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编辑:逝水流年 识别码:16-857255 7号文库 发布时间: 2024-01-02 11:37:45 来源:网络





1.同步性原则一、二年级的英语课程是一门基础性、启蒙性的课程。学生所学的词汇、句型、功能是有限的,他们的语言输出的范围不可能超越他们的学习内容,因此在口语命题时一定要注意口试试题要与学生所学的内容相关,这样我们才能如实客观的评价学生。例如:在一年级中学了Go to school, At the school, After School,教师可以在口语测试题中就可设计一题情景表演.让学生综合运用所学的语言知识。这类试题源于教材,体现了同步性,又高于教材,体现了创造性,并且试题内容贴近学生的实际生活,体现了趣味性。


口头交际是人类最直接的语言交际活动。在设计口试试题时,尽可能围绕教材所体现的语言交际功能,这样可以使学生在课堂中习得的英语知识和英语表达能力迅速地迁移到实际生活环境中去,以求达到英语教学的最终目的。例如:在二年级学了shopping,口语测试中可以设计一题Let’s go shopping.让学生(两人为一组)在购物的情景中自编自演一段对话。






























黎明中心小学 李秀凤



让各位领导和同仁了解我乡小学二年级语文学科学生成绩现状 以此来摸清底数 剖析问题

为兄弟乡校的同行们提供可以借鉴的数据 为今后有效地提高教学质量起到促进的作用



我们黎明乡二年级共有十个教学班 参加检测的学生共有158名 总分:14041分

平均88.9分;及格156人 及格率98.73%;优秀124人

优秀率78.48%;全乡最高及格率100% 有8个班级

其余两个班一个及格率是96% 一个是92%;全乡优秀率最高的班级是100% 优秀率最低的班级是58% 最高与最低相差42个百分点;平均分最高的班级90.6分 最低的班级平均分是78.1分 相差12.5分



本次测试卷依据《课标》 立足教材 检测内容全面 题目难易适度

着重考察学生知识的积累和灵活运用的能力 能较客观地检测学生的学习水平




(这在基础知识部分体现得比较明显)关注学生的能力发展 突出运用

(这在阅读部分题得到充分的体现)关注学生的个性成长点 突出语文贴近自然和生活的特点 让学生从语文课堂的学习中去认识 理解、运用



第一板块“知识与运用”:本大题共赋分60分 试题难度不大

学生得分情况比较好 第一小题注音判断

考查的基本都是平时学习过程中特别注意的难读易错的字 判断失误的学生不多 第二小题考查字形 此题信息量较大

既考查学生拼读能力又考查学生词语掌握和字形的书写能力 从学生试卷抽测情况看很多学生汉字的书写还不是很规范 第三小题多音字注音并组词 考察的是学生平时的基础知识 学生失误不多

