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初二英语下学期Unit 1教案2
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第一篇:初二英语下学期Unit 1教案2

初二英语下学期Unit 1教案: 课题:Unit 1 Reading(2)


1.Knowledge aims:

Words: southern, till, married, wife, over, cinema, turn, factory, waste, pollute, realize, reduce, open, lonely, throw,husband, interview Phrases:

Get married, over the years, turn into, used to, take action, reduce the pollution, in some ways, open space, feel a bit lonely, from time to time, throw away

2.Ability aims: 1.To enable the students to use the phrases and sentences patterns.2.To revise and expand vocabulary in the context of times have changed 3.To skin the text for overall meaning and scan for detail.3.Emotion targets:

Make the students learn happily and use freely 4.Key points: 1.The factory used to dump its waste into the river.2.Later, the governmet realized it was a very serious problem and too action to reduce the pollution.3.Present perfect tense 5.Teaching procedures: 1.Review some words e.g.unhappy, arrive, ground, teeth, husband, wife

2.tell students to refer to the reading passage to find the words listed in PartB in context.Ask students to try to do the exercise without referring to the reading passage.3.Ask students to complete Part B by matching the words with the definitions and writing the correct letters in the blanks

4.Check answers as a quiz.Read the definitions in random order and students have to say the correct words.5.Explain the context of Part C1.Millie is telling Sandy about her interview with Mr.Dong

6.Divide the class into pairs.Ask students to take turns reading the statements and checking whether they are true or false.7.Review answers as a class.Ask students to give the line number in the passage where the correct information can be found.Ask more able students to correct the false statements

8.Ask more able students to do the extra exercise.6.Homework: Do some exercises

第二篇:初二英语下学期教案Lesson 53-56

Lesson 53: Ringing Up Li Ming Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: ring, ring up Oral words and expressions: ring up, What does…mean? Hold on, please.This is…speaking, a few Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to make a telephone call in English.2.Know about the following culture.Teaching Important Points: 1.How to make a telephone call.2.What does “ring up” mean in the U.K.? Teaching Difficult Points: How to make a telephone call? Teaching Preparation: a telephone Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a telephone Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.First sing the song together.Step2.Ask the students if they have previewed the lesson.Let the students ask questions about the lesson.Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions about this lesson.They can ask like this: 1.What does “Ring up” mean in Canada? 2.Is Li Ming at home? Step3.Listen to the tape and try to finish Exercise 2 in activity book.1.What would Brian like to do for his report on Asia? 2.Who tells Brian Li Ming’s telephone number? 3.What time is it in China when it is afternoon in Canada? 4.Does Brian ring up Li Ming’s apartment? 5.How is the weather in Shijiazhuang? 6.Can Li Ming help Brian with his report? Step4.Read the text and check the answers.First let the students read the text silently.Then read it in roles.After a while, ask some students to come to the front and act the dialogue out.Step5.Explain the main expressions in this text.Make up sentences with “May I speak to…?” “This is….speaking.” “Who’s that’s?”

Step6.Discuss the details of this lesson.What questions can the students ask? Can others find the right answer? Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT!” Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: Ringing up is the main content of this lesson.Making a telephone call is so different from Chinese.It is a good teaching tip to give the students more time to practice in class.Lesson 54: Europe Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: England, European, sea Oral words and expressions: German, Italian, Greek, the Alps, the Caspian Sea, the Volga River, Moscow, Paris, the Triumphal Arch Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about the world’s geography.2.Compare the physical features with the Asian physical features.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn about the physical features of Europe.2.Know about the customs and habits in Europe.Teaching Difficult Points: the physical features of Europe Teaching Preparation: a map of the world Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a map of the world Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Make up a telephone dialogue.Let the students act it out in front of the class.Step2.Listening task Listen and finish the exercises: 1.The world’s ________ smallest continent is Europe.2.Europe has more than thirty __________.3.________ is the biggest country in Europe.And London is one of the largest _______.Step3.Reading task 1.How big is Europe? 2.What countries are in Europe? 3.How many people live in Europe? 4.What languages do Europeans speak? 5.What are the main geographical features of Europe? 6.What are the biggest cities in Europe? Step4.Read comprehension First read the text silently.Then read the text loudly.If they have some trouble, let’s listen to the tape again.Step5.Read the text again.Encourage the students to ask questions.Discuss the details in class.Step6.Practice

