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编辑:尘埃落定 识别码:15-1132789 6号文库 发布时间: 2024-09-09 16:48:38 来源:网络






我要举个例子来更好地说明这个问题:有一部情景喜剧叫That’s So Raven.讲述的是一位具有特异功能的少女,在旧金山的生活和学习的趣味经历。有一次,Raven 希望得到父亲餐厅一位学生主雇的名字,而父亲为了保守主雇的隐私,拒绝告诉自己的女儿Raven。Raven很诚恳,很无奈地说了一句:Dad, we are blood!意思是提醒父亲:我们是亲父女,有什么可保密的?




The notes after reading“ Literature and life ”

Recently, I started to read “ literature and life.”,and I found it is hard for me to read ,because I always look the word up, see Chinese parsing repeatedly, only in which way can I barely understand them.Today I thought of a problem suddenly: I used to think that learning English as a foreign language is to remember the words, phrases, grammar and usages.Indeed, the language is formed by the sentences, and the sentences are made up of words, phrases, grammar and usage.However, these are only a small part of language.To learn a foreign language well, I believe,is to understand the nature and meaning of language from a broader perspective.In a sense, language is a kind of culture.to learn a language well,we must to do in Rome as Rome does, just like to understand foreign culture(学习语言就要像了解异国文化一样,做到“入乡随俗”).While the native speakers of the language used in communication is not only by words, phrases, grammar and usage, and more importantly, is to pay attention to more macroscopical meaning elements: “ voice, intonation, mood and context, ” I called them “ the four elements of a language ”.I will give an example to better illustrate the point: a film called That ' s So Raven.It tells the story of a girl owning specific function, who lives in San Francisco and has learning experiences.Once, Raven hoped to get t the name of a main employer of father’s restaurant, and her father kept the main employer privacy, refused to tell Raven.Raven said sincerely and reluctantly: Dad, we are blood!She mean to remind her father: we are father and daughter(亲生父女), what secret? Have seen the above sentence, if we took out of context, and just pay attention to the “ words, phrases, grammar and usage of the terms ” ,no one will know the meaning of the words lacking of the context.However, if we comprehend from the four elements of language--the voice, intonation, mood and context--the meaning will come very naturally to present in front of us.To sum up, learning the language, we should not only pay attention to the written words, phrases and grammatical factors, it is more important to realize sentence tone, intonation, as well as the most important context these language elements.At this time, we'll find we can be free to use the word in imperceptibly, while English level will also be greatly enhanced.


Comment on The Wife of Bath’s Tale

Throughout the story, I consider Chaucer put his both sympathy and satirize into it.According Chaucer’s description, the wife was very cunning and always had an excuse for her legitimacy of five marriages.And she’s proud of what she did that using many kinds of lies to conquer the previous old but rich men, making them piss away all their money on her.Although the forth husband took her youth and beauty away, Alison took it back from her fifth young and handsome husband again.What’s more, she still believed in Mr.Right and despite a number of failed marriages behind her, but urged to seek the sixth although she is more than fifty years old.And she do finds comfort in the arms of her 22-year-old so-star Jerome.They fall pass ionately in love, but behind the smiles the pressures of their age difference are never far away.Based on this point, Chaucer shows his satirize into it.As the tale has such a reversal or fantastic story line.Chaucer describes Alison with plenty of bad words and seemed like to build an image of dissolute women over the entire surface.But the truth is not.However When it comes to the reason that why Chaucer used such bad words on Alison, from another view I think this is, also, for the most part, a feminism article.Just like the traditional roles between husband and wife reversed.If a man married five times and people may think that’s not a big deal, so why women could not.What’s more, Alison has already beyond fifty years old.People might not accept women in her age falling love with a guy that is only about twenty.And this is really satirizing what the author actually wanted to convey.Since the common version is usually very tough.Meanwhile, people are difficult to accept new things.Therefore, I guess the author in fact lashed out at this kind of phenomenon.He was opposed to the unfairness or prejudices on women.And he advocated women’s right and the equality of men and women.To sum up, what feelings Chaucer might to express is very complex.On the surface Chaucer showed the satirizing on the wife with derogatory words.On the other hand, the hidden theme Chaucer wanted to say is a kind of feminism, the fairness between men and women.Therefore, taken in this sense, Chaucer was sympathetic with Alison.English078 朱虹 07014648