第四--六小题是考察学生字词积累运用情况 这都是教材上的基础知识 试题知识源于教材 都具有代表性和典型性

抓住了学生掌握知识时容易忽略的盲点 这几个小题学生得分有很大差距 最高得满分12分 最低得分仅为6分 第八--第九小题 是句子的训练

考察词语在特定语句中的运用 由于检测题来源于教材

教师在平时的教学中也比较重视 学生失分率较低 第十小题

着重考查学生积累情况 三个诗句的填空 命题比较灵活

但都是考查的古诗中的名句 学生得分情况很好

另外是一句名人名言的书写 试题已知的信息很明确


但是我也同时发现了一个我们在语文教学中存在的致命的问题 有很多孩子答案是一致的 本来是一个开放性的试题 答案应该是有个性化的 异彩纷呈的


这对开拓学生视野、发展学生个性、树立大语文观念是一个严重的弊端 需要引起我们足够的认识

总之 第一板块

没有给学生制造多大的障碍 学生能够顺利过关


第二板块“阅读理解”:本版块共赋分20分 本阅读材料是课外短文

题目要求是仔细阅读短文、完成文后习题(文后共有5个小题 试题深浅适宜)短文用优美的语言描写了夏夜自然景色 内容浅显、朗朗上口


主要检测学生的阅读习惯、阅读能力和运用所学的知识解决实际问题的能力 文后的第一小题是

数出短文共有几个自然段 第二小题是文中有几个动物

主要考查学生的认真阅读的习惯和仔细阅读的能力 失分率较低

第三小题是用波浪线画出写天上景物的句子 第四小题是画出比喻句

这两道小题是运用以往所学的知识来判定句子 这两道小题也是学生能力测试题 整体答题情况良好




本次作文命题是《家乡的冬天》本题能够让学生关注身边的环境 热爱自己的家乡

并充分展示自己的智慧 有创意地表达 是开放式的试题 因为是书中的作文



1.基础知识夯得比较扎实:多数学生对基础知识掌握还是比较牢固的 辨音、辨字、字义、句义、词语的使用 句子的转换

约90%左右的学生都能答对 字、词知识能够活字活用 多数学生做到了认真审题 答题习惯良好

这充分说明教师在平时的教学中 对学生基础知识的重视


多数学生对修饰语、成语、古诗、运用比较到位 从试卷上看

校与校之间相差只有7个百分点 由此可以看出我们教师在授课时 能依据课标要求



部分学生对于开放性习题的解答较以前有较大进步 学生的语文综合实践能力得到逐步提高

3.多数学生阅读理解 概括能力比以前有所提高

本次阅读题课外阅读20分 得15分以上的 约75%左右的学生

多数学生都得13--18分 从取得的成绩上看 多数教师在教学中


并努力将过程和方法寓于学“知识”培养“能力”之中 多数教师方法比较得当 训练指导比较到位

课堂上能留给学生自己学习拓展的空间 使学生掌握了一定的读书方法




从取得的成绩上看 多数教师在教学中


并努力将过程和方法寓于学“知识”培养“能力”之中 说明了我们教师比较重视教学 多数教师方法比较得当 训练指导比较到位

课堂上能留给学生自己学习拓展的空间 使学生掌握了一定的读书方法

也可以看出牢固的质量意识已深入我乡教师的心中 也凝聚着我们教师的辛苦和汗水


1.少数学生基础知识不扎实 书本知识不牢 基本技能欠缺

如:一题第一小题给加点的字选择正确的读音 有些学生往往看到试题觉得不难 但答起来却又力不从心

说明少部分学生掌握知识还不牢固 应用能力不强 基本技能欠佳

2.学生观察能力不强 开放性习题答不好

在这里我说的答得不好 并不是学生失分多

例如:写出一句名人名言 学生得分率很高




这一现象的发生给我们的语文教学敲响了长鸣的警钟 告诫我们语文教学不仅要夯实基础 而且要加大综合能力培养的力度


就拿作文来说 本次习作满分是20分 从答题上看 学生在理解习作要求、谋篇布局、选择材料、组织语言、倾吐感情等方面基本达到了命题目的

最高分得19分 最低分得10分

70%左右的学生都能得16分以上 文题不难 又是课内作文 多数学生都有话说 但写好却不容易


比较精彩文章可以说不是很多 多数学生能把文章写出来 但内容缺乏新奇有趣的特点 想象力不是很丰富

在作文教学中还有很多工作要做:①有待进一步更新观念 教师应该在吃透课标、教材的基础上指导习作 不能只凭经验教学

学生试题中出现的仿作、套作的现象就是经验教学的典型例证 ②生活是习作的源泉

教师应该自觉引导学生面向生活 体验生活 理解生活 表达生活

③习作方法的指导有待于进一步强化 有许多学生习作题材很好

可是就因为详略不当而没能突出中心 恰到好处地表达真情实感

其它诸如记叙、描写、抒情、议论等方面技巧同样影响着学生习作的质量 另外很多学生因字迹不规范也影响了作文成绩 所以要注意提醒学生练好字 写好字

总之教师授课时要多注意学习方法的指导 让学生大量阅读 勤于积累 勤于写作



1.强化流程管理 抓实抓靠宏观调控

总校要从宏观上考虑 建立学生档案 制定提升细则 要有督促、有检查 并能定期的量化 增强教师的竞争意识 除此之外



做到环环紧扣 不失控

2.重视校本教研 提高教学效率


对学生的培养不能只靠每学期辅导几天就能达到预期的目标 必须扎扎实实的充分的利用每节课40分的时间上好语文课 教师除了认真的钻研教材 研究教法以外

还要充分的挖掘教材自身的创造性思维因素 发挥学生的想象能力 并能创造性的开发教材

搜集与教材内容相关的或高于教材的灵活有趣的训练题 让学生坚持每天一题或每天背一句名言警句等 课上倡导学生主动参与 乐于探究



教师要优化教学内容 抓住重点内容 削枝强干

激发学生学习兴趣 发挥他们学习的主动性

使他们真正掌握基本知识和能力 要优化教学模式

树立以学设教的现代教学观念;教学目标应明确、集中 重点突出;要科学处理教师、教科书、学生三者之间的关系 在多重对话中


引导学生在实践中学好语文;要优化教学方法和手段 要为学生创设良好的自主学习情境

帮助他们选择适合自己的学习方法;要科学地采用语言直观、多媒体辅助等手段 做到适当、适时、适量

3.关注写作训练 鼓励创意表达

习作教学要重视写作基本功训练 要从最基本的规范语言写起 通过练笔或单项训练

训练学生能运用不同的表达方式和准确、生动、得体的语言记叙所见所闻 表达所思所感

要从最基本的文体训练做起 特别要重视记叙文的写作训练 学会选材、安排安排详略 学会场面描写、细节描写

重视不同文体的基本构架、谋篇布局的训练等 重视作文的“讲评和修改”环节 不抓写作基本功训练

写作能力的提高就是一句空话 在抓好写作基本功训练的基础上 “力求有创意的表达 ”应根据学生的不同程度 施以不同的教学要求 必须强调真情实感 唯有真情实感最可贵 生活是写作的源泉

