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English Pragmatics: A Coursebook 1.Background and definitions Warming up activity What does the boy still need to learn about using language? A little boy comes in the front door.Mother: Wipe your feet, please.He removes his muddy shoes and socks and carefully wipes his clean feet on the doormat.1.1Background of pragmatics 1.1 Definitions of pragmatics Pragmatics is the study of how the speaker produces and how the hearer understands the peculiar uses of language.1.2 Component vs.perspective分相论与综观论

1.2.1 Component view of pragmatics Davis points out in his book Pragmatics: A Reader(1991)that pragmatics, like phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics, is a component of linguistics.1.2.2 Perspective view of pragmatics Verschueren(1999)proposes that pragmatics is not a component of linguistics, but a new way of looking at language.Pragmatics is specified as “a general cognitive, social, and cultural perspective on linguistic phenomena in relation to their usage in forms of behavior”(Verschueren,1999)语用学是语言各个方面的功能总览, 即研究人类生活中语言的认知、社会和文化的功能。1.3 Uses of pragmatics(1)It is cold here.(2)Wife: What is in the newspaper? Husband:(putting down the newspaper and switching on the TV)Nothing.(3)Light, please!You can see, two or mor utterances might have the same underlying sentence as their script, but they can have quite different interpretations in context.B.it is cold in here.SP:The temperature in this place is frigid.PP: james, shut the window.There is nothing worth reading in the newspaper.1.4 Aims of pragmatics 1.5 scope of Pragmatics 1.5.1 Deixis and references 1.5.2 presupposition 1.5.3 Conversational implicature 1.5.4 Relevance theory 1.5.5 Speech act theory 1.6.6 Conversation analysis Sentence & utterance A.Mike and Annie are in the living room.Mike asks Annie whether she would like to eat dinner I the living room or the kitchen.Annie replies: it is cold in here.B.The Queen and James are in the drawing room.The window is open.The Queen says: it is cold in here.B.Here are sample analyses.A.It is cold in here SP: The temperature in this place is frigid.PP: Let’s eat in the kitchen.B.It is cold in here SP: The temperature in this place is frigid.PP: James, shut the window.



INTRODUCTION The main task of Level 3 Of A New English Course is, together with Level 1, 2 and 4, to have students lay a solid foundation in English.But it is quite different from the preceding two levels in format and in language requirements.In brief, it’s text-based and emphasis is supposed to be laid on reading and writing skills;however, adequate attention is still given to listening and speaking skills.Especially in reading, reading strategies such as predicting and anticipating the content of the text, skimming for the main ideas, guessing the meanings of words and phrases from the context of the text are to be practiced.In addition, students should gradually learn how to appreciate different types of writing and do lots of practice accordingly.Unit 1 Teaching Aims:

In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Appreciate the two narrations in this unit and learn some writing skills in narration and practice it along with letter writing;5.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis: 1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions:

Awkward;dreary;rotund;grunt;proceed;dismay;appall;diffidently;singularly;reckon;querulous;somber;scribble;attach importance to;have sth.in common;a crocodile of

Procedure:(4 hours)1.Greeting;2.The whole plan for this semester;3.Begin the new lesson: 1).Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2).Allow students 3 minutes to go over text I rapidly for the

main idea;

3).Do the guesswork of vocabulary;

4).Study Text I intensively;5).Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and

WB(workbook)orally;6).Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their

vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7).Do oral work;8).Study the main points of guided writing, including the

information about précis writing, paragraph writing of narration

and description, and the heading and salutation of a letter;9).Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I 1….With no experience of teaching my chances of landing the job were slim: there is little possibility for me to get the job chances of doing sth.land: succeed in getting sth.eg: His chance/chances of landing the1st prize is/are slim/scant/slender/small.2.summon sb.to do sth.3.…smell unpleasantly of stale cabbage smell of: give out the smell of scent of eg: smell of brandy/paint/garlic

His accounts seemed to me smell of truth.4.proceed to(do)sth.: go ahead, continue to do

precede: come, go or happen just before sth.precede sth(with sth)eg: proceed to announce his plan;proceed to the next item on the agenda;He preceded his speech with a warning against inattention.5.attach importance to sth.;consider… important

eg: attach much importance/weight/significance to the theory 6.have sth.in common 7.not so much…but the fact that…

eg: It was not so much there being no councils of workers, peasants and soldiers worthy of the mane, but the fact that they were very few.8.the last straw: an addition to a set of troubles which makes one unbearable eg: The hotel was expensive, the food poor, and bad weather was the last straw.Language points for Text II

1.prompt sb.to do sth or prompt sth: urge or cause eg: His action was prompted by fear.Hunger prompted him to steal.2.Feeling anything but well.: feeling far from being well anything but(恰恰不,才不)nothing/nobody but(正是,只是)all but(几乎,差一点)eg: She looks anything but well.(She looks ill.)

You have nobody but yourself to blame.The thief has all but succeeded in escaping.3.be set on/upon(doing)sth: be determined to do, make up one’s mind 4.get round to doing sth.: find time to do sth.at last eg: After a long delay, he got around to writing the letter.5.instill sth.in/into sb instill: to put(ideas feelings, etc.)gradually but firmly into someone’s mind by a continuous effort eg: instill the idea of discipline and obedience into new soldiers 6.It was more a cross-examination than an interview.7.In due course, you will hear from us.due: right and proper eg: He has his due reward.Unit 2

Teaching Aims:

In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the description of Text I and practice it along with letter writing;5.Get to know some information about April Fool’s Day;6.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions: weep, rage, accordingly, croaking, cling, dismissive, brutal, quarantine, coop, witty, exempt, hoax, growl, prey

Procedure:(4 hours)1.Review the main points in last class;2.Study the new unit: 1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 4 minutes to go over text I rapidly for the main idea;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing, including how to write a paragraph of description, and the introduction of a letter;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I 1.He looked his goodbye at the garden.: He said his goodbye by looking at the garden.2.cling to eg: She still clings to the belief that her husband is alive.Little babies usually cling to their mothers.3.prepare sb/oneself for sth : make someone/oneself ready to accept or to be adjusted to a new condition, idea, or an event 4.at such short notice: with little time for preparation eg: The students usually give the landlady one month’s notice before they move.One can always get a taxi here at a short notice/at a moment’s notice.5.If only: is often used to introduce an exclamation expressing an unfulfilled condition at present, in the past or in the future.The verb is generally in the past or past perfect.eg: If only I had a chance to live my childhood once again.If only he had had a lot in common with me.6.would rather do sth than do sth eg: I’d rather walk all these stairs up than wait for the lift to go up.7.be cooped up

eg: he felt good in the fresh air after being cooped up in the house for so long.Language points for Text II

1.hoax: deceive, play tricks on sb hoax sb with sth, hoax sb into doing sth coax: get sb to do sth by kindness or patience coax sb to do sth, coax sb into/out of doing sth 2.needless to say 3.prey: an animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal or by a person;someone who can easily be deceived or influenced eg: Some salesman consider young housewives easy prey.4.exempt: free from a duty or service exempt…from eg: A doctor’s note will exempt you from physical education.Some information about April Fool’s Day

stApril Fool’s Day is on April 1.It is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting.No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France.New Year's was celebrated on March 25 and celebrations lasted until April 1st.When New Year's Day was changed from March 25 to January 1st in the mid-1560's by King Charles IX, there were some people who still celebrated it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools.Pranks performed on April Fool's Day range from the simple,(such as saying, “Your shoe's untied!), to the elaborate.Setting a roommate's alarm clock back an hour is a common gag.The news media even gets involved.For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fool's Day was a fairly detailed documentary about ”spaghetti farmers“ and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees.Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, ”April Fool!“

April Fool's Day is a ”for-fun-only“ observance.Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their ”significant other“ out to eat in a fancy restaurant.Nobody gets off work or school.It's simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool!

