青年奥林匹克运动会(The Youth Olympic Games,YOG),简称为青年奥运会、青奥会。它是一项专为年轻人设立的体育赛事,揉和了体育、教育和文化等领域的内容,并将为推进这些领域与奥运会的共同发展而起着一个催化剂的作用。青奥会每四年一届,夏季青奥会最长12天。202_年,时任国际奥林匹克委员会主席雅克·罗格提出了举办青奥会的设想。国际奥委会在202_年7月5日于危地马拉城举行的第一百一十九次国际奥委会全会上一致同意创办青少年奥运会。首届青年奥林匹克运动会在新加坡举行,第二届青年奥林匹克运动会将在中国南目标
四、凸显改革和创新:具体表现在城市举办、文化教育计划、适应青少年的竞赛项目和规则等方面,其宗旨是突出世界青少年之间的交流和合作 夏季青奥会
林散之纪念馆(5张)林散之是当代“草圣”。步入馆内,便有翠绿的墨池映入眼帘,似有墨香阵阵扑鼻,使人心生许多感慨。向右弯便是一百多米的碑廊,黑色花岗岩制成的书碑镶嵌于上,“草圣”林散之的楷书、隶书、行书、草书牵人眼目,即使外行看热闹的,也能感到书法的遒劲和飘逸。“草圣”的草书气势奔放,跌荡疏狂,独步当今,日本著名书法家青山杉雨先生赞为“草圣遗法在此翁”,代表作《中日友谊诗》被誉为“林散之第一草书”。林散之的草书被称为“林体”。林散之第一草书《中日友谊诗》(2张)“草圣”林散之纪念馆在山林之间,山上多竹,四季常青,象征着林散之先生淡泊明志、宁静致远的品格和不畏冰霜雨雪的风骨。占地面积一万两千多平米的纪念馆在翠绿的竹海中,恬淡脱俗、质朴自然,给游人一种尘襟尽涤、俗虑俱消的感觉。曲径通幽,花香阵阵,引游人走到“散之山房”,这是主展厅,陈列着“草圣”林散之书画精品400多幅。草书《自作诗 论书一首》,整张丈二宣纸,45平方尺,通篇用枯笔写成,是纪念馆的镇馆之宝。
青少年奥林匹克运动会(The Young Olympic Games,YOG),简称为青少年奥运会、青年奥运会、青奥会。
国际奥委会表示,今后几周内国际奥委会所有委员(奥地利和芬兰的除外)将通过邮寄选票的方式选出202_年首届青年冬奥会的举办城市。在两个候选城市获得票数相同的情况下,国际奥委会主席罗格将咨询执行委员会有资格投票的委员并在此基础上决定最终的获选城市。最终获选城市将在12月12日正式宣布 最后结果:
“与青奥共成长!(Grow with YOG!)”21日晚成为南京市申办202_年青奥会理念口号。
南京申办202_年青奥会的理念口号是‘与青奥共成长!’” 口号的创作者是南京外国语学校学生赵志鹏。他觉得这个口号寓意比较多:“
202_年9月4日:向国际奥委会提交申办报告; 202_年9月24日:南京申办青奥会官方网站开通;
会徽和火炬:新加坡揭晓首届青奥会火炬 3月12日,新加坡国务资政吴作栋(右)出席火炬揭幕仪式。当日,新加坡青奥会组委会揭晓了202_年首届青奥会火炬。青奥会火炬从手柄到顶部由紫色渐变为银色,长60厘米,重约1公斤,用铝制成。火炬的设计灵感取自于“火”和“水”两种自然界元素。新加坡将于今年8月14日至26日举办首届青奥会。
国际奥委会1月26日发布了青奥会的视觉标识——“YOG-DNA”。这一标签将被应用到青奥会的所有数字和媒体宣传当中,不仅会在新加坡202_ 青奥会的筹备过程中使用,未来历届青奥会都将沿用该标识。“YOG-DNA”以青年人为目标人群,它不是青奥会的标志或品牌,而是青奥会的一个标签。它反映出青年人的独特品味和对自由的向往,不像传统“品牌”那样受到种种限制。青年人可以将它作为一种认可标识,用于对任何具有“青奥会精神”的事物进行评判。
吉祥物:利奥(Lyo)是“青奥之狮”(Lion of the Youth Olympics)的缩写。他是一位体育爱好者,十分风趣,希望鼓励青年人积极锻炼,保持健康,享受体育给生活带来的乐趣。利奥象征着青年人的无限活力,以及青年人希望生活丰富多彩,充满热情,不断追求卓越的决心。
梅利(Merly)的名字取自“mer”(表示海)和 “ly”,代表着青春与活力。作为一位环保主义者,梅利认为每个人都应贡献出自己的力量,共同为营造可持续发展的未来而努力。同时她还倡导青年人积极参与社区活动,彼此间相互尊重。
奖牌:国际奥委会(IOC)已宣布来自加拿大蒙特利尔的渡边节子(Setsuko Fukuzawa)为202_年首届青奥会奖牌设计大赛的最终获胜者,她的作品名称为“是的,青年人能”(Yes, Youth Can)。该设计将被刻画在新加坡202_青奥会金银铜奖牌的正面,并于202_年8月14日至26日青奥会召开期间授予获奖运动员。
项目设置: 预计将有3594名青年选手参加26个大项的201枚金牌的角逐,大项设置与202_年的伦敦奥运会完全一样,也是在北京奥运会的基础上取消了棒球和垒球。201个小项在参赛年龄上均有限制,其中27个小项的年龄为15-16岁,111项为16-17岁,63项为17-18岁,以截止到青奥会举办年12月31日的年龄计算。
Q1: Who first suggested holding a Youth Olympic Games? When was the YOG approved?
A: The idea for such an event was introduced by International Olympic Committee(IOC)president Jacques Rogge in 202_.On July 6, 202_, IOC members at the 119th IOC session in Guatemala City approved the creation of a youth version of the Olympic Games.Q2: How often will the YOG be held?
A:The Youth Olympic Games(YOG)are planned as an international multi-sport event held every four years in staggered summer and winter events, consistent with the current Olympic Games format.The first and second summer sessions will take place in Singapore in 202_ and in Nanjing in 202_.The first winter session will take place in 202_ in Innsbruck.Q3: Which sports are on the programme of YOG?
