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课题:仁爱版七年级英语上册Unit2 Topic2 Section B



1.知识目标:1)学习give, letter, sorry, like, tall, will, young, man, woman, snowman.2)能灵活使用重点短语:

give…to…, look like


What does he/she look like?

She is tall like you.2.能力目标:1)通过教学活动,培养学生的听、说、读、写的能力,尤其通过“听”和“说”,培养学生的英语语言运用能力。











Step 1 Warm up:

Enjoy a song

Review the words about colors.T: We enjoyed a song just now.We have learned some words about color in Section A.Now please answer my questions.1)What color is it?

2)How do you spell it?

Step 2 Presentation

1.Lead in 3.Talk about the colors of some national flags.Finish 3.T: What color is the national flag?

Where is he/she from?

What color is his/her hair?

What color are his/her eyes?

T: Do pair works.Then ask some pairs to act it out.2.Lead in 2.Teach “What does he/she look like?”

(Show another two pictures of women)

(Teach new words and phrases: look like, tall, man, woman, young.)

T: What does the woman look like?

Ss: She is young.She has short blond hair and a small nose.T: What does the man look like?

Ss: He is old.He doesn‟t have gray hair.His hair is black.(Show the four pictures in Part 2.)

T: Turn to page 35, look part 2.Match the descriptions with the pictures.(Ss match them)

T: Let‟s check the answers.T: Do pair works, ask and answer according to the four pictures.3.Pair work: talk about the pictures, finish 2.Step 3 Look, listen and say


T: Now here is a book.It‟s not mine.It‟s Tom‟s.(然后请第一排的一位学生把书往后传递,最后递给Tom。导入新课。)


(Teach “give…to…”)

2.T: Look at the picture.What‟s this?

Ss: It‟s a

T: It‟s Maria‟s letter.I want to.But I don‟t know her.What does she look like?

3.Listen and answer the questions.T: Listen to the tape and answer these two questions:

1)What class is Maria in?

2)What does Maria look like?

(Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions)

T: Let‟s check the answers.Ss: 1)She is in Class Four Grade Seven.2)She is tall like the girl, but she doesn‟t have long hair.It‟s short and brown.4.Teacher explain the language points.5.Listen to the video and repeat.6.Do pair works.Then get some pairs to act it out.Finish1a.Step 4 Listening

1.Guess the answers.1)Does the snowman have black eyes?

2)What color is his nose?

3)Does he have short arms?

4)Does he have hair?

2.Listen again and check the answers.3.Listen and color the picture.Finish 4.Step 5 Class activity

1.T: What does the snowman look like? He has a long red nose.But he doesn‟t have hair.His armsare long.They aren‟t short.What about Kangkang and Michael?

2.Group works: Find out the rules of the negative forms of „have/has‟ and „be‟.3.Play a game: 唱反调。Divide students into two groups.The students from Group A say the

positive/negative sentences, the students from Group B say the negative/positive sentences according to Group B.Finish 5

Step 6 Sum up

1.学习生词:give, letter, sorry, like, tall, will, young, man, woman, snowman.2.学习短语:look like, give…to….3.学习句型:What does he/she look like?

She is tall like you.I‟ll give it to her.4.学习语法:探究掌握have/has的否定形式,注意be动词和实义动词的否定形式。

Step 7 Practice

Do some exercises.按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。

(1)She has big hands.(变为否定句)

She ________ ________ big hands.(2)Does Jane have small eyes?(做肯定、否定回答)

_____, ______ ______._____, ______ ______.Her eyes _____ big.(3)I have long hair.(变一般疑问句和否定句)

________ you ________ long hair?

I ________ ________ long hair.(4)Jane doesn‟t have a round face.(变为肯定句)

Jane ________ a round face.(5)They are in the same class.(变为否定句)

They _________ in the same class.(6)He is tall and strong.(对划线部分提问)

Step 8 Homework

1.Recite 1a and finish the exercises.2.Write a passage, describe a person you like.五、学生活动评价




创设浓厚的学习气氛,通过合唱“The color”这首歌来提高学生的学习热情。第二步:单词竞赛
















unit2 what should i do?



一、教学课题:unit2 what should i do? the first period




in this unit students learn to talk about problems at school and at home and how to give advice to solve them.the first period serves as an introduction and lead-in part.activity 1a introduces some key vocabulary.activity 1b gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.activity 1c gives students an opportunity to practice their speaking skill using the target language.in this period students can learn to explain their problems in their daily life.四、教学目标:(一)知识目标 1.key vocabulary:

keep out;play;argue;wrong;what’s wrong?;style;out of style 2.key structures: what’s wrong?

my clothes are out of style.maybe you should buy some new clothes.(二)能力目标

to train students’ ability of communication and listening skill.(三)情感目标

1.to be interested in taking part in all kinds of activities in an english class..培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。2.train students’ communicative conscious.to speak out their thinks and wills.五、教学重点: 1.key vocabulary:

keep out;play;argue;wrong;what’s wrong?;style;out of style 2.key structures: what’s wrong?

my clothes are out of style.maybe you should buy some new clothes.六、.教学难点:

learn to give advice using “should”.七、.难点及其突破方法:


