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Wu zhen 乌镇 '田在港西家港东,断桥春水步难退.束芦抉翁稳来去,不碍小船分钓筒' Tradition is still very much alive in Wuzhen.In addition to flower-drum opera, shadow-puppet shows, and temple fairs, Wuzhen also attracts visitors with its time-honored art of making indigo-dyed printed calico.Today, it is still common to see old women in indigo-blue gowns leisurely operating spinning wheels or looms at weaving workshops in the old lanes of Wuzhen.Wuzhen Town, in Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province, has stood on the riverbanks for nearly 2,000 years.On both sides of a slabstone-paved street stand pubs, restaurants, pawnshops, weaving and dyeing establishments, and other businesses, all housed in wooden structures of brown.Rivers and creeks spanned with stone bridges in various designs flow through the town, and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal passes by.Interesting story about “archway” During the Northern and Southern Dynasties(420-581), Crown Prince Liang Zhaoming once studied at Wuzhen.The prince is famous for his Literary Selections by Zhaoming, a milestone in the history of Chinese literature, and the town of Wuzhen built a memorial archway to commemorate his stay there and has kept it well preserved.Sites must see Wu Zhen is famous for its natural beauty and many talented people in history.Some historical and cultural sites include the Wenchang Pavilion, the Xiuzhen Taoist Temple, the ancient stage, the mansion of a member of the Imperial Academy, and the former residence of Mao Dun, a great master of contemporary Chinese literature.Former Residence of Mao Dun Mao Dun is a famous literature Writer in modern China, with novel of “Midnight”, etc.literary works.His former home is located in the middle part of Guan Qian Street of the town, where he had his happy childhood.The home is a traditional Chinese style house built in Qing Dynasty.Xiu Zhen Guan Xiu Zhen Guan is a Taoist temple which is built in Xian Ping Yuan period of Bei Song Dynasty.It is one of three famous Taoist temples in South Bank in Yangtze River.Xiu Zhen Guan Stage The stage is built in 1749.It is sitting back on a major river of the town and facing a plaza.In the ancient time, farmers around the town came to watch plays by rowing boat.While a play was going on, boats were floating on the river.Pavilion There is a length of 1000 meters wriggling corridor along the bank of a river, which demonstrate a particular charming of towns in south Bank of Yangtze River.Local Housing An architectural complex that is a legacy of Qing Dynasty reflects local architectural style and humanity.Aged Qingko Tree There is a gingko tree over 1000 years old in the town, which is a living witness of the history of the town.

Wu zhen Traditions still alive Tradition is still very much alive in Wuzhen.In addition to flower-drum opera, shadow-puppet shows, and temple fairs, Wuzhen also attracts visitors with its time-honored art of making indigo-dyed printed calico.In ancient times, indigo-dyed printed calico was used for curtains, scarves, and tablecloths in every household in the countryside of Zhejiang Province.Today, it is still common to see old women in indigo-blue gowns leisurely operating spinning wheels or looms at weaving workshops in the old lanes of Wuzhen, while the squeaks of the looms resound throughout the lanes.Carrying on this tradition has become a part of the lives of the old women.Rain days is best Wuzhen is at its best on rainy days.Strolling with an umbrella along an old lane past the centuries-old wooden houses and seeing the rain flow off the engraved eaves that cover the doorways is an amazing experience.The falling raindrops bring ripples on the river surfaces, while boats travel to and from.The waterside pavilions and corridors and the arched bridges, all shrouded in drizzle, make up a charming scene.Friends in Wuzhen People in Wuzhen live a simple life.Many of them breed silkworms and raise chrysanthemums, and they have mostly retained the tradition of buying fruit and vegetables from trade boats through the windows of their waterside houses.They benefit from an inherited harmony of man and nature and enjoy the pleasing living environment that comes from social progress.Efforts have been made by government In May 1999, the local government invested 200 million yuan for maintaining and improving the town's environment.The project was to be completed within five years, and the first phase, with an investment of 80 million yuan, was completed by the end of 2001.While taking care to retain the town's original look, efforts have been made in the treatment of the water environment, the renovation of public toilets, the installation of outdoor lighting, and the management of the sanitation and appearance of the town.A clean, beautiful environment has thus been ensured.Art work suggest to buy For convenience in transporting the cloth, the weaving workshops and dyeing workshops are usually on the same street, only a few doors from each other.At the dyeing workshop, the cloth is soaked and air-dried again and again to produce white flowers on a blue background.The raw material for dye printing is Eupatorium fortunei, a herb that turns into indigo after being fermented and precipitated.Folk custom Wu Zhen boasts its prosperous past and simple lifestyle.Tongxiang's unique folk custom, such as Boxing Boat, Hua Gu Opera with local character, Shadow Play and Gathering Pilgrim, show the rich tradition of the locality!Local food suggest to try Visitors can try the famous local food Steamed Pork Slices with Glutinous Rice Flour Wrapped in Lotus.Travelers can also chooes to dine at one of the local's home,

