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编辑:梦醉花间 识别码:23-571476 14号文库 发布时间: 2023-07-11 10:16:55 来源:网络


1.Hotels in China Hotels in China are classified into first class, second class and third class based on their star-rating.Five-star and most four-star hotels are in the first class, Guest rooms in first class hotels all have fully-fitted bathrooms, refrigerators, telephones and satellite TV.They have fully adjustable climate control through central air-conditioning facilities.Other ancillary facilities provided by these hotels include such things as business centers, conference facilities, beauty parlours, saunas, foreign exchange, bowling centers, disco-ballrooms, swimming pools, gymnasiums, restaurants, cafes, shopping centers and bars which are open 2 hours a day.The second class generally includes three-star hotels and some two-star ones.Guest room facilities and services are not up to the standard of those in first class hotels, Tour groups normally prefer to stay in second class hotels.Third class hotels are much like hotels in Western countries in terms of facilities and services.Hardware facilities in such hotels are of course inferior to those provided by second class hotels, but they offer prices 50% or mote below those of second class hotels.As a result, they are popular with many tourists.中国酒店





2.Today we’ll meet one of the greatest cellists of our times, Yo-Yo Ma.His career as a professional cellist spans more than 20 years and over 50 albums.He has been honoured for his music with many awards including an amazing 14 Grammy.He has played on many important occasions including the Grammy and the Olympics.Yo-Yo Ma was born in France to Chinese parents who were both musicians.His mother was a singer, his father, a composer.Yo-Yo Ma gave his first public performance when he was only 5.Four years later, at the tender age of 9, he was playing at the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York, by which time the family had moved to the US.Yo-Yo Ma pursued his cello studies at the Julliard School of Music.From there he opted to attend Harvard and got a degree in anthropology.His experiences at Harvard as well as his multi-cultural background have helped to shape who he is today.Today Yo-Yo Ma continues his musical journey, never hesitating to collaborate with musicians of all genres and from around the world.He is inspired by people and nature.To him, the cello is an extension of his vocal cords.The most important thing when he plays is to give all of himself all of the time in a performance, to try to transmit the contents of the music to the audience he is playing for.今天,我们会见到一个最大的大提琴手我们的时代,马友友.他的职业生涯作为一个专业的大提琴跨越20年以上和超过50张唱片.他已荣幸地为他的音乐与许多奖项,包括惊人的14个格莱美奖.他曾在许多重要场合,包括格莱美奖和奥运会.马友友出生在法国的中国父母谁都是音乐家.他的母亲是一名歌手,他的父亲,一个作曲家.马友友了他第一次公开表演时,他只有5个.四年后,在招标9岁,他是在玩盛名的卡内基音乐厅在纽约举行,届时家庭已转移到美国.马友友大提琴推行他的研究,于该院音乐学院.从那里,他选择了参加哈佛大学获得学位的人类学.他在哈佛大学的经验以及他的多文化背景有帮助塑造他是谁今天.今天马友友继续他的音乐之旅,从来没有犹豫配合音乐家的所有流派和来自世界各地的.他是启发人与自然.他说,大提琴是延长他的声带.最重要的事情时,他扮演是让所有对自己所有的时间性能,试图把内容的音乐给观众,他扮演的.3.For 45 years, Fortune magazine has been ranking the largest companies in the United States.The result is their annual ―Fortune 500‖ list.Sometimes people will refer to the top 100 companies on the list as the ―Fortune 100‖.45年来,《财富》杂志一直给美国的大公司排名,这就是一年一度的“财富500强”,有时也将前100名称为“财富100强”。

Essentially, the magazine lists the U.S.based corporations with the largest revenue in the past year.Fortune calculates revenue using publicly available data, therefore private companies, i.e., those whose stock is not traded on a public market, are excluded.U.S.subsidiaries of foreign companies are also excluded.上榜的上市公司基本上都是头年收入名列前茅的美国本土公司。《财富》杂志根据上市公司的公开数据来计算收入,未上市公司没有列入,因为他们的股票没有公开发行。国外公司在美的分公司也不参与排名。

