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编辑:前尘往事 识别码:15-742839 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-10-11 08:28:12 来源:网络


Flunking students is not an effective way to motivate them to study.“Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence”

——Robert Frost

Nowadays, students are not as diligent and docile as their former generation,which makes the teachers feel headache.How to let their students focus on their study? Some teachers take this kind of measures to deal with their uneducable students——flunking students.Personally, I can’t agree with this method.It’s horrible both to students and teachers.From the students’ side, this method can only reduce students’ motivation and confidence for studying well rather than increase their mood of learning.After all, a flunking grade is not a laudable result for everybody.If someone gets flunked, he or she will feel that maybe he or she can’t do anything well.Recently, some college students killed themselves because they failed in critical exams.So flunking students can’t save them but hurt them.From the teachers’ side, this approach may ruin their images in their students.Most students dislike teachers who always give a lot of flunking grades.It makes them think that this kind of teacher is stubborn, carping and difficult to get along with.If the students have had this thought, how could they be motivated by their flunking grades?

In a word, flunking students is not a good method for education.Students need to be encouraged and motivated but not in this way.


The transportation

In the modem society ,the transportation is becoming more and more important.whether the people go to work or travel,we must do it by the transportation.So,I think,we should discuss the advantage and disadvantage of the transportation.The first is the car.Cars have been coming in our life.It is convenient for us whatever we do.If,we have something that is urgent to do ,the importance of the car is showed.But,the cars are quite expensive,some people can’t buy a car,and the gas is also not cheep.On the other hand,the cars will make the air become bad and make the traffic pressure become serious.The next is the bus.Some people don’t like to go out by bus.In their opinions,the bud is dirty、crowded and tired.But,I think the bus is cheeper a lot than the car,and that will reduce the environment pollution.And we never worry about the car lost.The last is motor bicycle.It is so convenient for the young people to go out.Whatever we buy things or go to the friends,it will be their first choice.And the motor bicycle is not so expensive.When the young people ride it ,we will become very cool,so a lot of people will ride it fast which is the fatal shortcoming.It is very dangerous ,and that will make the people deform or die.So,I think we should find the way that is handy.In my opinion ,we should take the bus more,because it is convenient and it can make the air cleaner than the car and it is safer than the motor bicycle.交通方式








1.个人资料或个人详情 Personal Data or Personal Details

一、Name(姓名),英语的习惯写法是名在前,姓在后,如:Minglan Zhang;也可以遵从汉语的习惯,按照姓在前名在后的顺序,如:Zhang Minglan.二、Address(通信地址),英语通信地址的写法与汉语迥然不同,汉语是从大到小,英语是从小到大,如:88 Gaodi Lane, Beijing Road, Guangzhou(广州市北京路高等街88号)。

三、Postal Code/ Zip code(邮政编号)。

四、Phone Number(电话号码)。以上四项往往放于开头,单独列出。



六、Date of Birth/ D.O.B.(出生日期):March 12, 1958(美式英语)或12 March,1958(英式英语)。


八、Nationality(国籍或民族):如:P.R.C.(中国),the Han(汉语),亦可用Citizenship :Chinese(中国)。如有双重国籍则写:Duel Citizenship,如:Chinese and Canadian(中国和加拿大)。倘若不是求职于海外,则不必填写国籍。



十一、Martial Status(婚姻状况):Married or Single or porced(已婚、单身、离异)(Optional)

十二、Number of Children(子女人数):如:one or none(1个或无)当然,未婚者可不填写此项。如果离异者的子女经法院判决或通过协议离婚作出决定由对方携带抚养,便可在此项中填写(无)。(Optional)

十三、Health Condition(健康状况):excellent(极佳)、very good(很好)、strong(强壮)。(Optional)

十四、Hobbies(业余爱好):如:playing basketball(打篮球)、playing the violin(拉小提琴)、jogging(慢跑),dancing(跳舞),etc.有些招聘单位喜欢录用有体育和文艺等方面的专长的人员,因此,如果你有这方面的嗜好或专长也是一种优势。某些需要耐心的工作,倘若你有钓鱼(fishing)之嗜好,亦可填写进去。

十五、Membership(会员资格):如:Translators' Association of Guangzhou(广州翻译协会),etc.现在各行各业都有协会和学会或者研究会,在此项中有则填之,无则不用填。当然,你若是参加了某个或几个学术组织,特别是担任了理事、会长之类的职务,这无疑会增添你的求职竞争优势。

十六、Number of Identification Card(身份证号码):有些招聘的职位限制了户口所在地,就应填写此项,否则,便可省略。(Optional)

