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编辑:夜色温柔 识别码:15-796940 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-14 23:25:51 来源:网络


¸ß¿¼Ó¢Óï×÷Îľ«²Ê¶ÌÓï150ÌõĞÀÇÍ´Û×ÒÈ»µÄ·Ñ¶° to appreciate the scenery of nature2 ÅÌÈø¹«µÂĞÄ to cultivate the public mindedness 3 ά»¤½¡¿µ to maintain health 4 ±£»¤»·¾³ to protect the environment 5 ¿ªÍØÊÑÓ° to broaden the horizon 6 ¿ªÍØĞÄĞØ to broaden the mind7 µ÷µÁÇú»Ø to make life pleasant8 ËÇÇ¢ÇÖĞÄ to relax oneself9 ÆݵÏĞÄÁÒ to enlighten the mind10 ¹ÌÊÎɪʶ to impart knowledge into someone11 ×·ÇóÀíÏë to seek after the ideal12 ʵÏÖ±§¸º to realize one's ambition13 ÊØĞÅÑà to keep one's promise14 ¸úÇÏʱ´ú to keep up with the times15 ĞÀÇ͹ŵÎÎÄȤ to appreciate the classical literature 16 ѧϰ¼ªËû to learn guitar17 ÌÕұƷµÂ to cultivate the character18 ¹±Ï×¹ú¼Ò to contribute oneself to the country?19 ¶ÍÁ¶ÉíÌå to strengthen, exercise the body 20 ȱ·¦ĞĠÏлض¯ to lack recreations 21 ×÷±Ê¼Ç to take notes22 ʹÑòοµÊÒ to use reference books23 ¹ØĞÄÇÑ»Ë to be concerned about the society 24 ·Ģ´ÑĞ£¹æ to follow the rules of the school25 ¶¡ÇÖΪȤÇúµÄÒğÈÎ to fulfill one's duty as a student26 ¿Ë·ĢÀ¤ÄÈ to overcome the difficulty 27 ÃæÁÙÀ§ÄÑ to be confronted with the difficulty28 ¶Ç¹×À¤¶³ to weather the storm29 ×߿״Ġ·´Ê´ to cut the corner 30 Á¿Âö²« to feel the pulse31 ¿ªÒ©·½ to prescribe the medicine? 32 ¼áÊØÔ-Ôò to stick to the principle33 ×¢ÒâÎÀÉú to emphasize the importance of hygiene34 ÂÒ¶ªÀ¬»ø to litter;to scatter garbage35 ÃÀ»¯»·¾³ to beautify the environment 36 ÖÖÖ²Ê÷ľ to grow trees 37 ·ÀɹÎÕȶ to prevent the pollution38 ÐËÇ×Çú»ØÉÊÁ¿ to promote the qualities of life 39 Ò׳ÇË𺦠to do damage to40 ¶Ò£®£®£®ÑĞÓæ to benefit;to be beneficial to 41 ¶Ò£®£®£®Ñк¦ to be harmful to;to do harm to 42 ÈÎÒâÍ£³µ to park the car at random'43 ÖÆÔìÔëÒô to make noises 44 ÕµÑÃÈËĞеÀ to occupy the sidewalk45 ·Á°­´»Í¨ to hinder the traffic46 ÅÅ·ÅÎÛÑÌ¡¢·ÏÆø to belch smoke, exhaust, fume 47 Ôì³É²»±ã to cause inconvenience48 Ôì³É»ìÂÒ to bring about the disorder49 ´³ºìµÆ to run through the red light50 ÀûÓÃÌìÇÅ to make use of the overpass51 ²é×Öµä to consult the dictionary52 ÆÁÏ¢ to hold one's breath 53 Á÷Àá to shed tears 54 ·ûºÏĞÓÓª to meet the demand'55 Éú¸ù to take root 56 ²úÉú½á¹û to bear fruit57 ´òÆƳÁĬ to break the ice58 ÆøÄÙ to lose heart;to get discouraged 59 Õñ×÷ to pull oneself together;to take heart 60 ²ÉÈ¡²½Öè to take steps;to take measures61 »ººÍ±¯ÉË to ease(alleviate)the sorrow62 ³ĞÊʸºµ£ to bear the responsibility163 ¿µÂƵ´ to make allowance for9 ?64 °ÑÎÕ»ú»á to seize the opportunity 65 ÅÜÍÈ to run an errand66 Ê÷Á¢¿¬Ä£ to set a good example 67 ´ÑÊÊ´ÐÑ× to receive education 68 ÐËÇ×Çú»ØµÄˮƴ to raise the standard of living 69 ¸æ´Ç to take one's leave70 ÑкÊÇصÄÁË´Í to have a deep understanding of71 ¸úËæÁ÷ĞĞ to follow the fashion72 ÐËÆ® to withdraw money73 ´æÆ® to deposit money? 74 ÁµĞIJ»°² the conscience stirs75 ×ÒÁ¢ to be independent;to stand on one's own76 Ó¢Îĺܺà to have a good command of English77 ÑйϷºµÄɪʶ to have a wide range of knowledge78 ϲ°®ÓÕÊõ to have a great liking for arts79 °ÑÈĠÉØÓª´ÆÇ« to play an important role in80