Write some words and expressions on the blackboard.Such as: Europe, Britain, French, German, Russian, Italian, the Alps, the Caspian Sea, the Volga River Step7.Talk about the countries and the languages that they speak.Country

Language England

English France

French Germany

German Russia

Russian Italy

Italian Greece

Greek Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: Many words and expressions are too difficult for the students to read.So write them on the blackboard and read them loudly.It refers many languages in this lesson.Sum the content and present to the class in order to make them remember more clearly.Lesson 55: Report on the Report!Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: interview, on Oral words and expressions: province, go/be abroad Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the foreign culture and customs.2.Know about more about the world’s geography.Teaching Important Points: 1.Sum what we learn in this unit.2.Master something about the geography.Teaching Difficult Points: Demonstrate the things that have passed.Pay attention to the indefinite pronouns.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Review the countries and the languages.Let some students make a list on the blackboard.Step2.Listening task Listen and finish Exercise 2 in activity book.Answer true(T)or false(F)1.Li Ming kept thinking about Brian’s report today in school.2.Li Ming didn’t tell his mother about Brian’s geography class.3.Most people in North America know Shijiazhuang well.4.Brian’s report was the only one with an interview.5.Brian’s teacher thought talking to people from other parts of the world is a good way to learn geography.6.Danny gave a very good report on Asia.7.The Europe’s longest river is in England.Step2.Read and check the answers.First read silently.Then read it loudly in class.The teacher walks around the classroom to see if the students need some help.Step3.Read the text again.Then discuss the questions in listening task.Discuss the details with the students to see if they have some questions to ask.Step4.Make up sentences with the language points: Keep doing: I keep thinking practicing the spoken English.With an interview: Beijing is a city with many places of interest

Step5.Listen to the tape again.Pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.Step6.Let some students sum the main content in this lesson, but not word by word.Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Do the exercises on Page 69.Summary: How to express one’s idea in English is difficult for the students.Sometimes they understand the words but they don’t know how to use them.The teacher should spend some time on written English.Writing is an important ability for the students.It must be cultivated in daily English class.Lesson 56: Unit Review Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions from Lesson 50 to Lesson 55.Oral words and expressions from Lesson 50 to Lesson 55.Teaching Aims: 1.Know the main geographical features of the world.2.Be familiar to the Internet.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn about the foreign culture.2.Know about the situation of our country.Teaching Difficult Points: The names of some places, including the places in China and foreign countries.Teaching Preparation: a globe, a map of China, a map of the world Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a globe, a map of China, a map of the world

Teaching Procedure: Step1.Look at the map of China.Introduce the main places of China.Discuss the places of interest in China.Step2.Look at the map of the world.Point out the seven continents and four oceans on the map.Introduce the situation in the seven continents.Step3.Look at the globe and sing the song in Lesson 52.Let volunteers come to the front and sing the song.Do a survey: How many students can sing the song? Do they all have good listening ability? Step4.Finish the exercises in this lesson.Step5.Check if they have some difficulties.Explain them on the blackboard.Step6.Come to “Do You Know”? First let the students read together.Then ask them to sum the main meaning of this part.At last, make up sentences with the important grammars.Step7.Homework 1.Read the text of Unit 7 in activity book.2. Finish the writing exercises.Summary: The knowledge in the book is limited.Encourage the students to get more from the Internet and other books.Let the students present what they get in the class.They can improve their communicate ability.They also learn to use the Internet and tools.5

第三篇:初二英语 2

★初二英语范文:忙碌的星期六(Busy Saturdays)

I don't like Saturday at all.Because I am too busy to enjoy myself.In the morning, I go to school to have classes from 8:00 to 11:30.In the afternoon, I play the violin with the classmates from 2:00p.m.to 4:00p.m..In the evening, I have to go to an evening school.When I get back, I only want to have a sound sleep.Sometimes I'm as busy as a bee.I would like to have a free Saturday of my own.★初二英语日记:体育课

