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编辑:流年似水 识别码:15-649496 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-08-22 02:17:28 来源:网络


The year 2013 is the year of snake in china.For Chinese people, __the__ snake symbolizes intelligence, happiness and successful future.The snake and the dragon are ___closely__(close)linked and alike.The year of dragon ___is followed____(follow)by the year of snake,.In certain part of china, the snake is called “black dragon” ___or__ “dragon at home”.There are many traditional opinions related to the snake.For example, some people consider it lucky to see a snake in bed, but ____unlucky__ to see this animal high in the house.If there is a snake ___entering___(enter)your home, it is believed that you will live a peaceful life in the coming time.In ___both__ Western and Chinese cultures, the snake is associated with the bravery of men and beauty of women.In Japanese culture the snake is a symbol of wealth, so in Japan some people put the skin of a snake into ___their__ wallets.They also say that if you meet or see a white snake, you will be lucky in life.That is ____why__ some people put a picture of a white snake __on__ their walls.



To improve relationship with others, you need to be aware of several sensible ways to complain.To begin

with, you need to be specific.Don’t say, “Boy, did you act ” Instead, say, “You embarrassed ” , stick to the present.Don’t mention old offences the problem at hand.Moreover, when you complain, never add insults.you start calling the other person names, that will only create anger and hurt any chance of getting the person to really listen to you.A last point(remember)is to complain privately.Never criticize the other person in front of friends, parents, children, or anyone else for that matter.(shame)the person being criticized and makes it very likelythe person will want to attack you(oral)rather than listen to you.2

Someone asked me, “What do you think of youth?” I showed him a can of COKE.See this? “C” means “courage”.is a seed in everyone’s heart.Courage gives us the power

to follow our dreams.Believe in.“O” stands for “optimism”.When in trouble, some people feel disappointed but some peoplestill

on you.If you frown, you will get similar look in return.Throw away the(sad)in your heart while“K” can be understood as “knowledge”.In order to keep up to enrich ourselves.Knowledge is the food of thought(grow)wiser.“E” is short for “enthusiasm”.Enthusiasm is the sign of youth.We use colorful paint brushes to create

the pictures of youth.Let us let out our enthusiasmDrink a can of COKE.You will find your youth as refreshing as a can of coke.Enjoy and value your youth.3

In September, 2008, it was reported that many babies had been poisoned and become seriously illusing the Three Deer Milk Powder, famous brand product in China,the whole country and even the(fortunate), the Chinese government(ban)the unqualified milk immediately while the sick babies have been carefully treated in hospitals and most ofChina.(live)a healthy life, I think everybody should pay more attention to food safety.What’s more important is the government should take stricter measures4

In the dinning room of my grandfather’s house stood a heavy grandfather’s clock.Meals in the dinning

’s clock always stood like a of our life.during meals.I was

a wonderful great sound that echoed throughout the house.The clock chimed year after year, a part of my memories, a part of my heart.key was magic to me.It kept our family’s magnificent clock ticking and striking all year round.5

A bookless life is an incomplete life.Books influence the depth and breadth of life.They meet the natural

desire __31______ freedom, for expression, for creativity and beauty of life.Learners, therefore, must have books, and the right type of book, for the satisfaction of __32_______ need.Readers turn__ 33______(nature)to books because their curiosity concerning all manners of things, their eagerness to share in the experiences of others and their need to escape from their own _34______(limit)environment lead them to find in books food for the mind __35_____ the spirit.Through their reading they find a deeper significance to life as books acquaint them with life in the world as it was and it is now.They _36__________(present)with a persity of human experiences and come to respect other ways of thought and living.And while _37_______(establish)their own relationships and responses to life, the readers often find __38______ the characters in their stories are going through similar adjustments, 39_____ help to clarify and give significance to their own.Books provide abundant material for readers’ imagination to grow.Imagination is __40___ valuable quality

and a motivating power, and stimulates achievement.While enriching their imagination, books widen their

outlook, develop a fact-finding attitude and train them to use leisure properly.The social and educational

significance of the readers’ books cannot be overestimated in an academic library.6