Wu zhen provided you know some Chinese.Food is simple but dining at a casual Chinese family's home may provide a quite different experience.Getting there By highway Shanghai-Wuzhen On weekends or some major festivals, there are special-line buses departing from Shanghai Hongkou Football Stadium at 8:00 am or Shanghai Stadium at 7:50, 8:45 am for Wuzhen.Shanghai Xiqu Bus Station also has some bus connections to Wuzhen and the ticket price is 30 yuan per person.Hangzhou-Wuzhen There are no direct buses running between Hangzhou and Wuzhen, Visitors want to travel Wuzhen via bus journey has to make a transfer at Tongxiang.Nanxun-Wuzhen Buses from Nanxun to Jiaxing all passing through Wuzhen.Local Transportation Rickshaws and taxis are the main transportation means in Wuzhen.


乌 镇













行程 早上6:30宁波影都门口(和义大道)集合出发,乘车赴桐乡,游览江南水乡古镇乌镇东栅景区(100元,游览时间不少于2小时):茅盾故居、染布坊、百工床等景点,乘



标准 1. 交通:国产空调旅游车,车子大小按具体参游人数而安排

2. 用餐:中餐

3. 门票:首道门票

4. 导服:全程导游服务


上车地点 无 购物点 屠甸菊韵人家 镇海电影院5:40(只接不送)奉化大酒店5:40(只接不送)北仑电影院


备注 余姚老南站7:30(途径)慈溪杭州湾大酒店8:10(途径)周末景区游览人数较多,导游照顾不到所有游客,游客会发生脱团现象,请游客在集合时间内到达指定地点。

补充条款 1.游客报名时请详细告知姓名和联系电话以便导游及时联系;2.我社退团赔偿标准(参考国家最新旅行社服务质量赔偿标准):提前7日(不含7日)通知旅游者,否则应向旅游者全额退还预付旅游费用,并按下述标准向旅游者支付违约金:出发前7日(含7日)至4日,支付旅游费用总额10%的违约金;出发前3日至1日,支付旅游费用总额15%的违约金;出发当日,支付旅游费用总额20%的违约金。3.旅游国产空调车,车子大小按具体参游人数而安排;4.我社导游提前一天电话或短信方式联系,当天举“同玩世界”旗帜在约定地点、时间接团;5.行程中住宿为双标房,如遇单人,在无法拼房或加床的情况下,须补收房差!6.旅游者在行程中因个人原因自行离队或放弃旅游景点,视为自动放弃,所有费用不退。如景区门票临时涨价,需补门市差额!如使用老年证、导游证、记者证、军官证等各类证件免票者,请提前告知,且只能退门票差额价!所有自理景点一律不得使用散客优惠票。7.行程在不减少景点的情况下,游玩次序可调整.规定的游玩时间特殊情况下可由导游调整。8.游客如需自行购买自理点门票或使用证件购票,我社收取30元/人/景点团费差价;自理门票,根据少数服从多数原则,请客人理解;9.因人力不可抗拒的因素而造成对行程的影响,旅行社不承担责任。车辆问题造成的时间耽搁,1小时以上部分,按每小时10元/人的标准赔付,1小时内的车辆问题、堵车以及因天气原因所耽搁时间不在赔付范围里面;


11.旅行社不推荐游客参加人身安全不确定的活动,旅行社禁止游客进行江、河、湖、海的游泳活动,游客擅自行动,产生后果,旅行社不承担责任。12.游客必须保证自身身体健康良好的前提下,参加旅行社安排的旅游行程,不得欺骗隐瞒,若因游客身体不适而发生任何意外,旅行社不承担责任。13.在旅游过程当中,游客应保管好随身携带的财物,保管不妥引起遗失及损坏,旅行社不承担责任。14.线路由“宁波中国青年旅行社”承接,报名时请提供真实姓名与证件号,建议游客购买意外保险!!15.旅游结束前请如实填写导游提供的提示 《意见反馈表》,对没有填写而事后提出意见和投诉原则上我社不予受理。本人已详细阅读上述各项内容,同意并遵守旅行社之安排.并确认所提供名单准确无


游客签字:20 年月日



2012-11-01 01:05(分类:游记)