除了上述个人资料外,不少招聘单位还要求应聘人员在简历中附上近照一张或数张,即使招聘广告中没有此项要求,你也不妨把自己的照片寄去,这可以加强招聘者对你的印象。另外,如有必要,可以写明到职时间,例如: Available May 4, 1994(1994年5月4日便可到职)


2.应聘职位 Job Objective

在你将个人简历给人才交流中心、人才交流会、劳务人才集市或常设劳务中介机构时,务必写出自己所希望获得的职位。在一些招聘广告中,往往一个单位同时招聘多种职位的人才,这时也应当注明应聘职位,让招聘者一看就一目了然你想应聘何种职位。如果一个招聘广告只招聘一种人才,个人简历中便可省略此项,只需在求职信中提一句就行。3.工作经历 Work Experience



一、工作单位:如果你认为负责招聘的人对你原来的工作单位不甚了解,可以在括弧内用一句话简单介绍一下。例如:Zhujiang Co.Ltd(one of the leading real estate development companies in Haikou City)。珠江股份有限公司(海口市主要的房地产开发公司之一)。Guangzhou Avon Co.Ltd(producing skincare and cosmetics)。广州雅芳有限公司(生产护肤及美容品)。

二、服务时间:你所服务过的每一个工作单位,都必须写清楚从某年某月始至某年某月止。服务时间多半写在工作单位的前边,例如: July 1987 to March 1990 Guangzhou Yangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory1987年7月至1990年3月 广州羊城制药厂

月份亦可用阿拉伯数字来表达,例如: 10/1990-6/1992 Shanghai Tea Import and Export Company 1990年10月至1992年6月上海茶叶进出口公司。

但是,也可把服务时间写在工作单位之后,例如: China Grand Hotel(April 1988 to May 1991)中国大酒店(1988年4月至1991年5月);Shenzhen University(8/1990-7/1993)深圳大学(1990年8月至1993年7月)

如果你的工作时间不长,而且至今仍服务于同一工作单位,便可写成从某年某日至今,例如: July 1993 to present Guangdong International Hotel 1993年7月至今 广东国际大酒店;

Guangdong Development Bank(10/1992-present)广东发展银行 1992年10月至今

三、职位、职责与业绩在工作经历中写清楚你曾担任的职位、负责的业务和取得的业绩是非常重要的,因为这将体现出你是否具备目前应聘的职位的任职资格。如果工作经历较多,以前的经历只需写明职位就行,不必写出具体的职责,而现在工作则应详细说明。不过,假如现在的工作和你所应聘的新职位关系不大,而以前的某次经历又与你所应聘的新职位关系密切,那么就必须将那次经历的职位,职责和业绩都写清楚。例如: Position: Assistant Project Manager Responsibilities: Coordinating the designers, contractors, and government authorities, budgeting and controlling cost, supervising the inner-house construction project team.职位:工程副经理

职责:同设计师、承包商和政府机构进行协调,预算和控制费用,主管室内建筑工程队。Position: Secretary to Purchasing Manager Responsible for general secretarial activities, such as receiving visitors, making appointments, taking dictation, writing routine letters.职位:采购部经理秘书

负责一般秘书业务,例如接见来访者,安排约会,记录口述、书写日常信函。在说明业绩时,可以例举一些具体数字,这样效果更佳。例如: Position: Translator Achievements: Having translated two million words of commercial materials from English into Chinese over the last two years.职位:翻译


在例举降低成本时,增加销售量和提高营业额等方面的数字时,如果涉及到商业秘密,简历中则不要用具体数字,用百分比来间接表示即可。例如: Position: Area Sales Manager Responsibilities and Achievements: Training and supervising 30 salesmen.Territory includes all Southern China.The turnover in the territory increased by 20% in 1993 and by 25% in 1994.职位:区域销售经理

职责与业绩:训练与督导30名推销员,范围包括整个华南区域。该区域的营业额在1993年增加了20%,在1994年增加了25%.Position: Chief Engineer Achievements: Reduced the production cost by 45% through redesign of the original assembly line for manufactruing airconditioners.职位:总工程师


Second Job: Sold Avon cosmetics and skincare from house to house, two hours an evening, three evenings a week, in 1993.第二职业:于1993年每周用三个晚上,一个晚上两上小时去上门直销雅芳美容护肤品。

August 1986 to April 1987, Working as a Sunday engineer at Kelon Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.to assist in mounting the assembly line of Rongsheng refrigerators.1986年8月至1987年4月,在科龙电器股份有限公司当星期天工程师,协助安装容声电冰箱的装配线。

Part-time teacher Taught TOEFL at Guangzhou Science and Technology Institute(12/1992-5/1993)。

