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编辑:雾凇晨曦 识别码:15-717547 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-09-27 08:18:47 来源:网络


Unit 1

Man has a blood tie with nature and nobody can live outside nature.Nature provides us with everything we need: the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.For quite a long time after man began to live in the r____________(1)of nature, he lived in fear of its destructive forces.He used to regard nature with its e____________(2)forces as something hostile to him.And even the forest was something wild and frightening to him.Very often, he was unable to o____________(3)the merest daily necessities though he worked together with others s____________(4)and collectively with his imperfect tools.Through his interaction with nature, man changed it gradually.He cut down forest, cultivated land, t____________(5)various species of plants and animals to different climatic conditions, changed the shape and climate of his environment and t ____________(6)plants and animals.He s____________(7)and disciplined electricity and compelled it to serve the interests of society.Nonetheless, with the constant e____________(8)of agriculture and industry, man has robbed nature too much of its i____________(9)resources, polluted his own living environment and caused about 95% of the species that have existed over the past 600 million years to become e ____________(10)and still many others to be endangered.The previous d(11)balance between man and nature is on the v ____________(12)of breaking down.Man is now faced with the problem of how to stop, or at least to m ____________(13)the destructive effect of technology on nature.The crisis of the e ____________(14)situation has become a global problem.The solution to the problem depends on r ____________(15)and wise organization both of production itself and care for Mother Nature.This can only be done by all humanity, rather than by inpiduals, enterprises or separate countries.realm 2 elemental 3 obtain 4 stubbornly 5 transferred 6 transformed 7 subdued 8 expansion 9 irreplaceable 10 extinct 11 dynamic 12 verge 13 moderate 14 ecological 15 rational

Unit 2

Technology is a “hot” issue nowadays.The defenders of technology stress its advantages while the opponents e ____________(1)its disadvantages.Neither side has ever taken the time to look at the o ____________(2)point of view.The defenders of technology hold that with technology, people's living conditions have been greatly i ____________(3).For example, the boom in productivity has made goods better and cheaper.Therefore, things that were once l ____________(4), such as jet travel and long-distance phone calls, have become necessities.Medical technology, in particular, has b ____________(5)us a lot, especially in prolonging life expectancy.On the other hand, the opponents of technology argue that technology makes life o____________(6)worse.Telemarketing, traffic jams, and identity theft are all phenomena that make people c____________(7)unhappy.In addition, many people believe technology disrupts relationships and f____________(8)community.Ever since the Industrial Revolution, the relationship between happiness and technology has been an e____________(9)subject for social critics and philosophers, though economists and social scientists have seldom touched on the topic.However, in 1974 the economist Richard Easterlin did g____________(10)work on the relationship between prosperity and well-being.In his famous paper e____________(11)“Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?”, Easterlin showed that there was no real c ____________(12)between a nation's income level and its citizens' happiness in the developed countries.In fact, technology is neither good nor bad.It d____________(13)on what we want to do with it.Therefore, the responsibility belongs e ____________(14)to humans who have to acquire a social conscience, to respect human beings, nature and its balances.emphasize 2 opposite 3 improved 4 luxuries 5 benefited 6 obviously 7 consciously 8 fractures 9 eternal 10 groundbreaking 11 entitled 12 correlation 13 depends 14 exclusively

Unit 3

According to Craig Russell, when we make an initial effort in our personal quests for knowledge, we may not even know that a certain field of learning exists.But, after we have done some reading, we will get to know more about the t____________(1).At the same time, we may feel that all the reading c ____________(2)more questions rather than answers them.We then realize how little we r____________(3)know and how much more we need to read and think and write.Russell suggests that we write after reading each time.His experience tells him that it is his writing that has led him to acquire a better g ____________(4)of the topic he studies.People may think that only those who know and who are s____________(5)of themselves write.For

Russell, however, it's just the o____________(6), for writing doesn't close things off – it opens things up.To say that the more we know, the more we know we don't know seems c____________(7).According to Russell, modern physics tells us that r ____________(8)itself is contradictory.The more closely scientists look into our p ____________(9)reality, the more it slips away from them.In a way, the more they learn, the less they know.Craig Russell believes that a proper understanding will inevitably lead us away from the force and r____________(10)of dogmatism and toward the flexibility and freedom of the i____________(11).Therefore, we must temper our pride in knowing with the h ____________(12)of not knowing.The truth always exists there, but, it is like the r ____________(13)because we can never really grasp it, never hold it in our hands and truly know it.We can only, as William James said, “live today by what truth we can get today and be ready to call it f ____________(14)tomorrow”.topic 2 creates 3 really 4 grasp 5 sure 6 opposite 7 contradictory 8 reality 9 physical 10 rigidity 11 inpidual 12 humility 13 rainbow 14 falsehood

Unit 4

Most people have work to do.With work, they can e____________(1)their lives.However, people who did p____________(2)labor were looked down upon in the past.Many people were c ____________(3)to take manual labor because it was an absolute n____________(4)for them to earn a living and to s____________(5)their families.By contrast, people who did m____________(6)work were highly respected.Under the influence of this idea, even today some people still i____________(7)their future when making choices for their career.What they care most about is whether the job can give them enough social s____________(8)rather than whether they can realize their v____________(9)in it.In their eyes, those who do manual labor should still be c____________(10)as inferior in social status.In fact, there is no e ____________(11)difference between those who work with their hands and those who work with their m ____________(12).Whether a job is labor or work does not depend on the job itself but on people's a____________(13)towards it.As long as you like your job, you will think you are f____________(14)enough to take it and you will do it enthusiastically.enjoy 2 physical 3 compelled 4 necessity 5 support 6 mental 7 idealize 8 status 9 values 10 classified 11essential 12 mind 13 attitude 14 fortunate

