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编辑:雪海孤独 识别码:23-825864 14号文库 发布时间: 2023-12-06 12:20:39 来源:网络



Thank you very much, Karen, for the introduction.And to all of you, welcome to Beijing.非常感谢凯伦的介绍。感谢大家,欢迎来到北京。

I want to especially thank Mr.Gao from China Daily for your remarks and for your endorsement of the East West Center.And I take it from your remarks that while you did study hard, you also enjoyed Hawaii.我要特别感谢―中国日报‖高先生的发言,以及您对东西方中心的认可。我从您的发言中感受到:尽管你在那里的学习很认真,但是你在夏威夷也很享受。

I also want to thank Chairman Tsujimura and the President of the Association, Ned Schultz, for the invitation to speak to all of you.It’s great to know that we have such strong partnerships between the East West Center with Peking University.Beida is actually enjoying its first day of the school year and some 35,000 students are flooding this campus and the associated campus, and it’s great to see the parents and the students here.Beida has such a great history of education and educating and turning out the future business and government leaders of China and indeed the world.我也要感谢苏吉母拉主席和协会会长埃德·舒尔茨邀请我给大家讲话。得知我们有如此强大的东西方中心与北京大学之间的伙伴关系,我非常高兴。实际上今天是北大本学年开学的第一天,约35,000名学生正涌入本校园和附属校园,很高兴在这里看到家长和学生们。北大有如此辉煌的教育史,教育并培养出了中国乃至世界未来的企业和政府领导人。

I want to thank Director General Zhang for her remarks and the great cooperation of the Ministry of Education with education institutions throughout the United States and indeed the world.You are right, the future of the world depends on high quality education of all of our children.我要感谢张司长的发言,并感谢教育部同美国乃至世界各地的教育机构的大力合作。您说得对,世界的未来取决于我们所有孩子们的高质量教育。

I also want to thank all the great sponsors who have made this annual conference possible.They’re listed here, but again, we want to thank China Daily and especially thank Beida for hosting us on this very very busy day.我也要感谢所有让本届年会得以成功举办的伟大赞助者。他们都在这个名单上,但我们要再次感谢―中国日报‖以及北大,特别要感谢北大在这个非常忙碌的日子接待我们。

It’s indeed a pleasure and an honor to be part of the distinguished roster of speakers at this conference.I want to thank all of you for what you have done to strengthen relations between the United States and China.I’m very pleased to be asked to speak here today at the East West Center’s International Alumni Conference because over its 50 year history the East West Center has served as the preeminent academic institution in connecting the United States with Asia, located conveniently in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in beautiful Honolulu.我真的很高兴并荣幸能成为本次会议尊贵演讲者的一员。我要感谢你们所有人为加强美中关系所做的一切。我很高兴今天能在这里的东西方中心国际校友会议上发言,因为东西方中心在其50年的历史中一直是连接美国与亚洲的最著名学术机构,地处便利,位于太平洋中部的美丽火奴鲁鲁。

We can credit the East West Center for much of the understanding between the U.S.academic community and scholars, professionals, journalists, and people in business and government from throughout the Asia Pacific region in China and elsewhere.The United States Department of State is proud to have been a long-time contributor to the East West Center.我们可以将很大一部分美国学术界与来自整个亚太地区——中国和其他地区——的学者、专业人士、记者以及企业和政府人士之间的了解归功于东西方中心。美国国务部为一直以来作为东西方中心的长期贡献者而感到骄傲。

As others have noted, there are over 4,000 Chinese alumni of the East West Center programs and they are part of the network of over 60,000 distinguished scholars, leaders, and journalists and other East West Center alumni from 22 countries.From Korea to Burma to Sri Lanka, many of whom are here at this year’s conference.正如其他人所指出的那样,东西方中心项目有4000多名中国校友,他们是来自22个国家超过60,000杰出学者、领袖、记者和其他东西方中心校友网络的一部分。从韩国到缅甸到斯里兰卡,包括出席今年会议的人。

