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双语 婆媳关系比岳母和女婿的关系难处得多(共5篇)
编辑:落花无言 识别码:23-944413 14号文库 发布时间: 2024-03-12 01:00:17 来源:网络

第一篇:双语 婆媳关系比岳母和女婿的关系难处得多

双语 婆媳关系比岳母和女婿的关系难处得多.txt我自横刀向天笑,笑完我就去睡觉。你的手机比话费还便宜。路漫漫其修远兮,不如我们打的吧。婆媳关系比岳母和女婿的关系难处得多

作者: 许雅宁 来源: chinadaily It is usually husbands who crack the jokes about difficult, interfering mothers-in-law.But their wives probably have more reason to complain.A study of hundreds of families has found that mothers are far more likely to feud with a daughter-in-law than a son-in-law.Nearly two-thirds of daughters-in-law accused their husband's mother of 'unreasonably jealous maternal love'.A similar proportion of mothers-in-law complained they had been isolated and excluded by a female addition to the family.Dr Terri Apter, a psychologist at Newnham College, Cambridge, has spent 20 years researching the type of battles seen in the film Monster-in-Law, starring Jane Fonda and Jennifer Lopez.She interviewed 49 couples and 156 other people, and drew on past studies to compile her new book, What Do You Want From Me? She said: 'As they struggle to achieve the same position in the family as primary woman, each tries to establish or protect their status, each feels threatened by the other.'Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflict often emerges from an expectation that each is criticizing or undermining the other.But this mutual unease may have less to do with actual attitudes and far more to do with persistent female norms that few of us manage to shake off completely.' These 'norms' include the fact that wives are still usually in charge of the cooking, cleaning and children's welfare-opening them up to criticism from an older woman who has done it all before.And many women cannot break the habits of childhood, when they ousted rivals from playground cliques using subtle and indirect insults over extended periods of time.Dr Apter said one woman she spoke to began receiving messages from her mother-in-law-to-be two months before the wedding.Jenny, 26, from North London, said one warned: 'My son thinks about me every day, every minute of the day, every second of every minute of the day.' Other letters were critical, intrusive or seeking pity.Another interviewee, mother-in-law Annie, 64, from Yorkshire, said: 'My daughter-in-law is so cold towards me.'She begrudges any time or attention my son gives to me and takes every opportunity to minimise the importance and depth of bond he and I have.' 女婿们常爱拿难缠多事的丈母娘开开玩笑。而媳妇们可能有更多抱怨的理由。







来自伦敦北部的26岁的珍妮称,她的婆婆在一封信中“警告”她说:“我的儿子每天、每分钟、每秒钟都在想我。”其他的信要么是指责叨扰,要么是寻求同情。而另一位受访者、来自约克郡的64岁的婆婆安妮说:“儿媳对我的态度十分冷漠。” 她说:“只要儿子和我在一起,或者关心我,她就不乐意。她还利用一切机会疏远我和儿子的关系。”

双语 婆媳关系比岳母和女婿的关系难处得多(共5篇)