ÁÄÐ× to have a chat with81 ÑĞ£®£®£®²ÅÄÊ to have a talent for 82 È¡ÒÚ to make a choice83 Óкʴ۵ÄÑ°Ï× to have a great influence on 84 ÑÓÈË£®£®£®ºÊÇصÄÑ¡ÏÛ to make a deep impression on85 ÑġŪ to make a fool of;86 ÕÒ½è¿Ú to make an excuse 87 ¸øÈË´î±ã³µ to give one a lift88 ´òµç»° to give someone a ring 89 ðÏÕ to take chances90 »³ºġ to bear grudge against someone91 ÀεÆÒÔĞÄ to bear.....in mind92 °Ð×ÅÁ³ to pull a long face93 ¶Ò£®£®£®³Î¶ú²»ÎÅ to turn a deaf ear to 94 ±»¿ª³× to be dismissed from school 95 ÇúÆø to be angry with(at)96 ¸ºµ£ÒğÈÎ to assume the responsibility97 ·ûºÏĞÓÓª to serve the purpose 98 ±äÅÖ to gain weight99 ÑеÀÀÖ to make sense100 µÆÈÕµÆ to keep a diary?? 101 ¶¡µºËùÄÊ to do what one can 102 Éó¤ÍøÇò to be at home in tennis 103 ½¼ÓÎ to go on an outing 104 Ïûĥʱ¼ä to kill time105 Ôö¼ÓÉú»îµÄÇéȤ to increase the pleasures of life106 ¶«ÇÚ¶¶ËÑ to be(feel)refreshed107 ´Í³×´ÝÕźʹ¹ÂÆ to relieve the tension and anxiety108 Ğûй¶Ã»×µÄÆÒĞ÷ to release the pent-up feelings 109 ÑÎÊɺÃÏĞ to fool around 110 ×µ±¸¿µÊÒ to prepare for the examination 111 ²Î¼Ó¿ÎÍâ»î¶¯ to take part in the club activities112 Îġ¶«´Ü²ÇµÄ to be listless113 ¶«Á¦³ÎÅæµÄ to be vigorous, energetic 114 ·Ą̀ to guard against the typhoon115 ÌÓ±ÜÏÖʵ to escape the reality116 ´Ùµ´Ä¿±Ô to achieve the aim117 ÎÐÑײ¢ÉØ to lay equal emphasis on the Five Disciplines118 ¸Ğµ´ÎġÁÄ to feel(be)bored119 ¸Ğµ´ØĠµ¤ to be excited120 ¸Ğµ´ÂúÓÍ to be pleased, satisfied 121 ¸Ğµ´Ê¤Íû to be disappointed 122 ¸Ğµ´ÕÚ·Ê to be encouraged, inspired123 ¸Ğµ´ÆøÄÖ to be discouraged, frustrated'124 ¸Ğµ´Æ£¶ÕµÄ to be exhausted125 ¸Ğµ´·³ÄÕ to be worried, upset, disturbed, bothered126 ·ÅÆúÀíÏë to abandon the ideal127 µ×¶¨»ù´¡ to lay the foundation128 ʤȥÄÍĞÄ to lose patience129 ½ø²½ to make progress 130 ʧȥÁ¬Âç to lose track of'131 ±£³ÖÁ¬Âç to keep in touch with 132 ÎóÈëÆç; to go astray“133 Ñø³É£®£®£®µÄÏ°¹ß to make it a rule to;to cultivate the habit 134 ͳӻÉйú to reunify China 135 ²»´ÆĞÁÀÍ to take the pains to136 Óöµ½½»Í¨×èÈû to be caught in a traffic jam 137 ¸ø£®£®£®½Ìѵ to teach someone a lesson138 ¸Ä¹××ÒĞ to turn over a new leaf139 Ó×ÓÒΪÀÉ to take delight in” 140 Ó裮£®£®ÒÔ´ò»÷ to deal a heavy blow to 141 ÑÓ£®£®£®ÓÒÍĢв to pose a threat to142 È¡´ú to take the place of 143 Ô¤×÷±£Áô to make the reservation$144 ʹ£®£®£®³ºÒ¹Î´Ãß to cost someone a sleepless night145 ³äÂúϲÔà to be filled with joy146 ±³ËĞ to learn....by heart147 ¹ÄÀø to encourage, inspire148 ²úÉú²»Í¬ to make a great difference149 ·¸·¨ to violate the law 150 ²»ÒÅÓàÁ¦ to spare no efforts to




