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(2)扩展句:所谓扩展句就是为主题句起解释说明或论证的句子。通常我们写扩展句所采用的方法是举例子(for example, for instance, such as, a case in point is that---)、列数据(according to the recent study/survey,---)等。


因此我们通常看到英语的文章段落结构 60%-70%都是由主题句+扩展句构成。






所谓词汇的等级就是,我们在写作的过程中,如果想出一个基本词汇来之后,能够在这个基本词汇的基础上把它在提升一下,也就是我们一般写作所提倡的用“难词”。比如,我们一提到“重要的”,大多数同学首先会想到“important”这个单词,那么提升一下的话就可以想到它的如下同义词:significant, vital, main, basilica, crucial, momentous etc


所谓词汇的准确性是指,我们在有一个词近而想到它的同义词之后,要结合语境选择恰当的用词。在这里必须指明的是,并不是词汇等级越高越好,必须还要考虑到适合于不同的语境。比如,眼睛大,这个“大的”形容词,我们首先会想到big,近而想到great, large, huge, vast, titanic, enormous etc。那么是不是用后面的词就可以了呢?或者说用上enormous等词更能博得阅卷人的好感呢?答案是否定的。在这里很明显用后面的词来修饰眼睛是不可以,只能用big,因为我们听过一首英文歌曲叫做“I am a big big girl, in a big big world.”big表示眼睛大而迷人可爱的。



很多考生平时写作不太擅长用词组,对于他们而言最习惯的就是想到汉语,然后对应汉语思维写出英语句子,这种写作只能是单词的罗列组合,谈不上什么技巧文采可言,因此,写出来的文章必然就是所谓平淡如流水,没有英语的味道。如果我们能够在单词的基础上,进一步想到与之同义的词组,那么文章就会显得与众不同,更具有英语的味道。比如上面所说的“重要的”这个单词,当我们想到important的时候,如果从语法角度再稍加考虑一下,我们会想到“be of importance”。因为,语法中规定:形容词等于of加这个形容词的名词形式。如果再提升一步,我们还学过一个常用的词组叫做“play an important role in---”。很多同学说自己的文章凑不够字数或是没有文采,那么采用词组进行写作是不是就可以解决以上问题了呢?

1.Organize your thoughts before writing: brainstorm、make 下笔前整合思绪:脑力激荡,写出纲要等。

2.Write clearly.Be concise.Avoid wordiness.写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。

3.Use good grammar and write complete sentences.使用好的文法,写出完整句子。

4.Write simple sentences.Avoid a fancy style.尝试简单句,避免花俏的句法。

5.Avoid slang、cliche and informal words.避免俚语、陈腔滥调和非正式用字。

6.Avoid use of the first person(i.e.I/me/my)unless necessary to specific piece.除非必要,避免使用第一人称:如“我/我的”。

7.Writing naturally.Read it aloud.Does it sound natural? Does it flow?自然挥洒,大声朗诵。整篇文章听起来自然吗?通顺吗?

8.Move logically from one idea to the next.Don't skip steps.上下句意要合乎逻辑。别毫无章法乱跳。


1.方便:convenient/ convenience

2.效率:efficient/ efficiently/ efficiency

3.节省和浪费:save time/ money/ space;economical, thrift;waste time/ money/ space;costly, lavish

4.人的心理健康:independent, cooperative, competitive, considerate, confident, sociable, perseverance;selfish, isolated, conserative

5.人的身体健康:health, disease, strong, strength, energetic

6.娱乐:colorful, pleasure,joy, recreation, entertainmentm, relax, tired, boring, lonely

7.环境:environment, pollute, poisonous, dirty


9.经验:experience, social experience, enter the society

10.人际:humane, fair, unfair, help, assist, freedom, freely



Red Army fought a battle on this very spot.红军就在此地打过一仗。

Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon.今天下午竟然没有一个人来过办公室。


I myself will see her off at the station.我将亲自到车站为她送行。

You can do it well yourself.你自己能做好这件事情。


The baby is generally healthy,but every now and then she does catch a cold.那孩子的健康状况尚好,但就是偶尔患感冒。

Do be quiet.I told you I had a headache.务必安静,我告诉过你,我头疼。


He drank it to the very last drop.他把它喝得一干二净。

Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops.只有用这样的方法我们才能消灭敌军。

He didn’t answer even my letter.他甚至连我的信都不回。

I will too go!我要去的!

