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Unit 3 会谈口译
编辑:雾凇晨曦 识别码:23-608421 14号文库 发布时间: 2023-07-31 03:47:31 来源:网络

第一篇:Unit 3 会谈口译

Unit 3 Interpreting Conversations

会谈口译 3—1

Welcome 欢迎光临 Vocabulary


Post and Telecommunications communication ① 传达,传播,传递

Among the deaf and dumb communication may be carried on by means of the finger alphabet.聋哑人可以借手语传递信息。

② 传染

Spitting in public places may lead to the communication of disease.在公共场所吐痰可能导致疾病的传染。

③ 被传播之事(如新闻),消息,信息

This communication is confidential.这消息是机密的。

Communications 交通或通讯设备,(联络各地的)公路,铁路,电话或电报线,无线电 a world communications network.世界性通讯网 mass communications media.大众通讯媒介

而前辍 “tele”表示 over a long distance 所以这些词:

television, telescope, telephone


be very proud and honored privilege 也可以表示荣幸,可它只能做名词或动词,所以在表示荣幸时,应为: It is sb’s privilege to do sth.3、gracious invitation

友好邀请 当然可以说成friendly invitation 这里的gracious 还有① 亲切的 kind & warm courtesy

② 优雅的,雅致的 elegant or beautiful

③ 有品味的 good taste

4、a distinguished group


这里的distinguished 意思是 eminent 卓著的

distinguished guests 嘉宾

Guest of Honor 或

Honored Guest,翻译成贵宾

5、look over the sea 面向大海

look over 有①从-----地方看过去




sense of humor


sense of responsibility 参与感

sense of participation 自豪感

sense of pride 时间感

sense of timing 归属感

sense of belonging 集体归属感

sense of belonging to the community 民族认同感

sense of national identity


literal meaning literal----word for word a literal translation



offer residence



Jinling Hotel 南京玄武饭店

Nanjing Xuanwu Hotel 假日酒店

Holiday Inn 南京古南都饭店

Nanjing Grand Hotel 南京新纪元大酒店

Nanjing New Era Hotel 南京金丝利喜来登酒店

Sheraton Nanjing Kingsley Hotel 南京丁山香格里拉

Shangri-La Dingshan Nanjing Hotel 南京苏宁环球饭店

Suning Universal Hotel 南京凤凰台饭店

Phoenix Palace Hotel 南京华美达怡华酒店

Ramada Nanjing Hotel 南京维景国际大酒店(原希尔顿)Nanjing Grand Metropark Hotel(former Hilton)南京斯亚花园酒店

Siya Garden Hotel 南京侨鸿皇冠酒店(原金鹰皇冠酒店)

Crown Plaza 南京状元楼酒店

Mandarin Garden Hotel 白鹭宾馆

Egret Hotel 南京国际会议大酒店

International Conference Hotel of Nanjing 湖滨金陵饭店

Jinling Resort 中心大酒店

Central Hotel 榴园宾馆

Pomegranate Garden Hotel

典型句型1 欢迎来上海,罗伯茨先生。我是上海邮电服务发展公司海外部主任陈天敏。

Welcome to Shanghai, Mr.Roberts.I am Chen Tianmin, director of Overseas Department of Shanghai Post and Telecommunications Service Development Company.注意这里不可以用welcome sb to sp.例:欢迎希尔博士和夫人来访上海,我叫洪建华,是中美制药有限公司副总经理。

Welcome to Shanghai, Dr.and Mrs.Hill.My name is Hong Jianhua, deputy managing director of the Sino-US(Sino-American)pharmaceutical Co.Ltd.这个句子要注意的几点: ① 不可翻译成welcome Dr.and Mrs.Hill to Shanghai.② 在称呼一对夫妇时,应用如上表达法,还有如:欢迎布什总统夫妇来访上海 Welcome to Shanghai, President and Mrs.Bush.③ 在翻译中英、中美、中加等时,应用 Sino--表示中国的 但在翻译美中、加中、英中时,不能说

US—Sino 而应该说

US—Chinese.④ 关于汉语里“副”的翻译:汉语里表示副职的头街一般都冠以“副”字,英译时需视词语的固定搭配表达习惯等情况,可选择用vice, deputy, associate, assistant等词,相对而言,vice的使用面较广。

例: 副总统

vice president 副省长

vice governor 副市长

vice mayor

一般学术头街的“副”职称往往用不同的词来表达,最为常用的英语词是associate.例: 副教授

associate professor 副研究员 associate research fellow 副主任医师

associate senior doctor

以director表示的职位的副职常以deputy director表示,此外,secretary, mayor, dean等头衔的副职也可以用deputy来表示。


deputy secretary-general 副院长

deputy dean



assistant engineer 助理教授

assistant professor 助理研究员

assistant reseach fellow 补充:职务中“总”字翻译

1、用Chief或in-chief 总会计师

Chief Accountant /General Accountant 总建筑师

Chief Architect 总设计师

Chief Designer or General Designer 总编辑

Chief Editor 总工程师

Chief Engineer 总务主任

Chief of General Affairs 总参谋长

Chief of the General Staff 总司令/总指挥




Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席法官

Chief Judge 首席记者

Chief Correspondent

2、用general 或--general 总会计师

General Accountant 总代理商

General Agent 总领事

General Consul OR Consul-General 总设计师

General Designer 总调度员

General Dispatch Officer 总经理

General Manager 总书记

General Secretary 总务管理员

General Store Supervisor 总稽查

Auditor-General 总干事


3、用专门的词来表示 总裁

Chairman 总统

President 总监,总管

Controller 总务长

Dean of General Affairs 总督

Governor 总理

Prime Minister/ Premier

另外可参考口译教材P31—P33 练习

1、对不起,您一定是来自联盟传播服务局的大卫.理查德先生吧?我叫王琴,是 上海国际文化交流中心的代理主任,这是我的名片。

Excuse me, you must be Mr.David Richard from the Alliance Communications Service.My name is Wang Qin, I am acting director of the Shanghai International Center for Cultural Exchanges.Here’s my card.2、欢迎中国地方旅游服务代表团光临爱丁堡。

Welcome to Edinburgh, the Chinese Local Tourist Service Delegation.3、我叫简.安德森,在爱丁堡旅游服务中心工作。

My name is Jane Anderson, I am from the Edinburgh Tourist Center.典型句型2 您专程从英国赶来,我很高兴。

I am very happy that you have come all the way from Britain.Come all the way from有专程,打老远来或远道而来的意思