broaden th horizon 2.


protect the environment 3.


relax oneself 4.


keep up with the times 5.


be concerned about the society 6.


beautify the environment 7.


protect the environment 8.


improve the qualities of life 9.


improve the standard of living 10. 对---有益

be benefical to 11. 对---有害

be harmful to/do harm to 12. 防止污染

prevent the pollution 13. 有很深了解

have a deep understanding of 14. 英文很好

have a good command of 15. 有广泛知识

have a wide range of knowledge 16. 参加课外活动

dake part in the club activities 17. 尽力所为

tdo what one can to de sth 18. 给人深刻印象

make a dep impression on 19. 扮演重要角色

play an important part/role in 20. 有---才能

have a talent/gift for 21. 有积极影响

have a positive effect on 22. 接受教育

receive education 23. 采取措施

take measures to do 24. 把握机会

seize the opportunity 25. 实现目标

achieve the aim 26. 服从校规

follow/obey the school rules 27. 遇到交通阻塞

be caught in the traffic jams 28. 养成---习惯

form the habit of doing 29. 不遗余力

spare no efforts to do 30. 增加生活乐趣

increase the pleasures of life 31. 解除紧张和焦虑

relieve the tension and anxiety 32. 感到振奋

be encouraged/inspired 33. 贡献国家

contribute oneself to the country 34. 取得进步

make progress in 35. 盼望

look forward to doing 36. 不胜感激

I’d appreciate it 37. 毫无疑问

There is do doubt that 38. 陶冶品德

cultivate the character 39. 种植树木

plant/grow trees 40. 树立楷模

set a good example 41. 满足需要

meet the demands 42. 随着---的发展

with the development of 43. Opinions on this matter vary from person to person.44. Everything has two sides and---is not exception.45. The reasons are as follows.46. I’m strongly in favor of---.47. I(don’t)think it necessary/reasonable to do---.48. Compared to/with the letter, e-mail is more convenient/has more advantages.49. According to the figure/chart, it can be seen thar---.根据数字/图表可以看出

50. With all the reasons/opinions mentioned above,---综上所述


1.举例:for example, such as, that it to say,take---as an example 2.因果:thanks to, because of, owing to, as a result, thus, therefore 3.补充/递进:in the first place,to start with, first and foremost, besides, in addition, moreover, what’s more, furthermore 4.并列:not only---but also, as well as, including 5.对比:for one thing---for another, on one one hand---on the other hand, however, nevertheless 6.结论:in conclusion, in a word, to conclude, Last but not the least, to sum up, in brief 7.个人看法:in my opinion, from my point of view, as far as I’m concerned