A:The 26 sports contested at the Olympic Games are listed below: * Aquatics(Diving and Swimming)* Archery * Athletics * Badminton * Basketball(Olympic basketball or street-ball)* Boxing * Canoeing * Cycling(Track and Mountain Bike)* Equestrian(Jumping)* Fencing * Field hockey * Football * Gymnastics * Handball * Judo * Modern pentathlon * Rowing * Sailing * Shooting * Softball * Taekwondo * Tennis * Triathlon * Volleyball(Beach Volleyball and Volleyball)* Weightlifting * Wrestling(Freestyle and Greco-Roman)Q4: What’s the main principle of the Youth Olympics?
A:The Youth Olympic Games aims to bring together talented athletes from around the world – aged from 14 to 18“Heart to Heart” and “Hand in Hand”!
Q9: What are the three themed zones of the Nanjing 202_ YOG?
A:The Olympic Center Zone, Cultural Scenic Spot Zone, and University Pavilion Zone for Nanjing 202_ YOG have world class sport facilities and an excellent transport infrastructure which are integral for the successful staging of the Games.Nanjing Youth Olympic Games Organization Committee will present a magnificent performance for the youth around the world and those people who devote to the development of Olympic.Q10: What are the four pillars and five themes of Culture and Education Programme?
A:The Youth Olympic Games emphasize the four pillars of „Learning to know, learning to be, learning to do and learning to live together‟;the five themes are olympism, skills development, health and well-being, social responsibility, and self-expression.Q11.Which Chinese dynasties chose Nanjing as their capital?
A:Nanjing, a city with a long history and rich cultural heritage, was among the first cities to be awarded “Ancient Centre” status by State Council.As early as 472 BC Gou Jian, King of the State of Yue, built a city here by present-day Yuhua Mountain.Nanjing first became a capital in 229, when Sun Quan of the East Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms Period(220-280)relocated the Kingdom‟s capital to Jianye, a city he extended to become Jinling.From the 3rd to the beginning of the 5th century six dynasties, namely the Eastern Wu, Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang and Chen, founded their capitals here.In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding Emperor of the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), chose Nanjing as the capital of his empire.In 1853, when the Taiping peasant insurgents stormed into Nanjing they made it the capital of their Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and renamed it Tianjing, the “Heavenly Capital,” a name which stayed for only 11 years.Dr.Sun Yat-sen established the Republic of China and was chosen as its provisional President in Nanjing on December 29, 1911, after the victory of the 1911 Revolution which ended the monarchic rule of the Qing
Dynasty.Nanjing became the capital of the Republic on April 18, 1927.To sum up, Nanjing has been capital of ten dynasties and a total of 455 years.Q12: What were the first local traditions awarded Intangible Cultural Heritage protection status by the State Council?