Thanks a lot for coming all the way to meet me.see me off.非常感谢打老远来接/送我。



Thank you for coming all the way to our company.典型句型3 考虑到您的方便和舒适,您可以居住在公司的外宾专用别墅,从那里骑车15分可到我海外部的办公楼。

For your convenience and comfort, we accommodate you(put you up)in one of company’s villas for overseas visitors.It’s just 15 minutes’ bicycle ride from the office building of the Overseas Department.练习


If you don’t mind, we’d like to accommodate you at the Holiday Inn, which is located in the downtown area, a 30 minutes’ drive(walk)from our lab.如果你们不喜欢假日酒店,也可以搬到公司招待所去住,我们的招待所是一幢家庭式公寓小楼。

Our Guesthouse, a small family-style apartment building, is also available to you if you decide to move out of the hotel.典型句型4 长途飞行后您一定很累了,今晚有招待晚宴,您需要休息下,晚上六时我派车来接您.You must be very tired after a long flight.You will need a rest for tonight’s reception party.I will send someone to pick you up at 6.练习


Our general manager, Mr.Li will host a reception banquet tonight, and we would like you and your family to come to the dinner this evening.Vocabulary Development 机场大楼

terminal building 候机大厅

waiting hall 问讯处

information/inquiry desk 起飞时间

take off/departure time 抵达时间

arrival time 登机卡

boarding pass 安全检查

security check


making a customs declaration 往返票

round-trip/ return ticket 入境/出境/过境签证

entry/exit/transit visa 入境手续

entry formalities 一次性/多次入境手续

single entry/ multiple entry visa 旅游签证

tourist visa 外交护照

diplomatic passport 行李提取处

luggage/baggage claim 盛大招待会

grand reception 总统套房

presidential suite 豪华套房

luxury suite 单/双人房

single/ double room 欢迎/告别词

welcome speech/address


3—2 A Wish to Invest

投资意向 Vocabulary

1、share my thoughts with you 想告诉您我的想法

I want to tell you my thought or idea.2、翻了两番(此处是指四倍)

has quadrupled





表示倍数可直接用数字加 times 或fold表示。


open the whole country up to the outside world


the coastal cities


the interior areas

6、I am all ears to---

我愿闻其详 I want to know(get)the detail of sth.7、最大程度





to exert both parties’ advantages concerned




managerial expertise


joint venture 独资企业

wholly/solely foreign-owned/funded enterprise



cooperative enterprise


joint venture




foreign funded enterprise/enterprise with foreign capital


6、Sino-foreign joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperative enterprise foreign-funded enterprise 乡镇企业

township enterprise


collective-owned enterprise


private/inpidual funded venture/enterprise 国营企业

state-run enterprise 国有企业

state-owned enterprise


large-and medium-sized state-owned enterprise 外向型企业

export-oriented enterprise 劳动密集型企业

labor-intensive enterprise


technology-intensive enterprise 试点企业

trial/pilot enterprise 亏损企业

loss-making enterprise


invigorate/enliven enterprise



典型句型1 您说的完全对。海外人士在上海及周边地区的投资近年来翻了两番。出现这一高涨不止的投资热有多种缘由。You are absolutely/definitely right.Overseas investment in Shanghai and its surrounding areas has quadrupled in recent years.There are many reasons for this rising investment fever.典型句型2

除了中国是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一这个原因外,中国政府和地方政府很重视对外全面开放,不仅开放沿海城市,也开放内地,尽可能吸引外资。Apart from the fact that China is one of the fast growing economies in the world, the Chinese central government and local governments focus a lot of their attention on opening the whole country up to the outside world, both the coastal cities and the country’s interior areas.典型句型3

好的,基本情况是这样的,外国在华直接投资可以在最大程度上发挥有关双方的优势。Ok.Basically, direct foreign investment in China maximizes the strengths of both parties concerned.典型句型4 投资方式很多,您可以同中方合资办企业,也可以独资办公司。There are many ways for you to invest in China.Among others you can invest in a joint venture with a Chinese partner, or establish a business independently, that is, set up a solely foreign funded/owned company.典型句型5 投资兴办合资企业时,通常外方提供资金、机械设备、先进技术和管理方法,而中方则提供土地、劳工以及部分用于基础设施建设的资金。

With a joint venture, a foreign partner usually brings into the enterprise or business capital funds, machinery, advanced technology and management, while the Chinese partner supplies land, labor and a portion of the funds for the infrastructure.3—3 Establishing a Joint Venture

合资企业 Vocabulary


investment proposal/intention

2、有说服力的persuasive 注意很相似的词pervasive 深入的,有渗透力的

3、express train 快车

如EMS Express Mail Service

4、in the vicinity of 在---附近,邻近,课文里表示about or approximately


share of investment


rights and interests


foreign exchange reserve


do sth for the rainy days/ make good preparations

9、convertible currency



coincide with one’s usual practice

11、a rewarding day


也可说成是a fruitful/productive day

典型句型1 很好,800万岂止是个吉利的数字,我认为这对启动这家合资企业来说也是很合适的。That’s great/very good/perfect.Eight million is more than a lucky number, I think it’s the right number for the initiation of this joint venture.典型句型2 我对您这个5:5对半开的投资比例感到满意。这就是说,我们在经营管理和利润分配上也保持一种5:5对半开的权益关系。

I like the idea of a 50 to 50 investment partnership, that is to say, there will be a 50 to 50 distribution in business management and profit share.练习


I like the idea of a 30 to 70 investment partnership.典型句型3 此外,我们需要增加外汇储备,“天晴还需防雨天”嘛。

Besides, we need to increase our foreign exchange reserve for the rainy day.典型句型4 至于我们的合作期限,我想可以定为15年,只要双方满意,合同期满后我们还可以续签。您意下如何?

As for the term of the partnership, let’s start with a 15-year term for this joint venture, and extend the contract later if both parties wish to continue the partnership.What do you say to this?/How do you think about it? /What’s your opinion?

典型句型5 正合我的想法。下周我们是否再举行一轮会谈,详细讨论一些技术性问题?

That coincides with our usual practice.Shall we hold another round of discussion next week on some technical problems in a more detailed way?