Taught English at Guangdong TV University(9/1991-1/1992)。

Taught English grammar at Guangzhou Nanyang Remedial University for self-education(9/1989-1/1990)。


在广州南洋自学辅导大学教英语语法(1989年9月至1990年1月)。4.学历 Education


一、9/1984-7/1988 B.C., Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin 1984年9月至1988年7月 天津南开大学化学系化学学士

二、September 1987-July 1990 Beijing University, M.C.L., Dept.of Laws 1987年9月至1988年7月 北京大学法律系民法硕士


一、9/1991-7/1994 D.Lit(t), Dept.of English, Beijing University of Foreign Languages 1991年9月至1994年7月 北京外国语大学英语系文学博士 9/1988-7/1991 M.A., Dept.of English, Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages 1988年9月至1991年7月 广州外国语学院英语系文学博士 9/1984-7/1988 B.A., Dept.Of English, Nanchang University 1984年9月至1988年7月 南昌大学英语系文学学士

二、M.S.with concentration of electronics, Princeton University, U.S.A.(9/1992-6/1994)美国普林斯顿大学理科硕士,主修电子学(1992年9月至1994年6月)。

三、September 1982-July 1986 Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Trade, B.S., Dept.of International Business 1982年9月至1986年7月 广州外贸学院国际贸易系学士

四、9/1986-7/1992 Overseas Chinese High School, Guangzhou 1986年9月至1992年7月 广州华侨中学

9/1981/-7/1986 Shamian Primary School, Guangzhou 1981年9月至1986年7月 广州沙面小学


一、March 1993 to July 1993, Receiveing off-job training at Guangdong Economic Management Cadre Institute.Coursework includes: study of management of enterprises, marketing, international laws of commerce.1993年3月至1993年7月,在广东省经济管理干部学院接受脱产培训。课程包括:企业管理学、市场营销、国际商法。

二、2/1994-12/1994, evening school of Hotel Management Training Center at Zhongsshan University.Coursework is involved in showing guests to their rooms, housekeeping, room service, laundry Service, replying to inquiries, hotel English.1994年2月至1994年12月,在中山大学酒店管理培训中心上夜校。课程涉及引领房间,整理房间,房间服务,洗衣服务,回答询问,酒店英语。

三、Taking such refresher courses in Linguistics as phonetics, phonology, morphology, and etymology in Dept.of Japanese at Shanghai University of Foreign Languages(9/1992-7/1993)。



所修课程与成绩(Curriculum and Grades):所修课程主要是列出同应聘工作有关联的科目,把各科成绩一并列出可使雇主了解你学习的好坏。例如: Specific courses in accounting and their marks: Accounting Principles: 88 Bookkeeping Principles: 90 Cost Accounting: 86 Financial Management: 90 Economic Mathematics: 92 会计学专门课程及其分数: 会计原理:88分 簿记原理:90分 成本会计:86 分财务管理:90分 经济数学:92分

Courses taken that would be useful for secretarial work and their grades: Office Management: 82 Bookkeeping: 90 Filing: 88 Word processing: 87 Information Processing: 86 Business English: 85 Secretarial Science: 80 对秘书工作有用的课程及其成绩: 办公室管理:92分

簿记:90分档案处理:88分 文字处理:87分 资料处理:86分 商用英语:85分 秘书理论:80分 Specialized courses for management and their marks: Management Principles: 94 Organization Theory: 92 Management of Industries: 90 Business Management: 88 Behavioral Science: 87 Macroeconomics: 85 Operations Research: 82 为管理而开设的专门课程及其成绩: 管理原理:94分 组织学:92分 工业管理:90分 商业管理:88分 行为科学:87分 宏观经济学:85 分运筹学:82分

5.社会实践 Social Practice

社会实践包括在校内担任助教,助研,在校内外从事业余工作(part-time jobs)、暑期打工(summer jobs)和毕业实习等等。如果这些社会实践同你应聘的工作有密切的关系,把它们写出来便可以显示自己的意志、勤奋、责任感、能力和独立性。例如:

September 1988 to July 1990, teaching assistant at South China Normal University: responsible for correcting seniors' English compositions and term papers.1988年9月至1990年7月,在华南师范大学担任助教,负责修改本科四年级学生的英语作文和学期论文。

Summers 1987 and 1988, waitress at dong fang hotel: apart from routine waitress' responsibilities, acted as an assistant manager in charge of training waiters and waitresses.1987年和1988年夏天,在东方宾馆当女侍应:除了担负日常侍应职责之外,还充当助理经理,负责培训男女侍应生。