The scenery is just superb.风景真是美极了。

五、用“...and that”,“...and those”,“not...too much”,“否定加否定”等结构表示强调

They fulfilled the task,and that in a few days.他们在几天内完成的就是那项任务。

I gave her some presents,and those the day before yesterday.前天我送给她的就是那些礼物。

I can’t thank you too much.我无论怎样感谢你都不过份。

I am not unfaithful to you.我对你无比忠诚。

六、用短语“in every way”,“in no way”,“by all means”,“by no means”,“only too”,“all too”,“but too”,“in heaven”,“in the world”,“in hell”,“on earth”,“under the sun”等表示强调

His behaviour was in every way perfect.他的举止确实无可挑剔。

By all means take your son with you.你一定要把儿子带来。

The news was only too true.这消息确实是事实。

It was over all too soon!此事的确了结得很快!

Where in heaven were you then?当时你到底在哪里?

Nobody under the sun would buy that car.确实没有人会买那辆车。


Dishonest he is!他的确不诚实!

In wine is the truth.酒后吐真言。


It was the headmaster who opened the door for me.正是校长为我开的门。

It was yesterday that we carried out that experiment.就是在昨天我们做了那个实验


——Describe your idea of an ideal house.思路

1.what type of house it would be

2.why you would like to live there

3.what special features it would have


balcony 阳台

ceiling 天花板

mantelpiece 壁炉

closet 储藏室

rocking chair 摇椅

flowerbed 花坛

fish pond 鱼塘

a swing set 秋千

lawn 草坪

the countryside 乡村

community/neighborhood 社区

the suburbs 郊区

the city center 市中心 1.我理想的房子是一个普通的房子,没有什么新奇的。

My ideal house would be just like an average house, ____________.2.睡房必须有天花板,一个沙发,一个摇椅和一个咖啡桌

The living room must have _______, a sofa, ______ and ______.close to amenities 附近便利设施齐全

open fireplace


well appointed 装饰完善的

a house of four storeys 四层楼的住宅

apartment house

隔成公寓的建筑物 1.公园和戏院只是市镇娱乐设施的一部分。


1.Parks and a theatre are just some of the town’s local amenities.2.His house is well appointed 句型学习

My ideal house would be just like...我理想的别墅应该是......It's right around the corner.非常近

It's just a fantasy.这只是个幻想。

本周纲要——Describe a game you liked to play when you were a child..思路

1.where you played this game

2.how it was played

3.how it influenced you


tug-of-war / rope-pulling 拔河

ludo 骰子游戏

jumping rope / skipping rope 跳绳

play marbles 玩弹子球

hide-and-seek 捉迷藏

hopscotch 跳格子

spelling bees 拼字比赛

climax 亮点

suspense 悬念


宽敞的 intense 紧张的 短语学习

play on the swings


have a blast = have a great time 玩得很开心

a painstaking search


the simple pleasures 简单的乐群

team spirit 团队精神

hold one's breath 屏住呼吸


I played ______________ lots of times when I was a kid..2.这部分的游戏是我最喜欢的,你知道,那个亮点,因为悬念这个游戏变得更加的紧张刺激。

That was my favorite part of the game, you know, the ______, cause the _____ was just so _______.1.hide-and-seek

2.climax, suspense, intense


一、„the +-est + 名词 +(that)+ 主词 + have ever + seen(known/heard/had/read, etc)„the most + 形容词 + 名词 +(that)+ 主词 + have ever + seen(known/heard/had/read, etc)例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。

Mr.Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。


二、Nothing is +-er than to + V ;Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V QYK英语作

例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education.QYK英语作文网没有比接受教育更重要的事。QYK英语作文网


三、„cannot emphasize the importance of „too much.(再怎么强调„„的重要性也不为过。)例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.QYK


四、There is no denying that + S + V...(不可否认的„„)例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.QYK英语作文网


五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子„„(全世界都知道„„)例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.QYK英语作文网


六、There is no doubt that + 句子„„(毫无疑问的„„)QYK英语作文网

例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.QYK


七、An advantage of „is that + 句子(„„的优点是„„)QYK英语作文网

例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won't create(produce)any pollution.使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。

八、The reason why + 句子„„ is that + 句子(„„的原因是„„)QYK英语作文网

例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。*

九、So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子„„(如此„„以致于„„)例句:So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。

十、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V~(虽然„„)QYK英语作文网

例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.(by no means = in no way = on no account =at no time = in no case = in no sense = under no circumstances = not...in the least 一点也不)QYK英语作文网


