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Lonely Rain man
编辑:紫陌红颜 识别码:15-795976 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-14 10:55:33 来源:网络

第一篇:Lonely Rain man

Lonely Rain man

Rain Man is a moving story about two brothers, one a selfish yuppie named Charlie Babbitt who cares only about the importance of money and the other named Raymond who is a autistic and doesn't know anything about the importance of money.Charlie who is a automaker in difficult situation knew the bad news that his father has died.After the funeral, the attorney declares his father's will, as a result of which, Charlie only gets an old-style car, while his elder brother who he never met before inherites a legacy of 3 million dollars.With extreme anguish, Charlie decides to find his “unknown” brother with his girl friends.Raymond Babbitt who has been in a nursing home for a long, long time, suffered severe childhood autism in the day, immersed in the fantasy world of himself with abnormal behavior, being regarded as an idiot.He is terribly afraid of raining, and always calls himself “Rain man” instead of Raymond.After Charlie finds his brother, he abducts Raymond secretly, in order to re-change the will of his father.In the course of returning to where Charlie lived, there are two scenes which impresses me most.One is Raymond must watch a certain TV programme at a fixed time, through which only he knows about the outer world.At that time, he never moves and marches on.As it cannot be helped, Charlie has to take him to intrude a private residence to watch the programme.What a stubborn man!The other one is once a time the traffic light turns red while Raymond are crossing the road, he suddenly stops at the middle of the road, still, seeing the “NO ACCESS” signal, which causes a big traffic jam.From then on, Charlie who doesn't care about anyone ever comes to know and care for his brother.Sometime later, when they have lunch in a restaurant, they knock over the toothpick box carelessly.Immediately Raymond speaks out the number of the toothpicks in the box.Subtly Charlie finds his brother has a remarkable memory and mental arithmetic skills.So they go to Las Vegas, relying on Raymond's memory of cards, the two won a great sum of money.Charlie was out ofhis “economic crisis”.Finally, they return to Los Angeles, One morning, while Raymond is making breakfast, there is excessive sum of smoke, which makes the alarm start up.The alarming frightens Raymond who almost loses control greatly.Charlie who is waken up breaks the alarm and comfort his brother by all means.At last, Raymond is sent back to the nursing home with the help of his doctor.Charlie sees his brother off reluctantly.What a moving, fantastic, and great movie!The Rain man stands for Autism in modern society.In our daily life, there are many “Rain man”s.Imagine that you have a brother or sister who is one of the “Rain man”s, what will you do to them? How would you get along with them? Have it ever occurred to you......? The Rain man in this movie is regarded as an idiot, as a matter of fact, he has his own way to life.At first, Charlie gets close to his brother just for the money in the will,But after six days' travel with his “Rain man”brother, he changes a lot--he knows that the family love is overwhelming instead of money.It is Roymond-the “Rain man” who makes Charlie know what is the most precious thing in one's whole life and learn to care about others sincerely.As a normal person, aren't we supposed to know more about the so called “Rain man”s, especially their mental and spiritual world?

Lonely Rain man