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青少版新概念1AUnit 6
编辑:醉人清风 识别码:15-749579 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-10-15 02:23:07 来源:网络

第一篇:青少版新概念1AUnit 6

Unit 6Lesson 10闲谈,说长道短2在这里3在那边著名的5高的6昂贵的漂亮的8 哪里?9英俊的来自….11等待12英国的看见,看到14 美国的15国籍

Lesson 11

16美国:17美丽的:18英俊的:19伦敦:20华盛顿:21胖的 :22矮的:23 瘦的:24中国的:25女演员:26法国的 :27描述:

二 选择题。

A She is from Chinese.B She is from America.C She is an accountant.2that boy?That's Robert.A Who'sB WhoseC Which

A I am Chinese.B I am China.C She is Chinese.A I am ChineseB I am from ChinaC I am from American

III 选词填空。

Claire is a(girlboy),she is the(shorttall)one with the Jenkins family.She isa)art student.She is a(niceugly)girl.She is from AmericaBritish).Her father is an/a(accountantand her mother's is an/a(accountant









看听学、新概念和新概念青少版区别 看听学:







新概念英语: 《新概念英语》(New Concept English),是英国路易·亚力山大(Louis G.Alexander)1967年专为非本族的中学和成年学习者编写的一套英语课本。全套共四册:第一册《英语初阶》(First Things First),第二册《练习与进步》(Practice and Progress),第三册(培养技能)(Developing Skills),第四册《熟练掌握英语》(Fluency in English)。四册科学地融合了听、说、读、写、译五方面的技能,从初级、预备中级、中级,直到高级,由浅入深,前后互相衔接。






特点:1)在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上,《新概念英语青少版》拥有更多不同的特质: 首先,整套教材充分展现了时代特点,产品包括了图书、MP3、DVD各种媒体形式,便于学习;内容上针对青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料,强调故事性,具有浓厚的生活气息,引导青少年树立积极健康的品格。再通过精心设计的听力、阅读和写作练习帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语知识和能力,最终能够充满自信地运用英语进行交流。2)《新概念英语青少版》语法大纲更加强调渐进性,遵循的是“先听后说,先说后读,先读后写”的渐进性原则,所以每单元都从听力理解开始,进而依次引入语言表达、阅读和写作的训练。凡涉及新的语法结构,都会循环不断地复习前面学过的语法知识。3)《新概念英语青少版》还充分考虑了中国孩子学英语需要,加入了系统的语音学习内容。不仅如此,《新概念英语青少版》考虑到了中国国家课程标准对中、小学生的知识和力的要求,所以全套教材内容都能和课标相对应,适合8岁-14岁青少年以及英语初学者。第1级(1A、1B)

词汇量:约600个生词和50个短语 适用年级:小学3、4年级学生

水平参照:相当于国家英语课程标准1级要求 第2级(2A、2B)

词汇量:新增700个生词和60个短语 适用年级:小学5、6年级学生

水平参照:相当于国家英语课程标准2级要求 第3级(3A、3B)

词汇量:新增750个生词和60个短语 适用年级:初中1、2年级学生





《新概念英语青少版》和《新概念英语》区别和衔接: 这是两套既紧密联系又各成体系的教材,它们都是著名的英语教学权威L.G.亚历山大编写的综合性英语教程。《新概念英语青少版》的编写大纲由《新概念英语》发展而来,语言大纲和技能大纲两个大纲并行,强调“情境教学”;但《新概念英语青少版》更贴合少年儿童的身心特点,更符合中国孩子英语学习的需要。



新概念青少版1A Unit1---Unit4测试题


一. 听录音选出你所听到的词。1.()A.you B.your C.yours D.his 2.()A.who B.whose C.whom D.which 3.()A.bag B.bad C.bat D.bit 4.()A.grey B.green C.goose D.good 5.()A.what B.white C.why D.which 二. 听录音选出正确的答语。

1.()A.I am ten.B.My name is William Jenkins.C.How are you? 2.()A.How do you do?