Unit 5

What does success mean to you? Does it mean wealth, fame, power or something else? Different people have different pursuits in life so they understand success in different ways.Some people c____________(1)money their whole lives.To them, more money means more success.Some people run after fame.With fame and r____________(2), they can gain the admiration and love of many others.However, some people d____________(3)themselves to the well-being of society.Doubtlessly, money is something that can be used as a r ____________(4)to those who have done valuable work.Those who perform their work excellently should be paid s____________(5).But success cannot be m____________(6)in monetary terms, nor in terms of the amount of power one may exercise over others.After all, money and power can a____________(7)people neither of happiness nor of respect from others.Fame, too, is a flawed measure of success.M ____________(8)fame can bring great joy to those who have it for a time.But they are very likely to become the slaves of their c ____________(9)because of the public’s demands.In addition, they will easily become the t____________(10)of everyone who disagrees with them and of the media as well.To be f ____________(11), if one is unable to fully enjoy life and l ____________(12), the short-lived success is nothing but i ____________(13).Therefore, to achieve the right kind of success is vitally important.As long as one can combine his own material needs and spiritual satisfaction with those of the well-being of society, he should be held in high r ____________(14).chase 2 reputation 3 dedicate 4 reward 5 sufficiently 6 measured 7 assure 8 Momentary 9 celebrity 10 target 11 frank 12 liberty 13 illusory 14 regard

Unit 6

Truth is a fact accepted as true, for which proof exists.Truth is a great principle, without which beauty may fade and love may w ____________(1).Those who uphold truth have a strong s____________(2)of responsibility.Those who hold firmly to truth are f____________(3)to their duty and the people they serve.They c ____________(4)themselves to the well-being of others.With a ____________(5)to make a contribution to society, they are ready to correct their own mistakes, if any.It can be said that they are men of moral integrity who never ask for g ____________(6)in return.Truth d ____________(7)upon us slowly but surely.In the long quest for truth, people have a____________(8)precious knowledge and experience.However, truth also needs n ____________(9)just as plants need water, because many people are too p____________(10)with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the great beauty of truth when it f____________(11)or they frequently fail to appreciate truth when it is t ____________(12).In short, truth is an invaluable asset to the whole of humanity.Stick to the truth and we will w____________(13)a timeless pattern, and earn the respect and esteem of others, e____________(14)the world today above its present imperfections and place ourselves in the proud position of promoting the good of the humanity.wither 2 sense 3 faithful 4 commit 5 aspirations 6 gratitude 7 dawns 8 accumulated 9 nourishment 10 preoccupied 11 flowers 12 tendered 13 weave 14 elevate

Unit 7

We often hear people say, “Time is money.” But today many Americans have come to realize that the crazy pursuit of money is leaving them too little time to enjoy life.They are tired of working just for the l____________(1)of life and are beginning to change their fast-paced lifestyles for a simple and f____________(2)one, hoping to keep family, friends, work and play all of a piece.For some people, creating a more balanced life involves changing jobs or locations.For others, it means t____________(3)two incomes for one, in which case they must c____________(4)expenses.So some have sold out their s____________(5)homes and moved into smaller houses.They have given up the extra cars, unnecessary modern conveniences, and expensive h ____________(6).They now do things by themselves to avoid paying for the services of others.They resist the temptation to purchase things on i ____________(7)and spend money only on b____________

(8)necessities and things that do not make w____________(9)use of the earth's resources.However, they do not d____________(10)themselves what they like or enjoy.The change in their lifestyle is not one involving d____________(11);it is just simplification.They believe that they can still live a happy and fulfilling life on less money.Indeed, whether we can m ____________(12)a healthy lifestyle or not does not depend on how wealthy we are but on whether we have the r____________(13)and courage to discard our old c____________(14)habits.luxuries 2 frugal 3 trading 4 curtail 5 splendid 6 hobbies 7 impulse 8 bare 9 wasteful 10 deny 11 deprivation 12 maintain 13 resolve 14 consumption

Unit 8

The Story of an Hour

leaves us much to think about.In the story, when Richards, who worked in the newspaper office, learned that his friend Brently Mallard had been killed in a railroad d____________(1), he was greatly shocked.He only waited until he was a____________(2)by a second telegram and then he h ____________(3)to go to Josephine, sister of Brently's wife, and asked her to break the news as g____________(4)as possible to her sister because he knew Mrs.Mallard was a____________(5)with a heart trouble.He was afraid that if someone less t____________(6)brought the message to her ahead of him, there might be dreadful consequences.People usually expect a wife to accept such sad news with a p____________(7)inability, but Mrs.Mallard did not.At the news, she wept at once, with sudden, wild a____________(8)in her sister's arms, and then she went to her own room, forbidding anyone else to go in.When she was alone, she felt something s____________(9)coming to her, which gradually came to her mind, beginning to p____________(10)her.Hard as she tried, she couldn't get rid of the feeling.What was it? She didn't know.However, a clear and excited p____________(11)occupied her which made her regard her husband's death no longer as something important, because beyond that bitter moment she saw a long p ____________(12)of years to come that would belong to her absolutely, during which her husband would not i ____________(13)his will upon her any more.Just at that moment, her husband came back, t____________(14), carrying his briefcase and umbrella.Seeing him, she died of a sudden heart attack.disaster 2 assured 3 hastened 4 gently 5 afflicted 6 tender 7 paralyzed 8 abandonment 9 subtle 10 possess11 perception 12 procession 13 impose 14 travel-stained


