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美联英语:旅行商务英语 接待提行李对话
编辑:风华正茂 识别码:23-698936 14号文库 发布时间: 2023-09-17 10:01:43 来源:网络

第一篇:美联英语:旅行商务英语 接待提行李对话

美联英语提供:美联英语:旅行商务英语 接待提行李对话


A: Hi , you must be Mary? A:嗨,你一定是玛丽吧?

B: Yes.It's a pleasure to meet you.How was your flight? B:是的,很高兴遇见你,旅程如何?

A: Everything was fine and the plane arrived on time.A:一路上都很顺利,飞机也是准点到达。

B: Shall we go? I've got a car waiting outside to take us to your hotel.B:我们可以走了吗?外面已经有辆车等着接我们回旅馆了。

A: That'd be great.Thanks for taking the time to meet me here.A:太好了。谢谢你抽出时间来这里接我。

B: No worries.Our company wants to make sure you have a pleasant trip.B:别担心,我们公司希望确保您旅途愉快!A: I really appreciate it.A:我真的表示感激。

B: Everything has been organized for you.The accommodation , the transport and all the other little things you may need.B:一切都已经为您准备好了,包括住宿、交通工具和您可能需要的其他物件。A: Does the conference begin tomorrow?

A:会议明天开始吗? B: Yes, there is a welcoming dinner to-morrow night.B:是的,明晚将有一个接风宴。

A: That's great.It gives me some time to rest and see some of this city.A:真棒!那我就有时间休息一下并且参观一下这座城市。

B: It's already been arranged.I will take you on a city tour tomorrow morning.B:这也已经安排好了,明天上午我会带您游览。


Nice to meet you,too.Can I carry your luggage for you?A taxi is waiting outside.也非常高兴认识你。让我帮你提行李好吗?有辆出租车在外面等候。You are so thoughtful!你们想得真周到啊!

I hope you had a pleasant flight over.Jean.I've traveled a long distance before,and I can understand how tired it is.简,我希望你来访旅途愉快,我以前也长途旅行过,我能体会有多累。

This plane went smooth,except that there was a little bump now and then.In fact,I am not in low spirits.除了不时有颠簸之外,一路都很顺利。老实说,我觉得自己精神还行。Gald to hear it.Would you like to dine with us tonight?


It's very thoughtful,but as matter of fact,I prefer to spend a quiet evening in the hotel in preparation for tomorrow's appointment.你们太周到了!不过事实上,我情愿静静地在饭店休息一晚以准备明天的会谈。Ok,at your wish.I have to inform you that tomorrow's meeting is scheduled at 9 a.m.in the meeting room.I'll wait for you at the hotel's gate ahead of time.那好吧,随您便。我必须告诉您明天的会议是早上9点在我们会议室举行。我提前到饭店门口等你。

That'll be fine.Billy ,thank you so much.很好,比利,谢谢你。

It's my pleasure.By the way,would you like to have sightseeing while you're here?I'd be happy to be your guide.不用谢。对了,在这段时间,你是否想去外面观光一下吗?我很乐意作你的向导。Well.I am afraid I cannot mix pleasure with business on this trip.But could I have a general view of the city? 恐怕我不能游玩办公两者兼顾了。不过,我们可以大概看看这个城市吗? No problem.I'll make arrangements later on before this weekend.没问题,这个周末前我会安排时间。Thanks very much.非常谢谢你。

I don't think you have been here before ,have you?


No,I have traveled around ,but this is my first time here.是的,我周游各地,但这是第一次到这儿。I hope you will like it.我希望您会喜欢这儿。

I am sure I will.I have heard about the beauty of your city scores of times ,but I failed to come here because I was engaged in other affairs.Now my wish comes true.我确信我会的。我很多次听人说你们的城市很美,但一直忙于其它事而不能来。现在我如愿以偿了。

I'd like to take you sightseeing if it does not conflict with your arrangement.如果和您的安排不冲突的话,我很愿意带您去观光。

I'd certainly appreciate it.By the way,what's the weather like here? 非常感谢。顺便问一下,这儿天气怎么样?