B.I’m fine.C.And you? 3.()A.No, it is my pen.B.Yes, it is not my pen.C.No, it isn’t my pen.4.()A.My name is Paul.B.Thank you very much.C.It’s a silver key.5.()A.The young man with that new car.B.The young man on that new car.C.The young man in that new car.三.听录音选出你所听到的词。

1.My ____ is Lucy.2.This is my ____.3.Paul’s my ____.4.Is this your _____.5._____ is the silver bicycle? 6.Robert is Lucy’s ______.7.And Paul is their _______.8.What’s the ______ with him? 9.No, he is not _______.10.______ safe than ______!


一. 选出不同的一项。




D.is 2.()A.nice



D.bad 3.()A.hungry



D.family 4.()A.bicycle



D.car 5.()A.nine



D.twelve 二. 选出发音不同的一项。




D.silver 2.()A.bag


C.camera D.Karen 3.()A.four


C.daughter D.ball 4.()A.put



D.you 5.()A.pen



D.dress 三.根据要求写句子。

1.This is her sister.(改为一般疑问句。)

2.He is my cousin.(改为否定句。)3.I am thirsty.(改为否定句。)

4.You are my friend.(改为否定句。)

5.Lucy isn’t my classmate.(改为肯定句。)

6.Is this my coat?(肯定回答。)

7.Is this my mobile?(否定回答。)

8.I like apples.(改为否定句。)

9.You like bananas.(改为一般疑问句。)

10.He likes dogs.(改为否定句。)

四. 按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。

1.isn’t(完全形式)__________ 2.do not(缩略形式)_____________ 3.are not(缩略形式)___________ 4.I’m(完全形式)____________ 5.he’s(完全形式)____________ 6.she is(缩略形式)____________ 7.do(第三人称单数形式)_________ 8.you are(缩略形式)__________ 五. 根据课文回答问题。

1.What’s the name of William’s daughter? _____________________ 2.Is that a red flower in picture 4?_____________________________ 3.Who’s the young man in that old car?_________________________ 4.Is Robert hungry or thirty?__________________________________ 六. 阅读理解。

Good morning, everyone!My name is Zhou Ming.Wang Xin is my Wife.And this is my son, Zhou Jun.This is my daughter, Zhou Xiaoning.Zhou Xiaoning likes singing and dancing.Zhou Jun likes to play computer games.I like watching TV.But my wife likes to listen to the radio.1.What’s the name of Zhou Ming’s wife?

2.Who is Zhou Ming’s daughter?

3.Who’s Zhou Xiaoning’s brother? ___________________________________________________________ 4.What’s Wang Xin’s hobby? _____________________________________________________ 5.What’s Zhou Xiaoning’s hobby? _____________________________________________________



Unit 1:Meet the family!WILLIAM: Hello!My name is William Jenkins.WILLIAM: This is Karen.Karen is my wife.KAREN: How do you do?

WILLIAM: This is Lucy.Lucy's my daughter.LUCY: Hello!

WILLIAM: And this is Paul.Paul's my nephew.PAUL: Hello!Nice to meet you.Unit 2: What is it? ROBERT: Hey, this is good!Look, Lucy!What is this? LUCY: It's a wheel.ROBERT: NO, it isn't!Look!It's green!It's a hat!LUCY: OK.It's a green hat.ROBERT: Now look!What's this? LUCY: It's a flower...It's a red flower.ROBERT: NO, it isn't.It's a red umbrella.LUCY: OK.What's that? ROBERT: It's grey.Is it a bird? Yes!It's a grey bird.LUCY: NO!It's a key!ROBERT: Right!It's a silver key.Unit 3: Who's that? ANNIE: Who is that boy, Polly? POLLY: Which boy, Annie? ANNIE: The boy on the silver bicycle.POLLY: That's Robert Jenkins.ANNIE: Who's that man? POLLY: Which man? ANNIE: The man with the black umbrella.POLLY: That's Mr.Jenkins.He's Robert's father.ANNIE: Who's that woman with the white umbrella? POLLY: That's Mrs.Jenkins.She's Robert's mother.ANNIE: And who's that girl on the red bicycle? POLLY: That's Lucy Jenkins.She's Robert's sister.ANNIE: Look at that young man.Who is he? POLLY: Which young man? ANNIE: The young man in that old car.POLLY: Oh, that's Paul.Paul is Lucy's cousin.ANNIE: SO Paul is Robert's cousin, too.POLLY: That's right.Robert is Lucy's brother.And Paul is their cousin.He's a student.Unit 4: Robert isn’t well.LINDA: Hello, Karen.How are you? KAREN: I'm fine.But Robert isn't very well.LINDA: Oh, I'm sorry!What's the matter with him? KAREN: I'm not sure.He's very hot.He isn't well.LINDA: IS he hungry? KAREN: NO, he isn't hungry.LINDA: IS he thirsty?