八、教学资源: 多媒体;录音机;课件


初中英语 秦晓华 step 1.greetings and revision greet the class and check the homework.step2.section a lead-in problem i want to buy a new guitar but i don’t have enough money advice t: look at the chart.i have a problem.i don’t know what i should do.can you give some advice? s(1): wait until next year.s(2): borrow one.s(3): buy a used guitar.s(4): get a part-time job.……

(teacher show the advice on the screen one by one)t: thank you for your advice.do you have any problems? s: yes.t: i think you have different problems.in this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and learn to give these people advice, using the words “could” “should” and “shouldn’t”.step3.new words keep out 留在外面;置身于外;不许进入 play v.播放

loud adj.大声的;响亮的 argue v.争论,争吵 style n.款式;式样;时尚 out of style 过时的;落伍的 step 4 1a t: now please open your books at page 10.look at activity 1a, please.(point to the problems and ask five students to read the problems to the class)s(1): my parents want me to stay at home every night.s(2): my brother plays his cds too loud.s(3): i don’t have enough money.s(4): i argued with my best friend.s(5): my clothes are out of style.read each sentence again and ask students to repeat it.ask students to explain in their own words what each sentence means.they can point to parts of the picture, using actions, simple drawings on the board and simple sentences.t: you are right.you must pay attention to two phrases.“argue with sb.” means “disagree in words with sb.” “out of style” means “no fashion in clothes”.step 5.1b t: please look at the pictures.let’s see: what’s wrong with the girl, who can tell me? s(1): i think she argued with her mother about something.s(2): she thinks her clothes are out of style.s(3): her brother plays his cds too loud.……

t: now listen to a conversation to check what you guess and circle the problems you hear the girls talking about.play the recording for the first time.students only listen.and then play it a second time.this time students circle the problems they hear.correct the answers.answers: the following problems should be circled: my parents want me to stay at home every night.my brother plays his cds too loud.i don’t have enough money.my clothes are out of style.step 6 pairwork first ask two students to read the sample dialogue.s(1): what’s wrong? s(2);my clothes are out of style.s(1): maybe you should buy some new clothes.t: make conversations like this about the problems in activity 1a.after a while, i’ll ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.step 7 summary t: this class we’ve learned some key vocabulary.and we’ve learnt how to give somebody advice if he or she has some problems.if you are interested in joining all kinds of activities in class, you’ll make great progress.step 7.homework talk about one’s problems and give advice in groups.step8 the design of the blackboard

unit 2 what should i do? the first period should/could you should talk with her about your problems shouldn’t you shouldn’t argue with her.keep out languages goals: play * talk about problems argue * give advice wrong target language: what’s wrong a: what’s wrong? style b: my clothes are out of style.out of style a: maybe you should buy some new clothes.十、评价方法:

评价section a的教学效果,可以通过以下几点:






1)模块(单元)学习内容 单元教材分析要点

研读:教材内容;教材过程;教材活动 地位: 本课与前后课的内在联系

• 话题内容是否出现过?内容的侧重点和前、后同话题的不同、衔接

• 知识、技能是新授,还是已学知识的延伸与应用,又是后面哪些知识的基础? 作用: 提高学生知识、技能并挖掘下列作用


重点 :为实现教学目标,学生必须掌握的最基本、最核心的语言知识和技能,话题表达能力。

难点 :教师难教、难讲,学生较难理解。掌握或容易产生错误的学习内容。




包括:语音、词汇(短语)、语法、功能、句型、文化等。以My classmates的模块为例,教学内容包括什么? 教学目标:



/ i / /I/ / e / /æ/,并正确地读出




thanks 2)词汇教学目标


friend, name, teacher, student, grade, class,city, first name, last name

(2)能够利用America, England, Chinese,English等表示国家或国籍等词介绍自己,同学





(2)能够在介绍自己和他人时正确使用人称代词I,he, she, my, his, her, you, your, our。


• 对于这节课的教学内容,学生的基础怎样? • 相关的知识学生掌握得如何? • 相关的学习能力、学习方法学生掌握得怎样? • 学生对于这个内容的学习兴趣如何? • 在教学过程中学生可能会产生哪些问题? • 学生可能会产生哪些错误? • 如果出现问题时教师如何设置台阶来解决难点?

(常见问题: 缺少对话题教育意义及使用的分析;缺少对具体难点分析及对教材内容,活动的分析)


How tall are you?教学设计


How long is this animal? How heavy is it?

How many teeth does it have?

What does it like to eat? What can it do?

It’s a big animal.It lives in the sea.What is it?(sperm whale)

3.Show the thins of killer whales:

Look at that one, how long is this animal? How heavy is it?

How many teeth does it have?

What does it like to eat? What can it do?

It’s a big animal.It lives in the sea, too.What is it?(killer whale)

4.Compare these two whales :

Which whale is longer in its length?

Which has more teeth?

Which is bigger in its size?

5.Fill in the blanks.P9 and check

Step 3 practise

1.match the pictures

2.ask and answer:

How big is Sarah’s fish?

Is Mike’s fish smaller than Amy’s? /…

3.Look and write

Step 4 Consolidation


2.make the introductions to a short article.板书:

Unit 1 B Let’s read

()is()than().Killer whale

Sperm whale

