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编辑:月落乌啼 识别码:15-718959 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-09-28 02:20:11 来源:网络


My good friend

I have a good friend.His name is Tom./ He is Tom.(Her name is Lucy./ She is Lucy.)He is a student.He is 12 years old.He likes music.He can play the guitar.He is good at speaking English.He likes pandas, because they are kind of cute.He usually gets up at half past six in the morning.He rides a bike to(go to)school/ He goes to school by bike.Sometimes, he plays basketball with his friends for half an hour in the afternoon.(He sometimes plays basketball with his friends for half an hour in the afternoon.)






()1.A.My name is Jack.B.I’m fine.C.I am from China.()2.A.Have fun.B.You are my teacher.C.Don’t say sorry.()3.A.He likes English.B.He is a student.C.He is watching TV.()4.A.Because they are my parents.B.Because we don’t have much time.C.Because they are cute.()5.A.It is a dog.B.Sounds good.C.You can’t talk to me.()6.A.It is 8:30.B.It is Monday.C.It is April.B)短对话理解。(每小题1.5分,共9分)


()7.A.By bike.B.By subway.C.By bus.()8.A.The singing club.B.The art club.C.The dancing club.()9.A.An English class.B.A Chinese class.C.A math class.()10.A Yes.B.No.C.We don’t know.()11.A.Beautiful.B.Smart.C.Fun.()12.A.Don’t watch elephant shows.B.Don’t go to Thailand.C.Don’t buy things made of ivory.C).长对话理解。(每小题1.5分,共6分)


()13.How old is Bob’s English teacher?

A.23 B.24 C.2

5()14.Bob’s English teacher is ________________.A.strict B.smart C.busy

()15.Bob must __________ in the English class.A.Do his homework.B.Keep quiet.C.Speak Chinese

()16.Bob has ________________ English classes every week.A.Four B.Five C.six



()17.Zhao Liang gets up at _______________.A.7:30 B.6:20 C.8:00

()18.Zhao Liang has breakfast with_________________.A.his parents B.his brothers C.his classmates

()19.Zhao Liang goes to school _____________.A.by bike B.by bus C.on foot

()20.It takes him about ___________ to get to school.A.10 minutes B.20 minutes C.half an hour



()21.He can play ______ volleyball, but he can’t play______ violin.A.the, a B./, the C.the, / D.a, the

()22.My brother is good ______sports, and he is good _______ his friends.A.for, at B.with, for C.at, for D.at, with

()23.He usually helps me ______the housework.A.with B.to do C.do D.A、B and C

()24.---Can you ______it in English?

---No, I can’t.A.speak B.say C.tell D.says

()25.---_______ do you eat lunch?

---At 12:00.A.What time B.Who C.Why D.Where

()26.There _______ a boy and two girls in the music room, they are singing.A.is B.are C.has D.have

()27.My school isn’t far from here.It’s only _____ walk.A.fifteen minutes B.fifteen minutes’

C.fifteen minute’s D.fifteen minutes’s

()28.It’s eight now.It’s time _______.A.go to school B.go to the bed C.to go to school D.go home

()29.he sleeps all day, he is very lazy.A.Because, so B.So, because C.Because, / D.So, /

()30.There are five ______________ books in the room.A.hundred B.hundreds of C.hundreds D.hundred of

()31.Students ______________ Thailand love elephants.A.from B.are from C.come from D.go to

()32.I have _ _ rules in my home.We have __ _ homework to do today.A.too m any, too much B.too much , many too

C.too many, much too D.much too, many too

()33.The girl is shy.A.very much B.a kind of C.kind of D.little

()34.I can’t sing dance.He can’t,.A.or, either B.and, too C.or, too D.and, either

()35.She is a _______ musician, she can play music very.A.well, good B.much, well C.good, well D.bad, good

()36.---_______ does it take her to get to school?

---It takes her about ________ minutes.A.How far, twenty-five B.How long, twenty-five

C.How far, twenty five D.How long, twenty five

()37.-Can he _____________ the soccer well?

-No, he can’t.A.play B.to play C.playing D.plays

()38.Don’t forget ____________ your photos here when you come to school.A.bringing B.to take C.taking D.to bring

()39.Bo b and his friends have fun in the river every summer.A.Swim B.to swim C.swimming D.swiming

()40.______________ that in the room.It is very dangerous!