新世纪大学英语B2U1 Quiz

姓名_________________学号_________________成绩_________________ Part I Translation

1. In life, our stupidest course of action is __________________________________ ______________________________(太执着自己的东西,不愿放弃).2. Many people are aware of ____________________________________________ _______________(与大自然和谐相处的重要性).3. _________________________________________________(随着岁月的流逝), he became increasingly interested in Chinese culture.4. I never understand _________________________________________________(什么事情使她烦心).5. Problems like the generation gap ______________________________________ _______________________(是不可以被掩盖起来的).6. Though we have been successful in our work so far, _______________________ _________________________(我们要准备好处理难题)in the days to come.7. Unfortunately, a continuing rise in the oil price has ___________________________________________(使这个国家的经济瘫痪).8. _________________________________________________(对生命的意义没有统一的看法);different people have different understanding.9. I know you are both proud and find it difficult to forgive each other after such a bad argument, but _________________________________________________(必须有人走出第一步).10. His wife was always complaining at home and he was ____________________________________________(厌倦了她不停的抱怨).Part II: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Human relationships would become difficult without forgiveness.It’s a 1_______ for building harmonious relationships and 2_______ our own well-being.Very often we may think that we’ve been hurt too deeply to forgive.But 3_______, it’s those of us who’ve been most hurt that really need to forgive.For the truth is that unless we can forgive, we can never 4_______.For some people forgiveness seems 5_______ because they have no idea how to go about it.The first and most important thing you need to 6_______ is that the act of forgiveness is not going to be easy.In fact, it will probably be the hardest thing most of us ever have to do.It seems totally 7_______ that we should have to forgive when we are the ones who have been hurt.And that’s the central and most important part of forgiveness.That’s why, sometimes, the 8_______ act of forgiveness may seem relatively easy, but dealing with the 9_______ can be harder.True forgiveness is not a one-off act, it’s a 10_______ emotional confrontation.So if you think you are right and can’t find it in yourself to forgive, ask yourself this question: would you rather be right or happy?





Part III Answer the questions according to both Text A and Text B.1)Why does the writer say “forgive and forget” miss the whole point of forgiveness? What is the real point of forgiveness?

2)What made the jailer’s eyes filled with tears?

Part IV Compound dictation.President Bush has proposed to increase the study of foreign languages in American schools.The new plan is called the National[S1] _______ Language Initiative.It will[S2] ______ the departments of State, Education and Defense, and the[S3] _______ of National Intelligence.The plan [S4] ____ for teaching foreign languages to more children, as early as at the age of four.It also[S5] ____ to increase foreign language[S6] _________ in college and[S7] ________ school.The hope is to bring more foreign language speakersinto government [S8] ______.And [S9] _________________________________________________ to increase the number of military officers who speak foreign languages.Officials say

[S10] _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________.The plan also calls for sending more American students to other countries for part of their college studies.And [S11] ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________.


Unit one

The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground Our troops engaging the enemy at the front were faced with strong resistance.The pision commander instructed our battalion to take a gamble.We started under cover of darkness and pressed on in spite of great difficulties.By a stroke of luck, the temperature at night suddenly dropped to 20 degrees celsiusand the marsh froze over.Thanks to the cold weather, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear.This turned the tide of the battle.The enemy ,caught off guard, soon surrendered.Unit three

Well begun is half done, as the saying goes.It is extremely important for a job applicant to do his homework while seeking employment.From my standpoint, whether or not one has done his homework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success.I have a friend who is earning somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 thousand dollars a year in a large computer software prepared.Those who make no endeavor to learn as much about his prospective employer as possible don’t have much of chance of success.Unit four

Professor Huntington’s paper greatly inspired me.According to him, in a pluralistic society, this will inevitably be different opinions.The key is to deal with them in such a way that they can play a constructive rather than destructive role.He argues that in a plural society we must stress importance to interpersonal relationships, cooperation, and looking at issues from the perspective of other people.If some groups regard themselves as superior and treat other ethnic groups or religions with disrespect, the whole society may be paralyzed.I am convinced that if we put into practice the ideas mentioned above, then there is the possibility of creating a new civilization.Unit seven

A severe earthquake occurred all of a sudden at 10 a.m.yesterday in a rural area,about 200 kilometers east of the city.Initial reports coming out of the region indicate the earthquake has caused widespread damage and heavy casualties.Many adolescents were among those injured or killed.Yet it remains obscure exactly how many people were hurt and killed as the entire area has been enveloped in rubble.However , one thing is certain: many face years of pain and suffering.Local people were clearly shaken by this reminder of their mortality.Some religious ones have gathered to pray that it will never recur.


UNIT1 A When Hitler decided to launch his invasion of Russia, he thought that nothing could stand in the way of his armies.当希特勒决定推出他的入侵俄罗斯,他认为没有什么能阻碍他的军队。

Conquest, it seemed, was inevitable.征服,似乎是不可避免的。

He had surprise on his side, catching Stalin off his guard by launching his attack without a declaration of war.他有惊喜在他这边,捕捉斯大林不备,推出他的攻击没有宣战。

Hitler expected the campaign to last only a few months.希特勒希望活动只持续几个月。

In the event, it was to drag on for much longer.在这次事件中,它是拖累了。

Like Napoleon before him, he had made a fatal mistake in failing to reckon with the severity of the Russian weather.就像在他之前的拿破仑,他犯了一个致命的错误,没有对付俄罗斯天气的严重程度。

Many German soldiers were to die from the cold as winter set in, bringing the German advance to a halt.许多德国士兵死于寒冷的冬天开始,将德国提前停止。

B What flies without wings, hits without hands, and sees without eyes? 什么苍蝇没有翅膀,没有手,看到击中没有眼睛吗?