From 1991 to 1992, served as a governess, helping a high school student with his maths and biology, twice a week.自1991年至1992年,当家庭女教师,辅导一名中学生的数学和生物,每周两次。

Graduation practice: working as a public relations girl at the White Swan Hotel(from April to June 1993)毕业学习:在白天鹅宾馆当公关小姐(1993年4月至6月)。6.课外活动 Extracurricular Activities

在学历中写出你在校园里参加的各种课外活动,可以让雇主看到你的才能、爱好、修养、成熟和健康状态。课外活动主要包括以下几种活动: a.体育活动(Physical Activities),例如:

captain of the university basketball team.大学篮球队队长。player of the college volleyball team.学院排球队队员。goalkeeper of the university soccer team.大学足球队守门员。

won the first place in men's one-thousand-meter race at the university student sports of Jiangsu province in 1987.1987年在江苏省大学生体育运动会中获男子1000米跑第一名。

won championship in women's five-hundred-meter swimming race at the college sports meet in 1991.在1991年的校体育运动会中获女子500米游泳赛冠军。b.文娱活动(Recreational Activities),例如:

violin(piano, etc.)player of the university orchestra.校乐队小提琴(钢琴等)演奏员。

member of the college choir.校合唱队成员。member of bridge club.桥牌俱乐部成员。

won the first place in the university chess contest in 1992.1992年获全校象棋比赛第一名。

won the runner-up in the college dancing contest in 1994.在1994年全校跳舞比赛中获亚军。

c.学术活动(Academic Activities),例如:

editor of campus life, a weekly.“校园生活”周报编辑。editor of journal of graduate studies.《研究生学刊》编辑。chairman of Kangle Poetry Society in 1993.1993年任康乐诗会会长。

won the third place in all Guangzhou English oratorical contest in 1989.1989年全广州英语演讲比赛获第三名。

won the second place in the eloquence competition in the university in 1986.1986年在本校举行的口才比赛中获第二名。

won the calligraphical contest in the college in 1989.1989年在本校书法比赛中获优胜。won the second-class prize in the university drawing contest in 1990.1990年在本校绘画比赛中获二等奖。

d.社会活动(Social Activities),例如:

senior year: president of college student council.四年级:校学生会主席。senior year: party secretary of the department student branch.四年级:系学生党支部书记。

junior year: league secretary of the class.三年级:本班团支部书记。

junior year: president of university graduate student council.三年级:校研究生会会长。

sophomore year: commissary in charge of organization of the league branch of the class.二年级:本班团支部组织委员。

freshman year: commissary in charge of studies in the class.一年级:本班学习委员。

freshman year: monitor of class.一年级:本班班长。

sophomore year: commissary in charge of sports in the student council.二年级:学生会体育委员。7.奖励 Rewards


scholarship from the university in 1994.1994年获校级奖学金。scholarship from the department in 1995.1995年获系级奖学金。

Xianzi Zeng scholarship for life science in 1993.1993年获曾宪梓生命科学奖学金。won the title of excellent league member in 1992.1992年荣获优秀团员称号。elected a “three goods” student in 1991.1991年被评为“三好”学生。

won the title of excellent leader of the university student council in 1990.1990年荣获校学生会优秀干部称号。

8.技术资格与特别技能 Technical Qualifications and Special Skills

a.技术资格(Technical Qualifications):通过考试和评审所获得的各种任职资格都可算作技术资格。例如:

electrical engineer authorized in 1984.1984年被评审为电机工程师。

passed the examination for export sales staff and got the qualification certificate in 1992.1992年通过外销员考试并获资格证书。got 6th class electrician certificate in 1991.1991年获六级电工证书。got an accountant qualification certificate in 1993.1993年获会计资格证书。passed the examination for tourist guides'' qualification and got a certificate in 1990.1990年通过导游资格考试并获证书。

associate professor authorized in January, 1995.1995年1月评审为副教授。took out a driving licence in 1989.1995年领取驾驶执照。1st class chef authorized in 1988.1988年被评审为一级厨师。senior lawyer authorized in 1994.1994年被评审为高级律师。

b.特别技能(Special Skills):同工作职位密不可分的一些具体技能便是特别技能,如语言能力,打字,速记,电脑等。例如:

typing proficiency: 50 wpm 打字熟练程度:每分钟50个单词。

languages: mandarin, Cantonese, English.语言:汉语普通话,广州话,英语。competent for speaking and writing Japanese.能说写日语。

