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Liaoning Anshan Buddha Court guides English words Anshan Buddha Court

Buddha Court of Anshan city government milestone in the development of Hong Kong Limited joint venture built.A total investment of about 70 million yuan.May 28, 1994 ground was broken.to September 3, 1996 to share completed 27 months of the completion time of the Buddha Acer Court.Buddha Court located in the Dongshan Scenic Area, is surrounded by mountains, is facing a water, mountains left Qinglong right white tiger, rosefinch ago after basaltic is a Feng Shui.Buddha Court covers 221,047 square meters, the first show in front of us is the Buddha Court entrance, entrance 122 meters long by 15 meters wide, 10 meters high and 8.9 meters wall of the house high component.-Like rostrum, the architectural style, securing the # entrance doors are spent building innovation It and the pavilion above echoed, but also for wind and rain Yu Yu, very unique, # spent flying above the door(Kowloon characters)was the Buddha Court three characters.Calligraphers Association of State Chairman, Professor Qi Gong of Beijing Normal University, wrote, Canada plaque around the site around 9 Jinlong, So called Kowloon characters.See you in front, which is a 3.3 meters high, is located in a high Xumizuo meters on the large white marble lions, Tiananmen is fake, the lions carved, it mighty Japanese-funded # guarding the Buddha Court.(Please see bottom-up)in the wall of securing four have double-carved, white marble tailgate just like carvings.Stigma, carved railings have different shapes vivid white marble lions, you will see the stone, thought Lugou Bridge, Lugou Bridge was the world countless Lions, the Buddha Court for the Lions can you make it clear?Relax, I tell you the Buddha Court of the Lions a total of 32.(Enter Court, the Royal Road come before)

Now we are seeing is the Royal Ancient Palace Road is a unique road, Xiangwei, every emperor when the emperor, sitting in his sedan chair, by the person carrying the passage of the Road #, it said Royal Road.Buddha Court, a total of three Royal Road, the other two in the cabinet after the Buddha, along with three of the Dragon, a total of nine dragons, Buddhism founder Sakyamuni, Kowloon St.extolled the meaning of the Royal Road around the bats are bats, Italy from the sides of the Quartet, It symbolizes the tourists happy.(Upwards of two courtyards)

This is six days to Scripture Pillars of white marble, This six Scripture Pillars of the Buddha and the cabinet after about 12 white marble columns still some interesting experiences.Anshan Municipal People's government, the decision to build the Jade Buddha Temple, according to the design requirements of 18 to 720 meters, 1.1 meters wide square block of white marble stone, finding a great material?Jade Buddha Temple building trades headquarters building, leading to know the white marble Great Hall of the People in Beijing is the middle of the county.decided to procurement, # of several mining Everyone says not so standard white marble, they said, the Chinese table Although the length and diameter than you, but China is a table with 12 white marble setting up, You got to the white marble is no way to the final # white marble quarry director, said : hard, However you construct the Buddha Court and the protection of the world's most of the Buddha, we try to make it!Thus, after more than a year of effort, really exploitation of a 18 huge white marble, which is rooted not ideal, and ask an out, but despite full production, but not for any exploitation of such a stone.coupled with the amount of money along the way to eight.They said that Jade Buddha Temple to 18 out on more than 18 without an out, and that was God materials.Buddhist Scripture Pillars in a exorcising overcome view, and this six white marble hanging scroll by 18 per Carved on Roots dragons, A total of 108 carved dragon, and seven Buddha ko 102 columns, add this Scripture Pillars of six out of 108.108 columns, 108 descendants of the dragon is the symbol of China Descendants were all top-beams, Long Buddha Court is a major feature of the landscape, the murderer stone and wooden sculptures, colored pattern on the dragon, the Buddha Court at 9999 Dragon Since it is the dragon in the world.(Referring to the Buddha Court)

Buddha is 33 meters high cabinet, Dover agreed 33 days, 66 meters wide, the use of double-overlapping structure, adding awnings or canopies, covered red glazed tile, it is structured, resplendent magnificent.(Buddha plaque before the Court)

Three words vigorous and effective, is the Buddhist Association of China Zhao Puchu, president wrote.(-Front)

Buddha Court are two lines turtle-wordless landmark monument was used to set the historical, Buddha Court records in the history “" Anshan Buddha Court Intramongolica ”" No word has become a landmark.(Enter the mosque)