要引导学生时时关注生活 体验生活

感悟生活;指导学生挖掘、提炼生活中的“动情点” 化为自己对自然、社会、人生的鲜活感受和真切体验;善于引导学生进行多角度立意 培养学生创新思维 只有这样


4.注重工具性 做到与人文性统一


工具性和人文性的统一是语文学科的基本特点 知识和能力 过程和方法

情感态度和价值观是语文教学的目标 但在实际的语文教学中

有相当一部分教师过分强调语文的人文性而忽视语文的工具性 以至在教学中忽视“双基”的落实 根本不注意知识的教学和整理 反映在试卷中学生错别字连天 知识缺陷较多


还要进一步加强学生的写字训练 特别是随着计算机深入到我们的生活 对学生的书写能力提出了更高的要求

5.培养习惯和方法 为学生终生学习奠基


从小就要抓学生语文学习习惯和学习方法的培养 并将培养过程贯穿于整个教学过程的始终

如学生阅读习惯、写作习惯、书写习惯、听课习惯、积累习惯乃至口语交际习惯等 使每一个学生养成良好的语文学习习惯和学习方法 为学生的终身学习奠定基础


提高学生的语文能力和素养 没有广泛的阅读

培养不了良好的阅读能力 要加大阅读量 积累语言材料 培养语感 开阔知识面

特别是《语文课程标准》建议的课外阅读篇目和内容 坚持“名著欣赏”的指导和交流 变“要我读”为“我要读” 要切实培养学生良好的精读习惯 养成深入文本 仔细阅读 涵泳其中


切实纠正一些学生由于信息泛滥所带来的读书时注意力不集中 走马观花

断章取义等不良习惯 建议在阅读教学中 少一点题海战

多一点精讲精练;少一点答案的生搬硬套 多一点过程的引导和方法的指导 指导学生学会读书 学会提炼、归纳 学会思辨、想象 学会积累、运用





期末试题试卷网 http://www.teniu.cc

题号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ 总分





()1.A.To be careful.B.Learns well.C.Be an actor.()2.A.I was born in 1992.B.Two years ago.C.For seven months.()3.A.Yes, he did.B.Yes, he buys it.C.No, he isn’t.()4.A.No question.B.No problem.C.Sure, you can.()5.A.No,I don’t want.B.Yes, please.C.I wouldn’t like.Ⅱ、听录音,根据所听对话内容及问题,选择正确的应答语。每小题读三遍。(5分)

()6.A.Tea with milk.B.White coffee.C.Orange juice.()7.A.Yes,he can.B.No,she can’t.C.No, he can’t.()8.A.Jim’s team.B.We don’t know.C.Tina’s team.()9.A.He said he was going to travel to Sichuan Province.B.He knew the woman was going to Sichuan Province.C.He asked the woman to say it again.()10.A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.Ⅲ、听录音,根据所听短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)

()11.Tony is in Beijing with his father.()12.Tony likes playing basketball.()13.Tony is going to find a part-time job.()14.Tony is going to join the baseball club.()15.Tony is going to practice basketball with the help of Yao Ming.笔试部分(共八大题,80分)


1.There is a new book on the t of the box.2.On my 15th birthday,my father gives me a birthday g.3.Lu Xun was an o Chinese writer.4.If you eat more vegetables and fruits, you’ll keep f.5.Could I i my friends to your party?


1.Bob is(funny)actor of all.2.I want(be)a basketball player in the future.3.We should brush our(tooth)twice a day.4.Sanya is in Hainan Province in(south)China.5.Some readers(play)sports tomorrow.6.Her aunt is a famous(violin)in our country.7.(luck), his classmates often help him.8.My classmates and I(visit)Beihai Zoo last week.9.Take this medicine, and you will feel(well)tomorrow than today.10.Mozart started(write)music when he was four years old.Ⅵ、单项选择。(10分)

()1.I have two cousins.One is a farmer and is a worker.A.another B.the other C.other D.others()2.This movie is not that one.A.as funnier as B.so funny than C.as funny as D.as funny than()3.She looks tired and have a rest.A.need to B.needs C.needs to D.needing()4.— you buy in the store? — Yes,I did.A.Did ;something B.Did ;anything C.Do ;something D.Do ;anything

()5.The old man is old look after himself.A.to ;too B.so ;that C.too;too D.too;to()6.I want to watch TV.Please help me.A.turn on it B.turn off it C.turn it on D.turn it off()7.Tom will move to next year.A.something beautiful B.beautiful somewhere C.anywhere beautiful D.somewhere beautiful()8.The weather is very dry there,it snows or rains.A.often B.usually C.always D.never()9.Tom with his sister to school tomorrow.A.is going to walk B.walks C.are going to walk D.walk()10.Could you please the window?It’s too cold outside.A.opening B.open C.not to open D.not open


1.The man has to see a doctor.(改为否定句)The man to see a doctor.2.They are staying there for three weeks.(对划线部分提问)are they staying there?

