EC Passage 1
This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity.It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom.We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.We are resolved to free the human race from the alleviation of poverty and heal and protect our planet.We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we are announcing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda.They seek to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what these did not achieve.They seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.They are integrated and inpisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental.We are meeting at a time of immense challenges to sustainable development.Billions of our citizens continue to live in poverty and are denied a life of dignity.There are rising inequalities within and among countries.Gender inequality remains a key challenge.Unemployment, particularly youth unemployment, is a major concern.Global health threats, more frequent and intense natural disasters, spiraling conflict, violent extremism, terrorism and related humanitarian crises and forced displacement of people threaten to reverse much of the development progress made in recent decades.Natural resource depletion and adverse impacts of environmental degradation, including desertification, drought, land degradation, freshwater scarcity and loss of biopersity, add to and exacerbate the list of challenges which humanity faces.Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time and its adverse impacts undermine the ability of all countries to achieve sustainable development.The Millennium Development Goals were agreed 15 years ago provided an important framework for development and significant progress has been made in a number of areas.But the progress has been uneven, particularly in Africa, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, and small island developing States, and some of the Millennium Development Goals remain off-track, in particular those related to maternal, newborn and child health and to reproductive health.We recommit ourselves to the full realization of all the Millennium Development Goals, including the off-track Millennium Development Goals, in particular by providing focused and scaled-up assistance to least developed countries and other countries in special situations, in line with relevant support programs.The new Agenda builds on the Millennium Development Goals and seeks to complete what these did not achieve, particularly in reaching the most vulnerable countries.EC Passage 2 来源:经济学人
Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, only half-jokingly, call it the URL strategy.The three letters usually stand for Uniform Resource Locator—the unique address of any file that is accessible via the internet.But in the world of internet start-ups, URL has another meaning: Ubiquity first, Revenue Later.This pretty much describes the strategy of most big online social networks, which over the past few years have concentrated on piling on users rather than worrying about profits.That has allowed them to build huge followings, but it has also raised a big question-mark over their ability to make money from the audiences they have put together.And the issue is whether the social-networking industry can come up with a wildly successful form of advertising in the same way that Google has been able to make billions of dollars from the targeted ads that run alongside the search results it serves up.Without such a formula, runs the argument, social networks such as Facebook will never amount to much.Doubters claim that the networks face two big handicaps.The first is that people logged into social-networking sites are there to hang out with their friends, so they will pay no attention to ads.The second is that because the sites let users generate their own content, they will find it hard to attract advertisers because brands will not want to take the risk of appearing alongside examples of profanity, obscenity or nudity—or all three at once.But the broader outlook for networking sites is more encouraging.One reason is that advertisers are being drawn to the leading sites by their sheer scale.Facebook's audience is bigger than any TV network that has ever existed on the face of the earth.Another thing that has attracted companies is the networks' ability to target ads with laser-like precision, thanks to the data they hold on their users' ages, gender, interests and so forth.Although there are still lingering concerns about brands appearing next to racy content, firms seem more willing to run this risk now that the networks' advertising proposition has become more compelling.In addition to advertising-driven business model, networks are already making healthy profits from sales of games and virtual goods.The beauty of this business for social networks is that the cost of producing and storing virtual inventory is minimal.Moreover, because these are closed markets, networks can fix prices at levels that generate fat margins.To some, the notion that big money can be made from selling make-believe items may seem bizarre.But the practice replicates the physical presents that people give to one another to cement relationships in the real world.CE Passage 1