The white dragon, or avalanche.白色的龙,或雪崩。

In Europe, this old riddle(谜语)has been told since the Middle Ages ,when the first mountain settlers braved cold winters and the dangerous waves of snow.在欧洲,这种古老的谜题(谜语)已经告诉自中世纪,当第一个山移民冒着寒冷的冬季和危险的海浪的雪。

The people also called it the White Death, sent by devils that/who rode on the white mass of snow.人们也叫它白色的死亡,魔鬼派来的,骑着白色/质量的雪。

Some of the earliest reports of/about avalanches come from Hannibal’s famous march across the Alps in 218 B.C.Crossing over the high mountains with troops and elephant trains to fight against the Roman armies, the general lost thousands of men and animals to disease, cold and avalanches.最早的一些报告/关于雪崩来自汉尼拔的著名的3月越过阿尔卑斯山在公元前218年穿越高山与军队和象火车对抗罗马军队,一般失去了成千上万的男人和动物疾病、感冒和雪崩。

In 1800, Napoleon tried to cross the Great St.Bernard Pass in the Alps with his army.1800年,拿破仑试图交叉圣伯纳德大山口在阿尔卑斯山和他的军队。

Thousands of his men were buried beneath 50 feet of snow.成千上万的人埋在50英尺的雪。

During World War I, men fighting in the Tyrolean Mountains lost more numbers to avalanches than to bullets—more than 40,000 lost their lives between 1915 and 1918.在第一次世界大战期间,男人战斗在提洛尔人山失去了更多的数字雪崩比子弹更超过40000失去了他们的生命在1915年和1918年之间。

The word “avalanche” comes from the French word for “descent(下降),” in reference to the descent of snow, ice, rocks, or earth that rushes down mountain slopes.“雪崩”这个词来源于法语词汇“血统(下降),”在提到血统的雪、冰、岩石或土,山坡上冲下来。

UNIT2 A Hello.Welcome to your new car.I am your onboard computer-assisted driving system.It is my job to alert you to any hazard that may occur on the highway.你好欢迎你的新突然是你的车载计算机辅助驾驶系统是我的工作来提醒你任何风险,可能发生在高速公路上。

From the moment you start up the car, I’ll be there to help you.When you want to relax,I can take control of the steering in you place,guiding you from one lane to another.If a car in front of you slows down suddenly,I’ll decrease your speed.If you get stack in a traffic jam,the experience will no longer be so monotonous.just sit back,relax,and let me eliminate the worry.when you want to convert back from automatic control to manual control,that is easy.just press the right button mounted on the streering column.从当你启动汽车,我就会帮助你什么想放松的时候,我可以控制操舵在你的地方,引导你从一个车道,另一个如果一辆车在你面前减慢突然,我将降低你的速度。如果你得到堆栈在交通阻塞,这些经验将不再那么单调的只是坐下来,放松,让我消除担心当你想转换回自动控制,手动控制,这是很容易就按正确的按钮安装在streering列。

B The automobile industry is one of the most important industries in the world, affecting not only economies but also cultures.汽车工业是最重要的一个产业在世界上,不仅经济,而且影响文化。

It provides jobs for millions of people, generates billions of dollars in worldwide revenues, and provides the basis for a multitude of related service and support industries.它提供了数百万的就业机会给人们,产生数十亿美元在世界范围内收入和提供基础为众多的相关服务和支持的产业。

Automobiles revolutionized transportation in the 20th century, changing forever the way people live, travel, and do business.汽车在20世纪革命性的交通,永远改变了人们的生活方式,旅游,做业务。

The automobile has enabled people to travel and transport goods farther and faster, and has opened wider market areas for business and commerce.汽车使得人们旅行和运输货物的更远更快,打开了更广阔的市场领域,商业和贸易。

The auto industry has also reduced the overall cost of transportation by using methods such as mass production(making quantities of a product within a short period of time), mass marketing(selling products nationally and globally rather than locally), and globalization of production(assembling products with parts made worldwide).汽车行业也降低了整体运输成本通过使用方法如大规模生产(制造大量的产品在很短的一段时间),大众营销(全国和全球销售产品而不是在当地),和全球化的生产(组装产品,成为全球的部分)。

A century later, with automakers and auto buyers expanding globally, auto making became the world’s largest manufacturing activity, with more than 53 million new vehicles built each year worldwide.一个世纪之后,随着汽车制造商和汽车买家在全球扩张,汽车制造成为世界上最大的制造业活动,超过5300万辆新车全世界每年建造。

As a result of easier and faster transportation, the United States and world economies have become dependent on the mobility that automobiles, trucks, and buses provide.由于更容易和更快的运输,美国和全球经济已经变得依赖于流动,汽车、卡车、公交车提供。

This mobility allowed remote populations to interact with one another, which increased commerce.这种移动性允许远程种群相互作用,增加了商业。

The transportation of goods to consumers and consumers to goods has become an industry in itself.运输的货物,消费者和消费者商品本身已成为一个行业。

The automobile has also brought related problems, such as air pollution, congested traffic, and increased highway fatalities.汽车也带来了相关的问题,如空气污染、拥挤的交通,增加公路死亡事故。

Nevertheless, the automobile industry is to be an important source of employment and transportation for millions of people worldwide.然而,汽车工业是一个重要的来源的就业和运输为全世界数百万人。

UNIT3 A What is the best way to impress a prospective employer when you go for an interview for a job?


As I see it, the best thing is to demonstrate that you have done your homework and know all about the firm.在我看来,最好的事情是证明你已经完成了作业,知道所有关于该公司。

You should make every endeavor, for example, to show that you know something about the structure of the company, including the different lines of business it is involved in.你应该让每一个的努力,例如,要表明你知道一些关于公司的结构,包括不同的业务线是参与。

Be enthusiastic, let the interviewer know that you are not frightened by new challenges, but are willing to take a crack at anything.有热情,让面试官知道你不害怕新的挑战,但愿意尝试任何东西。

Try to look at the situation from the stand point of the person offering opportunity of employment.试着看看情况从站点的人提供就业机会。

What sort of qualities is he likely to be looking for? 什么样的品质是他可能是在找什么?

