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Hope Is Life and Life Is Hope
编辑:九曲桥畔 识别码:15-605041 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-07-29 08:51:16 来源:网络

第一篇:Hope Is Life and Life Is Hope

Hope Is Life and Life Is Hope

Life begun the time we came to this earth, and it won’t end before our death.People all prefer a pleasant life, however, we can’t experience a peaceful life all the time.Life ,sometimes, seems like a painting with different colors.Therefore, we should not only love the light, but also accept to see the dark.There goes a saying by Martin Luther King, Jr, ‘We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope’.It teaches that we are supposed to see hope when disappointment buries us.There’s no doubt that some disappionment can wear down our passion and confidence.But, we shouldn’t be beat by the frustration which can not be predicted.We must put hope in our heart, and firmly believe that we will overcome the dilemma.Life won’t rise all the way, but we can believe that where there is

life,there is hope.

Hope Is Life and Life Is Hope