KAREN: Yes, he's very thirsty.LINDA: Poor Robert!I am sorry!

LINDA: What about the doctor? KAREN: The doctor's very busy.LINDA: Yes, but Robert is ill.KAREN: Perhaps not very ill.But you are right.Better safe than sorry!

Unit 5: Meet the neighbours!

PAUL: Hello!My name's Paul.CLAIRE: Hello, Paul.My name's Claire.I'm your new neighbour.PAUL: Claire!That's a nice name.PAUL: What do you do, Claire? CLAIRE: I'm a student.What about you? PAUL: I'm a student, too.I'm at the sports academy.PAUL: What about you? CLAIRE: I'm an art student.I'm at the art college.PAUL: Come and meet Karen.She's my aunt.She's a writer.PAUL: Karen, this is Claire.Claire's our new neighbour.KAREN: Hello, Claire.Nice to meet you.Come and meet the family.KAREN: This is William, my husband.This is Lucy.And this is Robert.WILLIAM: HOW do you do, Claire? CLAIRE: Hi, everybody!Thank you for the welcome!

Unit 6: Gossip!(有缺少)

ANNIE: Who's that girl, Polly? POLLY: Which girl, Annie? ANNIE: The girl over there.That tall girl with the Jenkins family.POLLY: Oh, that's Claire, our new neighbour.She's an art student.ANNIE: She's a very pretty girl.POLLY: Yes, she's clever, too.She's a nice girl.Where's she from? Is she English? No, she isn't.She's American.She's from Washington.ANNIE: POLLY:

ANNIE: IS her family here, too?

POLLY: Yes.Her father's an accountant, and her mother's a famous photographer.POLLY: Look!That's her mother over there.ANNIE: That woman in the expensive car? POLLY: That's right.POLLY: She's very pretty.ANNIE: Pretty? She's beautiful!What about her husband? Is he handsome? POLLY: Wait and see!

Unit 7: Where's my pen? KAREN: Where's my pen, Lucy? LUCY: Which pen, Mum? KAREN: The blue one.LUCY: This one? KAREN: Yes, that one.It's my favourite pen, Lucy!LUCY: Sorry, Mum!

KAREN: And where's my new ruler? LUCY: The long one? KAREN: The long silver one.LUCY: It's in my schoolbag, Mum.KAREN: Oh, Lucy!Give me my ruler, please.LUCY: Here you are.I'm sorry, Mum.It's a very nice ruler.KAREN: Yes, it is.LUCY: Mum!KAREN: Yes? LUCY: IS this your pencil-case, too? KAREN: NO, it isn't.It's your father's old pencil-case.That's his favourite thing!LUCY: Sorry, Mum!It's my favourite thing, too.KAREN: Oh, well!Put it on his desk.No harm done!LUCY: Thanks, Mum!

Unit 8: A bump in the night!KAREN: William!Wake up!WILLIAM: Mm.What's the matter? KAREN: Listen!There's a noise in the living-room.It's a burglar“!WILLIAM: A burglar? Nonsense!

WILLIAM: You're right!There's a noise in the kitchen now It is a burglar!KAREN: Shh!KAREN: There's a torch here.WILLIAM: Give me the torch, please.KAREN: Here it is.Oh, William!Please be careful!WILLIAM: Shh!There is someone downstairs.WILLIAM: Who's there? Who is it? LUCY: It's me.Dad!I'm wide-awake, and I'm hungry.WILLIAM: We're all wide-awake now!KAREN: Oh, well!No harm done!

Unit 9: Red, white and...pink!

ROBERT: Here are Paul's new pyjamas.Look at them!

They are bright red!

