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Reading Report of Hard Times

Book Information

The book Hard Times I read was published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research and pressed in 1994, its author is famous English novelist Charles Dickens, what‟s more, this book contains 480 pages.Story and My Reflection

The novel was set in Coketown, a northern industrial city.Thomas Gradgrind ruled his family and his school according to Utilitarianism, the philosophy of the time, which had as its aim the greatest possible happiness for the greatest possible number of people.However, the form of Utilitarianism which Dickens attacked in the novel was plain materialism that denies all other values than material ones, or “Facts” as they were called.Thomas Gradgrind had two children Louisa and Tom.They were caught by their father when they tried to see Sleary‟s Circus, where the clown Jupe works.Jupe had a daughter Sissy, and when Jupe left the circus and his daughter, Gradgrind invited her to come and live with his family.Josiah Bounderby was the rich owner of the Coketown factories.He was a proud self-made man;but once and again his house was observed by a strange old woman.Stephen Blackpool was one of Bounderby‟s workers.Blackpool had a troubled life.He had an alcoholic wife, who had left him, but he cannot be porced from her.He was in love with Rachel, a factory girl.When a strike broke out and Blackpool was not willing to join the trade union his mates would not have anything to do with him.He was fired, and he had to leave town.Tom Gradgrind started to work in Bounderby‟s bank, and Bounderby proposed to Louisa.Though she was 30 years younger than him, she accepted.Bounderby‟s housekeeper Mrs.Sparsit was jealous.Louisa‟s marriage was unhappy, and James Harthouse, a politician, attempted to seduce her.Bounderby‟s bank was robbed by Tom.However, it was Steven Blackpool who was suspected, and Bitzer, a clerk in the bank gave evidence against him.Mrs.Sparsit

had discovered the relationship between Harthouse and Louisa and spied upon them.Louisa turned Harthouse down, and she went home to her father to talk to him about her problems.He came near to realizing that his upbringing of his children based on “Facts” had been a misunderstanding.Gradgrind now sheltered Louisa from Bounderby, and the couple were permanently separated.Stephen Blackpool was found dying in a disused mine shaft.He asked Gradgrind to clear his name.Gradgrind now learned from Sissy and Louisa that it was Tom that was the bank robber.Tom was now hiding in Sleary‟s Circus disguised as a clown.His escaped abroad was nearly stopped by Bitzer, but Sleary, his horse and his trained dog effect Tom‟s escape nevertheless.Mrs.Sparsit found out that the strange old woman outside Mr.Bounderby‟s house was in fact his mother, and that he did not have a humble origin as he had claimed.He was not after all a self-made man.Tom died abroad, and Gradgrind lived into old age rejecting his Facts and Figures, Faith, Hope and Charity had become his leading principles.The hard time Dickens depicts has far been behind us, but this novel still stimulates us to ponder.Nowadays, in this rapidly developing society, people are turning out to be cooler or more business-like towards each other.With more skyscrapers built up, people lock themselves in the small match-boxes rather than to stroll around the neighborhood;with the emergence of countries crowned as „the country on the wheels‟, people drive recklessly instead of walking and chatting leisurely;with computers striding into every family, people sit behind shining screening boasting with the unknown, substituting for visiting from one door to another.Does the development of industries have to sacrifice humanity? I believe this is the question everyone will deny.We all long for a harmonious world in which we live hand in hand, not a machine which stifles our emotions, fancies or imaginations.Brilliant Paragraphs

1.“Now, what I want is, Facts.Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts.Facts alone are wanted in life.Plant nothing else, and root out everything else.You can only

form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them.This is the principle on which I bring up my own children, and this is the principle on which Ibring up these children.Stick to Facts, Sir!”

2.In the innocence of her brave affection, and the brimming up of her old devoted spirit, the once deserted girl shone like a beautiful light upon the darkness of the other “It was altogether unaccountable that a young gentleman whose imagination had been strangled in his cradle, should be still inconvenienced by its ghost in the form of groveling sensualities;but such a monster, beyond all doubt, was Tom.”