本公司金属矿产资源储量丰富,在国内外拥有一批世界级优质矿山。在冶金工业建设领域,公司积累了贯穿各环节的核心技术优势和设计施工能力,承担了中国大中型钢铁企业超过90%的设计施工任务和全球60%冶金建设任务,是冶金建设的“国家队”。公司拥有遍布全球的贸易流通网络,全球采购、全球营销,金属矿产品流通规模稳居国内第一。CE Passage 2
英语自由翻译【查红玉】提供 QQ:395334918 微信:zhahongyu182
The 2030 Agenda For SustainableDevelopment
This Agenda isa plan of action for people, planet and prosperity.It also seeksto strengthen universal peace in larger freedom.We recognize thateradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, includingextreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and anindispensable requirement for sustainable development.We areresolved to free the human race from the alleviation of poverty andheal and protect our planet.Weare determined to take the bold and transformative steps which areurgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilientpath.The 17Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we areannouncing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this newuniversal Agenda.They seek to build on the Millennium DevelopmentGoals and complete what these did not achieve.They seek to realizethe human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and theempowerment of all women and girls.They are integrated andinpisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainabledevelopment: the economic, social and environmental.We are meetingat a time of immense challenges to sustainable development.Billions of our citizens continue to live in poverty and are denieda life of dignity.Thereare rising inequalities within and among countries.Genderinequality remains a key challenge.Unemployment, particularlyyouth unemployment, is a major concern.Global health threats, morefrequent and intense natural disasters, spiraling conflict, violentextremism, terrorism and related humanitarian crises and forceddisplacement of people threaten to reverse much of the developmentprogress made in recent decades.Naturalresource depletion and adverse impacts of environmentaldegradation, including desertification, drought, land degradation,freshwater scarcity and loss of biopersity, add to and exacerbatethe list of challenges which humanity faces.Climatechange is one of the greatest challenges of our time and itsadverse impacts undermine the ability of all countries to achievesustainable development.The MillenniumDevelopment Goals were agreed 15 years ago provided an importantframework for development and significant progress has been made ina number of areas.But the progress has been uneven, particularlyin Africa, least developed countries, landlocked developingcountries, and small island developing States, and some of theMillennium Development Goals remain off-track, inparticular those related to maternal, newborn and child health andto reproductive health.Werecommit ourselves to the full realization of all the MillenniumDevelopment Goals, including the off-track Millennium DevelopmentGoals, in particular by providing focused and scaled-up assistanceto least developed countries and other countries in specialsituations, in line with relevant support programs.The new Agendabuilds on the Millennium Development Goals and seeks to completewhat these did not achieve, particularly in reaching the mostvulnerable countries.二、英译汉第二篇:出自2010年Economist
Entrepreneursin Silicon Valley, only half-jokingly, call it the URL strategy.The three letters usually stand for Uniform Resource Locator—theunique address of any file that is accessible via the internet.Butin the world of internet start-ups, URL has another meaning:Ubiquity first, Revenue Later.This pretty much describes thestrategy of most big online social networks, which over the pastfew years have concentrated on piling on users rather than worryingabout profits.Thathas allowed them to build huge followings, but it has also raised abig question-mark over their ability to make money from theaudiences they have put together.At issueis whether the social-networking industry can come up with a wildlysuccessful form of advertising in the same way that Google has beenable to make billions of dollars from the targeted ads that runalongside the search results it serves up.Without such a formula,runs the argument, social networks such as Facebook will neveramount to much.Doubters claimthat the networks face two big handicaps.The first is that peoplelogged into social-networking sites are there to hang out withtheir friends, so they will pay no attention to ads.The second isthat because the sites let users generate their own content, theywill find it hard to attract advertisers because brands will notwant to take the risk of appearing alongside examples of profanity,obscenity or