But they are a bit dirty.Here are Dad's shirts.They are pure white.But they're a bit dirty, too.Put them in the washing machine.LUCY:

LUCY: What about your shirts? ROBERT: Yes.My shirts are dirty, too.LUCY: Put them in the washing machine.WILLIAM: Karen!Where are my new shirts? KAREN: They're in the washing machine, with Paul's pyjamas and Robert's shirts.KAREN: Here you are!Two lovely clean shirts!WILLIAM: Those shirts aren't white!They're pink!KAREN: Yes, they are, and they're very pretty!

Unit 10: Jump in!

ROBERT: Hurry up, Lucy!Here's the bus!LUCY: Wait a minute!My bag's heavy.ROBERT: My bag's heavy, too.Come on!

ROBERT: Oh, no!The bus is full!LUCY: Oh, dear!.Our school buses are all full.ROBERT: What's in your bag? LUCY: Books, of course!ROBERT: My bag is full of books, too.Look, there's Claire!Hello, Claire!

CLAIRE: Hello, Robert!Hello, Lucy!What's the matter, Lucy? LUCY: The buses are all full and our bags are very heavy.CLAIRE: Gee, they are heavy!What's in them? ROBERT: They're full of books, and the buses are full of people.CLAIRE: Never mind!Here's my Mom with the car.And the car's empty.Jump in, and put your bags in, too!Unit 11: Very smart!

ROBERT: Look!These are our outfits for the school play.KAREN: Oh, very smart!Look, William!WILLIAM: Yes, you're both very elegant.LUCY and ROBERT: Thank you.Dad.WILLIAM: That's an interesting tie, Robert.ROBERT: Um, yes, thanks, Dad.WILLIAM: It's very colourful.Very unusual.ROBERT: Yes, um, it's my favourite tie.KAREN: Those are funny shoes, Robert.Are they a bit big for you?

ROBERT: These shoes? No, Mum.They're all right.They're right for the part.PAUL: Where are my new shoes? They aren't in my bedroom.KAREN and WILLIAM: Oh, Robert!

PAUL: Hey, Robert!That's my tie!Those are my new shoes!And those are my socks, too!Unit 12 Just like you!CLAIRE: OK.These drawings are new.They're all people at the sports academy.JACK: Hmm.They're very good, Claire!CLAIRE: Yes, Daddy? JACK: Show me your new drawings, honey.JACK: Who is this tall man with the big muscles? CLAIRE: Oh, that's Mr.Ford.He's a teacher.He's very strong.JACK: And who are these little men? CLAIRE: That's Gary, and that's Tom.They're students.They're both small, but they're strong, too.They're gymnasts.JACK: And who is this boy here?

CLAIRE: That's Paul.He's a student at the sports academy.JACK: He's a handsome young man.CLAIRE: Yes.He's very nice.JACK: Your drawings are good,Claire.CLAIRE: Thank you, Daddy.Maybe they aren't bad.JACK: No, honey!They're great!Just like you!Unit 13

ROBERT: Come on, Lucy!We're late!LUCY: OK, OK!What time is it? ROBERT: It's eight O'clock.Hurry up!

DAISY: Hi, there, kids!Are you in a hurry? ROBERT: Yes, we are.We're both late for school.DAISY: Never mind.Jump in!ROBERT: Gee, thanks, Mrs.Austen.DAISY: You're welcome!Call me Daisy, please.DAISY: OK, kids!Let's go!' ROBERT: WOW, what a speed!What a car!

DAISY: Here you are!The school gates.You aren't late now.DAISY: What's the matter, Lucy?

LUCY: Look!The gates are shut.We're both early now!

Unit 14: One, two, three, catch!KAREN: Give me that jar, please, Robert.ROBERT: Which jar, Mum? This one? KAREN: NO, not that one.The one on the table.The empty one.ROBERT: Here you are, Mum!Ready? One, two, three, catch!KAREN: I can't catch it!

KAREN: No, Robert!Stop!ROBERT: What's the matter, Mum? Bring it here, please!ROBERT: Here you are, Mum!KAREN: Thank you, Robert!