A:Nanjing has many varied and unique handicraft traditions.The famous Nanjing Yunjin brocade(Cloud Brocade), gold foil forging techniques, engraving and block printing techniques and Qinhuai Lantern-making are among the first body of protected Intangible Cultural Heritage named by the State Council.History
Nanjing is a city with a long history and rich cultural heritage.As early as 495 BC, Fu Chai, King of the State of Wu, founded the first city, Yecheng, in today's Nanjing area.In 333 BC, the State of Chu built Jinling in the northwestern part of present-day Nanjing.Nanjing first became a capital in 229, when Sun Quan of the East Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms Period(220-280)relocated the Kingdom‟s capital to Jianye, a city he extended on the basis of Jinling.From the 3rd to the beginning of the 5th century, six dynasties including Eastern Wu, Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang and Chen founded their capitals here.In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding Emperor of the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), chose Nanjing as the capital of his empire, and the city became the political, economic and cultural center of the country.It was Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang who launched the project of building the city wall, the longest in the world.Maritime navigation was encouraged in the early years of the Ming Dynasty.Zheng He, the great navigator, lived in Nanjing and built his ships here.From 1405 to 1433, Zheng He made seven voyages, and his fleet visited 37 countries in Southeast Asia, East Africa and the Middle East.In 1853, when the Taiping peasant insurgents stormed Nanjing, they made it the capital of what they called the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, renaming it Tianjing.This name lasted just eleven years.Dr.Sun Yat-sen established the Republic of China and was chosen as its Provisional President in Nanjing on December 29, 1911, after the victory of the 1911 Revolution that ended the monarchy of the Qing Dynasty.Nanjing became the capital of the Republic on April 18, 1927, when Chiang Kai-shek proclaimed the inauguration of the National Government there.In the 1920s and early 1930s, Nanjing underwent a rapid development and was transformed into a modern city.However, this process was disrupted by the Japanese invasion.In December 1937, the Japanese troops attacked the city, and committed atrocities during the inhuman Nanjing Massacre.After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Nanjing became, and today remains, the capital of Jiangsu Province.Nanjing is one of the few cities that played a critical role in shaping the history of China.Culture
Nanjing is a city known throughout China for its cultural traditions.Beginning over 2,500 years ago and with the ebb and flow of dynastic shifts, reaching an apex in the Ming Dynasty, the city has carved its history into the banks of the Qinhuai River.The early history of Nanjing as a seat of great importance dates back to the Warring States Period, around 400 BC.A large collection of tribal families and warriors sought, gained and lost governing seats time and time again through a relatively short period, and Nanjing would often be chosen as the capital for its geographical position and rich resources.From the period 220AD-589AD, now called the Six Dynasties period, many of the cultural foundations that have formed Chinese society came into being.During the Tang Dynasty(618-907), the city was a place where poets gathered and composed poems celebrating its magnificent landscape and glorious past.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties(1368-1911), it was the site for the imperial civil service examinations for southern China, functioning as a center of intellectual and cultural interaction.Nanjing as a historical city is rich in cultural heritage.Nanjing brocade
Engraved block printing technique
In 202_, the craftsmanship of Nanjing Yunjin brocade, together with China‟s engraved block printing technique, was added to the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.The mausoleum of Sun Yat-sen, father of modern China, rests along with several early Ming emperors in the secluded shade of Mt.Zijin along the northeastern part of the city.Mandarin is the native tongue in Nanjing, with most of the younger generation speaking very standardized Putonghua taught in schools, while the older generation sticks to the southeastern sub-dialect of Mandarin.Further to the south and east the spoken language changes over to the Wu dialect.Nanjing's location on the Yangtze river has historically served as one of China's most important transportation hubs;and because of this, Nanjing culture has benefited from the continuous influx of people and traditions coming down the Yangtze river.Nanjing Yunjin brocade has a history of over 1,500 years.It was known for its elegant and gorgeous colors and patterns, which are compared to the bright clouds in the sky.(The name Yunjin in Chinese means ”cloud“ brocade.)The craftsmanship of Nanjing Yunjin brocade marks the zenith of Chinese silk weaving skill.Engraved block printing technique can be seen in Jinling Buddhist Scripture Press in the city.The technique, which has a 1,300-year-long history, requires the collaboration of half a dozen craftspeople with printing expertise, dexterity and team spirit.Nanjing has a long tradition of planting and appreciating plums, which survived the six dynasties during which the city was designated as the capital of the country.Historical records indicate that the Plum Hill south of the city and the Plum Villa north of the city were two choice places to plant and appreciate plums.Toward the end of the Ming Dynasty, Xu Wei recreated the panorama of the city in plum blossom in his ”Mountain Zhongshan and the Plum Blossom."