Many scientists are optimistic that new ways of generating large amounts of energy will be successfully

developed, 31.______ at the same time they fear the consequences.If the world population goes on increasing at

its present rate, 32._______ each inpidual continues to use more energy every year, we may, in fifty years’

time, be burning up so much energy 33.________ we would damage the earth’s atmosphere.By raising the

temperature of the atmosphere, we could melt the Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps and change the pattern of

vegetable and animal life throughout the world—a 34._______(frighten)possibility.These dangers will have to 35.________(keep)in mind as scientists continue with 36.________ experiments.In the meantime, we can all help to protect the environment 37.______ not wasting energy.38._______ means

driving more carefully(if you have to use a car—it’s healthier and cheaper to ride a bike)and turning off

39._________(necessary)lighting and heating in the home.In these small ways we can all help to make the

world 40.__________ cleaner, healthier place for future generations.7

Afghanistan's only known pig has been locked in a room, away from visitors to Kabul zoo where it normally

grazes beside deer and goats, because people are worried it could infect them with the virus popularly known as

“ swine flu”.The pig is a curiosity in Muslim Afghanistan, 31pork and pig products are illegal because they are

(religion), and has been in quarantine(隔离)since Sunday after visitors expressed alarm it

could spread the new flu strain.“For now the pig is under quarantine, we built 33a room because of swine influenza,” Aziz Gul

(get)the flu.“Worldwide, more than 1,000 people 35(infect)with the H1N1 flu virus, according to36World Health Organization, which also says 26 people have so far died from the strain.All but one of the deaths

were in Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak.37are no pig farms in Afghanistan and no direct civilian flights 38Kabul and Mexico.”We understand 39, but most people don't have enough knowledge.When they see the pig in the

cage they get worried and think that they could get ill,“ Saqib said.the zoo from China.8

it was given by

his aunt, he decided to advertise in the newspaper,(hope)that someone had found it.Three days

passed, but no one returned it.umbrella from the City Library last Sunday morning does not

want to get into trouble, he must return it to No.10 North Street.”

the next morning, Mr.White was greatly surprised

when he opened his front door.In the doorway he found twelve umbrellas of

(vary)colors.his own one was among them, many of had notes tied to

.The notes said that they had been taken the umbrella by mistake and

(beg)the loser not to say anything about the matter.9

Dear World,My son starts school today.It's going to be strange and new to him for a while.And I wish you would treat

him gently.You see, up to now, he's been the king of the roast.He’(be)around to repair his wounds, and to soothe his feelings.(live)his life in the world he has to live in will require faith and love and courage.his young hand and teach him the things he will

have to know.Teach him, but gently, if you can.Teach him that for every villain(坏人)there is a hero;that for

every crocked(喝醉了的)politician(政客)there is a dedicated leader;that for every enemy there is a friend.Teach

they are wrong.Teach him to sell his brawn(强健的肌肉)and brains to the highest bidder(出价人),his heart and soul.Teach him gently, World, but don’t spoil him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.you can do.He’s such a nice little fellow.Yours sincerely

A Mother


Children pushed in buggies(儿童车)which face away from their parents may suffer long-term emotional and

language problems, according to a study published on Friday.The research, 31(believe)to be the first of 32kind, found that children who were not

their parents compared with those babies that did.The findings were based on a study of 2,722 parents and babies and 34experiment where 20 babies half.Parents using face-to-face buggies were twice as likely to talk to their children 36the heart rates of they were feeling relaxed and safe.38(addition)only one baby out of the 20 studied laughed while sitting in an away-facing buggy.“Our data 39(suggest)that for many babies today, life in a buggy is emotionally impoverished and possibly stressful.And stressed babies grow into anxious adults ” said Dr Suzanne Zeedyk, Developmental