3.It is known, to the force of a single pound weight, what the engine will do;but not all the calculators of the National debt can tell me the capacity for good or evil, for love or hatred, for patriotism or discontent, for the decomposition of virtue into vice, or the reverse, at any single moment in the soul of one of these quiet servants, with the composed faces and the regulated actions.4.Coketown lay shrouded in a haze of its own, which appeared impervious to the sun„s rays.You only knew the town was there because you knew there could have been no such sulky blotch upon the prospect without a town.A blur of soot and smoke, now confusedly tending this way, now that way, now aspiring to the vault of Heaven, now murkily creeping along the earth, as the wind rose and fell, or changed its quarter: a dense formless jumble, with sheets of cross light in it, that showed nothing but masses of darkness—Coketown in the distance was suggestive of itself, though not a brick of it could be seen.本文版权归曼界森英书下载网及英文电子书下载网共同所有



This novel is relatively short, the characters are not many, but the author Dickens with such a short story to fully develop the plot, the novel tells some of the major happened coking coal town, where people are very respected the fact that even for the oppression of the normal emotions, to reject all fantasy, it can be said that in the part of the inhuman, feeling and people's normal life, people rejected the emotion, will inevitably bring about problems, the people inside the final outcome can be said to be more miserable.Firstly, Mr.Gradgrind said, the president said opening to educate their children to get everything out non reality beyond, however, his education, and not be able to educate their children, he finally eat the bitter fruit, aware of this mistake.As for the two children Gradgrind's daughter Luisa, this is a kind of person but because be clever and sensible, education, loss of innocence, on the other hand she is very naive, her brother Moorhouse and Hird use.On the whole, she was very miserable, thinking of the girl who was gazing at the fire in front of her at night, and her heart was broken.When his son, Tom, left his parents, he was eager to give vent to his dissatisfaction with the education.He wanted to indulge himself, enjoy life, and even use his beloved sister, and finally went back to the road of no return.Have a girl, sissy, this is a happy girl, she did not yield to this kind of education, although in the beginning she has been scolded, but she insisted on their own dreams, eventually obtain happiness.The description is very characteristic, such as the beginning of Gradgrind appearance description, he said what is boxy, it can see what kind of person he is.From the background, it is estimated that the author wrote this article to satirize the fact that people in society at that time paid too much attention to facts and abandoned their emotions.


The author of the novel for thorough Britain in the middle of the nineteenth Century Manchester industrial status based on the observation, and the profound reflection on the capitalist society of the human condition, typical characterized by vivid description of the actual life and the character of the moral standard of the bourgeoisie of the powerful attack and bitter irony.A true description of the industrial town of coking coal town life, reflects the sharp contradiction between capitalists and workers, and the corrupt nature of the capitalist educational system by repressive youth, a considerable social value and aesthetic value of art.After reading this article, you can feel as a humanist Dickens believe that human nature is good and plasticity, in his criticism of capitalism and capitalist utilitarianism and politicians out of life at the same time, they ignored the essence of human goodness for some correction and criticism.At the same time, Dickens was sympathetic to the tragic fate of the oppressed class, praising their diligence and love, he did not approve of the political struggles of workers, reflects his tender sentiments and feelings to education to promote the understanding of the bourgeois reformism thought.“Tell you what, I ask for the truth.”.Don't teach the boys and girls anything but the facts.Only the facts are the most important.In addition, what all don't cultivate, all the uprooted.To exercise the intelligence of a rational animal, one must use the fact;that nothing else is of any use to them.This is the principle that I have when I educate my children, the principles that I use to educate these children.Hold fast to the facts, sir!“ This is the ”hard times“ begins with an abstract description of the image and show superimposed impression on the reader.”These children“ refer to the boys and girls of the so-called ”model school“.Dickens uses his comic style concise outline of the image of Mr.fingers, eyes, mouth, hair, neck, shoulder and dress in action, strengthen the emphasis on the facts.Mr.Gradgrind is both a believer and propagandist of utilitarianism and ”fact“ philosophy, as well as the executor and defender of feudal paternalism.His family life and family education is in a secluded hut in fact based only facts and function.The principles, contents, and methods of Mr.Gradgrind in school and family education can be summed up in facts, calculations, fantasy, and innocence.The root of his child's misfortunes was the victims of Gradgrind's ”philosophy of fact“ and ”model“ education.The two main characters ”hard times“ described in two, around two people launched the two clues, the two aspects of ideological performance.One is Gradgrind, and the other is Bounderby.Bounderby stands for industrial capitalists, not interested in education, only interested in practical interests.He told workers improperly people, but only as a ”hand“ and can drive the work of animal behavior led to his people.The structure of the whole article in the way of the trilogy, the plot slowly forward, gradually deepen the theme, the author take it leisurely and unoppressively irresistible, the logic of life, ”and another,“ portrait of characters, language skill, and often beyond all expectations reasonable figures in language use are reduced when we read the the sense of alienation and boredom, we are attracted to this article research.