Unit 15: That's not fair!ROBERT: Where are Paul and Gary? SAM: They're over there, on the football field.They're with Tom and Mr.Ford, ROBERT: Great, we can play football with them.ROBERT: Hey, Paul!Can we play football with you? PAUL: That's a good idea, Robert.PAUL: Right.You're the captain of one side, Robert.And Sam, you're the captain of the other side.I'm the referee.PAUL: NOW, how many players are there? ROBERT: One, two, three, four, five, six,seven, eight, nine,ten, eleven,twelve, thirteen.ROBERT: SO there are seven on my side,and six on Sam's side.SAM: That's not fair!ROBERT: Yes, it is!Mr.Ford's on your side.1B:

Unit 16: On the London Eye Daisy: Oh, Jack!Isn't this fun? Can you believe it? We're all together on the London Eye!

Jack: Yes, honey.Isn't it great? Look, Claire!That's the River Thames.CLAIRE: Yes, Dad.Isn't it grey?

DAISY: Well, grey and silver!It's beautiful.Look at all the bridges!

CLAIRE: Hey, Mom, I can see Tower Bridge.It's open!Is it really? Pass me the binoculars!

JACK: Can you see any ships there? CLAIRE: I can see one.There are some boats, too.DAISY: Look, Jack!That's Westminster Bridge down there.There are some people on the bridge.JACK: There are some cars and buses, too

CLAIRE: Hey, Dad!That's Big Ben!It's twelve o'clock!DAISY: Ding-dong, ding-dong;Ding-dong, ding-dong!Oh, Jack!Isn't London just great?

Unit 17: Smile, please!

FLORA: Watch this, Lucy!I can balance on this ball!Can you do it? LUCY: I can try.LUCY: Oh, yes!I can balance on a ball as well.It's easy!Look at us, Vikki!

FLORA: Look at me now, Lucy!I'm on my knees!Can you balance like this? LUCY: Yes, I can do that, too.It's fun!

FLORA: Come on, Vikki!Can you balance on a big ball like us? VIKKI: NO, I can't.You're both good at gymnastics, but I'm useless.I can't do it.LUCY: Never mind, Vikki!You can do Maths and Music and I can't!I'm useless at Maths.FLORA: And you can take a photo of us!Come on!Take a photo on your mobile.VIKKI: OK.Ready? One, two, three!Smile, please!

Unit 18: Men can cook, too!WILLIAM: Let's cook dinner, Robert.You can help me.Give me some rice, please.There's some rice in that jar.WILLIAM: Put some water in the pan, and pass me a knife, please.ROBERT: Which one? WILLIAM: That one on the table.ROBERT: OK, Dad.Here it is.WILLIAM: Chop two onions, please.ROBERT: OK, Dad.Chop two onions...WILLIAM: IS there a big spoon over there? ROBERT: Yes, Dad.WILLIAM: Pass me the big spoon, please.ROBERT: I can't get a spoon and chop an onion, Dad!

WILLIAM: You're right.What about some plates? ROBERT: Dad, there are some plates on the shelf.There are some knives, some forks and some spoons in the drawer.And my hands are wet.WILLIAM: You see, Robert, men can cook, too.Perhaps we can open a restaurant!Oh, yeah!

Unit 19: You must eat!

DAISY: What time is it? NINA: It's four o'clock.DAISY: Four o'clock!Gee, I'm hungry!NINA: I am, too!

DAISY: OK.Thank you, Nina.We can finish now.There's some food on the table over there.Let's eat.NINA: Daisy, I can look, but I can't eat.DAISY: Why not? You're tired.You're hungry.”" You can eat.What's the problem? NINA: Food is the problem.DAISY: Come on, Nina!You must eat!There are lots of good things here.There's some fish, and some salad.And there are some hot dishes, too.NINA: I can drink some water, but I mustn't eat.I can't eat and be beautiful.DAISY: Nonsense, Nina!You are beautiful!

NINA: Thank you, Daisy.Maybe I can eat a peach.DAISY: Maybe you can eat lots of peaches!Now, honey, please help yourself!

Unit 20: What a surprise!KAREN: Hello, Linda!Nice to speak to you!How are you? And how is Ken?

KAREN: Yes, I'm very busy, too.It's Lucy's music lesson at half past six.I'm sorry, but I can't talk now.KAREN: Come on, Lucy!Your music lesson is at half past six, and it's a quarter to six now!What's the problem? LUCY: I can't find my music book.KAREN: Oh dear!I'm sorry, Linda.I must go!Can I call you at half past nine? LUCY: Mum!I must find my book!