nudity—or all three at once.But thebroader outlook for networking sites is more encouraging.Onereason is that advertisers are being drawn to the leading sites bytheir sheer scale.Facebook's audience is bigger than any TVnetwork that has ever existed on the face of the earth.Anotherthing that has attracted companies is the networks' ability totarget ads with laser-like precision, thanks to the data they holdon their users' ages, gender, interests and so forth.Althoughthere are still lingering concerns about brands appearing next toracy content, firms seem more willing to run this risk now that thenetworks' advertising proposition has become morecompelling.In addition toadvertising-driven business model, networks are already makinghealthy profits from sales of games and virtual goods.The beautyof this business for social networks is that the cost of producingand storing virtual inventory is minimal.Moreover, because theseare closed markets, networks can fix prices at levels that generatefat margins.To some, the notion that big money can be made fromselling make-believe items may seem bizarre.But the practicereplicates the physical presents that people give to one another tocement relationships in the real world.三、汉译英第一篇:出自中国五矿集团公司介绍
参考译文:China Minmetals Corporation(CMC)is the largest and strongest in metallurgical construction and operation services globally.CMC, with 240,000 employeescontrols the total assets surpass RMB 0.7 trillion yuan.CMC’s foreign institutions, resource projects and construction projects are operating in more than 60 countries and regions.Enjoying unique competitive advantage, CMC takes the lead in running a whole industrial chain ranging from resources acquisition, exploration, project design, construction, operation, and circulation to intensive processing, and is able to provide systematic solutions to metals and minerals companies and render services for the whole lifecycle of project construction and operation.With abundant resources and reserves in metals and minerals, CMC owns a series of world-class mines with high quality at home and abroad.With core technology advantage as well as design and construction strength covering all sectors, the Corporation shoulders more than 90% of the design and construction work in China’s large-and-medium sized steel mills and 60% of metallurgical construction projects around the world, regarded as the “national team” in the metallurgical construction industry.Boasting fully-fledged trade and circulation network globally, the Corporation conducts procurement and marketing internationally and takes the first place in circulation scale of metals and minerals.四、汉译英第二篇:出自李克强总理2016年夏季达沃斯论坛开幕式致辞
参考译文:We need to advance structural reform,in particular that on the supply side.The structural problems facing the Chinese economy are about both the supply and demand sides,especially the supply side。We need to advance structural adjustment through reform,reduce inefficient and low-end supply,and expand effective and medium-to high-end supply.This is conducive to economic transformation as well as growth.A major task for us is to phase out outdated production capacity and address overcapacity,especially in steel,coal and other sectors that face difficulty in operation.Initial progress has been made in recent years,as is shown in the lowering production of raw coal and crude steel,but our efforts must well continue.We will adopt a market-based and rules-based approach and apply strict standards in environmental protection,quality and safety.The biggest challenge is how to address possible layoffs in this process.Businesses need to take multiple measures to ensure that their employees will get reemployed.Both the central and local governments should provide necessary support to take care of the affected employees.Overcapacity is a global challenge.The fact that we have taken the initiative to cut overcapacity demonstrates that China is indeed a responsible country.
1.二级笔译 VS.高级口译
yhtop:恩,大概吧,题量还是蛮大的,5篇文章,貌似。词汇量猜螅惺焙蛞不嵊幸恍┍冉掀挠锓ǖ憧嫉剑还橇奖咎饧锩娑加猩婕埃Ω梦侍獠淮蟆?BR> XX: 嗯哪嗯哪,是这样滴~有打算继续考二级口译不?
高级的第一节都是必做题,给出1篇400词左右的英?汉?语文章要求考生将其译成汉?英?语,第二节为选做题,给出3篇英?汉?语文章,每篇各400词左右,要求考生选择两篇译成汉?英?语,题量各3道题,分值各150分,总计300分,时间为6小时。业内然后是篇:专家谈全国翻译专业资格考试 我们中国外文局翻译资格考评中心作为全国翻译资格水平考试的具体实施和组织单位,近期邀请全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试专家委员会的部分专家谈翻译考试,向考生介绍有关翻译考试的大纲、模块设置、题型、如何备考等相关问题。
そまたこの過程こうした点は企でなければならな·マネジメントで·プロセスのこうした性質ということが重要で 需要の変化などの社会的要因におけるイノベーション·プロセスがより効果的に機能する土壌づくりに留意すべきである。科学的な研究を公的に支援し、科学的知見が豊富に生まれ、またその成果が広く利用される仕組みをつくることが何より重要である。
皮肉な言い方をすれば、不調のときの神頼みは必ず効き目があるのだ。人は、好調のときは神頼みせず、不調のときに神に頼ろうとする。は去って好調が戻ってくるのだが、焦って神に頼ってしまうのだ。そして好調が戻ると、いかにも神に頼んだから幸運が訪れたと誤解してしまう。のは、このような誤解のためである。その意味では、幸運人の心理を読み解く達人であったと言うべきだろう。科学的バイオ産業の発展の基礎 やそれを頼んだ そのうちに不調¥グッズを考え出した人間は、に公的な資金が十分投入され、泰然としていればいいのである。何もせずにいても、人が宗教や占いなどに囚われるほんの小銭で幸運が買えたと誤解し感謝までしてくれるのだから。
(40分)可以为家中的照明、电视、产生的沼气则通过 这小小的太阳能板,经过发酵的猪粪为果园提供有机肥料,差大,生产的苹果、葡萄、梨等味道极好。近几年,每到夏秋时节,总会有城里人到此地避暑,或采摘果品或品味山野情趣,旅游业自然而然就成了家里一项可观的收入。