《Fighting with the Forces of Nature》

This story represents a very original forces, the boss is very stingy done in a Christmas dream, then he changed his views and see how to use their money to help others, charity!I hate that mean the original owner, since he has so much money, but not always help others.Although money is very important, to live in this world money is totally unacceptable and if the money can live a life on, let the world, more people happy, they should spend the money to, because it values.Fortunately, the boss wake up later, the others will be happy to know the truth themselves happy to help a disabled child, for their family and their assistants together after a happy Christmas!

Dr Bethune was a famous doctor From Canada.In 1938, he came to China.At that time , China was at war with Japan.He worked as a doctor in the Chinese army and saved many soldiers’ lives.He worked very hard and became sick.Dr Bethune died in 1939.He was only 49 years old.He was a good man and we remember him today.I think the book isvery good!

Story started in 1866.Aronnax, a natural historian, was

studying for a large monster under the sea.At that time, the monster’s massagers were traveling around the world.After

the investigation, he would return from aboard.And then he received an invitation from sea forces of America.So he was going to make the monster die out.《Smart Cars》

This book tells five famous fairy tales.Today, I will mainly introduce the story, The White Birds, written by Hans Anderson.There is a king with ten sons and one daughter.Their mother died when the daughter, Elisa, was born.Then the king married with another woman.But she is a bad and jealous woman.She changes the boys in to ten white birds.Elisa makes the coats of gold flowers to help them.Finally she succeeds, her brothers change bake to people, and she married with a king

The story includes three parts.They are respectively talking about: Gulliver in Lilliput, in Brobdingnag, and in Houyhnms.Gulliver travels to the South Seas.On their way to the East Indies, a strong wind carried them to the wrong way.Most of the people died.Some days later, he comes to Lilliput, everything is small there.Three days later, he comes to Brobdingnag.This country is opposite from Lilliput, the thing

are huge, very huge!Then he travels to a place called Houyhnms, which is also very interesting.Heidi is a cute and kindhearted girl.She lives in the mountain of Switzerland, and has no mother or father.One sunny day, she goes to stay with her grandfather in his little wooden house, high up in the mountain.She soon has a friend——goat-Peter.She makes Alm-Opa no longer lonely.One day, Heidi’s aunt takes her to Miss Rohmer’s house to be a servant.Later she helps Clara to stand up from the wheel chair, and can even walk more!

《Job interview》

Since reading this book, I know less than their own, not because of learning one or two do not go well and lose confidence, but more test well, the more to be a good test.From now on, I do not care what kind of difficulties

encountered, we must face with confidence, insisted in the end, and never flinched.I would like to thank the book, thanks to it so that I have learned so much knowledge, it let me know how to thank so many reason, let me know for its own lack of timely and correct their own shortcomings, so that I become a socially useful people.Sharks may be seen as a blow to eat our

success and happiness.But as the child said: “It does not beat you, it does not.” A real strong, can only be destroyed can not be beat.Solely, which is “Old Man and the Sea” tells us.Love also thoroughly, and hate also thoroughly.Gratitude also thoroughly also, revenge thoroughly.This is when I read the record “JiDuShan revenge after the biggest feelings.Chinese proverb called” the gentleman revenge, decade not night, “vengeance is also need to refresh, and not by temporary mood can indiscretion.And JiDuShan earl, is the most concrete with his actions explains the saying.After 14 years of dungeons career after his meaning of life is looking for ever loved ones, once benefactor and former enemies.In confirmed what to look after the man, he is not as we in wuxia novels seen in that, to go through fire and water benefactor fuels cloud” notted hesitate again “, in enemy sword stabbing to death.He chose his own way to once one.The owner of a himself, he exerting its can, silently support, in a variety of ways, but never let them know oneself is to repay.If his gratitude sensational, that his revenge is so incisively and vividly, there are moments when we also gave a bit after the unavoidable effects-packed chiller