Plum blossom Huge numbers of plum trees are planted in the Pearl Spring Park, Gulin Park and Mount Plum, home to one of the four biggest plum plantations in China.When spring comes, the blossoming plum trees attract hundreds of thousands of visitors.Each year since 1996, the City of Nanjing organizes an international plum blossom festival either in February or March.Through a combination of efforts to promote tourism and trade together with cultural and entertainment activities, the city aims to introduce the world to Nanjing‟s beauty, history and culture.Traditionally, Chinese people toll bells on the eve of the New Year.The city of Nanjing organizes the bell-tolling to welcome the New Year, extending greetings to all the people of the city and expressing wishes for world peace and progress.Nanjing is home to some of the best libraries, art galleries and museums in China.Nanjing Library, founded in 1907, houses more than 7 million volumes of printed materials and is the third largest library in the country, next to Beijing and Shanghai Libraries.Jiangsu Art Gallery, the largest gallery in the province, presents some of the best traditional and contemporary art pieces in China.Nanjing Museum, formerly known as the National Central Museum before 1949, is the first modern museum and remains one of the leading museums in China.Nangjing library Nanjing has many fine theatres where professional opera troupes perform the Peking opera as well as many local operas of the Yue, Yang, and Xi.The Jiangsu Kunqu Troupe has played an important role in reviving the Kunqu opera, China's oldest surviving stage art.Originating in Jiangsu Province in the 16th century, the Kunqu opera combines acting with singing and dancing.In the southern part of the city is the Qinhuai River Belt, a place known for its historic sites, gardens, barges, pavilions, and folk culture and customs.The most famous Qinhuai attraction is the lantern boats which sail in the river, big and small, with decorative colorful lanterns hanging on the hull.Other attractions of the cultural belt include the Confucius Temple, Zhanyuan Garden, Egret Islet, and Zhonghua Gate.Nanjing hosts a series of festivals throughout the year.The annual International Plum Blossom Festival is held in Plum Hill, the largest plum collection in China.It attracts thousands of tourists home and abroad.Other events include Nanjing Baima Peach Blossom & Kite Festival, Jiangxinzhou Islet Fruit Festival, and Linggu Temple Sweet Osmanthus Festival.Environment
Published:Monday,July 26,202_ 7:12 PM PRC
Urban Environment
Nanjing is an enjoyable city to live in.Along with the development of society and standards of living, people pay more attention to the quality of life here.This enjoyable environment will play an important role in attracting talent and capital.Nanjing is making great efforts to strengthen the protection of the historical city and the comprehensive treatment of the environment, in order to build a better environment.The “Green Nanjing Project” has been widely developed, and has been successful in the comprehensive treatment of environmental and historical sites.The forest coverage of the city is 24%, the green coverage of the built-up areas is 46.1%, and the average park area is 13.2 square meters, ranking among the top cities in China.Environmental Protection
There are 23 nature reserves in the city;the acreage under protection is 749.29 square kilometres, accounting for about 11.38% of the city area.Over 30 sewage treatment plants have been built up with a capacity of 1,450,000 tons.The urban environmental quality is steadily on the rise.The water quality standards from the central water source has remained at 100% for years, making the city one of the safest water resources in Jiangsu province, and even in China.The percentage of days with good air quality is 88% and has been at this level for years.Infrastructure
Published:Monday,July 26,202_ 7:13 PM PRC
Venues venues can be provided for Nanjing YOG.These venues can be split up into three themed zones, the Olympic Center Zone, the Cultural Scenic Spot Zone and the College Pavilion Zone.There is no need to build new venues for the Games, as most of the existing venues have held domestic high level sports games such as the 10th National Games.Transport
Nanjing has a highly advanced transport network which will be fully capable of meeting the transport needs of the Games.It is not necessary to upgrade or construct new transport infrastructure solely for the purpose of the Games.During the Games, Nanjing YOGOC will operate a comprehensive transport system using buses and subway and so on to connect the YOV, Training Venues, culture and education venues, hotels, media center and relevant supporting facilities.It can provide a safe and effective transport service.The transportation listed below will provide key services: High-speed railway network: High-speed railway lines connect Nanjing with its neighbouring cities.In 202_, an inter city railway between Nanjing and Shanghai was build with a top speed of up to 300km/h.By 202_, another line will be in operation at a speed of 350 km/h, reducing the travel time from Shanghai to Nanjing to just one hour.Nanjing South Railway Station will be the largest railway station in Asia and will be only 10 km away from the YOV, within 9 minutes drive.This high-speed railway network will make Nanjing a transportation hub that could reach 100 million people in over 10 neighbouring cities within one hour.Highway network: The highway network surrounding Nanjing is highly developed, making Nanjing the city with the second highest highway density among China‟s major cities.By 202_, Nanjing will have an even more efficient highway network connecting the city with all its neighbouring cities and towns with a population of over 100,000 each.City road network: Nanjing is currently building a network of expressways, which will be completed in 202_.By then, the city will have eight expressways that ensure an automobile speed of 60 km/hr.These