Each country celebrates April Fool's differently.In France, the April Fool's is called ”April Fish“(Poisson d'Avril).The French fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends' backs and when some discovers a this trick, they yell ”Poisson d'Avril!“.In England, tricks can be played only in the morning.If a trick is played on you, you are a ”noodle“.In Scotland, April Fools Day is 48 hours long and you are called an ”April Gowk“, which is another name for a cuckoo bird.The second day in Scotland's April Fool's is called Taily Day and is dedicated to pranks involving the buttocks.Taily Day's gift to posterior posterity is the still-hilarious ”Kick Me" sign.Unit 3

Teaching Aims:

In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Appreciate and learn some writing skills in the narration of Text I and practice it along with letter writing;5.Get to know some information about Bermuda Triangle;6.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions: consent, bid goodbye to, coincidence, feebly, naval, terminal, clarification, incredible, inheritance, wreckage, literally, snatch, overdue

Procedure:(4 hours)1.Review the main points in last class;2.Study the new unit:

1)Do the pre-reading questions;2)Allow students 5 minutes to read the text rapidly for the main idea;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing, including narration in chronological order, and purpose of a letter;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I 1.consent: agreement or permission(v.n.)consent to sth.eg: The young couple won/obtain/had their parents’ consent to their marriage.Shakespeare is, by common consent(公认), the greatest English dramatist.Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage.2.bid goodbye to sb.3.make some/a/no difference eg: A little perseverance makes a big difference between failure and success.It doesn’t make any difference to me which side will win or lose.4.find one’s voice 5.purple with anger green with envy ash-white with terror 6.My watch gains/loses a minute every day.Language points for Text II 1.refer to sth as sth 2.literally: really, without exaggeration;word for word, strictly eg: The children were literally starving.translate literally;carry out orders too literally 3.vanish into thin air: disappear completely 4.contribute to: help to cause sth eg: Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.Unit 4 Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Learn some writing skills in narration and letter writing;5.Get to know more information about William Shakespeare;6.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions: legacy, estate, genius, baptize, in a flash, influential, sufficiently, conviction, apprentice, set foot on the road to, presume, tempest, brilliant

Procedure:(4 hours)1.Review the main points in last class;2.Study the new unit:

1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 4 minutes for rapid reading and 10 minutes for writing down the main idea for each paragraph;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing, including the narration in chronological order and conclusion and ending of a letter;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I 1.be comfortably/well /better/best/badly/worse/worst off 2.amount to: add up to, reach;be equal in meaning, be the same as

eg: Our monthly expenditure on food usually amounts to 150 yuan.Her reply amounts refusal.You won’t amount to anything if you idle your time away like this.3.literary: typical of literature eg: literary works;literary style literal: being or following the exact or original meaning of a word eg: literal meaning ←→ figurative meaning

literal translation ←→ free translation literate: able to read and write 4.conviction: the feeling of being sure about sth eg: It’s my conviction that our team will win the game.convict: declare sb is guilty convict sb.of sth 5.realize in a flash

Language points for Text II 1.be apprenticed to

2.set foot on the road to sth

More Information on William Shakespeare

One of the greatest giants of the Renaissance, Shakespeare holds, by general acclamation, the foremost place in the world’s literature.His close friend, the playwright Ben Jonson, said of him that he was “not of an age, but for all time.” His works are a great landmark in the history of world literature for he was one of the first founders of realism, a masterhand at realistic portrayal of human characters and relations.Shakespeare’s complete works include 37 plays, 2 narrative poems and 154 sonnets.Some of his best known plays are: The Taming of the Shrew, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado about Nothing, Twelfth Night, All’s Well that Ends Well, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Timon of Athens, Measure for Measure, The Tempest.Unit 5 Teaching Aims:

In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Get to know the organization of a feature report and learn some writing skills in narration and practice it along with letter writing;5.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions: lobby, complexion, foreboding, shudder, scheme, psyche, moat, breach, in progress, screech, quirk, chic, grunge, reverie, scramble, lopsided, executive, distressing, badger, have the nerve to do sth

Procedure:(4 hours)1.Review the main points in last class;2.Study the new unit:

1)Read the information of the text on p.54, 55 to get a better understanding of Chunnel;2)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;3)Allow students 5 minutes to read the text rapidly for the main idea;

4)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;5)Study Text I intensively;6)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;7)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;8)Do oral work;

9)Study the main points of guided writing, mainly paragraph writing of narration in informal tone, and letter writing to ask for information;10)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I

1.…stiff upper lips trembled: here stiff upper lips stands for Englishman.It’s metonymy.(换喻,转喻)(keep)a stiff upper lip:(show)an ability to appear calm and unworried when in pain or trouble eg: The general praised the boys for keeping a stiff upper lip in time of trouble.2.A tiny explosion of air from pursed lips.purse up one’s lips: draw one’s lips together esp.as a sign of disapproval 3.by the grace of God: due to, thanks to eg: By the grace of God the children were rescued by the fireman.4.Compound adjectives made up in various ways: the soon-to-be-opened Chunnel the gull-wing eyebrows cross-Channel-link schemes tungsten-tipped teeth

Language points for Text II 1.alternative: adj.Other eg: Have you got an alternative suggestion? n.choice of two eg: Caught in the act, he had no alternative but to confess.alternate: adj.A.(of two things)happening or following one after the other eg: alternate triumph and despair

B.every second eg: on alternate days v.cause to occur one after the other eg: Most farmers alternate their crops.2.It’s a matter of choice, not nerves.nerve: courage have the/no nerve to do sth or lose one’s nerve

Unit 6 Teaching Aims:

In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Appreciate the two arguments in this unit and learn some writing skills and practice it along with letter writing;5.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions: refuel, outlay, harness, bonnet, conquer, radiation, penetrate, synthetic, extinction, rivet, in a panic, opposition, scrap, evacuation, arsenal, scorn

Procedure:(4 hours)1.Review the main points in last class;2.Study the new unit: 1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 3 minutes to read the text rapidly for the main idea;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing, mainly about the paragraph writing of argument, and the letter writing to ask a favor;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I 1.dream of sth or doing sth 2.Harness atomic power in a car, and you’ll have no more worries about petrol.╱ or you’ll do…= If …not…you’ll… Imperative sentence, ╲ and you’ll do…= If … you’ll…

eg: Practice speaking English more, and you’ll improve your oral English quickly.Be careful in your pronunciation, or you’ll have great trouble in listening and speaking.3.outlay: a spending of money outlay on sth.eg: the weekly outlay on groceries;

a considerable outlay on basic research

Our country has outlaid(v.)a large sum of money in capital construction.4.economy: A.economic situation B.thrift and frugality

eg: The economy of the country is changing from bad to worse.We are better off now, but we still have to practice economy.economic: having to do with economics eg: Economic crises are sure to occur in the capitalist world from time to time.economical: thrifty, not wasting money or time

eg: The writer is famous for his economical style.5.be well on the way to

eg: We were well on the way to the age of knowledge-based economy.Language points for Text II 1.pour scorn on sb/sth hold /think it scorn to do sth 2.lay out: display eg: lay out merchandise 3.in a panic

Unit 7 Teaching Aims:

In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Appreciate the two arguments in this unit and learn some writing skills and practice it along with letter writing;5.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions: pose, suspense, irritate, asphyxiated, ventilate, fidget, indiscreet, chatterbox, elope, obstinacy, willfulness, escapism, justify, tycoon, aptitude, stumble, for a start, turn a deaf ear to, ex-directory