3.Tom is 10 years old.Bob is 12 years old.(合并为一句)Tom is two years Bob.4.Shanghai is the biggest city in China.(改为同义句)

Shanghai is bigger than in China.5.Mary needs to take a bus to school.(改为一般疑问句)

Mary to take a bus to school?


Frank: Susan,(1)was your weekend?

Susan: Oh, it was exciting.Frank: What(2)you do?

Susan: I watched a chess game on Sunday.Frank: I don’t like chess.Do you(3)it interesting?

Susan: Yes.I enjoyed myself a(4).It was an exciting and special game.Frank: Special? Why?

Susan: Usually how(5)people are there in a chess game?

Frank: Two, of(6).Susan: There was only(7)player in the game.Frank: One? Then how did he play?

Susan: He(8)against a computer.Frank: Wow!That sounds interesting.Who won the game, the player

(9)the computer?

Susan: The player.He(10)the computer at last.Ⅸ、根据短文内容,从下列方框中选择正确的选项填空,使短文内容完整、语句通顺,其中有两项是多余的,将正确的选项代号写在短文后相应的横线上。(10分)

What do you(1)of the clothing store in our city? We did a survey(2)our students.All of the students(3)Xinshi Clothing Store.The things there aren’t(4)

and they aren’t(5).It(6)the best things, and it doesn’t have(7).It has the(8)service.The clothes aren’t the most fashionable, but they are more fashionable(9)the clothes at the other three stores, and they are very beautiful.I want to buy the clothes at Xinshi Clothing Store,(10).(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)




Yesterday Paul had a busy day.In the morning he cooked some noodles for his family.He went to visit his aunt at 9:30.In the afternoon he played soccer ball with his classmates.After that he cleaned the room because it was dirty.He was a little tired,but very happy.After dinner he did his homework.Then he watched TV for about two hours.He went to bed at nine o’clock.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(5分)

()1.Paul had a busy and happy day off.()2.In the morning he cooked some hamburgers for his family.()3.In the afternoon he played soccer ball with his parents.()4.He cleaned his room in the afternoon.()5.He watched TV first then he did his homework.(B)

Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends.They believe that their family members, and in particular their parents don’t know them as well as their friends do.In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they only go to their friends for getting ideas.It is very important for teenagers to have a friend or a circle of friends.Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking on the phone.These conversations are very important in children’s growing up, because they can discuss something difficult to their family members.Parents often try to choose their children’s friends for them.Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends.The question of “choice” is an interesting one.Have you ever thought of the following questions?

Who choose your friends?

Have you got a good friend your parents don’t like?

Your answers are welcome.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5分)

()6.Their know them better than their parents for the teenagers.A.classmates B.friends

C.brothers and sisters D.cousins

()7.When the teenagers stay alone, they.A.go to the cinema B.talk with their parents

C.watch TV at home D.talk with their friends

()8.Parents should try their best to their children better.A.understand B.answer

C.refuse D.afford

()9.“Your answers are welcome” means.A.you can answer your children’s question

B.you have got a good idea

C.you can tell us your ideas

D.you don’t trouble anyone

()10.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Only parents can choose B.Teenagers need friends

C.The trouble of families D.The most difficult questions


In the past, when students graduated(毕业)from college and got jobs, only some of them went on with their study.But today, lifelong(终生的)learning is becoming more and more common.Lucy, who is forty, teaches physics at a college in Boston.“Next term, I’ll teach some of my classes by using the Internet.This is the way of teaching that I’ve never used before ,”says Lucy.“These days, I am taking a class to learn about the computer.If not, I will lose my job.” At the same time, Lucy’s seventy-year-old parents, who live in New York, are taking an art class on line.“ We love this subject,” says her father, “and we learn it to enjoy ourselves.You see we can study with people all over the world.How fun it is to learn like this!”

Lucy Parents

Age Forty 11.

Subject 12. Art

Place 13. New York

How to teach or learn On the Internet 14.

For what they go on learning Not to lose her job 15.


以“Do Chores”为题,写写你在家里的表现,谈谈你做什么,不做什么,喜欢做什么,不喜欢做什么,为什么?不少于60词。

提示:clean the room,sweep the floor,make the bed,do the laundry,take out the trash,make dinner…




1.What is he going to do when he grows up?

2.When did you begin to play the piano?

3.Did Jim buy that hat?

4.Can you help me make a sandwich?

5.Would you like a cup of tea?

(Keys: 1—5:CBABB)


6.W: Would you like black coffee or white coffee?