Actually I was looking over the roster of attendees and I think the farthest location that attendees have come include Canada, Germany, and Haiti.So you must have really exciting, fun conferences to attract people from such large distances.其实我一直在看与会者名册,我想最远地区的与会者来自包括加拿大、德国和海地等地。所以,你们一定有真正令人兴奋的、有趣的会议才能吸引如此远道而来的人们。

But we welcome you to China and we salute you for the ongoing role that you play in greater regional and global understanding.There are many famous alumni at the East West Center including, as I’m sure all of you here today know, President Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham.但是,我们欢迎你们来中国,我们对你们在加深地区和全球理解上所发挥的持续作用向你们致敬。东西方中心有许多著名校友,包括奥巴马总统的母亲安?达纳母,我敢肯定,今天在场的所有人都知道。

Much of the history of the 21st Century will be written in the Asia Pacific region.That’s why conferences such as this, focused on community building and leadership in Asia Pacific, are so important.21世纪的很大一部分历史将在亚太地区被书写。这就是为什么像这样的专注于亚太地区社区建设和领导力的会议是如此重要。

The research you present and the discussions you have over the coming days will contribute to our understanding of the common challenges that we face in the region.From education to the environment to good governance you will help us develop common solutions.你们在未来几天所要呈现的研究和进行的讨论将增进我们对我们在本地区所面临的共同挑战的理解。从教育到环境到善治,你们还会帮助我们制定共同的解决方案。

In the last several decades the Asia Pacific region has emerged as a key driver of international economics and politics, and it’s no surprise this region is known for its dynamism, its creativity and its persity.在过去几十年中,亚太地区已成为国际经济和政治的一个关键驱动力,本地区以其活力、创造力和多样性而闻名,这确实并不令人意外。

The United States has been a leader in this region for nearly 200 years and our presence in the Asia Pacific has helped maintain stability, foster economic growth, and create opportunities for all of its peoples.近200年来,美国一直是本地区的一个领导者,我们在亚太地区的存在,一直有助于保持稳定、促进经济增长并为当地所有人民创造机会。

The Asia Pacific is home to more than four billion people.Three of the world’s four largest economies and some of the most vital ecosystems.Taken together, the Asia Pacific region accounts for almost 60 percent of the world’s GDP and this region is critical to addressing nearly every international challenge that we face today.超过40亿人口、世界四个最大经济体中的三个,及其最重要生态系统中的一些都位于亚太。亚太地区GDP合计占世界的近60%,而本地区是着手解决我们今天所面临的几乎所有国际挑战的关键。

Recognizing the critical importance of this region it’s no wonder that President Obama from the very beginning identified engagement with the Asia Pacific as one of his top foreign policy priorities and set out to substantially increase our investments--diplomatic, economic and strategic--in this part of the world.认识到本地区的至关重要性,一点也不足为奇的是奥巴马总统从一开始将与亚太交往确定为他的对外政策的首要任务之一,并开始大幅增加我们在本地区的投入——外交的、经济的和战略的。

That’s why Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has not only made many visits to this region but has also paid attention to nations in the region that had not been visited by a U.S.Secretary of State in a long time, if ever.She’s the first Secretary of State to visit Laos or Burma in over half a century On her upcoming trip to Asia, in addition to a series of important meetings with China’s senior leaders this coming Tuesday and Wednesday, Secretary Clinton will also be the first Secretary of State to visit Timor-Leste, Asia’s youngest country.这就是为什么希拉里?克林顿国务卿不仅多次访问本地区,还关注本地区美国国务卿很长一段时间没有访问过,或者可能从来没有访问过的国家。她是超过半个世纪以来第一位访问老挝和缅甸的国务卿。在她即将展开的亚洲之行中,除了周二和周三与中国最高领导人的一系列重要的会议外,克林顿国务卿也将成为第一位访问亚洲最年轻国家东帝汶的国务卿。

President Obama and Secretary Clinton’s goal is to contribute to an open, stable and just regional order based on norms and institutions that benefit all peoples and all nations.To that end we’re reenergizing our relationships throughout the region, from our traditional allies to our friends in ASEAN and here in China.奥巴马总统和克林顿国务卿的目标是为一个惠及所有人民和所有国家的、基于规范和制度的开放、稳定和公正的地区秩序作贡献。为此,我们为我们在整个地区的各种关系注入新的活力,包括我们的传统盟友,我们在东盟的朋友和这里的中国。