(1)31.like/as32.me33.Secondly34.which/that 35.If

36.to remember37.Criticizing 38.shames39.that40.orally


31.like/as ,考查介词及其搭配,act like/as„..意为“举动像什么一样”


33.Secondly 考查序数词。To begin with是第一的意思,后面的moreover, a last point都是表示顺序的词语,此处是第二。

34.which/that 考查定语从句。关系词在从句中作主语。

35.If 考查连词。后面的will 提示此处要使用If。

36.to remember 考查非谓语动词中的动词不定式。被修饰的名词前有序数词、形容词最高级或next, last, only, not a, the, very等限定词时,该名词用不定式做定语。

37.Criticizing 考查非谓语动词中的现在分词。Criticizing在此处作主语。

38.shames 考查谓语动词。全文的时态是现在时,因为主语是This,此处使用第三人称单数。

39.that考查连词。注意区别be likely that后接从句,be likely to do sth。

40.orally 考查副词。orally 修饰attack.(2)31.There 32.yourselves 33.latter34.a35.sadness

36.filling 37.with38.and39.will grow 40.wherever/where


31.There 考查固定搭配There be表示存在有。

32.yourselves 考查反身代词 此处意为相信你自己。

33.latter考查形容词 the latter指的是后者。

34.a 考查冠词。

35.sadness 考查名词。sadness是sad的名词形式。

36.filling 考查非谓语动词中的现在分词。此处省略了you are

37.with考查介词及搭配keep up with 意为“和...保持联系”,类似于catch up with。

38.and 考查连词,此处表示并列。

39.will grow 考查谓语动词。在条件状语从句(if,as long as,even if)、时间状语从句(when,until,before,the moment„)中往往用一般现在时表示将来。

40.wherever /where 考查连词 此处缺少地点状语。

(3)31.after32.a33.which34.Fortunately 35.banned

36.them37.in38.living39.that40.to ensure



32.a 考查不定冠词,泛指一家。

33.which 考查定语从句连词,此处是一个非限制性定语从句,只能填which。

34.Fortunately 考查副词。副词位于句首作状语。

35.banned 考查谓语从句。时态为过去式,使用ban的过去式banned。

36.them考查人称代词。作介词of的宾语,所以使用宾语them,指代 sick babies

37.in 考查介词。在中国用介词in。

38.living 考查非谓语动词中的现在分词。作介词of的宾语,使用主动。

39.that 考查连词,此句是一个表语从句。

40.to ensure 考查动词不定式,表目的。




31.for考查介词,表目的。注意our four generations to become one不是句子,所以不能填that.32.watching考查现在分词,从后面and telling可以得到提示用现在分词形式。

33.which 考查连词,此处是一个非限制性定语从句。





38.what 考查连词,此处what既作did 的宾语,又起连接表语从句连词的作用。

39.wound 考查动词时态,此处使用过去式,wind给„„上发条时的过去式为wound。

40.The 考查定冠词。特指前文提到过的key。

(5)31.for32 their33.naturally34 limited35.and

are presented37.establishing38.that39.which40.a


31.for考查介词及其搭配 desire for sth,渴望某事。


33.naturally 考查副词,修饰动词turn


35.and考查连词,连接mind与spirit.36 are presented 考查谓语动词,present与主语的关系是被动的,使用被动语态。

37.establishing考查非谓语动词中的现在分词,此处表主动,使用一般式。此处省略they are


39.which 考查定语从句,此句为非限制性定语从句。

40.a 考查不定冠词,表泛指。

(6)31.but32.and33.that34.frightening35.be kept

36.their37.by38.This/That/It39.unnecessary 40.a


31.but 考查连词,前文是optimistic,后文是fear,因此此处表示转折。


33.that考查连词及其搭配,so„ that表示如此„.以致。


35.be kept考查搭配 have to 后接动词原形,因为danger与keep是被动的关系,所以使用变动式。


37.by考查介词,by 表示通过什么途径的意思,此处不是考搭配protect„ from„ 因为代入后意思不通。

38.This/That/It考查代词,指代前文提到的内容,可以使用 this/that/it.39.unnecessary 考查形容词,此处的意思是表示不必要的,使用填unnecessary.40.a 考查冠词,结构为a+形容词+单数可数名词。