It is nice.You can see,Chicago is overwhelmed with green trees.You can enjoy the beautiful sights as you have enought time.天气宜人,你可以看到芝加哥绿树成荫。只要你有足够的时间,您就可以欣赏到美丽的风景。

I guess I have come at the right time.我认为我到的正是时候。

Here we are.It is time to get off.This is Chicago Hotel.We have reserved room for you.我们到了,该下车了。这儿是芝加哥宾馆,我们已为你预定了一个房间。That sounds good.真是太好了。

3、出入境英语常用的词汇 姓 family name, surname 名 first name, given name 性别 gender 出生日期 date of birth, birth date 国籍 nationality, country of citizenship 护照号 passport number 原住地 country of origin 前往国 destination country 登机城市 city where you boarded 偕行人数 accompanying number 签名 signature 官方填写 official use only 职业 occupation 专业技术人员 professionals &technical 行政管理人员 legislators &administrators 办事员 clerk

商业人员 commerce 无业 jobless 留学生身份表 I-20 form 出入境表 I-94 form 商务签证 business visa 观光签证 tourist visa



A: Hello, are you Mr.Ford the president of Thailand International Trade Co., LTD? B: Yes, I am.A: Hello, I’m the sales manager of ABC Trade Co, my name is Daniel(自己想一个英文名字), I'm glad to see you, Welcome to ShangHai, How ‘s your plane journey ? B: Thank you, I feel tired because of the six-hours flights.A: Oh, yes, our company have already booked a room for you , We could arrive at the hotel 10 minutes later.B: OK.(10 minutes to the Galaxy Hotel)A: Mr.Ford, your room is number 35112 on the 8th floor, this is the key to the room, I will send you to go, you could take a Shower first, then l prepare dinner for you , OK? B: Well, thank you.A: I ‘ll pick you up to eat breakfast at 8:30 tomorrow morning, then I ‘ll take you to visit our company.B: OK.A: see you tomorrow.B: see you.(The next morning)A: Good morning, Mr.Ford.B: Good morning, Daniel.A: Mr.Ford, Do you like sandwich ? B: ah.A: Ok , Shall we go to the restaurant to eat breakfast first, Then go to visit the company together.B: Ok.(30 minutes later, came to the company at the gate)A: This is our company, our company was founded in 1998, Mainly in sales Southeast Asia souvenirs;We have 282 staffs in total;Our products are not only sold in ShangHai, also sell in Nationwide through e-commerce sales channels.B: Oh, your company's product sales channels are Very complete, As we know , your company is one of the largest souvenir sales company in China, so we want to cooperate with your company.A: Well, thank you.A: Mr.Ford, Or I take you to visit the ShangHai ASEAN Expo Convention Center now ? B: okay, this is my first time to ShangHai, I’m going to visit the ShangHai ASEAN Expo Convention Center with this opportunity.(They both went to the Convention and Exhibition Center)A: ShangHai is the Green City of China, many Southeast Asian countries and various industry companies will exhibit at ShangHai ,It’s a tremendous business opportunities for ShangHai.B: Yes, In recent years, ShangHai is developing rapidly, especially rely on ASEAN Expo, ShangHai have a lot of business opportunities, we want to establish the long-term cooperative relationship with your company.A: I believe you are right.(Two at the airport)B: Daniel , thank you for your two days of hospitality, I feel very happy, not only to complete the company's mission but also make friend with you.A: I wish you have a pleasant journey, Remember send a message to me when you arrival in Thailand.B: Well, thank you, goodbye.A: okay , I’m looking forward to your come around again.B: Goodbye.A: Goodbye.




Dario: Don't open that umbrella inside, Brian!

Brian: Why not? It's wet and needs to dry out.Dario: You will have seven years' bad luck if you open an umbrella inside.Brian: No wayit has nothing to do with the umbrella.Dario: I am just very superstitious, that's all.Brian: You are a modern guy, not some old fashioned fossil!

Dario: I just don't want any more bad luck in my life.Brian: OK, I won't open the umbrella if you promise to stop believing in all this superstition stuff.Dario: I will when my luck changes and I win the lottery!

Brian: I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.戴瑞奥:别在屋里打开伞布莱恩!












1)Wild: fun and exciting


The rides at the amusement park are always wild and make my stomach flip.在游乐园里坐车永远是那么刺激,我的胃都要翻倒了。

2)Action packed: very busy, lots of things to do


I love visiting big cities because they are always action packed!


3)Dullsville: very boring, nothing to do


I grew up in a small town with no cinema and no bowlingthat the singer just wants to make money.Jessie: I agree with that.Music has lost its honesty.Tina: Let's see if we can remember a wild 1970s song about feeling the wind in your hair?

Jessie: Oh, I know a great song just like that by Steppenwolf.Tina: Sing it out loud!









