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View Rain Man
编辑:轻吟低唱 识别码:15-815896 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-28 23:47:44 来源:网络

第一篇:View Rain Man

View Rain Man.I was alone in the dormitory from 4 pm until 6 pm to see the film which is made 23 years ago, Rain Man.From the beginning, a crane put a red car hanging onto the ground from a large ship at the dock, until the end, Charlie looked at the train carrying Raymond slowly away.I turned around to look out of the window when it was already dark.Charlie cut off the relationship with his father when he was young.One day he got a message said his father died.He was indifferent to attend the funeral.After the lawyer read the will of his father, he found that his father left almost all of his possessions to a stranger.Then through his investigation, Charlie found the man turned out to be his old brother Raymond whom he had never seen before.Raymond was a person with autism living in his own world, suffering from mental disorder, and his behavior is very strange.In order to get half of the property from his father, Charlie planned to take Raymond away from the nursing homes and to coerce lawyer.Then the main action of the story began, Charlie was forced to stay with Raymond alone for seven days.Just in seven days, the relationship between Charlie and Raymond turned rough to

codependent that makes this simple story more profound.When the film is about to end, in the face of the imminent departure, unexpectedly Raymond touched Charlie’s forehead.The movie scene slowly continued for nearly a minute, although it was silence, brothers flashing eyes revealed too many feelings.At that time, their resonance touched me.The film tells the story of flesh and blood.The way they went home, is actually the return path of family love.The barriers to communication are not caused by psychological problems;because everyone needs to be concerned about, also everyone needs love.But the endless telephone calls, crazy affairs, difficult problems, let his brother Charlie ignored listening to Brother Raymond.In the colorful society, did something get to spend our eyes? There is no doubt that this film on the family mining is excellent, and deeper, is the top level human nature.In Las Vegas casinos, the noisy background music and the excited people served as a foil to Raymond, he knew nothing at all, just completely obeyed.The more excited the young brother, the more obvious contrast.What is family? What are the tools? What is the use? Raymond’s simplicity likes an honest mirror, reflecting people’s restlessness.This is a film in 1988, to this day;it still pure our heart.

View Rain Man