M: I’d like to drink some tea with milk.Q: What does the man want to drink?

7.M: Where’s today’s newspaper? I want to read a report on an important football match.W: Oh, dear!The newspaper is in the kitchen.But I’m afraid you can’t read it.I already used the sports pages to clean the window.Q: Can the man find the sports pages?

8.W: Hi, Jim.I heard you had a good trip.M: Yes, we went to Beihai Park yesterday.What about your football match, Tina?

W: Our team was better.The score was 3 to 2.Q: Who won the football match?

9.W: I’m going to travel to Sichuan Province.M: What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.Q: What does the man mean?

10.M: Mike is great.He has three points now.W:Yes,he is cool.Look,he gets another one.Q:How many points does Mike get in all?



My cousin is Tony.He is in Beijing with his grandfather.He likes playing basketball.Last Monday I got a letter from him.He told me about his New Year’s resolution.First he is going to find a part-time job and save some money.Then he is going to join the basketball club, and he is going to practice basketball with the help of Mr.Green.He is going to be a basketball player like Yao Ming.Then he is going to join the national basketball team and play basketball for our national team.(Keys:11—15: FTTFF)


Ⅳ、1.top 2.gift 3.outstanding 4.fit 5.invite

Ⅴ、1.the funniest 2.to be 3.teeth 4.southern 5.are going to play

6.violinist 7.Luckily 8.visited 9.better 10.writing

Ⅵ、1—5:BCCBD 6—10:CDDAD

Ⅶ、1.doesn’t have 2.How long 3.younger than 4.any other city 5.Does;need

Ⅷ、1.How 2.did 3.think 4.lot 5.many

6.course 7.one 8.played 9.or 10.won


Ⅹ、1—5:TFFTF 6—10:BDACB

11.Seventy 12.Computer 13.Boston 14.Online

15.To enjoy themselves

Ⅺ、(one possible version)

I often do the chores.I often clean the living room, and sweep the floor.Because they are interesting.I like to take out the trash, it’s very easy.I like making dinner best.I think it’s exciting.I don’t like to make the bed.I think it’s very difficult.I never do the laundry.I think it’s boring.八年级上册期末听力及阅读测试(含答案)听力部分(共25分,每小题1分)

一、交际运用, 根据你所听到的句子选择正确答语.(听两遍)(5分)

()1.A.Me too

B.Not at all

C.Yes,you are right

D.The same to you()2.A.Sorry

B.Come on

C.Bad luck

D.Well done()3.A.Yes, you can

B.Yes,here you are C.Sure,you can

D.Sorry,I'm using it myself()4.A.Sorry, I won't do it again

B.Of course I will C.That's OK.D.Excuse me.I'm wrong

()5.A.Not at all

B.Here you are

C.What a pity!

D.It doesn't matter

二、听对话,选择正确的答语。(听两遍)(5分)()6.A.Because she isn't busy.B.Because she is not free.C.Because she is ill.D.Because she is hungry.()7.A.Women's Day.B.Children's Day.C.Teachers' Day.D.New Ear's Day.()8.A.15 minutes.B.50 minutes.C.10 minutes.D.25 minutes.()9.A.Bill.B.Li Lei.C.John.D.Bill and Li Lei.()10.A.By bike

B.On foot.C.By bus.D.We don’t know.三、看图听对话,根据听到的内容的先后顺序将下列图画排序。(听两遍)(5分)A、长城 B、悉尼歌剧院 C、莫斯科红场 C、法国艾菲尔铁塔 E、美国白宫 正确顺序: ____________________________

四、听短文,选择正确答案作答11-15小题。(听三遍)(10)11.Tree Planting Day started on _______.A.March 20th, 1987.B.March 12th, 1987.C.March 20th, 1978.D.March 12th, 1978.12.The students _________the park.A.walked to

B.took a bus to

C.met at

D.put their bikes near 13.The park is ________from the school.A.very far

B.very near C.five kilometers

D.fifteen kilometers 14.They got water from________.A.the bus

B.a river

C.a well

D.the holes(洞)15.The students planted ________trees that day.A.more than 150

B.more than 250 C.less than 300

D.more than 300 阅读理解(共40分,每小题2分)


(A)Will it matter if you don't take your breakfast? A short time ago, a test was given in the United States.People of different ages, from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test.During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all.Scientist(科学家)wanted to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten different kinds of breakfasts.The results show that if a person eats a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast.If a student has fruit,eggs,bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen more carefully in class.The result is oppoiste to what some people think.Having no breakfast will not help you lose weight(减轻体重).This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch.They will gain(得到,增加)weight instead of losing it.You will lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.()1.During the test, the people were given _______.A.no breakfast at all

B.different foods or sometimes none C.very rich breakfasts

D.little food for breakfast()2.The result show that _________.A.breakfast has great effect(影响)on work and studies B.breakfast has little to do with a person's work

C.a person will work better if he only has fruit and milk D.girl students should have little for breakfast

()3.According to(根据)the passage, some people think that if you don't have breakfast,you will ________.A.be healthier

B.work better

C.lose weight

D.lose your way()4.The word reduce in the last sentence means ________.A.增加




()5.Which of the following is NOT right?