Together we hope to develop common solutions to shared problems, leaving the world a better place for our children.我们希望一起为共同的问题制定共同的解决方案,为我们的孩子们留下一个更加美好的世界。

We’re committed to this region and our commitment is multi-faceted, reflecting the scope of our relations and interests here.我们致力于本地区 – 而且我们的努力是多方面的,反映了我们在这里的关系和利益的广度。


Thank you very much, Karen, for the introduction.And to all of you, welcome to Beijing.非常感谢凯伦的介绍。感谢大家,欢迎来到北京。

I want to especially thank Mr.Gao from China Daily for your remarks and for your endorsement of the East West Center.And I take it from your remarks that while you did study hard, you also enjoyed Hawaii.我要特别感谢―中国日报‖高先生的发言,以及您对东西方中心的认可。我从您的发言中感受到:尽管你在那里的学习很认真,但是你在夏威夷也很享受。

I also want to thank Chairman Tsujimura and the President of the Association, Ned Schultz, for the invitation to speak to all of you.It’s great to know that we have such strong partnerships between the East West Center with Peking University.Beida is actually enjoying its first day of the school year and some 35,000 students are flooding this campus and the associated campus, and it’s great to see the parents and the students here.Beida has such a great history of education and educating and turning out the future business and government leaders of China and indeed the world.我也要感谢苏吉母拉主席和协会会长埃德·舒尔茨邀请我给大家讲话。得知我们有如此强大的东西方中心与北京大学之间的伙伴关系,我非常高兴。实际上今天是北大本学年开学的第一天,约35,000名学生正涌入本校园和附属校园,很高兴在这里看到家长和学生们。北大有如此辉煌的教育史,教育并培养出了中国乃至世界未来的企业和政府领导人。

I want to thank Director General Zhang for her remarks and the great cooperation of the Ministry of Education with education institutions throughout the United States and indeed the world.You are right, the future of the world depends on high quality education of all of our children.我要感谢张司长的发言,并感谢教育部同美国乃至世界各地的教育机构的大力合作。您说得对,世界的未来取决于我们所有孩子们的高质量教育。

I also want to thank all the great sponsors who have made this annual conference possible.They’re listed here, but again, we want to thank China Daily and especially thank Beida for hosting us on this very very busy day.我也要感谢所有让本届年会得以成功举办的伟大赞助者。他们都在这个名单上,但我们要再次感谢―中国日报‖以及北大,特别要感谢北大在这个非常忙碌的日子接待我们。

It’s indeed a pleasure and an honor to be part of the distinguished roster of speakers at this

conference.I want to thank all of you for what you have done to strengthen relations between the United States and China.I’m very pleased to be asked to speak here today at the East West

Center’s International Alumni Conference because over its 50 year history the East West Center has served as the preeminent academic institution in connecting the United States with Asia, located conveniently in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in beautiful Honolulu.我真的很高兴并荣幸能成为本次会议尊贵演讲者的一员。我要感谢你们所有人为加强美中关系所做的一切。我很高兴今天能在这里的东西方中心国际校友会议上发言,因为东西方中心在其50年的历史中一直是连接美国与亚洲的最著名学术机构,地处便利,位于太平洋中部的美丽火奴鲁鲁。

We can credit the East West Center for much of the understanding between the U.S.academic community and scholars, professionals, journalists, and people in business and government from throughout the Asia Pacific region in China and elsewhere.The United States Department of State is proud to have been a long-time contributor to the East West Center.我们可以将很大一部分美国学术界与来自整个亚太地区——中国和其他地区——的学者、专业人士、记者以及企业和政府人士之间的了解归功于东西方中心。美国国务部为一直以来作为东西方中心的长期贡献者而感到骄傲。

As others have noted, there are over 4,000 Chinese alumni of the East West Center programs and they are part of the network of over 60,000 distinguished scholars, leaders, and journalists and other East West Center alumni from 22 countries.From Korea to Burma to Sri Lanka, many of whom are here at this year’s conference.正如其他人所指出的那样,东西方中心项目有4000多名中国校友,他们是来自22个国家超过60,000杰出学者、领袖、记者和其他东西方中心校友网络的一部分。从韩国到缅甸到斯里兰卡,包括出席今年会议的人。