We now demonstrate in front is the world's largest Buddha, for it is carved jade Wang, July 20, 1960 XIUYAN JADE found in a rural Chinese Manchu Autonomous County of Xiuyan jade Kong Flower mountain Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai personally instructed the Jade Wang # good protection to the three years of natural disasters.the state's financial difficulties circumstances, the Ministry of light pulling 200,000 protection money, Wang Jade 7.99 meters high, 6.6 meters wide, 4.1 m thick, with a total weight of 260.76 tons, 1992 previously Dandong City in Xiuyan County, the jurisdiction of the pision of Anshan City, Anshan Municipal People's government decided to move to Jade Wang Shan, Jade Wang of the removal process, using a large tractor.Military Tractor four tanks, other vehicles more than 150 Taiwan needed four big Ling, 172 km journey, created a miracle in the history of transportation.Jade handling of Anshan, how to tap it.93 Anshan Municipal People's government to solicit the community and expert advice.advocate building Buddha statues of Buddha Court views are concentrated, thus carving into the world's largest Buddha Court, positive Buddhism founder-Sakyamuni Buddha, is the back of the sea of Guanyin Buddha statues in appeared in the three miracles.First Look at This is a collection at the Orange Green Cyan spent jade, it has not been carved before the outside is wrapped with rocks, known as rock Pao Yu.What is the color, with the science and technology are unpredictable, Now we see the face of Sakyamuni Buddha is green, if left when carving became a 1:00 span Erhualian Buddha, If Gao Erhualian Buddha statues is not only tourists seem uncomfortable, Buddhist followers will think that this is a right of respect for the Buddha.It now appears very satisfactory results.5.6 meters high Shakyamuni wearing a black-and-white and white cassock, meditation in a lotus throne, very solemn.









(向上到二级院落)这是6根向天的汉白玉经幢chuang/,经幢在佛教中有驱邪降魔的说法,这6根汉白玉经幛每根雕有18条龙,共雕108条龙,恰七玉佛阁有102根立柱,加上这6根经幢,出是108 根,108根立柱,108条龙象征华夏子孙是龙的传人,人人都是顶粱柱。龙是玉佛苑的一大特色景观,玉佛苑共9999条龙,真可谓是龙的世界。









































Hello everyone!Today I'll show you around Jade Buddha Garden in Anshan.It is a national 4A scenic spot.Jade Buddha Garden has the largest Jade Buddha in the world, which was discovered in Xiuyan Manchu autonomous county, people don’t know how to deal with it.One day, craftsman found a dirty spot on the surface of the jade king.So people wanted to get rid of it.It’s was astonished that when people carved it just 1st time, the surface of jade king was began desquamating, and the Buddha was appeared.The garden covers an area of 22,000 square meters.The main building is Pavilion of Jade Buddha with bell tower, drum tower, and so on.The whole area has 3 parts.The high part is for tablet forest, middle part for square and pavilion of Jade Buddha, low part is for courtyard.On the right side of Front Door, there is a green water bay with jade belt bridge on it.The length of the bridge is 33m which is equal to the height of Jade Buddha Pavilion.Now, in front of us is Mountain Gate.There is a plaque hanging on Mountain Gate which writes the name of “Jade Buddha Garden” surrounding 9 dragons.Get into the Mountain Gate, there is a path.In the old time, the emperor goes to the court by sedan on this road, so it gets the name.There are 3 such paths in Jade Buddha Garden and each one has 3 dragons.Now, we are in the second courtyard.Here are 6 white marble columns each one engraves 18 dragons.Dragon is the unique feature of the Garden.That's because Chinese people are the descendants of Dragon This is No Word Tablet.It is made of jade with green color that looks sparking and crystal-clear.Under the tablet, there is an animal called “Bi xi” one of the nine sons of dragon.Now, in front of us is the main building “Pavilion of Jade Buddha” which is the highest ancient building all over the country.The inner construction contains 3 stories.The first floor is Buddha Exhibition Hall, the second floor is watching Buddha Corridor, the third floor is seeing distant Platform.Here, I'll give you half an hour to visit.Our trip is at the end.Thank you for your cooperation.I hope the wish that comes from Jade Buddha will bring good fortune to your relatives and friends.






(进入苑内,走到御路前)现在大家看到的是御路是古代宫殿中特有的路,相伟,第逢皇帝上殿时,他坐在轿子里,由人抬着通过这条#用的路,故称御路。玉佛苑内共有三条御路,其它两条在玉佛阁前后,第条路上有三条龙,共有九条龙,佛教创始人释迦牟尼,有九龙捧圣的意思,御路的四周有蝠蝙,意为福从四方来,象征着它给游客带来幸福。(向上到二级院落)这是6根向天的汉白玉经幢chuang/,经幢在佛教中有驱邪降魔的说法,这6根汉白玉经幛每根雕有18条龙,共雕108条龙,恰七玉佛阁有102根立柱,加上这6根经幢,出是108 根,108根立柱,108条龙象征华夏子孙是龙的传人,人人都是顶粱柱。龙是玉佛苑的一大特色景观,玉佛苑共9999条龙,真可谓是龙的世界。(指玉佛苑)现在我们面前的玉佛苑的主体建筑――玉佛阁。玉佛阁高33米,有佛33天之意,宽66米,采用双层歇山式结构,檐上加檐,盖红色琉璃瓦,显得层次分明,金碧辉煌雄伟壮观。(玉碑前)玉佛苑中有两块双龙龟玉无字碑,碑是用来载历史用的,玉佛苑的历史记载于<<鞍山玉佛苑志>>所以成了无字碑。




