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我再问你一遍 I“ll ask you again.202_ 年 2 月 14 日星期三你在哪里 Where were you on Wednesday, February 14th, 202_? 你已经把我关在这里四个多小时了 You”ve kept me here for over four hours.我觉得够了 I think it“s enough.请放我出去

我今天才到这里 Please get me out, I just got here today.你让我告诉你一年前发生的事 If you expect me to tell you what happened a year ago, 我怎么会记得呢 how can I remember ? 回答问题

塔什 Just answer the question, Tashi.还是同样的问题吗 The same question?-我需要看着摄像头吗

-对-Do I have to look at the camera?-Yes, please.202_ 年 2 月 14 日

我在大学里 On February 14th, 202_, I was in college.那天是圣马丁大学的校庆日 It was St.Martin”s Founder“s Day, 阿什夫·什卡在表演节目 Asif Shaikh was performing.大家都在 And everyone was there.那其他乐队成员呢 And the rest of the band members? 乐队成员怎么了 What about the band members? 他们当时在做什么 What were they doing? 大学生在演唱会上还能做什么 What do college kids do at concerts? 大家都很嗨 Everyone was lost.塔什

我希望你明白 Tashi, I hope you realize that 你们都已超过 18 岁了

you”re all over 18.从法律上来说

你们已不再是孩子 No longer “kids” in the eyes of the law.你说最后一次看到 Vj 和她在一起是什么时候 When did you say you last saw VJ and her together? 你能把摄像头关了吗 Can you turn off the camera? 对不起

不行 Sorry man, can“t.听着


这很简单 Look, dude, it”s pretty simple.我们的兄弟是个正派的人 Our bro“s a decent guy, 那个婊♥子♥是个荡♥妇♥and that bitch is a whore.这是女性反性侵运动被最大限度地滥用 This is MeToo being misused, to its full power.罪

恶 202_ 年



你怎么样 KP, my man!What”s up?-你好吗

-挺好的你怎么样-How are you?-Good.man, how is it going? 兄弟

我知道会议的事了 Bro, I knew the meeting.-兄弟


-谢谢你-Bro, thank you so much for this.-Thank you, sir.听她唱 Listen to her.-我们不可能成功

-他一定可以-Our man can never pull this off.-Of course he can.你知道这没那么难

对吗 You know it“s not that difficult, right? 他不可能唱得像弗雷迪·默丘里一样好 He can”t sing like Freddy Mercury.什么弗雷迪·默丘里 What Freddy Mercury? 每个人都能成为他们想成为的人 Anyone can be anything they want.-就像《变形记》里那样

-啥-Like in Metamorphosis.-What?

卡夫卡写的 By Kafka.谁干了谁 Who fucked who? 把烟递给我 Pass me the doob...听着 Ok, listen.这歌♥是你作词

作曲的 It“s your composition.Your lyrics.这次你为什么不亲自唱呢 Why don”t you sing it this time? 如果你有种

就当面去跟 Vj 说 If you“ve the balls, then say it to VJ”s face? Vj 的马屁精 VJ“s sycophant.别跟他胡闹了 Stop screwing with him.我知道 Vj 把你俩吓坏了 I know VJ scares the shit out of you two.你喜欢讨好他


KP And you love sucking up to him, right, KP? 你还像高中时那样 Are you still in high school? 离”超越“音乐节投稿截止日期还剩十天 Ten days left for Transcend Fest submission.-没错

-我们连初稿都没有-Exactly.-We still don”t have a scratch..记在我的账上 Put it on my tab.我就说说 Just saying.南琪

我的烟 Nanki.Smoke.My smoke!我们有即兴表演吗 Are we having a jam session?-塔什你知道你是什么吗

-什么-Do you know what you are, Tashi?-What? 你是 Vj 的蛋蛋 You“re VJ”s balls.左边那个

The left one.如果我是 Vj 的蛋蛋

你就是我的屁♥眼♥If I am VJ“s balls, then you”re my asshole...混♥蛋♥

你胡说 Asshole.What shit.-南琪


-糟透了-Nanki.What“s up?-Suck 怎么了

我听说你不再参加学生会会议了 what happened?I heard you stopped attending union meetings.我太忙了

贾 Been busy, Jha.南琪

我们想为学生会的简报 Actually, Nanki, we need an interview 做一个采访

你可以帮我们吗 for the student union”s newsletter.Is it possible to help us? 每日一词 MUNTAZIR

正在等待的人 我会跟 Vj 说的 I“ll speak to VJ.不

不是 Vj No, not VJ.我们想写一篇关于词曲作者杜比杜·克鲁的文章 There is an article on the songwriter of Doobydo Crew.我们的明星记者安♥拉♥贝在此 You see, our star reporter, Arnab here.-他已准备要写篇精彩报道

-说得太过了-He is all set to write a fantastic report.-That is too much.不错的尝试

但是我不会答应的 Nice try, but that”s not going to happen.Vj



放我下来 VJ...VJ, stop it!Put me down!Vj


别这样 VJ, put me down!Stop it!你知道你的问题什么

你太墨迹了 You know what your problem is--you“re too slow.福柯的权力理论 Foucault”s theory of power 请问你在做什么

维吉·普拉塔普·森哈斯先生 What may I ask are you doing, Mr.Vijay Pratap Singh? 对不起

老师 Sorry, sir.南琪·杜塔


Nanki Dutta, the future Rhodes scholar 未来的罗德奖学金获得者 from our prestigious institution..被发现在走廊里处于极度痛苦的状态 was found in a state of utter distress in the corridor.为了学校的利益

我不得不♥穿♥上斗篷 I simply had to don my cape for the greater good of the college 拯救我们无价的宝藏

杜塔小姐 and save our invaluable asset, Ms.Dutta.那杜塔女士在遭遇什么痛苦呢 And what distress could Ms.Dutta possibly be in 在圣马丁的神圣大厅里 within these hallowed halls of 在我们的注视下 St.Martins and under our watchful eye? 我把她从烦人的辩论社的 So, you see, I scooped her away from the evil clutches 邪恶魔爪中救了出来 of the diabolical debating society.先生

相信我你不知道 Sir, trust me you“ve no idea 被高校知识分子骚扰有多痛苦 how traumatising it is to be harassed by college intellectuals.我举手

我也是 Hands up.Me too.好了


安静 All right, settle down, settle down.我们回到刚刚的话题 So, let”s get back to what we were talking about.福柯的权力理论 Foucauldian theory of power in the...看到了吗

连你当地的监护人都觉得不安全 See? Even your local guardian don“t think it”s safe.别再偷偷溜出去了 No more sneaking out.你可真是我的英雄 Wow, my hero.新的纹身吗 New tattoo?-我看看

-别闹-Show.-Stop it.-给我看看


他正看着呢-Just show it.-Stop it, he“s looking.我以为你没那么喜欢我 And I thought you were not that into me.我确实没有 I am not.好吧 Yeah.那这个 V 是什么意思 What could the V possibly be for? 弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙 Virginia Woolf.以及其他政♥治♥理论...and other political theory.杜塔小姐 Miss Dutta.我刚刚讲的是什么 What was the last thing I said? 罗伊医生

我们刚在学福柯的权利理论 Dr.Roy, we were studying the Foucauldian theory of...power.要不你坐到第一排来吧 Why don”t you come and sit down over here at the first row? 来 Come.坐

坐在前排 Sit.Right here in front.继续

福柯的权力理论 So, the Foucauldian theory of power in 女性主义文学的背景 the context of feminist literature..伙计

老实说 Man, I“ll be honest with you.Vj 从来不必很努力 VJ, never had to really try hard.这说不通啊

不是吗 It does not make sense, right? 学校里最酷的女孩已经是他的女朋友了 The coolest girl in college was already his girlfriend.而且她也特别爱他 And she definitely had the feels for him.那她呢

And her...? 她对 Vj 有感觉吗 Did she have these ”feels“ for him? 她就不同了 It was different with her.她是个放荡的女孩 She”s a fuck girl.“熄灭吧


瞬间的烛火 ”Out, out, brief candle!莎士比亚 《麦克白》经典台词 人生只不过是行走着的影子 Life“s but a walking shadow, 一个在舞台上笨手笨脚的可怜人

登场片刻 a poor player, that struts and frets its hour upon the stage...评委们 Judges...便在无声无息中悄然退去” and then is heard no more...”-不适用

-“这是一个愚人所讲的故事-Not applicable.”It is a tale told by an idiot, 充满着喧哗和骚动 “filled with sound and fury,-却毫无意义”

-这些人怎么今天表演-“signifying nothing.”-Why are these guys performing today? 你好

朋友 Hello, friends.-你好



你怎么样-Oh, hi.-DRAM SOC, hi, what“s up? 请让开

非常感谢 Fuck off, please.Thank you very much.等等

等等 Wait wait!”熄灭吧


瞬间的烛火 “Out, out, brief candle.” 人生只不过是行走着的影子 “Life”s but a walking shadow.“一个在舞台上笨手笨脚的可怜人

登场片刻 ”A poor player that struts and frets its hour upon the stage...-我叫你滚开

-便在无声无息中悄然退去-I said fuck off.-“and then is heard no more signifying nothing.” 莎士比亚先生


And with that, Mr.Shakespeare, Tanu Kumar signing off.VJ Vj!VJ Vj 很遗憾

我不能加入你的乐队 Unfortunately, I cannot join your band.我已经加入了科尔比的乐队 I“ve joined Kerbie”s band.我要登台演出了 And I am going on performing on stage.你真的很喜欢表演

是吗 You really love to perform, don“t you? 来吧

给我表演一下你会什么 Come on, show me what you got.别跟个混♥蛋♥一样

随她去吧 Don”t be an asshole.Let it go.我现在是不是该送你去丹巴德 Should I escort you to Dhanbad now? 应该吗 Should I? “我们来看个经典的故事 ”Let us see all this is golden tale 从前有位年轻的姑娘 One stay was just young female 肌肤柔软又光滑 Soft skin as a silk clothes 但她总是很饥渴 But her vagina always a hungry a lot 狭窄紧致 Small, fit...又幽深“ so long.” 兄弟

她疯了吗 Bro, has she lost her mind.“她可以全力以赴地做 ”She coud do fulling strong.她在一边悲伤的哭泣 She woud mourn and then she cryied 因为没人能让她满意 Cause no one was satisfy

然后有人说让我试试 then someone said let me try 她永远湿润永不干枯 always wet she never dry.猛然一下填补她空虚 Give her vagina a sudden push.连绵不绝

高♥潮♥迭起 Give her to roll push 时光飞逝

一切结束 Movement fast then it off.你是我见过最好的 You are the best I see by far 然后她说 and then she said, 给我吧 “let me enjoy, 给我吧 let me enjoy, 我现在就想要 I”m now think this.给我吧 let me enjoy, 别停

继续 Don“t stop, keep going, 给我吧 let me enjoy.” 我们能排练了吗 Can we practice? 你明白女孩和“女伴”的区别吧 A girl and a “girl”, you understand the difference, right? 她就像

这个 So she was a bit like...that.就是这样 Yeah.像哪样 Like what? 随便的女孩 An easy rider.她的头发看起来像 She was looking like Storm X 战警里的暴风女

from the X-Men.202_ 年情人节 我是说并不是全白 I mean it“s not exactly white.还有一点灰 It”s a bit grey.而你就像个完全的混♥蛋♥And you“re exactly an asshole.你们觉得”Sargoshiyaan“这个词怎么样 What do you think of the word ”Sargoshiyaan“ ? 但这个怎么符合歌♥曲的节奏 But how will this fit in the meter of the song? 什么鬼

你都没听 What the fuck!You don”t even listen.-你怎么样


-我的教授耍了我-How are you, bro?-The professor screwed me.-给我支烟

-你在干嘛-Give me a smoke.-What are you doing? 新发型很漂亮 Nice change.她长什么样 What about her look? 我们要祝他们好运吗 Should we say best of luck to them?-嘿


-嘿-Hey bro.-Yes.你好

Vj Hey, vj!什么时候 When is it?-情人节快乐


兄弟-Happy V Day.-What“s up, bro.我今天也会上场表演 Even I”m performing today as well.开放式演出 Opening act.你最好看我表演 You better watch me!我今天要飒遍全场 I“m gonna slay today.她要飒遍全场


She”s gonna “slay” bro.当然

我们会看的 Of course, we“re going to watch.Vj

你听着 VJ, listen up.如果你愿意

你可以现在来后台找我 If you want ,you can even come to the backstage right now.有意思


走吧 Interesting, but we”ve band practice.So let“s go.你觉得我看起来很傻吗 Do I look stupid to you? 我在做室外演出 I”m doing the opening act.你们排练个什么劲的呢 What are you even practicing for?-蠢


-你觉得她看起来蠢吗-Stupid, she knows it.-Does she look stupid to you? 闭嘴 Shut up!Vj

阿什夫·什卡正在找厉害的作词人 VJ, Asif Shaikh is looking for a kickass lyricist.这里没人比你写歌♥写得更好的了 And no one writes better songs than you in DU.你想让我引荐你吗

我可以帮你 Do you want me to introduce you? I can do that.我是歌♥曲作者 I am the songwriter.没错 Hi!That“s right.我以为他让你在乐队是因为你是他女朋友 I thought he took you on board because you”re his girlfriend.是吗

我的天 That was, oh my God!这我可接受不了 I wouldn“t have taken that.南琪

我不能接受 Nanki, I wouldn”t have taken that.我开玩笑的 I“m joking.哥们



兄弟 Bro...sorry.Bye, bro.听着

她是新来的什么也不了解 Listen, she”s new here.She doesn“t know a thing.没有你就没有整个乐队 There”s no band without you.你知道的对吗 You know that, right? 别在意 Leave it.情人节快乐

圣马丁大学 Happy Valentine St.Martin.当晚 大家好吗 How“s everybody doing? 在音乐会的晚上 On the night of the concert, 阿西夫·什卡唱着他惯唱的 90 年代热歌♥Asif Shaikh was singing his usual 90s hit songs.阿西夫·什卡

真♥他♥妈♥的 Asif Shaikh, what the fuck!有打火机吗 Got a lighter? 本是冬天 Winter had set in, 但因为情人节这里气温飙升 but the temperature was soaring due to Valentine”s Day.这音乐糟透了

不是吗 The music is fuck all,isn“t.还给你 Here you go.等一下


塔什 Wait...wait a minute.Please tell me clearly, Tashi.你当晚和 Vj 在一起吗 Were you with VJ that night or not? 我们和塔伦

拉吉在一起 We were rolling joints, with Tarun and Raj, 他们是 Vj 寄宿学校的朋友 VJ”s boarding school buddies.他们经常来我们大学吸毒 They would often come to our college to smoke up.塔努中了头彩

因为她抿了一口 Vj 的啤酒 Tanu had hit the jackpot because she took a sip from VJ“s beer.不

不要 Don”t.Don“t.她整晚都在和他调情 She kept coming on to him the entire night.-Vj-南琪-Vj.-Nanki.Vj 今天是情人节 VJ, it”s V day.Vj 来呀 VJ.Come.我唯一记得的是

他们吸完毒后 All I remember from this point, after smoking the joint, 他们四个从旅馆的后门 is four of them sneaked into VJ“s room 溜进了 Vj 的房♥间 through the hostel”s back gate.一起来呀

Vj Come along, VJ.然后呢 And then? 什么 Then what? 之后发生了什么 What happened then? 然后我就晕过去了 Then I passed out.但你会那这些信息怎么办 But what will you do with all this information? 用作案件证据 File a case.告诉我你什么时候再次听到塔努的消息 So tell me, when did you hear of Tanu again? 那晚之后

塔努就彻底消失了 After that night, Tanu disappeared completely.消逝得无影无踪 Fully off the radar situation.传言说她退学了 Rumor was that she“d flunked, 这一点很明显 which was pretty obvious.因为在圣马丁大学


Because in Martins, one can only survive on merit bases.这里不是配额制 That”s not quotas system here.然后有一天

又莫名借着反性侵运动 And then one fine day, out of nowhere, during the MeToo ruckus...太好了

这就是我要找的 Perfect.This is what I am looking for.-挺好的吧


兄弟-Looks good.-Looks good, man.-你认为这会起作用吗

-会有点用吧-Do you think this will work?-A little bit.你不会相信这次是谁出局了 You won“t believe who”s out this time.别绕关子了

直接说 Stop building suspense and just tell me who it is this time? 沙姆谢尔·汗 Shamsher Khan.-那个演员吗

-没错-The actor?-Yeah.搞什么鬼 What the fuck.你知道在某种意义上 You know in some sense 帕迪是第一个参与反性侵的印度人 Draupadi was the first Indian badass who MeToo“d..而且坚持正义 and actually insisted on justice.什么

那西塔呢 What? What about Sita then? 拉万礼貌地问了 Ravan asked politely.他并没有强迫她 He didn”t force himself on her.所以

你觉得绑♥架♥并不可怕 So you“re saying abduction is not creepy.这可是战争罪 It was a war crime.对

那时候可还没有日内瓦公约 Yeah, right.There was no Geneva Convention back then.时间到


把嘴闭上 Time out drink out and shut up



一个选角导演出局了 My God, a casting director is out, I can”t believe it guys.我不知道

也不关心 Don“t know, don”t care.这些宝莱坞的家伙可倒霉了 These Bollywood guys are screwed.彻底玩完了 Fucking screwed.宝莱坞的家伙永远不会倒霉 Bollywood guys are never screwed.全都是暗地里策划的妥协 It“s all a fucking calculated compromise.你真的不能再这么说了

伙计 You do really can”t say shit like that anymore, bro.那些“警♥察♥”会来带走你的 The hashtag police will come and get you.你又说你的女权主义 There you go with your feminist statements again.你证明你毕竟是个女人 You proved you“re a woman, after all.所以

我完成这个 So, I want to get this done.我同意 Yes, I am agree 伙计

你不了解南琪 Bro, you don”t know Nanki.我听不清楚你说什么

大声点 I can“t hear you, bro.Speak louder.你♥他♥妈♥的说什么 What the fuck are you talking about 什么 What? 伙计们

这是认真的拿着东西快走 Guys, this is serious.Pick up your bags and leave.伙计

发生什么了 Bro, what the fuck has happened?-我们遇到大♥麻♥烦了

-发生什么了-We”re in deep shit.-What happened? 塔努在反性侵活动中指控了我们的兄弟 Bro, Tanu has MeToo“d our bro.-Vj 吗



-混♥蛋&arts;-She”s MeToo“d him.-What the fuck!我这就打给他 I am calling him.南琪


走了 Nanki come on let”s go.我不能再保持沉默了 Can“t keep quiet anymore.202_ 年 2 月 14 日

我被 Feb 14, 202_, I was raped by 维吉·普拉塔普·森哈斯强♥奸♥了 VJ Pratap Singh!什么

我的梦中情人 What? My heartthrob? 当他的朋友们看着节目大笑的时 As his friends watch the show and laughed.在圣马丁大学 At St.Martin”s College.“拉杰·科斯拉”


“诡笑者” “RajKhosla” “TarunKhanna” “Evillaughter” “反性侵”


“没良心” “MeToo” “NoMeansNo” “BlackHeart” 这根本就是“嫖♥客♥” This is full hashtag whoring man.伙计们

他们还吸毒 You know guys, they do drugs as well.但是你知道她的账号♥名叫什么吗 But get this guys, do you know what her handle is? 汤曼丹 @TanManDhan 我怎么能看见 ♪ How could I see ♪ 命中注定 ♪ Destiny ♪ 最后

我现在该干什么 ♪ What do I do now, Finally ♪ 你热烈的爱情是我的 ♪ Your passionate love judge you again ♪ 我热烈的爱情是你的 ♪ ♪ I am passionate love judge me again ♪

你陷于混沌中 ♪ ♪ You“re in chaos ♪ 你热烈的爱情是我的 ”Your passionate love judge you again 我热烈的爱情是你的 I am wounded just like you.“ 在反性侵活动期间

你应该 In these times of MeToo”d, you should 把门关上来做这些事 do these things behind closed doors.看到你还正常真的让我松了一口气 I feel relieved seeing that you are normal.你有的时候真的让我害怕 Otherwise your sincerity always scared the shit out of me.你让老板印象深刻 You impressed the boss.我也陷入混沌之中 ♪ Is in chaos forever ever again ♪ 你热烈的爱情是我的 ♪ Your passionate love judge you again ♪ 我热烈的爱情是你的 ♪ ♪ I am passionate love judge me again ♪ 拉杰·科斯拉 Raja Khosla.塔努·库玛在推特发文称 Tanu Kumar has tweeted 维吉·普拉塔普·森哈斯在 202_ 年情人节强♥奸♥了她 that Vijay Pratap Singh raped her on Valentine“s Day, 202_.她在说谎 She is lying.Vj 拒绝了她 VJ refused to date her 所以她就自导自演陷害他 so now she”s going all Gone Girl on him.你们那晚在房♥间里做了什么 And what were you doing there that night? 那可是情人节

兄弟 It was Valentine“s Day, bro.当然是小小地取乐一下 Checking out chicks.房♥间里一共五个人

There were five people in that room.四个 Four.维杰那俩人

塔伦 康纳和我 The duo, Tarun Khanna, and me.但是 Vj 和她搞起来的时候

我们就走了 But when VJ and she started going at it, we checked out.谁是诡笑者 Who is #EvilLaughter? 谁知道那 Who knows? 她说话从不着边际 She never makes any sense.你还拿她的话当真 And you”re taking her words seriously.塔努·库玛在推特里点名了 Vj 拉杰·科斯拉和你 Tanu Kumar has tagged VJ, Raj Khosla and you in her tweet 还加上了“说不要就不要”的标签 with the hashtag no means no.这意味着她不愿意吗 Does this mean she resisted? 所以你尝试阻止 Vj 了吗 So did you try to stop VJ? 为什么要阻止他们 I mean, why stop them? 那是他们的私事 It was their personal affair.他们都是成年人了 And they are adults.当我们发觉这是他俩的私事时

我们离开了 When we felt this is about their privacy, we left.你的意思是塔伦是自愿的 You“re saying it was consensual, Tarun.当然了

百分之百 Fully!100%.我还想跟你说 I also want you to know, 这不是侵犯人♥权♥

因为我们 I mean this is no ”outrage of modesty“ because VJ...你好 Yes.能请你带他去第三会议室吗 Can you please make him sit in conference room 3? 谢谢 Thank you.兄弟 Bro, 我警告过 Vj 了


要远离她 I already warned VJ, that she is fucking crazy.So take it slow.但 Vj 人太好了 But VJ, being a nice guy, 很同情塔努 pittied Tanu.他说

”她是靠奖学金来的 He said, “She was here on scholarship.我们让她表演吧” We“ll let her perform” 现在我们都倒霉了 And now we“re all screwed.辛格住所 赛尼克农场 这事发生在三天前

但推特事件浮出水面 You see, this happened three days ago...when the Tweet surfaced..山凯斯

西达尔特 阿卡什

狄卡 Sanket, Siddharth, Aakash, Disha...该死


阿姨来了 Fuck.Guys aunty is here.德夫先生

我们今天就要把这诽谤立案 Dev Sir, we”ll have to file a defamation case...today.我认为她只是博眼球好从中获利 And I think this is just a publicity stunt trying to cash in.哈迪

南琪知道这事吗 Hardy, does Nanki know? 科尔比也发了推特 Kerbie has tweeted as well.你知道的德夫先生

这只是 You know Dev sir, this is just a 这些女孩搞的新花样 new trend these girls have started.而我们的傻儿子却沦为她们的猎物 And our stupid kids fall prey to it.打给南琪在图书馆见