roads will enable motor vehicles to access the high-speed inner ring roads from any point in the city within 15 minutes and access the highway network within another 15 minutes leading to such neighboring cities as Shanghai.Subway: Line 1 of the Nanjing subway system uses the Nanjing Olympic Sports Centre, the main venue for the YOG, as its terminal and runs across the city.Currently it has 21.72 km of rail lines with 27 stations, but new subway lines are under construction.By 202_, Line 2, with its east extension, and the south extension of Line 1 will be completed, and the subway system will have a total of 85 km of rail lines with 80 trains and 57 stations.By 202_, Line 3 of the subway will also be completed.At the moment the system operates for over 17 hours per day, with 4-minute arrival intervals.During the Games, the subway service time will be extended and more trains will be dispatched.Bus: Nanjing has five bus companies that operate 398 routes with 5,911 buses.The bus lines cover a total distance of 6,037.4 km and have an annual passenger handling capacity of over 1 billion.During the Games, as an important component of the transport system, designated bus lines will operate between Games venues such as the YOV, the competition and training venues, the culture and education venues,the MMC and other support facilities.Taxi: Nanjing has a fleet of 10,151 taxis with over 20,000 drivers.By 202_, there will be more taxis in operation to bring high-quality services to the YOG.Airport: Nanjing Lukou International airport now has 57 international and domestic air lines.By 202_, it will increase in size by one runway and one terminal building, which will be capable of transporting thirty million people per year.During the YOG, it will provide special shuttle buses between the airport and the YOG village.Communications
Nanjing YOGOC will prepare all communications strategies and activities of the YOGOC towards various target audiences(including young people), manage any operational campaigns pertaining to the YOG, produce written copy for all outreach to the public, media and other audiences, and establish crisis communication procedures.This generally includes a press & media office that is responsible for the smooth flow of communication to the media.It communicates the information through media statements, media conferences, interviews, various publications, the internet and personal or telephone contact.Internet
Internet services mainly consist of the circulation of general information about the Games and the sports competitions and Culture & Education Programmes, and will also facilitate the exchange of information and/or messages between participants.The internet will also be a powerful tool for communicating with specific client groups such as NOCs, IFs, the media and the general public, including community youth groups, etc.Compared with the Olympic Games, the Youth Olympic Games(YOG)is more focused on cultural and educational activities for young people.In Nanjing, a city full of love, youthful vigor and a rich culture, we hope to deliver an exciting next round of the YOG.Our concept fully embraces the Olympic Values of Excellence, Respect and Friendship, with persified sports, education and culture programs to inspire young people to develop healthy lifestyle and a sports spirit, and to promote the integration of cultural and educational programs and sports competitions.With creative workshops, forums, arts and sports festivals we aim to encourage the youth of the world to take part in many activities in tandem with the Games.We hope the NYOG will inspire young people to respect others, to be friendly to each other, to share in the outstanding cultural achievements of mankind, to create a better world and to contribute their time and energy to the Olympic Games.Concept
Based on the concept of the YOG from the International Olympic Committee(YOGOC), the 202_ NYOG will take advantage of new media to attract the youth of the world to participate in the YOG, and promote the concept of cultural and educational exchange, and sports competitions.The culture and education exchange plan are designed by young people, for young people and are focused on presenting the characteristics of young people.These plans will combine knowledgeable, interesting and interactive things together, which give all of the participants not only the feelings of learning, responsibility, sharing, happiness and growing up, but also consistency and promotion of the development of the Olympic spirit.Elements
The 202_ NYOG will be complemented by a series of cultural and educational activities for young people, focusing on elements of the Olympic Games, technological development, overall happiness, healthy lifestyles and social responsibility.Three sections