Enthusiasm, certainly.热情,当然。

So don’t leave your application waiting until just before the deadline.所以不要离开您的应用程序之前等待的最后期限。

Apply early.尽早申请。

Another thing that can make a difference is to follow up your interview with a letter expressing your enthusiasm to join the company.另一件事,可以使一个差异是跟进你的面试时用一个字母表达你的热情加入该公司。

B When you get an invitation to a job interview, you are halfway toward your goal----a job offer.当你得到一个邀请去参加一个面试,你是中途向你的目标——一个工作机会。

No matter how many encouraging responses you have gotten to your job inquiry letters, with rare exceptions you will not get a job offer without an interview.无论多少鼓励响应你的美丽你的工作查询信件,除了极少数例外你不会得到一个工作机会没有一个面试。

Go to the library to find all relevant information about the company and, if you can, on the person who will interview you.去图书馆查找所有相关公司的信息,如果可以,在人谁将面试你。

Have material with you that the employer might ask for----samples of your work, names and addresses of references, extra copies of your resume.有材料,雇主可能会要求——你的作品样本,姓名和地址的引用,额外的拷贝你的简历。

An employment manager for a major construction company offers this advice.雇佣经理主要建筑公司提供了这个建议。

“If it’s obvious you haven’t spent any time preparing for the interview----that is, you don’t know what the company does, where it does it, what kinds of jobs it has----then don’t expect the company to take you very seriously.” “如果这是明显的你没有花任何时间准备面试——那就是,你不知道什么公司做,它,什么样的工作它——然后别指望公司带你非常认真。”

Prior to an interview the employer has probably seen your resume and perhaps talked with you on the phone.面试前雇主可能已经看过你的简历,或许和你在电话上交谈。

What employers look for in interviews is what you might call personal chemistry----how you look and act, whether you exhibit self-confidence, how you would fit in with other members of the organization.雇主寻找在采访中可能就是我们所说的“个人化学——你怎么看起来和行动,无论你表现出自信,你怎么样才能符合组织的其他成员。

UNIT4 A Is America on the decline? 是美国在下降?

Or do we see in America a new civilization, one that will not follow historical precedent, but will continue to grow and develop?


It may be that in America we see for the first time a completely new civilization that does not follow the path of earlier empires.它可能是在美国,我们第一次看到一个全新的文明,不遵循路径的早期帝国。

This new society is forging a fresh way of looking at the world, a new mentality.这个新的社会锻造一个新鲜的看待世界的方式,一种新的心态。

Its essential characteristic is a refusal to be discouraged, a willingness to try again and rather than just accepting one’ destiny.其基本特征是一个拒绝被气馁,愿意再试一次,而不仅仅是接受一个”的命运。

It is a society based on pluralism, on the mixing of immigrants from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.这是一个社会多元化的基础上,对混合来自不同民族的移民和文化背景。

The resulting combination of cultures gives America its unique vitality.结果结合文化给了美国独特的生命力。

B I was born and raised in the United States by Thai Parents.我出生和成长在美国,泰国的父母。

Years ago, my mother told me about a Thai man who married an American woman against the wishes of his mother.年前,我的母亲告诉我关于一个泰国人嫁给了一位美国妇女对他母亲的愿望。

The mother refused to speak to her son because he had married outside his nationality.母亲拒绝与她说话的儿子,因为他娶了他的国籍之外。

Only when her son and his wife had their first child did the mother acknowledge the marriage.只有当她的儿子和他的妻子做了他们的第一个孩子的母亲承认婚姻。

Incredulous at this tale, I asked my Thai mother, “You would never do that, would you?


” “No,” she answered, then a pause, “I wouldn't speak to you for 10 years!”“不,”她回答,然后停顿一下,“我不会跟你说10年!

” I laughed at her joke, but a small part of me knew that there was a grain of truth to my mother's response: She hoped that I would marry Thai, not American.”我嘲笑她的笑话,但一小部分,我知道有一个真理的种子,我母亲的反应:她希望我嫁给泰国,不是美国。

Well, I didn't marry Thai or American.嗯,我没娶泰国或美国。

I married French.我嫁给了法国。

Although by the time I got married, my mother was so overjoyed at the fact that I was getting married at all that I doubt it really would have mattered to her if my husband had been from outer space.虽然我结婚了,我的母亲是如此狂喜的事实,我要结婚了在所有我怀疑真的会在乎她,如果我的丈夫已经从外太空。

I am living in the “great American melting pot” that they used to sing about on Saturday mornings on Schoolhouse Rock.我住在“伟大的美国大熔炉”,他们用来歌颂星期六早上在校舍摇滚。

I have come to appreciate the Thai facets of my personality as well as the American ones.我是来欣赏泰国方面我的人格以及美国的。

My husband has lived for the last 25 years in the United States.我的丈夫住在过去25年里在美国。

He was raised/born in France, but chose to make his life here.他成长/出生在法国,但却让他的生活在这里。

We were entering into a partnership, so/therefore we prepared ourselves for some compromises on both sides to reconcile our differences.我们进入一个伙伴关系,因此我们准备自己/双方一些妥协调和我们的差异。

Our hearts belonged to each other, not to our respective cultures.我们的心属于彼此,而不是各自的文化。

UNIT5 AYou see that young man swimming out at sea? 你看到那个年轻人游泳出海吗?

He is trying to swim out to the beacon and back.他试图游到灯塔和背部。

He must be insane to have committed himself to such a thing ,the current is far to strong.他一定是疯了,都致力于这样的事,目前远强。

I met him on the beach before he set out.我在海滩上遇到他之前,他出发了。

I do not mind telling you that I was taken aback when he told me what he was going to do.我不介意告诉你,我很惊讶当他告诉我他要干什么。

I am a swimmer myself, but I would not attempt it.我是一个游泳运动员自己,但我不会尝试它。

And he did not look in good condition at all.和他没有看都处于良好状态。

Far from it ,he may have had a good constitution once, but he had clearly let himself go all to pieces.远离它,他可能有一个良好的宪法,但他显然曾经让自己去所有碎片。