Cultural Differences


Vocabulary 1.for good


=for ever/permanently 2.奥斯卡最佳影片奖

win the Oscar for the best picture 3.vigor and vitality

生机勃勃/勃勃生机 4.film poster

电影海报 5.originality


6.give priority to

把----放在首位/认为----优先 7.altruistic dedication


altruistic: 无私心的反:egoistic:以自我为中心的,自私自利的 8.take precedence over 优先于

precedence:优先,居先 9.global integration 全球一体化 经济全球化

economic globalization 全球化的经济

globalized economy



advance payment 预付货款advising bank 通知行 anticipated returns 预期收益assets liquidity 资产的流动性 associate company 联合公司,联营公司authorized bank 授权银行 balance sheets 资产负债表bar code 条形码

beyond one’s means 难以承受,超出某人的承受能力bottleneck constraints 瓶颈制约 breach a contract 违约breed risk takers 栽培富于冒险精神的人士 Bs/L(Bills of Lading)提货单CFR/Cost and Freight 离岸加运费价 CIFC/Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission 到岸加佣金价 CIF/Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价(成本费加保险费加运输费)click-through rate 点击率competitive convergence 竞争趋同共存 convertible foreign currencies 可兑换的外币deferred payment 延期付款 Document Against Acceptation 承兑交单Document Against Payment 付款交单 export-oriented economy 外向型经济franchise 特许经营 Free Alongside Ship 装运港船边交货价Free On Board 离岸价 Free Over Side 目的港船边交货价fund utilization rate 资金利用率 goods re-exported 转口商品grace of payment 支付宽限 hard currency 硬通货incentive mechanism 激励机制 initial offerings 原始股insolvency 资不抵债

institutional shares 法人股intangible assets 无形资产 marginal cost 边际成本market-adjusted rates 市场调节价 negative growth 负增长payment on delivery 交货付款

place excessive demands 要价过高quota-free products 非配额产品 recapitalize 资产重组reserve the right 保留权利 technology-intensive 技术密集型transit trade 转口贸易 unitary exchange rate system 单一汇率制

The letter of guarantee should reach us two months before shipment is due, as stipulated in contract.担保函必须在合同规定的装运期前两个月到达我方。

Some development projects in China, such as the western development strategy, aim to meet the core infrastructure needs, and this is an area where we have got very particular strengths.中国的某些开发项目,如西部开发战略,是以满足核心基础建设的需要为目标的,而这一领域正式我们的强项。

This makes UK your natural partner because our record on innovation and discovery is envied across the world.这说明了英国能成为你们的自然合作伙伴,因为我们在革新与探索方面所取得的成就令世界羡慕不已。

We are a leader in the development of public-private partnerships, which involve the public and the private sector working together to provide infrastructure and services.我们在公共与私有合作方面处于世界领先水平,也就是公共部门和私有部门之间进行合作从事基础建设和提供服务。

The private financing initiatives have enabled us to develop our infrastructure more cost effectively, more quickly and to a higher quality.私有融资的启动让我们能够在基础建设方面更节约成本、速度更快、质量更高。

The UK remains the premier location in Europe for software investments and high value and development, and this is despite the global pressures on the information and communication industries.尽管在信息和通讯产业方面来自有来自全球的压力,英国仍然在软件投资和高价值研发方面保持它在欧洲的中心地位。


a great variety of models 款式多样all-time high 历史最高记录 anniversary celebration 周年庆典a ready market 畅销 attractive and durable 美观耐用biannual 一年两次的

complete range of articles 品种齐全corporate image 企业形象 crisis consciousness 危机意识customized service 人性化的服务 grid system 系统网络make debuts 首次亮相

management principles 经营方针pillar-free exhibition units 无柱展区 promotional mix 促销组合raise the profile 提升形象

rebate 回扣,折扣scope and scale of the exhibition 展览会的范围和规模 specialty retailer 专业零售商superior quality 质量上乘 technology transformation 技术改造top the list 位居首位 warranty 保修,质量担保win the bid 中标

标志性建筑 landmark building滨河快道 Binhe Expressway 参展商 enterprise exhibitor 产、研、发相结合 integration of production, research and development 场地布置 site layout;space assignment出口型的 export-oriented 打开了解世界的窗户 open a window to see the outside world 多功能厅 multi-functional hall服务设施完善 full range of service and facilities 腹地 hinterland顾客第一、信誉第一 customer first, credit first 广告传单 fly sheet广告经纪人 advertising broker 国际标准展位 international-standard booth会场布局图 layout 会议主持人 moderator货到交付 delivery on arrival 集装箱班轮航线 container shipment route结交客户 develop relations with customs近在咫尺 near at hand酒店式公寓 apartment guesthouse 开创了新时代 initiate a new era 科技成果产业化 industrialization of scientific and technological achievements 名特产品 famous brand product目标市场 target market 目录册 catalogue平季(旺季和淡季之间的峰肩期)shoulder season 全面提升展会的层次 fully upgrade the exhibition 认为价格 artificially low/high price人文古迹 locations of ancient culture legacy 商誉 credit in business特价日 red tag day, bargain day 现场注册 on-site registration星级饭店 star-rated hotel 优惠政策 preferential policy占地22万平方米 cover 220,000 square meters 招商引资 invitation for bid中小企业 small and medium enterprises 著名旅游景点 renowned scenic spot租赁物品 rental items 例句篇:

Every country possesses sites of local or national interests, which are a source of national pride.每个国家拥有自己地方的历史名胜、民族的历史名胜,它们是民族的骄傲之源。

The sites that are nominated for inclusion on the list are chosen for their unique qualities and for being the best examples of our cultural and natural heritage.那些被提名列入名单的遗迹之所以被选中,是因为它们的独特性,因为他们出色地代表了我们的文化遗产和自然遗产。

The three-day exhibition is the most exclusive opportunity to meet potential clients from around the world.三天的展览是不可兼得的机会,让你遇到来自世界各地的潜在客户。

Through EXPO, visitors will be exposed to the cultural aspect of a country.Moreover, it enables a country to promote trade development with other countries.通过世博会,参观者可以感受到一个国家的文化,而且,它还会促进国与国的贸易发展。City Conference and Exhibition Center, occupying an area of 470,000 square meters and a total construction area of 160,000 square meters, is composed of the main building and wing building.城市会展中心占地47万平方米,总建筑面积16万平方米,由主楼和附楼组成。Being 432m in length, 105m in width and 42.6m in height, the main building contains 5 floors.主楼长432米,宽105米,高42.6米,共5层。

Central air conditioner, automatic fire alarm, closed circuit TV watching system, communication network, public broadcasting and cable TV are all available in the exhibition hall.展览大厅配有中央空调、自动火警、闭路电视、通讯网络、广播和有线电视。

To provide convenience to all the exhibitors, City Conference and Exhibition Center has set up an Exhibition Service Center.It offers all kinds of services, such as advertising designing, special decorating advertisements, renting additional exhibition equipment, water, electricity, gas, engineering and transporting exhibition items.为所有参展商提供方便,城市会议展览中心设立了展会服务中心,提供各类服务,诸如广告设计、特殊装饰广告、出租多余展览设备、供水、供电、工程和交通工具。