Okay, try Nanki at the library.好的我们走吧 Yes.Let“s go from here.目前对方还未正式起诉 No, there”s been no official complaint yet.我已经跟局长打过招呼了 I“ve already reached out to the Commissioner.但网上的内容怎么办 But what about the internet, 现在网络上很轰动 where it”s already become a sensation? 更不必说这对我们反对派是个 Not to mention, this is a golden 绝佳的好机会 opportunity for the opposition party.他们一直在挑衅我们 They“ve been trolling us ever since.没错 Yes.是的 我知道 Yes I understand 我们没人会那么做 None of us will do that.我们谁都不会去的 Yes, none of us will go.当然 Absolutely!好的 Yes.德夫先生 Dev sir...我需要你最优秀的律师团队 I need your best team of lawyers.谢谢 Thank you.好的 Yes.拿去 Here.拿着它 Take it.不要再发推特了 And don”t tweet anything.远离那些社交媒体 Stay away from social media.明白吗 Understand? 我什么都没做 I haven“t done anything.我知道你们很焦急 Look, I understand you guys are stressed 就让我自己去警♥察♥局

我会处理好的 but, just let me go to the Police myself, I”ll handle this.不


绝对不行 No, you“re not going to the Police.Not at all.普拉塔普

你去 Pratap, you should go.当然 Of course...我去 I”ll go.反正我是个政♥治♥家 I am a Politician after all.我一直要处理和法律沾边的事 And I keep dealing with the law all the time.对吗 Right? isn“t 我的事业对你来说不重要吗 Doesn”t my career matter to you? 喝点水吧 Have some water man.我不用对我坐在的党派负责吗 Am I not answerable to my party? 谁会把选票投给这种人的父亲 Who will give an election ticket to the father of a...他什么都没做 He hasn“t done anything.你怎么知道 How do you know? 你在哪里吗 Were you there? 那就什么都别做

Then don”t do anything.听着 我不用你为我做任何事 Look, I don“t need you guys to do anything.我自己可以处理 I can handle it myself.Vj

拜托 VJ, please...给我立刻回来 Get back right now!Vj 有特权 VJ”s privileged.所以人们很容易认为都是他的错 So people are likely to think that he“s at fault.即使他什么也没做 Even when he has done nothing.她不接我的电♥话♥She isn”t answering my calls.我必须采取行动 I need to do it.今天要有麻烦了 There“s going to be problem.先生


先生 Sir, you cannot go inside, sir.-我不是第一次进去

-我不能放你进去-This is not the first time.-Sir, please.I have my orders.让开 Just move aside.兄弟

冷静点 Calm down, man.我会丢掉工作的先生 Sir please.I”ll lose my job, sir.南琪 Nanki.拿着这个 Keep this.监控正开着 CCTV is working.-Vj


-滚开-VJ, don“t do this.-Move out!兄弟


你会后悔的 Bro, this can be a problem.You will regret.塔什

请快过来 Tashi, please come here.你疯了吗


伙计 Have you lost your mind? Get out of here, man!快过来

真的伙计 Come on here, seriously dude.叫南琪出来 Call Nanki!-冷静

-南琪-Calm down.-Nanki!叫南琪出来 Call, Nanki!你们再不走我要叫学监了 If you guys don”t leave I“ll call the warden.-那就叫啊

-等等-Go ahead.-Just wait.-南琪

-南琪在那里-Nanki.-Nanki”s there.叫这个门卫闭嘴 Now shut the guard up.说真的伙计们

你们完蛋了 Seriously, guys, you“re fucking it up.你为什么不接我电♥话♥Why aren”t you answering my calls? 你为什么不回家 Why didn“t you come home, baby? 宝贝

我不知道我们怎么会这样 Baby, I don”t know why this happened to us.我什么都没做 I haven“t done anything.你认为是我做的吗 Do you think I did it? 知道吗

爸以为是我♥干♥的 And you know what dad thinks I”ve done it.他说他觉得是我做的你了解我的对吗 He told me he thinks I“ve done it.You know me right? 我什么都没做 I haven”t done it.-我不知道该怎么办

-我知道-I don“t know what to do?-I know.所以在推文事件之后南琪再没见过 Vj

So Nanki didn”t go to see VJ after the tweet.真有意思 Interesting.看起来他们并不登对 Seems like an unlikely match.我的意思是 I mean...南琪 Nanki...是两个大学教授的女儿 is the daughter of two college professors.Vj 的父亲是政♥治♥家以及房♥地♥产♥大亨 VJ“s father is a politician and real-estate magnate.他的母亲以前是模特 The mother was a former model.现在是德里上流社会的宠儿 and is now the toast of Delhi society.你想暗示什么 So what are you trying to imply? 我们是选择交友吗 We pick and choose our friends? 你知道我们怎么相遇的吗 Do you even fucking know how we met? 在你们的大一

如果我没弄错的话 That was in your first year, if I”m not mistaken.安♥拉♥贝


这是什么 Aye, Arnab, asshole, what is this? 她直接闯进了男生宿舍卫生间 She barged right in the boys hostel toilet.爬到了洗手台上面 She climbed on top of the counter.她爬上去写下了那行大字 She climbed up and wrote that in bold letters.我在这里憋着尿 I was right here controling my urge to pee.“我非我的表象

我书乃我心” “I”m not what I look like, I am what I write like.“ 南琪·杜塔

这是你写的吗 Nanki Dutta, did you write that? 是

你喜欢吗 Yeah.Did you like it?

我喜欢 I liked it.你应该去写歌♥You should write songs.写给谁

你吗 For who? You? 是的 Yes.给我写有什么问题吗 Anything wrong with me? 肯定有些什么 Must be something.人无完人 Everyone has flawed.让我们看看吧 Let”s find out.南琪


真的吗 Nanki.Vandalism, really? 果然是个问题少女 Problem child.过来

立刻到我办公室来 Come along, come to my office now.混乱是怎么回事 What is all the commotion? 这是什么

别这样 What is this? Just not done...过来 Come on.男厕所

真的吗 Boys toilet? Really? 厉害啊


挺顺利的是吧 What a player bro.Very smooth, yeah.我可爱的小鸟来了


混♥蛋♥Here come the love birds...very much on time.Assholes.但之后这个问题少女写出了这么美妙的歌♥But then this problem child wrote such sweet songs.你 ♪ You ♪ 你不是 ♪ You are not ♪ ♪ 那个我所渴望见到的爱人 ♪

the lover I desire I“d see ♪ 不 ♪ No ♪ 你明白的 ♪ Not the one I ♪ 你不是那个我习惯的人 ♪ Be used to I shall you can see ♪ 你为何会来 ♪ Why have you come to? ♪ 让我看到自己的所在 ♪ Show me the place where I stay ♪ 你为何会来 ♪ Why have you come to? ♪ 藏起我并带走我 ♪ Hide me and take me away ♪ 就让我这样吧 ♪ Just let me be ♪ 就像这样吧 ♪ Just be this way ♪ 就像这样吧 ♪ Just be this way ♪ 你难道不是 ♪ Aren”t You ♪ 那个人吗 ♪ The one? ♪ 那个我希望见到和陪伴的人 ♪ I wish to be with and see ♪ 你难道不是那个 ♪ Aren“t you the one I ♪ 我渴望每天见到的人 ♪ Long for to see everyday ♪ 让我们来 ♪ Let”s ♪ 跳舞

直到 ♪ dance “til then ♪ 告诉你我要说的话 ♪ Tell you what I have to say ♪ 穿过我失落的愿望 ♪ take through the path of my lost wishes ♪ 我希望你和我一起 ♪ ♪ I want to be with you there ♪

你一定会喜欢 ♪ Oh you have gonna like ♪ 我所知的那些被遗忘的东西 ♪ I know forgotten things ♪ 噢

你一定会喜欢 ♪ Oh you have gonna like ♪ 我写的新歌♥

但是 ♪ A new found tone but again ♪ 就让我这样吧 ♪ Oh let me just be ♪ 每天陪你身边 ♪ With you everyday ♪ 就让我这样吧 ♪ Oh let me just be ♪ 每天陪你身边 ♪ With you everyday ♪ 就让我这样吧 ♪ Oh let me just be ♪ 每天陪你身边 ♪ With you everyday ♪ 就让我这样吧 ♪ Oh let me just be ♪ 每天陪你身边 ♪ ♪ With you everyday ♪ 你好

我是达尼希·阿里·拜格 Hi, I am Danish Ali Baig.我正在调查和寻找 I am investigating and prepping 维吉案中所有的证人 all the witnesses in Vijay”s case.你如何看待他们对维吉特权的指控 How would you respond to allegations of privilege on Vijay? 这和特权有什么关系 What does that have to do with this? 我懂了 Got it.他们想把这件事归咎于 They are going to make this all about 他利用他的特权胡作非为

对吗 him fooling around because of his privilege, right? 听着

Vj 有特权


Look, VJ“s privileged.That”s a fact.但他有滥用吗

我认为没有 Does he exploit it? I don“t think so.但对方可以对此提出异议 This can be contested by the defense.这份文件清晰的表明 This document clearly shows that 维吉进入圣马丁大学 Vijay didn”t get into St.Martin“s 并不是靠自己的成绩 on the basis of his marks.你不知道这件事

对吗 You had no idea did you? 而且对方一定会用这件事来反击 And this is exactly what defence picks on.好吧


那么 Okay, you wanna talk about privilege, then 我们难道不该说说塔努·库马没有特权 shouldn”t we be talking about Tanu Kumar“s lack of privilege? 而她又如何利用这点 And how she”s manipulated that.为什么排了那么长的队 What“s the long queue for? 天知道在干什么 God knows what”s going on.我们在这站了很久了 We are standing here for so long.真♥他♥妈♥没教养 Rude as fuck!这个新来的脑子进水了吧 The newbie has her head in the air.-她还在洗衣服


出来-She“s still washing clothes.-Come on, get out.你聋了吗

我难道要用手语和你讲话吗 Are you deaf? Do you want me to use sign language instead? 洗衣服的时间是下午 2 点到 4 点

出来 The time to wash clothes is between 2 pm and 4 pm.Come out.我刚从丹巴德来到这 I just got here from Dhanbad.我不管你是从丹巴德还是马普尔来的 Don”t care if you“re from Dhanbad or Dimapur.每个人都要守规矩 Rules are the same for everyone.立刻出来 Come on, out.你以为你是谁 Who do you think you are? 你以为你身上的穿孔能吓到我吗 You think your piercings scare me? 你看见我的纹身了吗 Have you seen my tattoo? 出来

快点 Get out.Come on.-贱♥人♥

放开我-出去-You fucking bitch!Fuck!Get off me.-Get out.放开我贱♥人♥Get off me.You fucking bitch!让开


滚开 Move!Leave me!Fuck off!揍她 Give it to her!-揍她

-滚开-Give it to her!-Fuck off!不


我从没嘲笑过她的方言口音 No ma”am, I never teased her for her vernacular accent.这是什么鬼

这都是她编的 What shit..she“s making all of this up.你可以去问任何一个人

女士 You can ask anyone you want, madam.她威胁我 She threatened me.把我拖出来

把我的衣服丢在外面 Drag me and threw my clothes outside.胡说


我什么时候做的 Bullshit.I never did that!When did I do that? 姑娘们 Girls!全都是因为我和你们共用浴室 All because I shared your bathroom.她经常捉弄我 She”s always ragging me, 因为我是从丹巴德来的

because I am from Dhanbad 还拿了奖学金 and a scholarship student.他们想打♥压♥我 They try to demoralize me.那些上层社会的会英语的学生 These upper-class, English-medium kids.什么鬼 What shit...南琪

这次我不会给你记过 Nanki, right now I am not blacklisting you.-但女士

-但这是最后一次警告-But Ma“am..-But take this as last warning.下一次就 Next time it”s...塔努

今天你可以去把衣服洗完 Tanu, you can finish washing your clothes today.但以后要严格遵守下午 2 到 4 点的洗衣时间 But the time to wash clothes is from 2pm to 4pm strictly.明白 Understood.她就是个骗子 She“s a fucking liar.这只能证明你特别讨厌她 This only proves that you”re resentful of her.她也讨厌我 As she is of me.我知道你认为我享有特权又心胸狭窄 Look, I know you“re thinking that I am petty and entitled 但你不了解塔努 but you don”t know Tanu.她为了博关注什么事情都做得出来 She can do anything to grab attention.包括利用“反性侵”这个话题 Including this Me Too.所以你的意思是 So are you saying that...塔努·库马在情人节和你的男朋友上♥床♥Tanu Kumar slept with your boyfriend on Valentine“s Day 是为了报复你 to get back at you.那你的男朋友呢 But what about your boyfriend?-为什么他要和她上♥床♥

-是她强迫他的-Why did he sleep with her?-She made him.他难道没有选择吗 Didn”t he have a choice?-你知道男人什么样

-什么-You know how men are.-Excuse me.你听到我说的了 You heard me.我知道我是什么样的人

别一概而论 I know how I am.Let“s not generalize.她操纵了他 She manipulated him.于是他就被♥操♥控了吗 And he got manipulated? 你要去哪里 Where are you going? 宿舍八点宵禁 Hostel curfew at 8 pm.我们还没聊完

杜塔小姐 We”re not done yet Ms.Dutta.过来 Come.-我有个请求

-好的说吧-I have a request to make.-Yes, tell me.如果你需要我做一些调查或者基础工作 If you need me for any research or ground work 我有一个朋友在杜贝吉的团队里工作 Actually I“ve a friend who works in Dubeyji”s team.达尼希

达尼希 Danish.Danish.我能搭便车去地铁站吗 Could I get a lift to the metro?-当然

-谢谢-Of course.-Thanks.请上车 Please.不

别换歌♥No, d...


Titanic 中英文剧本


-(Music Box Playing Tune)(Rose Sobbing)(Running Feet And Sobbing)(Taking Short, Anxious Breaths)杰克:Don't do it.别跳

罗斯:Stay back.退回去

罗斯:Don't come any closer.别靠近

杰克:Come on.Just give me your hand.I'll pull you back over.手伸出来,我拉你

罗斯:No!Stay where you are.I mean it.不,你别过来


罗斯:I'll let go.我会松手的 杰克:No, you won't.不,你不会的

罗斯:What doyou mean, no, I won't? 你什么意思?

罗斯:Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do.You don't know me.你凭什么说,我会不会去做什么? 你又不认识我

杰克:Well, you would have done it already.要跳早就跳了

罗斯:You're distracting me.Go away.你让我分心,走开

杰克:I can't.I'm involved now.不行,我已经介入了

杰克:You let go and I'm going to have to jump in there after you.你若跳下去的话,我也只好跟着跳了

罗斯:Don't be absurd.You'll be killed.别胡说八道了 你会死掉

杰克:-I'm a good swimmer.I'm not saying it wouldn't.我承认会很痛

杰克:To tell you the truth I'm a lot more concerned about that water being so cold.说真的,我比较担心的是水很冷(Shoe Drops To Deck)罗斯:-How cold?

杰克:-Freezing.有多冷? 非常冷,可能接近零度

杰克:Maybe a couple degrees over.杰克:You ever, uh...ever been to Wisconsin? 你去过威斯康辛州吗? 罗斯:What? 什么?

杰克:Well, they have some of the coldest winters around.那里冬天很冷

杰克:I grew up there near Chippewa Falls.我在那里长大的

杰克:I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota.我小时候跟父亲到威苏塔湖在冰上钓鱼

杰克:Ice fishing is, you know, where you--冰上钓鱼就是„

罗斯:(Angrily): I know what ice fishing is!我知道冰上钓鱼是什么啦!


杰克:You just seem like, you know, kind of an indoor girl.你看来„比较少到户外

杰克:Anyway, l, uh...总而言之„

杰克:I fell through some thin ice 冰层太薄,我掉进湖里

杰克:and I'm telling you...我跟你说啊

杰克:water that cold, like right down there 掉进那么冷的水里

杰克:it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body.有如被千刀万剐一样

杰克:You can't breathe, you can't think--你没法呼吸,没法思考

杰克:at least not about anything but the pain.只能感觉得到痛苦

杰克:Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you.所以,我不是很希望跟着你跳下去

杰克:Like I said...但我说过了

杰克:I don't have a choice.我没有什么选择

杰克:I guess I'm kind of hoping you'll come back over the rail 所以,我希望你下来

杰克:and get me off the hook here.别让我为难

罗斯:You're crazy.你疯了

杰克:That's what everybody says, but with all due respect, miss 大家都这么说,但是„ 说了你别生气

杰克:I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here.现在挂在船尾,想做傻事的人可 不是我

杰克:Come on.下来吧

杰克:Come on, give me your hand.You don't want to do this.手伸过来。跳下去可不好


杰克:I'm Jack Dawson.罗斯:Rose Dewitt Bukater.萝丝·狄威特·布克特

杰克:I'm going to have to get you to write that one down.你可能得写下来给我看才行

杰克:Come on.来吧

罗斯:-(Screams)Care for a brandy? 去叫纠察长

卡尔: This is completely unacceptable!What made you think 怎么可以这样?

卡尔:that you could put your hands on my fiancee? 是谁允许你碰我未婚妻的?

-Look at me, you filth!Cal, stop.卡尔


-It was an accident.propellers and I slipped.推进器吗?


And I would have gone over board but Mr.Dawson here saved me 我差点掉下去


and almost went over himself.他也差点掉下去

You wanted to see...She wanted to see the propellers.她想看推进器!

Like I said, women and machinery do not mix.我说嘛


Was that the way of it? 事情是这样的吗?

Yeah.Yeah, that was pretty much it.对,差不多 Well, the boy's a hero then.Good for you, son.Well done.这孩子英雄救美


So it's all's well and back to our brandy, eh? 没事,回去喝酒吧

Look at you.You must be freezing.Let's get you inside.看,你一定冻坏了


Perhaps a little something for the boy.该给点奖赏吧?

Of course.Mr.Lovejoy, I think a 20 should do it.应该的赖福杰先生,二十元够吧?

Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love? 我的行情就只有这么一点吗?

Rose is displeased.What to do? 萝丝不满意


I know.有了

Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow evening 就请你明晚跟我们一起用餐吧

to regale our group with...your heroic tale.还可以向我们叙述,你英勇救人的故事

Sure, count me in.好啊,没问题

Good.Settled then.好,就这么说定了

This should be interesting.Mmm.有好戏看了


Can l, uh...bum a smoke? 来根烟好吗?

You'll want to tie those.你鞋带松了

It's interesting.怎么小姐突然间滑倒.The young lady slips so suddenly and you still had time 你却有时间脱大衣跟鞋子?

to remove your jacket and your shoes.第三幕:

Do you love him? 你爱不爱他?

-Pardon me?(Nervous Laughter)就回答我的问题啊

This is absurd.You don't know me, and I don't know you 这太荒唐了!你我根本不认识

and we are not having this conversation at all.我们没什么好谈的了

You are rude and uncouth and presumptuous and I am leaving now.你非常无礼而且自以为是


Hello, Jack.哈啰,杰克

I changed my mind.我改变主意了

-They said you might be--Keep your eyes closed, don't peek.Do you trust me? 眼睛闭好


I trust you.我信任你

All right, open your eyes.好,张开眼睛

I'm flying!Jack!我在飞,杰克

(Softly): “Come, Josephine, my flying machine ” “来吧,约瑟芬,我的飞行器” “Going up, she goes” “我们一起飞上云霄„” “Up, she goes...”

That was the last time Titanic ever saw daylight.那是泰坦尼克号最后一次见到日光So we're up to dusk the night of the sinking.是沉船当天的傍晚

-Six hours to go.(Ship Groaning)(Planks Splitting)(Everyone Screaming)(Cries Out)


We have to move!我们快过去

-Give me your hand, I'll pull you over.I don't know.I don't know.现在会怎样?


-Jack: Hold on!Oh, God!Oh, God!Oh!抓紧

The ship is going to suck us down.我们会被吸下去

Take a deep breath when I say.等一下要吸口气

Kick for the surface and keep kicking.要赶快浮到水面

Do not let go of my hand.别放开我的手

We're going to make it, Rose.Trust me.我们可以活的,萝丝


I trust you.相信我

Ready? Ready? Now!准备„

(Taking Deep Breath)吸气!





Get off her!Get off her!萝丝!


-Rose!Swim, Rose!好冷!


Come on...here.快点

Keep swimming.Come on.继续游


Here, get on it.爬上去

Get on top.爬到上面


-Come on, Rose.Jack.趴好,萝丝

You'll be all right now.没事了

You'll be all right now.没事了

(Whistle Blows)

Crewman: Return the boats!把船划回来!

-(Both Shivering)(Crying)我很感激

You must--You must--一定要„


You must do me this honor--

You must promise me that you'll survive 你要答应我,你会活下去

that you won't give up 你不会放弃

no matter what happens 不管发生什么事

no matter how hopeless.不论希望多么的渺茫

Promise me now, Rose 现在答应我,萝丝

and never let go of that promise.且绝对不要食言

I promise.我答应你

Never let go.永不放弃

I will never let go, Jack.我不会放弃的,杰克


I'll never let go.我永不放弃

-(Kisses HerHand)-(Both Shivering)旁白:1,500 people went into the sea 泰坦尼克号沉没时„有一千五百人落海

when Titanic sank from under us.There were 20 boats floating nearby 附近有二十艘救生艇

and only one came back.只有一艘回头


Six were saved from the water 有六人获救

myself included.包括我在内

Six...out of 1,500.一千五百人,才活了六个

Afterward, the 700 people in the boats 后来


had nothing to do but wait--wait to die, wait to live...等死


wait for an absolution that would never come.等待宽恕,但永远等不到 “卡佩西亚号”


他们在树林里集中火力 They“re taking fire from the woods.他们在等坦克支援 They”re waiting for the tanks.敌火力在我右翼 Enemy fire from our right flank,.重复

在我右翼 I say again, our right flank.公主 R6 呼叫 C 组 Princess Red 6 for Culture.坚持住



完毕 Hold fast.This is the worst of it, boys.Over.汉弗莱中士赶来了 Sergeant Humphrey just showed up.右翼有消息吗 Have you any information on the right flank? C 组

没有 Culture, that“s a negative.前进 Move.A2 呼叫

教堂里有 88 重型坦克炮 This is Able 2.The 88 is in that church.我们经过时他们朝我们开火了 They threw one at us when we drove by.二战期间的美军坦克远比德军坦克薄弱 美军坦克部队因此在对敌作战中损失惨重 不行

全完蛋了 Negative.It”s all over!狂怒 收到吗

收到吗 Come in, come in.能听见吗

能听见吗 Do you read me? Do you read me? 一九四五年四月 盟军深入纳粹德国的心脏地区

遭遇其负隅顽抗 绝望中希♥特♥勒♥宣布发动全面战争

甚至将女人和孩子也送上战场 妈的 Son of a bitch!你把那个混♥蛋♥解决了吗 Did you get that fucker? 干掉了

Knocked him off.戈多


让他休息会 Gordo, stop.Leave him rest.不 Uh-uh.戈多

他已经死了 Gordo, he“s dead.他死了

让他体面的走吧 He”s dead!Show some respect.让他安息吧 Leave him alone.都是你的错 He“s your fault!你♥他♥妈♥的有完没完 God damn it.Ain”t you done yet? 你没资格骂我别骑在我头上作威作福 You got no right to be fucking sore with me.Quit fucking riding me.我没骑你

要是我那么做了你会没感觉 I ain“t riding you.If I was riding you, you”d know it.哪来的回哪去 More where he came from.去你♥妈♥的♥

我们困在这儿都是你的错 Hey, fuck you, Don!It“s your fucking fault we here.你俩吵完没

我们赶紧离开这 Are you still talking? Let”s get out of here.啊

该死的踢我&arts;干♥嘛 Aah!Fuck!What the fuck you do that for?-我这不在修吗

-你知道我♥干♥嘛踢你-I“m trying to fix it!-You know why.你♥他♥妈♥想跟我叫板吗 You want to fucking whup me? 跟我叫板也没用啊 It ain”t gonna fucking help anything!呼叫 F6

能听到吗 Probate, Fox 6.我说

你干嘛总跟我叫板 I say, why you always whupping on me? 你就是个低等动物

像条狗 “Cause you”re an animal, a dog.你只知道用武力 All you understand is the fist and boot.唐


你别那样说我 Don, I“m telling you right now, don”t fucking call me that.我不是该死的低等动物

也不是条狗 I ain“t a fucking animal.I ain”t a fucking dog.快点

兄弟们 你要是想说你那墨西哥鸟语 Hey, you want to talk Mexican, 就滚到墨西哥坦克去 join another tank, a Mexican tank.我们这里是美国坦克