(7)31.where32.irreligious 33.it 34.getting35.have been infected 36.the

37.There 38.between39.that40.to


31.where考查定语从句连词。Where在从句中作状语,先行词为Muslim Afghanistan。

32.irreligious 考查形容词。此句意为这只猪在以伊斯兰教为主的阿富汗是个稀罕物,因为猪他们的宗教忌讳,因此猪肉和猪制品都是违法的。

33.it 考查代词。指代pig。

34.getting 考查现在分词,getting作介词about 的宾语。

35.have been infected have been infected 考查谓语动词。从后文的“26 people have so far died from”知道此处用现在完成时,又因为people与infect是被动的关系,所以填have been infected。


37.There 考查副词搭配 there be 存在有。

38.between 考查介词搭配 between „.and „ 此句意为“ 阿富汗没有养猪场,喀布尔和墨西哥之间也没有直飞航班。”

39.that考查代词 指代上一句话。

40.to 考查介词,to 后接对象,如果填of表示为动物园的礼物,与文章语意不通。

(8)31.As/Since/Because 32.hoping33.like34.an35.On




32.hoping考查现在分词 表示希望别人能还给伞给他,表主动和伴随。

33.like考查介词 表示像这样。

34.an考查冠词 表示泛指,因为umbrella中的U发元音,所以填an。

35.On考查介词 表示具体时间用on。

36.various 考查形容词,various作定语修饰colors。

37.And 考查连词,前后表示并列的关系。

38.which 考查连词,此句是定语从句,作of的宾语。


40.begged 考查谓语动词,said 与begged是并列的关系。

(9)31.have been32.different33.that/which 34.To live 35.So

36.by37.in38.him39.on 40.what


31.have been 考查谓语动词时态 前面的He’s been boss of the backyard,提示此处要用完成时。

32.different考查形容词,different是difference的形容词性,different 作be 动词的表语。

33.that/which 考查定语从句连词。that/which在定语从句作主语。

34.To live 考查动词不定式。不定式作主语,表目的。

35.So 考查连词,表示因果关系。

36.by考查介词 拉着某人的手用介词by。

37.in 考查介词及其搭配 have faith in相信, 信任


39.on 考查介词及其搭配,put sth on sth 是搭配,意思把什么加在什么上,此句意为“教他可以最高价付出自己的精力和智慧,但绝不可以出卖良心和灵魂”

40.what 考查连词 what既作see 的宾语,也作do 的宾语。

(10)31.believed 32.its/this33.with34.an35.other

36.while37.that38.Additionally 39.suggests40.who


31.believed 考查过去分词,research与believe是被动的关系,使用过去分词形式。

32.its/this 考查代词,指代这种。


34.an 考查冠词,泛指一次实验。


36.while 考查连词,while在此处表示对比。

37.that 考查连词,此句是一个同位语从句,从句对indicator作解译说明。

38.Additionally 考查副词,放句首作状语。

39.suggests 考查谓语动词,data是复数形式,此处表示整体,谓语动词使用单数形式。

40.who 考查定语从句连词,who在从句中作主语。





Learning to Accept

I learned how to accept life as it is from my father., he did not teach me acceptance

when he was strong and healthy,.

that away.Now he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day.Even talking is..we grow---our youth, our beauty, our friends---but it after we give something up, we gain something new in its place.up.He said ,”But, Petet.I gave upd not think of anything to say.he answered his own question : “.” I looked at my sisters, and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and thankfulness.