十一、The +-er + S + V, „the +-er + S + V„QYK英语作文网

The + more + Adj + S + V, „the + more + Adj + S + V „(愈„„愈„„)例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make.QYK英语作文网


The more books we read, the more learned we become.QYK英语作文网


十二、By +Ving, „can„(借着...,..能够..)例句:

By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.QYK英语作文网


十三、„enable + Object(受词)+ to + V(„„使„„能够„„)例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.QYK英语作文网


十四、On no account can we + V„(我们绝对不能„„)例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.QYK英语作文网


十五、It is time + S + 过去式(该是„„的时候了)例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.QYK英


十六、Those who„(„„的人„„)例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.QYK英语作文网违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。*

十七、There is no one but„(没有人不„„)例句:There is no one but longs to go to college.QYK英语作文网


十八、be + forced/compelled/obliged + to + V(不得不„„)例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports.既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。*

十九、It is conceivable that + 句子(可想而知的)It is obvious that + 句子(明显的)QYK英语作文网

It is apparent that + 句子(显然的)例句: It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.QYK英语作文网


二十、That is the reason why„(那就是„„的原因)例句:Summer is sultry.That is the reason why I don't like it.QYK英语


十一、For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式(过去„„年来,„„一直„„)例句:For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination.QYK英语作文网


十二、Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式。例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.QYK英语作文网自从他上高中,他一直很用功。*二

十三、It pays to + V„(„„是值得的。)例句:It pays to help others.QYK英语作文网


十四、be based on(以„„为基础)例句:The progress of the society is based on harmony.社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。


十五、Spare no effort to + V(不遗余力的)例句:We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.QYK英语作文网


十六、bring home to + 人 + 事(让„„明白„„事)例句:We should bring home to people the value of working hard.QYK英语作文网


十七、be closely related to„(与„„息息相关)例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health.QYK英语作文网


十八、Get into the habit of + Ving QYK英语作文网

= make it a rule to + V(养成„„的习惯)例句:We should get into the habit of keeping good hours.我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。二

十九、Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + N/Ving, „(因为„„)QYK英语作文网

例句:Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream.QYK英语作文网



十、What a + Adj + N + S + V!QYK英语作文网

= How + Adj + a + N + V!(多么„„!)QYK英语作文网

例句:What an important thing it is to keep our promise!QYK英语作文网How important a thing it is to keep our promise!QYK英语作文网



十一、Leave much to be desired(令人不满意)QYK英语作文网

例句:The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.QYK英语作文网我们的交通状况令人不满意。QYK英语作文网


十二、Have a great influence on„(对„„有很大的影响)QYK英语作文网例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health.QYK英语作文网


十三、do good to(对„„有益),do harm to(对„„有害)QYK英语作文网例句:Reading does good to our mind.读书对心灵有益。QYK英语作文网

Overwork does harm to health.工作过度对健康有害。QYK英语作文网


十四、Pose a great threat to„(对„„造成一大威胁)QYK英语作文网

例句:Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.QYK英语作文网



十五、do one's utmost to + V = do one's best(尽全力去...)QYK英语作文网例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life.QYK英语作文网我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。






I....has both advantages and


1.Obviously television has both advantages and disadvantages.

2.Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages.

3.Com pared with cars,bikes have their advantages and disadvantages.


1.Although computers bring people a lot of convenience,they have manydisadvantages.

2....has many advantages.For example,...However,just as every

coin has two sides,...has its

disadvantages.(本例将利弊分开讲,转折过渡自然。just as every coin has two sides也很值得背诵。)

II....play(s)an important role /part


1.Computers play an important role in science and technology.

2.Computers play a more and more important role in our life.

Computers play an increasingly important role in our studies.

3.Education plays an important part in developing our mind.

4.Addiction to alcohol and drugs play a role in homelessness.


1.Advertisement plays an informative role in our daily life.

2.In the past,letters played a decisive role in long-distance

communication.But now,telephone,email,fax have taken their place.

III.With the development of...,随着„„的发展,例如:

1.With the developm ent of our econo-m y,m any Chinese fam ilies canafford a car.

2.With the development of our economy and society,pollution is more

and more serious.

3.With the rapid development of science and technology,people can geta college degree by taking online-courses at home.

4.With the current social and technological developments,employees

with more knowledge and higher academic degrees are needed.


1.With the rapid increase of China's population,housing problem is

becoming more and more serious.


2.With more and more women entering society,people's attitude towardswomen is changing.


3.With the deepening of Chinese reform and opening up,an increasing

number of Chinese

families can afford a car.