However ,it seems like he had no choice.不过,似乎他别无选择。

he told me that he had gone broke, not a penny left ,and that old Burton would only find him a vacancy in his firm if he did the swim.他告诉我他已经破产,而不是一分钱离开,老伯顿只会发现他是一个空位在他的公司如果他做了游泳。

that was another surprise.这是另一个惊喜。

Burton seems such a mild mannered man.伯顿似乎这样一个温和的守规矩的人。

kind to everybody.善待每个人。

Perhaps he thought the young man would not have the courage.也许他认为年轻人就没有勇气。

that he would funk it.他将恐惧它。

then, again, perhaps Burton knew he was sending the young man to his death ,but was too cold-blood to care.然后,再一次,也许伯顿知道他发送这个年轻人对他的死亡,但是太冷血到保健。

It only goes to show how deceptive appearances can be.它只是告诉如何被外表欺骗。

B Child Abuse, intentional acts that result in physical or emotional harm to children.虐待儿童、故意行为,导致身体或情感伤害孩子。

The term child abuse covers a wide range of behavior, from actual physical assault by parents or other adult caretakers to neglect of a child’s basic needs.虐待儿童的术语涵盖了广泛的行为,从实际的物理攻击的父母或其他成人看护人忽视孩子的基本需求。

Child abuse is also sometimes called child maltreatment.虐待儿童有时也叫做虐待儿童。

Although the extent of child abuse is difficult to measure, it is recognized as a major social problem, especially in industrialized nations.虽然虐待儿童的程度是很难衡量的,它是公认的一个重大社会问题,尤其是在工业化国家。

It occurs in all income, racial, religious, and ethnic groups and in urban and rural communities.它发生在所有收入、种族、宗教、民族和在城市和农村社区。

It is, however, more common in some groups, especially those below the poverty line.然而,更常见的在一些团体,尤其是那些在贫困线以下。

Many people have difficulty understanding why any person would hurt a child.许多人很难理解为什么人会伤害孩子。

The public often assumes that people who abuse their children suffer from mental disorder, but fewer than 10 percent of abusers have mental illnesses.公众常常假定人在虐待自己的孩子患有精神障碍,但只有不到10%的施虐者有心理疾病。

Most abusers love their children but tend to have less patience and less mature personalities than other parents.最虐爱他们的孩子往往还会有更少的耐心和不成熟的性格比其他家长。

These traits make it difficult to cope with the demands of their children and increase the likelihood of physical or emotional abuse.这些特征使它难以应付孩子的要求,增加身体或者心理上的虐待的可能性。

However, there is no single explanation for child maltreatment.然而,没有单一的解释儿童虐待。

Child abuse results from a complex combination of personal, social, and cultural factors.虐待儿童的结果从一个组合复杂的个人、社会和文化因素。

These may be grouped into four primary categories:(1)intergenerational transmission of violence,(2)social stress,(3)social isolation and low community involvement, and(4)family structure.这些可能是分为四个主要类别:(1)代际传播暴力、(2)社会压力,(3)社会隔离和低的社区参与,和(4)家庭结构。

In the United States many types of social programs, usually at the county or state levels, have attempted to reduce 18 and prevent child abuse.在美国许多类型的社会项目,通常是在县或状态水平,试图减少18和防止虐待儿童。

Current approaches involve identifying high-risk parents—such as young, single, first-time mothers---and providing parental skills training, counseling, education, and social support.当前的方法包括识别高风险的父母这样年轻,单身,初产妇——提供父母的技能培训、咨询、教育、和社会支持。

Often trained social workers or nurses provide this support by visiting the family’s home on a regular basis ,encouraging community contract ,and expanding the caretaker’s knowledge about/of available social servi


Unit6 A

Can you switch off from the cares of life and relax? 你能关掉从关心的生活和放松?

Many people today can not.很多人今天不能。

They feel instead that they are obliged to be on the go all the time.他们觉得,他们有义务而不是在走所有的时间。

The pace of life seems to grow ever faster.生活的节奏似乎变得越来越快。

as a result, feelings of stress are common as people struggle to cope with what they see as a shortage of time, such widespread feeling are in part caused by the a large quantity of information that comes pour in on us.因此,感情的压力共同为人们疲于应付他们看到的时间短缺,这种普遍的感觉是部分所造成的大量的信息,来对我们倒入。

No longer is it possible ,as it was in the past ,for a handful of people to master the whole range of human knowledge.不再是可能的,因为它是在过去,对于少数人掌握整个人类知识的范围。

Instead ,any inpidual can only command a fraction of the total knowledge available.相反,任何个人只能命令总额的一小部分知识可用。

It may be argued that it is futile to even attempt to do so.有人可能认为,它是徒劳的,甚至试图这样做。

we should learn to set more realistic goals for ourselves if we are to hope to escape from the tyranny of time.我们应该学会为自己定下更现实的目标,如果我们想逃避暴政的时间。


There's no such thing as time management.有没有这样的事,作为时间管理。

All you have is self-management and that's the key to making time your friend rather than your enemy.你有自我管理和关键就是让时间你的朋友而不是你的敌人。

There are only 24 hours in your day, just the same as everybody else’s.有你一天只有24小时,就跟所有人都一样的。

So how do you end up time-starved, frustrated, and behind in your work? 所以你如何最终对于时间紧迫,沮丧,在你的工作吗?后面

Maybe it is because you don't know how to use those 24 hours to your advantage.也许是因为你不知道如何使用那些24小时你的优势。

If using your time wisely is a problem for you, you probably don't have a very good idea of where it all goes.如果合理地使用自己的时间对你有问题的搞乱,你可能不会有一个很好的主意,它的一切。

It just seems to go!它只是似乎走!