I was by his words.After that ,when I began to fell irritated(愤怒的)at

If he could replace his great pain to give up my small irritations.In this.

Sometimes other things I could learned from him if I had listened more

carefully when I was a boy. 36.A.Afterwards 37.A.tired38.A.already 39.A.took



D.Meanwhile D.slow D.once D.put D.hopeless

40.A.impossible B.difficultC.stressful





D.asking D.beliefs D.till D.requires D.opened D.everything D.Certainly D.enjoyed D.warned D.might D.happy D.able D.wayD.guess D.word

B.experience B.since

C.ambitionsC.before C.seems




46.A.something47.A.surprisingly 48.A.had

B.anythingB.Immediately B.acceptedB.astonishedB.couldB.calmB.likelyB.formB.wonder B.gift


49.A.touched50.A.should 51.A.quiet52.A.ready53.A.case54.A.doubt 55.A.award

C.attractedC.would C.relaxed C.freeC.method C.knowC.lesson

第二节.语法填空(共10小题;每小题2分, 满分20分)

In the dinning room of my grandfather’s house stood a heavy grandfather’s clock.Meals in become one.The grandfather’s clock always stood like a trusted old family friend, us playing jokes and child, the old clock interested me.I watched and listened toduring meals.I was how at different times of the day, the clock would strike three times, six times or more, a wonderful great sound that echoed throughout the house.The clock chimed year after year, a part of my memories, a part of my heart.Even more wonderful to me was my grandfather did each day.He carefully kept our family’s magnificent clock ticking and striking all year round.高三英语课堂测试(第一小组)2011-2-28



I know I should have told the headmaster at the time..

.In his absence I looked to was on his desk. English Writing Prize 1949.History Is a Serious of Biographies(人物传记)”.A(nI did not.reading it., I was looking out of the window.

.to say: “I’m sorry, .You’ll have to .”.I sat the exam the next day and I won.I didn’t to cheat, but it was still cheating anyhow.

That was thirty-eight I was fifteen.I have never told anyone about it have I tried to explain to myself why not.

admitting that I had been looking at the things on his desk.Whatever it was, it has become a good example of how a little mistake can trap you in a more serious moral corner(道德困境). 36.A.plan37.A.reason 38.A.this39.A.drawer 40.A.names 41.A.honest 42.A.desk

B.faultB.course B.which B.corner B.words


D.luckD.vacation D.whatD.box D.messages D.active D.drawer D.secret D.forget D.went

C.exampleC.thatC.middle C.ideas







46.A.existed 47.A.tiring48.A.saw49.A.repeat 50.A.take

B.remainedB.easyB.gaveB.defend B.haveB.learnB.agoB.neverB.besides

C.happenedC.importantC.setC.correct C.loseC.meanC.thenC.nor

D.continued D.difficult D.made D.change D.find D.pretend D.before D.so D.without D.Therefore

51.A.remember52.A.past53.A.either 54.A.by



第二节.语法填空(共10小题;每小题2分, 满分20分)

A bookless life is an incomplete life.Books influence the depth and breadth of life.They meet the natural desire __31______ freedom, for expression, for creativity and beauty of life.Learners, therefore, must have books, and the right type of book, for the satisfaction of __32_______ need.Readers turn__ 33______(nature)to books because their curiosity concerning all manners of things, their eagerness to share in the experiences of others and their need to escape from their own _34______(limit)environment lead them to find in books food for the mind __35_____ the spirit.Through their reading they find a deeper significance to life as books acquaint them with life in the world as it was and it is now.They _36__________(present)with a persity of human experiences and come to respect other ways of thought and living.And while _37_______(establish)their own relationships and responses to life, the readers often find __38______ the characters in their stories are going through similar adjustments, 39_____ help to clarify and give significance to their own.Books provide abundant material for readers’ imagination to grow.Imagination is __40___ valuable quality and a motivating power, and stimulates achievement.While enriching their imagination, books widen their outlook, develop a fact-finding attitude and train them to use leisure properly.The social and educational significance of the readers’ books cannot be overestimated in an academic library.高三英语课堂测试(第一小组)2011-2-28