City Conference and Exhibition Center possesses a professional staff.Following the principle of “customers first”, the whole staff of the Center will provide complete, high-quality, efficient and quick services in order to gain the success of all events held in the Center.城市会议展览中心拥有一支既有理论知识又有实践经验的会展专业队伍,全体同仁秉承“顾客第一”的原则,为在此进行的会议展览活动提供优质、高效、快捷的服务。我相信举办世博会将会为上海提供国际交流的舞台,促进上海与国际发展接轨。

I believe the holding of the Expo would give Shanghai an arena for international exchanges and help speed up the city’s move to keep up with the global trend of development.世博会将为13亿中国人民打开了解世界的窗户,也会为外国人了解中国历史、文化和成就提供机会。

The Expo will open a window for the 1.3 billion Chinese people to see the outside world as well as offer an opportunity for foreigners to learn about Chinese history, culture and achievements 世博会会址占地2260公顷,将成为重环保、服务设施完善、旅游资源丰富的都市区域。The Expo, with an area of 2,260 hectares, will produce an environmental-friendly urban district with flourishing service and tourism industries.深圳国际会展中心位于城市中心区,是深圳最大的单位建筑,它占地22万平方米,东西长540米,南北宽282米,总高60米,地上6层,地下2层,总建筑面积28万平方米。Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center is located in downtown area of the city.It is the largest single building in Shenzhen, covering about 220,000 square meters, extending 540 meters from east to west, 282 meters from south to north.The building stands up to 60 meters, including 6 floors above the ground level and 2 floors beneath it.The total construction area tops 280,000 square meters.本次交易会是规模最大、客商最多、展位最广、成交额最高的区域性国际经贸盛会。The Fair is the largest regional international trade fair with the most traders, the greatest variety of exhibits and the most onsite deals.本届交易会展览面积达10.35万平方米,设标准展位5346个,分4个专业展区,参展企业3500余家。

The Fair boasted an exhibition area of 103,500sqm.There were four specialized exhibition areas with 5,346 standard booths and over 3,500 enterprises.我们希望本次展览能够帮助英国人民以及世界其他地区的人民了解中国的今昔。

We hope that the exhibition will help the British people and people from other parts of the world learn about the past and the present of China.我们希望这次活动能够促进中英两国的交流,加强对两国文化的理解,缩短东西方的差距。We expect this program to promote the exchanges between China and the UK, to enhance the mutual understanding between the two cultures, and to narrow the distance between the East and the West.

第三篇:口译unit two

Unit Two 招待口译Interpreting for Reception Service 2-1 机场迎宾Greeting at the Airport A:先生,请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗?

Excuse me, sir;is this Prof.Tallack from London? B:Yes, I'm George Tallack from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.You must be Miss Dai, if I'm not mistaken.是的,我是伦敦大学亚非学院的乔治·泰莱克。我要是没认错的话,您一定是戴小姐? A:是的,我叫戴嘉佳,海通人力资源部经理。泰莱克教授,我一直在此恭候您的到来。

Yes, I'm Dai Jiajia, manager of Human Resources, the Haitong Group.I have been expecting you, Prof.Tallack.B:Thank you for coming to meet me at the airport.This is a fantastic airport, absolutely one of the top-notch internation airports.谢谢您来机场接我。这个机场太美了,绝对是顶尖的国际机场。


I'm very glad to have the pleasure of meeting you in my hometown.This is indeed a first-class international airport, as everybody says so.You're welcome.We're very happy that you made it in spite of the tiring trip.We're very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and came to Haitong to give us advice.B:I've long been expecting to learn about the famous Haitong Group.I really appreciate this opportunity, which is also an opportunity for me to learn about Chinese enterprises at a close distance.我一直希望能真正了解赫赫有名的“海通集团”,你们也给了我近距离了解中国企业的机会,我感激不尽。


How was the trip? It must be very tiring, flying for more than 10 hours.B:Not too bad.But we were later than expected.Our plane delayed taking off as we ran into a storm.We were held up for several hours at the airport, waiting for the storm to clear up.But we had good flying weather and we enjoyed a good attending service, of course.还可以,但班机延误了,下了暴雨,我们只得在机场等了几个小时,天气转好后才起飞。但飞行途中的天气还不错,服务也很好。


Well, you must be very tired after the long trip, and you have to get over the jet-lag.We have got all the luggage, haven't we? Let's drive directly to the hotel.B:Yes, I'm a bit tired.I'm very bad with a jet-lag.But I'll be all right in a couple of days.是的,我是有点累了。我倒时差很慢,但两天后自然就恢复了。


Good.We'll take you to the hotel for a good rest.You don't have to get up early tomorrow.Here's the schedule for tomorrow.We'll host a reception lunch in your honor.And then you'll meet with Chairman of the Board in the afternoon.We'll take you to an acrobatic show in the evening, a typical Chinese acrobatic show.How do you like that, Prof.Tallack? B:I like that.I've heard Chinese people are very friendly and hospitable.You're very considerate, Miss Dai.I'll soon be spoiled, I'm afraid.太好了。中国人友善好客,我早有好闻。戴小姐考虑得很周到,过不了几天我便会被宠坏了。


I hope you'll have a pleasant stay here, and enjoy happy collaboration with the Haitong Group.I think we've got everything.Our car is waiting outside.Shall we go now? B:Sure.好的。

2-2 宾馆入住Hotel Accommodation A:下午好,欢迎光临和平饭店。需要服务吗,先生?

Good afternoon.Welcome to the Peace Hotel.May I help you, sir? B:Yes, I'd like to check in, please.是的,我要登记住宿。


Certainly, sir.May I have your name, please? Do you have a reservation with us, sir? B:Yes, it's Robert King.I suppose somebody made the reservation for me.是的,我叫罗伯特·金。我已请人代为预订房间了。


Just a moment, please.I'll check our reservation record...Oh, thank you for waiting,sir.But I'm afraid we have no record of your reservation.Where was it made? Do you have a confirmation letter? B:That's very strange.I made the reservation about 10 days ago, through a travel agency at home.But I don't have the confirmation letter with me.What I have with me is a copy of the itinerary.Is there any problem with the accommodation for just two days?



Just a minute, please.I'll check vacancies.Very good, I got it.We have a double room, and there's deluxe suite available.Which one do you prefer? B:Thanks a lot.I prefer the double room.How long can I keep it? And is it a regular rate with no extra charge?