Procedure:(4 hours)1.Review the main points in last class;2.Study the new unit:

1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 3.5 minutes to go over the text rapidly for the main idea;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing, mainly about the paragraph writing of argument, and the letter writing to make an offer;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I 1.take sth.for granted or take it for granted that: believe sth.without

thinking about it very much 1.He is proposing to attempt the impossible…: When he intends to do impossible…

propose: have formed a plan;intend

usage: propose to do sth propose: suggest

usage: propose doing sth./ that clause 2.pose as unusual: pretend to be

eg: He posed as a learned man.She is always posing.pose for a photograph with sb.pose an obstacle to the development, allow me to pose a question 3.suspense: anxiety or apprehension resulting from an uncertain, undecided or mysterious situation usage: in suspense, keep(sb)in suspense, hold in suspense eg: He waited in great suspense for the doctor’s opinion.suspension:

eg: the suspension of arms, suspension from school/office suspicion: eg: above suspicion, under suspicion 4.justify: give a good reason for justify sth or doing sth eg: The editors are perfectly justified in refusing your work.5.have/ show an aptitude for sth.6.be bent on questioning you: be determined to question you.eg: She is bent on becoming a good pianist.He is bent on making journalism his career.Language points for Text II 1.for a start: to begin with, to start with 2.…get away scot-free: escape without punishment

eg: No student can get away with a breach of the rules of the university.got away from the restaurant scot-free 3.turn a deaf ear to: ignore, pay no attention to eg: I shall turn a deaf ear in future to all your empty promises.4.the people most plagued by…

plague: pester or annoy persistently or incessantly eg: Runaway inflation further plagued the wage or salary earner.Unit 8 Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Appreciate the two arguments in this unit and learn some writing skills and practice it along with letter writing;5.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions: shelter, end up with, engross, browsing, retire, indulgent, beckon, tell off, tuck, discreet, poverty-stricken, a nose for, persevere, flick Procedure:(4 hours)1.Review the main points in last class;2.Study the new unit:

1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 2 minutes for rapid reading and 5 minutes for writing the main idea of each paragraph;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing, including the paragraph writing of persuasive writing, and the letter writing as to make a suggestion;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I 1.shelter: cover and protection find/take shelter from;give shelter to;be a shelter from;under the shelter of 2.be engrossed in: be absorbed in, be taken up eg: The audience was completely engrossed by the actor’s performance.3.to one’s heart’s content: as much as one like eg: She never dares to eat to her heart’s content for fear that she would put on weight.4.…the assistant should retire discreetly… retire: move back or away eg: retire to one’s room;retire to bed;

retire from the service;retire from the world;5.Apart from running up a huge account.run up: make or become greater or larger eg: run up a huge account/bill/debts 6.indulge: yield to, gratify be indulged in eg: She is indulged in idle daydreams.7.beckon to sb or beckon sb to do sth eg: He beckoned me to come nearer.8.tell sb off: scold or rebuke severely eg: The teacher told him off for not doing his homework.9.tuff away sth: put sth in a safe place

eg: The troop was tucked away in a quiet valley.Language points for Text II 1.be mean with sth 2.poverty-stricken;panic-stricken;conscience-stricken;grief-stricken;fever-stricken 3.It’s real a bargain.A bargain is a bargain.make a bargain with sb;bargain sth for sth 4.has a nose for gossip/information nose into other’s affairs

Keep your big nose out of my affairs.Unit 9 Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Study the argument of Text I and learn some writing skills and practice it along with letter writing;5.Appreciate Jack London’s A Piece of Steak;6.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The reading and writing of argument;2.New words and expression:

fledgling;bland;colossus;adroit;knockout;certify;intricate;encase;recuperate;squirt;distort;sprout;falter;ruminate;batter;overwhelm;wind up;die down;a flurry of;come alive;count out

Procedure:(4 hours)1.Greeting;2.Revision of the important points of last class;3.Begin the new unit: 1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 4 minutes for rapid reading and 5 minutes for writing the main idea of each part in Text I;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the comprehension questions of Text I WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing, mainly about the paragraph writing of argument;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I 1.promote

A.help to establish or organize eg: promote a boxing match/concert

B.raise sb to a higher position promote sb(to sth)

C.help the process of(sth)Eg: The organization works to promote the friendship between

nations.2.wind up: bring to an end eg: wind up a speech with a remark of thanks He is sure to wind up in bankrupt.You’ll wind up in hospital if you drive so fast.wind up a watch;wind up/down the car window 3.a flurry of sth

eg: a flurry of interest in the new product;

a flurry of activities when the plane landed 4.appoint sb(as/to)some position appoint sb to do sth 5.certify sth/sb as certify that clause

Language points for Text II 1.bear sb a grudge/grudges bear a grudge/grudges against sb eg: I hope you won’t bear grudges against me after what has happpened.2.Disguise: give sb/sth a false appearance disguise sb/sth(with sth);~ sb/sth(as sb/sth)hide or cover up eg: I couldn’t disguise my anger.There’s no disguising the fact that he’s a liar.I didn’t recognize him: he was in disguise.22

Unit 10 Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing,etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s

vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Appreciate the two texts in this unit and learn some writing skills and practice it along with letter writing;5.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and

translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expression:

duck;wince;placatory;indefensible;negligently;studious;shrug;wry;dissolve;guffaw;nail down;trail away;be shocked to the core;every nook and cranny

Procedure:(4 hours)1.Review the main points of last class;2.Begin the new unit: 1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 3 minutes for rapid reading to get the main idea of Text I;

3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing, including the paragraph writing of narration, and the letter writing as to show one’s thanks;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I 1.keep sb under one’s thumb: make sb subordinate to

be under one’s thumb 2.succeed(v.)

(1)not fail ~ in doing sth.success(n.)successful(adj.)(2)come next ~ sb/sth;~ to sth.succession(n.)successive(adj.)in succession;in succession of sth eg: His words come out in quick succession.Our team got a succession of victories.3.go/get somewhere: make progress

go/get nowhere: make no progree

eg: The class got nowhere in their studies.Where would we be without your help? 4.nail down: fix sth firmly;(fig)establish clearly and unmistakably eg: Let nail down the lid of the box.5.to the core: completely 6.shrug off sth: ignore sth.Language points for Text II

1.filter: 1)pass a liquid through a filter Eg: All drinking water must be filtered.2)~ in/out/through: become known gradually eg: New ideas are slowly filtering into people’s mind.(深入人心)2.dissolve:1)make a solid become liquid eg: Water ~s salt.2)come to an end eg: ~ a marriage

~ into /in tears/laughter: can’t help doing sth

3.go through the motions of doing sth: pretend to do sth eg: He went through the motions of welcoming her friends, but then quickly left the room.Unit 11 Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Study the two texts and get some information about Shaka;

5.Study how to write different parts of a composition and practice it;6.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expression:

suicidal, formidable, inhabit, overgrow, scour, impervious, escort, brooding, mourn, reign, staple, inhuman, regiment, invariably, grumble, feast

Procedure(4 hours)1.Review the main points of last class;2.Begin the new unit: 1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 3 minutes for rapid reading and 6 minutes for writing the main idea of each paragraph;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing, including the paragraph writing of persuasive writing, and the letter writing as to make a suggestion;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I 1.may/might well: very likely eg: His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.Cf: may/might(just)as well: give sb some suggestion, better do sth.Eg: You may as well try.(不妨…)2.as it is/was: in fact(事实上,就目前这种情况)eg: I thought I might be transferred, but as it is I shall have to look for a new job.As it were:(虚拟)可以这么说