Fortune 500‖ companies are among the biggest, most profitable, and most powerful companies in America.In terms of profits even the bottom end of the Fortune 500 list isn’t too shabby.On last year’s list, the company at the bottom still had a respectable sum of over $3 billion.“财富500强”公司是美国规模最大、利润最多、实力最强的公司。讲到收入,即使500强排最后一名的公司也财大气粗,如去年排名最末的公司收入也超过30亿美元。

While the ―Fortune 500‖ is limited to American companies, the magazine also publishes the ―Global 500‖, which ranks publicly held companies from around the world.Of course, because the U.S.dominates as much of the global economy, many Fortune 500 companies rank high in the ―Global 500‖ too.除了介绍美国公司的“财富500强”,《财富》杂志还推出了“全球500强”,给各国的上市公司排名。当然,由于美国经济在全球经济中的地位,许多“财富500强”的美国公司也高居“全球500强”的榜首。

Fortune magazine also publishes other lists, such as the ―100 Best Companies to work for‖ and the ―100 Fastest-Growing Companies‖.It’s an interesting exercise to compare all the lists and see where companies overlap.For example, the No.1 company to work for may not rank on the ―Fortune 500‖ at all.With the top companies on both the U.S.and worldwide 500 lists, you won’t find them on either of the most admired companies list.Maybe the Beatles were right – money can’t buy you love.《财富》杂志也推出其他排名,如“100家受雇条件最佳公司”,“100家增长最快的公司”等。比较各种排名看看哪些公司重复上榜,是很有意思的事。比如,在“100家受雇条件最佳公司”榜上排名第一的公司可能根本不在“财富500强”之列。而排在“财富美国500强”和“世界500强”前列的公司,却上不了“最受人尊敬的公司”排行榜。也许甲壳虫乐队说得对—爱是不能用金钱买来的。卡梅隆导演第二届北京国际电影节开幕式致辞


4.Thank you for that.谢谢,晚上好。

It’s centainly an unbelievable privilege and honor to be here at the 2nd Beijing International Film Festival.This is certainly a historic occasion and it’s so beautifully produced and quite magnificent.The opening act alone was certainly worth the 15-hour flight to get here.It was absolutely exquisite.首先,我要感谢主办方邀请我参加第二届北京国际电影节。这是一场历史性的盛会,仅看开幕式的盛况就值得花费15小时的飞行来到这里,简直是精彩绝伦。China is not only one of the most active economies globally but is a fast growing market for films in the world right now.In this country, they are installing 8 new cinemas a day and the rate is actually rising.There are still thousands of towns and counties waiting to get their first movie theaters ever.And when they get them, they’ll be in digital 3D.中国不仅是世界上经济发展最快的国家之一,还是世界上电影市场发展最为迅猛的国家之一。在中国,每天都有8家新增的影院,并且数量还在增加。还有数千个城镇还没有电影院,它们建的第一家电影院就会是数字3D影院。

I personally experienced the effect of this rapid expansion.In the last two weeks, “Titanic 3D” has made as much money here in China as it has in all the other international markets combined.I think that's incredible.我也亲身感受到了数字3D技术的迅速发展。最近两周,《泰坦尼克号》3D版在中国创下了惊人的票房,其收入相当于世界上其他市场的票房总和。

And not only is rapid growth in the number of theaters unprecedented, but the embrace of 3D, and the cinema-going experience by Chinese audiences is breathtaking.In an age of streaming video watched on iPhones and tablets, the Chinese audience has spoken resoundingly, that they love watching movies where movies were meant to be seen, on the big screen.不仅仅是电影院数量的增速史无前例,更为令人惊讶的是中国观众对3D电影的热衷程度。在这个流行用苹果手机和平板电脑看视频的时代,中国观众大声地宣告,他们喜欢看大银幕上播放的电影。