Very good, sir.Will you register here, please? No, there's no extra charge.Actually, you would have a good rate with 20% off on the last deluxe suite.B:The double room is fine.Is there any service that I need to know?


Certainly, sir.May I know if you have anything in particular? B:Yes.I'd like to have a 7 o'clock morning call, breakfast sent up to my room, shirts and pants laundered, some documents photocopied, and express mail sent out, and something like that.好呀,早上7点钟叫醒,早餐送我房间,衬衫、裤子需要洗熨,文件需要复印,一封邮件需要快递,诸如此类的事情需要帮忙。


No problem.Just call our Front Desk, Catering Service, Laundry Service, and Business Center accordingly.Or you may contact the Floor Service Desk.Is there anything else I can do for you? B:Just one more thing-do you have any place for fitness exercises? I go to the gym and exercise every day.还有一件事。酒店有没有什么地方可以健身?我每天都要去健身房运动。


Yes, we have a well-equipped fitness center, with coaches available.We have many modern fitness facilities catering to the different needs of our guests.We would be very pleased make their stay enjoyable.I do hope you enjoy your stay here.If you have any other requirements, please let me know at anytime.B:Very good, thank you very much.太好了,非常感谢。A:不用客气

You're welcome.2-3 宴会招待Banquet Service A:各位,晚上好,今天我们在此举办晚宴,招待各位亲爱的朋友和敬业的专家,庆贺我们的会谈取得圆满成功,我感到非常高兴。我特别感谢凯兰女士大驾光临。没有凯兰女士的最后努力,还不知道现在会怎样呢,恐怕我们还在谈判之中。

Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.It gives me a great pleasure to host the banquet in honor of our dear friends and dedicated experts, and celebrate the successful conclusion of our talks.In particular, I'd like to thank Ms.Kelland for her coming.Without her last-minute effort, we would still be in the middle of nowhere, probably in the middle of negotiations, I'm afraid.B:Thank you, President Li.You all did very well.I just contributed my share.We all maneuvered successfully to get our job done, so to speak.Well, ladies and gentlemen, are we carrying out another round of talk over the dinner?



No more business talks today.We've already put an end to it.I propose we limit our talk to friendship tonight.And of course, we'll delight ourselves completely in the foods that Mother Nature grants us.B:That's great, the delicious Chinese food!I can't wait to enjoy your food.What are we excepting tonight?

太好了,可口的中国菜,我等不及了。今晚我们有什么好吃的? A:今晚我们准备了典型的上海餐,希望各位喜欢。

Tonight we have prepared a typical Shanghai meal.I hope you will like it.B:Yes, eat in Shanghai as Shanghai people eat.But, to be frank, I've heard of the famous Cantonese food, Sichuan food, Shandong food, but not that much of Shanghai food.What's special about Shanghai cuisine?

是的,在上海就应该吃上海人之所吃。不过,恕我直言,我只听说过名声显赫的粤菜、川菜场和鲁菜,对上海菜不太了解。上海菜系有什么特点? A:上海菜系是中国最年轻的地方菜系,通常被称为“本帮菜”,有着400多年的历史。同中国其他菜系一样,“本帮菜”具有“色、香、味”三大要素,特点是注重调料的使用、食物的质量和菜的原汁原味。

Shanghai cuisine, usually called Benbang cuisine, is the youngest among the major regional cuisines in China, with a history of more than 400 years.Like all other Chinese regional cuisines, Benbang cuisine takes “color, aroma and taste” as its essential quality elements.It emphasizes in particular the expert use of seasonings, the selection of raw materials with quality texture, and original flavors.B:It sounds very appetizing.听来很能引起食欲。


I'd like to recommend a special snack known as Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings and a special dish called “Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish”.Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings are small in size, with thin and translucent wrappers, filled inside with ground pork and rich tasty soup.The Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish is yellow-colored and squirrel-shaped, with a crispy skin and tender meat, all covered with a sweet and sour source.They are absolutely tasters' choice.I bet you will like them.B:Oh, I suppose they are the perfect combination of the three elements “color, aroma and taste”.Especially the Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish.I can't figure out how the chef makes the dish look like a squirrel.Shall we add “appearance” to your judgement criteria?


Absolutely right, plus “appearance”—that makes the fourth element.Ok, here we are.Please help yourself to the dishes.B:The dinner is so delicious.The dishes are complete with color, aroma, taste and appearance.Thank you very much for your invitation and hospitality.I hope I haven't missed anything, have I?



I'm very glad that you like the dishes.But this is just the beginning of the dinner.We have more surprises to expect.Ladies and gentlemen, I consider it a great honor to have you all here for this wonderful time of the year.Let us drink to the health of Ms.Kelland.B:And toast to the health of President Li and to the health of everybody here.Cheers!


To our lasting friendship and cooperation, cheers!

2-4 参观访问Getting Around A:您好,欢迎光临京河高科技园区。我是园区的业务经理,我很荣幸能带大家参观我们的园区。不知道各位对哪方面比较感兴趣?

Hello, welcome to Jinghe High-Tech Park.I am Operation Manager of the Park.I'm honored to be your guide and take you to tour around the Park.May I know your major interests? B:I'm interested in the general layout of the Park.Would you please give me some idea of its setup?



Very good.First of all, we'll take a bird's-eye view of the Park.And then we'll look around in the Park and, to use a Chinese metaphor, we'll “cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horseback”.B:Good idea, but we'll cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on your car...in a more comfortable manner.好主意,不过我们是驱车观花,更舒服一些。


I really like your humor, sir.Now let me come back to our story.Jinghe High-Tech Park enjoys a superior location, with the Capital Beijing as the backdrop, facing the vast expanse of the Bo Sea, bordered by the Jingjintang Expressway to the east.It takes only 30 minutes to reach the Capital's International Airport, 20 minutes to get to the Beijing Railway Cargo Station, and an hour to arrive at the Tianjin New Harbor.The Park is a national development project approved by the State Council.It is authorized to approve projects with preferential policies, operating under the management system of international standards.B:When was it put to use? Who fuelled its development?



The construction of the Park was undertaken in two phases with the first covering 588 acres comprising 28 industrial lots as well as R&D, administrative and support facilities.And the second phase covers an area of 525 acres with 22 industrial lots.The Park went into its full operation in 2000, supported by the generous loans from 5 Chinese banks and 2 overseas banks.B:The Park is well planned and arranged in perfect order.园区规划合理,井井有条。


Yes, it is.A golf course lies on its east, the Moon River to its west, and a kilometer-wide green belt to its north.Inside the Park, industries cluster in the east and residences concentrate in the west.In-between you find the public service area.B:What do you do to attract direct foreign investment?