May 28th, Monday, Cloudy

This afternoon we had a PE lesson.Our teacher taught us to practise the long jump.When the bell rang, we gathered on the playground.After warming-up exercises, the teacher told us the way of long jump and showed us how to do it.Then we followed the teacher and practised one after another.Soon it was my turn, but I felt a hit nervous.Though I failed the first time, I didn't lose my heart yet.I continued practising.At last I was able to jump over 3 meters.From this lesson I realized that one will succeed if he doesn’t give up early.★根据以下情况写一篇短文介绍你的这位笔友

李华,英文名叫Tony,是第一中学一年级二班的学生.他出生于1989年8月12日.他的出生地在广东深圳.他今年13岁,爱好音乐和篮球.他喜欢英语,爱玩电脑游戏.他经常放学后与同学打篮球. B)写短文介绍,开头已给出

I have a good pen pal.Let me tell you something about him.________________________________________________________________ I have a good penfriend.Let me tell you something about him.His name is Li Hua.He has an English name.It is Tony.He is a middle school student in Class Two, Grade One of No.1 Middle School.He is 13 years old now.He was born in

Shenzhen, Guangdong.His birthday is August 20th.He likes playing basketball and listening to music.He often plays basketball with his classmates after school.His favourite subject is English and he likes playing computer games best.I like to write to him.He is my good friend.★两件生日礼物(Two Britihday Gifts)共两篇


It was my birthday yesterday.I got a lot of gifts.All of them were covered with coloured paper.Among them there were two interesting ones.My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thought it was a football.But when I opened it, it was a clock.My brother gave me a message, saying that “My present has been put in your bedroom.”As soon as I went into my bedroom,I found a box.I opened it and found a laptop.I was very happy.These two presents aim to let me study hard and not to waste time.第二篇

Yesterday was my birthday and I received a lot of presents.These presents were packed in coloured paper and two of them were funny and interesting, which impressed me.My sister sent a bag of present to me.The bag was big and round.I though it was a football.But when I opened it, I saw a clock.The other one was given by my brother.He left me a message, which said “my present is lying in your bedroom”.When I got to my bedroom, I found a laptop.Oh!Great!' I jumped with joy.I know, they want me to study hard and not to waste time.I would never forget this birthday.A Day in my mother’s life

My mother is an engineer.She is always in hurry.6.30a.m.The clock is ringing.My mother gets up quickly, wash.Then she goes in kitchen.She will cook breakfast for my family.8.30a.m.She arrives at company.Begin to read messenger.She must be the first one to the office.This is a busy morning.Many things haven’t over.My mother walks around the company.Different tings with different people.There are many telephones for her, the work is so hard!5p.m.One day’s work is over.What a long day she has.It’s time to relax.My mother plays badminton twice a week to keep healthy.And on Friday she usually goes shopping.7.30p.m.She always eats dinner on her desk.She works on computer at home.The messenger tells her many things about the company in other countries.She has to talk to the people from these companies on internet.11.30p.m.She doesn’t sleep much.After dinner she continues working on the computer until she finishes woks.But she can have break at weekends.I always say that my mother is a very busy woman.A day in my uncle's life

My uncle is a taxi driver.His life is not so relax because he is busy.He always gets up early.He washes, puts on his uniform.He has breakfast alone.Then he starts working.He drives people to lots of places.He knows Shanghai's terrain very well.He always eat some bread instead lunch.He sometimes drives taxi all night.So he feels tired.He is not very healthy.He needs much sleep.A day in my life

I am a middle school student.Here is my daily life.I wake up early.Then l put on my uniform and wash.I take a bus to school.l always have breakfast at school.If it doesn’t rain, we will have morning exercise at 8:00a.m.After that, we have classes.l always try my best to learn some basic subjects.I also learn some efficent ways to study from others.So l

achieve A grades in most subjects.In P.E.lessons, I do physical sports to be healthy and strong.I go to library after lunch twice a week.After school, l return home with my friends by bus.I usually finish my homework before dinner.In the evening, l always go to bed before 9:30.I think we should have a healthy life style.It’s very important.A Day in my life