KAREN: Thanks, Linda.Bye!Now, Lucy, look in your schoolbag.LUCY: It isn't there.KAREN: Are you sure? LUCY: Yes, Mum.Look!VTh

LUCY: Oh!Here it is!KAREN: What a surprise!Please hurry up, Lucy!It's six o'clock.LUCY: It's OK, Mum.I'm ready.Can we go now, please?

Unit 21 Breakfast blues Paul? Not really, but I must eat something.I mustn't train on an empty stomach.Have we got any orange juice?

KAREN: Yes, we have.There's some in the fridge.How much juice do you want? PAUL: Oh, just a small glass, please.KAREN: Here you are.KAREN: DO you want any coffee? PAUL: NO, thanks.Have we got any tea? KAREN: Yes, there's some tea in the pot.Help yourself.Poor Paul!It's a very early start!Tell me about it!I can't eat at six o'clock in the morning.KAREN: I've got some yoghurt in the fridge.You can take it with you and have it at the gym.PAUL: Thanks, Karen.That's nice.They haven't got any yoghurt in the canteen at the academy.The food there is terrible.Unit 22: Watching the neighbours POLLY: There's Claire in Karen's garden.Look, she's with Paul again.ANNIE: Yes.They're very good friends.POLLY: Has she got a lot of friends now, Annie? ANNIE: Well, she's very new here.And she's shy.Perhaps she hasn't got many friends.POLLY: Well, there are lots of nice girls at the art college.ANNIE: And Paul has got a lot of friends.He can introduce her to them.POLLY: Yes.Perhaps she's happy with Paul.He's a lovely young man.ANNIE: And they're both very busy with their studies.They haven't got a lot of spare time.POLLY: That's true.Paul's always busy.Now tell me about Claire's mother

Unit 23: An expensive camera(少一段)

WILLIAM: What kind of camera has Claire got, Jack? JACK:Let me think.It's a Japanese one.I can 't remember the name.Oh, yes!I know!It's an Ixus, a Canon Ixus.WILLIAM: Lucky Claire!That's a very fine camera!JACK:Yes, it is.It's a very expensive camera, too, but Claire wants another one.JACK:It's one of Daisy's old cameras.Claire wants a new one for her birthday.WILLIAM: She can give me the old one at any time!Just bring it here!

Unit 24:A light dinner(少一段)KAREN: Do you like vegetables? CLAIRE: Yes, I like vegetables, too.KAREN: I've got some new potatoes and some salad...KAREN: There's some lettuce and some cucumber.Is that OK? CLAIRE: That's fantastic, Karen!It's my favourite kind of food!

KAREN: Well, here's a bowl.You and Paul can pick some strawberries from the garden.Then we can have some fruit for dessert.PAUL: This is great, Karen!A really healthy meal!But I'm very hungry!KAREN: Don't worry, Paul!I've got lots of potatoes in the kitchen!

KAREN: And you can have some cream with your strawberries.Just pick them first!

Unit 25: The weekend shopping

Lucy: Mum, there isn't any sugar in the house.KAREN: I know.I must go to the supermarket.Let's make a shopping list.LUCY: We need some tea, too, Mum.There isn't much tea in the tin.KAREN: Let's get four packets.LUCY: Four packets of tea...LUCY: OK.How much sugar do we need? KAREN: TWO bags.LUCY: TWO bags of sugar...LUCY: What about food for the weekend, Mum? KAREN: We need a loaf of bread, some meat for Sunday lunch, and some vegetables, too.What vegetables do we want, Lucy?

LUCY: One loaf of bread, a piece of meat, some vegetables...Mum, these things are all really boring.What about some nice things for the weekend? KAREN: What kind of things? LUCY: Well, chocolate, and ice cream, perhaps...KAREN: You're right.Let's get a box of chocolates, some ice cream for you and the boys, and a bottle of wine for me and your father!