It was a bright spring afternoon when Fieda told me she wouldn’t need me any more.I had just finished my four-hour work -up and down the stairs of her three-storey home, cleaning the floor and washing the dishes.She was jeans and a sweater, sitting at the,a pile of papers spread around her.Her husband’s was going to happened.I felt sorry for her,but I also felt a sense of

I had been cleaning Freda’s house for five years and had with the family.It was not just I had become an expert at scraping(刮掉)dirt stuct to their wooden floor, that I had learned exactly how to place toys on the girls’beds. .

to school.And I’d be there when they.I them grow up.scraping away the dirt and dust for the family.I left Freda’s house that day, wondering about theof my relationship with my clients(主顾).Who am I them? As a matter of fact, I’an employee - the lowest kind of employee.But I’m also a trusted.I can’t help worrying about what happens around me. 36.A.stepping37.A.hanging38.A.cleaned39.A.duty40.A.already 41.A.regret 42.A.started 43.A.why44.A.but45.A.less46.A.life47.A.as

B.coming B.making B.washed B.money B.seldom

C.jumpingC.wearingC.swept C.workC.neverC.fear

D.moving D.changing D.brushed D.pay D.yet D.loss D.broken D.which D.forD.most D.experience D.however



C.moreC.activity C.since

48.A.taking 49.A.left50.A.found

B.bringingB.returnedB.noticed B.greatB.nature B.to


D.calling D.marched D.realized D.strange D.importance D.at D.merely D.companion

C.watchedC.proper C.resultC.with





第二节.语法填空(共10小题;每小题2分, 满分20分)Dear World,My son starts school today.It's going to be strange and new to him for a while.And I wish you would treat him gently.You see, up to now, he's been the king of the roast.He’s been boss of(be)around to repair his wounds, and to soothe his feelings.will probably(live)his life in the world he has to live in will require faith and love and courage.his young hand and teach him the things he will have to know.Teach him, but gently, if you can.Teach him that for every villain(坏人)there is a hero;that for every crocked(喝醉了的)politician(政客)there is a dedicated leader;that for every enemy there is a friend.Teach him the wonders of books.Teach his ownthey are wrong.Teach him to sell his brawn(强健的肌肉)and brains to the highest bidder(出价人),but never to put a price 39his heart and soul.Teach him gently, World, but don’t spoil him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.you can do.He’s such a nice little fellow.Yours sincerely

A Mother





从考生答题情况来看,错误率最高的是介词的用法,尤其是其中与price搭配的介词,即使是得分高的考生也出错。今年考题考查了两个介词的搭配,其一是sell … at a lower price。根据英语本族语使用者的语料,另一个可供选择的答案是for。但奇怪的是很多考生包括不少高分考生(13.5)都用in或者with。另一个考查的介词是中学语法里规定的show respect for, 另一个正确答案是show respect to,考生对这个介词搭配的掌握比较好,填to的考生似乎更普遍。


糊,填了名词形式possibility。另外,对于形容词后缀的用法不太明确,所以出现了reasonable的拼写错误,如reasonal或 reasonalble, 还有不少考生忽略了上下文的语境,纯粹为了词形变化而变化,填unreasonable。










To improve relationship with others, you need to be aware of several sensible ways to complain.To begin with, you need to be specific.Don’t say, “Boy, did you act a fool at the party?” Instead, say, “You embarrassed to my parents.” stick to the present.Don’t mention old offences from last month or last year.By doing this, you take away attention from the problem at hand.Moreover, when you complain, never add insults.only create anger and hurt any chance of getting the person to really listen to you.A last point(remember)is to complain privately.Never criticize the other person in front of friends, parents, children, or anyone else for that matter.same effect as insults.Thisthe person will want to attack you(oral)rather than listen to you.2