A good place to start, then, is to faithfully keep track of how you use your waking hours for a week.一个好的开始,然后,就是忠实地记录你如何使用你的清醒时间一个星期。

The results will probably surprise you.结果可能会让你大吃一惊。

The next step is to do some planning.下一步是做一些规划。

You'll discover, among other things, that if you get seven hours' sleep a night, you have 119 hours per week to do everything/all/what you need to do.你会发现,在其他方面,如果你得到七小时的睡眠一晚,你有119小时/周,做一切/所有您需要做的/。

That, of course, includes going to class, eating, athletic events, social activities, personal hygiene, telephone and TV time, etc.Be sure to schedule/allot time for all these in your 119 hours.当然,这包括要去上课,吃饭,运动事件、社会活动、个人卫生、电话和电视时间等。一定要安排/分配时间对所有这些在你的119小时。

Then try sticking to your schedule for a week.然后试着坚持一个星期你的时间表。

This should give you a good idea of where your real priorities are!这应该给你一个好主意,你的真正的优先!

Learn to say NO once your priorities are set.Turning down an invitation doesn’t mean you'll never be asked to do something again.学会说“不”一旦你的优先级设置。拒绝邀请并不意味着你永远不会被要求做的东西了。

Making a decision based on what you know is best for you at the time actually leads to greater respect from your friends.做决定基于你知道什么对你最合适的时间实际上会导致更大的尊重你的朋友。

Suggestions such as these will lead to a greater sense of freedom and accomplishment because you're in control.这些建议将导致一个更大的自由感和成就感,因为你在控制。

That's all self-management is--managing your life more effectively.这是所有的自我管理是更有效地管理你的生活,。

第五篇:新世纪大学英语2 unit1 讲稿

《新世纪大学英语》综合教程2 讲稿

Unit 1 1.Difficult Sentences 1.(Para.1)Marriage isn’t the only relationship that needs forgiveness.What other relationship are mentioned?(=The relationships between parents and kids, between friends, between workmates, neighbours and even strangers.)

2.(Para.2).…like cancer, bitterness can destroy its host.Is this a metaphor or a simile? What is bitterness compared to?(=It’s a simile.Bitterness is compared to the person who has been hurt.)

3.(Para.3)As the ancient Chinese proverb puts it, “Whoever seeks revenge should dig two graves.”

Translate this Chinese proverb into Chinese.(=复仇者必自绝。)

4.(Para.7)True forgiveness is not a one-off act;it’s a constant emotional confrontation.Paraphrase this sentence.(=True forgiveness is not done only once.It is a part of a series of acts and you will have to deal with it emotionally all the time.)

5.(Para.8)If you wait for the “right time”, you may never do it.What does it refer to?(=Forgiving someone.)

6.(Para.10)It didn’t create the same impression any more, but at least it was being honest!1.How could the furniture be honest?(=The furniture showed what it was like with the thin covering pelling at the edges.)2.Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=再也没有当初的效果了,不过至少它现在是以真实面目示人。)

7.(Para.10)The fact is that, like it or not, behind our smart covering, we’re all just chipboard.What is the implied meaning of chipboard?(=Chipboard is a type of board made from small pieces of wood pressed together with glue.Just like chipboard, we’re not as nice as what we seem to be beneath our surface.)8.(Para.11)So if you think you’re right and can’t find it in yourself to forgive, ask yourself this question: would you rather be right or happy? What is the implied meaning of would you rather be right or happy?(=If you insist that you are the person being hurt and refuse to forgive, you will be destroyed by this resentment sooner or later.But if you choose to forgive, joy and happiness will be with you.)

9.(Para.12)But keep in mind you’re doing this for you just as much as for them, so don’t be upset if they don’t react as you hoped.If you forgive someone, what kind of reaction do you expect and what’s his possible reaction?(=You expect that he will accept your forgiveness with gratitude, while he probably ignores your forgiveness with a kind of indifference.)

10.(Para.15)Forgiving puts you in control.However tough it is, the alternative is far worse.What does the alternative refer to?(=Refuse to forgive and hold the resentment in your mind.)

2.Words and Expressions 1.(Para.1)forgiveness:

n.[U] when sb.forgives another person

*He never admitted his guilt or asked for forgiveness.(= 他从不承认自己的罪行,也不请求饶恕。)


(= I have to ask for your forgiveness.)

Collocation: ask / beg / pray, etc.for(sb’s)forgiveness Derivation: forgive v.CF: forgive & excuse


forgive 指尽管某人做错了事情,但是你不再生气,不再责怪他了,一般指原谅或者宽恕比较严重的错误。

excuse 指原谅一些不是很严重的错误,比如莽撞、失礼等小过失。


Fill in the blanks with the two words above.Change the form where necessary.1.She was ______ for coming late.(= excused)

2.A wife ______ an unfaithful husband.(= forgives)3.Please _______ my bad handwriting.(=excuse)4.They _______ their enemies.(= forgive)2.(Para.1)good-tempered: adj.pleasant, kind, and not easily made



(=Minnie was always good-tempered and agreeable.)

Note: 与temper有关的词组 lose one’s temper 发脾气

I’ve never seen Mike lose his temper.keep one’s temper 控制脾气、忍耐

I found it increasingly difficult to keep my temper.3.(Para.1)universal: adj.involving everyone in the world or in a

particular group There does not appear to be universal agreement on the future of the CBA.These stories have universal appeal.4.(Para.2)ironically: adv.used when talking about a situation in which the opposite of what you expected happens or is true

Ironically, his cold got better on the last day of his holiday.5.(Para.2)root sth.out: find out where a particular kind of problem

exists and get rid of it

Action is being taken to root out corruption in the police force.6.(Para.2)cripple: v.1.damage sth.badly so that it no longer works or is no longer effective

The industry is being crippled by high interest rates.Asia’s economy was crippled by inflation.(=通货膨胀曾使亚洲经济陷于瘫痪。)


(=The strike crippled the factory.)