Actually I was looking over the roster of attendees and I think the farthest location that attendees have come include Canada, Germany, and Haiti.So you must have really exciting, fun conferences to attract people from such large distances.其实我一直在看与会者名册,我想最远地区的与会者来自包括加拿大、德国和海地等地。所以,你们一定有真正令人兴奋的、有趣的会议才能吸引如此远道而来的人们。

But we welcome you to China and we salute you for the ongoing role that you play in greater regional and global understanding.There are many famous alumni at the East West Center including, as I’m sure all of you here today know, President Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham.但是,我们欢迎你们来中国,我们对你们在加深地区和全球理解上所发挥的持续作用向你们致敬。东西方中心有许多著名校友,包括奥巴马总统的母亲安?达纳母,我敢肯定,今天在场的所有人都知道。

Much of the history of the 21st Century will be written in the Asia Pacific region.That’s why conferences such as this, focused on community building and leadership in Asia Pacific, are so important.21世纪的很大一部分历史将在亚太地区被书写。这就是为什么像这样的专注于亚太地区社区建设和领导力的会议是如此重要。

The research you present and the discussions you have over the coming days will contribute to our understanding of the common challenges that we face in the region.From education to the environment to good governance you will help us develop common solutions.你们在未来几天所要呈现的研究和进行的讨论将增进我们对我们在本地区所面临的共同挑战的理解。从教育到环境到善治,你们还会帮助我们制定共同的解决方案。

In the last several decades the Asia Pacific region has emerged as a key driver of international

economics and politics, and it’s no surprise this region is known for its dynamism, its creativity and its persity.在过去几十年中,亚太地区已成为国际经济和政治的一个关键驱动力,本地区以其活力、创造力和多样性而闻名,这确实并不令人意外。

The United States has been a leader in this region for nearly 200 years and our presence in the Asia Pacific has helped maintain stability, foster economic growth, and create opportunities for all of its peoples.近200年来,美国一直是本地区的一个领导者,我们在亚太地区的存在,一直有助于保持稳定、促进经济增长并为当地所有人民创造机会。

The Asia Pacific is home to more than four billion people.Three of the world’s four largest

economies and some of the most vital ecosystems.Taken together, the Asia Pacific region accounts for almost 60 percent of the world’s GDP and this region is critical to addressing nearly every international challenge that we face today.超过40亿人口、世界四个最大经济体中的三个,及其最重要生态系统中的一些都位于亚太。亚太地区GDP合计占世界的近60%,而本地区是着手解决我们今天所面临的几乎所有国际挑战的关键。

Recognizing the critical importance of this region it’s no wonder that President Obama from the very beginning identified engagement with the Asia Pacific as one of his top foreign policy priorities and set out to substantially increase our investments--diplomatic, economic and strategic--in this part of the world.认识到本地区的至关重要性,一点也不足为奇的是奥巴马总统从一开始将与亚太交往确定为他的对外政策的首要任务之一,并开始大幅增加我们在本地区的投入——外交的、经济的和战略的。

That’s why Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has not only made many visits to this region but has also paid attention to nations in the region that had not been visited by a U.S.Secretary of State in a long time, if ever.She’s the first Secretary of State to visit Laos or Burma in over half a

centuryOn her upcoming trip to Asia, in addition to a series of important meetings with China’s senior leaders this coming Tuesday and Wednesday, Secretary Clinton will also be the first Secretary of State to visit Timor-Leste, Asia’s youngest country.这就是为什么希拉里?克林顿国务卿不仅多次访问本地区,还关注本地区美国国务卿很长一段时间没有访问过,或者可能从来没有访问过的国家。她是超过半个世纪以来第一位访问老挝和缅甸的国务卿。在她即将展开的亚洲之行中,除了周二和周三与中国最高领导人的一系列重要的会议外,克林顿国务卿也将成为第一位访问亚洲最年轻国家东帝汶的国务卿。