Eg: He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.3.be little less than: be almost

eg: You are little less than a villain if you encourage a ten-year-old boy to smoke.Helping oneself to a dictionary without the owner’s permission is little less than thft.4.overgrown 1)grow too fast eg: The boy behaves like an overgrown child.2)covered with

be overgrown with Eg: The river banks were overgrown with reed.Cf: outgrow 1)grow faster than

eg: He’s already outgrown his elder brother.2)leave sth behind as one grows older

eg: outgrow one’s bad habits/childish interests

5.one’s life seemed to be measured in seconds: one would die instantly, one’s life hung by a thread

Language points for Text II 1.capacity for sth: ability to, capability of

capacity of sth: indicates the volume or amount

eg: The factory has a productive capacity of 200 cars a month.2.grumble: complain a person full of grumbles(n.)~ at/to sb about/at/over sth eg: Why grumble at me about your own stupid mistakes.3.impervious: can not be hurt or affected

be ~ to criticism/fear

Unit 12 Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Appreciate the two texts, one in narration and another in description, and learn some writing skills and practice it along with letter writing;5.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions: grimy, overhauling, squirt, thaw, relentlessly, set in, lie in a grip of iron, impression, devoted, bellow, lullaby, rattle, mutter, intimate, puff, puckered, tweak

Procedure(4 hours)1.Review the main points of last class;2.Begin a new unit;1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 3 minutes for rapid reading and 5 minutes for writing;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.27 Language points for Text I 1.in the depths of: the deepest or the worst part of sth in the depths of winter(隆冬),in the depth of despair 2.relent: 1)be less strict or harsh

eg: We shouldn't relent in out fight against crime.2)become less intensive eg: The rain relented.Relentless: 1)harsh, strict eg: be relentless in punishing offenders

2)constant, not ceasing eg: driven by a relentless ambition for power 3.set in : begin to happen or apparent

eg: a serious infection set in , a heavy storm set in 4.on and off: from time to time, now and again

on and on: without stopping 5.devoted: be fond of, loving, loyal eg: He is a devoted son.(孝子)be devoted to sb/sth cf: devote: give completely to

devote oneself/ sth to sb/sth eg: devote oneself to a noble course

Language points for Text II 1.breathe a promise of spring and violet: indication of hope of sth

eg: There is a promise of better harvest this year.28

Unit 13 Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Appreciate the two narration about Christmas;5.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions:

distribute, confess, arrogant, stun, ebb, renunciation, shrivel, plunge, rejoice, exalt, choke, hustle, confer, seasonable, gush, steep, declension, rampant, prematurely, credulity, ubiquitous, ignite, heresy, beam, reecho, clear away, finish up

Procedure(4 hours)1.Review the main points of last class;2.Begin the new unit;1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 6 minutes for rapid reading and 10 minutes for writing the main idea of each part;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.Language points for Text I 1.…were worn clear through: completely

eg: read the book clear to the end

keep/stay/steer clear of sb/sth: try to avoid

eg: keep clear of trouble 2.have sb/sth to oneself: be able to use or enjoy sb/sth without others

eg: With my parents away, I’ve got the house to my own.3.confess to sth/doing sth: admit(sth wrong)confess sth to sb: tell one’s sins to a priest 4.ebb: become less

eg: He is on sixty, so his strength is slowly ebbing away.On the ebb(退潮,减少)5.bear resemblance to sb/sth eg: Your story bears little or no resemblance to the facts.Language points for Text II 1.plunge…into

eg: The new policies were dangerous and would plunge the country into chaos.2.confer: 1)~ with sb on/about sth: discuss

eg: The engineers and technicians are still conferring on the unexpected accident of the fire damp explosion.(瓦斯爆炸)2)confer a medal/title on/ upon sb: give or grant a degree or title to sb 3.steep 1)soak sth thoroughly in liquid 2)pervade or fill sth thoroughly with sth eg: steeped in prejudice, a city steeped in history 4.be/ take a load/weight off sb’s mind: cause one a great relief

eg: Passing the exam is an enormous weight off my mind.30

Unit 14 Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Appreciate the two texts in this unit and learn some writing skills and practice it along with letter writing;5.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions:

habitual, twirl, correspond, proposition, egotism, submerge, astir, staunch, revolve, cynical, stalwart, groove, moderately, glare, confrontation, be subject to

Procedure(4 hours)1.Review the main points of last class;2.Begin the new unit;1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 6 minutes for rapid reading and 10 minutes for writing the main idea of each part;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.31 Language points for Text I 1.vicinity: neighborhood in the vicinity of sth 2.correspond: 1)write to

2)in harmony/agreement with eg: His sports clothes do not correspond with his shy behavior.We must bring our ideas into correspondence with the laws of the objective external world.3.submerge: bury, hide eg: His talent was submerged by his shyness.Language points for Text II 1.revolve: as sth as its center, go round

revolve about/round eg: The earth revolves around the sun.The dispute at the moment revolves around whether the other delegates should attend.2.confront: face

~ sth, ~sb.with sth

eg: When confronted with the evidence of her guilt, she confessed.A soldier often has to confront danger.3.twilight: faint light before sunrise or after sunset,(fig.)period of decreasing importance

eg: a twilight area in the interpretation of the Constitution

in the twilight of his life/career 4.be subject to: 1)under the authority of sb/sth, be obliged to obey

eg: Peasants used to be subject to landowners.2)be liable to

eg: Trains are subject to delays after the heavy snowfalls.3)depending sth as a condition

eg: Our plan is subject to the director’s approval.32

Unit 15 Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to: 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.2.Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;3.Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;4.Appreciate the two texts in this unit and learn some writing skills and practice it along with letter writing;5.Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’ comprehensive skills.Teaching Emphasis:

1.The comprehension and appreciation of Text I;2.New words and expressions:

flicker, abundance, migrate, blight, malady, moribund, throb, brood, pollination, spectre, stark, counterpart, reserve, inhabitant, stabilize, hypothesis, in …terms, level off

Procedure(4 hours)1.Review the main points of last class;2.Begin the new unit;1)Answer the pre-reading questions orally;2)Allow students 3 minutes for rapid reading and 8 minutes for writing the main idea of each part;3)Do the guesswork of vocabulary;4)Study Text I intensively;5)Answer the questions of Text I both in SB(student’s book)and WB(workbook)orally;6)Listen to the tape and study Text II extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge;7)Do oral work;8)Study the main points of guided writing;9)Homework, finish all the exercise both in SB and WB.33 Language points for Text I 1.migrate, immigrate, emigrate & migrant, immigrant, emigrant

Migrate can be used to refer to both things and people, immigrate and emigrate are used to refer to people, but immigrate means move into a place while emigrate means move out of a place.Eg: City residents also blame migrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate.(民工)

America has many immigrants from Europe.After the Nazis came to power in Germany, many scientists emigrated.2.hatch: 1)(of a young bird or fish, etc)emerge from an egg

eg: Don’t count the chickens before they are hatched.2)think out or produce ~ sth out/ up eg: What mischief are those children hatching up?

