B.is     C.are     6.(2分)如果你想知道以前Daming是否住在纽约,可以这样问别人:________ A.Did Daming live in New York?     B.Did Daming live in London?     7.(2分)以下哪种说法不可以用在上午:

A.Good morning,class.B.Good afternoon,class.三、单词拼写(词汇运用)(共5题;

共5分)8.(1分)There is a new d________hall in my school. 9.(1分)We went to an ________in summer holiday.10.(1分)We should not throw r________ into the river. 11.(1分)根据提示,写出单词,把句子补充完整(1)Amy can't r________;fast.So the boy is the winner.(2)We can go to the s________;for an ice cream.(3)Can I h________;a drink,please?(4)Let's m________;a c________;for mum and dad.12.(1分)________We use it to________. 四、选词填空(词汇运用)(共5题;

共5分)13.(1分)— ________(When/What)do you go home? — At four.14.(1分)— ________ are you going this afternoon?(When/Where/What)— To the cinema.15.(1分)This ________ my father.(am / is / are)16.(1分)Does he ________(likes / like)doing word puzzles? 17.(1分)________(What/Where)is your dream then? 五、语法填空(共5题;

共8分)18.(1分)I don't know how ________(drive)the car.19.(2分)They ________(come)to the airport to meet their friend,Tom next Monday.20.(2分)— What ________ they like ________?(do)—They like ________.(read)21.(1分)There ________ fourty classrooms in our school.22.(2分)We can________(skate)in winter.六、情景交际(共1题;

共5分)23.(5分)—When is ________? —It's on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese calendar.七、连词成句(共5题;

共5分)24.(1分)so,there,pictures,are,here,many(.)(连词成句)________ 25.(1分)连词成句。

(1)think,I,invention,is,great,a,paper(.)(2)anywhere,the,people,time,tell,can(.)(3)going,l m,myself,something,to,invent(.)(4)going,invent,what,are,you,to(?)(5)sky,watching,are,they,birds,some,in,flying,the(.)26.(1分)running,are,they(.)27.(1分)goes,work,to,mother,my,bus,by(.)(连词成句)28.(1分)about,you,what(?)八、阅读理解(共1题;


I am Jack.I am a boy.I am 14 years old.My home is at No.2,Moon Street.It is a busy street in our city.There are ten shops and two restaurants.There is a supermarket and a park too.There is a fruit shop and a bakery behind the supermarket.The park is next to a supermarket.It is in front of a supermarket.There is a cinema on Moon Street,too.It is between a restaurant and a clothes shop.(1)Jack's home is at No.2,Moon Road.(2)We can see ten shops and restaurants in the street.(3)The bakery is behind the supermarket.(4)The supermarket is behind the park.(5)We can't see a cinema there.参考答案 一、音标题(共1题;