一些a range of;a variety of;a series of;an array of


许多plenty of;many;much;a great deal of;a lot of;ample


依序列举list in sequence




可持久的durable;able to stand wear;last a long time

一再time after time;again and again



自古到今from ancient times to the present day;down through the ages年轻人young people;youngster;youth;young adult

老式的old-fashioned;out of date;dated

偶尔from time to time;now and then;once in a while;at times时常often;frequently;repeatedly

永远的eternal;perpetual;lasting throughout life

重整办事优先顺序reshape priorities

目前so far;by far

一次就可完成的事one-time event


骂yell at;reprimand;chide;scold;reprove

支持support;endorse;back up;uphold

谴责condemn;express strong disapproval of

错的mistaken;erroneous;wrong incorrect

错事wrongdoing;had acts;misbehavior

做相反的do the reverse of;do the opposite

归咎blame…on;put the blame on …;…is to blame

瓦解disintegrate;break up;separate into small parts

支持某一方in favor of;on the side of


意见不和clashes of opinion

一致的unanimous;in complete agreement


批判criticize;blame;find fault with;make judgments of the merits and faults of…

我们想念…we are convinced that…;we are certain that..我愿意I incline to;I am inclined to;I am willing to;I tend to

有用的useful;of use;serviceable;good for;instrumental;productive有意义的meaningful;fulfilling

他们不愿承认这一点they have always been reluctant to admit this…在大家同意下by common consent of…

否定deny;withhold;negate承认admit;acknowledge;confess;concede于事无补of no help;of no avail;no use使…受益benefit…;do good to…;is good for…;is of great benefit to…想法frame of mind;mind set;the way one is thinking想出come up with找出come up with;find out利用use;take advantage of夸耀brag about;boast about;show off;speak too highly of照顾take care of;take charge of;attend to;watch over对…很了解have a deep knowledge of…对抗权威stand up against authority;resisit boldly the authority对…有信心have confidence in说清楚articulate;verbalize;put in words;utter接受…之美意embrace the offer of…累积amass;accumulate;heap up;assemble连系tact;get in touch with;contact with排除这可能性rule out the possibility等于is equivalent to;equal选择choose;elect;opt for;pick;single out发出deliver;give out;hand over绕路detour;take a detour;take a roundabout way禁止进入is kept out;is barred from 小看make little of坏了out of order;on the blink;is not working分别distinguish between;make a distinction between;tell…from依靠count on;depend on忽视neglect;give too little care to存在come to be;come into existence;come to birth;come into being考虑consider;take into consideration;take into account考虑到in consideration of用尽力气exhaust one’s strength;use up one’s strength开动initiate;set going准备…brace for;prepare for在于lie in;rest on;rest with主动take the initiative不算exclusive of;not counting;leaving out应该得到deserve;have right to;is worthy of避免avoid;shun;get around;circumvent幻想fantasy;play of the mind以此标准来算by this criterion;by this standard乍看之下at first glance面对in the face of;in the presence of以by means of;by virtue of;by the use of

不惜代价at all costs

每况愈下from bad to worse

承受错误造成的后果in reaping the harvest of his mistakes

取得同意…get the go-ahead to

不择手段unscrupulously;by hook or by crook

想法与作法beliefs and practices

内情ins and outs;turns and twists

关键时刻the critical moment


根据according to;on the basis of;on the ground of(that);in the light of;in line with;in accordance with

逃避问题evade the question


澄清clarify;make clear

赔偿compensate for;give…as compensation for

实现carry out;implement;realize;make…come true



极端的措施drastic measures

剩下的the rest;the remainder;what is left

换言之in other words;put another way


优点advantage;strength;strong point;merit;benefit

简言之put simply;in short;in brief;in a nutshell

举例而言for instance;for example;to illustrate;let us cite 特别是an illustration;to cite a concrete case

特别是especially;more than others;particularly;in particular

既然…now that…;seeing that…

迹象inkling;hint;clue;a slight suggestion

缺点disadvantage;demerit;shortcoming;drawback;weakness除去do away with;eliminate;remove;get rid of