A.It is bad for your health to have no breakfast.B.Too little for breakfast and too much for lunch may make you fatter.C.If you don't eat much for lunch and supper, you may lose weight

D.The more breakfast you have, the more quickly you'll learn in class.(B)The date was like any other day in his life.After school Bill walked past the shop on the street corner.He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself.He really wanted to have a pair for his birthday.He sadly walked away and thought of what to tell his mother.He knew she would give him anything if she could.But he also knew very well she had little money.He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and he didn't want to make his mother worry about it.So he went to the park and there he sat on the grass.Then he saw a girl in a wheel chair(轮椅).He found that the girl moved the wheels with her hands.Bill looked at her carefully and was surprised to see that the girl had no feet.He looked down at his own feet.“It is much better to be without shoes than without feet,” he thought.It was not right for him to feel so sorry and sad.He went away and smiled, thinking he was more lucky in life.()6.Bill was sorry that _______.A.the shoes in the shop were not the right size for him B.he forgot to bring any money with him C.his shoes were worn out

D.he walked past the shoe shop()7.Which of the following is right? A.Bill's mother had much money.B.Bill's mother was a kind-hearted woman.C.Bill's mother wouldn't buy him anything.D.Bill's mother often bought presents for Bill's birthday.()8.Why didn't Bill go home at once? A.Because his mother was at work.B.Because his mother wouldn't give him any money.C.Because he wanted to sit on the grass in the park.D.Because he didn't want to give his mother any trouble.()9.In the park, Bill found a girl _______.A.without hands

B.without feet C.looking down at his shoes

D.walking slowly()10.At last Bill ________.decided to buy a new pair of shoes left the park sadly

thought he was more lucky in life than the girl in the wheel chair didn't know what to do with his shoes


一、交际运用, 根据你所听到的内容选择正确答语.(听两遍)1.--“Happy New Year!”--“_________!”

2.--I've passed the driving test!--Congratulations!_______!3.--Would you mind if I use your bike?--__________.4.--Don't make faces in class!--_________.5.--May I borrow you bike?--Sorry,I lost it yesterday.--Really? __________.二、听对话,选择正确的答语。(听两遍)

6.A: Can you go swimming with us, Jane? B: Sorry.I have a cold.Q: Why can't Jane go swimming?

7.A: Hello!What's the date today?

B: It's September 10.Q: What day is it today?

8.A: Peter, how long does it take you to get from home to school? B: It takes me 15 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.Q: How long does it take Peter to get to school on foot?

9.A: Is Bill as tall as Li Lei? B: No, he is not so tall as Li Lei.A: What about John?

B: He is shorter than Bill.Q: Who is taller, Li Lei or John?

10.M: It’s too far away to go on foot.I think you should take a bus.W: But waiting for buses takes lots of time.I’d like to borrow a bike.Q: How would the woman go?

三、看图听对话,根据听到的内容的先后顺序将下列图画排序。(听两遍)A: What are you talking about?

B: About our trip.Did you go to France?

A: Yes.The Eiffel Tower is in that country.Do you know where the White House is? B: It's in America.The President of the USA lives there.But we haven't seen it.A: I saw it.I saw many famous places of the world with my parents last year.For example, the Sydney Opera House in Australia, the Buckingham Palace in England and so on.B: Did you see the Great Wall of China? A: Yes.B: When did you visit it?

A: I saw it on TV.(DEBCA)


The first Tree Planting Day was in the year 1987 in our country.Every year, on March 12th ,office workers, soldiers, students and old people go out to plant trees.It was Tree planting Day last Sunday, our class went to plant trees.We met at the school gate at seven in the morning.Then we went to a park about five kilometers away from our school by bus.When we arrived, we started to work at once.A bus brought many young trees to the park..We took them from the bus, and carried them to the right place.We worked in pairs.We took turns to dig holes in the ground.It was hard work, but we enjoyed it.When the holes were deep enough, we put the young trees in them, and then filled them again.After that we got water from a river, and watered the trees.At the end of the day, we had planted over three hundred trees.听力答案:

一、1—5 DDDAC

二、6—10 CCABA


四、11—15 BBCBD




期末试题试卷网 http://www.teniu.cc 题号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ 总分 得分




()1.A.To be careful.B.Learns well.C.Be an actor.()2.A.I was born in 1992.B.Two years ago.C.For seven months.()3.A.Yes, he did.B.Yes, he buys it.C.No, he isn’t.()4.A.No question.B.No problem.C.Sure, you can.()5.A.No,I don’t want.B.Yes, please.C.I wouldn’t like.Ⅱ、听录音,根据所听对话内容及问题,选择正确的应答语。每小题读三遍。(5分)