《The Multiculltureal Society》

A bid farewell to arms, not enemies captive, is love captive.I am not good at to protect themselves, is really a abandon ego to protect people.Just like life database, already did not need to enter the password can always open all programs, you can read all the files.I said, is this sense captive prisoners.When I put the self in the sunshine of hou, I understand from now on can't have camouflage, hidden days of disturbing.When I realized I resist helpless, how much time irreparably, how much memory gradually from the inner atomica.After all, captive is a can't withstand the hurt, is must have enough courage to give up hope, must bear survival of all pressure.Originally, in belongs to inpidual space, can immerse yourself in the illusion of alone, can leave from the dust of flower.And a virtual abandon protective man is even deceive himself can't, only by continuously purification inner world.Shakespeare's Hamlet is a classic masterpiece.This book in surface witcher and history of legend doesn't make much difference, speak or revenge for the father of the prince of

Denmark, including filled with stories of blood and violence and death.As dramatis personae huo pull xu said: ”you could hear adultery slaughter, abnormal repair behavior, mianmianzhong the judgment, accidental massacring, borrow hand the guile of

Hegelian reason, and kill into the harm of ending.“ choose either plot twists and turns, and tightly around revenge on.Hamlet from the German vuitton hurried home, is come to his father's funeral, so that he can't accept, he missed his father's funeral, but saw his mother and his uncle claudius wedding, it has made Hamlet doubts in mind, coupled with the night at the palace of the castle with father spirits of the balcony meet, ghosts cry of lawsuit, this pile of Hamlet brutality is behaved, and his uncle vengeance for father.So far, he began his difficult process, and revenge claudius launched a

life-and-death battle.Eventually, to claudius issued the sword of revenge.《The pace of life》

Just as what she said, is in two inches of ivory carving narrow, it is the masterpiece of Austin.The reflection of marital

problems novel is the author works in the most popular film, and also her personal favorite works.Works vivid reflects the 18th century to the early 19th century in conservative and

unenlightened condition of British town life and generally favor.Its social walking like novels not only at that time attracted broad readers, real to today, still give the reader a unique art

enjoyment.She was the first to describe reality daily in the ordinary life ordinary grace in British novelist, novel plays a connecting link between the preceding full-length works no role.The imposing manner, no torrential twists plot twists and turns, but is this kind of simple, delicate deeply attracts us.Austin brief life is almost in Britain spend, is perhaps the countryside around simple, halcyon atmosphere gave birth to her couse temperament.Not because no rich experience, to her for

things analytical suspect somewhat, read ”pride and prejudice“ will for she is exquisite, sharp emotional tracks.Write ”pride and prejudice“, she's just a teenage girl, would it not a gift? She really rarely contact ”outside", but the thoughts, imagine the existence of existence, all this is enough