I believe this rising tide will raise all the ships together not only the international films which now have greater access to the growing Chinese market, but the internal Chinese film industry itself which will benefit from the rapidly growing installed base of theatres and audience that's hungry for entertainment.随着水涨船高,除了更多的国际电影涌入正在发展壮大的中国市场之外,电影院越来越多,观众对电影的需求越来越大,中国电影业的发展也会深受其益。China is a force to be reckoned with in the world film industry and the world is paying attention to China.I expect this year's festival to be a landmark moment as filmmakers from all over the world mingle with the Chinese film community to exchange views, to plan co-productions and simply to continue to earn each other's respect.Today and together we can shape a vibrant and prosperous future.中国是世界电影业中不可忽视的一股力量,世界关注着中国的发展。我认为,今年的电影节将会成为中国电影的里程碑——来自世界各国的电影人与中国电影人共聚一堂,相互交流,共同探讨电影的合拍事宜,增强互信互重。我们将共同创造一个生机勃勃、欣欣向荣的未来。

Films are such an important vehicle for cultural exchange between countries and peoples.We can feel the open atmosphere of Beijing International Film Festival embracing and representing a variety of films from different locations, languages and cultures and in various categories.电影是国与国之间、人民与人民之间一个非常重要的文化纽带。我们能够感受到北京国际电影节活跃的氛围,来自不同国家、不同语言和不同类型的电影都在这里展映。

You know, we gather here to celebrate and enjoy each other's work as film-makers, and together, to contribute to making Beijing International Film Festival an increasingly important event for the world film industry in coming years.我们共聚一堂,庆祝和欣赏我们电影人的卓越成就。有了我们的共同努力,北京国际电影节将会在未来几年成为国际电影界越来越重要的盛事。

5.Thank you very much for your warm reception.We are truly delighted to be here.On behalf of the Vice Chancellor, who unfortunately cannot be with us today, may I say a few words about our university.The University of Westminster was founded in 1838 as Britain’s first polytechnic, so we are an old institution.Our main campus is located right in the heart of London, the capital of Britain.Currently we have more than 22,700 students who came from 132 different countries.This makes Westminster one of the 15 most popular UK universities among international students.We have a teaching staff of more than 700 supported by up to 1,000 visiting lecturers from different countries.The international atmosphere means that the university provides an excellent preparation for professional life, and our mission is to provide high quality education and research in both national and international contexts.We are a leading modern university for research into the areas of communication, cultural and media studies, law, Asian studies, linguistics, art and design(including music), electronic engineering, and politics and international relations, and we have gained professional recognition in all core disciplines.We really look forward to establishing a programme of exchange with your university.非常感谢您的热情接待。我们真的很高兴在这里。我们今天不能和我们在一起的副校长,我可以说几句关于我们大学的话。











3.3 史蒂夫 福布斯谈《福布斯》




3.4 Introduction to an arts and crafts company

Distinguished guests, dear friends,I feel honored to have this opportunity to introduce our company to you through the platform provided by this conference.Founded 15 years ago, we are a company specializing in the design, manufacture and sales of handicrafts.Fifteen years ago our staff numbered 50;now the figure is 1,700.Fifteen years ago we rented a facility covering a floor space of 4,500 square meters;now our own facility covers a floor space of 24,000 square meters.These figures speak loudly and clearly of our success.Our leading products are various architectural exotic European cathedrals, the Empire State Building, the White House, and the Pentagon in the U.S., along with cartoon animal toys and Christmas gifts with a variety of designs.Our designs have become trend setters in the industry.Nowadays, our products are sold worldwide in more than twenty countries including Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, the UK, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Germany.They are well received by both local importers and customers.For fifteen years our output value has manifested an annual growth rate of 30%.4.4 Preserve core values of the Lunar New Year