Someone asked me, “What do you think of youth?” I showed him a can of COKE.See this? “C” means “courage”.is a seed in everyone’s heart.Courage gives us the power to follow our dreams.Believe in“O” stands for “optimism”.When in trouble, some people feel disappointed but some people.Life is very much like a mirror.If you smile on it, it smiles back on you.If you frown, you will get Throw away the“K” can be understood as “knowledge”.In order to keep up the times, we should use knowledge to enrich ourselves.Knowledge is the food of thought in our brain, we(grow)wiser.“E” is short for “enthusiasm”.Enthusiasm is the sign of youth.We use colorful paint brushes to create the pictures of youth.Let us let out our enthusiasm we go.Drink a can of COKE.You will find your youth as refreshing as a can of coke.Enjoy and value your youth.3

In September, 2008, it was reported that many babies had been poisoned and become seriously ill using the Three Deer Milk Powder,(fortunate), the Chinese government(ban)the unqualified milk immediately while the sick babies have been carefully treated in hospitals and most of out of danger now.People have realised that the food safety

problem is still very seriousChina.With the purpose a healthy life, I think everybody should pay more attention to food safety.What’s more important is the government should take stricter measures 4

In the dinning room of my grandfather’s house stood a heavy grandfather’s clock.Meals in clock always stood like a trusted old family friend,(watch)us playing jokes and was already a part of our life.child, the old clock interested me.I watched and listened toduring meals.I was(surprise)how at different times of the day, the clock woulda wonderful great sound that echoed throughout the house.The clock chimed year after year, a part of my memories, a part of my heart.Even more wonderful to me was my grandfather did each day.He carefully the clock with a special key each day.key was magic to me.It kept our family’s magnificent clock ticking and striking all year round.A bookless life is an incomplete life.Books influence the depth and breadth of life.They meet the natural desire __31______ freedom, for expression, for creativity and beauty of life.Learners, therefore, must have books, and the right type of book, for the satisfaction of __32_______ need.Readers turn__ 33______(nature)to books because their curiosity concerning all manners of things, their eagerness to share in the experiences of others and their need to escape from their own _34______(limit)environment lead them to find in books food for the mind __35_____ the spirit.Through their reading they find a deeper significance to life as books acquaint them with life in the world as it was and it is now.They _36__________(present)with a persity of human experiences and come to respect other ways of thought and living.And while _37_______(establish)their own relationships and responses to life, the readers often find __38______ the characters in their stories are going through similar adjustments, 39_____ help to clarify and give significance to their own.Books provide abundant material for readers’ imagination to grow.Imagination is __40___ valuable quality and a motivating power, and stimulates achievement.While enriching their imagination, books widen their outlook, develop a fact-finding attitude and train them to use leisure properly.The social and educational significance of the readers’ books cannot be overestimated in an academic library.6

Many scientists are optimistic that new ways of generating large amounts of energy will be successfully developed, 31.______ at the same time they fear the consequences.If the world population goes on increasing at its present rate, 32._______ each inpidual continues to use more energy every year, we may, in fifty years’ time, be burning up so much energy 33.________ we would damage the earth’s atmosphere.By raising the temperature of the atmosphere, we could melt the Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps and change the pattern of vegetable and animal life throughout the world—a 34._______(frighten)possibility.These dangers will have to 35.________(keep)in mind as scientists continue with

36.________ experiments.In the meantime, we can all help to protect the environment 37.______ not wasting energy.38._______ means driving more carefully(if you have to use a car—it’s healthier and cheaper to ride a bike)and turning off 39._________(necessary)lighting and heating in the home.In these small ways we can all help to make the world 40.__________ cleaner, healthier place for future generations.7

Afghanistan's only known pig has been locked in a room, away from visitors to Kabul zoo where it normally grazes beside deer and goats, because people are worried it could infect them with the virus popularly known as “ swine flu”.The pig is a curiosity in Muslim Afghanistan, 31pork and pig products are illegal 隔离)since Sunday after visitors expressed alarm it could spread the new flu strain.“For now the pig is under quarantine, we built 33a room because of swine influenza,” Aziz Gul Saqib, director of Kabul Zoo, said.“We've done this because people are(get)the flu.”