()6.A.Tea with milk.B.White coffee.C.Orange juice.()7.A.Yes,he can.B.No,she can’t.C.No, he can’t.()8.A.Jim’s team.B.We don’t know.C.Tina’s team.()9.A.He said he was going to travel to Sichuan Province.B.He knew the woman was going to Sichuan Province.C.He asked the woman to say it again.()10.A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.Ⅲ、听录音,根据所听短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)

()11.Tony is in Beijing with his father.()12.Tony likes playing basketball.()13.Tony is going to find a part-time job.()14.Tony is going to join the baseball club.()15.Tony is going to practice basketball with the help of Yao Ming.笔试部分(共八大题,80分)


1.There is a new book on the t of the box.2.On my 15th birthday,my father gives me a birthday g.3.Lu Xun was an o Chinese writer.4.If you eat more vegetables and fruits, you’ll keep f.5.Could I i my friends to your party?


1.Bob is(funny)actor of all.2.I want(be)a basketball player in the future.3.We should brush our(tooth)twice a day.4.Sanya is in Hainan Province in(south)China.5.Some readers(play)sports tomorrow.6.Her aunt is a famous(violin)in our country.7.(luck), his classmates often help him.8.My classmates and I(visit)Beihai Zoo last week.9.Take this medicine, and you will feel(well)tomorrow than today.10.Mozart started(write)music when he was four years old.Ⅵ、单项选择。(10分)

()1.I have two cousins.One is a farmer and is a worker.A.another B.the other C.other D.others

()2.This movie is not that one.A.as funnier as B.so funny than

C.as funny as D.as funny than

()3.She looks tired and have a rest.A.need to B.needs C.needs to D.needing

()4.— you buy in the store?

— Yes,I did.A.Did ;something B.Did ;anything

C.Do ;something D.Do ;anything

()5.The old man is old look after himself.A.to ;too B.so ;that

C.too;too D.too;to()6.I want to watch TV.Please help me.A.turn on it B.turn off it C.turn it on D.turn it off

()7.Tom will move to next year.A.something beautiful B.beautiful somewhere

C.anywhere beautiful D.somewhere beautiful

()8.The weather is very dry there,it snows or rains.A.often B.usually C.always D.never

()9.Tom with his sister to school tomorrow.A.is going to walk B.walks

C.are going to walk D.walk

()10.Could you please the window?It’s too cold outside.A.opening B.open C.not to open D.not open


1.The man has to see a doctor.(改为否定句)

The man to see a doctor.2.They are staying there for three weeks.(对划线部分提问)

are they staying there?

3.Tom is 10 years old.Bob is 12 years old.(合并为一句)

Tom is two years Bob.4.Shanghai is the biggest city in China.(改为同义句)

Shanghai is bigger than in China.5.Mary needs to take a bus to school.(改为一般疑问句)Mary to take a bus to school?


Frank: Susan,(1)was your weekend?

Susan: Oh, it was exciting.Frank: What(2)you do?

Susan: I watched a chess game on Sunday.Frank: I don’t like chess.Do you(3)it interesting?

Susan: Yes.I enjoyed myself a(4).It was an exciting and special game.Frank: Special? Why?

Susan: Usually how(5)people are there in a chess game?

Frank: Two, of(6).Susan: There was only(7)player in the game.Frank: One? Then how did he play?

Susan: He(8)against a computer.Frank: Wow!That sounds interesting.Who won the game, the player

(9)the computer?

Susan: The player.He(10)the computer at last.Ⅸ、根据短文内容,从下列方框中选择正确的选项填空,使短文内容完整、语句通顺,其中有两项是多余的,将正确的选项代号写在短文后相应的横线上。(10分)

What do you(1)of the clothing store in our city? We did a survey(2)our students.All of the students(3)Xinshi Clothing Store.The things there aren’t(4)

and they aren’t(5).It(6)the best things, and it doesn’t have(7).It has the(8)service.The clothes aren’t the most fashionable, but they are more fashionable(9)the clothes at the other three stores, and they are very beautiful.I want to buy the clothes at Xinshi Clothing Store,(10).(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)




Yesterday Paul had a busy day.In the morning he cooked some noodles for his family.He went to visit his aunt at 9:30.In the afternoon he played soccer ball with his classmates.After that he cleaned the room because it was dirty.He was a little tired,but very happy.After dinner he did his homework.Then he watched TV for about two hours.He went to bed at nine o’clock.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(5分)

()1.Paul had a busy and happy day off.()2.In the morning he cooked some hamburgers for his family.()3.In the afternoon he played soccer ball with his parents.()4.He cleaned his room in the afternoon.()5.He watched TV first then he did his homework.(B)

Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends.They believe that their family members, and in particular their parents don’t know them as well as their friends do.In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they only go to their friends for getting ideas.It is very important for teenagers to have a friend or a circle of friends.Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking on the phone.These conversations are very important in children’s growing up, because they can discuss something difficult to their family members.Parents often try to choose their children’s friends for them.Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends.The question of “choice” is an interesting one.Have you ever thought of the following questions?