Language points for Text II 1.reserve: put sth aside for a later or special use

eg: All rights reserved.a nature reserve, a forest reserve conserve: prevent sth from being changed , lost or damaged(谨慎合理的使用现有的东西,含一旦用完,很难再补充)

eg: conserve one’s health, resources, water

preserve: keep or maintain in a perfect condition(强调保存珍贵的东西原样不变,有时甚至根本不用)

eg: preserve food, old building 2.make one’s hair stand on end: fill sb with fright or horror


Unit 8 Language Use Ⅰ Leading in 1.Introduction to the topic We use language to communicate with others, but language use is not simply what you choose to express with words and sentences.Everything about you---your accent, your voice, your hand, your clothing---says something about who you are as a person.Even right now, as you read this, how you are sitting or standing or holding your head is communicating how you are feeling at this very moment.Without speaking a word, we can say so much.To prove this point, you only have to think about the look on your mother’s face when she is angry with you---there are simply no words necessary!2.Exploring Language use does not simply involve words and sentences.Body language also conveys something to our audience.Even our accent may draw different responses from others, as is shown by Text A, which reveals the prejudice of some Americans against foreign speakers of English.To achieve success in their careers and to really be accepted by that society, foreign professionals working in the US have to make extra efforts to get rid of their accents.Questions for discussion:(1)Do you speak Chinese with a local accent? If yes, please specify.(2)What might your attitude be towards one who speaks with a local accent? Ⅱ Text A : Losing an Accent to Achieve Success New words voltage

n.[C;U] electrical force measured in volts 电压 [例] high-voltage power lines 高压电线

[例] The systems are getting smaller and using lower voltages.这些系统越来越小,用的电压越来越低。shipment

n.[C;U] a load of goods sent by sea, road, or air, or the act of sending them(经海路、陆路或航空运送的)货物;装运 [例] We ordered a large shipment of grain from that country.我们从那个国家订购了一大批谷物。

[例] The goods were seriously damaged in shipment.货物在装运中严重受损。submission

n.[U] the state of being completely controlled by a person or group and obeying them 服从;顺从

[例] The city was starved into submission due to the shortage of food.因为食物供应不足,城市里的人因饥饿而被迫降服。

[例] His madness frightened his parents into submission to his will.他的疯狂吓得父母亲顺从了他的意愿。colleague

n.[C] someone one works with, especially in a profession 同事;同僚 [例] a colleague of mine at the bank 我银行的一位同事

[例] My colleagues often helped me with my work.同事们经常在工作上帮助我。


n.[C;U] an attempt to imitate someone or something, or the act of doing this 模仿;仿效

[例] John did a brilliant imitation of his teacher.约翰惟妙惟肖地模仿了他的老师。

[例] Children learn a lot by imitation.孩子通过模仿学到很多东西。compensate

vi.replace or balance something good that has been lost or is lacking 弥补;抵消

[例] Her intelligence more than compensates for her lack of experience.她的才智大大弥补了经验的不足。

[例] Nothing could compensate for the lost youth.青春逝去是无法弥补的。vt.pay someone money because they have suffered injury, loss or damage 赔偿;补偿

[例] The insurance company compensated him for his loss in the fire.保险公司补偿了他在火灾中的损失。

[例] They were compensated for the damage to their house.他们的房子遭到破坏,得到了赔偿。prejudice

n.[C;U](an)unfair and often unfavorable opinion or feeling, sometimes resulting from dislike or distrust 偏见;成见;歧视

[例] He is not friendly to foreigners because of his prejudice against them.他对外国人并不友好,因为他对他们有成见。

[例] In traditional societies, people have prejudices against porce.在传统的社会里,人们往往对离婚抱有偏见。reset

vt.change so as to show a different number, time, etc.校正;调整

[例] My watch is slow;I must reset it.我的表慢了,我得把它重新调一下。[例] Remember to reset your watch as soon as you reach your destination.记得一到目的地就调整一下你手表上的时间。compound

adj.consisting of two or more parts 复合的 [例] a compound noun 一个复合名词

[例] Can you guess the meaning of the compound word? 你能猜出这个复合词的意思吗? visual

adj.of or gained by seeing 视觉的;视力的

[例] Students will have a visual examination this afternoon.学生们下午检查视力。

[例] Visual education is fit for young children.直观教育适合幼儿。exhaust

vt.make someone extremely tired 使筋疲力尽

[例] A full day's teaching exhausts me.上一天的课让我精疲力竭。

[例] She was too exhausted to talk about her journey with us.她累得无法和我们谈她的旅程。injection

n.[C;U] a drug or another substance that is injected into the body 注射;注入;投入

[例] I felt much better after the doctor gave me an injection.医生给我打了一针后我感觉好多了。

[例] An injection of cash is necessary to start this project.要启动这项目需要投入现金。sponsor

vt.give money to a sports event, a person, etc.赞助;资助

[例] The football match was sponsored by a famous multi-national company.这场足球赛是由一家著名的跨国公司赞助的。

[例] Do you know which association sponsored that exhibition? 你知道那个展览会是由哪个协会赞助的吗? make up

combine together to form as a whole 形成;组成;构成 [例] In this factory, people in their fifties make up the majority of those who were laid off in the reform.这家工厂改革中,下岗的人员大多数是50多岁的人。

[例] Female students make up one third of our class.我们班级女生占了总人数的三分之一。point out

draw attention to the fact指出;指明

[例] The manager pointed out some problems in our work.经理指出了我们工作中的一些问题。

[例] My good friends often point out my weaknesses and encourage me to improve myself.我的好朋友们经常指出我的弱点,并且鼓励我提高自己。

Ⅲ Detailed study of the text 1....he had to correct his speech —or it could cost him his career.Meaning:...he had to get rid of his accent;if he didn't, he would probably lose his job and ruin his career.2.This often resulted in mistakes being made in the shipments he ordered.Meaning: Incorrect pronunciation often led to mistakes made in the shipments he ordered.(So we can see his accent did have a negative effect on his work.)

3.Despite mixed feelings, he hired a speech coach to help him out.Meaning: Though he felt uncertain about what to do, he hired a speech coach to help him get rid of his accent.5.Young, first-generation foreign professionals in America hoping to improve their careers appear to make up the majority of those paying to get rid of their accents.Meaning: Among those people who paid to get rid of their accents, most were young, first-generation foreign professionals in America who hoped to have better prospects in their careers.8.Yet, none of that seemed to matter to them because they didn't have patience.Meaning: But neither my passion for work nor my ability seemed important to them because they weren't patient enough to listen to me, one who spoke English with an accent.9....Americans have a prejudice against those who speak with an accent.Meaning:...Americans have an unfair and unfavorable opinion about those who speak with an accent.10.We learn as babies to make these sounds by moving the lips, mouth, and tongue muscles in set patterns.Meaning: We learn to make these sounds when we are babies by moving the lips, mouth, and tongue muscles in fixed and regular ways.11.So a speech coach tries and resets these patterns for people who speak other languages.Meaning: So a speech coach tries to help people who speak different languages change these fixed ways of making sounds.13.Seeing himself allowed him to have a visual image to go along with the sounds he was making.Meaning: Seeing himself in the mirror enabled him to see how the mouth, lips, and the tongue moved while pronouncing the sounds.Unit 8 Language Use

Ⅰ New words study election

n.[C] an occasion when people vote to choose someone for an official position 选举

[例] All representatives will be chosen by election.所有代表都将由选举产生。

[例] He beat his opponents and won the election.他击败了对手,在选举中获胜了。seminar

n.[C] a small group, especially a class of students with a teacher, meeting to study or talk about a subject(在老师指导下对某一专题进行的)讨论课;研讨会

[例] The seminar takes place once a month.讨论课每月举行一次。

[例] Professor Liu spoke for half an hour at the end of the seminar.刘教授在研讨会结束时讲了半小时话。delivery

n.1.(singular)the manner or style of speaking in public 演说风格;讲话方式

[例] I was impressed by his delivery of a good speech.他出色的演讲给我留下了很深的印象。

[例] You'll have to work on your delivery.你还得在演说风格上下工夫。2.[C;U] the act or process of sending goods, letters, etc.to someplace or someone 传递;运送

[例] When will the next postal delivery be? 下一次的邮递是什么时候? [例] They complained about the delayed delivery.他们抱怨发货延误。lean

v.support or rest oneself in a sloping position against a wall or other surface 倚;靠

[例] The worker leaned the ladder against the wall and began to climb.工人把梯子靠在墙上,开始往上爬。

