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A Pet for Me
编辑:琴心剑胆 识别码:15-811821 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-25 23:42:29 来源:网络

第一篇:A Pet for Me

A Pet for Me

Mom says I can get a pet.What kind of pet should I get?

A hamster? A hamster needs food and water.A bird? A bird needs food and water.A bird needs a clean cage.A cat? A cat needs food and water.A cat needs a clean litter box.A cat needs to be petted.A dog? A dog needs food and water.A dog needs baths.A dog needs to be petted.A dog needs room to run and play.A horse? A horse needs food and water.A horse needs to be groomed.A horse needs a giant space to race.A horse needs lots of exercise.Feed? Clean? Race?

Gee!Let me see.Maybe a goldfish is the pet for me.

A Pet for Me