Who choose your friends?

Have you got a good friend your parents don’t like?

Your answers are welcome.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5分)

()6.Their know them better than their parents for the teenagers.A.classmates B.friends C.brothers and sisters D.cousins

()7.When the teenagers stay alone, they.A.go to the cinema B.talk with their parents

C.watch TV at home D.talk with their friends

()8.Parents should try their best to their children better.A.understand B.answer

C.refuse D.afford

()9.“Your answers are welcome” means.A.you can answer your children’s question

B.you have got a good idea

C.you can tell us your ideas

D.you don’t trouble anyone

()10.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Only parents can choose B.Teenagers need friends

C.The trouble of families D.The most difficult questions


In the past, when students graduated(毕业)from college and got jobs, only some of them went on with their study.But today, lifelong(终生的)learning is becoming more and more common.Lucy, who is forty, teaches physics at a college in Boston.“Next term, I’ll teach some of my classes by using the Internet.This is the way of teaching that I’ve never used before ,”says Lucy.“These days, I am taking a class to learn about the computer.If not, I will lose my job.” At the same time, Lucy’s seventy-year-old parents, who live in New York, are taking an art class on line.“ We love this subject,” says her father, “and we learn it to enjoy ourselves.You see we can study with people all over the world.How fun it is to learn like this!”

Lucy Parents

Age Forty 11.

Subject 12. Art

Place 13. New York

How to teach or learn On the Internet 14.

For what they go on learning Not to lose her job 15.


以“Do Chores”为题,写写你在家里的表现,谈谈你做什么,不做什么,喜欢做什么,不喜欢做什么,为什么?不少于60词。

提示:clean the room,sweep the floor,make the bed,do the laundry,take out the trash,make dinner…




1.What is he going to do when he grows up?

2.When did you begin to play the piano?

3.Did Jim buy that hat?

4.Can you help me make a sandwich?

5.Would you like a cup of tea?

(Keys: 1—5:CBABB)


6.W: Would you like black coffee or white coffee? M: I’d like to drink some tea with milk.Q: What does the man want to drink? 7.M: Where’s today’s newspaper? I want to read a report on an important football match.W: Oh, dear!The newspaper is in the kitchen.But I’m afraid you can’t read it.I already used the sports pages to clean the window.Q: Can the man find the sports pages?

8.W: Hi, Jim.I heard you had a good trip.M: Yes, we went to Beihai Park yesterday.What about your football match, Tina?

W: Our team was better.The score was 3 to 2.Q: Who won the football match?

9.W: I’m going to travel to Sichuan Province.M: What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.Q: What does the man mean?

10.M: Mike is great.He has three points now.W:Yes,he is cool.Look,he gets another one.Q:How many points does Mike get in all?



My cousin is Tony.He is in Beijing with his grandfather.He likes playing basketball.Last Monday I got a letter from him.He told me about his New Year’s resolution.First he is going to find a part-time job and save some money.Then he is going to join the basketball club, and he is going to practice basketball with the help of Mr.Green.He is going to be a basketball player like Yao Ming.Then he is going to join the national basketball team and play basketball for our national team.(Keys:11—15: FTTFF)


Ⅳ、1.top 2.gift 3.outstanding 4.fit 5.invite

Ⅴ、1.the funniest 2.to be 3.teeth 4.southern 5.are going to play

6.violinist 7.Luckily 8.visited 9.better 10.writing

Ⅵ、1—5:BCCBD 6—10:CDDAD

Ⅶ、1.doesn’t have 2.How long 3.younger than 4.any other city 5.Does;need

Ⅷ、1.How 2.did 3.think 4.lot 5.many

6.course 7.one 8.played 9.or 10.won


Ⅹ、1—5:TFFTF 6—10:BDACB

11.Seventy 12.Computer 13.Boston 14.Online

15.To enjoy themselves

Ⅺ、(one possible version)

I often do the chores.I often clean the living room, and sweep the floor.Because they are interesting.I like to take out the trash, it’s very easy.I like making dinner best.I think it’s exciting.I don’t like to make the bed.I think it’s very difficult.I never do the laundry.I think it’s boring.< font color=“red”>更多八年级英语上册期末试卷下载:










本年级组共有学生 176人,本次参考人数176人,最高分100分,最低分73分,优秀率90%,及格率100%。从整体上看,大部分学生都有较好的学习习惯,能够按时完成老师交代的任务,对语文很有兴趣,只有个别几人审题能力,识字能力较弱。所以我们这学期的重点任务是狠抓学困生,争取学困生转变率提高,从而提高整体成绩。


