说美国话 This is an American tank, we talk American.那你呢

老大跟个点唱机似的 Who put the fucking nickel in you, top? 你还说德国话呢 You talk Kraut!你都说德语

我为什么不能说西班牙语 You talk German!I can“t talk Spanish?-圣徒我们现在在哪个国家

-德国-Bible, what country we in?-Germany.在德国就得说德语 Germany, they speak German.你能跟他讲一下

德语是战争的工具吗 Could you explain to him it”s a tool of war? 德语是战争的工具

戈多 It“s a tool of war, Gordo.我的家伙才是我战争必备工具 Here”s my tool of war.老爹 Top.你在打仗之前就会说德语了 You knew German before we got in this fucking war!别以为我不知道 Don“t play stupid with me.我希望你们都能振作起来 I expect all of you to pull your shit together.你也别向每个人发火 I wish you”d stop ragging on everyone.雷德又不是你杀的是德国人干的 You didn“t kill Red, Germans did.确实是德国人杀的但是我也没救他 That is true, but I didn”t save him, either.他劫数难逃了

就这么简单 His number came up, that“s all.目前为止

我们一直都很幸运 We”ve been lucky till now.我们很幸运吗 We“ve been lucky? 是的长官 Yes, sir.我们都还活着

我们都在这 We”re all alive.We“re in here.上帝的恩惠吗 God”s grace? 炮弹要来了 Rain“s coming.浣熊

亲爱的还要多长时间能修好 Coon-Ass, anytime, sweetheart.现在我又成亲爱的了 I”m your sweetheart, right? 好了


发动吧 Okay.Gordo, crank her up.点不着火

太冷了 Choke her up.She“s cold.火花塞凝住了 There”s condensation on the plugs.妈的 Fuckers!好了


带大家离开这儿 All right, move out.Get us out of here.圣徒

炮口向前 Bible, gun front.收到 Roger.快走

挪开 Come on, move it!把这些东西拿走 Get those cases out of here!我还以为你死了 I thought you were dead.魔鬼还顾不上我呢

宾考斯基 Devil watches over his own.Binkowski.很高兴看见你

Good to see you.唐

能活着回来真好 Don, glad you made it back.你们的人都在吗


林德伯格呢 Crew still together? Nate? Lindburgh? 都好 Doing well.那就好 Good.-抓住胳膊

-接住了-Grab his arm.-Here you go.好 Okay.轻轻放下去

轻点 Lay him down.Lay him down.向前走 Move.温柔点放下去 Set him down soft.中士 Sergeant.中士 Sergeant.抬起来 Lift.三排的其他人呢 Where“s the rest of Third Platoon? 都在这了 We”re it.嗨

博伊德 Hey, Boyd? 博伊德


会吗 Hey, Boyd, they...They gonna send him home, right? 我不知道

格雷迪 I don“t know that, Grady.现在大家都有点为雷德的死难过

但是我们还有仸务 Red”s got us all a little sad right now, but we got a job to do.格雷迪



加水加油 Grady, restock ammo and rations.Gordo, water and gas.博伊德


然后尽力解决下机械故障 Boyd, get some chow and do what you can about the mechanical issues.我们搞不了机械故障

你去哪儿啊 We can“t do shit about mechanical issues.Where you going? 你是科利尔军士长吗 First Sergeant Collier? 可能是吧

你&arts;他♥妈♥是谁 Maybe.What the fuck are you? 我是二等兵埃里森 Private Ellison.有人让我向你报道

我是你坦克的新副驾 I was told to report to you.I”m your new assistant driver.不

你才不是 No, you are not.-我是我真是

-真见鬼-Yes, yes, I am.-God damn it.谁说让你来找我的 Who told you this? 那边拿着笔记板的军士长 Master Sergeant with the clipboard.-胡扯


他...-Bullshit!-Right there.He“s...你叫什么 What”s your name? 诺曼 Norman.参军多长时间了 How long you been in the Army? 两个月 Eight weeks.那辆坦克就是你的家了 That“s home.按我说的做 Do as you”re told.别跟仸何人套近乎 Don“t get too close to anyone.远处山岭上 On a hill far away 矗立着古旧十字架 Stood an old rugged cross 那是痛苦与耻辱的象征 The emblem of suffering and shame 我爱旧十字架

I love the old cross 那是亲爱的 Where the dearest...我要一生背负这老旧十字架 I will cling to the old rugged cross 你们好

我是诺曼 Hi.Hi.I”m Norman.哪个

哪个方向是前线啊 Which...Which way is the front? “哪个方向是前线” “Which way is the front?” 呃 Hmm.到处都是前线


我们这是在德国 All around us, kid, “cause this is Germany.被德国佬包围了 We”re surrounded by Krauts.我说的没错吧

格雷迪 Ain“t that right, Grady? 说的没错 That”s right.能把我的书还给我吗 Can I please have my book back? 你的烟呢 Where are the cigarettes? 我不抽烟 I don“t smoke.你个新兵蛋子 You”re a bastard.进过坦克学校吗 You go to tank school? 坦克学校没有 Tank school? No.我连坦克里面什么样都从来没见过 I“ve never even seen the inside of a tank.我是个打字员 I”m a clerk typist.我正在去第五团团部的路上 Was heading to Fifth Corps HQ, 他们把我从卡车上拖下来 they pulled me off the truck.然后就把我扔这儿了 They sent me here.他们肯定是弄错了 It“s got to be a mistake.错了 Mistake? 军队不会有错 Army don”t make mistakes.这就他们的行事风格 It wouldn“t do.你是密苏里人吗 You from Missouri? 不是 No.芝加哥人吗 Are you from Chicago? 你从阿肯色州来的吗 You from Arkansas, ain”t you?-不


闭嘴吧-No, I“m from Pittsburgh...-Hey, hush up, man.没人关心你从哪儿来的 Nobody gives a fuck where you from.你信教吗 Are you a praying man? 我去教堂的 I go to church.你是哪个教派的 Which denomination are you? 圣公会吗 Episcopalian? 你是圣公会的你随大流

是吧 Yeah, you are.You”re a Mainliner, ain“t you? 是的我是 Yeah.I am.你得到救赎了吗 Are you saved? 我受洗了 I”m baptised.我问的不是这个意思 That ain“t what I asked you.他问的不是这个意思

That ain”t what he asked you.-戈多告诉他我问的啥


你得认真听-Gordo, what“d I ask him?-See, you got to listen.-再说一遍

-你得到救赎了吗-Say it again.-Are you saved? 等你看见了就会知道了 Wait until you see it.看见什么 See what? 一个人可以有多残忍♥What a man can do to another man.追寻耶稣这事儿先放放 Before you find Jesus, 过来看看你的座位 why don”t you come take a look at your seat? 你就坐那儿了 That“s where you”re gonna be.去厨房♥打桶热水

把那些东西擦干净 Get a bucket of hot water from the kitchen.Get that shit clean.噢

我的天 Oh, fuck.真恶心 Fuck.按理说不该再有虎式坦克了吧

唐 Weren“t supposed to be no more Tigers, Don.你去跟我牺牲的三排兄弟说去 Tell my platoon that.你们派了五辆谢尔曼出去 You send five tanks out.最后只回来一辆 One comes back.很难相信我们正在赢得这场战争 It”s hard to believe we“re winning the war.别老想打过的仗了 Stop talking about yesterday”s fight.我们还有仗要打 Think about today“s.直着走 Straighten out!这个纳粹党卫军在这儿干嘛 Hey!What”s an SS doing here?

你为什么带着他从这儿过 Hey, why are you bringing him through here? 怎么还没毙了他 Why isn“t he sleeping? 总部要找个犯人来审问 G2 wants a prisoner to question.噢

我来审问他 Oh, I”ll question him.你最喜欢什么颜色 What“s your favourite colour? 你跳舞怎么样 Are you a good dancer? 你喜欢胖姑娘吗 Do you like fat girls?-退后

-揍死他-Get back!-Beat his ass!别打了

别打了 Stop!Stop it!-混♥蛋♥

-唐干♥死♥他-Fucker!-Fuck him up, Don!混&arts;蛋♥Motherfucker!别打了

回来 Get the fuck...Get back!滚

该死的坦克兵 Go!Fucking tankers.是我是我 It”s me, it“s me.四周都是宪兵

你别乱来 You got MPs everywhere.You got to stop now.-别打了

-咖啡都洒了-Just stop.-I spilled my fucking coffee.混♥蛋♥玩意


格雷迪 Cocksuckers.Come on, Grady.该死的纳粹 Fucking SS.老爹

你还好吧 You good, top? 竟敢带着个党卫军从我们营地经过 Bring him through this camp...你看见没

You see that? 那是个党卫军 He”s an SS.这种货色你见一个杀一个

他们真的是人♥渣♥You kill every last one you can.They“re real assholes.见一个杀一个

战争就是他们挑起的 Fuck every last one.They started it.-就由我们来结束好了

-就这么定了-We finishing it.-That”s it.你杀过很多人吗 Done much killing? 没有 No.马上就能杀人了 You will.-兄弟们


-收到-Boys, take him through that gun.-Roger.我我用这枪干嘛

Wh-What do I do with this?


闭嘴吧 “Wh-What...” Shut up.看看这枪 Take a look at it.-看见那个盖儿没

-嗯-See that cover?-Yeah.打开 Open it.这样就能杀人了 And now you killing.再合上 Close it up.就杀不了了 Now you ain“t.主力正向东行进 Main unit”s punching east.我们往北行进

担仸侧翼掩护仸务 We are going north on a flank guard mission.接下来跟 41 区过来的 B 连汇合 We“ll tie up with Baker Company from the 41st.科利尔中士现在编入我们排了 Sergeant Collier”s with us now.担仸副排长 He“ll be acting platoon sergeant.没问题 Fine by me.唐

很高兴和你一起 Good to have you, Don.我们在这儿跟 B 连会合 We”re meeting Baker Company here.然后一起拿下这个镇子 Then, together we“ll take this town.之后

我们就听瓦格纳上尉指挥了 After that, we”re working for Captain Waggoner.有什么问题吗 Any questions? 我有个问题 I got one question.彼得森

什么问题 Peterson? 我是宾考斯基

长官 I“m Binkowski, sir.呃 Uh...你毛长齐了吗 You start shaving your face? 一排

集♥合♥First Platoon, mount up!出发 Move out!仗是打不完的长官 War”s not going anywhere, sir.大家都听到了

集♥合♥You heard him.Mount up!嘿 Hey!该死的混♥蛋♥

战争老爹 Go fuck yourself, Wardaddy!咖啡太烫了 Coffee“s too hot.你还欠我 40 块钱呢 Still owe me 40 bucks!说什么

What”d he say? 集♥合♥


先生们 Mount up!Let“s go, gents.前进 Move front!傻蛋 Motherfucker.你已进入敌国


第二装甲师友情提醒 好的枪炮装填完毕 Okay, guns ready.好运

先生们 Good luck, gentlemen!全体都听好了

现在危机四伏 All right, there might be a wolf hiding in the sheep.伙计们


盯死他们 Kid, you”re up.Cast an eyeball on them.看到仸何动静就开火

别给他们机会 Anything that makes a move, you cut them right in half.别管路上的平民 People are in the way, that“s their problem.做好你该干的就行

听见吗 You do what you got to do, copy?-收到

-你呢-Copy.-You copy? 收到 I copy.戈多

再教教他怎么用机♥枪♥Gordo, talk him through that gun again.明白 Roger.机♥枪♥已经上膛

你扣扳机就行 Hey, gun”s ready.Just pull the trigger.每五发子弹都有一发曳光弹 Every five rounds is a tracer 这样你能看见你要往哪打 so you can see what you“re hitting.记住

短点射 And remember, short bursts.这样每发子弹才能击中更多敌人 That way you harvest more meat per bullet.我们的人在那边

The Americans are over there.继续往前走 Keep moving.举起手来 Keep your hands up.给她一块巧克力棒

她就会跟你睡 She”ll let you fuck her for a chocolate bar.不可能 That“s not true.不可能吗 It”s not true? 不可能 No.好吧

那就不可能吧 Okay.It“s not true.这他妈的就是事实 It”s completely fucking true.给她烟他就会让你上 Or just give her some smokes.给她烟他也会让你上

都不用给她整包的 You ain“t got to fuck around and give her a whole pack, neither.诺曼

别理他根就能搞定 Norman, ignore him.Fucking four will do it.现在你要相信主 Don”t disappoint Christ, now.别让这帮子人带坏了 Don“t let them lead you astray.听着


但是不可以上她们 You see, we can kill them, but we can”t fuck them, 因为圣经里这么说的 “cause it says so in the Bible.别说了

好吗 Stop, all right? 我放弃感化你们这群野蛮人了 I”m done trying to convert you heathens.你介意我继续入侵德国吗 You mind if I continue invading Germany? 博伊德

你觉得上帝爱希♥特♥勒♥吗 Boyd, do you think Jesus loves Hitler? 我认为上帝爱不爱希♥特♥勒♥Do I think Jesus loves Hitler?

我觉得他爱 I“d assume so.如果希♥特♥勒♥内心接受耶稣 If Hitler accepted Jesus into his heart 受洗

他会得到救赎的 and got baptised, he”d be saved.但是他难逃人类正义的审判 It ain“t gonna save him from man”s justice.那一般的党卫军士兵呢 What about your regular-issue Nazi line trooper?-我不想和你说这些了

-他们死后也会上天堂吗-No, I“m not gonna do this with you.-Is he going to Heaven? 过去三年里

我们聊这些玩意聊得够多了 We”ve been talking about the same dumb shit for three years.你知道我的立场

你想激怒我 You know how I stand on it.You trying to rile me up now.嘿


你觉得你能救赎我吗 Hey, what about me, huh? You think you could save me? 给我唱首圣歌♥吧 Sing me a hymn?-好啊

-唱古旧十字架就行-Yeah, sure.-Sing Old Rugged Cross.我喜欢你唱歌♥时候嘴动的样子 I like the way your mouth moves when you sing.-别闹

-我喜欢-Don“t.-I like it.你不碰我我就唱 I”ll sing it if you don“t do that.让我摸摸你的小胡子 Let me just touch your moustache.-该死的别碰我-就想摸摸你的小胡子-Don”t touch me.Stop!-I just wanna touch your moustache.我就摸摸你胡子有什么了 Why does that bother you so much when I touch your moustache?-我发誓我会崩了你


别闹了-I“ll shoot you, I swear!-All right, knock it off.别搞了 Knock off the horseplay.博伊德

你觉得希♥特♥勒♥会为了一块巧克力棒 Boyd, do you think Hitler”d fuck one of us 跟我们其中一个睡觉吗

for a chocolate bar? 估计会吧 I hope so.有埋伏

右侧 Ambush!Right!右侧有埋伏 Right side, ambush!见鬼

格雷迪 Fuck!Grady!你盯紧树丛

我们很容易中埋伏 You watch that tree line!We“re ripe for an ambush!格雷迪

掩护右翼 Grady, cover right!上帝啊 Father!看见什么了吗

博伊德 What”d you see, Boyd? 出去干掉这些德国崽子 Just go out and blast them little fuckers!看见什么了 What“d you see? 什么也没看见 I didn”t see nothing.诺曼 Norman!你个混♥蛋♥

你干嘛不开枪 You cocksucker.Why didn“t you take the shot?-他只是个孩子

-对不起-He was just a kid.-I”m sorry.真的很抱歉

中士 I“m really sorry, Sergeant.那你就看看一个孩子干了些啥 You see what a kid can do? 睁大你的狗眼 Look!都是你干的好事 That”s your fault.都是你的错 That“s your fucking fault.下次再看见拿着武器的德国人 Next German you see with a weapon,就把他打成筛子 you rake the dog shit out of him.我才不管他是个一手拿着餐刀 I don”t care if it“s a baby with a butter knife in one hand 还趴在妈妈身上吃奶的婴儿 and mama”s titty in the other.-你给我往死里打


长官-You chop him up!-Yes, Sergeant!-圣徒

-嗯-Bible?-Yeah? 全体都听好了

我是战争老爹 All tanks, Wardaddy.现在我管事儿了 Looks like I“m it.我带头车

全队跟我向目标前进 I”ll lead the column.Let“s get us where we”re going.我们得建立防线

援军在路上 We have this thing setup and on the way.我派了一队人来过来接应 I sent over a couple men to keep contact, 上头刚通报过 and the officers have been briefed.戈多

在这儿停下 Stop right here, Gordo.-是 B 连吗

-是的长官-Baker Company?-Yes, sir!我不是长官 I“m not a sir.我也不是 Me, neither.-你们的长官呢

-死了-Where”s your boss?-Dead.那现在谁管事 Who“s in charge of this column? 我 I am.好

那我就找你了 Good.I”m talking to the right man.坦克停那边

头儿等你们呢 Park it over there.Old Man“s waiting.好的谢谢长官

Yes, thank you, sir, 不要告诉我说伤亡还能持续 Don”t tell me how long my casualties can last.除非你想自己去那儿 Unless you want to come down here, 站在齐膝的内脏堆里发号♥施令 stand knee-deep in their guts and form an opinion.B6

撤了 Baker 6 out.操蛋的文官

你还好吗 Pencil-pushing motherfucker.How you doing? 把我的伤亡士兵装到卡车上 Load the casualties into a truck.我们自己把他们送回基地去 We“re gonna drive them back to base ourselves.好好照料我们自己人

你跟我过来 Take care of our own.Come with me.你

别睡了 Hey, wake up!好

我们现在有多少辆坦克 All right, how many tanks we got? 4 辆 Four.4 辆

你开什么玩笑 Four? You”re shitting me.我要了 10 辆 I asked for 10.迈尔斯

迈尔斯中士 Miles!Sergeant Miles!是


什么事 Yes, sir? 让一排准备好 Get First Platoon ready.你编入他们排 You“re working for him now.只要是能站起来的都得上 If they can stand, they”re in play.是 Roger.看

是这样 All right, here“s the deal.我的一个排被机♥枪♥I got a platoon trapped in this beet field 困在这个甜菜地里 by machine guns.我让我的人去救 I sent my tracks in.德国人把他们干掉了 Jerry took them out.反坦克炮在这里



我也不知道 So, anti-tank guns there, there, possibly there, I don”t know.我需要你们把他们救出来 I need you to rescue my guys.把机♥枪♥端掉 Take the guns out.没问题 I can do that.那样


你们继续推进到镇上 All right, that clears this road into town, you push forward.我会在那里和你们汇合我们一起清理 I“ll join you there.We”ll clear it up.他们可能会投降


谁知道呢 Maybe they“ll surrender.Or maybe they”ll fight.这片高地

你有没有哧兵 This high ground, you got any eyes on it? 我在这边的哧兵


这边的也没了 I had eyes there, gone.There, gone.瞎打吧

就剩你我了 We“re flying blind.It”s you and me.德军在这条路上肯定有警戒哧 Krauts got sights on this road.我不想露出侧翼 I don“t want to show my flank.从这个方向走可以吗 Any objection if I come in here? 你就是坐飞毯去我都不管你 You can arrive on a fucking magic carpet, for all I care.我了解你

我知道你清楚自己在干什么 I know who you are.I know you know what you”re doing.帮我把他们干的稀里哗啦就行了 You just paste them hard for me.他们今天在那里杀了我们一些好兄弟

They murdered some good boys out there today.他们为啥不干脆投降呢 Why don“t they just quit? 换你

你会吗 Would you? 一个排的人被机♥枪♥困在这个菜地 We got a platoon pinned down in this field by MGs.德国佬的反坦克炮火力能覆盖这个地方 Krauts got anti-tank covering the field.我们一旦穿过篱笆 And once we cross this hedgerow, 就到了他们的射程之内

他们也能看见我们 we will be in range and in their line of sight, 所以都要保持警惕 so be alert.有仸何动静都射击 Hit anything that fucking moves.好

除非他们先开炮 Yeah, unless they pound us first.如果他们先开炮

那正好暴露了他们 If they do, we”ll know exactly where they are.我们一起把伙计们救出来

把机♥枪♥端掉 Let“s get these boys out of there and smash those guns.然后我们就能占领小镇


明白了吗 Then we”ll capture the town, stop for the night.Clear? 我们干嘛要救这群小仔子

干嘛不直接开到柏林去 Why are we rescuing kittens instead of just driving down into Berlin?-你怎么这么混♥蛋♥

-说的好-Why are you such an asshole?-That“s a great question.开进顺序




杀人工厂 March order.Fury, Old Phyllis, Lucy Sue, Murder Inc.出发吧 Let”s go.好了

兄弟们 All right, fuck sticks.出发

编队 Mount up!By squad!好了

赶紧上车 All right, mount up!全体都听好了

通讯检查 All tanks, comm check.L14

登车完毕 1-4“s up.L13 收到 Love 1-3 copies.-好了


-大家都坐稳了-That”s right, man.-Need you to hold tight!全体都有

我是战争老爹 All tanks, Wardaddy.到达开阔地带后

在我后面成纵队 When we hit open ground, line up on me.保持距离

别扎堆 Keep your spacing, don“t bunch up.看我信♥号♥♥

我们把他们揉成面团 On my signal, we”ll drop the doughs 端掉机♥枪♥and roll up that 75.明白了吗 Everyone copy? L15


没问题 Love 1-5 copies.Wilco.-L12 收到


收到-Copy.-Love 1-3 copies.戈多

停下 Gordo, halt.全体都有

在这停下 All tanks hall.All tanks halt.让兄弟们下车 All right, let“s get the boys off.让他们都下去

给我留一个人 Get them off.Give me last man.-快点女士们


-开舱门-All right, ladies, you heard the man.-Button up.全体下车 Everybody off!快下车 Move out!Move!Everybody off!关舱门 Close your hatch.全体都有



右打死 All tanks, move out.Hard right.Hard right.-前进



-Move them out.-Hard right.Hard right.跟着狂怒号♥Fury”s going.Let“s go.前进

快 Move, move, move, move, move.前进

右一点 Let”s move now.A hard stick right.大家稳住


稳住 Everybody hold yourself.Jiggs, hold on.保持队列

保持队列 Form in.Form in.跟上狂怒号♥Catch up with the Fury.右转 Stick right.跟上 Now, catch up.跟着我的队形


跟上队形 On my line, guys, on my line.加油


加进来 More gas.More gas.Mix it up.-低姿前进

-保持队形-Keep them low!-Hold your line.我们有点偏了 We“re already drifting.宾考斯基

警惕右边高地 Binkowski, keep an eyeball on that high ground.Right.L15


没问题 Love 1-5 copies.Wilco.注意那边的树丛 Watch that tree line right there.减速

减速 Hold that, hold that.继续前进

跟紧 Ride on, ride on.Hold tight.我们要把这里炸翻天 We”re gonna bust through this shit.好了

走吧 All right, here we go, men.左转


怎么回事 Left stick, left stick.What the fuck?