New Words

1)Flat-out: very busy


I prefer to be flat-out at work because I get bored when it's quiet.我喜欢工作时忙一点儿,因为太安静了我会觉得很无聊。

2)Mall: large building with many small shops


Whenever I go to the mall, I always spend too much money.我每次去购物中心都会花很多钱。

3)Second home: a place that you spend a lot of time


The coffee shop close to my house is my second home!


4)Gift: present


Gifts are a nice way of showing how much you like or appreciate someone.送礼物是向别人表示好感和感谢的好方式。

5)Jive: empty talk


Brian is some full of jive talk, but he never takes any action.布莱恩是个光说不做的人。


Anniversaries are the celebration of an important event, such as your first date, first kiss or wedding.If you were married on June 1, every year after that, your wedding anniversary is June 1.周年纪念是指庆祝某个重要事件,比如你的第一次约会,初吻或婚礼。如果你的结婚日期是六月一日,以后每年你的结婚周年纪念就是六月一日。

Birthdays are the anniversary of your birth, but most people just call them birthdays instead of anniversaries.生日是你出生日的周年纪念,可大多数人都称它为生日而不是周年纪念。

When you are married, it is very important to remember the important anniversaries.If you forget your wedding anniversary, your husband or wife could get very upset and not talk to you for weeks!


Anniversaries are usually celebrated with a romantic dinner and gifts such as flowers, chocolates and jewellery.Some people think that the more expensive the gift, the more you love the person while others say that it is the thought that counts.周年纪念的时候通常都以浪漫晚餐的形式来庆祝,并送一些诸如鲜花、巧克力和珠宝之类的礼物。有人说礼物越贵就表示你爱对方越深,但有的人认为心意最重要。

There are some many types of anniversaries including personal and national.Get a diary and out all of the important anniversaries in it so that you will never



Past Tense Dialogue:过去时对话

Jeff: Did your husband like the tie that you gave him for your wedding anniversary?

Joan: He loved the tie but we are not married yet.Jeff: So what was the anniversary for?

Joan: It was the anniversary of our first ever date.Jeff: You must be a very romantic person to remember your first date.Joan: I think that my boyfriend would be upset if I forgot.Jeff: I can never remember the important anniversaries-I even forgot my girlfriend's birthday!

Joan: Was she upset or angry?

Jeff: Both!She made me buy her gifts and flowers for two weeks after I forgot.Joan: It's easier to remember in the first place Jeff.Jeff: I'll be sure never to forget again.杰夫:你丈夫喜欢你结婚纪念日送他的领带吗?


















第五篇:美联英语:情人节 相关情景对话



Michael: We have worked hard today Billy.Do you want to have some suds with me this evening?

Billy: I can't.I have a date tonight.Michael: You have a date!She must be blind!

Billy: At least I have a Valentine's Date.Michael: Valentine's Date? What's that?

Billy: Valentine's Day is famous around the world these days.I can't believe you don't know about it!

Michael: Is that where guys send chocolates and flowers to the girl they fancy?

Billy: That's right.And for this Valentine's Day, I finally found the courage to ask our receptionist out for dinner.Michael: You mean Sally?

Billy: Yep.We are going to a very romantic restaurant for dinner.Michael: Wow!She is beautiful.Can I come along on your date?

Billy: Do you know the expression, 'Two is company, but three is a crowd'?













New Words

1)Suds: slang for beer


We went to the pub and drank suds until we couldn't stand up.我们去酒吧喝啤酒,喝得直到站不起来为止。

2)Blind: someone who cannot see


I love to watch the specially trained dogs that some blind people have to guide them.我喜欢看那些受过专门训练的狗,盲人得领着它们走。

3)Fancy: if you think a person is attractive, you fancy them


My sister said that her best friend fancied me when I was younger.I wished I had known then!


4)Romantic: an emotional attraction for a heroic person, adventure, or activity

传奇式的,浪漫的:对英雄人物、冒险的经历或活动的情感吸引力,Sitting by an open fire sipping champagne is very romantic-especially if your wife or girlfriend is with you.坐在篝火旁呷香槟是很浪漫的-尤其是如果你的爱人或女友和你在一起。


Valentine's day 情人节

Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of Saint Valentine.But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday?