[例] The carpenter leaned the board against the wall and went outside.木匠把木板斜靠在墙上,走了出去。column

n.[C] a tall, solid, upright stone post used in a building as a support or decoration;anything similar to a column in shape, appearance, or use 圆柱;柱形物

[例] There are eight columns supporting the roof of the hall.8根圆柱撑起大厅的屋顶。

[例] We saw a column of black smoke rising from the valley.我们看见黑色的烟柱从山谷升起。tempt vt.make someone want to have or do something, even though they know they really should not 引诱;诱使

[例] Do not tempt Linda to try any ice cream since she is on a diet.别诱惑琳达吃冰淇淋,因为她在节食。

[例] A great variety of fresh fruits tempt me a lot in autumn.在秋天,各种各样的新鲜水果对我的诱惑力很大。embassy

n.[C] the official building where a group of officials who represent their government in a foreign country's capital work 大使馆 [例] the British embassy in China 英国驻中国大使馆

[例] Her father is a US diplomat assigned to the embassy in Beijing.她的父亲是一位驻北京使馆的美国外交家。distinct

adj.clearly seen, heard, understood, etc.清晰的;清楚的;明显的

[例] There is a distinct flavor of pepper in this dish.这盘菜里有明显的胡椒味。

[例] Hearing a distinct voice calling my name, I turned around and saw my best friend at university.我听见一个清晰的声音叫我的名字,转过身看到了大学里最好的朋友。vote

v.show by marking a piece of paper or raising one's hand which person one wants to elect or whether one supports a plan 投票; 表决

[例] The government was voted out of office at the election.那届政府在选举中落选了。

[例] I haven't decided which of them I shall vote for.我还没决定该投他们当中哪个人的票。repetitive

adj.that are said or done many times 重复的;反复的

[例] I soon got bored by the repetitive routine of my job.我很快就对一成不变的工作感到厌倦了。

[例] Robin is tired of hearing his mother's repetitive words.罗宾对母亲的唠叨感到厌烦。emphasis

n.[C;U] special importance or attention that is given to one part of something 强调;重点 [例] Some scientists insist that more emphasis should be placed on research in this field.一些科学家认为这一领域的研究应该得到更多的重视。

[例] The painter put special emphasis on the expression of the lady in the picture.画家尤其突出了女士的表情。diagram

n.[C] a plan or figure drawn to explain a machine, idea, etc.;a drawing that shows how something works rather than what it actually looks like 图表;一览图

[例] I have difficulty understanding circuit diagrams.我看不懂电路图。[例] Can you reduce the long explanations to simple diagrams? 能不能把你的长篇解释用些简单图表来表示? graph

n.[C] a drawing, such as a curved line, which shows how(usually two)different values are related to each other(曲线)图表

[例] Students were asked to write a composition to describe the graph.学生们被要求写篇文章来描述一下图表。[例] The graph shows how the amount of money spent on housing by urban people has increased during the past 20 years.这个曲线图显示了过去20年里城市居民用于住房的钱是如何增加的。royal

adj.belonging to or connected with a king or queen 国王的;王室的

[例] People always pay much attention to things that happen in the Royal family.人们往往很关心王室发生的事。

[例] The Royal wedding became the headline in all the papers.那次皇家婚礼成了所有报纸的头条新闻。

Ⅱ Phrases and expressions do up

fasten or tie 扣上;系上 [例] The mother asked her boy to do up his buttons since it was windy outside.因为外面风大,妈妈让儿子扣上衣扣。

[例] He stood in front of the mirror, doing up his tie.他站在镜子前系领带。

in general

usually;in most cases 大体上;一般而言

[例] Jack loves sports in general, and especially swimming.各种运动杰克一般都喜欢,尤其是游泳。

[例] In general, I agree with what you have said.我大体上同意你所说的。put on

arrange for the performance of a play, show, etc.上演;表演 [例] When will the play be put on? 这个剧什么时候上演?

[例] Her gestures were so theatrical while talking, as if she were putting on a show.她讲话时手势很夸张,像是在演戏似的。fall short

fail to reach a desired result, standard, etc.未达到目标或标准等

[例] Falling short of the budget, they had to give up the plan.因为预算不够,他们不得不放弃计划。

[例] The supplies fell short and the army withdrew.军队因为供应不足而撤退了。run over

continue past the arranged time 超过时间

[例] The meeting ran over, and I was late for lunch.会议散得晚,我吃午饭迟了。

[例] Each speaker was allowed five minutes, but he ran over the time.每人有5分钟发言时间,可是他超时了。

Ⅲ Detailed study of the text

1.Appearances matter —perhaps they shouldn't, but they do.Meaning: Appearances are important —perhaps they shouldn't be so important, but they really are.2.If you want people to have confidence in what you are saying, you need to present yourself in a capable light.Meaning: If you want people to believe what you are saying, you need to make yourself look highly capable.3.Leaning against a column or dropping your head is a defense mechanism we all might be tempted to use when we're uncomfortable.Meaning: Leaning against a column or lowering your head is the posture we tend to take on to hide our embarrassment when we're uncomfortable.4.On the other hand, don't stand like a guard on duty;you have to be able to move in a natural way in order to add expression to your words.Meaning: On the other hand, you should stand in a natural way and avoid looking stiff;you have to be able to move in a natural way in order to express yourself more effectively.5.In a small group, facial expressions will add a lot to the level of understanding achieved by the audience.Meaning: If the audience is not large, facial expressions of the speaker will help the audience understand the speech much better.6.In this case, make sure that your gestures are not repetitive, meaningless or too theatrical.Meaning: If you use your hands a lot while speaking, make sure that you don't repeat the same gestures too much, and that your gestures are meaningful and natural.7.The eyes, face, head, and indeed the whole body, can be brought into play when adding emphasis to the spoken word.Meaning: The eyes, face, head, and actually the whole body, can be used to emphasize what you are saying.8.This adds variety.Meaning: The use of different visual aids makes your speech more interesting.9.Be careful not to do this too much, though —you are giving a speech, not putting on a show.Meaning: But be careful not to use too many visual aids —remember that you are making a speech, not giving a performance.10.You should ensure that you don't fall short or run over the time allowed for your speech.Meaning: You should make sure that the length of your speech fits the length of time allowed for it —neither too long nor too short.




学习英语的最终目的是在于恰当、有效地使用语言,即提高学习者的交际能力,而语用能力是交际能力的重要组成部分。为此语用能力的培养与提高就成为语言学习的核心问题。研究表明我国学生英语语用能力明显滞后于语言能力,这与我国英语教学的教学观念和教 学模式不无关联,本文从语用学的视角,就语用能力的内容和语用能力的培养提出一些建议,以求对英语教学与学习有所启发。


Bachman(1990)认为,语言能力包括语言的组织能力和语用能力。前者有语法能力和语篇能力组成。Widdowson(1989)认为“能力”由知识和技能两部分构成。前者相当于语法能力,后者类似于语用能力。Leech和其同事Jenny Thomas(1983)提出将语用学分为语用语言学和社会语用学。按此划分,语用能力也相应地分为语用语言能力和社交语用能力。语用语言能力以语法能力为基础,按照本民族语者的语言习惯正确地理解和恰当地使用不同的语言形式及其语用功能,准确地表达用意的能力。社交语用能力是指遵循语言使用的社会规则进行得体交际的能力。Hymes(1972)认为交际能力由四部分组成。它们是:形式上的可能性;实施手段上的可行性;语境中的适宜性和现实中的实施情况。其中形式上的可能性相当与Chomsky(1977)所讲的“语法能力”,其余三部分相当于Hymes说的“语用能力”。Hymes认为学习者在习得有关语法知识时,不仅要掌握其语法规则,更要尽可能地理解和有效地体现在特定语境中的得体性。根据以上分析,我们可以得出语用能力是指语言使用者对语境的认知能力和在对语境的认识的基础上准确理解以及有效使用语言的能力。