Just read Dickens's ”hard times“, a strong impulse is to write ”Dickens women“.Dickens is really an extraordinary talent for shaping women's characters.It is not difficult to draw such a conclusion as long as he opens any of Dickens's novels.In the ”hard times, I statistics, women have played Louisa, Rachael, sissy, Mrs.Space and his rare Mrs.Gradgrind and Mrs.Paigela et al.Every woman here is endowed with a distinct color and personality by Dickens.They are of different ages, different ideas, different ways of doing things, tone and purpose are different, under Dickens's pen vivid to show.This is only a novel in Dickens's fourteen novels.It's hard to see yet another writer who can do that.At least I didn't see any other writer who could have created so many female characters in my reading.I think of Balzac, and Balzac has created a lot of female images, but there are not as many memorable women as Ou Yeni.At least in this regard, Dickens gave me the impression is very outstanding, especially after reading the “hard times”.Moreover, unlike other writers, for example, Balzac, Balzac's ambition is to create a world or society that is entirely his own through nearly a hundred novels.In Balzac, the law of social development played a leading role in the human comedy, but Dickens relied entirely on the evolution of character as a lever to promote his novels.It's a very different direction of creation.The two have charm, two charm are hard to compete.All successful writers have his success.Dickens's success, I think is his strong character of the mold, beyond any of his contemporaries.In Dickens's novels, “hard times” is a short.Space tests structure.As far as the novel is concerned, I feel it is the novel with the most succinct structure of Dickens.From Gradgrind's appearance, sissy father's home, and married Louisa Bounderby, Stephen and Rachael unspeakable love, Hird to seduce Space, Louisa housz Mrs.night track, Tom finally exposed to the crime of theft and so on a series of stories, with quite lively brushwork outlines.Each detail corresponds to the later events, not only for the pleasure of reading, but also for the openness and delicacy of Dickens's brushwork.Moreover, when the novel settles down, it is everywhere surprising and everywhere reasonable.This novel is relatively short, the characters are not many, but the author Dickens with such a short story to fully develop the plot, the novel tells some of the major happened coking coal town, where people are very respected the fact that even for the oppression of the normal emotions, to reject all fantasy, it can be said that in the part of the inhuman, feeling and people's normal life, people rejected the emotion, will inevitably bring about problems, the people inside the final outcome can be said to be more miserable.Firstly, Mr.Gradgrind said, the president said opening to educate their children to get everything out non reality beyond, however, his education, and not be able to educate their children, he finally eat the bitter fruit, aware of this mistake.As for the two children Gradgrind's daughter Luisa, this is a kind of person but because be clever and sensible, education, loss of innocence, on the other hand she is very naive, her brother Moorhouse and Hird use.On the whole, she was very miserable, thinking of the girl who was gazing at the fire in front of her at night, and her heart was broken.When his son, Tom, left his parents, he was eager to give vent to his dissatisfaction with the education.He wanted to indulge himself, enjoy life, and even use his beloved sister, and finally went back to the road of no return.Have a girl, sissy, this is a happy girl, she did not yield to this kind of education, although in the beginning she has been scolded, but she insisted on their own dreams, eventually obtain happiness.The description is very characteristic, such as the beginning of Gradgrind appearance description, he said what is boxy, it can see what kind of person he is.From the background, it is estimated that the author wrote this article to satirize the fact that people in society at that time paid too much attention to facts and abandoned their emotions.