To people of Chinese descent around the world, the Lunar New Year(also called Spring Festival)is undoubtedly the most important festival of the year.Dating back 3,000 years, it celebrates the passing of a peaceful year and welcomes a new year.The reunion dinner, eaten on New Year’s Eve, is the most special, with members of the extended family gathering for the most significant meal of the year.Even the absent members will endeavor to return home in time for it.It underscores the supreme importance of the family in Chinese culture, and aims at strengthening the sense of togetherness and cohesion.The way people celebrate the New Year embodies two important core values.The first value is the sense of family togetherness;members of multi-generation families are all there to have a big reunion dinner.Everyone will follow this custom.The female members are always held responsible for preparing the dinner, and some rich families may take on extra hands.The second value lies in the happy visits mutually made between friends and relatives, a good way to strengthen kinship and friendship.However, economic development has resulted in some changes in lifestyles.After a busy year, people are tired of preparing for the reunion dinner, and would rather hold their reunion dinner in posh restaurants, despite the exorbitant costs.The festival door-to door visits have given way to New Year greetings via telephone or text messages.Some families even go to such extremes as to travel and seek temporary refuge in a hotel so as to avoid being visited.Some tradition-minded people regard the reunion dinner and visits to relatives and close friends during the New Year as core values, without which the holiday would lose much of its significance.Some pessimists contend that, as the popularity of western culture grows, Chinese traditional festivals gradually lose their original meaning and degenerate into commercial festivals like Christmas.The Spring Festival is an important part of the Chinese cultural heritage, and it will continue to be celebrated.The modes of celebration may change, but the core value should be sustained: that of respect for kinship and friendship.5.2 游览白宫






9.3 Multivariate family planning policy in China

It has been over two decades since China adopted the Family Planning Policy.However, there still exist misunderstandings about this policy.People mistakenly think that China’s Family Planning Policy equals the One Child Policy, which allows

one couple to have only one child.Their impression is that this policy is implemented more strictly in urban areas: in cities where people are better-off, one couple can have only one child, while in the poor rural areas, one couple can have two or three children.Furthermore, they think that the One Child Policy is the cause of gender imbalance.I will now clarify these misunderstandings.As a matter of fact, the policy adopted in the early 1980s is a multivariate policy called the Family Planning Policy, or the fertility policy.Its multivariate nature can be proved by two facts.First, the total fertility rate in China now stands at 1.8, which means there is more than one child per family in most areas.For example, there is generally only one child in a family in urban areas, but two in rural areas, and three in ethnic minority areas.In some areas, like Tibet, there are no restrictions at all on the number of children a family can have.We can tell from this fact that China’s Family Planning Policy varies in accordance with the economic and social development level of different areas.Secondly, China is seeing an unbalanced sex ratio at birth at the moment.The sex ratio at birth refers to the number of boys born per 100 girls born.This is not the same concept as the sex ratio of the total population.The unbalance is not entirely the result of the Family Planning Policy.I would like to cite two interesting examples.My first example is the ROK.In 1988, the sex ratio at birth in the ROK was 114, and the ratio now in China is 117.I believe there is no family planning policy in the ROK.My second example is Singapore, whose sex ratio at birth in1984 was 109.Why is it a common problem in Asia? There are two reasons.The first reason is the influence of traditional culture and ideology, that is, a preference for sons, which poses a great problem for the sex ratio at birth.Second, China’s unbalanced birth ratio is attributable to the poor social security in rural areas.The Chinese government has launched a nationwide Girl Care Project to hamper the rising sex ratio at birth.This project aims to educate the general public to abandon their traditional preference for male children and to advocate female children’s status and rights.Secondly, the Chinese government is also making an effort to establish and improve the social security system, particularly in rural areas.Thirdly, the phenomenon of allowing one child for urban families and two to three children for families in poor areas is called reverse selection of population quality.I have two points to make in the regard.The policy in rural areas is made in accordance with the economic situation there.The social security system is being gradually improved in rural areas.If a stringent One Child policy is to be introduced in this process, the household insurance coverage is likely to be reduced for rural families.Therefore, the number of children allowed in rural families is dependent on the economic situation.10.3 中国与欧盟的关系

















