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编辑:风月无边 识别码:15-818580 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-30 23:37:15 来源:网络


My exciting summer holiday

How time flies.This summer is over.I had an exciting summer holiday.I went to Japan with my mother.I visited Tokyo and some other cities.Tokyo was very beautiful.The most interesting place was Disney Land.I took photos with Mickey mouse.We stayed in Japan for a week, I will not forget this week.I not only played but also studied during summer holidays.I had Math and English lessons.I did homework everyday because I want to improve my English.I took the three star test in August and I passed it.My family was very excited.I had a holiday in the summer but I didn’t really rest.I was busy, but I still feel exciting about these two months.A trip to Japan

At the beginning of summer holiday, I had a trip to Japan.We visited Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and some other cities.There were lots of high buildings in Tokyo there like Shanghai.The streets were very clean but a litter narrow.I saw a girl in kimono near an old house in Nagoya.I can’t speak Japanese, so I said ‘Hello’ to her in English.The kimono was nice.I also played in Disney land.Wow, it was so exciting.I played many interesting games and bought some gifts for my friends.I ate Sushi in Japan.It was delicious.My mother took a hundred of pictures of me.It was an exciting trip to Japan.Visiting Expo

It was a sunny day.My mother and I came to Expo site.The Expo site was very large.There were different kinds of pavilions on both sides of the road.I visited France, Belgium, and Australia pavilion and so on.France pavilion had beautiful jewelry, and Belgium pavilion had delicious chocolate.Spain pavilion looked like a grass mat house.It was funny.China pavilion was the most beautiful of all.It was red and special.I like China pavilion best.Expo site was wonderful.


A Forgetful Trip

Last winter holiday, I went to Herbing.Herbing is a beautiful city.We could always see much snowy on each side of roads.I saw the snow first time, so I was very excited.When I went to the “Ice and Snow World”, I was very happy.Because there were many games about the ice and snow.Such as the spinning, skiing, sledding, skating ladder and so on.I was interested in skating ladder.So I have played it many times.I rode on a plate, and my friend push me.Then I rushed towards to the ground.The feeling was very strange;it was like fling’s feeling.When I standed up, my friend rushed towards me quickly.But I did not pay attention to it, so I was rammed.I fell over.My legs were a bit of pain.“I’m so sorry.” my friend said.“Don’t worry.I’m ok, let’s play it again!”I said.The skating ladder was very exciting that I did not comprehend to my legs.I was really happy on that day.This trip was a forgetful experience.I will remember it forever.


Changbai Mountain

Have you ever been Changbai Mountain? It is a marvelous place and known by people all over the word.My parents like traveling very much.So, in summer vacation, our family choose Changbai Mountain to visit.Owing to the remote location, we spent one night to go there by train.When we reached the gate of Changbai Mountain, we felt very lucky.Because the weather was so good and full of sunshine that we can see Heaven Pool clearly.In the tour, we saw the virgin forest.Changbai Mountain is a natural big Museum and one of most famous forest of China, being honored as “Temperate biological free gene pool”.There are kinds of tree, such as Korean pine, fir, birch and so on.There is the “millennium snow is the year pine, on straight world first peak” fine reputation.Also, I saw many squirrels.They are very cute.I took many photos of them.I really wanted to take them to my home, but it is impossible.The bus took us to the foot of the mountain.Our board is to look at heaven pool in Changbai Mountain, but would like to see the heaven pool is not easy.The jeep bumped along the rough mountain road, and we must climb over 1,200-tread of the staircase.I felt very tired after that.It acquires fame because of its prominent peak old age mountain multi-white pumice and the snow.The sun was shining on the foot of mountain

but the wind around the mountains become fog.There is really cold, so we all put on our coat.From what the guide said, we know that Heaven pool is a high mountain summer resort some 1, 980 meters above sea level.And I want to say:” Heaven pool is so beautiful and an earthly paradise.”

Changbai Mountain is a dormant volcano, as a result of Changbai Mountain unique geography structure.Nearby the heaven pool, we saw the crater.It is too grand to keep on going.As if I go ahead, I will fall to the bottom.There are many hot springs.Changbai mountain is famous for the most abundant hot springs and mineral spring sources ,but it is a little expensive.The most famous food of Changbai Mountain is over eggs.The eggs are boiled in hot spring.Everyone who visits Changbai Mountain must eat them.It is a symbol of Changbai Mountain.Changbai Mountains is one of the state AAAA level scenic spots.It is the best choice to be the first spot to visit China.Don’t miss it, or you must be regretful.


(一)A trip to the Great Wall(长城之旅)

If you don’t go to the Great Wall, you won’t become a hero.(不到长城非好汉。)On May Day my cLAssmates and I went to the Great Wall.We got on the bus in the early morning.On our way to the Great Wall, we saw lots of new buildings being built here and there.Beijing is changing a lot every day.(五一节那天,我和我的同学一起去登长城。一大早我们就坐上了公共汽车。一路上,我们看见到处都有高楼在施工。北京每禾都在发生巨大的变化。)After two hours the Great Wall appeared before our eyes.She was so wonderful that wecouldn’t help cheering.At once we started towards the top.We were very gladto be heroes in the end.How great the Great Wall is!We were proud of the Great Wall and the people who had built it.And we made our mind to work harder than before.We will try our best to make our motherland richer and stronger.(两小时后,长城映入我们的眼帘。她是那么壮观,我们都忍不住欢呼起来了。我们没有停留片刻,立刻向最高处进发。我们很高兴最终我们都成了“英雄”。我们感叹长城可真了不起呀!我们为长城也为建造她的人们感到骄傲。我们下决心更努力地学习,为我们祖国的繁荣富强而贡献力量。)

(二)北京之旅(Trip to Beijing)


Today, mom and dad took me to Beijing, the capital of the our country, in the morning we will go to climb the grand badaling Great Wall, it is said that each one horse-refraining pits on the Great Wall is the qin dynasty used to guard against the enemy, archery.我们开始蹬长城了,我迫不及待的往上跑。快要爬到顶峰了,我有点不想爬了,突然心里想起了一句话:“不到长城非好汉。”如果我爬不到顶峰,我就不是好汉,我继续向顶峰爬去,终于爬上来了,我也是好汉了!