没事吧 It looks perfect, Tim.Good? 继续前进

继续前进 Straight on, straight on.地上都是兵

地上都是兵 Doughs on the ground, doughs on the ground.小心警惕 Keep an eye out.前进


那边 Straight, straight.Over here!戈多



减速 Gordo, slow, slow, slow.地上有人 We got bodies.转向我的左侧

注意地下 Stick left of me.Eyes on the floor.快起来 Get up.过来

过来 Fall in!Fall in!向前进 Straighten it out.该死的注意距离 Watch your fucking spacing.你现在得左转 You gotta left stick now.减速 All right, let“s hold up.如果我说后退


后退 If I say hold back, hold back.Hold back.左转



过来 Left stick.Left stick.What the fuck? Come on!右侧没人了 Company, clear on the right.来


安全了 Let”s go, let“s go, let”s go!Clear it up and book it.稍微快一点 Speed up just a little bit.L13


右转 Love 1-3, right stick!Right stick!你掩护地面部队

You got troops on the ground.妈的右转


该死 Fuck, right stick!Right stick, God damn it!你脑子里有屎吗 Get your head out of your ass!他们根本就没注意 They weren“t fucking paying attention.提高警惕

继续前进 Get in tight.Go!趴下


趴下 Down!Stay down!Down!那该死的什么玩意

哇哦 What the fuck is that? Whoa!圣徒

打掉那挺机♥枪♥Bible, hit that machine gun.炮塔左转

距离 800 Traverse left, 800!稳住 Steady!-装填完毕

-开炮-On.-Fire!发射 On the way!干得漂亮


打 Good!Hit them!Hit them!看前面

看观测镜 Look forward!Look at your periscope!-圣徒


-看观测镜-Bible, traverse back.-On.Periscope!-装填完毕

-开炮-Clear!-Fire!发射 On the way!停火

目标已摧毁 Cease fire.Target destroyed,.收到


没问题 Roger, Ester, Wilco.开炮 Fire!见鬼



左转 Fuck!Anti-tank!H.E.!Traverse left.快点

左转向 Let”s go.Traverse left.炮塔左转 Traverse left!跳弹

我们没事 Just a ricochet.We“re okay.放屁


我能听到飞啸声 Bullshit!That”s a Kraut high-velocity gun.I can hear it whistling.反坦克炮


左前方 Anti-tank!Left front, left front!看到了

下降 15 度 Got it!Down 15.装填完毕

准备好了 Clear!Ready!-开炮

-发射-Fire!-On the way!距离 600 码 600.开炮 Fire!-装填完毕

-发射-Clear!-On the way!好


目标被摧毁 Okay, cease fire, cease fire.Target destroyed.开炮 Fire!还有一架机♥枪♥

谁看见在哪儿了 There“s another gun!Who”s got eyes on it? 有谁看见了吗 Does anyone see it? 都把眼睛睁大点儿

开炮 Eyes up, everybody.Fire!我啥也没看见 I don“t see shit.该死的你在哪 Where the fuck are you at? 反坦克炮

高爆弹 Anti-tank, H.E.收到



炮塔右转 Got it!Anti-tank, H.E.Traverse right!反坦克炮



600 码

Anti-tank.Left front, left front.600.右转

右转 Right stick, right stick.瞄准

开炮 On!Fire!发射 On the way!轰掉他们


打 Hit ”em, hit “em, hit ”em.开炮 Fire!全体都有

对准那排树轰 All tanks, start squirting that tree line.轰碎这群混♥蛋♥党卫军 Let“s light them up.Let”s go.一起轰那边的树丛

把它们清干净 Everybody squirt the fucking tree line.Let“s clean it up.嘿

开始射击 Hey!Hey!Start shooting!那个

我打哪儿啊 Well, what do I shoot at? 打纳粹啊

你个傻冒 The Nazis, dumb fuck!就这么打

让他们抬不起头来 That”s it.Keep their fucking heads down.你要重新装弹啊 You got to reload!铁拳

干掉他 Panzerfaust!Hey!Get him!-我在装弹


-打他-I“m loading the gun.I”m loading the gun.-Hit him!打中了 Got him.好好干♥你♥的活

做好你该做的事 Do your job!Do what you“re here for!我在装弹呢 I was loading the gun!机♥枪♥



碾死这群杂碎 Machine gun, twelve o”clock!Gordo, run those bastards over!全体都有

停 All tanks, hold here, hold here.让兄弟们下去战斗 Get your boys in the fight!下车

攻击前进 Fall out!Marching fire!快点 Come on!嘿

看见左边那堆党卫军没 Hey, squirt those Krauts on the left.你看见没有 Do you see them? 情况很危险


火力太猛 Will Actual, come in.This is Vicious.德国佬都躲在树林里

在你...Krauts in the woods to your...只有一堆尸体 All I see are dead bodies.你怎么知道他们死了你是医生吗 How do you know they“re dead? Are you a doctor?-射死他们

-可他们已经死了-Hit them!-But they”re dead!我为什么要射死人 Why would I shoot them if they“re already dead? 要确保他们不会站起来

从后面干掉我们 So they don”t stand up and shoot us in the ass!该死

拿下他们 Fuck!Get them!该死 Fuck!我他妈再也呆不下去了 I can“t fucking be here any-fucking-more!再这样大吼大叫

先把你那该死的无线电关了 Turn your goddamn intercom off if you”re gonna bawl like that.遵命

老爹 I got it, top.我他妈的不干了

我他妈的放弃了 I fucking give up.I fucking give up.在这儿一分钟也呆不下去了 I can“t be here any more.这本来就不是什么美差 This ain”t pretty, you know.可我们就是干这个的

This is what we do.兄弟们

步行战斗 Boys, fight on foot.好的 You take it.我没事 I“m okay.你会没事的 You”re all right.合上眼吧


闭上你的眼 Close your eyes, son.Close your eyes, son.信上帝吗 Do you believe in Jesus? 你会没事的一切都会好的 You“re all right, then.You”re all right, then.我会和你一起祈祷 I“m gonna pray with you now.我们的天父


愿人都尊你的名为圣 Our father, Lord in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.愿你的王国降临

愿你的旨意如同在天上一般 Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.赐予我们日常的饮食 Give us this day our daily bread 宽恕我们的罪过 and forgive us our trespasses 如同我们宽恕冒犯我们的人 as we forgive those who trespass against us.不叫我们遇见诱惑

救我们远离恶魔 Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.为了国度



For the kingdom, the power and the glory,直到永远的永远

我的天父 forever and ever, dear Lord.阿门 Amen.第九军团最好的前炮射手曾坐在那个位子 I had the best bow gunner in the entire Ninth Army in that seat.现在那儿坐的是你 And now I got you.很久以前我曾许诺我的兄弟们

让他们活着回家 I promised my crew a long time ago I”d keep them alive.现在你来碍事儿了 You“re getting in the way of that.我很抱歉 I”m sorry.好吧

我只是训练过在一分钟里打 60 个词的打字员 Okay, I am trained to type 60 words a minute.从没有跟机♥枪♥和尸体打过交道 I am not trained to machine-gun dead bodies.我在尽我最大努力 I am trying my very best.你从哪里搞到这件美军大衣的哪儿来的 Where“d you get that U.S.Army coat? Where”d you get it? Huh? 你杀了谁

小子 Who“d you kill, boy? 你从那里得到的它

小子 Where did you get that coat, boy? 原谅我请让我走吧 Forgive me.Let me go, please.你杀了谁

你做了什么 Who did you kill? What”d you do? 不要开枪 Don“t shoot!让我走吧

请让我走吧 Let me go, please, let me go.-你杀了谁


-中士-Who”d you kill, boy?-Sergeant!兄弟们

都退后 Back it up, boys!等等 Hold on.Hold on!都退后 Back it up, boys.诺曼 Norman!过去 Get out here!诺曼

过来 Norman, come here.你给我过来

小子 Come on, son.啊哈

Huh? 我听不见你说什么

等等 I can“t hear you.Wait.中士

叫你们的人退后 Sergeant.Call your dogs off.我还有家室 I have a family.这是我的妻子儿女 This is my wife, my children.闭嘴 Shut your mouth.跪下 Kneel.除非你能杀纳粹

否则你毫无价值 You are no goddamn good to me unless you can kill Krauts.给他背上来一枪 Put a big fat hole in his back.朝着他该死的背上

给他来一枪 Put a big fat hole in his fucking back.不 No.为什么不 Why the hell not? 这样不对 It”s not right.“不对” “Not right”? 我们到这里

不是来分辨是非的 We“re not here for right and wrong.我们是来杀他们的 We”re here to kill them.你为什么来这里 Why are you here? 你来这是要杀了他 You“re here to kill him.你知道他为什么在这么 You know why he”s here? 他是来杀你的 He“s here to kill you.他来这是为了杀你

诺曼 He”s here to kill you, Norman.他来是为了用子弹打穿你的喉咙 He“s here to rip your throat out with a bullet.下地狱去吧 Go to hell.我在教你做事儿 I”m trying to teach you something.你是想害死我吗 You here to get me killed?-不是

-你想害死我吗-No.-You gonna get me killed? 不 No.那你就开枪 I need you to perform.赶紧扣扳机

赶紧完事 Just get it over with.Just get it over with.-我不能这不做


你可以的-I can“t do it.-Yes, you can.我知道你可以 I know you can.要么他杀了你

要么你杀了他 He kills you, or you kill him.就这么简单 Simple math.你还是他

自己选 You or him.Pick.-杀了我算了

-过来-Just kill me.-Come here.杀了我杀了我吧 Kill me!Kill me!Kill me!Kill me!Please!我下不了手 I can”t do it!该死的停下 Fucking stop!求求你别这样 Please stop.哦

这简单得很 Oh, no, no.This is the easy part.你要干嘛 What the hell?-没关系


-All right.-Fuck.求你不要逼我这样做 Please don“t make me do this.不要逼我这么做 Don”t make me do this.没事的 It“s all right.一

二 One, two...开枪吧



诺曼 Do it, Norman.Do it, Norman.快开枪

诺曼 Do it, Norman.做好你的事 Do your job.沃德尔

你在哪 Waddell, where you at?-沃德尔

-动起来-Waddell!-Move it!动起来 Move it!来吧

诺曼 Come on, Norman.我们走 Let”s go.这难道就可以把我锻炼成男人吗 Is this supposed to make a man out of me? 这难道就可以把我锻炼成男人吗 Is this supposed to make a man out of me? 我的良心是 “Cause my conscience is...-坐下

-是清白的-Sit down.-It”s clean.我的良心是清白的 My conscience is clean.我要保持这样 I“m keeping it that way.看那儿

热咖啡 Look right here.Hot coffee.诺曼 Norman?


但他靠得住 Don might be crazier than a shithouse rat, but he”s solid.我们从北非战役就在一起了 We“ve been together since before Africa.除了他

我不想跟仸何人一起战斗 I won”t fight with anybody else.我也是 Me, neither.没有仸何小队向我们一样团结

诺曼 There ain“t no crew stayed together like we have, Norman.都是因为他 That”s “cause of him.第一次

我们在北非中弹 First time we got shot at, down in North Africa, 唐吓得拉了一裤子 Don, he done shit his drawers full.把整个坦克弄得臭气熏天 He stunk the tank up real loud.真的 It”s true.我们 15 分钟后出发 We move out in 15.诺曼 Norman.我今天都没见你吃什么东西 I haven"t seen you eat anything all day.最好去找点吃的 Make sure you get something to eat.你最好吃点东西 You best go eat something.还要确保他看见你吃东西 Make sure he sees it, too.就这样


继续猛揍他们 There you go, boys.Keep...




Grug: dad 瓜哥:爸爸

Ugga: mom 乌嘠:妈妈

Eep: daughter 小伊:大女儿

Sandy: daughter 小珊:小女儿

Thunk: son 坦克:小儿子

Gran: grandmother 外婆:外婆

Guy: a new friend 盖:大家的新朋友


With every sun comes a new day, a new beginning.A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday.But not for me.My name‟s Eep.And this is my family.The Croods.If you weren‟t clued already, by animal skin and sloping forehead, we are cavemen.Most days we spend in our cave in the dark.Night after night, day after day.Yep.Home sweet home.When we did go out, we struggled to find food in a harsh and hostile world, and I struggled to survive my family.We were the last ones around.There used to be neighbors.The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth.The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake.The Erfs, mosquito bite.The Throgs, common cold.And the Croods......That‟s us.The Croods made it, because of my dad.He was strong, and he followed the rules, the ones painted on our cave walls: Anything new is bad.Curiosity is bad.Going out at night is bad.Basically, anything fun is bad.Welcome to my world.But this is a story about how all that changed in an instant.Because what we didn‟t know was that our world was about to come to an end.And there were no rules on our cave walls to prepare us for that.太阳升起带来新的一天,新的开始,新的希望,希望今天一切能比昨天好,我是不指望 了。我叫小伊,这些是我的家人,咕噜家族。从我们穿的兽皮和后倾的额头你应该能猜出来,我们是穴居人。大部分时间我们待在洞穴里,在黑暗里,日复一日,夜复一夜。是啊,可爱 的家。当我们离开洞穴,得在残酷危险的世界里拼命找食物,而我还得拼命忍受我的家人。这儿现在就剩我们这一家了。以前还有些邻居(早上好)。呱哒一家被猛犸象踩死了,哗咔 一家被一条沙蛇吞掉了,呃呼一家被蚊子叮死了,嗦咯一家得感冒死了,还有咕噜一家就是 我们。我们一家能活到今天,全靠我的爸爸,他很强壮,他遵守规矩。画在岩壁上的规矩: 新的都是坏的,好奇是坏的,晚上出门是坏的。一句话,好玩的事都是坏的。欢迎来到我的 世界。不过呢,这个故事讲的是这一切在忽然之间彻底改变,因为我们还不知道,我们生活 的世界很快就要毁灭了,而岩壁上没有一条规矩告诉我们该怎么办。【洞穴里】

Grug: You‟re supposed to wait for my signal, Eep.瓜哥:你该等我的信号发出后再出来,小伊。

Eep: We‟ve been in that cave forever.小伊:不,我感觉在洞里待了一辈子。

Grug: Three days is not forever.瓜哥:才三天而已不算很长。

Eep: It is with this family.小伊:和家人在一起就长了。

Grug: Eep, will you come down here? You‟re being so...so dramatic.No,no,no,Sandy, come back here!Remember the signal.Good girls wait for the signal.Ugga!


Ugga: As soon as I get Sandy, I‟ll go back in, and you can give the signal.乌嘠:我抓了小珊就回洞里去,你就能发信号了。

Grug: No.But you‟re already out now.瓜哥:那有什么用,你们都出来了。

Thunk: I am waiting for the signal, Dad!坦克:我在等你信号,爸爸。

Grug: Never mind, Thunk.Just come out.瓜哥:无所谓了坦克,你出来吧!

Thunk: But if you don‟t give me the signal, how do I know you‟re my dad?


Grug: The signal isn‟t so, you know it‟s me.It‟s so you know I wasn‟t eaten by an animal.瓜哥:发信号不是要证明我是谁,是要告诉你们我没被动物吃掉。

Thunk: Then why is the signal an animal noise? I mean, doesn‟t that just confuse things? I‟m still waiting for the signal.坦克:等一下,那为什么信号是动物的声音?这样不是更搞不清了吗?我还是先别动,等你的信号再出来。

Ugga: Mom, we‟re ready to leave!Mom?


Gran: Still alive!I‟m still alive!


Grug: It‟s still early.瓜哥:天还早呢!

Gran: And you‟re still fat.外婆:你还这么胖。

Grug: Breakfast formation!I want to see some real caveman action out there!We do this fast.We do this loud.We do this as a family, and never not be afraid!瓜哥:排成早餐队形!都拿点穴居人的样子出来,我们动作要快,我们声音要响,我们要齐 心协力,还有永远不要不害怕。


Thunk: Yay...breakfast...坦克:好哎,早餐。

Grug: Okay, who‟s up? We‟ll flip for it.Call her in the air.瓜哥:轮到谁了,我们“丢人”决定,(将外婆扔向高空)头还是屁股?

Eep: Heads!


Grug: Tails.Thunk‟s in.Positions!Okay.Thunk, go!Come on, Thunk.瓜哥:屁股朝上,坦克去。各就各位。行了,坦克,去吧。快去,坦克。(坦克狂奔跑向鸟蛋,抱起鸟蛋往回跑)

Grug: Way to go!Take it to the cave!


Grug: Release the baby!瓜哥向妈妈喊:放小孩!

Ugga: Get‟em, Sandy, go!乌嘠:去吧,小珊!(妈妈和小珊一同抢蛋,两只松鼠将大鸟绊倒,趁机抢走鸟蛋)

Ugga: Get them, Mom!



Gran: Old lady down!Eep, avenge me!


Eep: Thanks.小伊:谢啦!(小伊将鸟蛋扔向爸爸)接着!

Grug: Eep!瓜哥:小伊!

Eep: Heads up!小伊:注意了!

Thunk: Hey, Dad,can we eat now?


Grug: Just wait till we get home.Eep, put on the brakes!Eep!



Grug: Who‟s hungry?


Thunk: Good one, Dad.坦克:爸爸,这个不错!

Grug: Here you go, Thunk.Drink up!


Thunk: Sorry, dad.坦克:对不起,爸爸。

Ugga: Looks like fast food tonight.乌嘠(抢过鸟蛋):看来今晚得吃“快餐”了。(妈妈将蛋传给小珊)(大家争相吃“早餐”,轮到爸爸了只有一口了)Grug: That‟s all right.I ate last week.瓜哥:没关系,我上星期吃过了。(将手指伸向天空)

Gran: Two knuckle warning!


Go, go ,go.众人:快走!大家快回去!

Grug: Come on, come on.Darkness brings death!We know this.瓜哥:快点,我们都知道黑暗带来死亡。

Ugga: The moon is full.Bath night.乌嘠:今天是满月,该洗澡了。

Gran: Run for your life!


Ugga: You to, Mom.乌嘠:你也得洗,妈妈。

Gran: I don‟t want to lose my protective layer.外婆(拼命反抗):老泥是我的保护膜,我不洗!

Ugga: Mom, you‟ve got ants.See? Sandy doesn‟t fuss.乌嘠(对外婆说:妈妈,你都长虫了!瞧,小珊都洗了。

Grug: Is she still out there? 瓜哥(向妈妈询问):她还在外面吗?

Ugga:You know she hates the cave, Grug.乌嘠:你知道她讨厌待在洞里。


Eep: Please come back tomorrow!小伊:明天要回来哦!


Grug: How can she not like the cave? It‟s so cozy.瓜哥:她为什么不爱待在洞里?又温暖又舒服。

Ugga: It is a littile dark, right? 乌嘠:洞里面,有点黑,瓜哥。

Grug: It‟s not that dark.Eep!Eep!Come on, I gotta close the cave.Eep!瓜哥:也不是太黑啊!(对洞外)小伊!小伊!(走出洞门呼喊小伊)快回来,我要关门了。(突然发现小伊在极高的洞穴口的树枝上,吓了一跳)爸爸:小伊!

Eep: Okay!Okay!小伊:行了,来了。

Grug: Eep!Come down!瓜哥(焦急地呼叫):快点!(忽然发现身后的巨型怪兽,开始奋力呼喊伊)小伊!快下来!(怪兽开始奔向他们,爸爸抓起一块手头砸向怪兽)(爸爸和小伊跑进洞口)


Grug: That was too close!瓜哥:差点就完了!

Eep: I was watching.I was fine.小伊:我很小心的,我没事!

Grug: What were you doing up there, Eep? 瓜哥:你去上面干什么?

Eep: I don‟t know 小伊:不知道。

Grug: What were you looking for? 瓜哥(继续追问):你去找什么?

Eep: Nothing.小伊:没什么。

Grug: Well then, why did you go up there? 瓜哥:那你干嘛上去?

Eep: I don‟t know!小伊:我不知道。

Grug: Why don‟t you know? Stop looking for things!Fear keeps us alive, Eep.Never not be afraid.瓜哥:你怎么会不知道?(一把抓住小伊的头发)别老想着找东西!恐惧让我们活下来,永远不要不害怕。

Eep: What‟s the point of all this?!小伊:我们这样有什么意义?!

Grug: What was that? 瓜哥:你说什么?

Eep:I mean, why are we here? What are we doing this for? 小伊:我们干嘛在这儿?我们为什么要这么活着?

Grug: No one said survival is fun.瓜哥:没人说活着是件好玩儿的事。

Eep: Nothing is fun.小伊:一点也不好玩。

Grug: Would you come down here? 瓜哥:你能不能下来。(爬向高处小伊坐着的地方)

Ugga: Grug? Off!


Grug: Yes.Okay...I just...瓜哥:好的,我知道,我只是……

Ugga: Off!


Grug: I just don‟t see why she needs her own ledge.That‟s all.That‟s all.That‟s what this is about.瓜哥:我不明白她干吗要一个人待在上面,所以上去问问她。

Ugga: She‟s working through some things and needs some space.乌嘠:她需要一点自己的空间去想事情。

Grug: What things? How long is this going to take? Really? She already doesn‟t listen to me.Hey!瓜哥:什么事情?她要想多久?她现在都不听我话了。(小伊扔下一个石头击中爸爸的头)

Ugga: See? She‟s listening.乌嘠:瞧,她听着呢!

Grug: If she wants to survive,she has to follow our rules.瓜哥:如果她想活下去就得照我们的规矩做。

Ugga: How about a story? Eep loves those.乌嘠:你讲个故事吧,小伊爱听故事。

Grug: That‟s a good idea.How about a story,huh? 瓜哥:好主意,想听故事吗?

Yeah,tell us a story.众孩子们:给我们讲故事。(爸爸抓起小女儿)

Grug: Okay.Can I borrow that? Thank you.Eep!Your old favourite!瓜哥:好了,借我用一下。小伊,这可是你以前的最爱。

Eep: I haven‟t played with that thing in years.小伊:我已经好多年不玩它了。

Grug: Tonight we‟ll hear the story of Krispy Bear——A long time ago,this little bear was alive.She was alive because she listened to her father and lived her life in routine and darkness and terror.So she was happy.But Krispy had one terrible problem.She was filled with...curiosity.瓜哥:今天我要讲个克里斯皮熊的故事——很久很久以前,这只小熊还活着,它之所以活着 是因为它听它爸爸的话,一成不变地生活在恐惧和黑暗里,所以它很快乐,可是克里斯皮有 一个可怕的缺点,它有很强的好奇心。

Ugga: Grug!乌嘠:瓜哥!

Grug: Yes,yes.And one day, while she was in a tree, the curious little bear wanted to climb to the top.瓜哥: 我知道。有一天它待在树洞里,这只好奇的小熊想要爬到树顶上去。

What? 众人:什么?

Grug: And no sooner had she climbed to the top she saw something new and died.瓜哥:它刚刚爬到树顶上,就看见一个新的东西,然后,就死了。

Thunk: Just like that? 坦克:这么快?

Grug: Yes!Her last moments of terror still frozen on her face.瓜哥:是的!最后一刻的惊恐永远凝固在它脸上。

Thunk: Same ending as every day.I get it,Dad.I will never do anything new or different.Eep: Same ending as every day.小伊:每天的结局都一样。

Thunk: I get it,Dad.I will never do anything new or different.坦克:我知道了爸爸,我不会做任何新奇和不同的事。

Grug: Good man, Thunk.瓜哥:好小子,坦克。

Ugga: All right, everyone sharpen your teeth and let‟s pile up.乌嘠:行了,大家磨磨牙齿,排排睡了。



Guy: Air...盖:空气...Eep: You talk?!小伊:你会说话?!

Guy: I‟m person, like you.Sort of...like you.盖:我也是人,和你一样。(小伊很好奇,将盖一把抓起,仔细地看)跟你差不多。(小伊举着盖一边闻一边敲打)

Guy: Okay, okay.Hey, hey, hey.Could you...Could you mind not...That tickles.Hey, hey, hey.Hey!盖:行了,你能不能别这样。(小伊开始挠盖)好痒啊,嘿!嘿~嘿!(小伊看到盖腰上的奇怪的动物,惊吓中将盖倒扔下,盖一头栽在地上。

Eep: Quiet!I am not supposed to be out here.小伊:别出声,他们不让我出来的!


Grug: Eep‟s gone!瓜哥:小伊不见了!

Ugga: What? Grug!乌嘠:什么?瓜哥!

Grug: Stay in the cave!瓜哥:留在洞里。(出洞寻找小伊)

Guy: Wow, you‟re really strong!盖:你真够猛的!(走向火堆)

Eep: No!It‟s mine!小伊(拦住盖):不,这是我的。

Guy: Please...No!No!But it is dying!I can fix it.Please...please.I hate the dark.Come on,come on...盖:你别这样,它快不行了,我能让它恢复。求你了,我讨厌黑暗。(小伊默默让开路,盖 走上前,慢慢吹着火星)快烧起来吧!(火苗慢慢重新燃起)

Eep: It does what you tell it?!


Guy: Well, yeah, sort of...盖:算是吧!

Eep: Sun? 小伊:这是太阳吗? Guy: No, no.Fire.盖:不,是火。

Eep: Hi, Fire.小伊:你好啊,火。

Guy: Huh~huh.It‟s not alive.盖:哈哈哈,它没有生命。

Eep: But you said it was dying.小伊:可你说它不行了。

Guy: Sorry.盖:对不起。

Eep: It comes from where you came from? 小伊:这是从哪来的?