12.4 The Secret of Nano Technology

The term nanotechnology may not sound unfamiliar any more.It has become a buzzword within the hi-tech community, but when asked what’s it about and its impact on our life, I’m afraid many people are not able to answer right away.In fact, it’s already a part of daily life for many.The promise of nanotechnology is almost unlimited.If you think nanotechnology is all in the future, think again.Nano trousers are already on sale in the United States.They feel like ordinary cotton trousers but there’s a thin nano layer, which resists spills and stains.So, if you spill your drink, this is what happens, it just runs off.The trousers aren’t even damp.So nano technology is the science of the very small.But how small is small? Well imagine I was shrunk to a 1,000 times smaller.I’d be about as big as the eye of a fly, but nano is even

smaller than that.In fact, much, much smaller.Imagine I was shrunk again, this time 10,000 times.I’d be about as big as a virus, but nano is even smaller than that.You’d have to shrink4 me another 100 times to get the nano version of me, a billion times smaller than the real me.Industry is already building devices on that scale.Here in Cambridge they’re making very thin nano layers of a plastic that emits light when electrical current runs through it.The technology will soon be on the market, in mobile phones with very bright, energy-saving displays.People will see these initially in fairly simple products like mobile phones but ultimately they will be in TV’s, and when the technology moves on to plastic, you’ll have the roll-down TV that you can put on your wall.Nanotechnology can also be applied to medicine.Ultimately, it will be applied in making a chip that can go into the body, which will release a drug or a whole variety of drugs at an assigned period of time, thus having a healing effect on the body.Nanotechnology can be used in many other fields which are closely related to our daily life as well.The promise of nanotechnology is almost unlimited.That’s why the government is backing itstrongly, yet still many critics fear possible side effects.


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主席先生,尊敬的各国元首和政府首脑,尊敬的各位代表,女士们,先生们,欢迎各位在这个美丽的季节来到纽约,并欢迎出席第65届会议一般性辩论开幕式,主席先生,祝贺你,我期待着在未来的一年与你密切合作,克服我们国际社会所面临的各种 挑战。



4.我们同英国朋友再次聚首在美丽的泰晤士河畔,召开我们的第三次大会。我谨代表参加此次会议的中方代表,感谢英方的盛情邀请和精心安排。自去年的大Created by Trans-flash

All Rights Reserved 会以来,中国又发生了很大变化。








7th ASEM Summit I’m delighted to be back in Beijing for the 7th ASEM Summit and to be given this opportunity to address this important school that nurture nation’s leaders of tomorrow.I’m particularly pleased since the European Commission has had the opportunity to support the school.But let me begin by commending you all for the successful Olympic Games.These Games brought today’s China into homes around the world.It is a vivid picture of a dynamic society undergoing tremendous change.It is a picture that those who ever able to attend the Games will carry with them forever.I’m convinced that the Games brought the world and China closer together.This is something we should build on for the future.Business Negotiation When we import from other exporters, we usually need to pay at most 10% for an advance payment.Assuming an interest rate of 10%, compared with others, the bond you asked will let us loose 34,000 dollars in interest in only one year.It is well known that the interest rate is going up;the risk of higher interest rate is added to the risks that we run.So I will pay at most 10% for the advance Created by Trans-flash

All Rights Reserved payment, and I ‘m not prepared to make concessions.If you can’t agree with this term, I will retract the order.Finance in LD London has 3.5 trillion pounds under management, more than any other market in the world and lists more companies in any one year than the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ and Hong Kong combined.Last year, 104 billion dollars was raised on the London Stock Exchange, compared with 69 billion dollars on the NYSE and NASDAQ combined.Most major US investment banks locate the HQs for Europe, Africa, the Middle East and South Asia in London, and it’s interesting as well that big EU players also choose London as a focus for the investment banking activity.It really is the bridge between Europe and the global finance markets.And with 34% of global currency trading, London is the most international and most liquid of all the world’s financial centers.Within the city of London, a stunning 90% of the world’s trade in metals takes place, 25% of the world’s aviation and marine insurance, and almost 50% of all ship brokering.And in the ever expanding area of derivatives trading, London has 43% of the Over the Counter Market.Im & Ex Volume in China China has already enjoyed a huge and continually growing import demand.China’s annual import volume increased from 10.9 billion US dollars in 1978 to 561.4 billion US dollars in 2004.In the last five years, China realized an average import growth rate of over 28%.Such considerably and rapidly growing import will provide the world economy with a broad market.According to conservative estimates, by 2010 China’s import and export volume with North America and the EU would surpass 400 billion US dollars respectively, with Japan and Republic of Korea topping 550 billion US dollars and with ten Asian countries acceding 200 billion US dollars.NPI New Product Introduction refers to the complete business process of introducing new products to market.It spans the entire product life-cycle from initial identification of market, technology, opportunity, conception, design and development through to production, market launch, support, enhancement and retirement.As such, NPI is one of the forms of innovation, namely product innovation.A number of alternative terms are used to describe the NPI process, such as the New Product Development or NPD process, Innovation Process, or Product Creation Process.The exact meaning of the terms will vary from company to company.Historically, the NPI process has been characterized by functional pision, notably between Marketing, Engineering(R&D)and Production.Nowadays, NPI is more likely to be seen as a vital cross-functional business process, involving both internal groups and external suppliers or partners.Created by Trans-flash