Before the YOG:Laying the Foundation
The Nanjing Youth Olympic Games Organization Committee will put every effort into seeking support and participation from local society.It will organize activities promoting the Olympic concepts and sporting events in various arenas such as schools and youth organizations.It will also use new media to create NOC interactive programs, in order to inspire passion and awareness for the YOG in the whole of society.These activities will lay a solid foundation and create a favourable environment which will ultimately contribute to the success of the NYOG.During the YOG: A Festival of Youth
The competition days themselves represent a wonderful opportunity for greater unity and shared celebration for the young people of the world.Young people will be able to show off their passion and dynamism fully during the competition.The YOGOC will do its utmost for young people and youth communities around the world to build an interactive platform where friendship can be promoted, the Olympic spirit can be passed on and further developed, and cultural exchange can be accelerated on the basis of mutual respect.Three programs themed Healthy Growth, Cultural Experience and Youth Carnival will be designed according to different principles and scheduled to alternate with competitions, helping the participants to make easier choices according to their own timetables and preferences.The participants in each program will receive a special gift as an incentive.After the YOG: Continuing Influence
The pursuit of the Olympic and Youth Olympic spirit will continue, and the exchange of culture, education and sports among nations will be perpetuated even after the Nanjing 202_ YOG is over.Young people can continue to surpass themselves in continuous innovation.The development of the Olympic spirit can be sustained, and a rich cultural heritage will be forever left to Nanjing and the world.Volunteers
It is important to promote the preparation of the Games.The games present an opportunity for the general public to be active participants in the Games by volunteering.The Value of Volunteer Work
As Jacques Rogge once said, “The Olympic Games are for volunteers as well as athletes.” Without doubt, volunteering is an important part of the Olympic Games.The idea of the “Olympic Volunteer” dates back to the Grecian 1896 Olympic Games.After the 1980s, “Olympic Volunteer” became an official and indispensable Olympic program.The concept of the “Olympic Volunteer” was first defined explicitly in an Olympic glossary produced as part of the Official Report of the Barcelona Olympic Games in 1992: The volunteer is a person who makes an inpidual, altruistic commitment to collaborate, to the best of his/her abilities, in the organization of the Olympic Games, carrying out the tasks assigned to him/her without receiving payment or rewards of any other nature.The intent of the Olympic Movement, according to a statement in the Olympic Charter, is to enhance the human body, temper one's willpower and build a spirit of friendship, solidarity, and fair play.With that, Volunteerism is the pursuit of harmony, love, nobility, dedication and altruism.Olympic Volunteer work is a manifestation of global solidarity, which promotes social harmony and development.Olympic Volunteer Work offers social services and opportunities to all people.Not only is it a bridge to enhance the communication among governments, people and social groups, but it also makes a positive contribution towards accident prevention and recovery.By joining the Olympic Volunteers, people around the world can contribute their time and energy to society.It is long acknowledged that volunteering strengthens the bonds of society, effectively reducing social conflict and consolidating social stability and peace.Large Base for Volunteer Recruitment
In Nanjing there is a very positive view of voluntary work, as well as an enthusiastic professional team of volunteers.This team has participated in various national and international events, including the Beijing Olympic Games, 10th National Games and World Urban Forum.There will be over 1 million registered volunteers in Nanjing by 202_.A special volunteer department has been set up by NYOGOC.The aim of this department is to provide support for the youth, inspiring them and their families and even the whole society.This support will come partly from social groups such as Nanjing Youth Federation and Nanjing Volunteers Association.After a strict selection process and thorough training, the NYOGOC will recruit 30,000 volunteers at home and abroad to undertake every aspect of voluntary work.This will include event organisation,cultural education, medical services, traffic assistance, security, media, interpretation and cheering squads.Among the 30,000 volunteers will be 6,000 voluntary interpreters who will assist the young participants.A multi-lingual call center providing 24 hour service will also be launched to ensure ease of communication.Apart from this, 10,000 local volunteers will offer various kinds of voluntary services such as consultation and interpretation in support centers including the YOV, the main media center, the various venues, hotels and commercial center.