Guy: No, I made it.盖:不,是我弄出来的。

Eep: Make some for me.小伊:给我也弄点,好吧!(将盖举起倒置不停地挤压)

Guy: Okay!It doesn‟t come out of me.盖:它不是从我身上来的。

Eep: Make.Make.Make it!小伊:快弄出来!(放下盖)

Guy: You do this a lot.盖:你太过分了!(说完倒地)

Eep: Are you dead? Can I have your fire if you‟re dead?


Guy: Hey, those are cold!You think? Listening shells, activate.I concur.Tiger girl, we need to leave immediately.盖:这石头很凉。你也这么想吗?助听贝壳,启动。我同意。(趴在地面上听)虎妞儿,我们得离开这儿。(拽着小伊准备走)

Eep: I don‟t even know you.小伊:我连你是谁都不知道。

Guy: I‟m Guy.盖:我叫盖。

Eep: Guy?


Guy: And this is Belt.Cook, conversationalist, navigator, also keeps my pants up.盖:这是皮带猴,它是厨师、海员,能说会道,另外它还帮我系裤子。

Eep: What are „pants up‟? 小伊: 系裤带? Guy: who are you? 盖:你叫什么名字?

Eep: who are you? 小伊:小伊。

Guy: let me clarify, Eep.The world is ending.盖:我来说明一下,小伊,世界要毁灭了。

Eep: What? 小伊:什么?

Guy: I’m calling it...”The end.”


Eep: How do you know? 小伊:你怎么知道的?

Guy: I’ve seen it.It’s coming this way.First, the ground is gonna shake.Then it breaks open.Everything falls in.Fire,Lava.I don’t mean to sound too dramatic, but...Believe me, everything we’re standing on, all this right here, will be gone.We’ve got to get to high ground.I know a mountain, that way.It’s our only chance.Come with me!盖:我能预见到,马上就要发生了。一开始大地会摇晃,然后裂开来,所有东西都会掉下去,大火、岩浆。我不是故意要吓你,可是,相信我,这儿的一切到时候都没了,我们得去高地。我知道一座山,在那边,这是唯一的机会,跟我走吧!(手伸向小伊)

Eep: I can‟t.小伊(后退):我不能。

Guy: Okay.Here.If you survive, call me.盖:好吧,好吧,给你。(递给小伊一个海螺)如果你活着,呼我。

Eep: Thank you.Hello?


Grug: Hey!瓜哥:嗨!

Eep: Dad!小伊:爸爸!Grug: Are you hurt? What took you? 瓜哥(担心地询问):你受伤了吗?什么东西抓你上来的?(说着伸手检查小伊是否受伤)

Eep: Nothing.I left on my own.小伊:没有!我自己上来的。

Grug: You...what? 瓜哥:你?什么?(不可置信)

Eep: Dad, let me explain.You never let me talk.小伊:爸爸,你听我解释。(这是不远处有巨型猛兽的声音,小伊和爸爸赶紧躲在漆黑的石桥底下,怪兽渐渐走远)你从来不听我说话!

Grug: You‟re grounded.瓜哥(批评小伊):我要关你禁闭!


Ugga: Eep!乌嘠(见到小伊。激动呼喊):小伊!

Eep: Mom!小伊:妈妈!

Ugga: Grug!What happened? 乌嘠:瓜哥怎么回事?(妈妈走上前扭捏小伊的脸,检查是否完好)

Grug: You know what, I am so mad right now that I can‟t talk to her.瓜哥:知道吗?我真是太生气了!我不想和她说话!

Ugga: Eep? 乌嘠:小伊。

Eep: You‟ll never believe it.I found something new.小伊:你们不会相信的,我找到了一样新东西!

New? New is a big problem.(大家听到新东西立刻警觉起来,呈现防御姿态)众人:这是严重问题。

Eep: No.Wait, wait.小伊:等等,等等。

Grug: Eep, stay inside the family kill circle.瓜哥:小伊,待在防守队形里。

Eep: But it wasn‟t bad.小伊:他不坏!

Grug: New is always bad.瓜哥:新的都是坏的。

Eep: No.He was nice.小伊:不,他是个好人。

Grug: What? Excuse me? He? 瓜哥:什么?你说什么?他?

Eep: Well, I thought he was a warthog, but then he turned into a boy.小伊:我一开始以为他是头疣猪,后来我发现他是个男孩。

Gran: Strange.Usually it‟s the reverse.外婆:真稀奇,一般都会说他是个禽兽。

Thunk: Eep‟s got a boy hog!Eep‟s got a boy...坦克(开心地唱):小伊找了个猪朋友,小伊找了个猪朋友。

Eep: There was a boy.Watch,okay? I‟m gonna call him.小伊:真的有这么一个人!你们瞧着,我叫他来。(说着小伊吹起海螺)(众人见到一个新的东西十分惊恐,争抢着砸烂小伊手中的海螺,几秒钟后海螺完全成了碎片)

Eep: What is wrong with you?(小伊很愤怒)小伊:你们干吗要这样?!

Grug: It was dangerous.瓜哥:这东西很危险!

Eep: It was beautiful.You want to see dangerous? Here.小伊:这东西很漂亮!知道什么叫危险吗?瞧着!(说完拿起一颗石子砸中坦克)

Thunk: Ow!My sniffer!


Grug: Okay, Eep, that‟s it.We‟re going back to the cave and you‟re going to stay in there until you‟re older than...her!瓜哥:行了,小伊,够了!我们要回到洞里去。(众人转身往回走)你要一直待在洞里面直到你比她还要老(指向外婆)Eep: What? You can‟t keep me inside forever!


Eep: He said this would happen!小伊:他说过会这样。(脚下的地裂了一条缝)

Grug: Get to the cave.Go!Stop!Is everyone okay? 瓜哥:快回洞里去!(天崩地裂,大家慌忙逃跑,一阵巨石坠落后,所有人都被巨大的灰尘掩盖了)快停下!大家没事吧?


Ugga: Grug, the cave.It‟s gone.乌嘠:瓜哥,山洞,没有了。

Grug: No...瓜哥:不!(一阵忧伤)

Eep: You really need to see this.小伊:你们快来看看这个!


Eep: We should go there!小伊:我们该去那儿!(小伊迫不及待想冲下去)

Grug: No.No.No one is going anywhere.What else did that boy say? 瓜哥(赶紧拦住小伊):不!不!哪也不许去!那个男孩还说了什么?(回头问小伊)(巨型怪兽再次出现了,向众人奔来,大家夺路狂奔)

Ugga: Grug!乌嘠:瓜哥!

Grug: Come on,gran!Just go.Go!Go!瓜哥:快走!快!快!(两只胳膊搂着一家人向下跳入那一片美景之中)


Grug: Okay,One,two,there,four,five...Six.瓜哥(首先站起来开始清点人数):好了,一、二、三、四、五~~~~(外婆不见了,瓜哥脸上露出笑容,忽然听见落地声,神情失落)六~

Gran: Where are we? 外婆:我们这是在哪儿?

Grug: I don’t know.Down.In a lower place.One thing is for sure, we can’t go back the way we came.瓜哥:不知道,我不清楚,在下面,在低一点的地方,不过有件事儿我可以确定,我们肯定是回不去了。(大家四处张望)(小珊鼻子不停地抖动)

Ugga: Sandy? What is it? 乌嘠:小珊,你闻到什么了?(这时小珊冲进前方的一簇花团)

Grug: No,No,No,come back,Sandy.We can’t be out in the open like this.We need a cave.Now step where I step.Okay.Stay quiet.Hopefully nothing big knows we’re here yet.瓜哥(慌张着上前一把抓出小珊):不不不,快回来,小珊!(小珊嘴里衔着一只mini型的小象,爸爸上前一把将小象打掉)我们不能就这么待在外面,我们得找个洞。现在跟着我的脚步走。行了,大家别出声,但愿没有大动物发现我们。(其实,正此时,远处一只大型绿色老虎已经发觉了他们。)

Grug: Wait!Okay.Wait!Okay.Wait!Okay.Wait!瓜哥(小心翼翼地走一步停一步):等等,走吧,等等,走吧,等等,走吧,等等。

Thunk: So Dad,just to be clear, are we looking for the exact same cave? Okay.If it was me...I was throwing this out there.If it was me choosing the cave, I would go with a smaller cave.坦克:爸爸,我想确认一下,我们要找和之前一模一样的洞吗?如果是我,我只是提个建议,如果让我来选山洞,我会挑个小一点的。


Grug: Wait.瓜哥:等等。(众人发现周围都是猴子)

Eep: Dad!小伊:爸爸。

Grug: It’ll take care of this.瓜哥:我来对付它。(说完在猴子面前手舞足蹈,假装强大。猴子终于忍不住朝他脸上揍了他一拳)

Thunk: All right, Dad, go get‟em.坦克:上啊,爸爸,揍他!(此时,瓜哥完全被一群猴子围起来打!)

Gran: Huh!I’m loving this.外婆(也趁机揍了瓜哥一拳):真是太爽了!

Thunk: Dad, I got this.Just stop running to their fists!坦克:爸爸,听我说,你别撞到它们的拳头上去。

Ugga: Grug, when you’re done, we should get going.乌嘠:瓜哥,等你玩够了,我们就上路吧。(猴子们终于打够了,放下了瓜哥)

Grug: That’s right!You can’t get past this!瓜哥(假装是自己胜利了):跑啊,知道打不过我吧!(这时,绿色老虎出现在众人背后,大家往树上爬)

Grug: Climb!Climb!Climb!Move!Move!Move!Cave!Go!Go!Come on, hurry up!Let’s go!Come on!瓜哥:快爬,快往上爬!(大家以为的大树开始移动,其实那是一只巨型动物的脚,它带着大家来到另一片土地)动作快点,我们走!(众人钻进一个“山洞”)

Thunk: Hey,look!This cave has a tongue!Awesome!坦克:这个洞里有条舌头,太酷了!(其实那是一只水生动物的嘴,它将跑进嘴里的“异物”喷了出来,众人从高空坠到地上)

Grug: Okay.That’s one, two, three, four, five...Six.瓜哥:行了,一、二、三、四、五、六。

Gran: And seven, if we‟re counting Chunky the Death Cat.外婆:还有七,如果把那只肥猫也算上的话。(绿虎朝人们走来,忽然掉头跑掉了)

Eep: He’s scared of the dark!


Grug: Wait, we‟re scared of the dark!Kill circle!瓜哥:等等,我们也怕黑。(这时,上万只红色鸟从土壤底下钻出来,在空中汇聚成一条红色的河流,场景十分壮观,忽然它转变成一道龙卷风的形状,包裹住地面上一只巨型动物,没一会儿,小鸟散开,动物只剩下一堆白骨。众人惊呆了。)防守队形!


Grug: Eep!Eep!瓜哥:小伊!


Guy: Cavies!盖:是穴居人,穴居人!

Eep: Cavies? 小伊:穴居人?

Guy: Cavemen!Stand back!They’re practically animals.See their bony, sloping foreheads?


Eep: Yeah!小伊:是啊。

Guy: The huge primitive teeth? 盖:巨大的原始的牙齿!

Eep: Yeah.小伊:是啊。

Guy: The excessive body hair? That one even got a tail!盖:还有超多的体毛!那家伙还有一条尾巴!

Eep: Yeah.小伊:是啊。

Guy: All right.Close your eyes.I’m going to have to take their lives.盖:行了,闭上眼睛,我要杀了他们。

Eep: No,it won’t help.They’re my family.小伊:不!还是算了吧,他们是我的家人。(沮丧地)

Guy: What? 盖:什么?

Thunk: The sun is in his hands!坦克:哇,哇哇!太阳在他手里!

Eep: No, no, it‟s fire.小伊:不,这东西叫“火”。

Ugga: Where did it come from? 乌嘠:是从哪来的?

Eep: He made it.小伊:他弄出来的。

Grug: Make some for me!瓜哥:给我弄一点。(说完使劲挤压盖)

Eep: It doesn‟t come out of him.小伊:不是从他身上弄出来的。

Grug: Make!Make it!瓜哥:弄啊,快弄啊!(终于松手放掉盖)

Guy: You know, you’re a lot like your daughter!盖(上气不接下气):你跟你女儿还真像!

Eep: Great, now he’s broken!小伊(怪罪爸爸):好极了!你把他弄坏了!

Ugga: Oh, it’s a baby sun!乌嘠:是太阳宝宝!

Grug: Whoa!Hey!Stay back!We don’t know what it wants.Now we’ll all sit here and wait for the sun to come back.And tomorrow we‟ll find a new cave and pretend today never happened.Isn‟t this fun, Eep? Eep, don’t touch him!Goodness knows where he’s been.瓜哥:退后!我们不知道它想干吗!我们就坐在这儿等着太阳回来,等到了明天我们去找个新山洞,然后就当今天什么也没发生,很好玩吧。小伊,别碰他!谁知道他去过什么地方。

Thunk: Dad, Sandy’s hurting fire!坦克:爸爸,小珊在欺负火。(小珊咬住火把疯狂摇动)

Grug: Sandy!No!Fire is not a plaything.瓜哥:小珊,小珊,不行,火可不是拿来玩的。

Ugga: What a cute little guy.乌嘠:多可爱的小家伙!

Grug: Hey, stay back!No, no, no, wait!瓜哥:啊嘿,快退后!(爸爸一脚踩到火苗痛的大叫,火苗飞了起来,外婆将它吞进了嘴里)不不不,别吃!(外婆吐出火苗,恰巧掉到坦克的屁股上)

Thunk: It likes me!Hey!It’s biting me!坦克:它喜欢我,它在咬我。不,求你了,别咬我!

Grug: Thunk!Try hiding from it in the tall, dry grass!瓜哥:坦克,快躲到又高又干的草丛里去!

Thunk: Stop, please!I‟m only nine!It‟s biting me!坦克:快停下,求你了,我才九岁。啊,他们在咬我!(外婆忽然发现自己的拐杖着火了,拿起它四处拍打)

Ugga: Fire babies!乌嘠:这么多火宝宝。

Guy: So,your dad, he’s trying to kill me.盖(躺在地上,小伊望向他):刚才你爸爸,他想要杀掉我。

Eep: Yeah.But I won’t let him.小伊:是啊,我不会让他杀的。

Grug: Hold on, son, come back!瓜哥:别跑,儿子,快回来!

Thunk: It won’t stop.Stop touching me!坦克:不,停下来!放我走。

Gran: Get out!外婆(抡起拐棍使劲拍到地上):快滚开,滚开!

Ugga: Eat up, babies!乌嘠:快吃吧,小宝宝~(将一捆干草扔到火上)(盖见状想悄悄溜走,被小伊一把抓住)坦克:停下,别再咬我了。

Gran: Die!外婆:去死吧!我赢了。


Guy: Who are you people? 盖:你们到底是什么人?

Ugga: Oh, I’m sorry.We’re the Croods!And you are? 乌嘠:对不起,我们是咕噜家族。你是?

Guy: Er...Guy.盖:额,盖。

Hi, Guy.众人:你好,盖!


Thunk: Look like magic!And smells like food.坦克:哇,看上去像魔法,闻上去像吃的。(食物从高空砸落,将众人埋住)

Grug: Don’t eat it, it’s new.瓜哥:不,别吃它,它是新的。(众人在里面过夜了)


Still alive!Come on, keep eating!众人(从“小山堆”里出来):我们还活着,来吧,继续吃。

Eep: Hey, where’s Guy? 小伊:盖在哪儿?


Eep: Going somehere? 小伊:你要去哪儿?

Guy: The Mountain.High ground.End of the world, remember? 盖:那座山,高地,末日,记得吗?

Eep: That already happened.It destroyed our cave.小伊:这一切已经发生了,它毁了我们的洞。

Guy: No.That was just the beginning of the end.The end of the end is still coming.盖:不,这只是末日的开始,最后的末日还没完全来呢!

Grug: Eep.Drop it.瓜哥:小伊,把他放下。

Eep: We can’t let him go!What if we don’t find a cave before sunset? What if it takes a few days? What if the birds come back? 小伊:我们不能放他走,万一我们在日落前还没找到山洞呢?万一要找上好几天呢?万一那些鸟又回来了呢?

Gran: We need this fire, dummy!外婆:我们需要他的火,呆瓜!

Grug: Fine.You’re staying with us until we find a cave.瓜哥:好吧,找到山洞前你跟我们在一起。(说完将盖塞进一个空木桩里)

Guy: What? No, I’m not!Don’t make me part of this.Stay here if you want, but let me go.I’ve got a dream, a mission, a reason to live!盖:什么?不,我不要,这跟我有什么关系?!你们想留就留下,让我走。我有梦想,有使命,有活下去的理由!

Eep: Not anymore!小伊:现在没了。

Guy: I’ve got an idea.Let’s go to that Mountain.盖:我有个主意,我们去那座山上。

Grug: It’s too far.瓜哥:太远了!

Eep: Dad really has his heart set on a cave.小伊:我爸只对找山洞感兴趣。

Guy: There are caves on that Mountain.盖:啊,那座山上有很多山洞。

Eep: Have you been there? 小伊:你去过那儿吗?

Guy: It’s a mountain.Mountains are safe.Mountains have caves...Water.Sticks.盖:那是一座山,山上很安全,山上有山洞,有水,还有树枝。

Thunk: Mom,did you hear that? I can get my own stick!坦克:妈妈,你听见吗?我能有自己的树枝了!

Guy: Yes.Sticks.And caves.Caves and sticks.Crazy sticks.Let’s go.盖:是的,有树枝和山洞,山洞和树枝,很多很多,我们去吧!

Grug: Quiet!瓜哥:安静点!(远处发生地裂,大象掉进山崖)

Thunk: That thing is weird.坦克:那个东西好奇怪。(皮带猴故意做鬼脸)

Ugga: No.No.No.It’s okay, Sandy.That just a belt.乌嘠:不不不,别紧张,小珊,那是皮带猴。

Grug: I’ve made a decision.We’re going to that Mountain!Don’t ask me why.It’s just a hunch.It just feels right.瓜哥:我决定了,我们要去……那座山!别问我为什么,就是种预感,感觉应该这样。

Ugga: I don’t know, Grug.We’ve never really walked that far.乌嘠:我不知道,瓜哥,我们从没去过这么远的地方。

Thunk: I don’t think my feet can do that.坦克:我不知道我的脚能不能走那么远。

Gran: I’ll never live long enough to get there.外婆:我这把年纪,走到那儿早死了。Grug: Let’s do it.Oh, come on, just think.Our whole family, packed together on a long, slow trip across the country? Days and nights with just each other.We’ll tell stories.We’ll laugh.We’ll become closer as a family.瓜哥:那就上路吧!来吧,想想,我们全家一起在野外长途旅行,从早到晚一直在一起,一路讲故事,欢声笑语,家人之间的感情会更亲密。



Thunk: Get her off!Get her off!坦克:快把她拉开!

Ugga: If you‟re not ready to challenge her, then don‟t look her in the eyes.乌嘠:没准备好跟她打就别直视她的眼睛!

Gran: Could you keep your big giant arms on your side of the trail? 外婆:你走路的时候手臂晃动的幅度能不能小一点?!

Eep: Isn‟t this fun? We‟re taking our first trip together.Stop shoving, or I will pull out your tongue!小伊:多好玩啊!这是我们第一次一起旅行。别推我,不然我把你的舌头拉出来!

Grug: Do you want me to turn this family around? Do you? Because I will turn this family around so fast!瓜哥:你希望我们掉头回去吗?想吗?要知道我们随时可以掉头!

Thunk: Dad, I gotta go!坦克:爸爸,我要尿尿!

Grug: Come on, you can hold it.瓜哥:行了,你能憋住的。

Gran: Sandy, take that out of your mouth.外婆:小珊,把嘴里的东西吐出来!

Thunk: I still gotta go!坦克:爸爸,我得去尿尿。

Grug: Fine...Quit it!Just make it fast.瓜哥:行了,到那后面去,动作快点!

Something bit me!I don‟t blame it!众人七嘴八舌:有东西咬我!算了,我不怪它!

Eep: Dad, can I take a turn carrying him?


Grug: No.瓜哥:不行。

Eep: What about now? 小伊:那么现在呢?

Grug: No!


Eep: Now?

小伊:现在呢? Grug: No!


Eep: Now?


Grug: I can do this all day long.No, no, no, still not.瓜哥:我扛他一天都不会累!不行,不行,不行,还是不行!

Gran: I‟m not dying on an empty stomach.外婆:我可不想饿着肚子死。

Ugga: Grug, we‟re all pretty tired.乌嘠:瓜哥,我们都累死了。

Grug: We‟ll eat when we get there.瓜哥:等到了那儿我们就吃饭。

Gran: It‟s taking too long!I‟m grabbing a snack.外婆:我等不及了,我要吃点点心!(扑向皮带猴,猴子瞬间拿出一把刀)

Guy: Don‟t do that!He will cut you.That‟s not food, he‟s a pet.My pet.盖:别吃它,它会刺你的,它不是食物,是宠物,我的宠物。

Gran: What‟s a pet? 外婆:什么是“宠物”?

Guy: An animal you don‟t eat.盖:你不会吃的食物。

Gran: We call those children.外婆:我们叫他们小孩?

Grug: No man should have a pet.It‟s a weird.And wrong.It‟s...food!瓜哥:谁也不应该养什么宠物,又奇怪又错误,那是食物。

Guy: No, no, please!盖:不,不要!

Grug: Not that.That!Food fixes everything.All right, show me your hunting face.瓜哥:不是它,是那个。有吃的就万事大吉了。好了,都进入狩猎状态。

Eep: I...小伊:我!

Grug: Not you!You‟re still grounded.Come on, Thunk.瓜哥:你不行,你还在关禁闭。(揪起坦克)去吧,坦克。

Thunk: I...My feet hurt.坦克:我......我脚疼。(小伊处在戒备状态)

Guy: You look tense.盖:你狠紧张。

Eep: I‟m not tense.小伊:谁说的。

Gran: Angry girl wants to do what they‟re doing.外婆(对盖说):这丫头很想跟他们一起去狩猎。

Thunk: I wasn‟t ready.坦克:我还没准备好。

Grug: Hang on, Thunk.I‟m coming.瓜哥:坚持住,坦克,我来了。

Thunk: Why are you doing this? 坦克:你干吗追着不放?!

Guy: What are they doing? 盖:他们在干吗?

Gran: Hunting.外婆:狩猎。

Thunk: You stay away from me!坦克(对大鸟大喊):离我远点!

Guy: No, seriously, what are they doing? 盖:说真的,他们在干吗?

Thunk: You‟ve got a ton of eggs.Just make another egg!坦克(对身后的大鸟大吼):你有这么多蛋,再生一个不就行了!(大鸟成功抢回自己的鸟蛋,站到高处想要跳下来压死坦克)

Thunk:Now you‟re just rubbing it in.坦克:你还真会落进下石啊!(大家改为吃一只蝎子)

Grug: There.Who is hungry for scorpion? 瓜哥:来吧,有谁想吃蝎子?

Guy: What happened to the egg and the bird? 盖:刚才那颗蛋和那只鸟呢?

Thunk: We lost.Em, but, when the bird stepped on me and pushed me into the ground, the scorpion grabbed a hold of me, and you know, one thing led to another and here we are, eating him.So win-win.坦克:没抓住它们,不过那只鸟踩我的时候把我压进地里,这只蝎子过来抓我,结果坏事变好事,现在就吃它了,这叫双赢。

Gran: Not enough.Not enough.I need more.I need more!外婆:不够吃,不够吃,我还要吃,我还要吃!(说完来到盖身边)

Guy: Oh, look at that.She‟s not gonna eat me, right? 盖:你们看她,她不会把我也吃了吧!