随着中国改革开放的深入,越来越多的中国家庭买得起车了。(“越来越多”除了常用的more and more外,还可以用an increasing number of,a growing number of,a significant number of,a great number of等来表达。)



IV.When it comes to...,some people think /believe

that...,others argue /claim that opposite /reverse is true.There is probablysome truth in both arguments


本结构先用when it comes to ...引出话题,再用some...others

...这个对立的结构引出了两种相反的观点,然后说There is some truth in


TV,a good thing or bad thing

When it comes to TV,some people believe that it is extremely valuable,as it provides relaxation,entertainment and education. Others argue that it is harmful for it begins to control our lives and deprives people of time to do other activities.There is probably some truth in both sides.But we must realize that television itself is neither good or bad.It is the uses to which it is put that determines its value to society.


英语议论文多以简要总结全文或对所讨论的问题提出解决办法来结尾。总结全文时除常用到in one /a word,generally speaking等外,没有固定模式。提出解决办法时却常使用下一句型。

V....take measures to do sth.例如:

1.We should take measures to control pollution in order to save the


2.We'd better take effective measures to prevent students from

cheating on exams.

3.The government decided to take strong measures against drug abuse.

4.Urgent measures should be taken to prevent terrorists from carrying

out further attacks.


------------------本站资源加入时间:2007-9-25 9:49:35lyh008点击:6556 相关信息

1.关于„„人们有不同的观点。一些人认为„„ There are different opinions among people as to ____.Some people suggest that ____.2.俗话说(常言道)„„,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。There is an old saying______.Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.3.现在,„„,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,„„;其次,„„。更为糟糕的是„„。Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First, ____ Second,____.What makes things worse is that______.4.现在,„„很普遍,许多人喜欢„„,因为„„,另外(而且)„„。Nowadays,it is common to ______.Many people like ______ because ______.Besides,______.5.任何事物都是有两面性,„„也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.6.关于„„人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)„„,在他们看来,„„ People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person.Some people say that ______.To them,_____.7.人类正面临着一个严重的问题„„,这个问题变得越来越严重。Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.8.„„已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.9.„„在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.10.根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出„„。很显然„„,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while.Obviously,______,but why?

11.相反,有一些人赞成„„,他们相信„„,而且,他们认为„„。On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____.12.但是,我认为这不是解决„„的好方法,比如„„。最糟糕的是„„。But I dont think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____.Worst ofall,___.13.„„对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,„„。而且„„,最重要的是„„ ______is necessary and important to our countrys development and construction.First,______.Whats more, _____.Most important of all,______.14.有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以„„。There are several measures for us to adopt.First, we can______

15.面临„„,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来„„。一方面„„,另一方面,Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______.For one thing,______For another,______

16.早就应该拿出行动了。比如说„„,另外„„。所有这些方法肯定会„„。It is high time that something was done about it.For example._____.In addition._____.All these measures will certainly______.17.为什么„„?第一个原因是„„;第二个原因是„„;第三个原因是„„。总的来说,„„的主要原因是由于„„ Why______? The first reason is that ______.The second reason is ______.The third is______.For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______.18.然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,„„也有它的不利的一面,象„„。However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______.19.尽管如此,我相信„„更有利。Nonetheless, I believe that ______is more advantageous.20.完全同意„„这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下: I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.











例如:Thanks to the teachers, we have improved our English.其中we和our就是人称的统一。



切忌只看表格中或所列1、2、3中的信息点。一定把题读全,找齐 信息点,建议用铅笔标出,写完后再涂掉。




切忌与汉语提示的一一对应,使用所学表达方法将语义表达出来即 可。


同时注意短语的正确使用和单词的拼写,最好使用课本上学过的短 语和句式。




1.表文章结构顺序:First of all,Firstly/First,Secondly/Second„

And then,Finally,In the end,At last

2.表并列补充关系的:What is more,Besides,„

3.表转折对比关系的:However,On the contrary,but

(从句),In spite of+n/doing

On the one hand„

On the other hand„

Some„,while others„

4.表因果关系的:Because,As,So,Thus,Therefore,As a result

5.表换一种方式表达:In other words

6.表进行举例说明:For example,句子;For instance,句子;such as+n/doing

7.表陈述事实:In fact

8.表达自己观点:As far as I know,In my opinion

9.表总结:In short,In a word,In conclusion,In summary




1)时间when,not„until,as soon as

2)目的so that+clause;to do(为了)

3)结果so„that+clause,too„to do(太„„以至于„„)