I am a student ofXinglong Middle School.Every day, there is much work for me.When the clock rang at 6 a.m., I got up.After finishing the things before leaving, I went school.As usual, mum drove me to school.After morning exercise, I had eight lessons.In the free time, I helped the teachers do some work.I finished school at half past four.When I arrived home, I started doing my homework.I often finished it at about 7 p.m., And today, it was the same.I had dinner with my family.Up to now, I have finished much work.I think I may have a rest.A day in my aunt’s life

She is a policeman.She likes her job very much.She gets up at 6P.m.She washes, has breakfast and puts on her uniform.It makes her awesome.She takes a bus to the police office every day.After she gets the police office, she starts working.First she asks the leader what to do.She usually answers the phone in her office.Sometimes she patrols the streets.She works almost the whole week but she never complains about it.She usually returns home at 6 p.m.She likes eating healthy food like vegetables.She usually goes to bed before 12p.m.A Day In My Life

I get up at 6 a.m.Then I wash and put on my school uniform.After a quick breakfast, I walk to school.It take me about half an hour.At 8 a.m., I start school.Most of subjects are interesting.I often achieve A grades.I usually get home at about 5 o’clock.I do my homework at night.It takes me about an hour.I usually go to bed before 10 p.m.














三、教学过程 1.质量的引入


















333游码是天平测量准确度的标志。使用前首先认清游码上的最小刻度值。如图所示游码范围是2g,每一小格表示0.1g.这也就是天平的感量。游码示数应以游码的左侧对齐格数所示质量,图71所示游码位置是0.7 g。








第三节 科学探究:物质的密度











我们鉴别物质,有很多时候,仅靠气味、颜色、软硬、形状等特性是不够的,那么物质是否还有其它特性呢? 我们可以做这样一些实验:A、将涂有同种颜色、同体积的两物体放在托盘天平的两个盘上,结果天平失去平衡.B、取同体积的水和酒精倒入质量相等的两个空烧杯中,然后分别放到天平的两个盘上,结果天平也失去平衡。两物体的体积相同,质量不同;水和酒精的体积相同,但质量不同.







对于同种物质,它的体积增大几倍,它的质量也增大几倍,即它的质量和它的体积成正比,质量和体积的比值是个定值.对不同物质,这个比值不同;而质量跟体积的比值就等于单位体积物质的质量,不同种类物质单位体积的质量一般不同,可见单位体积的质量反映了物质的特性,物理学中就用单位体积的质量来定义密度。密度的定义:某种物质单位体积的质量叫做这种物质的密度。用符号“ρ”来表示. 密度的公式:ρ=m/V,m表示质量,V表示体积。

























从密度的计算公式ρ=m/V可以得出m=ρV 这个式子告诉我们,物体的质量等于它的密度乘以体积。因此,知道了物体的体积,查出组成物质的密度,就可以算出它的质量,对于不能直接称量的庞大物体,这是求质量的很方便的办法.(3)求体积





(一)My favorite TV Program

The News Report is my favorite TV program.Almost every day I turn on the TV at 6:30 p.m.and wait for the news program.This has become a part of my life.There is something new and important about the world in The News Report, such as the international situation and the latest sports news.we can learn about the information in a short time.In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV program.It is a way of communication.From this program, people can know and understand world better.The world becomes smaller and smaller.So I especially like it.(二)假期你有什么打算,写一篇60词左右有关你的假期打算的短文。: 1.visit family and friends 2 go somewhere new