Ugga: You‟re too skinny.If she was going to eat anyone, it would be...乌嘠:你太瘦了,她要是真想吃人应该会选......(外婆已经开始撕咬起坦克)

Thunk: Mom!She locked her jaw!坦克:妈妈,她咬住不放了,找根树枝,找根树枝。

Eep: Stay away!You sick old monster!小伊:快走开!你个疯狂的老怪物。

Thunk: Hurry!Put the stick in her mouth!Hold her still.Use a rock.Would you just hit her legs? 坦克:快点,把树枝塞进去。想让她消停,用石头砸。砸她的脚,别砸我的。(盖想悄悄溜走,却被小伊发现了)

Eep: Why are you rolling away? 小伊:你想滚到哪儿去?

Guy: I just want something to eat!盖:我只是想找点东西吃。

Eep: You had bug for dinner.Plenty of bug!小伊:你今天的晚餐是臭虫,很多臭虫。

Guy: Please!I‟ll let you help me hunt.盖:求你了。我让你跟我一起狩猎。

Eep: Really? 小伊:真的吗?

Thunk: Don‟t wait on me!Tell my story.坦克:我走不了了,别管我,你们走吧!别等我了,我已经招虫子了。把我的故事传下去。(此时,远处的小伊和盖已经开始狩猎了)

Eep: Okay.What do you call this? 小伊:这个叫什么?

Guy: A trap.盖:陷阱。

Eep: What is the deal? 小伊:它有什么用?(盖开始表演陷阱的作用)Eep: How long have you been alone? So what do we do? 小伊:你一个人呆太久了吧。(皮带猴表示抗议)那么接下来要干什么?

Guy: How‟s your acting? You‟re good at this.Sorry.No.Okay.盖:你的演技怎么样?(两人拿着木棍操纵玩偶吸引大鸟)你很有天分啊!(两人不小心抱在了一起,尴尬)我„„不„„对不起„„不„„好吧。

Eep: Excuse me.That‟s my arm!小伊:对不起,不,应该是另一只手,这是我的手。


Guy: Okay, I‟m moving it...盖:好的,我把它移开,那个„„好,听你的。(大鸟忽然咬起玩偶,盖被带到高空)

Eep: It didn‟t step on your trap-y thing.小伊:它没有走进你的“陷阱”里。

Guy: Yeah, I noticed!盖:是啊,我注意到了。(从高空坠落刚好掉进木桩里)

Grug: Where‟s Eep? 瓜哥:小伊呢?(大鸟追着小伊,小伊奋力躲闪)

Guy: She‟s awesome.盖:她好酷啊。

Grug: Eep!瓜哥:小伊!(上前要救小伊)

Eep: Dad, no!小伊:爸爸,不。(将瓜哥推离陷阱,大鸟被抓住,成了晚餐)


Thunk: It‟s an avalanche of flavor!坦克:这是人间美味啊!(众人在狂吃,小伊向盖打招呼,故意在他面前撕下一只鸟腿,瞬间吃得只剩骨头,走向盖)

Guy: Looks like we won‟t have any leftovers.盖:看样子不会有剩菜了吧!

Eep: What are leftovers? 小伊:“剩菜”是什么东西?

Guy: You know, when you have so much food to eat you have some left over.盖:当你有很多食物的时候会有吃剩下的。

Eep: Well, we never have that much food.小伊:我们从来没剩下过。

Ugga: Grug, how about a story? 乌嘠:瓜哥,讲个故事吧。

Grug: That‟s a good idea.How about a story, huh? 瓜哥:好主意,想听故事吗?

Thunk: Yeah, a story!Tell us a story!坦克:有故事听,给我们讲故事。

Grug: Once upon a time there was a little tiger who lived in a cave with her family.There were a lot of rules, but the big, simple one was to never leave the cave at night.And the door was so heavy.Do you think it would be easy to remember? 瓜哥:很久以前有一只小老虎,和家人一起住在山洞里,它们有很多规矩,最简单最重要的一条就是,不能在晚上离开山洞,山洞的门很重。这条规矩应该很容易记住。

Thunk: So easy to remember.坦克:太容易记了。

Grug: I know.But while everyone was asleep, she went out anyway.瓜哥:是啊!不过当大家都睡着了,小老虎跑了出去。


Grug: Yes!And no sooner than she did her cave was destroyed and everyone had to go on this long, sucky walk, with some weirdo they met, and died!The end.瓜哥:是的,它刚跑出去,它们的山洞就被毁了,于是大家不得不和一个奇怪的家伙一起走很远的路,然后全都死了。讲完了。

Guy: I did not see that coming.My stories never end like that.盖:没想到结果是这样,真是大逆转啊,我讲的故事可不会这样。

Thunk: Yes!Two stories in one night!坦克:太好了,今晚能听两个故事。(众人跑向盖身边,期待的看着他)

Guy: Okay, but it won‟t be as good as Grug‟s.Once upon a time, there was a beautiful tiger.She lived in a cave with the rest of her family.Her father and mother told her:” You may go anywhere you want, but never go near the cliff, for you could fall.”


Grug: And die.Good story.瓜哥(插嘴):然后死掉,好故事。

Guy: But when no one was looking, she would go near the cliff, for the closer she came to the edge, the more she could hear, the more she could see, and the more she could feel.Finally she stood at the very edge, and she saw a light.She leaned to touch it, and she slipped.盖:有天趁大家不注意,它来到悬崖上,它越靠近悬崖边,就能听见更多,看见更多,感受更多,最后它站到了悬崖的最边上,它看见亮光,它探出身子去摸,结果滑倒了。

Grug: And she fell.瓜哥:它掉了下去。

Guy: And she flew.盖:它飞了起来。(众人惊叹)坦克:它飞到哪儿去了?

Guy: Tomorrow.盖:明天。

Eep: Tomorrow? 小伊:明天?

Guy: A place with more suns in the sky than you can count.盖:在那里天上有数不清的太阳。

Thunk: It would be so bright.坦克:那一定非常亮。

Guy: A place not like today, or yesterday.A place where things are better.盖:那个地方不想今天或昨天,在那儿一切都更加美好。

Grug: Tomorrow isn‟t a place.It‟s...It‟s...You can‟t see it!瓜哥:明天不是一个地方,它是„„是看不见的。

Guy: Oh, yes it is.I‟ve seen it.That‟s where I‟m going.盖:这地方存在,我看见过,那就是我要去的地方。(盖和小伊互相深情凝视,爸爸揪起小伊)

Grug: Well, we are going to shut our eyes and sleep.And when we wake up, we‟re going to find the place that has everything we want.瓜哥:我们该闭上眼睛睡觉了,醒来后我们会找到我们要找的那个地方。

Eep: Tomorrow? 小伊:明天吗?

Grug: A cave.瓜哥:是山洞。(众人沉沉睡去)



Guy: That was too close.It almost caught us.盖:真是太险了,我们差点就完了。

Grug: I was watching.We were fine.瓜哥:我看着呢,我们很安全。

Guy: Well, we‟ve got to move faster.Do you people have any other speed aside from wander? I‟ll take shamble? At this point.盖:我们得快点走,你们除了“散步”,还有别的速度可选吗?要不要试试“踱步”? Eep: Hey, do you have a minute? How did the tiger fly? 小伊:能聊聊吗?那只老虎是怎么飞的?

Guy: I only share when I‟m outside the log.I‟m funny that way.盖:我在木桩里讲不出故事来,我这个人就是这么怪。

Eep: Leave this to me.Hey, Thunk, you have a spider on your face.小伊:你就瞧我的吧!坦克,你脸上有蜘蛛。(一拳揍过去,坦克撞到木桩,盖从瓜哥肩上弹走)

Grug: Do not step on those weird, pointy rocks!瓜哥:哦,他逃出来了。(准备向前追,踩到石头,巨疼)千万别踩那些奇怪的尖石头。

Thunk: You mean these rocks? Do not step on those rocks!坦克:你是说这些吗?(试了一下,巨疼)千万别踩这些石头。

Gran: Step aside, girl.外婆:给我让开,真没用。(也试了一下,疼得大叫)

Grug: Hello? Nobody‟s listening!No one is listening!You cannot walk on those!Come back here now!瓜哥:我说,怎么就没人听我的。这上面没法走路。(回头瞧见盖站在石头上十分愤怒)给我回来!快给我回来!(盖赶紧往前走)

Gran: Well, there goes out chance for survival.外婆:他一走我们活下去的机会就没了。

Thunk: And our log!坦克:木桩也没了。

Grug: Okay!瓜哥:好吧!(忍着剧痛,踩石头追盖,盖从木桩里逃出来,跑到石头后躲起来,看向咕噜家族)

Thunk: Jumping doesn‟t help.I mean, just briefly, but it doesn‟t get any better!坦克:跳也没用,跳起来不疼,落下去还是痛。(盖看到小伊,不忍心,躲回石头后面)

Thunk: Okay.Do not walk on your hands.The hands do not help at all!坦克:别用手走,用手走也没用。(盖无奈的摇头)

Belt: Come,on!皮带猴,唉,走吧!

Guy: I can help you, but we‟re going to have to make a few changes.The log ride is over.Drop the log.Now kick it away.Farther!Really?!盖:我可以帮你们,不过我们得把原来的规矩改一改,不许再用木桩了。把它放下。


Grug: Okay, smart Guy.Now what? 瓜哥:行了,聪明人!现在怎么办?


Thunk: Good fish, good fish.坦克:乖鱼,乖鱼。

Guy: Okay,now you can look.盖:行了,你可以看了。(小伊看到脚下的鞋子,尖叫起来)

Eep:Huh!I love them!But where are my feet? 小伊:啊!!我好喜欢!那我的脚呢?

Guy: They‟re still there.盖(慌忙说):脚还在。


Guy: You‟re really heavy.盖:你真的很重!

Eep: Really? Thank you.小伊:真的吗?谢谢!(盖支撑不住,和小伊倒在了地上)

Grug: Hey!Hey, wait, wait!瓜哥:等等。(上前将小伊和盖分开)

Guy: Okay, she‟s up.We‟re good.I‟m good.盖:别紧张,她起来了,都没事,没事。

Gran: These shoes are great!Where do you get these ideas? 外婆:这鞋真是太棒了!你怎么想到这个点子的?(盖开始比划)

Guy: I‟m calling it a brain.I‟m pretty sure it‟s where ideas come from.盖:我把这个叫做“大脑”,点子都是从这个地方来的。

Thunk: Dad, I don‟t have a brain!坦克(伤心):爸爸,我没有大脑!

Grug: We‟ve gotten along just fine without brains until now.Cavemen don‟t need brains.We have these.That‟s I‟m talking about!Ideas are for weaklings!Now let‟s get to that Mountain.瓜哥:我们没有大脑活到现在不是也挺好?穴居人不需要什么大脑!我们有这个。(开始比划拳头)有这个就足够了,弱小的人才需要想点子,行了,我们去那座山吧!(大家重新上路了,穿着鞋)

Ugga: I love those.乌嘠:我好喜欢这个。

Thunk: Good fish , don‟t eat my feet.坦克:乖鱼,别吃我的脚。


Eep: How did the tiger fly? 小伊:我说,那只老虎是怎么飞的?(盖怕小伊摔倒,扶住她)

Guy: She jumped on the sun and rode it to Tomorrow.盖:它跳上太阳,骑着它去了明天。(瓜哥在后面看到很生气)

Grug: No, no, no, no!瓜哥:不不不!(爸爸用木棍打了山下的绿色大虎,大虎很愤怒,用爪子打断木棍,每打一次,木棍就短了一截)


Thunk: Hi, Dad!Bye, Dad.坦克:嗨,爸爸!再见爸爸!(下雨了)Guy: You‟ve seen rain before, right ? 盖:你们以前看见过下雨吧!

Eep: We don‟t get out much.小伊:我们平时很少出门。


Grug: Eep, looks dangerous!瓜哥:小伊,看上去很危险!(小伊很不满爸爸的胆小)

Eep: Dad, you say that about everything!小伊:爸爸,你看什么都危险!(想再次尝试)

Guy: Careful.盖(一把抓住小伊):小心点。

Eep: Really? OK.小伊(不好意思地后退):是吗?好的。


Grug: No, no, no, not cool, not cool!Not cool!瓜哥:不不不,这可不好,不好,不好!(一跃跳进水里,沉到水底,绿色大虎再次出现了,瓜哥赶紧逃命)


Guy: …The bear says:“ your cave? I‟ve been dumping my bones here since last week!”


That‟s a funny story!众人大笑:上星期,哈哈哈!这故事太好笑了。

Guy: It‟s not a story, it‟s a joke.盖:这不是故事,这是笑话。

Gran: What‟s a joke? 外婆:什么是“笑话”?

Guy: You know,just making something up,to make you laugh.盖:就是编出点东西来能逗人笑。


Guy: Here you go.盖:这个给你。


Guy: One for you.盖:这个给你。还有这个是给你的。

Thunk: Thanks.坦克:谢谢!(最后发到了瓜哥)

Guy: And this one is for you.盖:还有这个是给你的。Grug: Okay, okay.That‟s enough.I don‟t see why the kids need their own shells.瓜哥:行了,够了,这些孩子要贝壳干什么?

Guy: So if anyone get in trouble, we can call the others.盖:如果碰到危险就能通知其他人。

Grug: Wait, you‟re saying we should split up? 瓜哥:等等,你是说我们要分开行动吗?

Guy: We can try more paths at once.It‟s the fastest way through.盖:我们大家可以同时走不同的路,这样走是最快的。

Grug: The Croods stick together.Your way isn‟t safe.瓜哥:我们全家要待在一起,分开走不安全。

Grug: They can handle it.盖:他们不会有事的。

Eep: We can do it, Dad.小伊:我们能行的,爸爸。

Grug: No, no, no, no, no.It‟s my job to keep you safe.I‟m still in charge, and we are not splitting up.Except for you two.And that‟s final!瓜哥:不行不行不行!保护你们的安全是我的责任!这儿我说了算,我们不能分开行动!(看到小伊和盖站在一起)你们俩可以分开。就这么定了!


Grug: Hello? Hello? Is everyone all right? 瓜哥:喂,喂!大家都好吗?

We‟re okay, Grug!众人:我们没事,瓜哥。

Thunk: Dad, I‟m freaking out a little bit.Just tell me what to do.Just what do I do? What do I do right now? 坦克:爸爸,我现在有点害怕,告诉我该怎么做,我该怎么做?

Grug: Stay where you are!I‟ll find you.瓜哥:留在原地别动,我去找你。

Guy: No!Too slow.Everybody, keep moving forward and we‟ll get out.盖:不,这样太慢了,各位,都往前走,我们会走出去的。

Thunk: Dad? 坦克:爸爸? Grug: Yeah.Okay.Remember, never not be afraid.You can do this!瓜哥:我在。好吧,记住,永远不要不害怕!你们能行的。

Thunk: It‟s gonna be okay.I‟m gonna pass out.坦克:不会有事的,我能走出去。

Ugga: Sandy!Sandy!乌嘠:小珊!小珊!



Guy: Give me another one.盖:再给我一个。

Eep: You dropped these? 小伊:这是你的吧?(盖被身后忽然出现的小伊吓得翻下高处)【洞口】

Guy: Come with me.盖:跟我走吧。


Thunk: Here, boy, catch!坦克(在后面追赶):好孩子,接住!(妈妈和外婆向这边走来)

Eep: Gran? Mom!小伊:外婆?妈妈!(大家都汇合在了一起)

Ugga: Grug? 乌嘠:瓜哥?


Ugga: I‟ll go get him.乌嘠:我去找他。(夜幕降临)

Thunk: Good boy.Who‟s my good boy? You are.Yes, you are.Look at you.You need a name? You want a name? I‟m going to call you Douglas.Can you do tricks? Roll over.Come on, Douglas.Roll over.Good boy, Douglas!坦克:好孩子。谁是乖乖狗。是你。你想要个名字吗?那我就叫你道格拉斯。会玩个把戏吗?翻个身。来啊,道格拉斯,翻个身。(它翻了个身,滚下黑暗里)好孩子,道格拉斯!Gran: I was in love once.He was a hunter.I was a gatherer.It was quite a scandal.We fed each other berries.We danced.Then my father smashed him with a rock and traded me to your grandfather.外婆:我曾经爱过一个人,他负责狩猎,我负责采集,但是那算是丑闻了。我们互相喂浆果吃,一起跳舞,后来我父亲用石头把他砸死,把我交换给你们的外公。

Grug: Croods, get down here!瓜哥:咕噜家的人,都给我下来。(爸爸朝上大喊)

Ugga: Grug, they‟re okay.Guy‟s with them.乌嘠:瓜哥,没事的,有盖在呢!

Grug: Oh, Guy‟s with them.Okay.Well, thank you, thank you for bringing me that interesting Guy update.瓜哥:有盖在,好吧!谢谢!谢谢你专门告诉我盖的最新情况。

Ugga: Okay.I‟m gonna go up.Why don‟t you join us when you stop being a big drag.乌嘠:行了,我要上去了,等你不再那么讨人厌了,再上来加入我们吧!

Grug: Sleep pile? How about a story, huh? Anyone? 瓜哥(自言自语):排排睡,要不要听故事,有人听吗?(垂头丧气)

Guy: Then Thork said:”Know it, I drew it.”

盖:然后托格说:“知道吗,是我画的。” 众人:这太没道理了。

Ugga: I know it was hard for you to bring us along, but, they had the best day in their lives.Thank you for that!


Guy: I wanna show you something.盖:给你们看样东西。(众人开始沿着山岩往上爬,等所有人爬到最高处,盖将火把吹灭,众人仰望头上的璀璨的星空)

Thunk: More suns in the sky than you can count.坦克:天上有数不清的太阳。

Guy: Every sun that crosses our sky comes to rest up there.盖:每一个划过我们天空的太阳都在那里休息。(指向星空)

Eep: Tomorrow? 小伊:明天?

Guy: That‟s where we‟ll be safe.盖:那里很安全。

Eep: I‟m going with Guy.小伊(类似自言自语):我要和盖一起去。

Grug: No, not my little girl.瓜哥(在底下听见很伤心):不,别带走我的宝贝女儿!

Eep: Come with us.小伊(对着妈妈说):一起去吧!

Ugga: I can‟t go without Grug.乌嘠:我不能丢下瓜哥。

Gran: Well, that makes one of us.Count me in.外婆:我才不在乎他呢!也算上我一个!

Ugga: Really? Mom? 乌嘠:真的吗,妈妈?现在吗?

Gran: Grug has no idea how to protect us.In fact, he has no ideas at all.外婆:瓜哥不知道怎么保护我们,那家伙连个点子也想不出。

Ugga: No.That‟s not true.What about that one time he...uh...he...乌嘠:不,你这么说不对,我记得有一次他......(妈妈也说不出)他......(瓜哥在底下听着,面露笑容,又失望地低下头)

Gran: Oh, face it.If he actually had an idea of his own, I‟d have a heart attack and die!外婆:承认吧,要是他能想出什么点子,我肯定会心脏病突发死掉!


Ugga: Grug? 乌嘠:瓜哥? Thunk: Dad? Dad? 坦克:爸爸,爸爸? Guy: He‟s a big guy.How can he just disappear like that.盖:他这么大块头,怎么会就这么不见了?

Thunk: Hey, wait.Let‟s ask that ugly lady if she‟s seen Dad.坦克:等等,我们问问这个丑女人有没有看见过他。(“丑女人”忽然回头,众人惊呆,就是瓜哥)

Grug: I haven‟t seen him.瓜哥(笑着说):我没看见他。

Ugga: What are you doing? 乌嘠:你在干什么?

Grug: Yeah.Wow.I was up all night.All these ideas kept coming to me.瓜哥:我一晚上没睡,因为各种点子突然间都冒出来了。

Guy: Is that a snake? 盖(望向瓜哥的腰部):那是蛇吗?

Grug: Belt!New and improved!It‟s even self-tightening.瓜哥:是皮带,改良加强版的,它还有自动收紧功能。

Ugga: What‟s that on your head? 乌嘠:你头上戴的是什么东西?

Gran: It‟s called desperation.外婆(讽刺地说):那个东西叫“绝望”。

Grug: I call it a „rug‟.Rhymes with Grug.And this one...I call it a ‟ride‟.Rhymes with Grug.瓜哥:我叫它“挂发”,跟瓜哥押韵。(指向身边的石头)这个呢,我叫它“交通工具”,跟瓜哥押韵。

Guy: That doesn‟t rhyme...盖(打岔道):一点也不押韵。

Grug: It‟s gonna get us places faster than shoes.Yeah!Try to keep up!瓜哥(继续炫耀道):坐这个比穿着鞋走路快多了,你们尽量跟上。(抱着石头滚下山坡,结果却撞上了大树,大树歪倒,众人闪开)

Thunk: I wish I had a „ride‟.坦克:我也想要个交通工具。

Grug: Painting is a thing of the past.I call this a „snapshot‟.瓜哥(将泥土抹在坦克脸上):壁画已经过时了,我把这个叫做“快拍”。(说完拿起一块板状石头拍向坦克的脸,石板上印上了坦克的脸)

Thunk: Let‟s do it again.I think I blinked.坦克:在拍一次吧,我刚才眨眼了。(说完昏倒在地)Grug:I call them ’shades’.瓜哥(继续给众人展示自己的点子,拿起一块短的长木板):我把这个叫做“遮光镜”。

Thunk:The sun doesn‟t hurt my eyes anymore!坦克:太阳光一点儿也不刺眼了!

Ugga: Where do you get these great ideas? 乌嘠:你哪来的那么多点子?

Grug: Since I don‟t have a brain, they‟re coming from my stomach, down deep below, and then up again into my mind.瓜哥:既然我没有大脑,那他们就是从我的胃里,从最下面生出来然后再回到上面。(说完掉进了一个坑里)

Guy: Grug, we have to keep moving.盖:瓜哥,我们得快点赶路!

Grug: See, I got ideas.I got thoughts.Like this.I call it a „mobile home‟.Isn‟t that something? I‟m calling this one a „lifterator‟.瓜哥(对小伊说):瞧,我有点子,我有想法。(继续介绍自己的想法)比如这个,我把它叫做“移动的家”。是不是很棒。这个东西叫做“跳跳板”。

Eep: Mom? 小伊(忧虑地说):妈妈? Ugga: I know.It‟s bad.乌嘠:我知道,这真是糟透了。


Gran: I almost feel sorry for him.No, I don‟t.外婆:我都快开始同情他了!(瓜哥坠落到翘板上,另一端的石头慢慢滚下来,正好压住瓜哥)不,他活该!


Ugga: What are you trying to do.Grug? 乌嘠:你到底想干什么,瓜哥?

Grug: I thought if I could have ideas like Guy, maybe Eep would listen to me.Maybe she wouldn‟t want to go with Guy.瓜哥:我在想如果我有很多点子,就像盖,也许小伊就能听我话了,也许她就不会跟盖走了。(忧伤状)

Ugga: Oh,Grug.Is that what this is all about? 乌嘠:瓜哥,你就是为了这个吗?

Grug: And I also thought it would kill your mother, so...you know, win-win.瓜哥:另外我觉得这样没准能弄死你妈,所以也算是双赢吧!

Guy: We‟re here!盖:我们到了。(众人仰视着面前的高山,下“船”,身后传来一声巨响)

Grug: Cave!Everyone inside!Come on!Hurry up!Let‟s go!Let‟s go!Go!Go!瓜哥:有山洞!大家快进去!(说完要推众人进山洞)快进去!

Ugga: Wait, Grug!乌嘠:等等,瓜哥!

Eep: No!小伊(奋力钻出来):不!

Ugga: No more caves, Grug.乌嘠:别在住山洞了。

Grug: What? 瓜哥:什么?

Gran: We‟re gonna jump on the sun and ride it to Tomorrow with Guy.外婆:我们要和盖一起跳上太阳!骑着它去明天!

Grug: Wait, wait, so you‟re all going to do this? Thunk? 瓜哥:等等,你们都要跟他走吗?坦克?

Thunk: Sorry, Dad.坦克:对不起,爸爸。

Eep: You have to stop worrying for all of us.小伊:你不要再为我们操心了!

Grug: It‟s my job to worry.It‟s my job to follow the rules.瓜哥:这是我的责任,我的责任就是遵守规矩!

Eep: The rules don‟t work out here!小伊:那些规矩在这儿不管用!

Grug: They kept us alive!瓜哥:靠它们我们才活着!