2.hurt sb.badly so that they cannot walk properly(插入图片cripple2)She was crippled in the car accident.(= 她在车祸中致残。)

7.(Para.2)cling: v.continue to believe or do sth., even though it may not

be true or useful any longer

For the moment I cling to the idea that there are a relatively small number of students left.他坚定地认为她有治愈的希望(插入图片cling)

(=He clung to the hope that she would be cured.)

Collocation: cling to the hope / belief / idea, etc.8.(Para.3)heal: v.1.if a wound or a broken bone heals or is healed, the flesh, skin, or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again


(=A sprain usually takes longer to heal than a broken bone.)


(=The wound on my arm has healed.)

2.if an argument or disagreement between people heals or you heal it, the people stop arguing or disagreeing

The disagreement among the family members healed over with time.(=家庭成员之间的不和随着时间的流逝而消失。)CF: treat, heal & cure


treat 指通过用药、住院、手术等来治疗疾病。

heal 着重治疗的效果,多指外伤的治愈,也可以指精神上的创伤的愈合。

cure也着重治疗的结果,多指治愈内科疾病,也可用来指消除某种不良的影响。(Directions:)Fill in the blanks with the three words above.Change the form where necessary.1.The dentist is _______ my teeth.(= treating)2.Penicillin ______ him of pneumonia.(= cured)3.The cut on his finger ______ quickly.(= healed)

4.The new treatment _____ his skin disease.(= cured)5.Time ______ most troubles.(= heals)9.(Para.3)put: v.say or write sth.using words in a particular way When women joined the organization, it “took on a new look”, as the news report put it.It’s a matter of balance, as one teacher put it.10.(Para.5)core: n.the most important or central part of sth.(插入声音文件core)

(= The core of the book focuses on the period between 1660 and 1857.)


(=Debt is at the core of the problem.)

Collocations: the core of the problem core curriculum

11.(Para.6)shallow: adj.not interested in or not showing any understanding of important or serious matters — used to show disapproval


(=He’s only interested in your look, which shows how shallow he is.)

12.(Para.7)initial: adj.happening at the beginning(插入图片initial)

The initial talks were the base of the later agreement.(=最初的会谈是后来达成协议的基础。)

Collocations: initial stage / phase / period of

the initial letter首字母

13.(Para.7)one-off: adj.happening or done only once, not as part of a

regular series

In fact the whole exercise was fairly straight forward, except for one problem which required a one-off solution.14.(Para.7)confrontation: n.a situation in which there is a lot of angry

disagreement between two people or groups

(插入声音文件confrontation)(插入图片confrontation)(= Julia had stayed in her room to avoid any more confrontation.)

They sense this may develop into a confrontation between teachers.Pattern: confrontation with / between

15.(Para.8)resentment: n.a feeling of anger because sth.has happened that you think is unfair(插入声音文件resentment)(插入图片resentment)(= Tom stared at the other boys with resentment.)

*She was filled with deep resentment at being passed over for promotion.Collocation: feel / harbour / bear resentment.CF: resentment & offence


resentment 指因受到侮辱或自尊心受到伤害而产生的怨恨。例如: She cherished a deep resentment towards her employer for having denied her a promotion.Everyone feels resentment at being treated unfairly.offence 指因为话语或者行为而感到生气,语气没有resentment强烈。例如:

I hope you will not take any offence at my words.She easily takes offence.16.(Para.9)tackle v.try to deal with a difficult problem(插入图片tackle)

It took twelve fire engines to tackle the blaze.There is more than one way to tackle the problem.(=解决这个问题有许多方法。)

The question set by the teacher was so difficult that the pupils did not know how to tackle it.17.(L45)innocent: adj.not guilty of a crime


(=Nobody would believe that I was innocent.)*Can you provide any evidence that he was innocent of the crime?(=你能提供证据证明他没有犯这罪吗?)

Pattern: innocent of

18.(Para.9)functional: adj.designed to be useful rather than beautiful or


These buildings are beautifully designed, not purely functional.Note:

functional 的反义词为decorative

19.(Para.10)peel: v.1.if skin, paper, or paint peels, it comes off, usually in small pieces;lose an outer layer or surface(插入声音文件peel)

(=The paper was peeling from the wall.)

(插入图片peel 1)The bark peels off.My skin always peels after I’ve been in the sun.2.remove the outer layer from sth.;remove the skin from fruit or vegetables

Peel the label from the jar.(=撕下这个瓶罐的标签。.)

(插入图片peel 2)


(=Please peel this banana.)

20.(Para.10)flaw: n.a mistake, mark, or weakness that makes sth.imperfect A design flaw caused the engine to explode.(插入图片flaw)

A flaw in the crystal caused it to shatter.Pattern: flaw in CF: flaw & defect


flaw 表示存在或出现瑕疵,使某物不完美。例如: The flaw in the weapon was its inability to fire rapidly.The length of her white gloves was the only flaw in her appearance.defect 常常表示一个缺陷非常严重,以致完全妨碍了某种功能的发挥。例如: A defect in the fuel lines prevented the missile from blasting off.21.(Para.13)at peace(with): a situation in which there is no war or


The country is at peace with its neighbours for the first time in years.22.(Para.14)nurture: v.help a plan, idea, feeling, etc.to develop It is important to nurture potential in your employees.(插入声音文件nurture)(插入图片nurture)

(=Reading aloud nurtures the love of books in children.)

23.(Para.15)alternative: n.an alternative idea, plan etc is different from

the one you have and can be used instead We have no alternative but to go on.(=除了继续下去,我们没有别的选择。)

There was no other alternative but to fight till the victory.CF: choice, alternative & option 这三个名词均有“选择”之意。

choice 指从几样东西中选择,强调选择的自由度。例如: New stocks have just arrived, so the shop now has a large choice of goods.The blue one is my choice.alternative 多指从两者之间做出选择,强调选择的范围受到限制。例如:

You have the alternative of staying in high school or going to work.option 指在特定条件下作出的选择,强调选择的可能性。例如:

None of the options are satisfactory.There are three options open to us.