显著的差异。按照Leech(1983)的“礼貌”准则,人们在谈话中遵循礼貌原则,其中包括 “一致准则”和“谦虚准则”。在英语文化中,人们往往同意对方的恭维内容,是受“一致准则”的影响,也是合作原则中以“质的准则”为上,而中国人倾向于谦虚,将对自己的赞扬降到最小的程度,这也是受“谦虚准则”或“贬己尊人”(顾曰国,1992)准则的约束。3.将语法教学和语用知识教学结合起来

正如Thomas(1983)指出,语用语言失误可以在语法教学中得以纠正,因为某些语法形式具有一定的语用涵义。因此某些可教的语用知识就可以列入到课堂教学中。比如在讲情态动词时,要提醒学生注意情态动词的语用功能,讲语法结构时,可以简要介绍一下不同句法结构表达的言语行为,让学生了解疑问句并非都表示“询问”。陈述句也可表示“请求”、“命令”、“劝告”等。因此在进行语法教学时教师不但要传授语言知识,而且要将知识与语用能力结合起来,这样学生才既能掌握正确的语法要领,而且能领会不同的话语基于不同的社会权势关系、熟悉程度和所执行的任务等因素需要,动态地调整语言形式和语言策略以实现各自的语用功能。以实施要求他人接听电话的请求为例,下面就有多种表达方式,究竟选择哪一种语言形式,就需要考虑以上提到的语境因素。(1)Answer the phone.(2)I want you to answer the phone.(3)Will you answer the phone?(4)Can you answer the phone?(5)Would you mind answering the phone?(6)Could you possibly answer the phone?




[1]陆巧玲:词汇教学中的语境问题【J】.外语与外语教学, 2001.[2]袁振国:教育新理念【M】.教育科学出版社,2007.[3]戴炜栋.现代英语语言学概论【M】.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1998.[4]王振亚.语言与文化【M】.北京:高等教育出版社,2000.[5]何自然.语用学与英语学【M】习.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.[6]Kenneth R.Rose, Gabriele Kasper.语言教学中的语用学【M】.北京:世界图书出版公司,2006.[7]Bachman, L.F.Fundamental Considerations in Language Test-ing【M】.Oxford University Press,1990.

[8]Bardovi-Harlig, K.&B.S.Hartford.Leaning the rules of academic talk: a longitudinal study of pragmatic development【J】.Studies in Second Language Acquisition,1993,15.


比喻metaphor 表达类expressives 表述句constatives

不可分离性non-detachability 不可取消性non-cancellability 不确定性indeterminacy 承诺类commissives 代码模式code model

等级含意scalar implicatures 地点指示space deixis

调节性规则regulative rules 动态语用学dynamic pragmatics 断言类assertives 对方修正other-repair 二元关系dyadic relation

发展语用学developmental pragmatics 反讽/反语irony

方式准则manner maxim 非规约性non-conventionality 讽刺sarcasm 符号sign

符号关系学syntactics 符号学semiotics

负面礼貌策略negative politeness strategy 负面面子negative face 负向转移negative transfer 概念意义conceptual meaning 功能语言学functional linguistics 共知common knowledge 构成性规则constitutive rules

关联/关联性relevance 关联理论relevance theory 关系准则relevant maxim

规定语法prescriptive grammar 规约含意conventional implicature 规约性conventionality 规则rule

含混ambivalence 含意implicature

合适条件felicity condition 后指用法cataphoric use 互补性complementarity

互动语用学interactive pragmatics 互明mutual manifestness 互知mutual knowledge 互指co-referential 话轮turn-taking 话语utterance

话语分析discourse analysis 话语意义utterance meaning 话语指示discourse deixis 缓叙meiosis

会话分析conversation analysis 会话含意conversational implicature 会话结构conversational structure 会话修正conversational repair 会话原则conversational principle 或然性probability 记号symbol

间接言语行为indirect speech act

交际目的communicative goal/purpose 交际能力communicative competence 交际意图communicative intention 交际用意communicative force 交际原则communicative principle近指proximal terms

经济原则principle of economy 旧信息old information 句法学syntax

句子意义sentence meaning 可接收性acceptability 可取消性cancellability 可推导性calculability 可行性feasibility

客观环境physical situation 夸张hyperbole

跨文化语用学cross-cultural pragmatics 离格deviance 礼貌politeness

礼貌策略politeness strategy 礼貌原则politeness principle 连贯coherence 两可性ambiguity

量准则quantity maxim

临床语用学clinical pragmatics 笼统性generality

论言有所为How to do things with words逻辑语义学logical semantics 蒙塔古语法Montague grammar 面子face

明示-推理过程ostensive-inferential process 明说explicature

命题行为propositional act 模糊限制语hedges 模糊性fuzziness

内嵌施为句embedded performatives 恰当性appropriateness 前提presupposition

前提触发语presupposition triggers 前指用法anaphoric use 人称指示person deixis

人类文化方法论ethnomethodology 认知效果cognitive effect

认知语用学cognitive pragmatics 认知语用学cognitive pragmatics 认知原则cognitive principle 弱陈meiosis

三元关系triadic relation

社会语用学societal pragmatics 社交语用学social pragmatics 社交-语用学socio-pragmatics 社交指示social deixis

施为动词performative verb

施为假设performative hypothesis 施为句performatives

施为用意illocutionary force 时间指示time deixis 实用主义pragmatism

顺应理论adaptation theory 说话人意义speaker meaning

随意言谈loose talk

特殊含意particularized conversational implicature 同义反复句tautology 投射规则projection rule 推理努力processing effort

威胁面子的行为face threatening acts 委婉语understatement

未知信息unknown information 衔接机制cohesive device

显性施为句explicit performatives

新格赖斯会话含意理论neo-Gricean theory of conversational implicature

新格赖斯语用学neo-Gricean pragmatics 新信息new information

信息意图informative intention 信息照应information bridging 形式语用学formal pragmatics 修辞学rhetoric 宣告类declarations

选择限制selectional restriction 言语交际verbal communication 言语情景speech situation 言语行为speech act

言语行为理论speech act theory

一般会话含意generalized conversational implicature 已知信息known information 以言成事perlocutionary act 以言行事illocutionary act

以言行事目的/施为目的illocutionary goal 以言指事locutionary act

意思 sense 意图intention


隐含结论implicated conclusion 隐含前提implicated premise

隐性施为句implicit performatives 隐喻metaphor

语法性grammaticality 语际语interlanguage

语际语用学interlanguage pragmatics语境暗含contextual implication 语境化contextualization

语境假设contextual assumptions 语境效果contextual effect 语境意义contextual meaning 语境因素contextual factor 语句sentence

语句意义sentence meaning 语言学转向linguistic turn 语言语境linguistic context

语言语用学linguistic pragmatics 语义前提semantic presupposition 语义学semantics

语用代码pragmatic code

语用含糊pragmatic vagueness 语用含意pragmatic force 语用类属pragmatic category 语用能力pragmatic competence 语用歧义pragmatic ambiguity 语用迁移pragmatic transfer

语用前提pragmatic presupposition 语用推理pragmatic inference 语用行为pragmatic act 语用学pragmatics

语用移情pragmatic empathy 语用语言学pragmalinguistics 语用原则pragmatic principle 寓意言谈metaphorical talk

元交际行为metacommunicative behaviour元指用法meta-phoric use 原意或刻意言谈literal talk 原则principle 远指distal terms