缺少for lack of;for a deficiency of

毕竟after all;all in all






不易懂的elusive;hard to understand



主导的人物a dominant figure;a controlling man;the most influential person

观点viewpoint;point of view;perspective;standpoint

正在进行中is underway只是一种姿态is merely a gesture立场position;stand;stance意向inclination;leaning;intention 一件事的不同说法alternative statements of fact交织intertwine;interweave好奇心the eager desire to know;curiosity尊敬respect;esteem;think highly of顽固的headstrong;obstinate;stubborn暗淡的gloomy;dark;dim巨大的huge;gigantic;colossal;vast;enormous;tremendous探索explore;fathom执行carry out;execute;do现代modern times;modern age;contemporary age偏见prejudice;bias;partiality;predilection混乱chaos;commotion;confusion;disturbance;tumult无弹性(僵硬)rigid无缺点的flawless;airtight无药可救incurable无法避免的unavoidable;inevitable细密的计划elaborate plan取消cancel;annul;abolish解药a cure for…;a remedy for;谜puzzle;riddle;enigma机会平等equality of opportunity较有影响力的国家a predominant country遵守abide by;conform to;observe;comply with热情的passionate;ardent;zealous特权privilege;a special right 模糊的ambiguous;vague;obscure影响长远的far-reaching失望despair;loss of hope;without hope幼稚childish;childlike;na飗e挑剔的picky;choosy;fastidious破坏destroy;ruin;break to pieces;devasate技巧的skillful;adept;dexterous警觉的alert;watchful;on guard;wary of忍受bear;put up with;endure;stand证据evidence;facts;proof;grounds;testimony很容易地easily;with little problem;with little hindrance令人惊讶的amazing;astonishing;astounding生动的报导vivid description争取compete for;try hard to win遗产heritage;legacy;inheritance


了解understand;comprehend;catch the meaning of;catch on汇露reveal;make known;disclose


动力impetus;driving force;momentum





短视的决定short-sighted decision




得到…的注意capture one’s attention






古人the ancients








准确地说to be exact;to be precise;precisely

突然醒悟it dawned on me that

仔细思考之后after long deliberation;after careful thought



可与…相比is comparable with(to)


是一个对比is a sharp contrast to

比作is likened to;is compared to



一般而言in general;generally speaking;by and large

满于现状be happy with what you are

预测未来project into the future

另一个观点是… another way of looking at the matter is…

不宜取笑… it is not decent to make fun of…

评估社会文化因素 assess(evaluate)sociocultural factors

那并非说… that does not mean that…

那有这回事 there is no such thing as

一个有待克服的困难是… a major hurdle for us to overcome is…由…造成 caused by;attributable to;due to;resulting from

由…组成 is made up of…;is comprised of;consist

必须从两方面考虑此问题this problem needs to be considered on two dimensions:

限制limit;restrict;refrain;restrain;keep within limits;confine;keep in check

一般人认为… conventional wisdom suggests that…

这方法有陷阱the method had pitfalls:

说服convince;persuade;cause to believe


刻意的intentional;on purpose;intended

费时间去了解…take time to acquaint oneself with…

…是此问题的核心 …is at the root of the issue

无法估计is beyond calculation;incalculable



英语作文精彩短语80条 欣赏大自然的风景appreciate the scenery of nature 2 保护环境protect the environment 3 开拓视野broaden the horizon 4 松散身心relax oneself 5 启迪心灵enlighten the mind 6 追求理想seek after the ideal 7 实现抱负realize one's ambition 8 守信用keep one's promise 9 跟上时代 keep up with the times 10 陶冶品德cultivate the character 11.提升生活质量promote the qualities of life 12 强健身体build up the body 13 坚守原则stick to the principle 14 美化环境beautify the environment 15 关心社会be concerned about the society 16.贡献国家contribute oneself to the country 17 作笔记take notes 18 使用参考书use reference books 19查字典 to consult/refer to the dictionary 20 服从校规follow/observe the rules of the school 21 造成损害do damage to 22 对...有益benefit;to be beneficial to;

be of great benefit to 对...有害be harmful to;do harm to;harm 24 造成不便cause inconvenience 25 造成混乱bring about the disorder 26 克服困难overcome/fet over the difficulty 27 面临困难be faced with/face the difficulty 28 气馁

lose heart;to get discouraged 29 振作

pull oneself together;to cheer up 30.精神抖擞 be(feel)refreshed 31感到振奋 be encouraged / inspired 32 感到气馁 be discouraged / frustrated 33 感到疲倦的 be exhausted/be worn out/

be tired out 34 采取步骤 take steps / to take measures/ to take action 35 缓和悲伤

ease the sorrow;