Unit 26: A self-service restaurant Show me the menu, please.ASSISTANT: I'm sorry.There isn't a menu.You can see the food, and you help yourself.ANNIE: That's vegetable soup, isn't it? ASSISTANT: Yes, that's right.ANNIE: Pass me a bowl of soup, please.POLLY: And a bowl of salad for me, please.ASSISTANT: One soup, one salad.Here you are.ANNIE: That looks nice.What is it? ASSISTANT: It's meat and vegetables in tomato sauce.ANNIE: Give me one of those, please.POLLY: And a small piece of fish for me, please.ASSISTANT: Please just take them.Here you are!ANNIE: Thank you, my dear.That's fine!ANNIE: Can you bring us some coffee, please? POLLY: And a jug of water, with two glasses? ASSISTANT: I'm sorry, ladies, but this is a self-service restaurant!You must help yourselves!

Unit 27: Toothache WILLIAM: Robert's not well, Karen!What's the matter with him? KAREN: He's got toothache.WILLIAM: Poor Robert!He looks awful!Please call the dentist!KAREN: Yes, yes, of course!

KAREN: Hello? My name's Karen Jenkins.We are Mr.Hall's patients.Please can I make an appointment for my son, Robert? It's an emergency.KAREN: Yes, that's right.Robert Jenkins.He's got terrible toothache...Yes,...That's today, with Mr.Hall.That's at half past four this afternoon.Thank you very much!WILLIAM: Poor Robert!He looks miserable!KAREN: YOU look miserable, too!WILLIAM: I feel miserable.WILLIAM: Oh, well, the appointment's for today.Let's hope for the best.KAREN: Poor Robert!Poor you!Unit 28: Every day is different!PAUL: Hello, Claire!How are you today? CLAIRE: Hi, Paul!I'm fine, but I hate this weather!

PAUL: What do you mean? The weather's quite nice today.CLAIRE: It’s wet!It's always wet!Is it ever fine and warm in England?

PAUL: Well, of course it is!

It's always lovely in summer!CLAIRE: But when is that? Is it ever dry and sunny for two days together?

PAUL: Well, that's how it is with an Atlantic climate!

It's often hot and dry in summer.But it rains sometimes in summer, too, especially in July.CLAIRE: You're right.It's July now.It's cool, and it's very wet!

PAUL: Well, that's the difficulty!It's wet now, and cool, too.The weather changes all the time.But we have an interesting climate!

Unit 29: Many happy returns of the day

WILLIAM: The first of August, Karen!It’s Robert's birthday.WILUAM: I can't believe it!Robert's 10 today!KAREN: I know!Ten years old already!

KAREN: Happy birthday, Robert!Here's a present for you from your father and me.ROBERT: Oh, great!Thanks, Mum!Thanks, Dad!

ROBERT: Oh, great!A new bike!Oh, look at the gears!Dad!It's got Campagnolo gears!Oh, wow!WILLIAM: You're quite tall now, Robert.You need a new bicycle.But you must be careful.The traffic is very dangerous.KAREN: Don't worry about the traffic now!Happy birthday, Robert, and many happy returns of the day!

WILUAM: Yes, many happy returns of the day, Robert!

Unit 30

CLAIRE: How long is the race this weekend? PAUL: Ten miles.It's not very long.CLAIRE: And who's in the race?

PAUL: Well, there are lots of fantastic runners.They come from all over the world.CLAIRE: Like who? PAUL: Well, there are some from Australia.They compete in all the European events, and they're impressive.CLAIRE: Can you compete with them? PAUL: Well.I'm not in the first rank.I can compete in this race, but it's my first half marathon.PAUL: I need practice for the London Marathon next year.CLAIRE: I'm sure you can do well, Paul.PAUL: Well, maybe...PAUL: The other runners are really international.There are Moroccans, Brazilians, Canadians, Germans, Chinese — you name it!They're all very good.Let's wait and see!



任课教师:Echo 教课地点:昆大校 教课时间:7月15-12月31周日8:00-11:00


《青少版新概念》(Junior New concept English)1级A,该教材词汇量比较多,实用口语句子丰富.每册数15单元,每单元2课.每单元需要3—4课时完成.其中第1 课为情景对话,第2课为常用重点单词,是对第1课的巩固和延伸.本册教材以一个英国家庭和他们的朋友间发生的日常故事为主线,向学员们介绍当代英国文化的同时,也帮助我们的学员更好的了解世界文化,培养跨文化交际意识.课本的主要教学内容:全书一共15个单元,其中每次课讲完一个单元,每完成2个单元,开展一次复习课,75课时讲完。

第一单元 家庭成员及打招呼方式;长短衣音的学习,句型 Is this„? 复述数字1-12 第二单元 物品的猜认及颜色的复习;大小口e音,whose „is it ? What color is it ? 复述数字1-16 第三单元 远处人物的猜认;长短哦音,Who’s that boy ? The boy on the silver bicycle;复述数字10-20 第四单元 罗伯特不舒服,形容词复习;长短乌音;Is Robert thirsty?