Eep: That wasn‟t living, that was just...not dying.There‟s a difference.小伊:那也能叫活着吗?只不过是没有死掉,活着不是这样的。

Grug: Ugga, everyone, you have to listen to me!瓜哥:乌噶,大家伙,你们得听我的话!

Eep: We‟d be dead now if we‟d listened to you!We have to follow Guy now.小伊:我们要是听你的就死定了!现在我们听盖的。(众人一齐看向盖,瓜哥非常愤怒)

Grug: Guy? 瓜哥:盖?

Ugga: Guy, run!乌嘠:盖,快跑!


Guy: This is pointless!We‟ve running out of time!Everything is collapsing.You are being irrational and counterproductive.盖:你这样做没有意义!我们没时间了,一切都在崩塌!你这样胡搅蛮缠只会事与愿违!

Grug: Big words anger me!Keep talking!瓜哥:听你这么说话我就来气,你再说啊!

Guy: Countermeasures!Remember how you were this morning? You changed, remember? Idea man? Modern man? 盖:启动防御装置。还记得你早上的样子吗?你变了。有想法有点子,是现代人了。(盖意识到自己陷入焦油之中)

Grug: I am a caveman!瓜哥:我一直就是个穴居人。(说着愤怒地扑向盖)

Guy: No, no, no, wait!盖:不,别过来!(为时已晚,两人陷入焦油之中)

Grug: No!What is this stuff that‟s saving you from my punches? 瓜哥:这是什么鬼东西,拖住我的拳头不让我打你。

Guy: Tar.盖:是焦油。

Grug: No!瓜哥:不!

Guy:Plaese...盖:不要...Grug: No!I have to get back to them!瓜哥:不!我得回到他们身边去。

Guy: You have to stop...Stop struggling!


Grug: No!瓜哥:不!

Guy: Grug, stop!No one gets out of this.Believe me.I know.盖:瓜哥,停下!(神情难过)没有人能出得去,相信我,我知道。

Grug: Your...? 瓜哥:你的...? Guy: Family.Yeah.盖(难过):家人。是的。

Grug: Sorry.瓜哥:对不起。

Guy: I was little when it happened.The last thing my parents told me was:” Don‟t hide.Live.Follow the sun.You‟ll make it to Tomorrow.”


Grug: You followed the light.My daughter is a lot like you.瓜哥:你追随光明。我女儿跟你很像。

Guy: No.She‟s like you.She loves you but always forgets to say it, just like you forget to tell her.盖:不,她像你,她爱你,只是忘了告诉你,就像你忘了告诉她一样。

Grug: I guess I was just busy keeping them all alive.瓜哥:我总是忙着让他们活下去。

Guy: It‟s okay.That‟s what dads do.盖:你没错,这是爸爸的责任。

Grug: That‟s right, and we can‟t do that from here.We need one of your ideas.Come on, you can do it.瓜哥:你说得对,困在这儿可没法尽责,你得想个点子出来。来吧,你能行的。

Guy: Belt!Emergency Idea Generator, activate.I‟ve got it!Wow!Yeah.I know, but, he‟s doing the best with what he has.Let‟s go.There he is.盖:皮带猴,启动紧急点子制造机!(皮带猴拿石头砸盖的脑袋)我有点子了!


Guy:Belt, I want romance, drama, sincerity.Move me.盖:来吧~皮带猴,来点浪漫的、戏剧性的、煽情的,给点感觉。(皮带猴在边上用巨型猛兽的骨骼敲出音乐,吸引绿虎的注意)

Guy: Okay, he sees us!That‟s our cue.Now work it!He‟s not coming over.I don‟t think out puppet looks scared enough.盖:好的,它看见我们了,这趁现在,开演啦!(玩偶不停摆动,绿虎停下脚步观看)它没过来,我们的木偶看上去不够惊恐。

Grug: Scared? I‟ll show you scared!Hand me those acting sticks!瓜哥:惊恐?我让你看看什么叫惊恐!(一把夺过盖手中的支撑棍)把那些棍子都给我!(瓜 哥开始疯狂表演,绿色大虎果然立刻奔过来,咬住玩偶往上拽)

Guy: Hold on!盖:抓紧!(两人被拉出焦油,老虎发现上当向他们扑过来,却被身后的焦油黏住抛向远处)

Grug: Yes!You did it!瓜哥:太棒了,你成功了!(众人寻找他们到了)

Ugga: Grug!乌嘠:瓜哥。

Thunk: Dad!坦克:爸爸。

Guy: Hey!We‟re okay!盖:我们没事。

Grug: Yeah.We‟re okay.瓜哥:是啊,我们没事了。(大地震颤,地表又开裂了)

Guy: Grug, your call.盖:瓜哥,你来决定。

Grug: Take us to Tomorrow.瓜哥:带我们去明天。【众人一齐跑向山口】

Guy: Hurry!Come on!We‟re gonna make it!


Eep: You were right!小伊:你是对的!

Guy: There...There it is!The sun!We can do it!We can ride it to Tomorrow.盖:它,就在那儿,太阳,我们能行的,我们能骑着它去明天!(又开始发生剧烈的地震)

Guy: Run!盖:快跑!


Guy: I don‟t...I don‟t understand.The sun was right here!It was right here!盖:我不明白,太阳明明就在前面。

Ugga: We have to go back to the cave!Hurry...Hurry, hurry, stay together!Let‟s keep moving.Move...Move!Everybody hold my hand!Thunk, let‟s go!Go, go, go!Let‟s stay together!Let‟s...Grug, what‟s wrong with you? Grug, we‟ll die if we stay here!Grug, listen to me!We have to get back to that cave.乌嘠:我们得回洞里去,快点,快进去!(妈妈推着众人)大家待在一起,快走!大家抓住我的手!坦克,我们走,快快快!大家待在一起。(瓜哥待在原地一动不动)瓜哥,你怎么回事?待在这儿我们会死的。瓜哥,听我说,我们得回到洞里去。

Grug: No more dark.No more hiding.No more caves.What‟s the point of all this? To follow the light!I can‟t change, I don‟t have ideas, but I have my strength.And right now that‟s all you need.瓜哥:不要黑暗,不要躲藏,不要山洞。我们来这儿是为了什么?为了追随光明!我改变不了自己,我想不出点子,不过我有力气,而现在你们就需要这个。

Ugga: No!We don’t know what’s over there!Maybe nothing.It’s too risky!乌嘠:不,我们不知道那边有什么。也许什么也没有,这样太冒险了。

Grug: It’s a chance.瓜哥:这是个机会。(盖拉起小伊的手)Guy: I’ll take that chance.盖:这个机会给我吧!(盖挺身而出)

Grug: You know, I wanted to throw you away ever since I met you.瓜哥:知道吗?从我见到你开始,就一直想把你扔出去。

Guy: That‟s a joke, right? 盖:你说笑话吧!

Grug: What‟s a joke? 瓜哥:什么事“笑话”?


Ugga: He made it!He made it.乌嘠:他过去了.....(忽然意识到什么)他过去了。

Grug: Okay.Thunk.Your turn.瓜哥:行了,坦克,轮到你了。

Thunk: You‟re not coming, are you? 坦克:你不跟我们一起去吗?

Grug: When you make it, so will I.瓜哥:你过去了,我就过去了。(坦克顺利过去,到妈妈和小珊了)

Ugga: You did good!乌嘠:你干得很好!

Sandy: Daddy.小珊:爸爸!(妈妈和小珊也顺利到达)

Grug: Gran...瓜哥:外婆。

Gran: No much, just throw me.Wait!You surprised me today.Lunkhead.Still alive!外婆:别肉麻了,你就扔吧!等等,今天我对你刮目相看,呆瓜。(外婆被扔向对面)我还活着!


Grug: Time to go.瓜哥:该你了。

Eep: No!I have too much to say to you.I need to fix everything, and I don‟t have time.小伊:不,我有好多话想对你说,我想弥补过去的一切,可没时间了。

Grug: I can fix it.瓜哥:我来弥补。(爸爸搂住小伊)

Eep: This works good.What do you call it? 小伊:这感觉真好!这叫什么?

Grug: I was thinking of calling it a „hug‟, because it rhymes with Grug.But you can change it if you want.瓜哥:我考虑把它叫做“拥抱”,因为跟瓜哥比较押韵,不过,你想改成别的也行。

Eep: No, no, I like hug.小伊:不,“拥抱”很好!Grug: I love you.瓜哥:我爱你。

Eep: I...小伊:我......(大地忽然剧烈颤抖,地面又下陷了一片,瓜哥抱起小伊准备扔)

Eep: Dad, I‟m scared.小伊:爸爸,我很害怕。

Grug: Never be afraid.瓜哥:永远不要害怕!(扔出小伊,还没有听到回音,地面就开始大面积坍塌,瓜哥拼命往高处狂奔)


Guy: There!I see him.盖:在那儿,我看见他了。



Grug: Hey!I did it.I......Stay back!Stay back!瓜哥:我成功了,我......(发现其实自己是一个人,忧伤地拿起沙土在墙上画画,想念家人,身后突然出现那只绿色大虎)靠后!靠后!(瓜哥来回晃动火把,大虎一个呼气将火苗吹灭,一片黑暗,大虎也害怕黑暗,与瓜哥一起将火苗重新吹燃,大虎在瓜哥身边来回蹭,很可爱)

Grug: They‟re in trouble.Hang on!I‟m coming!How do I get across? I gotta think.What would Guy do? What would Guy do? What would I do? Hold this.I...Have...an...idea!瓜哥(忽然听见遥远的海螺的声音):他们有危险!坚持住,我来了!我怎么过去呢?我得想想,盖会怎么做?盖会怎么做?我会怎么做?(将火把交给身后的大虎)拿着这个。(拼命挤压自己的大脑,忽然瓜哥似乎想起了什么)我想到了一个点子。


Grug: Run!瓜哥:快跑!


Grug: Great.Douglas!Hey, I know that guy!Hold on!瓜哥:太好了。(在路上发现了坦克的那只狗)道格拉斯?嘿,我认识你。(从骨骼飞船里跳下,抱起小狗,又在路上抱起另外两只动物,一起逃生。忽然骨骼卡在了山洞口,瓜哥奋力向前推)抓紧!(大家被地震扬起的巨大灰尘掩埋)



Guy: It‟s not safe here.盖:这里不安全。

Gran: I‟ll tell her.外婆:我去叫她。(小伊哭泣,外婆以及众人一起吹起海螺)

Eep: I‟ve never had to tell him.小伊:我都没有来得及告诉他。

Ugga: Eep, if your dad were here, he would tell you to...乌嘠:小伊。如果你爸爸在这儿,他会告诉你......Get out of the way!(众人隐约听见瓜哥的呼喊“快让开”)

Thunk: Wow, you sound just like him.坦克:哇哦,你学得还真像。

Grug: Get out of the way!瓜哥:快让开!(这回大家看清真的是瓜哥!)

Sandy: Daddy!小珊:爸爸!

Eep: He did it!小伊:他成功了!

Guy: He‟s riding the sun, but not very well.盖:他骑着太阳,不过骑得不太好。

Grug: Everybody out of the way!瓜哥:大家快让开。(“骨骼飞船”摔到不远处的草坪上,众人奔过去)

Thunk: Dad!坦克:爸爸!

Ugga: Grug!乌嘠:瓜哥!

Grug: Where‟s the danger? Who blew their shell? 瓜哥:危险在哪儿?谁吹的贝壳?


Eep: I love you, too!小伊:我也爱你!


Grug: One, two, three, four, five, six, and...seven.And a half.And eight.Night...瓜哥:一、二、三、四、五、六,(又搂住盖)还有七,(皮带猴深处脑袋)七个半,(瓜哥逃生时带的动物都跑过来)还有八个,九......Thunk: Douglas!Dad, you saved him!坦克:道格拉斯!爸爸,你救了它!

Grug: Well, boy‟s got to have a pet.瓜哥:好吧,男孩子应该有个宠物!(绿色巨虎的突然出现让众人惊慌不已)

Grug: Turns out I‟m a cat person.No!瓜哥:没想到我跟猫挺有缘。(大猫跟瓜哥亲昵起来,瓜哥发现它嘴里还有东西)不行!(大猫不情愿地又吐出小动物)


Eep: You really need to see this.小伊:你们快过来看看这个!


Grug: We should go there.瓜哥(毫不犹豫):我们该去那儿。

Thunk: Yes!Coming through!坦克:太好了,我来了。等等我!


Eep: This is me.My name is Eep.And this is my family, the Croods.If you weren‟t clued by sunbathes and pets, we‟re not exactly cavemen anymore.小伊:这就是我,我叫小伊,他们是我的家人,咕噜家族。从晒黑的皮肤和宠物你可以猜出来,我们再也不是穴居人了。


Thunk: Let‟s do it again.I think I blinked.坦克(被砸得晕头转向):再拍一次吧,我好像眨眼了。

Eep: Our world is still plenty harsh and hostile.But now we know the Croods will make it, because we changed the rules, the ones that kept us in the dark.And because of my dad, who taught us that anyone could change.小伊:我们生活的世界依然残酷而危险,不过咕噜家族能对付,因为我们改变了规矩,不再被黑暗束缚。另外,多亏了我爸爸,告诉了我们谁也能改变。

Grug: Release the baby!瓜哥:放小孩!

Eep: Well, sort of...So from now on, we‟ll stay out here, where we can follow the light.小伊:基本上是,从那时起我们一直住在这里,这个能追随光明的地方。(众人骑着各自的宠物奔向太阳)

THE END 【剧终】



天哪!Who are you? 你是谁? Who the fuck are you? 你♥他♥妈♥到底是谁? Hello? 喂? Hey, big boy.Woz? 嘿


沃兹? Woz? 沃兹? He“s in the john.What? 他去厕所了

什么? Brockman? Brockman, is that...布洛克曼?

布洛克曼 Why aren”t you answerin“ the cell? Everything cool out there? 你怎么手♥机♥都不接?

你那边没事吧? Yeah, it”s, uh...没事

那个...It“s broken.Uh, we”re fine.手♥机♥坏了

我们没事 What? I can“t hear you.什么?

我听不清楚 I said we”re fine.Good.我说我们没事

那就好 Snakeskin wants to know if he left his piece out there.蛇皮想知道他是不是

把枪套落在那了 A Glock.Where? 是把格洛克

放哪了? I don“t know.In the desk.我不知道

可能在桌子里 Just a second.等一下 Yeah, it”s here.Would you speak up? I can“t hear you.是的在这里


我听不到 I said it”s here.我说在这里 Yeah, I knew it.I told the fucking guy it was out there.我就说嘛

我跟那傻♥逼♥说了肯定在那 I don“t know what his problem is.真不明白他怎么回事 How”s Coles? 科尔斯怎么样? He“s fine.他很好 So, how long before you get back? 你们还得多久才回来? Aren”t you a little antsy? 你着什么急? Who knows? Maybe...I don“t know.Maybe a couple hours.谁知道?


可能还要几个小时 We”ll call you when it goes down.And, Brockman...完事了我们会给你打电♥话♥


布洛克曼...don“t go finishing things up there till we”re all done on our end.我们这边完事之前

你那边先别动手 Yep.All right.I“m out of here.好


我先挂了 The cops are all over us.四下里全是条子 What”s she doing? 她在干嘛? Molina, we“ve got a problem.莫林拿

出了点问题 Ms.Coles.I know.科尔斯太太

我知道 You”re only supposed to come in here if something went wrong.没特殊情况你不该进来的 I couldn“t.I just...我不能

我...Molina.She”s fine, Captain.莫林拿


她很好 You“ve got to get her in there.Understand? 你必须劝她再回到现场

明白吗? Full signal.满格信♥号♥♥Curtis, you got a clean signal? It”s all good on this end.柯蒂斯,你那边信♥号♥♥如何?

接收得非常清晰 Okay, Ms.Coles.It“s time.好了


到时间了 Number 52.52 号♥

All you gotta do is put it in and walk away.That”s all.你只要把东西放进去


仅此而已 They kidnapped my husband from his own building.他们从我丈夫自己的大楼里

把他绑♥架♥了 I just can“t imagine what else they”re capable of...我无法想像他们还能...what else they might do when...他们还可能做出什么

一旦...Ms.Coles, if they come within five feet of you,科尔斯太太

他们一旦靠近你 we“ll be all over ”em.我们会立刻把他们拿下 It“s not taking this money to them that scares me.我不是不敢把钱放过去 It”s what happens once I let go.我是怕钱给了之后会发生什么 What happens to Bill then? 他们拿到钱会怎么处置比尔? We won“t let them get away.我们不会让他们逃了的 Just bring my husband back, Detective.只要把我丈夫救回来

警探先生 He”s all I have.他是我的唯一 Talk to me.Talk to me.Talk to me right now.Hey.说话


快跟我说话 Tell me what happened.I don“t know what happened.告诉我发生了什么

我不知道发生了什么 Tell me what happened right now!I don”t remember.快告诉我发生了什么!

我不记得了 Tell me what you know!Did you do this to me? 把你知道的都告诉我!

是你把我绑这里的吗? Tell me what you know!Why did you do this to me? 把你知道的都告诉我!

为什么把我绑这里? Tell me what happened right now, goddamn it!你♥他♥妈♥的快告诉我发生了什么!Don“t hit me anymore!别打我了!What”s the last thing you remember? 你记得的最后一件事是什么? I don“t know.Me waking up.You smacking me around.我不知道


你就在不停地打我 Please untie me.麻烦给我松绑 W-Where are we? What is this place? 我们在哪里?

这是什么地方? The desert.Desert? 沙漠

沙漠? That much I do know.我就知道这些 Are they dead? No.他们都死了?

没有 Well, it”s gonna get real ugly when these guys wake up.等这些家伙醒了一定没啥好事 You better untie me.你最好给我松绑 I wouldn“t do that if I were you.如果我是你我就不会那么做 Where the fuck did this guy come from? 这个家伙是从哪里冒出来的? Don”t listen to him.Hey, butt out!


滚开!Mind your own business!闲事少管 Me and my friend, we got this straightened out.我和我朋友

我们知道该怎么办 We don“t need your help.用不着你帮忙 Really.Don”t untie him, man.说真的别给他松绑

哥们 And why not? What the hell do you know? 为什么不?

你究竟知道什么? He“s tied up and we”re not.Right? 他被绑起来了


对吗? That“s brilliant.This guy doesn”t know anything either.好极了

这个家伙也是一无所知 Just think about it for a second, would you?


好吗? Somebody did this.既然有人把他绑起来 You know? And it makes sense that they did it for a reason, right? 那么做肯定是有原因的对吧?

Yeah.And what reason is that? 是啊

那是什么原因呢? It“s obvious, isn”t it?

这不是很明显吗? Whatever side we“re on, it sure as hell ain”t his.不管我们是哪一边的肯定不会是跟他一边 What side? What are you talking about? 什么边不边的?

你在胡说些什么? We“re not on sides.This isn”t teams.我们分什么边了?

这又不是比赛 We“re all in this together!Period!大家同坐一条船!

就是这样!Okay.You got me.好吧

就算你对 So, how the hell did we get here? 那我们怎么会在这里? I don”t know.我不知道 Yeah.McGahey, Anderson, stand by.She“s coming out.是




她出来了 Everyone, hold position.Curtis, tell me when that thing moves.所有人原地待命


一旦东西移♥动♥了马上报告 Oh, shit.What the hell happened to him? 哦


他这是怎么了? He”s been shot.He“s lost a hell of a lot of blood too.Take these.他中枪了


拿着这些 Go up top and see if you can unlock him.你上去试试看能不能开手铐 No.These are too big.These are car keys.不行


都是车钥匙 Shit.You”re gonna let him go and not me? 该死

你们打算放了他却不放我? Hey, the man“s been shot, so shut up.嘿


你给我闭嘴 So maybe I”m a doctor.I“m hurtin” too.没准我还是个医生呢

我也受伤了!Is there a bathroom here? It“s right down that way.这里有厕所吗?

就在那边 What”s your name? I don“t...I don”t know.你叫什么名字?

我不...我不知道 You don“t remember anything?

你什么都不记得了? I”m gonna die, aren“t I? 我快要死了

对吗? I”m gonna die.我要死了 What the hell is goin“on here? 这里究竟发生了什么? Is he okay? 他还好吗? I can”t help him unless I find a key.I“m gonna check this guy.找不到钥匙就无能为力

我在这家伙身上找找 Get away!Get away!Hey, hey, hey!Watch it!滚开!




放手!What did you have to go and do that for? 你为什么要那么做? You attacked me.I was just tryin” to help.Help, huh? 你先动手的我不过想帮忙

帮忙? Who asked you? Not you, asshole.Him.谁要你帮忙了?



是帮他 Thought you might have the keys to the cuffs.以为你会有手铐的钥匙 Listen.Listen.Whoa.Hold...Hold on.听着


等...等等 It“s important you tell us what you know.关键是你先告诉我们你知道些什么 I don”t have to tell you shit.You remember anything? 我不用告诉你们这帮混球

你记得点什么吗? Do you remember...Do you know who the fuck you are? Say something!你记得...你知道你♥他♥妈♥是谁吗?

你倒是说啊!Of course I do.What do you remember then? 我当然记得

那你记得些什么? This guy did this to us!That“s what I remember!He did this!是他把我们害成这样的我记得的!

就是他干的!Hey, hey.I didn”t do anything to anybody.嘿

我没有害任何人 You broke my fucking nose is what you did.你♥他♥妈♥把我的鼻子弄伤了 Oh, you remember that? You actually remember that? 哦



Yeah.Yeah, I remember.Now get off my case.是


离我远点 Okay, what“s your name then? 好吧

你叫什么名字? My name? Fuck your mother.That”s my name.我的名字?


这就是我名字 Go wash up.You don“t remember jack shit.去洗洗吧

你连个屁也不记得了 You”ll remember my boot up your ass in about 10 seconds.你过十秒会记得屁♥股♥挨踢的滋味 What the hell is this place, huh? Where the hell are we? 这究竟是什么地方?

我们究竟是在哪里? Maybe you fucking asses will remember to pick me up!你们这帮该死的混♥蛋♥



嘿!Whoa.This canister“s busted open.I think it fell from up there.这个罐子裂开了

应是从上面掉下来的 You think that”s what caused us all to be like this? 你觉得是这玩意儿

把我们整成这样了吗? Maybe.可能吧 Hey, stop gettin“ high on that shit and untie me!嘿


快给我解开!We all inhaled way more than that little sniff you just got.我们吸的量肯定比你刚闻那一下

要多得多 Let me ask you this.让我问你个问题 Why would you put up bars on all these windows...就这么个破烂地方

为什么所有的窗户上都装着铁栏杆 have a high-tech door lock in this shit hole of a place? 还装了个高科技电子锁? Somebody”s obviously gone to a lot of expense to secure this.显然是有人花了大价钱

想确保这地方安全 Something either very dangerous or very valuable in here.这里要不就是有特危险的要不就是有特值钱的东西 There, with the trash can.Is he one of yours? 那里


是你的人吗? I“m not sure.We contract out most maintenance.Find out.我不太确定



去查查 What the...Come on, honey.Come on.这是怎么...快点


快点 It”s gone, Captain.The signal“s gone.没信♥号♥♥了


信♥号♥♥消失了 What do you mean gone? He hasn”t done anything.你说消失是什么意思?

他什么都没干 Anderson, what“s going on out there? Break silence.Talk to me.安德森



回答我 Nothin” here, Captain.没有异常

队长 McGahey, can you tell? Nothin“, Captain.迈戈



队长 All right.It”s a go.Stop him.好吧


截住他 Anything? Nothin“.找到什么没?

没有 Keys.Captain, what”s goin“on? 钥匙


怎么回事? He”s one of ours.His name“s Frank Gilroy.He”s not all there.他是我们的员工


脑子不太正常 Anderson, ease up.He works here.安德森,放了他

他在这工作 Affirmative.Come on.Let“s go.Let”s go.收到

我们走 Shit!糟糕!Captain, it“s a false bottom.Must open up to the basement.队长

柜子底是假的肯定通到地下室 Basement? We”re on it.Go, go, go!地下室?