你们是以什么方式来吸引外商直接投资的? A:园区采取有力措施改善投资环境,培育新的优势,使其成为华北地区吸纳高新技术产业、跨国公司以及大型骨干企业的乐园。园区的两大主导产业是信息技术和现代生物技术。

The Park Administration takes strong measures to improve the investment environment, to foster new competitive advantages and to make the Park and investment paradise in North China for hi-tech and new-tech companies, multinationals, and large enterprises of pillar industries.The Park's two leading industries are information technology and modern biotechnology.B:Are there any particular requirements that prospective foreign enterprises must meet?



The target industries must meet the Park's selection criteria.That is, they must strengthen research and development function, use locally available technical resources and materials, develop suitable supporting industries, and collaborate with universities and public research institutes.Multinational companies from the United States, Japan, Korea, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Canada, Australia, Holland and Norway have settled down in the Park.The Park enjoys strong government support and has complete high-tech industry, education, and R&D.The Park provides a stream-lined one-stop service for incoming enterprises.B:The physical environment of the Park is wonderful.园区的环境真不错!


Yes, it is one of the things that we take so much pride in.The Park Administration has been pursuing the policy of ecological conservation and sustainable development.To ensure the quality of the local environment, we stick steadfastly to our development strategy of “attracting investment with a green environment and maintaining a green environment through investment”.As you can see, the Park has a green coverage of more than 45%.It really boasts stretches of green grass, forests of green trees, streams murmuring, birds chirping, air refreshing, fragrant flowers blossoming all year round.The whole environment is enveloped in a peaceful, elegant and relaxing atmosphere.B:You're a real poet.Do you have independent and complete establishments for water and power supply, and for waste treatment?



Yes, the Park has an independent techno-support and security service center, which is equipped with high-standard facilities for water and electricity supply and provides the enterprises with reliable, stable and quality power, clean water, internet maintenance services, as well as 24-hour security service.B:That's wonderful.太棒了。

Sentences in Focus 1.This is a fantastic airport, absolutely one of the top-notch international airports.这个机场太美了,绝对是一个顶尖的国际机场。

2.I'm very bad with a jet-lag.But I'll be all right in a couple of days.我倒时差很慢,但两天后自然就恢复了。

3.I'd like to have a 7 o'clock morning call, breakfast sent up to my room, laundry done, some documents photocopied, an express mail sent out, and something like that.我要早上7点钟叫醒,早餐送我房间,衣服要洗熨,文件要复印,邮件要快递,诸如此类的事情需要服务。

4.We all amneuvered successfully to get our job done, so to speak.可以说我们每个人都成功地使我们的使命得以完成。

5.Let's delight ourselves completely in the foods that Mother Nature grants us.让我们尽情享受大自然赐予我们的食物吧。


You must be Prof.Tallack from London, if I'm not mistaken.7.我是海通集团人力资源部经理。

I'm manager of Human Resources, the Haitong Group.8.感激您不辞辛劳,从百忙中抽空来我公司指导。

We're very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and came to our company to give us advice.9.今晚我们设宴为您洗尘。

We'll host a reception dinner in your honor this evening.10.我在你们的酒店预订了一间双人间,有确认函。

I have made a reservation for a double room with your hotel.And here's the confirmation letter.11.提前10天预订房间可以享受8折优惠价。

You will have a good rate with 20% off when you make a reservation 10 days in advance.12.我们有许多现代化的健身设备可满足客人的不同需求。

We have many modern fitness facilities catering to the different needs of our guests.13.没有凯兰女士的最后努力,现在还不知道怎样呢,恐怕我们还在谈判之中呢。

Without Ms.Kelland's last-minute effort, we would still be in the middle of nowhere, probably in the middle of negotiations, I'm afraid.14.同中国其它菜系一样,“本帮菜”具有“色、香、味”三大要素,特点是注重调料的使用、食物的质地和菜的原汁原味。

Like all other Chinese regional cuisines, Benbang cuisine takes “color, aroma and taste” as its essential quality elements.It emphasizes in particular the expert use of seasonings, the selection of raw materials with quality texture, and original flavors.15.这些菜绝对是首选,你一定喜欢。别客气,请随意。

These dishes are absolutely tasters' choice.I bet you will like them.Please help yourself to the dishes.16.各位能够赏光来此共度一年中的这个美好时光,我感到非常荣幸。让我们共同举杯,祝各位身体健康、事业有成、阖家幸福。

I consider it a great honor to have you all here for this wonderful time of the year.Let us drink to the health, great career and happy family of everyone present.17.我们先来鸟瞰一下整个园区吧,然后在园区内各处转悠一下,用我们的话来说是“走马观花”。

First of all, we'll take a bird's-eye view of the Park.And then we'll look around in the Park and, to use a Chinese metaphor, we'll “cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horseback”.18.高科技园区享有国家授予的项目审批权和优惠政策,是一个与国际管理体制接轨的经济区域。

The High-tech Park is authorized by the state government to approve projects with preferential policies, operating under the management system of international standards.19.园区注重产业、教育和研发的整合,为引入企业提供一条龙服务。

The Park focuses on the integration of industry, education, and R&D and provides a stream-lined one-stop service for incoming enterprises.20.为了确保环境质量,我们始终坚持“以绿引资、以资养绿”的发展战略,园区绿化率达到45%以上。

To ensure the quality of the environment, we stick steadfastly to our development strategy of “attracting investment with a green environment and maintaining a green environment through investment”.As a result, the Park has a green coverage of more than 45%.

第四篇:口译材料unit 13

Part II实践与实战

13.1 Shopping in Hong Kong口译基础P85 音频位置:实践与实战13.1

Hong Kong is a shopper’s paradise!You can find the latest fashions, cutting-edge electronics, and beautiful jewelry.Although Hong Kong only covers a small area, the shops here rival those of any international city.This really is a city where there is something for everyone, whatever you budget!