第四篇:大学英语作文-读书笔记the kite runner

Cease to the Redemption and Cease to the Life A Reading Report on The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner was written by Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan living in America.It is a novel about a heartbreaking story in Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan.Twelve-year-old Amir was desperate to win the approval of his father, one of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul.He was determined to win the competition and run for the last kite successfully, in order to prove to his father that he had the ability of a man.His loyal friend Hassan, the son of his father's servant and the best kite runner that Amir had ever seen, promised to help him.Hassan always helped Amir out of trouble.For him, a thousand times over.How ever, when Hassan was violated by the bullies in Amir’s school after the kite game, Amir hided and keep silent.Years went by, lot of miserable things happened and Amir’s family moved to America.Amir has been haunted by the guilt of betraying his childhood friend Hassan, who actually is Amir’s half-brother, so he went back to Afghanistan, where was damaged by wars.But Hassan and his wife died then, leaving their son Sohrab live alone in the world with serious psychic trauma.Amir adopted Soharb, protected him from violence, and run the kite for him.As far as I see, it is a story about self-redemption.The kite is actually a symbol, not only a toy.It symbolizes Amir’s loss in the past, which includes the loyalty he owed to Hassan, the simple and happy childhood, the courage to fight against evil and the beautiful home country and its people.Amir completed his self-redemption, but the way of it has been too long and winding, so that the story can make the angels weep, not to mention me, an ordinary woman.I believe that everyone has a kite deep inside his heart.It could be the missing goodness, the responsibility we should have to shoulder or the beloved past we mourn.We should be brave to pursue the good things in our lives, no matter how hard it is.If we miss the chance unfortunately, we are supposed to try to redeem it.Cease to the redemption and cease to the life.




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(七)简缩式。为了记住故事梗概、读了一篇较长文章后,可抓住主要内容,把它缩写成短文。范文 在寒假期间,我读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》。最令我佩服的是小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。小说通过人与自然的斗争,表达了人要勇敢地面对失败的主题。桑提亚哥在同象征厄运的鲨鱼的斗争中虽然失败了,但他并没有在厄运面前屈服,认为人虽可以暂时战败,但人的精神和意志是永远也打不垮的。“一个人并不是生来要给打败的,你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他”,他的这句话在我心中留下了深刻的印象。小说在艺术上具有很高的概括性、寓言性和象征性。运用反衬法、内心独白来刻画人物性格,语言清澈流畅、朴素无华。小说描写的是一个老渔夫桑地亚哥,他是一位孤独、失败,而又英勇无畏、热爱生活、渴望胜利的老人。小说一开始,就奠定了其失败与孤独的命运基调——“他是个独自在湾流中一条平底小帆船上钓鱼的老人,这一回已去了八十四天,没逮上一条鱼”,“倒霉到了极点”。他的打了补丁的船帆,“像是一面标志着永远失败的旗子”。他曾有妻子,但已去世的妻子只成了画像,映照着他的孤独。他也有过年轻时的辉煌,并曾在角力中荣获过人人羡慕的“冠军”。但是现在,他却成了一面古老破败、伤痕累累的旗。“他不再梦见风暴,不再梦见女人,不再梦见伟迹,不再梦见大鱼,不再梦见搏斗,不再梦见角力,不再梦见他的老婆”。仿佛他已一无所有。在一次单身出海打鱼时,一条大鱼上了钩,却拉不上来。老渔夫同鱼周旋了几天后,才发现这是一条超过自己渔船数倍的大马林鱼,虽然明知很难取胜,但仍不放弃。他充分利用自己捕鱼的技巧,慢慢浪费大鱼的体力,当鱼不再够力气拉着渔船向前时,它开始绕着船转,它越游越近,最后被渔夫用渔叉一下刺死了。后来又因大马林鱼伤口上的鱼腥味引来了几群鲨鱼抢食,但老人仍不愿就这样放弃,与一条又一条的鲨鱼搏斗,但是无奈武器都被鲨鱼破坏掉,鱼被吃掉了一大半,只剩下鱼头和鱼骨,渔夫此时亦筋疲力尽,无力继续保护鱼了,但他还是把残骸带回了渔港,让其他渔夫佩服不