4)条件if,unless(除非),as long as(只要)

5)让步though,although,even though,even if

no matter what/when/where/who/which/how

6)比较as„as„,not so„as„,than

五、认真检查,检查信息点是否全面,时态、人称是否一致,句子结 构是否清晰,短语使用、单词拼写是否准确等。



1.We live more and more comfortable.改正:comfortably(副词修饰动词)

2.we can get many informations by reading newspapers.改正:much information


3.There has many programs in TV.改正:There are many programs on TV.(There be句型和介词短语)

4.I think ride a bike can keep our health.改正:I think riding a bike can keep us healthy.(动名词作主语)10字原则:结构+要点+逻辑+语法+亮点








1.最近,老师布置了一道作业,就 “Can parents be friends?” 这一问题在同学中间开展一次调查,下表是调查的结果:45%的同学可能父母太忙,没有时间关心他们。55%的同学可能在家里,父母常常和他们谈心,像朋友一样。你的观点??? 请根据以上调查数据,写一份80词左右的调查报告。报告的开头已给出。I recently surveyed(调查)my classmates about their views(观点)on whether parents can be friends.According to the survey, 45% of the students in our class think it impossible to make friends with their parents as they ‘re always too busy to show their concern.On the other hand, 55% of the students believe they can make friends with their parents because their parents often talk with them like friends at home.In my opinion, it’s just natural for parents and children to be friends so long as they trust each other, the parents often talk with their children and know how to share.2.爱是心中的太阳,融化你我身边的冰雪。假设你是李明,你们学校的“English Garden”正在举办主题为“付出即是收获”的征文活动,请你联系自己平时的爱心行为和感受写一篇文章投稿。


??? 2.80—100词。标题和文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。Giving is Receiving My name is Li Ming.I like helping others because I think it makes me very happy.I often help my classmates with their schoolwork.Sometimes I help clean up my house.I go to the old people's home and do some cleaning for them once a month.I often visit the Children's Hospital to cheer the sick kids up.I read stories and sing songs for them.I also help people in trouble.I think giving is receiving.Helping others is helping ourselves.Do you agree with me?

3.假如你叫李华,参加学校开展的“有困难向谁求助”(Whom do you turn to when in trouble?)的调查活动,调查结果如下。请用英语给校报编辑写一封信反映相关内容。

求助对象:同学、朋友,58%,年龄相仿,容易理解交流。老师家长,30%,有爱心、有经验、可以 信任。无,12%,不愿与人交流,难以与人沟通。

注意:1.内容要点全面,并表达出你的观点。为了使文章连 贯,可适当增加内容。2.词数:90词左右。

Dear editor, I’m a student.We have made a survey-“Who do you turn to when in trouble?” Here are the results.Most of the students will go to their classmates or friends when in trouble as they’re almost of the same age, so they have a lot in common and understand each other easily.Some students will tell their teachers or parents about their troubles and ask them for help as the teachers and parents have rich experience and love them very much.They can be trusted by these students.Only a few students solve their problems all by themselves.They hate to talk with others and can’t get on well with others.They have few friends.In my opinion, when in trouble we’d better ask our teachers, parent, friends or classmates for help.4、台湾自古以来是中国领土不可分割的一部分,尽早解决台湾问题,实现祖国的完全统一,是中华儿女的共同期盼。假定你们正举行“我心中的台湾”主题班会,请你根据提示写篇短文。? 1:台湾是中国的一部分 2:我所知道的台湾(地理位置、人口或其他资讯)3:台湾与祖国大陆的民间交往(走亲访友、商业往来、兴办工厂等)4:愿望。

词语准备: Taiwan Island, Taiwanese, the mainland, many kinds of , beautiful , relative, shop ,factory, lie.Visit, build , run.There is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.Taiwan, the biggest island, lies to the southeast of Fujian Province.The weather there is warm and wet.So many plants grow very well.The fruit there are really delicious,like bananas,oranges and so on.It has a popolation of 23.000.000.Taiwan produces many kinds of products,especially seafood.It is a very beautiful island.Riyuetan Pool AND Mount Ali are very famous places of interest , Now many Taiwanese come to the mainland, they visit their relatives and friends, and some of them build factores and run shops, I love Taiwan very much and I hope I can visit Taiwan some day.China is getting stronger and stronger.All the people hope Taiwan can come back quickly.I’m sure Taiwan will come back in the future.5.阳光运动工程(Sunshine sports program)Dear Jane,Thank you for your last letter asking about our sunshine sports program.Now I tell you some sports in our school.Many students doing sports one hour everyday.Different students have different interests.Some boys like playing football, because they love it.Most girls like shopping, because they think it relaxing.But most boys like playing Chinese Kongfu, because they believe it can help they keep healthy.And some girls like dancing, because they want to keep fit.I think the sunshine sports program is very important for us.Because the study of students very hard.Sports can also let brains have a good rest so that our study will be more effective.And it can help you relax.7.许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以'Less Pressure, Better Life'为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:





Less Pressure, Better Life

Hello, boys and girls!

Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world.Students in our class are under too much pressure.Some students can’t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams.I’m always under pressure, too.My parents want me to be the top student in class.So they send me to all kinds of training classes at weekends.Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother.I told her I was not lazy.I really felt tired.I needed time to relax.My mother agreed with me at last.So I think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem.That’s all.Thank you!8.幸福是什么?幸福是父母为你营造的温馨的家,幸福是老师望向你的赞许的目光,幸福是孤独时朋友送来的一杯奶茶,幸福是„„ 请以My happiness为话题,写一件曾经发生过的令你感到幸福的事情。

要求:条理清晰,语言流畅,用词准确, 字迹工整,80-90词。

Happiness is important in our life.In fact , happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.I will never forget one thing.Once, I had a bad mark at a math test.I was shy and afraid to meet my parents.But when I got back home late, my parents knew what happened, they said to me: “It doesn’t matter, my child.Remember we’ll be always beside you when you need help.We believe you can be better next time.Never give up!” I was moved and made up my mind to work harder and harder.I feel happy.Whenever I am in trouble, I can feel my parents’ love.I want to be a good child for my parents.地震

An earthquake happened on April 14th in the Yushu county of Qinghai province.There are many people died in this earthquake.When we heard the news, we were all shocked and sad.But when I think of Wenchuan, I believe that people in Yushu are not alone, because we, all the Chinese, will be with them.We should try our best to help people in Yushu.I will take actions to help the people, such as donating money and things they need for them.And we should make friends with homeless children and cheer them up.If possible, I want to be a volunteer in Yushu and help them build the new house!I hope that they can overcome the disaster and lead happy lives in their rebuilt home soon


为配合我市举行的“6·5世界环境日”万人骑自行车城区环游活动,请你写一篇以“Lower Carbon(低碳), Happier Life”为主题的英语短文。(以上背景内容无需表述)短文要点如下: 1.在6月5日自己骑自行车上学,父母骑车上班;

2.在家使用节能灯;减少洗澡淋浴时间;3.将用过的课本留给下届学生; 4.请你就此话题补充1-2个个人做法。

Lower carbon, happier life It's our duty to save the environment.I will go to school by bike or on foot instead of taking the bus on June 5.And I will also ask my parents to ride bikes to work that day.At home, we will use energy-saving lamps and spend less time when we are taking a shower.Don't throw away the used textbooks and leave them to the students of lower grades.At the same time, I will tell my parents to take bags when they are shopping.(I will turn off the lights before leaving.)

Lower carbon, happier life.Let's take actions.建设平安校园是我们每个人的责任与义务。作为一名学生,我们更应该珍惜自己的生命,更应该注意自己的人身安全。假如你是Daming,并担任校学生会主席,请你就安全问题,向全校学生发出倡议,写一封安全倡议书。内容提示:(1)不带管制刀具到学校;(2)不私自下河洗澡;(3)不打架;(4)上学放学的途中应该注意安全;(5)遇紧急情况,立即报告警察或老师。

参考词汇:管制刀具:restricted knives or things;洗澡:have a bath;打架:fight;紧急情况:emergency;交通安全:pay attention to the traffic。Dear students, As we know, safety is the most important thing in our lives.So, we should try our best to make sure we are safe.We mustn't bring restricted knives or things to our school because these things may cause serious problems.Do not have a bath in rivers or ponds by ourselves without our parents permission.And, we should be friendly to others so fighting is strongly banned.Make sure that we should always pay attention to the traffic on our way to school or home.Furthermore, if we meet some emergency, we must call for help from the police or our teachers.In a word, following these safety rules above can make us live in peace.Yours,Daming








It was not until I arrived home that I realized I had left the bag on the shop counter.2.倒装句:

Only in this way/by this means can we have a cleaner environment and brighter future.In no case can we ignore the importance/significance of carrying out quality education in our country.我们绝不能忽视…的重要性。3.恰到好处的被动句:

I searched all my pockets, but nothing was found.In my opinion, a series of effective measures is supposed to be taken to stop the disease from spreading.The importance of traffic safety must be paid special attention to.In my opinion, special attention should be paid to protecting our eyesight.4.感叹句:通常用于开头结尾活跃文章气氛,凡是“I feel ……”之类表达感情的句子皆可如此改造。

How terrible I felt today!I failed again in the math exam.5.“数词+名词”变为“as many as/up to +数词+名词”表达“多达…”

As many as ten years ago, my hometown used to be covered by forests.6.巧妙地使用非谓语动词:可以将状语从句或并列的动词简化为非谓语动词。He stood there and looked out of the window.---He stood there, looking out of the window.His parents died so that he became an orphan.His parents died , thus leaving him an orphan.(结果)

Hearing that, the driver’s wife quickly added that her husband often talked nonsense after drinking.(低级形式:When she heard that, ……)7.巧妙运用过渡词,副词,关联词

Therefore,however, fortunately, completely, totally, obviously , consequently, as a result…


1.Nothing is more delightful/important than to do… 2.There is no denying that ……(不可否认的是 ……)It goes without saying that ……(不容置疑……)There is no doubt that ……(毫无疑问……)No one can deny the fact that… It is impossible to deny that…

例:There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country.3.It is universally/ generally considered/known accepted/ believed that大家普遍认为…

It is generally accepted that taking in too much fat does harm to our health 4.It is evident/ obvious /clear that…很明显… Obviously,…

5.We should spare no effort to make more people aware of the importance of …我们应该不遗余力让更多的人明白 ……

6.Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.使得某人得以做。。

7.With the increase/growth of the population, … 随着人口的增加¸… With the popularity of the Internet, 随着因特网的普及…

With the advance of science and technology, …随着科技的进步, … With the rapid development China’s economy,8.As an old saying goes ,“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” As an old saying goes, “No garden is without its weeds.”

9.In my opinion/As far as I am concerned/As far as I know/ Personally speaking,在我看来

In my opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but also is harmful to physical and mental health.10.to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, in one word, in short 简言之,总之 10.I firmly believe that…

I hold the firm belief that…我坚信…

11.When it comes to(说起)……, I think it is better to do… than to do… When it comes to shopping online, I…

12.Every coin has two sides, but in my opinion, there is no doubt that… 凡事都有两面性,…

13.The pros outweigh the cons./ The advantages outweigh disadvantages.利大于弊。When it comes to…,in my opinion, it is obvious that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.14.We can never stress the importance of… too much.In no case can we ignore the importance of… More examples 1.Many experts in the field of health say in order to be physically and mentally healthy we can never ignore the importance of having a healthy lifestyle.2.As you can see from what has been mentioned above, I am sure I can be a qualified volunteer.3.As everyone knows, no one can deny that…

4.Taking all these factors into consideration/ account,(将所有因素都考虑在内)I firmly believe that… 5.As students, it is our duty to help raise public awareness of…(提高公众对…的意识)

6.We should always be ready to offer a helping hand to those who are in trouble, no matter whether they are family members or complete strangers.












First,„;Second,„.;ThirdBesidesWhat’s more,„..2.正反观点中间要有过渡。

用连词或词组过渡:however;on the other hand

用谚语过渡:Every coin has two sides.3.介绍反面观点(disadvantages),方法同上。


In my opinion,„ I think„.类型二:选择一方观点进行陈述,并说明理由。

1.开门见山明确自己的观点,是赞同还是不赞同。I think„.I don’t think„


First,„;Second,„;BesidesWhat’s moreFinally„

可能考到的话题有:1.Advertising2.Keeping animals in the zoo

3.Getting online4.Using mobile phones(for students)

5.VolunteeringHaving part-time jobs(for students)




























1. 开头万能公式一:名人名言



经典句型:A proberb says,“ You are only young once.”(适用于已记住的名言)

It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever.(适用于自编名言)

更多经典句型:As everyone knows,No one can deny that…

2. 开头万能公式二:数字统计


原则上在议论文当中十不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型:According to a recent survey,about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造:


Travel by Bike根据最近的一项统计调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选的交通工具是自行车。根据最近的一项统计调查显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?

根据最近的一项统计调查显示,98%的人同意每周五天工作日。更多句型:A recent statistics shows that …

1. 结尾万能公式一:如此结论


Obviously(此为过渡短语),we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others.如果读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了!