At the top end of the scale, the big name designers all have branches here, most on Hong Kong Island in Central.Many of these luxurious stores have good scales at various points in the year.For those with slightly less money to spend but still after some quality clothing, the best boutiques can be found around Causeway Bay.Some of the best department stores in Hong Kong are also here including the New World Center, Times Square and Sogo department Store.Clothes are also sold at many of the lively markets.Great markets are scattered throughout the city.The best ones to browse include: ladies Street, Temple Street and Shanghai Street.There is also a fabulous and vibrant market at Stanley, which is great to visit for the sights and sounds even if you are not interested in buying anything.For electrical goods, again the best district is Central.Tsim Sha Tsui has a huge selection of emporiums selling everything under the sun, although bargains are not normally found here!What is arguably Hong Kong’s best department store, Harbour city However, is located directly opposite the Star Ferry terminal.Mong Kok is another interesting area to wander and to pick up some typical Chinese goods.13.1 Shopping in Hong Kong 译文

香港是购物者的天堂。在这里你可以找到最流行的服饰、最先进的电子设备和漂亮的珠 宝。香港虽然面积小,但那儿的商店可以和任何国际大都市媲美。无论想花多少钱,人人都可以在香港找到自己想要的东西。




购买电子产品的最佳地区是中环。尖沙咀地段的一系列商业中心销售各类商品,尽管通常顾客没有还价的余地。称得上是香港最好的百货商店的海港城就位于天星码头巴士总站的正对面。旺角则是另一处闲逛和购买地道中国商品的好去处。13.2 签约仪式致辞 基础口译P109 音频位置:实践与实战13.2 各位来宾,同志们:





13.2 签约仪式致辞 译文

Distinguished guests, dear friends, Today we are here to celebrate the signing ceremony of Weida Electronics.First of all, on behalf of the Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the municipal government, I would like to extend our warm congratulation to Weida Electronics.In recent years, our city has been dedicated to economic construction and places industrialization as the key planning goal.Our efforts in promotion have attracted a lot of investors.Their investment not only stimulates the local economy but also earns them rich rewards.Weida is another achievement of our promotions.With its tremendous strengths, its quality brand, its advanced technology and vast market, Weida boasts unlimited potential and a bright future.The construction of this project will accelerate our industrial development and upgrade our industrial base.Signing the project is only the first step.Our common goal is to achieve its fast construction and rapid development.I hope every competent department will provide the investors active and complete service, helping them overcome their difficulties so as to ensure the smoothness of their business.I also hope Weida will soon start construction, start operations and start making a profit.Finally, I wish Weida every success.Wish you all the best.Thank you!13.3英国购物游 P基础口译87 音频位置:实践与实战13.3 Tour Guide: Good morning, Chinese friends, we are taking you shopping today in Bicester Village located in the middle of Oxfordshire.We are honored to have Anna Keddie, the Marketing Director of Bicester Village with us today.She will tell us what Bicester Village is and show us around the most interesting places here.中国游客:

非常感谢!Keddie 女士,请您首先给我们介绍一下购物村的情况。

Anna Keddie: Bicester Village opened in 1995.It is Europe’s leading designer outlet village.We have here over 100 designer brands, selling products that are up to 60% off their original price.中国游客:

但这一点让我们觉得很费解。为什么欧洲知名的服装品牌到了这里会降价呢? Anna Keddie: That’s because most of the products are a season out of date, which means these products are from last season.中国游客:


Anna Keddie: There’s a wide variety of products on sale here;the majority of them are fashion wear for men and women, but you can find beauty products and things for the home.中国游客:


Anna Keddie: I think customers get incredible value here because they are buying authentic branded products at great savings.But the most important reason for them to come is because all of the outlets are directly opened by the brand company, so customers need not worry about going home with counterfeit or shoddy products.中国游客:


Anna Keddie: The best thing is to ask the store manager instead of bargaining with the staff.We have some times of the year when there are further reductions.During the summer, July and August, and during January and February, some stores may reduce prices up to 80%.So if you come at those times of the year, you are really getting a great tbargain!

13.3英国购物游 译文

Tour Guide: 早上好,中国朋友们。今天我们要带大家到位于牛津郡中部的比斯特购物村。我们非常荣幸地邀请到比斯特购物村的营销主管安娜.克蒂与我们同行。她将向我们介绍比斯特购物村的基本情况,并带领我们参观其中最有趣的地方。

中国游客: Thanks so much!Mrs Keddie, could you give us a brief introduction to the Village first? Anna Keddie:比斯特购物村1995年建立,是欧洲品牌购物村里的佼佼者。购物村里有一百多个设计品牌。在这里出售的商品价格低至四折。

中国游客: This sounds confusing.Why are those well-known European brands sold at a discount in the Village? Anna Keddie:有这么大折扣是因为这里销售的都是上一季的商品,也就是说是过季的。中国游客: I see.What other products are sold here? Anna Keddie:各种产品都在这里销售,大部分是男女时装,你也可以买到化妆品和日用品。中国游客: The street is crowded.It seems everyone loves brand products.Is it possible that some counterfeit and shoddy products mingle with the authentic ones? Anna Keddie:我认为顾客之所以能在这里获得超值是因为他们能以低价购买正品。他们来这里最重要的原因是所有的经销店都是直属品牌公司,所以顾客不必担心买到假冒伪劣产品。

中国游客:Can we bargain for further reduction on the 60% discount? Anna Keddie:这个最好与店长协商,而不是找店员。我们每年某些时期也会有更多折扣。在夏季的七八月份和冬季的一二月份,有些商店的折扣能到两折。如果你在每年这些时候过来的话,买东西就非常划算了。

第五篇:口译材料unit 10

Part II 实践与实战

10.1 Extreme Sports 极限运动 口译教程P76 音频位置:实践与实战10.1 In the past, young sportspeople would play hockey or baseball.Today, they want risk and excitement –the closer to the edge the better.They snowboard over cliffs and mountain-bike down steep mountains.They wind-surf near hurricanes, go white-water rafting through rapids, and bungee-jump from towers.Extreme sports started as an alternative to more expensive sports.A city kid who didn’t have the money to buy expensive sports equipment could get a skateboard and have fun.But now it has become a whole new area of sport, requiring specialized equipment and high levels of skill.There’s even a special Olympics for extreme sports, called the Winter X-Games, which include snow mountain-biking and ice-climbing.An Extreme Games competition is held each summer in Rhode Island.It features sports such as sky-surfing, where people jump from airplanes with surfboards attached to their feet.What makes extreme sports so popular? I think the main reason is that people love the thrill.City people in particular want to be outdoors on weekends and do something challenging.With the new equipment available today people can take greater risks without getting hurt.And the risk itself is part of the appeal.Once you have been mountain biking or snow-boarding, it’s impossible to go back to cycling or skiing.They are just too boring.Extreme sports are certainly not for everyone.Most people still prefer to play baseball or basketball or watch sports on TV.But extreme sports are definitely gaining in popularity.These fresh and exciting sports could well be the wave of the future.10.1 Extreme Sports 极限运动 译文