已。最后,小说以一个少年看到老渔夫在度量足有十八英尺长的大马林鱼,再次描写了这条鱼的巨大,说明老渔夫所克服的困难之大,非比寻常。《老人与海》的叙事艺术无疑是相当杰出的。一方面,它是海明威“冰山理论”的又一次极为成功的体现。他在谈到《老人与海》的创作时曾经说过:“《老人与海》本来可以写成一千多页那么长”,但他“总是根据冰山的原理去写它。关于显现出来的每一部分,八分之七是在水面的。你可以略去你所知道的任何东西,这只会使你的冰山深厚起来。这是并不显现出来的部分”。在它简单的故事情节背后,深藏着我们前面所阐述的那样丰富而又博大的世界;另一方面,它像诗篇,像是一曲交织着沉郁、苦难、昂扬与庄严,甚至也不无明丽与柔情的气魄宏伟的交响曲。它从桑地亚哥的孤独与失败开始写起,依次书写他在出海之前与小男孩的交往、他的扬帆出海、他与大马林鱼及鲨鱼的搏斗、他的失败的返航,最后复归于他庄严的梦境。他的语言丰富多彩,不仅雅致冷峻、简洁有力,而且色彩鲜明,具有庄严伟岸的艺术风格。2月1日 星期四 书名:混混找乐儿 作者:王羽 好词好句: “五一”七天乐---那是老毕的活儿 今天是“五四”!嘿嘿,混混是个革命青年,一定也要在这标志性的日子里得找点乐子!革命青年的细胞总是活跃的。凌晨四点四十分,混混便起了个早。四处转悠,家里已经被彻底清理了一遍。看着还算满意。关了卧室的门,把书房封闭,开了音乐,优美的萨克斯……混混喜欢在音乐中劳作,听着旋律要是找不事干,心里是有点痒痒。从猫眼儿里向外张望---四野一片安静。好,革命混混要开辟新的阵地---打扫楼道。收拾工具,悄然进行。先一层层地扫下去……然后再一层层地拖下去…… 注意,动作要领是轻、轻、再轻……以免惊扰了邻人的春梦。嘿嘿,混混想做好事,别到头来把好事做砸了,轻骂一声混混还能接受,要是在背后给混混灌以“神经病”之类的头衔,那混混会气绝身亡…… 嘿嘿,踮着脚尖,我下呀下呀……我上呀上呀……嘴巴里竟然哼唧出了S。H。E的热门单曲——《波斯猫》。“波斯猫她就眯着小眼儿,波斯猫她就踮着脚尖儿……”嘿嘿,我就是那波斯猫……一只会干活的猫儿…… 五点四十左右,混混的劳作已经初见效果:楼道洁净明亮了,视野仿佛也开阔了。不过在混混看来,这效果太没创意,混混得整点新鲜的。一会儿工夫,靠近家门上下的楼道口多了点景致:家里的绿藤被扯下来,挂上了楼梯的栏杆上:客厅的兰花,书房的金鱼草,外加什么滴水观音全被请出家门,好家伙全让他们列队在楼道口……嘿嘿,混混从楼道仰望——————震撼!这哪里是寻常路,这是通往诗意与清新的幽径哩…… 混混陶醉中…… 不好,楼下有响动。发现敌情,混混立刻如贼猫般神速闪进了家门。混混喘息着还不忘记从咱的猫眼儿里窥视:对面的门开了,邻居的大姐仿佛有几分吃惊但是笑意在脸,嘿嘿,尤其是挂在栏杆上的新绿小藤招惹了她的目光,这个细节混混的贼小眼儿绝对不可能放过……!混混吃力地从猫眼儿里送走了大姐的背影……轻吐气息反转身来。混混楞住了: 拖把扔在客厅的地上,涮洗拖把的水洒了到处都是,还有搬落的花草的残叶,泥浆……这是我的家?? 哈哈,没关系,反正没人来混混家。混混关了门好好的在猫窝傻乐吧!“五四”一天乐!你快乐所以我快乐!自问自答: 文章主要写了什么? 写了作者在家里打扫卫生发生的事情.感受: 蹴罢秋千,起来慵整纤纤手。露浓花瘦,薄汗轻衣透。见有人来,袜铲金钗溜,和羞走。倚门回首,却把青梅嗅 读《三国演义》有感 怀着激动的心情,我第三次翻开了古典文学名著《三国演义》。曹操的诡诈,刘备的谦逊,孔明的谨慎,周瑜的心胸狭窄,每一个人物都具有不同的性格,作者刻画的淋漓尽致,细细品味,让读者仿佛进入了一种境界。故事的主要内容是以智和勇来依