The author of the novel for thorough Britain in the middle of the nineteenth Century Manchester industrial status based on the observation, and the profound reflection on the capitalist society of the human condition, typical characterized by vivid description of the actual life and the character of the moral standard of the bourgeoisie of the powerful attack and bitter irony.A true description of the industrial town of coking coal town life, reflects the sharp contradiction between capitalists and workers, and the corrupt nature of the capitalist educational system by repressive youth, a considerable social value and aesthetic value of art.After reading this article, you can feel as a humanist Dickens believe that human nature is good and plasticity, in his criticism of capitalism and capitalist utilitarianism and politicians out of life at the same time, they ignored the essence of human goodness for some correction and criticism.At the same time, Dickens was sympathetic to the tragic fate of the oppressed class, praising their diligence and love, he did not approve of the political struggles of workers, reflects his tender sentiments and feelings to education to promote the understanding of the bourgeois reformism thought.“Tell you what, I ask for the truth.”.Don't teach the boys and girls anything but the facts.Only the facts are the most important.In addition, what all don't cultivate, all the uprooted.To exercise the intelligence of a rational animal, one must use the fact;that nothing else is of any use to them.This is the principle that I have when I educate my children, the principles that I use to educate these children.Hold fast to the facts, sir!“ This is the ”hard times“ begins with an abstract description of the image and show superimposed impression on the reader.”These children“ refer to the boys and girls of the so-called ”model school“.Dickens uses his comic style concise outline of the image of Mr.fingers, eyes, mouth, hair, neck, shoulder and dress in action, strengthen the emphasis on the facts.Mr.Gradgrind is both a believer and propagandist of utilitarianism and ”fact“ philosophy, as well as the executor and defender of feudal paternalism.His family life and family education is in a secluded hut in fact based only facts and function.The principles, contents, and methods of Mr.Gradgrind in school and family education can be summed up in facts, calculations, fantasy, and innocence.The root of his child's misfortunes was the victims of Gradgrind's ”philosophy of fact“ and ”model“ education.The two main characters ”hard times“ described in two, around two people launched the two clues, the two aspects of ideological performance.One is Gradgrind, and the other is Bounderby.Bounderby stands for industrial capitalists, not interested in education, only interested in practical interests.He told workers improperly people, but only as a ”hand“ and can drive the work of animal behavior led to his people.The structure of the whole article in the way of the trilogy, the plot slowly forward, gradually deepen the theme, the author take it leisurely and unoppressively irresistible, the logic of life, ”and another,“ portrait of characters, language skill, and often beyond all expectations reasonable figures in language use are reduced when we read the the sense of alienation and boredom, we are attracted to this article research.


Just read Dickens's ”hard times“, a strong impulse is to write ”Dickens women“.Dickens is really an extraordinary talent for shaping women's characters.It is not difficult to draw such a conclusion as long as he opens any of Dickens's novels.In the ”hard times, I statistics, women have played Louisa, Rachael, sissy, Mrs.Space and his rare Mrs.Gradgrind and Mrs.Paigela et al.Every woman here is endowed with a distinct color and personality by Dickens.They are of different ages, different ideas, different ways of doing things, tone and purpose are different, under Dickens's pen vivid to show.This is only a novel in Dickens's fourteen novels.It's hard to see yet another writer who can do that.At least I didn't see any other writer who could have created so many female characters in my reading.I think of Balzac, and Balzac has created a lot of female images, but there are not as many memorable women as Ou Yeni.At least in this regard, Dickens gave me the impression is very outstanding, especially after reading the “hard times”.Moreover, unlike other writers, for example, Balzac, Balzac's ambition is to create a world or society that is entirely his own through nearly a hundred novels.In Balzac, the law of social development played a leading role in the human comedy, but Dickens relied entirely on the evolution of character as a lever to promote his novels.It's a very different direction of creation.The two have charm, two charm are hard to compete.All successful writers have his success.Dickens's success, I think is his strong character of the mold, beyond any of his contemporaries.In Dickens's novels, “hard times” is a short.Space tests structure.As far as the novel is concerned, I feel it is the novel with the most succinct structure of Dickens.From Gradgrind's appearance, sissy father's home, and married Louisa Bounderby, Stephen and Rachael unspeakable love, Hird to seduce Space, Louisa housz Mrs.night track, Tom finally exposed to the crime of theft and so on a series of stories, with quite lively brushwork outlines.Each detail corresponds to the later events, not only for the pleasure of reading, but also for the openness and delicacy of Dickens's brushwork.Moreover, when the novel settles down, it is everywhere surprising and everywhere reasonable.【艰难时世英语读后感】相关文章:




























