2.do some exercises 4.helpfamily do some housework.Summer holidays are coming.During the holidays, at first I’ll have a good rest.Then every day I’ll do morning exercises.And in the afternoon ,If I am free.I’ll go fishing in the park.I like reading ,so I would like to spend more time reading books.During the holidays , I’ll help my parents do some housework.I also want to visit some friends and relatives.I am sure I’ll have a good time this summer.(三)你的朋友汤姆和迈克想游览泰山,请向他们介绍一下大体情况。开头已经给出,注意书信的结尾格式。提示:1.位于山东省泰安市,是山东省最高的山。2.因云海(the sea of clouds)、奇松(wondrous pines)、怪石(unique rocks)、和日出而闻名。3.可步行上山,也可乘缆车。4.山顶风景秀丽,有很多庙宇(temples)Dear Tom and Mike,I’m glad you will visit Mount Tai.Now let me tell you something about it.Mount Tai lies in Tai’an, Shandong.It’s very high and it’s the highest mountain in Shandong Province.It’s famous for the sea of clouds, wondrous pines, unique rocks and sunrise.Every year, many visitors go there for sighting.They say it’s a magic land of mountains , forests and rivers.You can climb up to the top or you can take the cable car as you like.when you get to the top, you will have a wonderful view.There are many temples on the top of the mountains.You can enjoy the beautiful views there.May you have a good time.Love,X X

(四)你的笔友Jack 想知道有关中国春节的一些习俗,请你用80到100个词介绍一下中国的春节,开头和结尾已经给出。

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people

Allfamily members will get together to have a big meal on the New Year’s Eve.We’ll watch the fireworks and eat dumplings.And some families will sit together to chat or watch the get-together of CCTV.It’s a big and special programme.Almost every family will watch it until 12 o’clock.During the spring festival,people can visit their relatives or friends.It’s also a happy time for children.They can get a red package from parents and grandparents , or relatives , and there is money in it.Sothe children are very happy during the festival.Isn’t it interesting? Write to me soon.Yours,Cindy

(五)Write about your hero.The topic is “ the hero in my heart”(我心目中的英雄)

The hero in my heart

There are lots of famous persons in the world and they are like stars in the sky.For me , I think Liu Xiang is a real hero.Many years ago ,all the people in the world think that Asians were not good at running.However Liu Xiang changed their minds.He got the first place.This was the first Asian to win 110m hurdles at the Olympic Games.He ran like a flying horse.He tried his best。At last ,he won the Olympic championship.We all jumped, clapped with joy for his success.All the Chinese people are proud of him.We can imagine how hard he has worked for the race.Liu Xiang is the hero in my heart.I hope he can do better in the 202_ Olympic games.Good luck to you , Liu Xiang!

(六)My perfect holiday

I went toQinghai last summer holiday.I went there by train and my parents went with me,I had a good time.First,whenwe got there,we founda hotel to live inand then had a rest in order to feel good to visit.Then,we went to a museum,I learn about lots of things,it is funny。We also took some beautifulphotos there.We had a picnic in a park, it was delicious.Finally, we went swimming, I feel so happy that I could not forget it.In my opinion,I enjoyed my holiday,I think it is perfect.(七)写作要点:1.上海位于中国的东部,是中国最大的城市。





Shanghai lies in the east of China.It is the biggest city.it is a city with long history.And it is famous for the Bund.Shanghai is a good place to go sightseeing for journey.You can buy fashionable things.There are many interest places for you to visit.It is the best time to go to shanghai in spring.It is neither cold nor hot.But in summer it rains often ,you had better take an umbrella with you.Wish you a good trip!





Time passes away.I will be a Junior Three student.I feel a little nervous and excited.In the past two years, I learned plenty of knowledge.I thought, asked, laughed, cried„„I tried my best to learnwith the help of the teachers and my dear friends, I made much progress.I was so proud of myself.I was thankful to the helpers too.but I did badly inlearning English.andI was very careless and selfish.I spent too much time playing.In this year,I will listen to teachers carefully in class.I will finish my homework on time.I will spend more time learning.I will do some sports after school to keep healthy as well.if I work hard, I can achieve my goal finally!


Dear Mr.Chen :July 17th

I had a cold afer I swam in the Kunming Lake.And I had a headache.then my mother took my temperature.And found I had a high fever.So she took me to see a doctor, the doctor looked me over,he said that I had to stay in bed for two days.soI have to have two days off.Please allow me to do so。

Thank you!


初二英语下学期Unit 1教案2