fluent in English reading, writing and speaking.英语读、写、说流利。French: working knowledge(conversational)。法语:应用知识(会话方面)。English word-processing: 50 wpm 英语文字处理:每分钟50个单词。shorthand: 95 wpm.速记:每分钟95字。computer language: cobol, basic, pascal.计算机语言:cobol, basic, pascal microcomputers: experienced in IBM-pc(0520), Intel(8086/8088), compact.微型计算机:熟悉IBM-pc(0520), Intel(8086/8088), compact.9.科研成果 scientific research achievements 科研成果通常包括下列几项:

a.publications:发表或出版的作品 论文、论著、译著等均可列入此项,必须说明作品的题目,发表或出版的时间、发表或出版作品的报刊杂志或出版社(公司)的名称。例如: on macromodulation in socialist market economy, carried in people''s daily, May 6, 1994.论社会主义市场经济中的宏观调控,1994年5月6日载于人民日报。

on office automation management, carried in Yangcheng Evening News, April 12, 1993.论办公自动化管理,1994年4月12日载于《羊地晚报》。a survey of interpersonal relations in socialist market economy, carried in social science, 3rd issue, 1993.社会主义市场经济中人际关系的探讨,发表在《社会科学》1993年第3期。

China''s futures market, a 350-page book, published by China Financial and Economic Publishing House, 1994.《中国期货市场》,350页,中国财经出版社,1994年出版。b.Inventions:创造发明 写出发明物的名称、时间与地点。

c.Technical innovations:技术革新 必须写清楚革新的项目、时间、地点以及所带来的经济效益。

d.Patents:专利 写明专利的项目、获得专利的时间等。10.证明人 References



写证明人应包括姓名、职位、单位、电话及地点。例如: references Dahai Li, chairman, Dept.of Computers Guangdong Institute of Commerce Guangzhou Tel: 证明人

广州广东商学院计算机系 广州广东商学院计算机系 ***主任 电话:

以上这个例子,适应于大学应届毕业生,证明人是系主任。references Mr.Yingming Ma,Manager,Jiangsu Arts and Crafts International Trade corp.Tel: 证明人

南京江苏工艺品进出口公司出口部经理 ***先生 电话:

以上这个例子,适应于大学毕业后才工作一两年的应聘者,证明人是工作单位的领导。references Mr.Pengfei Bai,Manager of Import dept.China Forestry Import and Export corp,Beijing Tel: 证明人

北京中国林业进出口总公司进口部经理 ***先生 电话:


证明人一项在简历中可以省略,但须写明:references will be supplied(or furnished)upon request.如需证明人,将会提供。






1.What’s your name?

2.Does your name have any special meaning?

3.Where were you come from?

4.Which is the best place you’ve been to China?

5.When will you get married?

6.What do you do for a living?

7.What do you think of the future of China keeps an open policy?

8.What do you regard as the most significant events in recent history?

9.How aware do you think people are nowadays about environmental issues?

10.How serious is unemployment among young people?

11.In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life?

12.What do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5 years?

13.As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport?


1.What is your major?

2.How do you like your major?

3.When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?

4.Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points?

5.Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?

6.What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?


1.What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

2.What is the climate like in your hometown?

3.What is people’s favorite food in your region?

4.Tell me something about the customs of your hometown.5.How long have you lived in XXX?

6.What place in XXX do you like best? Why ?

第五篇:英语作文 父母教育方式

Bitter-sweet memories

It is said that Parents are beyond question the first teachers of children.However, there are always some disagreements among my parents especially when it comes to my education.I was drawn to drawing from my earliest years for my father painted well.When I was a second grade primary school pupil, there’s a drawing contest in my hometown.I wanted to win the prize, so I tried my best to finish a painting.I took it to my mother, my mother saw the painting roughly and said:” good job baby,your painting was full of exuberant colors!” Tense with expectancy, I asked my mother whether I could win the prize, my mother blurted:“ of course you can, my daughter is the best!” then, she added:" but why don’t you ask your father for any help? Surely you can win the prize if he helps you revise your painting.”I thought my mother is absolutely right, so I asking for help to my father.Unexpectedly, my father refused me and told me to finish the painting all by myself with his rough words.It disappointed me so much as well as my mother.She couldn’t understand why he hesitated to help me and then a quarrel broke out between them.there is much, much more things like that during my childhood.I always reproved myself when they quarreled with each other to my very face.I knew it well that both of them were love me , What sparked off the quarrel is just t the two versions of the education.My father was always hard on me, and sometimes with rough attitude especially when he was in a bad temper.Quite the opposite, my gentle mother was more like a good-natured teacher.But sometimes my mother tended to pamper and spoil me which I liked at that time.My father was sensible and foresight in this field.Because of my parents different ways of educating me when I was a child, I experienced a great versatility even though sometimes I feel distress or affliction when they wrangled with each other over me.these are all what my bitter-sweet memories meant.