走!Hey, look at me.Look at me.嘿

看着我看着我 Why were you standing in front of this locker? 为什么你要站在这个柜子前面? Big man told me, Frank, I could get $20.大个子让我来的他叫弗兰克来的他会给我 20 块钱 Captain, we“ve located the bag.队长

我们找到包了 Check that corridor.Check that one.检查那条走廊

你检查那个 Captain, the bag”s empty.队长


Check that fucking corridor!Secure that stairwell!去检查那条该死的走廊!

还有那边的楼梯间!You try all the windows? 你试过所有的窗户了? They“re all barred.全都装了栏杆 All of them? Yep.全部都是?

是 That”s the only door.那是唯一的门 Sorry.对不起 Okay.没事 Sorry.Okay.对不起

没事 Fuck!靠!Son of a bitch.Ow.狗♥娘♥养♥的!Big disappointment, huh? 很失望吧? Piss off.滚开 Does the name Coles mean anything to you? 你对科尔斯这个名字有什么印象吗? Nope.How about Woz? 不记得

那沃兹呢? Look, nothin“ means anything to me right now, all right? 听着


都没一点印象了 I remember bein” in that room.我记得在那个房♥间里 Then I remember just walkin“ in here.Other than that...然后我记得自己走进这里

除此之外就...it”s like I landed in a fuckin“ Alzheimer”s ward.我是不是得了老年痴呆啊 What about you? Huh? 你怎么样? It“s all of us.大家都一样 That”s too bad.真是太糟糕了 Wash your hands.Oh.洗洗你的手 Won“t open.I already checked it.打不开的我已经检查过了 All right.So, let”s go over this again.You woke up...好吧


你醒了...I saw you guys.There was blood on the shovel.我看到你们

看到带血的铁铲 There was blood everywhere.看到到处都是血 A broken cell phone.I just freaked out and headed for the door.还有一个破碎的手♥机♥


直奔着门去了 You didn“t move anything.You didn”t see nothing else? No.你什么都没动?


没有 Anything suspicious or odd? 有什么可疑的或者是奇怪的事吗? I saw two chairs back to back in the storeroom with rope around it.我看到储藏室有两把背靠背的椅子

周围都是绳子 Well, that“s interesting.那倒有点意思 Well, obviously, whatever went down here

不管这里发生了什么 didn”t go down as planned, right? 显然都不是按计划发生的对吗? Trapped like fuckin“ rats.So that”s it? That“s everything? 像群老鼠被困在这里


就这么个过程? Yep.Pretty much.是

就这样了 Hey.Ask him about the phone call.问问他电♥话♥的事 What? 什么? Ask him...about the phone call.问他...电♥话♥的事 What? What phone call? 什么?

什么电♥话♥? There”s a phone in here? Um, listen...这里有电♥话♥?

听着...When you guys were still passed out...你们还昏迷不醒的时候

he went to answer the phone.Where“s the phone? 他去接了个电♥话♥

电♥话♥在哪里? Listen, I was gonna tell you...听着

我打算告诉你...Just...Just tell me who was on the phone.告诉我是谁打来的 I don”t know.Some guy.我不知道

一个男的 That“s funny that you forgot to mention that little tidbit.你居然会忘了提这个小插曲 Some guy.Who? What? 一个男的是谁?

说什么了? I...I don”t know.He just started talking.我...我不知道

拿起电♥话♥他就开说 So he recognized your voice then? No.I don“t think so.那他认出你的声音了?

我想没有 I mean, it was noisy on his end.It was construction or something.我是说


可能在搞施工之类的 Whose side are you on anay, man? 你到底是哪边的哥们 Wait a minute.You think I”m with them? 等一等

你认为我跟他们是一伙的? He talked to you.He recognized your voice, right? 他跟你说话


不是吗? Let“s tie this motherfucker up.Yeah.让我们把这杂种捆起来

好 Wait a minute.I picked up the phone.等一下

我拿起话筒 The caller asked if I was so-and-so.打电♥话♥那人就问我是不是某某 I said, ”No, so-and-so“s in the john.” 我就说:


某某去厕所了” Then he asked if I was someone else.然后他就问我是不是另外一个人 I didn“t know what to say, so I just changed the subject.我不知道说什么

就转移了话题 Bullshit!What was I supposed to say? 放屁!

那我该说什么? ”Hey, buddy, I can“t remember jack shit.”嘿


我屁都不记得了 Could you please tell me what“s goin” on?

你能告诉我发生什么事了吗? We“ve all beaten the hell out of each other here

我们在这里互相大打出手 and fried our brains in the process.” 脑袋想炸也没结果“ Does that make any sense to you? Think about it.这样说能合适吗?

想想吧 He talked to you.He recognized your voice, man.他跟你说话


兄弟 He didn”t know who I was.He asked if I was two different people.他不知道我是谁

他问我是不是两个不同的人 He didn“t know.I”m not on the caller“s side.他也不知道

我跟打电♥话♥的人不是一伙的 Well, somebody in here”s gotta be.好吧

这里肯定有人跟那家伙一伙 I“m not on anybody”s side.反正不是我 Captain, it“s back.What? 队长


什么? The tracking signal...it”s back.追踪信♥号♥♥...又出现了 It“s headed due east from our location.正朝着我们的正东方向去了 What”s the signal strength on that thing? 那东西显示的信♥号♥♥强度怎么样? It“ll hold for about two miles.All right.Start putting a tail on it.两英里以内都能保持吧

好的马上跟上去 Captain, I saw one of the guys.队长

我看到他们其中一个 Who? One of the pickup guys walked right past me.谁?

一个接货的家伙刚跟我擦肩而过 Can you I.D.Him? Yeah.Yes, sir.你能认出他吗?


长官 Curtis, hold on.Anderson”s coming with you.柯蒂斯


安德森跟你一起去 They“re headed toward the interstate.他们朝着州界去了 I got a good look at one of”em.Did you? 我看清了其中一个人的长相

是吗? Promise me next time you“ll do more than just look.下次可边光惦记看了

Come on.Let”s make the call.来吧

我们先打电♥话♥吧 No, no.We all agreed.He gets back here.We all make the call together.不

我们说好了的等他回来我们一起打电♥话♥Hey, let“s go!嘿

快点!Hey!嘿!Look.I found the fucking keys.看

我找到了些钥匙 Yeah, you got keys and no car.是

你找到一串钥匙可是没有车 You got a holster and no gun

你找到一个枪套可是没有枪 and you got a cell phone in a million pieces downstairs.楼下还有个摔得稀巴烂的手♥机♥It”s making perfect sense, isn“t it? What can I say? 这都有什么用


我能说些什么? Just relax, all right? 放松点

行吗? They”re coming to kill us.You don“t know that.他们要来杀我们

你怎么知道了? What do you think they”re diggin“ out there, huh?

要不然他们在外头挖什么坑 They”re puttin“ a pool in? 难不成是挖游泳池? What do you think you”re doin“? Orderin” a pizza.你这是想干嘛?

订个比萨 Give me the phone!No!把电♥话♥给我!

不行!What“s the matter, pal? Huh? 你怎么回事

哥们? You feelin” a little guilty? 你有点做贼心虚了? You wanna make a phone call? Go ahead.Dial 911.你想打电♥话♥是吧?


拨 911 Go ahead.Yeah, you“re innocent.Yeah.打啊


我就是 ”Cause you know how you broke your nose, right?

因为你知道你的鼻子是怎么伤的 I know what I know, okay?

我知道我知道些什么 What the hell are you doing? 你♥他♥妈♥在做什么? Are you insane? That was our ticket out of here!你疯了吗?

这是我们逃出去的唯一希望了!Yeah, it“s our ticket, all right.是

我们的希望 Oh, shit.A cop.It”s a cop.哦



是个警♥察♥No.Security guard.不

是个保安 What have you fuckers got me into? 我都给卷进什么事来了啊? You barely looked at him.How do you know he“s security? 你都没怎么看

你怎么知道他是保安? It”s right here.“L.P.W.” Liberty Plaza West.看这里


西部自♥由♥购物中心 Wait a second.Why does that sound so familiar? Oh, shit.等等


该死 What? Shit.什么?

该死 Police are investigating the disappearance

警方正在调查一起失踪案 of William Coles Jr.of Coles Consolidated Equities, 科尔斯综合权益公♥司♥的老板小威廉·科尔斯 and the company“s financial adviser, Richard McCain.以及公♥司♥财政顾问理查德·麦凯恩下落不明 While both men”s cars were found in the parking structure...星期一早晨

两人的车 of their downtown corporate headquarters Monday morning...在市中心公♥司♥总部的停车场被找到 neither have been seen by family or coworkers since early Sunday morning.其家人及同事声称自星期日早晨起

均未见过两人 Police suspect the men have been abducted.警方怀疑两人已遭绑♥架♥Not seen since Sunday morning, and this is the Tuesday morning paper.从星期天早晨起就没有人见过了

而这是星期二的早报 Right.So we“ve been here at least two days.对

那我们至少在这里待了两天了 Coles and McCain.科尔斯和麦凯恩

That could be any one of us, right? What else? Keep readin” it.可能是我们其中的一个



接着念 Witnesses report hearing gunshots in the area around midnight Sunday.目击者声称星期天午夜时分

在那一地区听到了枪声 Anything else? He“s got a wife.That”s about it.还有吗?


就这些了 Oh.How are we gonna figure this out? 我们该怎么整明白这事啊? I got you pegged as Richard.You seem like a Dick to me.没准你就是理查德

你看起来就像那么个蠢货 That must make you the kidnapper,那你就一定是绑匪了 “cause a tycoon could afford a pair of nuts.有钱老板都穿得比你高档 Yeah? What? 是吗?

怎么? Two names, right? Two guys.Two.两个名字



两个 Well, obviously, something went haire down here.显然这里出了点岔子 Okay, there was a struggle.McCain and Coles got loose from the back.麦凯恩和科尔斯从后面逃了出来

发生了一场打斗 Okay? Makes sense, right? 对吗?

讲得通吧? So either they were recaptured, which makes the three of us kidnappers...要不就是他们又被逮住了

这就说明我们仨是绑匪 Or one of us is Coles and one is McCain.Exactly.要不就是我们当中一个是科尔斯


没错 And the other guy?

那其他几个呢? Doesn”t matter.We gotta work together till we get out.不重要了

我们必须齐心协力逃出去 He“s right.And then we go our separate ways.他说得对

之后就分道扬镳 They”re probably comin“back now.You thought of that?


你想过吗? Stop jumpin” to conclusions.别急于下结论好吗? They get their money.They come back.We“re fine.他们拿到钱


我们也就没事了 You”re assuming they“re gonna get money!

你是在假设他们会拿到钱!You”re assuming somebody“s gonna pay!你是在假设有人会付钱!Maybe nobody”s gonna pay!Fuck me, we“re dead!也许没有人会付钱!


我们死定了!What is wrong with you? Huh? You”re wrong.你这人怎么回事啊?

你错了 They got blood on their hands.他们不会收手的 Whoever Coles is, whoever McCain is,不管谁是科尔斯谁是麦凯恩 they“re dead men unless we get out of here.我们逃不出去他俩就死定了 God!上帝!The bars are the way to go.They”re all rusted out.这些栏杆是条出路

它们都锈死了 You“re just gonna keep breakin” them.你打算一直锯下去吗? You“re never gonna get through that.你根本就不能从那里逃出去 All of a sudden you remember you”re an architect, huh? 怎么?

突然想起自己是个建筑师了? Just...Hey, hey!你就...嘿

嘿!Go ahead.动手啊 Girls, stop fighting.Could we get some water here? 娘什么娘


能不能弄点水来这? Shut up!闭嘴!Come on.A man“s been shot!快点

有人挨枪子了!If you want, you can untie me.I”ll do it myself.如果你愿意


我自己去弄 Deaf or stupid? 聋了还是傻了? Eat me, hemlock.够狠就吃我啊 All right.Let“s give it a go.好吧


We”re gonna use the shovel and just...我们就用这个铁铲...We“re gonna pry it.Get some leverage on it.然后撬一下

像用撬杠杆一样 No matter who anybody is here or how tough you think you are...不管你是谁

也不管你觉得自己有多强 you”ll always be the pussy that“s tied up to an office chair.你就一直当个被绑在办公椅上的孬种吧 All right? 明白了吗? What are you lookin” at? 你在看什么? Now, just because we“re tied up doesn”t mean we“re friends.别以为我们俩都被绑了

我们就是什么朋友 What? 什么? What? 什么? Why didn”t you say so? 你刚怎么没说? Ha ha!What do you see? 哈哈!

你看到什么了? There“s nothin.什么都没有 Help 救命!Hey, let”s take it easy with that!嘿

你们别抢啊 Okay!Okay!Take it easy!好吧


别激动!Hey, I thought it was gonna help.I wasn“t gonna do nothin;!我只是觉得它有点用

我没打算干嘛 Guess that settles it.暂且我来保管 I wasn”t gonna do nothin;我没打算干嘛 I wasn“t gonna do anything with that.I just thought...我没打算用它干嘛

我不过想...Sure.Hey, what are you doing? 当然

你在干什么? That”s more like it, chief.Now you“re talkin”.这就对了


现在你说了算 Christ, you“re lettin”him go? 天哪

你就这样放了他? What...What are you doin“? 你这是干什么? Fuckin” asshole.该死的混♥蛋♥One less thing to worry about.这样你就不会让我♥操♥心了 Shh!嘘!What the hell is that? 那是什么? Wait, wait, wait!Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!等等


等等!Let him answer it.Let him answer it.让他接

让他接 Let him do it.Are you crazy? 让他来接

你疯了吗? If that“s them, they bought his voice once.如果是他们打来

他们听过他的声音了 They”ll do it again.Let him answer.这次也不会怀疑

让他接 Yeah? Uh, it“s me.喂?

是我 It”s done.See you before sundown.办妥了

日落前碰头 They“re coming.他们要回来了 Sundown.日落 Oh, shit.噢

妈的 Half an hour.We barely made a dent.半小时了

我们连个印都锯不出来 Oh, that”s the spirit there, cheese.Get me another blade.要保持积极态度


再给我根锯条 He“s right.We”re not gettin“ anhere with this.他说得对

靠这办法我们根本出不去 Well, I don”t know.We got, uh...这个


我们有...We got two hours, right? 我们还有两个小时

对吗? We“re gonna have to decide how far we”re prepared to take this.我们得决定要走什么路了 What do you mean? 你什么意思? I mean, when they show up,我的意思是

等他们来了 are we all prepared to do whatever it takes? 我们是不是都准备不惜一切代价? Give me another blade.再给我根锯条 That was the last one.那是最后一根 What do you want me to tell her? 你想让我对她说什么? I don“t know.我不知道 Just take her down to the station and keep her calm.就带她回警局吧

让她保持冷静 Shit, look at this.妈的看这个 This is the same chemical name on that busted canister out there.这罐东西的名字跟外头

爆掉的那个罐子一样 Oh, yeah? Listen to this.是吗?

听听这个 Warning.Effects of inhalation or exposure include...警告:

吸入或暴露于此气体中会导致 shortness of breath, nausea, unconsciousness...呼吸急促


意识不清 temporary memory loss, seizure and/or death.短暂失忆

突发痉挛或死亡 Avoid breathing.Contact a physician.Infectious agent.避免吸入并立即联♥系♥医生

或传染病诊疗机构 Dire if exposed in large doses.暴露于大剂量气体中会导致严重后果 I mean, shit, how long have we been breathin” this stuff in? 我说

该死的天知道我们吸这玩意儿吸了多久? Don“t fucking move, McCain!I got a gun to your head!别他妈乱动


当心我一枪打爆你的头!McCain.麦凯恩 You know, I been thinkin” about this whole thing.你知道吗

我一直在想这整件事 You wakin“ up before everybody else.你刚好在其他人之前醒来 The phone call.又刚好接了个电♥话♥It”s all pretty convenient.这也忒巧了吧 You got somethin“ to say, go ahead and say it.你想说啥就直说 Maybe you are just waitin” for them to show up, huh? 可能你是真的在等他们回来

对吗? What about you?

那你呢? Aren“t you the one that ripped the phone jack out of the wall? 你不是也把电♥话♥线给拽断了吗? Yeah, but I didn”t lie about it and try to cover it up, did I? 是


不是吗? Okay.Now, would you come on over and help me? 说够了吧?

能不能过来帮帮我? Shh!Listen.Listen.My memory“s coming back.听着


我的记忆正在恢复 I remember parts from before.I know who we are.我记起了一点片断

我知道我们是谁 Oh, yeah.Why should I believe you? 噢


我♥干♥嘛要信你? Because, Bill, you”re the other hostage.You“re William Coles.因为



你就是威廉·科尔斯 Oh, really? Miracle cure you”re havin“ all of a sudden, huh? 真的吗?

你的记忆突然奇迹般恢复了? They kidnapped us from work.Okay? We were finalizing a deal.他们把我们从公♥司♥绑走的我们正在敲定一桩买♥♥卖♥♥We were in a parking structure.Do you remember any of that? 我们正好在停车场里

你能记起这些吗? No.They took us on a Sunday.It was late afternoon.不能


快到傍晚了 We were running some numbers.我们在算一些数字 That son of a bitch saw us go in.He saw us go in.那个混♥蛋♥看着我们走进去

他看着我们进去 Hey!嘿!I know you have no reason to believe me, but he”s setting us up.我知道你没理由相信我但他在给我们下套 Geez.So we gotta get that gun before that son of a bitch...天哪


不然等那个混♥蛋♥remembers who he is, otherwise we“re screwed.记起他是谁

我们就完蛋了 I don”t remember shit, okay? I don“t remember.我屁都想不起来


我想不起来 Okay.For Christ”s sake, you don“t remember your own kids? 看在上帝的份上

你难道连自己的孩子也想不起来了吗? Our kids play Little League together for Christ”s sake, Bill.咱俩的孩子一起在少年联盟玩的啊

比尔 You don“t remember your own children? 你连你自己的孩子也不记得了吗? Bill.比尔 What? What”s wrong? 怎么啦?

怎么回事? We need to talk.我们得谈谈 What“s goin” on? 发生什么事了? Kill him!干掉他!Get that son of a bitch!抓住那个狗♥娘♥养♥的!Get him, get him, get him, get himGet him!抓住他!



抓住他!Get the gun!Get the gun!抢那把枪!

抢那把枪!Get the gun!抢那把枪!Fuck.靠!What the hell do you think you“re doin”? 你♥他♥妈♥知道自己在干嘛吗? He said I was Coles.He said I was Coles, man.他说我是科尔斯



What? And you believed him? 什么?

这你就信了? He said his memory came back.He knows who we are.他说他恢复记忆了

他知道我们是谁 He“s a lying sack of shit!他是个谎话连篇的混♥蛋♥!He remembered my kids.My kids, man.他想起了我的孩子

我的孩子 He”s lying!他在骗人!I couldn“t risk it.I couldn”t risk it!我不能冒这个险

我不能冒这个险!Is that true? What do you remember? 是真的吗?

你想起些什么? What do you remember, asshole? 你都想起些什么啊

混♥蛋♥!He“s gonna kill us, Bill.他会杀了我们的比尔 Fuck...Fuck you.靠...去死吧你 Fuck me? No.Fuck you!Don”t!咒我死?


不要!What the hell is the matter with you? Tell me who to shoot!你这人什么毛病啊?

你说谁该死啊!What the hell are you doing man? 你这到底是干什么啊

哥们 I lied.我撒谎了 What do you remember? I made the whole thing up.你想起些什么?

是我瞎编的 That“s enough!I”m just tryin“ to get out of here, man.够了!

我不过是想逃出去 Just leave him alone.Just leave him alone, man.放了他吧


放了他 I don”t know what I“m doin” here.I don“t know what I”m doin“ here.我不知道我在这干嘛

我不知道我在这干嘛 You”re only sayin“ that so I don”t kill you.你是为了保命才这么说的吧 You“re gonna kill me anay.不管我怎么说你都要杀我 What do you remember?

你想起些什么了? You”re the one.You“re the one.你是那个绑匪

你是那个绑匪 I”m not a criminal.我不是罪犯 Stop acting like one then.那就别做罪犯做的事 We“re in the middle of nowhere.我们这是在什么鬼地方 What? Speak!I think they just pulled off.怎么了?


他们好像刚停车了 Don”t think.Read the damn thing.You got a bead or not? 别好像


你确定不确定? Yes.Right here.Go.确定


走 This guy did this to us!这个家伙害我们成这样的!Whose side are you on anyway, man? 你到底是站哪边的哥们? How are we gonna get up there? 我们怎么能够着那里? Go to the ledge!Go to the ledge quick!We“re losing you!踩那个架子!


我们快抓不住了!I got it!I got it!You on the ledge? 踩到了!


你踩到了吗? EasyOh, shit!当心!

该死!Son of a bitch!狗♥娘♥养♥的!Sorry.抱歉 Goddamn it!Goddamn it!该死!

该死!Fuck.More security glass? 靠

是强化玻璃吗? Hey, wait a second.嘿

等等 I may be able to shoot a hole in it.No way, pal.也许可以用枪打一个洞出来


没门儿 The gun stays with me.我得拿着枪

Don”t be a prick.I“m tryin” to get us out of here.别傻冒了

我是想让大家逃出去 I could shoot it at close range, right here.我可以近距离开枪

从这里 You come down.I“ll climb up there and shoot a hole in it myself.那你下来

我爬上去自己开枪 You”re too big, you fat fuck!你太胖了

你这肥猪!The rope may not hold you.Suit yourself.绳子可能承不住你的分量

随便你吧 Okay, here we go.好的我们到了 Now here“s where your good look pays off.现在是你那一眼发挥作用的时候了 That”s him.That“s him inside the store.那是他

商店里那个就是他 Are you sure? Yeah.你确定吗?

确定 You see which car is his? 你知道哪辆车是他的吗? I can”t tell.我不清楚 Oh, no.No, no.Come...Come on.噢

快...快点 Shit.该死 Fuck!He“s gone.Which one? 靠!


哪辆车? I don”t know.Come on!Come on!Which one? 我不知道



哪一辆? I don“t know!They”re all leaving at the same time!我不知道!

它们都是同时开动的!Well, choose one.The Denali or the pickup? 那就选一辆

是德纳里越野车还是皮卡货车? Right there.The pickup.在那边

皮卡 Go, go, go!走

走!Come on!加油!How do we know you“re not just gonna leave us here?

我们怎么知道你会不会把我们撇这? I guess you don”t.是你们也没办法 Cut the shit!Cut the shit!别闹了!

别闹了!That“s really funny.有意思吗? Asshole.混♥蛋♥Oh, I hope you”re dead, you clumsy fuck!真希望你摔死

你个笨猪!Hey.Hey.Hey, man, are you all right? 嘿


你没事吧? Lucky to be alive.干了这么多蠢事 Of all the stupid things.没死算你命大 Hey.Hey.Hey, can you hear us? 嘿

你能听到吗? Are you all rightErin? 你没事吧?

艾琳? I think it“s safe to say you were too heavy, huh? 现在说你太重你该没意见了吧? Fuck off.滚开 My shoulder.Whoa, whoa, whoa.Shit.Whoa, whoa.Just wait.我的肩膀


等等 Ah, man, your back is bad.哥们

你后背伤得挺厉害 You do understand that was our only weapon.你应该知道那是我们唯一的武器吧 Back off!It was an accident, all right? 住手!


好吗? What”s the matter with you? You trust this guy? Huh? 你是怎么回事?

你相信这个家伙? Oh.I see what“s going on here.噢

我明白这是怎么回事了 What, you two are gonna start workin” together now? 怎么

你们两个现在准备联手了? What the hell difference does it make? 这样做又有什么不同?

Is that gonna get us out of here any faster, huh? 那样能让我们早点出去吗? I don“t think so.What are you doing? 我不这么想

你想干嘛? Don”t!Don“t untie him!不要!

别解开他!You stay outta this.We had an agreement!你少管闲事

我们说好了的!Yeah.I”m hedging my bets.是

我也得找个帮手 Thanks.谢谢 You idiot.你个白♥痴♥It"s you and me no...