次展开的,但是我认为智永远是胜过勇的。比如:在西城,孔明用空城计吓退了司马懿率领的十五万大军。此种例子举不胜数。可是在故事中也有“智不划谋,勇不当敌,文不拿笔,武不动枪”的。像汉室刘禅,整日饮酒作乐,不理朝政,心甘情愿的把蜀国献出,最后竟然上演了让天下人耻笑的事情,乐不思蜀。谁会想到一个国家的统治者能做出这样的时移俗易的事情来呢? 有勇无谋,大敌当前,只能拼死征战。吕布,颜良都是典型的例子:如果吕布在白门楼听从谋士的计策,何必被曹操吊死在城门上呢?如果颜良把刘备在河北的事情和关羽说清楚,哪儿至于被义气的关羽所砍呢?古人云:大勇无谋,祸福占其,祸居上,福临下,入阵必中计,死无不目。再谈谈国家,魏,曾经煊赫一时;蜀,曾经功成不居;吴,曾经名震江东。这么来看,从国家就可以反映出国君的性格。曹操,欺压百姓;刘备,爱民如子;孙权,称霸江东。如果说魏国在三国里智谋最强,一点也不为过。曹操的用兵堪称举世无双,司马懿就更是用兵如神。但是两个人都有自己致命的弱点:曹操多疑,司马懿太过阴险。再说蜀国,首当其冲的必定是伏龙诸葛亮。他那过人的机智,娴熟的兵阵,无不让后人叹为观止。还有像凤雏庞统、姜维、徐蔗等等一些人物,但是我认为都不如孔明。吴,一个占据三江六郡的国度,能算得上是有谋略的,也就是周瑜了,少年时期的周瑜就熟读兵书,精通布阵。经过一番刻苦的努力,终于当上了水军大都督,总统水兵。不过他太过于嫉妒,死正中年时。从这些人物和国家我们不难看出人的性格的重要性。性格关系着成功。每个人都有自己的目标,只要踏踏实实,仔仔细细(的)地走好追求成功过程中的每一段路,相信成功一定会不远的 《聊斋志异》是一部具有独特思想风貌和艺术风貌的文言短篇小说集。多数小说是通过幻想的形式谈狐说鬼,但内容却深深地扎根于现实生活的土壤之中,曲折地反映了蒲松龄所生活的时代的社会矛盾和人民的思想愿望,熔铸进了作家对生活的独特的感受和认识。蒲松龄在《聊斋自志》中说:“集腋为裘,妄续幽冥之录;浮白载笔,仅成孤愤之书:寄托如此,亦足悲矣!”在这部小说集中,作者是寄托了他从现实生活中产生的深沉的孤愤的。因此我们不能只是看《聊斋志异》奇异有趣的故事,当作一本消愁解闷的书来读,而应该深入地去体会作者寄寓其中的爱和恨,悲愤和喜悦,以及产生这些思想感情的现实生活和深刻的历史内容。由于《聊斋志异》是一部经历了漫长时期才完成的短篇小说集,故事来源不同,作者的思想认识前后有发展变化,加上作者世界观本身存在矛盾,因而全书的思想内容良莠不齐,比较复杂。但从总体看来,优秀之作占半数以上,主要倾向是进步的,真实地揭示了现实生活的矛盾,反映了人民的理想、愿望和要求。歌颂生活中的真、善、美,抨击假、恶、丑,是蒲松龄创作《聊斋志异》总的艺术追求,也是这部短篇小说集最突出的思想特色。郭沫若曾说过:“写鬼写妖高人一筹,刺贪刺虐入木三分。”
