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Oscar is the Academy Awards(精选5篇)
编辑:风起云涌 识别码:23-820094 14号文库 发布时间: 2023-12-02 01:07:10 来源:网络

第一篇:Oscar is the Academy Awards

Oscar is the Academy Awards,By the issuance of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences。Established in 1928,Held in the United States Hollywood once a year.Has been renowned for over half a century.It not only reflects the development process of Motion Picture Arts and Film in many countries of the world has not ignored the impact of Art.奥斯卡是金像奖由发行电影艺术与科学学院成立于 1928 年,在美国好莱坞举行每年一次。已享有盛名的半个多世纪。这不只是反映发展过程的美国电影艺术和电影在世界的许多国家也没有忽略艺术的影响。

“Oscar,” the origin of the name are not the same,The more credible is,1931 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Library administrator Margaret Hz Ridge woman in a closer look after the Awards,Exclaimed: “ah!He looks just like my uncle Oscar!”Next door to hear a journalist wrote: “Art and Science of staff affectionately call them the golden statue as” Oscar.“Since then, the alias spread like wildfire.奥斯卡,”名字来源都不相同,更可信的情况下,1931年学院的电影艺术与科学图书馆管理员玛格丽特 Hz 岭女人在仔细看后奖、Exclaimed:“啊!他看起来就像我的叔叔奥斯卡!”隔壁听到一位记者写道:“艺术与科学的工作人员亲切地称他们作为的金色雕像”奥斯卡。"自那时以来,别名不胫而走。

The Academy Award(informally known as the Oscar)is an accolade by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences(AMPAS)to recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers.The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is one of the most prominent award ceremonies in the world and is televised live in more than 200 countries annually.It is also the oldest award ceremony in the media;its equivalents, the Grammy Awards(for music), Emmy Awards(for television), and Tony Awards(for theatre)are modeled after the Academy.学院奖(奥斯卡的正式名称)是由美国电影艺术与科学学院(AMPAS)为表彰电影业,包括导演,演员,作家和优秀的专业人才而设置的奖项。奖项主办的正式仪式,是世界上最突出的颁奖典礼之一,颁奖盛况每年在200多个国家直播。这也是在媒体上最古老的颁奖典礼,与其等值的格莱美奖(音乐),艾美奖(电视),托尼奖(戏剧演出)都是以它为蓝本的。

奥斯卡奖项(the Award Category)入围者 the Entrants 提名 Nomination

提名者 the Nominees

最佳影片 Best Motion Picture 最佳导演 Best Director

最佳男主角Best(Leading)Actor 最佳女主角Best(Leading)Actress 最佳男配角Best Supporting Actor 最佳女配角Best Supporting Actress 最佳外语片Best Foreign Film

最佳艺术指导Best Arts/Set Direction 最佳摄影Best Cinematography

最佳服装设计Best Costume Design 最佳视觉特效Best Visual Effects 最佳原创剧本Best Original Screenplay 最佳改编剧本Best Adapted Screenplay 最佳原创音乐Best Original Score 最佳原创歌曲Best Original Song 最佳剪接Best Film Editing 最佳音效Best Sound 最佳音效剪接Best Sound Editing 最佳化妆Best Make-up

最佳动画短片Best Animated Short Subject 最佳纪录长片Best Documentary Feature

最佳纪录短片Best Documentary Short Feature 最佳剧情短片Best Live Action Short Film

对于那些事业有成的电影人士还会授予特殊奖或荣誉奖 Special/Honorary Awards。

Oscar is the Academy Awards(精选5篇)