10.2 体育比赛赛前新闻发布会 口译基础P44 音频位置:实践与实战10.2 大家好,欢迎大家参加本次国际马拉松比赛的赛前新闻发布会。首先我想向各位介绍一下这次比赛的几点特色,然后再回答媒体朋友的提问。







10.2 体育比赛赛前新闻发布会 译文

Thank you all for attending the press conference on the international marathon.First of all, I will brief you on the following features of this year’s competition, and then I would like to answer questions raised by friends from media.First, the international marathon is a world class competition.So far, it has been confirmed that 17 foreign marathon runners have signed up for it.They come from seven countries including Spain, Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador, Brazil, Ethiopia and North Korea.We have also invited 120 Chinese athletes who have attended other nationwide marathon championships and qualification competitions for the Olympic marathon.With the participation of those athletes from home and abroad, we are expecting a fierce, exhilarating and thrilling competition.Second, this year the race course has been readjusted based on last year’s results, to make it flatter and more conductive to better performance.Most of the route lies along Island Ring Road and its large-scale landscaped squares, providing beautiful scenery and fresh air.The route is acclaimed to be the most pleasant one for marathons.Third, the whole competition will be covered by aerial view.CCTV, Xiamen TV Station and 15 other provincial TV stations will be conducting live broadcast.Fourth, electronic chips will be used for timing, so as to ensure the accuracy of the result.Fifth, prize money is higher than that of last year.It is now one million dollars, rather than last year’s 500,000 dollars, for a World Record Award;30,000 dollars, rather than last year’s 25,000 dollars, for Men’s Champion;and 30,000 dollars, rather than last year’s 20,000 dollars for Women’s Champion.In addition, prize money for athletes ranking second to eighth has also increased.That’s all for my briefing.Now the floor is open for questions.10.3 体育与商业:阿迪达斯的品牌战略 口译基础P45 音频位置:实践与实战10.3 杨澜:海纳先生,非常感谢您来到我们的节目。首先要祝贺这次精彩的世界杯给世界带来了巨大的欢乐和激情。我知道阿迪达斯公司在本次世界杯上业绩出色,你们一共销售出了多少个足球?

Hainer: We sold a lot of soccer balls, around 50 million, with the new design of Teamgeist ball.This was definitely a number which we did not foresee before.But this World Cup was great in lots of respects.Of course, for us as a company with our financial results, but I think more for the country of Germany because all of the German people turned into real football fans.杨澜:您有到比赛现场吗?您到现场看了几场比赛?

Hainer: Of course I’ve been to the games as I myself am a great football fan.I played when I was young.So I went to 19 games, many of them were exciting, some of them were mediocre.But honestly, I enjoyed all of them.杨澜:我听说阿迪达斯在本次世界杯上没有赞助很多球队。你们只赞助了6支球队,对吗?你们的竞争对手却赞助了12支球队。

Hainer: Yes, this is correct and I got this question several times before the World Cup.And my answer was always the same.I said, “I don’t think quantity is what counts, quality is what counts”.The second point I made, especially when we talk about our competitor who has twelve teams, is that after the first round you will see a lot of teams dropping out, and finally Adidas has more teams in the quarter final than anybody else.We have more teams in the semi-final than anybody else, and Adidas-sponsored team won in the final.杨澜:随着例如北京奥运会这类大型赛事的赞助费不断攀升,您认为成为这类大型赛事的官方合作伙伴仍然物有所值吗?你们在销售上会有相应的汇报吗?

Hainer: Definitely.Otherwise, we wouldn’t do it.Nobody is forcing us to do it.It is a good market strategy.If you look back at World Cup 2002, the World Cup in Japan and Korea, we were outfitting the Japanese team.Great would cup, lots of success, Adidas sold 650,000 Japan shirts at that time.And in 2005, three years later, we became the market leader in Japan.So you can see there is a benefit for us as a brand if you do it right.杨澜:那么,通过阿迪达斯和北京奥组委的合作,您想达成什么目标呢?

Hainer: It is a logical question following my previous explanation.It is plain.Our target is to become the market leader in 2008 in the Chinese market.杨澜:海纳先生,谢谢您接受我们的采访。也祝愿你们的产品能在中国市场取得成功。Hainer: Thank you!The pleasure is mine.It was very enjoyable talking to you.10.3 体育与商业:阿迪达斯的品牌战略 译文 杨澜: Mr.Hainer, thank you very much for being in our show.First of all, congratulations on this wonderful world cup that has brought to the world such great joy and excitement.Adidas did very well during this World Cup.How many soccer balls did you sell? Hainer: 我们卖了很多足球。新设计的“团队之星”就卖了五千万个。这个数字我们之前都


杨澜: Were you at the game? How many matches did you watch yourself? Hainer: 我当然看比赛了。我本人就是球迷。年轻的时候也踢过足球。我一共去看了19场比赛。很多都很激动人心,也有个别一般的。但坦白地说,所有比赛我都喜欢。

杨澜: I heard that Adidas didn’t sponsor many teams during the World Cup.You only sponsored six, right? And your competitors sponsored twelve? Hainer: 是的,没错。世界杯前我也被问及这个问题多次。我的回答都是一样的。我说:“我不认为数量决定一切,质量才是关键。”我说的第二点,特别是谈及我们的竞争对手赞助了十二支球队时,是这样的事实—在第一轮比赛之后,很对球队被淘汰。所以在四分之一决赛阶段,阿迪达斯成为拥有最多球队的赞助商。在半决赛中,我们保持了这一领先位置,并且最终是阿迪达斯赞助的球队赢得了本届世界杯冠军。

杨澜: With the ever increasing amount of sponsorship for major events, like for example the Beijing Olympics, do you still think it’s worthwhile to be an official partner for the sporting events of this size and scale? Will you get enough returns from sales? Hainer: 当然,否则我们也不会这么做,没人强迫我们这么做,这是一种正确的市场策略。回顾2002年的韩日世界杯,当时我们是为日本队赞助球衣。那一届世界杯对于阿迪达斯是一个巨大的成功。我们销售了65万件日本队的球服。接下来三年后到2005年,我们成为日本市场的行业领头羊。所以,如果你的赞助方式正确的话,对于品牌的建立是有益处的。

杨澜: What do you want to achieve from your cooperation with BOCOG? Hainer: 接着我刚才所讲的话,这个问题的答案显而易见。我们的目标就是成为2008中国市场的行业龙头。

杨澜: Mr.Hainer, thank you for this interview.We wish you every success in selling your products in China.Hainer: 谢谢!我也非常荣幸。很高兴与你交谈。

Unit 3 会谈口译