202_, is a very common digital, but it is also the so-called four ordinary Numbers, let many Chinese blood boiling, surging!Maybe you would ask why, but you may soon get out.Yes, is the answer.In this year, nanjing will hold the green Olympic committee, then, the attention to the whole world will gather in nanjing, and nanjing, also will be master status, show her most beautiful elegance!Heard the exciting news, facing the chance comes once in a blue moon, as a glorious nanjing, as a student of nanjing now, we must act, and green Olympic grow up together, from
now to start, starts from oneself, we should speak civilization, polite, conscientiously observe discipline and love the collective, protect public property and study hard, active propagandizing green Olympic knowledge, using our practical action to support the green Olympic, meet, participate in green green Mr Obama, for the forthcoming great event, contribution to an own strength.Apply for green Olympic success, for nanjing every citizen, it certainly had an impulse, there is a kind of happiness, there is a proud, have a kind of madness.For nanjing, for example, it represents the matter a great country, represents China's has the ability to hold this world youth committee, represents the strength of China development a flyby, more representative of the Chinese people unite focuses on participation in spirit.I think, green Olympic committee is like a big stage, we need to concentrate to participate, together, we not only can participate in this arena show our Chinese athletes strong will and the so-called fighting spirit, we still can be in this arena show our nanjing beautiful urban appearance, a long city culture, and we nanjing man's
confidence and perseverance, let the world know nanjing, nanjing, nanjing understand love.I believe that as long as we joint effort, to green Olympic opening day, our beautiful NaJingCheng, days, must be more blue, land, certainly can be more green, water, certainly can be more clear, flowers, certainly can be more colourful, air, must be fresh, traffic, will be more clear.Then, we can ask the world quiet announced loudly: green Olympic, we are ready.Support green Olympic, create the future.Let us starts from the minor matter, I with green Olympic presence!
Games & Venues
The Nanjing 202_ Summer Youth Olympic Games(YOG), encompassing all 26 sports, will be held from August 16th to 28th.15 venues will be made available for the Nanjing YOG with three distinct themed zones: the Olympic Center Zone, where the sporting competitions will take place;the Cultural Scenic Spot Zone, which will provide a pleasant atmosphere for leisure and cultural exchange activities;and the College Pavilion Zone, where the YOG educational activities will take place.With all these facilities already in place, it will not be
necessary to build new venues for the YOG.Most of these venues have held high-level domestic sports games like the 10th National Games.Olympic Center Zone Ⅰ
University Pavilion Zone
Cultural Scenic Spot Zone
Olympic Center Zone Ⅱ
10、Q:国际奥委会确定的青奥会“文化与教育计划”的四个支柱和五大主题是什么? A:国际奥委会确定的青奥会“文化与教育计划”的四个支柱分别为:学而知之、学而做之、学而立人之、学而共处之。五大主题包括:奥林匹克主义、技能发展、幸福与健康的生活方式、社会责任、表达。
11、Q:南京被称为“十代故都”,历史上分别有哪十个朝代先后在南京定都? A:南京历史悠久,文脉悠长,是国务院第一批公布的历史文化名城。公元前472年,越王勾践在雨花台下筑城,史称“越城”,这是南京建有城堡的最早记载,至今已有近2500年的历史。公元229年,三国东吴迁都于建业城,而后,东晋、宋、齐、梁、陈、南唐、明、太平天国、中华民国先后在此定都,共455年,史称“十代故都”。
FAQ Q1: Who first suggested holding a Youth Olympic Games? When was the YOG approved?