约略性approximation 蕴涵entailment

哲学语用学philosophical pragmatics 正面礼貌positive politeness 正面面子positive face 正向转移positive transfer 指称 reference 指令类directives

指示词语deictic expressions 指示语deixis, indexicals 质准则quality maxim

中介语/语际语 interlanguage 主题topic

字面用意literal force 自我修正self-repair


affective mutuality情感共享(4.5.3)

agreement maxim一致准则(2.2.1)anaphora前照应(6.1.1)

anaphoric use前照应用法(6.1.1)approbation maxim赞誉准则(3.2.4)appropriate conditions合适条件(3.2.4)assertives断言类(以言行事)(3.2.3)


calculability(含意的)可推导性(4.4.2)calendric time units历法时间单位(6.1.3)cancellability(含意的)可取消性(4.4.2)change-of-state verbs状态变化动词(6.2.4)code model代码(交际)模式(2.1.1)cognitive environment认知环境(5.2)cognitive mutuality认知共享(4.5.3)cognitive pragmatics认知语用学(1.5)

collaborative performatives协作性施为句(3.2.1)commissives承诺类(以言行事)(3.2.1)common knowledge共知(5.2)

communicative competence交际能力(7.1)communicative intention交际意图(1.3.2)

communicative language ability语言交际能力(7.1)constatives表述句(3.2.1)context语境(1.1)

context of situation情景语境(5)

contextual assumptions语境假设(1.5.4)contextual correlates语境相关因素(5.1.1)contextual effects语境效果(1.5.4)contextual features语境特征(5.1.1)

contextual implication语境暗含(1.5.4)contextual meaning语境意义(1.2.3)contrastive markers对比性标记语(6.4.1)contrastive pragmatics对比语用研究(1.5.2)conventional implicature常规含意(4.4.1)conventionalization规约化(1.3.2)

conversation analysis/CA会话分析(1.2.2)conversational implicature会话含意(4.4.1)conversation structure会话结构(1.2.2)cooperative principle/CP合作原则(2.1.2)co-text上下文(5.1.1)

cross-cultural communication跨文化交际(8.1)cross-cultural pragmatics跨文化语用学(1.2.2)culture-loaded words富含文化内涵词语(8.2.1)


defeasibility(含意的)可废除性(6.2.5)deictic center指示中心(6.1.1)deictic expression指示语(1.1)deictic use指示用法(6.1.1)deictics指示语(1.1)deixis指示语(1.1)

developmental pragmatics发展语用学(1.6)directives指令类(以言行事)(3.2.3)disambiguation消除歧义(5.4)discourse deixis话语指示(6.1.1)discourse markers话语标记语(1.2.4)discourse meaning语篇意义(1.2.4)discourse operator话语操作语(6.4)

discourse particles话语小品词(6.4)extended speech act theory扩充的言语行为理论 guiding culture主文化 dynamic pragmatics动态语用学(4.6)elaborative

markers阐发性标记语 face面子 hearing meaning听话人意义 emphathetic deixis移情指示 face theory面子理论 hedge模糊限制语 encoding编码 face threatening acts/FTA威胁面子的行为 illocutionary competence施为能力 encyclopaedic information百科信息 factive verbs叙实性动词 illocutionary force施为用意 entailment蕴涵 felicity conditions合适条件 implicated conclusion暗含结论 equivalent effect等值效果/等效 filler填充语 implicated premise暗含前提 essential condition(实施言语行为的)基本条件 implicative verbs含蓄性动词

ethnography(of communication)(交际中的)人类文gambits话语策略语 implicature暗含/含意 化学 implicit performatives隐性施为句 general pragmatics exercitives行使类(以言行事)generalized implicature一般会话含意 indeterminacy(含意的)不确定性 explicature明说 generosity maxim慷慨准则 indirect speech act间接言语行为 explicit performatives显性施为句 gestural use手势用法 inference推理 expositives阐述类(以言行事)grammatical competence语法能力 inferential markers推导性标记语 expressives表情类(以言行事)group performatives群体性施为句 if someone says “The President is a mouse”, something that is literally 语用学重要术语英汉对照解释 false, the hearer must assume the speaker means to convey more than is being

1、Adjacency pair: 相邻对A sequence of two utterances by different said.speakers in conversation.The second is a response to the first, e.g.,6、Declaration: 宣告句A speech act that brings about a change by being question-answer.uttered, e.g.a judge pronouncing a sentence.-

2、Background entailment: 背景蕴涵Any logical consequence of an

7、Deixis: 指示 “Pointing” via language, using a deictic expression, utterance.e.g.“this”, “here”.3、Commissive: 承诺句A speech act in which the speaker commits himself

8、Directive: 指令句A speech act used to get someone else to do something, or herself to some future action, e.g.a promise.e.g.an order.4、Content conditions: 内容条件In order to count as a particular type of

9、Discourse analysis: 话语分析The study of language use with reference speech act, an utterance must contain certain features, e.g.a promise must to the social and psychological factors that influence communication.be about a future event.10、Dispreferred: 不期待The structurally unexpected next utterance as a

5、Conversational implicature: 会话含义An additional unstated meaning response, e.g.an invitation is normally followed by an acceptance, so a that has to be assumed in order to maintain cooperative principle, e.g.refusal is dispreferred.11、Entailment: 蕴涵 Something that logically follows from what is asserted.12、Expressive: 表达句A speech act in which the speaker expresses feelings or attitudes, e.g.an apology.13、Face: 面子A person’s public self-image.14、Felicity conditions: 恰当条件 The appropriate conditions for a speech act to be recognized as intended.15、Generalized conversational implicature: 一般性会话含义An additional unstated meaning that does not depend on special or local knowledge.16、Honorific: 敬语 Expression which marks that the addressee is of higher status.17、Illocutionary force: 言外之力 The communicative force of an utterance.18、Insertion sequence: 插入系列 A two part sequence that comes between the first and second parts of another sequence in conversation.19、Manner Maxim: 方式准则 One of the maxims, in which the speaker is to be clear, brief, and orderly.20、Maxim: 准则One of the four sub-principles of the cooperative principle.21、Particularized conversational implicature: 特殊会话含义An additional unstated meaning that depends on special or local knowledge.22、Performative verb: 行事动词A verb that explicitly names the speech act, e.g.the verb “promise” in the utterance “I promise to be there”.23、Perlocutionary act: 以言成事 The effect of an utterance used to perform a speech act.24、Person deixis: 人称指示 Forms used to point ot people, e.g.“me”, “you”.25、Pragmatics: 语用学 The study of speaker meaning as distinct from word or sentence meaning.26、Preferred: 期待的 The structurally expected next utterance used in a response.27、Preparatory conditions: 准备条件Specific requirements prior to an utterance in order for it to cont as a particular speech act.28、Presupposition: 前提Something the speaker assumes to be the case.29、Projection problem: 映射问题The problem of the presupposition of a simple structure not surviving when part of a more complex structure.30、Quality maxim: 质量准则One of the maxims, in which the speaker has to be truthful.31、Quantity maxim: 数量准则One of the maxims, in which the speaker has to be neither more nor less informative than is necessary.32、Reference: 照应An act by which a speaker uses a word, or words, to enable a listener to identify someone or something.33、Relation maxim: 相关准则One of the maxims, in which the speaker has to be relevant.34、Representative: 阐述句A speech act in which the speaker states what is believed or known, e.g.an assertion.35、Sincerity conditions: 诚意条件Requirements on the genuine intentions of a speaker in order for an utterance to count as a particular speech act.36、Social deixis: 社会指示Forms used to indicate relative social status.37、Speech act: 言语行为An action performed by the use of an utterance to communicate.38、Textual function: 篇章功能The use of language in the creation of well-formed text.39、Turn-taking: 轮换The change of speaker during conversation