President Obama and Secretary Clinton’s goal is to contribute to an open, stable and just regional order based on norms and institutions that benefit all peoples and all nations.To that end we’re reenergizing our relationships throughout the region, from our traditional allies to our friends in ASEAN and here in China.奥巴马总统和克林顿国务卿的目标是为一个惠及所有人民和所有国家的、基于规范和制度的开放、稳定和公正的地区秩序作贡献。为此,我们为我们在整个地区的各种关系注入新的活力,包括我们的传统盟友,我们在东盟的朋友和这里的中国。

Together we hope to develop common solutions to shared problems, leaving the world a better place for our children.我们希望一起为共同的问题制定共同的解决方案,为我们的孩子们留下一个更加美好的世界。

We’re committed to this region and our commitment is multi-faceted, reflecting the scope of our relations and interests here.我们致力于本地区 – 而且我们的努力是多方面的,反映了我们在这里的关系和利益的广度。


Remarks by Ambassador Locke at Residence Press Gathering

Beijing, China

August 14, 2011




Welcome to the U.S.Ambassador’s residence.Thank you all very much for coming here on a hot Sunday afternoon in Beijing – don’t worry, we have some refreshments waiting for you.欢迎来到美国大使官邸。非常谢谢你们大家,在北京一个炎热的周日下午来到这里——不用担心,我们已经为你们准备了一些茶点。

Let me begin by saying how deeply honored I am to have this opportunity to serve the President and the people of the United States of America.My wife Mona and our children Emily, Dylan, and Madeline are all very excited to move here to Beijing to build new friendships between the people of the United States and China and to continue to expand our two countries’ growing cooperation on key bilateral and international issues.首先,我深感荣幸能有这个机会为美利坚合众国的总统和人民服务。我的妻子莫纳和我们的孩子埃米利、迪伦和马迪林都很兴奋搬到北京,在美国和中国人们之间建立新的友谊,继续扩展我们两国在关键双边和国际事务上正在增长的合作。

The United States and China have a profoundly important and complex diplomatic and economic bilateral relationship – one with challenges, no question, but one which also holds great promise for expanded

cooperation and collaboration.I look forward to working with the Chinese Government to fulfill that promise, but more importantly, to build the positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship to which President Obama and President Hu aspire.美国和中国有着极其重要和复杂的外交和经济双边关系——这一关系有挑战,这是毫无疑问的,但也有扩展合作和协作的极大希望。我期盼与中国政府共同努力实现这种希望,但更重要的,创建欧巴马总统与胡主席均追求的积极、合作和全面的关系。

Our two countries have already had a busy year.President Hu had a successful state visit to the United States in January.That was followed by the third round of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in May.Secretary Gates also made an important visit to China in January, and Secretary Clinton met with State Councilor Dai in Shenzhen just a few weeks ago.And as you all know, next week, we will be welcoming Vice President Joe Biden, who will visit Beijing and Chengdu.The Vice

President was one of the first U.S.senators to visit China back in 1979, and we look forward to welcoming him back.我们两国已经度过了忙碌的一年。胡主席在一月份对美国进行了一次成功的国事访问。随后在五月,举行了第三轮美中战略和经济对话。一月份盖茨部长也对中国进行了一次重要访问,而且仅几星期前克林顿部长在深圳会晤了戴国务委员。正如你们大家所知,下周我们将欢迎乔•拜敦副总统,他将访问北京和成都。副总统是1979年访问中国的首批美国参议员之一,我们期待着欢迎他回来。

On a personal level, I am both humbled and honored to stand here before you as a child of Chinese immigrants representing America, the land of my birth, and the American values my family holds dear.I can only imagine just how proud my dad, Jimmy, who passed away in January, would be for his son to be the first Chinese-American to represent the United States in the land of his and my mother’s birth.My parents, my wife, our children – we all personally represent America and America’s promise as a land of freedom, equality, and opportunity.And it is that enduring promise and those values that I will represent in my official capacity serving the President and the American people as the United States ambassador to China.在个人层面上,能作为中国移民的孩子代表美国——我出生的土地,以及我的家庭珍视的美国价值观,站在你们面前,我感到既谦卑又荣幸。我只能想象我在一月份过世的父亲,吉米,看到他的儿子成为在他和我母亲出生的土地上代表美国的第一位华裔美国人,会是多么骄傲。我的父母,我的妻子,我们的孩子——我们本人都直接代表美国以及美国作为自由、平等和机会之土地的希望。我,以官方身份,作为服务于总统和美国人民的美国驻华大使,将代表的正是这永久希望和这些价值观。