36.缓解压力:relieve the stress/pressure 37 解除紧张和焦虑 relieve the tension and anxiety 38 承受负担 bear/take the responsibility 39 考虑到 take …into consideration/account 40 把握机会 seize the opportunity 41 提升生活的水平raise the standard of living 42 有很深的了解 have a deep understanding of

跟随流行 follow the fashion

自立 be independent;to stand on one's own


have a good command/knowledge of English

有广泛的知识 have a wide range of knowledge 47 喜爱艺术 have passion for arts

扮演重要角色 play an important role in 49 有...才能 have a talent/gift for;be talented in/

be gifted in


make a choice

有很大的影响have a great influence on 52 予人...很深的印象make/leave a deep impression on

找借口make an excuse 54 冒险take chances/risks

牢记在心 bear/keep.....in mind 56 背诵 learn....by heart 57 对...充耳不闻 to turn a deaf ear to 58 满足需要meet/satisfy the demands 59 有道理

make sense

60.产生不同 make a great difference 61认为…重要attach great importance to 62 尽己所能 do what one can 63 消磨时间 kill time

增加生活的情趣 increase the pleasures of life 65 逃避现实 escape the reality 66 达到目标 achieve the aim 67 奠定基础 lay the foundation 68 进步 make progress

失去连络 lose track of;lose touch with sb 70 保持连络 keep in touch with sb

71遇到交通阻塞 be caught in a traffic jam 72 给...教训 teach someone a lesson 73改过自新 turn over a new leaf 74 引以为乐

take delight in

兴奋 be in high spirits/ be in good mood/

be wild with joy

76.从中学到很多 to learn a lot from 77.树立楷模 set a good example 78 不遗余力 spare no efforts to 79不辞辛劳take the pains to

80.努力去做 make efforts to do sth





Be getting on well with one’s study某人的学习越来越好

take several courses at school在学校学若干门课程

have English(Chinese, Physics…)every(other)day work hard at …

put one’s heart into…专心于;致力于

be interested in …

be fond of

like chemistry best

be good at …;be poor at …;do well in …;be weak in …

make progress in …;fail in …’ be tired of …’

pass the examination;give sb.a passing grade;

major in history主修历史

He has the best record in school.他的成绩最棒。

get a doctor’s degree获得博士学位

be more interesting to sb.learn about;succeed in…;be active in class(work);

take an active part in …;learn… by heart;

work out a(maths)problem;improve oneself in …;

get 90 marks for(English);get an “A” in the exam;

have a good command of…

lay a good foundation in(language study)


get on well with sb;like to be with students;

be gentle with us;be kind to sb;

be a strict teacher;be strict with one’s pupils;

be strict in work

We think of him(her)as …;help sb with sth;

praise sb for sth …;blame sb for sth..give advice on …;question sb on …

be satisfied with …

correct the students’ homework carefully and prepare for the next day;give sb a lot of work;

try to teach sb good study habits;make one’s lessons lively and interesting;teach sb.sth.;

teach sb to do sth.devote all one’s time to work;

admire(sb.for)his devotion to the cause of education



spend one’s time in many different ways;

enjoy doing things by oneself;go swimming;

go for an outing;have an outing at(the seashore);

see the sights of Beijing;play the piano(violin);

play chess(basketball);have a swim;

have dances on weekends;have a picnic over the weekend;

go to the cinema;have a party;hold a sports meeting;

do some reading;help sb do sth;enjoy a family trip;

get everything ready for;

ride one’s bike with sb.to(the park);

There are a lot of activities at(the beach).We enjoy a change from our busy life in the city.She would like to bring sth.to the picnic.‘

It was a very relaxing Sunday.There are good programmes on TV on weekends.