We started off the Great Wall, I can't wait up.Is going to climb to the top, I'm a little don't want to climb, suddenly think of a word in heart: “not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall.” If I can't climb the peak, I'm not hero, I continue to climb to the top of the peak, finally climb, I also is a hero!

下午,我们去了影视成,我知道电影是怎样制作出来的了。我们还去了激光枪乐园,进去是大人每人拿一激光 枪,小孩没有,妈妈把她的枪给了我,让我打真好玩。时间到了,我得了第五名,我太高兴了,我度过了愉快的一天!In the afternoon, we went to the film and television, I know how is the movie made.We also went to the laser gun, in adults with a laser gun, each children have no, my mother gave me her gun, let me make this is fun.I got fifth place when the time came, I was so happy, I spent a happy day!

(三)美国之旅(Trip to the U.S.)


This summer, mom and dad took me to the trip to the United States, what impressed me most is the world's largest Disney amusement park and Baltimore crabs.在迪斯尼乐园,有四个主题公园和两个水上公园。那里的烟火是最漂亮的了。首先你会看到两颗光珠划过天空。接着,《彼得潘》电影里的仙女便会叮叮当当地飞过来,洒下一片光明。紧接着,各式各样的烟花出现了,有的黄,有的绿,还有的是火红的心„„虽然烟花不多,但都是随着音乐有节奏地出现。最后所有的烟花一起喷向天空,照亮了整片天空。

In Disney World, there are four theme park and two water park.The fireworks is the most beautiful there.First you will see two bead light across the sky.Then, “Peter pan” the fairy in the movie will be rattled and flew, sprinkle with bright.Then, all kinds of fireworks, some yellow and some green, still have a plenty of red heart...Although fireworks is not much, but are as the music rhythmically.Finally all fireworks into the sky, lit up the whole sky.巴尔迪摩的螃蟹巨大无比,当地人吃螃蟹的方法也极为特别。我们去了当地一家大家都很认可的螃蟹店,准备一饱口福。之间服务员首先在我们的桌上铺上报纸,然后又发给我们每人一把锤子,我正疑惑吃螃蟹要锤子干什么的时候,服务员端了螃蟹上来,大家便开始动锤子砸起来。“哦!原来锤子是用来砸着巨大无比的螃蟹的。”爸爸妈妈跟我讲,砸螃蟹是有技巧的,砸重了螃蟹会被砸烂;砸轻了,会连螃蟹壳也打不开,真不容易。我每砸一下,手都会被震得很痛,后来只好包些纸来减轻疼痛。这里的螃蟹肉质的确很鲜美,我们一行人都对此赞不绝口。大家都吃得非常饱,以至于连晚饭都不想再吃了。

Baltimore crabs enormous, locals eat crab method is also very special.We went to a local all approved crabs shop, ready to indulge.Between a waiter first on our table with a newspaper, and then sent to each of us a hammer, I was wondering what eat crab to hammer, waiter crabs, everyone began to move a hammer.“Oh!Originally a hammer is used to hit the enormous crabs.” Mom and dad told me, hit a crab is skilled, hit a heavy crabs will be broken;Will hit light, even crab shell won't open, it's not easy.Every hit, my hand will be very pain, later had to pack some paper to alleviate pain.The crab meat is delicious, here we are full of praise.Everyone eat very full, so much so that even don't want to eat dinner.这一次美国之行的确让我获得了很多快乐!

This time the trip to the United States really let me get a lot of happiness!

(四)冰城之旅(Tour of the city)


We first came to the polar museum, chubby Antarctic penguins can be cute!His white shirt cover the black tuxedo, leisurely walk, also really a little gentleman!


Come out from the polar museum we almost non-stop came to the park to see snow, wow!So many tourists!People dressed in festive costumes, cheerfully to watch the beautiful ice lanterns, there are a lot of foreign visitors to appreciate the beauty of city? All kinds of statues made of ice crystal clear, lifelike, some like palaces and some like the pagoda, there are also all sorts of animals alive, we walk in the sea of the ice world lamp, make people linger!Actually, my favorite is the big slide, mom said more than three hundred meters long, I sat on a skateboard, hand grabbed the rope, heart beat dance incessantly, began to decline, ear born wind, I closed my eyes, did not dare to look, finally actually I was scared out of tears, my Cousins joke with me, they were terrified.回家的路上我的心还好象在冰城飘荡,我喜欢冰城,更喜欢把冰城打扮得绚丽多彩的人们!

My heart is still on the way home like uselessly roaming in the city I like the city, more like to dress up colorful city people!




one sunday my mother(mother)had(made)me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country.she bade me take good care of him.while we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently.we saw the beautiful flowers smile(smiling)at us and heard the birds sing(singing)their sweet songs on the trees.the scenery was indeed very pretty(beautiful).when we felt tired, we returned home.we saw mother(our mother)wait(waiting)for us at the door.有一个星期日,我母亲叫我带小弟弟去乡村游历。她吩咐我要好好照料他。