背面的观音菩萨左手执净瓶,右手持杨柳枝,脚踏鳌鱼,乘风破浪,仿佛是从浙江普陀山顺风飘来的。在雕刻观音的脸部时,同样担心把观音雕成花脸。现在看,观音的脸部是完整的浅绿色,这与人们常说的“玉面观音”完全相符。观音的背后是一座山景,雕刻出的这 座山景简直就是普陀山的缩影。






辽宁鞍山玉佛苑英文导游词 liaoning anshan buddha court guides english words anshan buddha court see you in front, which is a 3.3 meters high, is located in a high xumizuo meters on the large white marble lions, tiananmen is fake, the lions carved, it mighty japanese-funded # guarding the buddha court.(please see bottom-up)in the wall of securing four have double-carved, white marble tailgate just like carvings.stigma, carved railings have different shapes vivid white marble lions, you will see the stone, thought lugou bridge, lugou bridge was the world countless lions, the buddha court for the lions can you make it clear?relax, i tell you the buddha court of the lions a total of 32.now we are seeing is the royal ancient palace road is a unique road, xiangwei, every emperor when the emperor, sitting in his sedan chair, by the person carrying the passage of the road #, it said royal road.buddha court, a total of three royal road, the other two in the cabinet after the buddha, along with three of the dragon, a total of nine dragons, buddhism founder sakyamuni, kowloon st.extolled the meaning of the royal road around the bats are bats, italy from the sides of the quartet, it symbolizes the tourists happy.(upwards of two courtyards)this is six days to scripture pillars of white marble, this six scripture pillars of the buddha and the cabinet after about 12 white marble columns still some interesting experiences.anshan municipal peoples government, the decision to build the jade buddha temple, according to the design requirements of 18 to 720 meters, 1.1 meters wide square block of white marble stone, finding a great material?jade buddha temple building trades headquarters building, leading to know the white marble great hall of the people in beijing is the middle of the county.decided to procurement, # of several mining everyone says not so standard white marble, they said, the chinese table although the length and diameter than you, but china is a table with 12 white marble setting up, you got to the white marble is no way to the final # white marble quarry director, said : hard, however you construct the buddha court and the protection of the worlds most of the buddha, we try to make it!thus, after more than a year of effort, really exploitation of a 18 huge white marble, which is rooted not ideal, and ask an out, but despite full production, but not for any exploitation of such a stone.coupled with the amount of money along the way to eight.they said that jade buddha temple to 18 out on more than 18 without an out, and that was god materials.buddha is 33 meters high cabinet, dover agreed 33 days, 66 meters wide, the use of double-overlapping structure, adding awnings or canopies, covered red glazed tile, it is structured, resplendent magnificent.(buddha plaque before the court)three words vigorous and effective, is the buddhist association of china z hao puchu, president wrote.(-front)(enter the mosque)hello everyone!today ill show you around jade buddha garden in anshan.it is a national 4a scenic spot.jade buddha garden has the largest jade buddha in the world, which was discovered in xiuyan manchu autonomous county, people don’t know how to deal with it.one day, craftsman found a dirty spot on the surface of the jade king.so people wanted to get rid of it.it’s was astonished that when people carved it just 1st time, the surface of jade king was began desquamating, and the buddha was appeared.the garden covers an area of 22,000 square meters.the main building is pavilion of jade buddha with bell tower, drum tower, and so on.the whole area has 3 parts.the high part is for tablet forest, middle part for square and pavilion of jade buddha, low part is for courtyard.on the right side of front door, there is a green water bay with jade belt bridge on it.the length of the bridge is 33m which is equal to the height of jade buddha pavilion.now, in front of us is mountain gate.there is a plaque hanging on mountain gate which writes the name of jade buddha garden surrounding 9 dragons.get into the mountain gate, there is a path.in the old time, the emperor goes to the court by sedan on this road, so it gets the name.there are 3 such paths in jade buddha garden and each one has 3 dragons.now, we are in the second courtyard.here are 6 white marble columns each one engraves 18 dragons.dragon is the unique feature of the garden.thats because chinese people are the descendants of dragon this is no word tablet.it is made of jade with green color that looks sparking and crystal-clear.under the tablet, there is an animal called bi xi one of the nine sons of dragon.now, in front of us is the main building pavilion of jade buddha which is the highest ancient building all over the country.the inner construction contains 3 stories.the first floor is buddha exhibition hall, the second floor is watching buddha corridor, the third floor is seeing distant platform.here, ill give you half an hour to visit.1、辽宁省概况;

















19、阜新海棠山风景名胜区; 20、辽阳广佑寺;







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