The history of Valentine's Day--and its patron saint--is very mysterious.But we do know that February has long been a month of romance.Saint Valentine's Day, as we know it today, comes from both Christian and ancient Roman tradition.情人节的历史-以及它的守护神-非常神秘。不过我们确实知道二月成为浪漫之月已经很久了。正如我们今天所知道的,圣·瓦沦丁节起源于基督教和古罗马的传统。

So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome.When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young, single men--his crop of potential soldiers.那么,谁是圣·瓦沦丁?他又是怎么和这个古代习俗发生联系的呢?一种传说主张瓦沦丁是一个修士,三世纪期间在罗马传道。当君主克劳迪亚斯二世认定单身男子比那些有妻子和家庭的男子做士兵更好时,他传令年轻、单身男子-那些可能成为他的士兵的人-不能结婚。

Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret.When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured.瓦沦丁意识到这项法令是不道义的,他挑战克劳迪亚斯并继续秘密地为年轻情人们举行婚礼。当瓦沦丁的行为被发觉了之后,克劳迪亚斯下令将他处死。其它的故事提出瓦沦丁被处死可能是因为他企图帮助基督徒逃离严酷的罗马监狱。在那里,他们经常遭到拷打和折磨。

According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself.While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl--who may have been his jailor's daughter--who visited him during his confinement.Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed 'From your Valentine,' an expression that is still in use today.根据一种传说,瓦沦丁实际上自己发出了第一个“情人节”问候。有人相信瓦沦丁在监狱的时候和来探望他的一个年轻女孩相恋了,女孩可能是典狱长的女儿。临死前,据说他给她写了一封信,落款是“From your Valentine ”,这个表达方式今天还被使用。

Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is unclear, the stories certainly emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic, and, most importantly, romantic figure.It's no surprise that by the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most

popular saints in England and France.尽管瓦沦丁传说背后的真实性不确定,但是故事的确强调了他是一个有同情心的、英雄式的,以及最重要的是他是一个浪漫的人物。到中世纪的时候,瓦沦丁成为英格兰和法国最受欢迎的圣徒之一也就不奇怪了。

But in Japan, Saint Valentine's Day is slightly different: The only ones doing the giving are females, and they usually send a gift of chocolates to their love interests.但是在日本,圣·瓦沦丁节有点不同:送礼物的只是女孩,而且她们通常根据恋人的喜好送巧克力做礼物。

This unique custom seems to have its roots in a campaign that a Japanese chocolate manufacturer started in 1958, promoting St.Valentine's Day as “the day women confess their love to a man with a gift of chocolate.” The manufacturer sold heart-shaped chocolates at a department store in Tokyo.Only five were sold that first year, but this “Valentine Sale” became more and more popular with each passing year, and the custom of females sending chocolates to males on Saint Valentine's Day gradually took root.这个独特的习俗似乎源于一家日本巧克力生产商于1958年将圣·瓦沦丁节宣传为“女人用巧克力做为礼物向她所爱的人表白爱意的日子。”的推广活动。生产商在东京的一家百货商店卖心型巧克力。第一年只卖出了五块,不过这个“情人节销售”逐年变得越来越受欢迎,而且在圣·瓦沦丁节女性给男性送巧克力的习俗也慢慢生根。

Today, chocolates are frequently given to members of one's own family.Gift giving on Saint Valentine's Day has also become quite common among school friends and colleagues at work.现在,人们经常给自己的家人送巧克力。同学和同事之间在圣·瓦沦丁节送礼物也变得相当普遍。

What's more, in Japan Saint Valentine's Day is followed up a month later by “White Day,” on March 14.This is the day when the men who received chocolates from women on Saint Valentine's Day give gifts like candy in return.This is also a custom unique to Japan, introduced and promoted by a Japanese confectionery company.But, perhaps because its history is still short, White Day is not yet as popular as St.Valentine's Day.此外,在日本圣·瓦沦丁节一个月之后的3月14日随之而来的是“白色情人节”。这是圣·瓦沦丁节时从女士那里收到巧克力的男士回赠如糖果等礼物的日子。这也是日本的一个独特习俗,由日本的糖果公司发起并推广。不过,也许是由于它的历史还短的缘故,白色情人节还不如圣·瓦沦丁节那么普遍。


Jeff: Those roses are beautiful Joan.Joan: I know.Smell them.Don't they smell wonderful?

Jeff: They do.Which romantic sent you those?

Joan: The only man that I need.Jeff: Who's that?

Joan: My husband of course.Jeff: I wonder if he knows how lucky he is to be married to you.Joan: I think so!I tell him at least five times a week what a lucky guy he is.Jeff: I hope I can be as lucky in love as you are.Joan: It has nothing to do with luck Jeff!You need to be sensitive, patient and considerate.Jeff: That sounds like too much hard work.I think I will stay single!












美联英语:旅行商务英语 接待提行李对话