Worldwide, more than 1,000 people 35(infect)with the H1N1 flu virus, according toWorld Health Organization, which also says 26 people have so far died from the strain.All but one of the deaths were in Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak.37are no pig farms in Afghanistan and no direct civilian flights 38Kabul and Mexico.“We understand 39, but most people don't have enough knowledge.When they see the pig in the cage they get worried and think that they could get ill,” Saqib said.the zoo from China.8


(hope)that someone had found it.Three days passed, but no one returned it.this, “If the man who was seen to takeumbrella from the City Library last Sunday morning does not want to get into trouble, he must return it to No.10 North Street.”

This soon appeared in the newspaper the next morning, Mr.White was greatly surprised when he opened his front door.In the doorway he found twelve umbrellas of(vary)colors.his own one was among them, many of had(beg)the loser not to say anything about the matter.9

Dear World,My son starts school today.It's going to be strange and new to him for a while.And I wish you would treat him gently.You see, up to now, he's been the king of the roast.He’s been boss of(be)around to repair his wounds, and to soothe his feelings.But now things are going to be This morning, he's going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand and start on his great adventure will probably require faith and love and courage.his young hand and teach him the things he will have to know.Teach him, but gently, if you can.Teach him that for every villain(坏人)there is a hero;that for every crocked(喝醉了的)politician(政客)there is a dedicated leader;that for every enemy there is a friend.Teach him the wonders of books.Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.Teach himhis own they are wrong.Teach him to sell his brawn(强健的肌肉)and brains to the highest bidder(出价人),but never to put a price 39his heart and soul.Teach him gently, World, but don’t spoil him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.you can do.He’s such a nice little fellow.Yours sincerely

A Mother


Children pushed in buggies(儿童车)which face away from their parents may suffer

long-term emotional and language problems, according to a study published on Friday.The research, 31(believe)to be the first of 32kind, found that children whotheir parents compared with those babies that did.The findings were based on a study of 2,722 parents and babies and 34experiment where 20 babies were wheeled in buggies for a mile, facing their parents for half the journey andParents using face-to-face buggies were twice as likely to talk to their children 36they were feeling relaxed and safe.38(addition)only one baby out of the 20 studied laughed while sitting in an away-facing buggy.“Our data 39(suggest)that for many babies today, life in a buggy is emotionally impoverished and possibly stressful.And stressed babies grow into anxious adults ” said Dr carried out the research.(1)本文讲述为了增进与其他人的友谊,你需要知道的多种明智的抱怨方法。

31.like/as32.me33.Secondly34.which/that 35.If39.that40.orally 36.to remember37.Criticizing 38.shames


31.There32.yourselves33.latter 34.a 35.sadness

36.filling37.with38.and 39.will grow 40.wherever/where



36.them32.a33.which34.Fortunately 39.that35.banned 40.to ensure 37.in38.living



37.with33.which38.what34.As35.it 39.wound 40.The 36.surprised


31.for32 their33.naturally34 limited35.and

40.a36 are presented37.establishing38.that39.which



36.their32.and33.that34.frightening38.This/That/It35.be kept40.a37.by39.unnecessary



36.the32.irreligious 33.it 34.Getting35.have been infected39.that40.to37.There 38.between



36.various32.hoping33.like37.And38.which34.an35.On 39.them


40.what 40.begged(9)这是一个母亲在儿子上学前写给世界先生的一封信。31.have been36.by32.different 37.in33.that/which 34.To live 38.him39.on



36.while32.its/this 37.that33.with34.an35.other 40.who38.Additionally 39.suggests