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Opening Speech for WEF I’m delighted to be here and address the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009.Let me begin by thanking chairman Schwab for his kind invitation and thoughtful arrangements.This annual meeting has a special significance.Amidst a global financial crisis rarely seen in history, it brings together government leader, business people, experts and scholars of different countries to jointly explore ways to maintain international financial stability, promote world economic growth, and better address global issues.附言:首先感谢龚明提供的读译翻译文本,以及王则波同学提供的听译支持,认真校验~~~读译材料是龚明在网络上寻找的资料,比较可靠。听译材料除了少数两篇来自网络文本,大部分为王则波同学花时间多次听写并校验的,正确率较高,但是不保证百分百的正确率,仅供大家参考,本来听译材料也是有中文文本的,考虑到为了避免大家说的一样,大家就自己照着英文文本翻译,同时也加深了印象,便于记忆。最后,预祝大家都考个好成绩~!(小峰子)




第一题 听录音并把其翻译成汉语(总分30)


第二题 把下列句子或数字译成俄语(总分30)

1.Мы призываем всех объединиться вокруг интересов нашего народа и нашейРодины!Я обещал вам, что мы победим!Мы победили!Слава России!

2.Это были не только выборы президента России.Это был очень важный тест для всех нас.Для всего нашего народа.Это был тест на политическую зрелость, насамостоятельность, на независимость.3.84689301:восемьдесят четыре шестьдесят восемь девяносто три ноль одни;55667788:пятьдесят пять шестьдесят шесть восемьдесят восемь;***:сто тридцать восемь пятьдесят одни шестьдесят два тридцать пять семьдесят четыре

第三题 根据题目组织小短文(总分40)


Музуй Гугу

Музуй Гугу находится в самом центре Пекина.Его называли ещѐ Цзыцзиньчэн.Строительство Гугуна началось ещѐ при минской и цинской династий в 1406 году и было закончено в 1420 году.Здесь были резиденция 24 императоров Минской и Цинской династий.Музей Гугун были много раз реконструировали, площадь Музей Гугуна 720 тысяч квадратных метров.Вся его территория окружена кирпичными стенами красного цвета высотой 10 метров.В стенах четверо ворот, на их углах сторожевые башни.Во дворце девять тысяч с лишним помещений, это стражи, они охраняют вход и ограждают от зла.Музей Гугун по праву называют квинтэссенцией древнекитайской культуры жемчужинная человеческой цивилизация.





























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第二阶段口试,包括口语和口译两部分。考试时间20分钟左右。考试指定培训教材: 《听力教程》陆静华编著 《阅读教程》周道宏、瞿晓华编著 《翻译教程》张鸿成编著 《口语教程》陆国华、黄秋萍编著 《口译教程》钱力奋编著













答:笔试:3月下旬和9月下旬左右 口试:5月和11月




答:中级:笔试和口试各180元/人/次 高级:笔试和口试各210元/人/次













南京:恩波、新东方、金语院 上海:昂立、新东方、上外 杭州:恩波、昂立、新东方