复述数字21-30 第五单元 学生邻居互相介绍及职业;长短啊音;复述31-40;Is she/he a „ Are you a„? What do you do ?What’s her job ? 第六单元 闲谈他人;气破双唇音;复述41-50,简单国籍学习,Is that Student English or American ? 第七单元 寻找物品;舌尖齿龈弹气音,What’s that in the case ? Where ‘s the small ball? 复述51-60 第八单元 半夜事件;气冲舌根软腭音,Is there a man at the door? 第九单元 洗衣机洗衣服事件;气通舌尖齿龈音;复述61-70;What color are your dogs ? Are my dogs brown ? 第十单元 挤校车;咬舌音;复述71-80 ; Is your bag full or empty? 第十一单元 孩子们参加学校演出的服装问题;咧嘴微笑音;复述81-90;Whose tie is it?数字的英文算法 第十二单元 描述体育学院学生的体格;大嘴阿姨音;复述91-100;描述一个

人的外貌—short tall weak strong ugly beautiful dark blonde thirsty hungry little big young old 第十三单元 迟到了还是早到了;中嘴短衣合口音;What time is it ? cold hot thirsty hungry early late 第十四单元 帮妈妈做家务;疯狂舀水音;Give me。。please。

第十五单元 孩子们踢球的分队问题;鬼哭狼嚎音;Are there。。in front Of the shop ? How many men are there in front of the shop ?





1.能达到听说读写译五会课本中的重点简单单词 2.能流利诵读简单的Lesson1 3.能流利转换课文句子,与好友自由对话 4.能听懂,唱出课文中的英文歌曲、歌谣 5.能理解东西文化的差异,体验欧式生活 6.能流利数数从1-100 7.熟练使用there be 句型,how many 句型;Who’s that boy ? What color is it ?

四、教学重点: 具体教学目标中的1,2,3,6,7


1.具体教学目标中的1,2,7 2.培养学生英语学习兴趣和基本的日常交际能力 3.单词拼写









2.在理解语言的基础上学说,加强语言操练 a.抓住主句型,替换关键词操练 b.结合李阳疯狂英语的发音手势 c.李阳疯狂英语的“三最法”


(三)情景式教学(story time)

1.利用故事卡片,设计情境,自然引入阅读内容 2.放手让学生自主学习,大胆推测猜想,教师解疑答惑 3.在课本练习题中检测学生的理解情况


1.每节课渗透:课前事先欣赏,演唱,课间播放,创造英语学习的氛围;反复欣赏,逐步跟唱,切忌逐字翻译句子。2.Warm-up 中可以使用,词汇、句型练习中可以穿插;也可以用于学生疲惫时放松,调节 3.唱演结合:要求英文歌教授结合TPR教学方法,边唱边演,加入简单动作,让学生身心愉悦。4.巧妙替换、改编:如Blue,blue,is the color I see.七、教学进度

第一次课 : 第1单元 第二次课 : 第2单元 第三次课: 1-2单元复习第四次课 : 第3单元 第五次课 : 第4单元 第六次课 : 3-4单元复习第七次课 : 第5单元 第八次课 : 第6 单元 第九次课 : 5-6单元复习第十次课 : 第7单元 第十一次课 : 第8单元 第十二次课 : 7—8单元复习第十三次课 : 期中总复习第十四次课 : 第9单元 第十五次课 : 第10单元 第十六次课 : 9—10 单元复习第十七次课 : 第11单元 第十八次课 : 第12单元 第十九次课 : 11-12单元复习第二十次课 : 第13单元 第二十一次课: 第14单元 第二十二次课: 13-14单元复习第二十三次课: 第15单元

第二十四次课:总复习及考试准备家长汇报会 第二十五次课:家长汇报展示(机动课)

青少版新概念1AUnit 6