Our family is embarking on an adventure and a challenge, and we are eager to re-connect with our old Chinese friends and make many more new ones.Thank you very much for joining us today.我们的家庭正在开始一次冒险和挑战,我们渴望能重新联系我们的中国老朋友以及结识更多新朋友。非常感谢你们今天能来。
















我知道为什么。我是第一个担任此职的华裔美国人。并且,我确实有着过硬的经历: •作为一名州长;













我们彼此的贸易支撑着中国和美国数百万份工作。美国消费者受益于中国制造的商品,而中 国人民每天都依赖于美国高质量的产品和服务。而且,当我们在对方国家投资的时候,我们 为我们的人民创造工作机会。

每年,全面的“战略与经济对话”将两国政府各部门的决策者汇聚到一起,商讨从打破贸易 壁垒、到经济合作、到就紧迫的区域和全球事务展开协作等一系列问题。

为了应对全球气候变化的挑战,美国和中国可以继续发展我们在科技领域30多年的合作传 统。



今天,我们有最高层的防务互动,人民解放军总参谋长和美国参谋长联席会议主席在努力改 善沟通渠道,加强美中军方对军方关系。

也许我们最大的安全挑战是核武器和核材料扩散所构成的生存威胁,特别是北韩的核计划和 导弹计划。


而发挥着独特作用。朝鲜半岛的和平与繁荣以及北韩以和平方式实现全面和可核查的无核化 是美国和中国的共同目标。

我们两国也必须继续在处理伊朗核计划上共同努力。我们已经与联合国安理会常任理事国的 其他成员以及德国协调采取了有效的双轨方式——利用国际外交和制裁——向伊朗政权发 出了国际社会的明确信息,即它必须履行自己的国际义务。


我们也许不是总能够在一开始就对如何最好达到我们的共同目标取得完全一致,但当我们成 功地一起努力时,我们经常能够取得满足各方利益的互利的结果。


在美国,我们为我们的贡献而倍感自豪——如电灯,电视,个人电脑,以及如此深刻地改变 了我们生活方方面面的互联网。

但竞争和分歧无法掩盖这样的事实,即我们比以往日益更加紧密。重要的是,我们拥有扩大 合作领域并同时处理分歧的机制。


• 通过开展战略与经济对话;

• 通过我们最高层领导人之间频繁的会面;

• 通过扩展我们的国家、省市之间的合作;

• 以及,通过增加中美人民之间的交流。

所有这些机制将帮助我们增进相互了解和信任,它们在推进我们在21世纪的关系上将是至 关重要的。

今年早些时候奥巴马总统和胡主席共同承诺的在一系列问题上扩大双边合作以及副总统拜 登在他最近的中国之行中谈及的这种合作,便是上述现实的证明。



今天世界上有这么多问题 ——从气候变化,到贫困和疾病——没有强大的美中合作,根本 无法得到解决。

正因为如此,我要明确地说,美国欢迎一个繁荣和成功中国的崛起并在世界事务中发挥更大 作用。


当然,我们将有分歧。对于有不同历史和不同政治体系的两个复杂的大国来说,这在意料之 中。

举个例子,请让我花点时间来谈谈人权问题,这是美国全球政策的一个基本要素。在与中国 或任何其他国家讨论这个问题时,我们都从一个前提开始,即所有人都有权享受《世界人权 宣言》中所载的保护。这些都是普世的标准,它们包括有权享受正当法律程序,能够畅所欲 言,公开结社,以自己选择的方式祷告,以及享受新闻自由的益处。




我将寻求以减少贸易壁垒并在两国创造就业机会的互惠互利的方式建立我们的贸易关系,进 一步增进美国和中国之间的经济和商业纽带。

正如奥巴马总统今早在美国国会发表演讲时所说的,美国现在的首要任务是为美国人民增加 就业和振兴经济。鉴于我们经济的相互依存性,一个更强大的美国经济符合中国人民的经济 利益。我在中国的首要任务,是贯彻执行支持这一努力的政策:

• 帮助使我们的出口翻一番——增加美国的就业,提供在中国需求量很大的高质量美国产品 和服务。

• 增加中国在美国的投资,这将有助于中国公司的兴旺发展,同时增加美国的就业。

• 确保美国公司在中国可以在一个公平的环境中竞争,并且,与中国公司在美国所享受到的 一样,能够在一个同样开放和平等的环境中运营。

在未来的几周,我将在北京的一个与商界的活动中,更多地谈到我们的经济和商业纽带。与此同时,我将努力在互相尊重的基础上推进我们两国在人权、宗教自由和公民社会方面的 对话。我也将仔细聆听你们的观点,了解你们的想法。

我将尽我一切所能,增加必不可少的人与人之间的互动和文化交流,这些互动和文化交流为 建立真正的理解和合作做出了巨大贡献。


去年,超过800,000名中国人和2百万美国人往返于我们两国之间,一起生活、工作和学习。去年还有超过130,000名中国学生在美国大学留学。在过去十年中,从中国去美国的访问人 数增长了200%以上。你们的同胞们前往美国的人数之多前所未有,中国全国范围内对赴美 签证的需求居高不下。

这就是为什么奥巴马总统启动了十万人留学中国计划,把美国学生送到中国生活和学习,以 及为什么我们欢迎更多的中国学生到美国,体验美国文化和美国社会。


我们伙伴关系的最终力量,以及我们所建立的相互信任的程度,将有赖于美国和中国人民的 业人士和游客为获取签证必须要等待的时间。

在满足这一需求方面,我们已经取得了长足进步,我们将做出更多努力,缩短中国学生、商 当然,还有数以百万计的中国人作为移民体验了美国,就像我的家庭一样。

在19世纪90年代,我的祖父首先离开了在江门附近乡下的老家,来到美国。他到达了华盛 顿奥林匹亚,以做仆人为交换,换取上英语课的机会。



骆家是如何在仅仅两代人的时间里,从住在中国的一个小乡村到迁入州长官邸的呢? 答案就是美国的开放性——建立并保持一个开放的经济以及开放的社会。

美国向我的祖父以及数以百万计的像他一样来到美国口岸、寻求更好生活的移民开放。美国曾向我的父亲开放,实现美国梦的小小诉求,开一家小杂货店,我的父亲和母亲一年 365天、一周7天都在杂货店工作,以供养我们的家庭。

养育我的美国对新想法开放,我可以在这里想我所想,畅所欲言„„加入可能质疑或挑战美 国政府政策的组织。


数以千万计的美国家庭走过了与我们相同的路。他们通过自己的辛勤劳动和积极主动已经取 得了成功,但这只有在以下条件下才有可能:





日益增加的开放性正在改变着中国社会。与世界各地的情况一样,互联网已经为数以百万计 的中国公民提供了一个平台,使他们关于他们日常生活问题的意见能够被听到,使他们能以 前所未有的程度接近他们的领导人。从产权、食品安全到环保问题,中国公民越来越多地参 与到全国性的对话中,带来有意义的进步,改善这个国家所有人民的生活。


我谈到开放,因为我相信邓小平所开创的经济和文化的开放带来了一个更公平、更自由、更 受尊重和更成功的中国。

我希望这种开放将继续发展并加快速度,因为中国本国的近代史证明,当中国人民所有的潜 力得以释放时,伟大的事情便可能发生。


想一想那些发明新技术和创建新公司的人,那些著书、作曲和创作艺术的人,他们都是促进 我们经济发展和丰富我们文化的人。









你们学习不同语言和不同文化,其性质本身就是你们在向一个充满各种可能性的世界开放自 己。

在未来的岁月中,当你们成为影响中国的领导人、企业家和艺术家时,我希望你们将保持开 放,并鼓励你们的男女同胞运用同样的感受力。


美中关系更加透明将有助于我们进一步增加美国与中国的合作,增进相互了解,加深我们之 间的关系。