更多过渡短语:to sum up,in conclusion,in brief,on account of this,thus

更多句型:Thus,it can be concluded that…,Therefore,we can find that…

2. 结尾万能公式二:如此建议

如果说“如此结论”是结尾最没用的废话,那么“如此建议”应该是最有价值的废话了,因为这里虽然也是废话,但是却用了一个很经典的虚拟语气的句型。拽!Obviously,it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem.这里的虚拟语气用得很经典,因为考官本来经常考这个句型,而如果我们自己写出来,你说考官会怎么想呢?更多句型:Accordingly,I recommend that some measures be taken.3结尾的四点要求:

1.自然结尾,点明主题随着文章的结束,文章自然而然地结尾。如“Helping the Policeman(帮助警察)”的结尾可以是:The two children were praised by the police and they felt happy。再如 “The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)” 的结尾可以是:When the hare got to the tree, the tortoise had already been there。


在文章的结尾可以用含义较深的话点明主题,深化主题,起到“画龙点睛”的效果。如“I Love My Hometown(我爱家乡)”的结尾可以是:I love my hometown, and I am proud of it。

3.反问结尾,引起深思这种方式的结尾虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,而且具有一定的强调作用,可引起他人的深思。如 “Learning English can give us a lot of pleasure(学英语能为我们带来许多乐趣)” 的结尾可以是:If we learn English well, we can …Don’t you think learning Eng-lish is great fun?

4.表达祝愿,阐述愿望这种方式的结尾常出现在书信或演讲稿的文体中,表示对他人的祝福或对将来的展望等。如“A Letter to the Farmers(给农民们的一封信)”的结尾可以是:I hope the farmers’life will be better and better.另外,书信的结尾常有以下形式的祝福语:Best wishes;I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year;I wish you have a good time等。



1. 主语+is + the + 最高级+ 名词 +(that)+ I have ever seen(known/heard/had/read)

Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen。海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。

Mr.Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had。张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。

Yao Ming is the tallest basketball player that I have ever seen。姚明是我所见过的最高的篮球运动员

Liu Xiang is the most hardworking sportsman that I have ever seen。刘翔是我所见过的最勤奋的运动员。

2.Nothing is more important + than + to do sth.没什么比做某事更重要的事。

例句:Nothing is more important than to keep fit。没有比保持健康更重要的事。

Nothing is more important than to potect our environment。没有什么比环保更重要的事。

Nothing is more important than to gain knowledge。没有什么比学习知识更重要的事。

3.There is no denying that + S + V(不可否认的……)

例句:There is no denying that Nothing is more important than to potect our environment.不可否认的,没有什么比环保更重要的事。

There is no denying that Lin Zhiling is the most charming actress I have ever seen.不可否认,林志玲是我所见过的最有魅力的女演员。

4.An advantage of doing sth.is that + 句子(干某事的优点是……)

例句:An advantage of taking exercises is that it can make us keep healthy.锻炼身体的优点是它可以让我们保持健康。

5.The reason why + 句子 is that + 句子(……的原因是……)

例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air。我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。

6.The + 比较级 + S + V, the + 比较级 + S + V(愈……愈……)

例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make。你愈努力,你愈进步。

The more books we read, the more learned we become。我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问。

7.By +Ving, xx can xx(通过……,……能够……)

例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy。通过做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。

By reading, we can get more knowladge.通过阅读,我们可以获得更多的知识。

8.Those who xxx + V(那些…的人……)例句:Those who break the law should be punished。违法的人应该受处罚。

9.That is the reason why xxx(那就是……的原因)例句:Summer is hot.That is the reason why I don't like it。夏天很炎热。那就是我不喜欢它的原因。10.be closely related to xxx(与……息息相关)

例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health。做运动与健康息息相关。

11.Get into the habit of + VingWe should get into the habit of previewing and reviewing。我们应该养成预习和复习的习惯。

12.Thanks to + N/Ving, xxx(因为,由于……)Thank sb.for(doing)sth.因为……感谢某人

例句:Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream。因为他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想。Thank you for helping me a lot.谢谢你帮了我那么多。

Thanks to Miss Qin's help, I passed the examination。多亏秦老师的帮助,我通过了考试。

13.….have a great influence on xx(对……有很大的影响)

例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health。抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。

14.In my opinion,就我的看法…例句:In my opinion, playing copmuter games not only takes much time but also is harmful to health.就我的看法玩电脑游戏既花费时间也有害健康。

15.As we all known 众所周知例句:As we all known that Hangzhou is a beautiful city.众所周知杭州是座美丽的城市。