A: The idea for such an event was introduced by International Olympic Committee(IOC)president Jacques Rogge in 202_.On July 6, 202_, IOC members at the 119th IOC session in Guatemala City approved the creation of a youth version of the Olympic Games.Q2: How often will the YOG be held?
A:The Youth Olympic Games(YOG)are planned as an international multi-sport event held every four years in staggered summer and winter events, consistent with the current Olympic Games format.The first and second summer sessions will take place in Singapore in 202_ and in Nanjing in 202_.The first winter session will take place in 202_ in Innsbruck.Q3: Which sports are on the programme of YOG?
A:The 28 sports contested at the Olympic Games are listed below: * Aquatics(Diving and Swimming)* Archery * Athletics * Badminton * Basketball(Olympic basketball or street-ball)* Boxing * Canoeing * Cycling(Track and Mountain Bike)* Equestrian(Jumping)* Fencing * Field hockey * Football * Gymnastics * Handball * Judo * Modern pentathlon * Rowing * Sailing * Shooting * Softball * Taekwondo * Tennis * Triathlon * Volleyball(Beach Volleyball and Volleyball)* Weightlifting
* Wrestling(Freestyle and Greco-Roman)*Golf *Rugby Q4: What’s the main principle of the Youth Olympics?
A:The Youth Olympic Games aims to bring together talented athletes from around the world – aged from 15 to 18"Heart to Heart” and “Hand in Hand”!
Q9: What are the three themed zones of the Nanjing 202_ YOG?
A:The Olympic Center Zone, Cultural Scenic Spot Zone, and University Pavilion Zone for Nanjing 202_ YOG have world class sport facilities and an excellent transport infrastructure which are integral for the successful staging of the Games.Nanjing Youth Olympic Games Organization Committee will present a magnificent performance for the youth around the world and those people who devote to the development of Olympic.Q10: What are the four pillars and five themes of Culture and Education Programme?
A:The Youth Olympic Games emphasize the four pillars of „Learning to know, learning to be, learning to
do and learning to live together‟;the five themes are olympism, skills development, health and well-being, social responsibility, and self-expression.Q11.Which Chinese dynasties chose Nanjing as their capital?
A:Nanjing, a city with a long history and rich cultural heritage, was among the first cities to be awarded “Ancient Centre” status by State Council.As early as 472 BC Gou Jian, King of the State of Yue, built a city here by present-day Yuhua Mountain.Nanjing first became a capital in 229, when Sun Quan of the East Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms Period(220-280)relocated the Kingdom‟s capital to Jianye, a city he extended to become Jinling.From the 3rd to the beginning of the 5th century six dynasties, namely the Eastern Wu, Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang and Chen, founded their capitals here.In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding Emperor of the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), chose Nanjing as the capital of his empire.In 1853, when the Taiping peasant insurgents stormed into Nanjing they made it the capital of their Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and renamed it Tianjing, the “Heavenly Capital,” a name which stayed for only 11 years.Dr.Sun Yat-sen established the Republic of China and was chosen as its provisional President in Nanjing on December 29, 1911, after the victory of the 1911 Revolution which ended the monarchic rule of the Qing Dynasty.Nanjing became the capital of the Republic on April 18, 1927.To sum up, Nanjing has been capital of ten dynasties and a total of 455 years.Q12: What were the first local traditions awarded Intangible Cultural Heritage protection status by the State Council?
A:Nanjing has many varied and unique handicraft traditions.The famous Nanjing Yunjin brocade(Cloud Brocade), gold foil forging techniques, engraving and block printing techniques and Qinhuai Lantern-making are among the first body of protected Intangible Cultural Heritage named by the State Council.
202_青奥会 202_年,第二届青奥会将在南京隆重开幕。会有成千上万的中外志愿者聚集北京,一起为这四年一次的盛会欢呼、喝彩、加油。作为首都北京的一名小学生,我希望自己也能成为一名青奥志愿者。