A.Don’t B.Not do C.Do not D.Don’t do



Many students like 41 very much.But 42 Monday to Friday,they must go to school.So on Saturday and Sunday they stay at home and 43 TV from morning to night.They don’t know it’s bad for their eyes.Usually children like to eat fish, meat and chicken, but they don’t like vegetables 44 fruit.They don’t know 45 more vegetables and fruit is better than eating meat.At school the children only do 46 minutes of sports or 47 do any sports.The teachers must know it isn’t good for 48 health.We always think of ways to keep 49.We must eat 50 vegetables and fruit,do enough(足够的)sports every day.And we should watch TV and read in right ways.()41.A.watch TV B.watch the TV C.watching TV D.watching the TV

()42.A.on B.and C.from D.to

()43.A.watch B.see C.read D.look

()44.A.and B.wit h C.or D.but

()45.A.buying B.eating C.getting D.keeping

()46.A.a few B.few C.little D.a little

()47.A.often B.sometimes C.usually D.never

()48.A.them B.they C.their D.theirs

()49.A.health B.healthy C.busy D.free

()50.A.more B.much C.a lot D.many




The Wenhua International School

You must You mustn’t(不准)

Arrive at school at half past seven every morning.Talk loudly in the hallways.Hand in your homework by eight.Eat or drink in the classroom.Look clean and tidy.Bring MP3 to school.Be quiet in the library.Run or shout in the school buildings.Stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom.Fight.()51.What can’t you do when you are in the school buildings?

A.Eat or drink.B.Run or shout.C.Talk loudly.D.Listen to music.()52.Can you bring your MP3 to school?

A.No, we can’t.B.Yes, we can.C.No, they can’t.D.Yes, they can.()53.What do you have to do when your teacher comes into the classroom?

A.Hand in my homework.B.Be quiet.C.Stand up.D.Clean the classroom.(B)

We are all learning English, but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe(可能)he can’t speak English.If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river.And if you want to be a football player, you must play football.So, you see.You can learn English only by using it.You must listen to your teacher in class.You must read your lessons every day.You must speak English to your classmates and also you must write something sometimes.Then one day, you may find your English very good.()54.If you want to learn to swim, you should(应该)_________.A.read books about swimming B.learn from other people first

C.get into the river D.play football well first

()55.If you want to be a football player, you should __ ___ __.A.put your football away B.practice football

C.buy a good football D.watch others play football

()56.The story of learning swimming and playing football tells us that ________.A.we learn English by using it B.swimming needs water

C.playing football is easy D.learning English is difficult

()57.If you want to study English well, you mus t often ________.A.write in English B.speak English C.listen to English D.A, B and C


Welcome to the English Corner(英语角)

Room 10

1You can know all about the English Corner here.If(如果)you want to join us, you need to start(开始)from here.The telephone number is 85436200.You can call us.Room 10

2This room is for oral(口语的)English.All teachers here are from the U.S.You can call 85436210.Room 10

3The telephone number is 85436220.If you join us, you can read English books here for free(免费).If you do not, you need to pay for your reading.Room 10

4The room is for English writing from Monday to Friday.You can make friends here.()58.Tom wants to join the English Corner, so he can visit Room ______ first.A.101 B.102 C.103 D.104

()59.Linda can call __________ to know more about oral English.A.85436200 B.85436220 C.85436210 D.85435420

()60.The underlined words “pay for” mean _________ in Chinese.A.付账 B.享受 C.预约 D.改变

()61.What can we know from the passage?

A.Linda can read English books in Room 101.B.Room 104 is not open on Monday.C.Sam can learn oral English in the English Corner.D.Jim can know all about the English Corner in Room 103.(D)

In many English homes people eat four meals a day.They have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning.They eat porridge(粥)、eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee for brea kfast.Lunch comes at one o’clock.Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven.First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables.After that, they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges.But not all English people eat like that.Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day.Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple(简单).()62.Many English people have _________ meals a day.A.two B.three C.four D.five

()63.People have lunch at _________.A.any time B.nine o’clock C.half past seven D.one o’clock

()64.People don’t hav e __________ for their dinner.A.bananas and apples B.soup and meat C.meat and fish D.porridge

()65.Which of the following sentence is TRUE(正确的)?

A.All English people have their dinner in the evening.B.People like porridge, eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee for breakfast.C.Lunch comes at twelve o’clock.D.Before they have meat or fish with vegetables, they have fruit.V.口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)


A: Excuse me, Dale.Can I ask you some questions?

B: Sure.A: How do you get to school?

B: 66.A: How long does it take?

B: About fifteen minutes.What about you? 67.A: No, I walk to school.68.B: How long does it take to walk to school?

A: 69.I usually walk to school with my sister.B: Well!70.A: It’s interesting.I can talk with my sister.66.67.________ 68._________ 69._________ 70.________




Bikes and cars are two important things.Many Chinese people have cars now, but most Chinese people still like to ride bikes.Do you know why?

We all know that the bike can’t go quickly, but it’s easy for people to buy and ride it.As for the car, it needs too much money.Most Americans live far from the center of cities or their working places.So they need cars to go shopping or go to work every day.Most Chinese people live near their working places, so they don’t need cars to go to work.And it’s good for the environment(环境)if people stop driving.So there is a day called “No-Car Day” on September 22nd every year.For me, I like to go to school by bike.It is easy and healthy.71.Do most Chinese people need to drive cars?


72.When is “No-Car Day” every year?

____________________________________ _______________

73.What two things does the passage(文章)talk about?


74.Why do most Americans need cars to go shopping or go to work every day?

VI 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)


75.Lucy always eats some food for breakfast.(改为否定句)

Lucy_______________ eats ______________food for breakfast.76.It is 2 kilometers from my home to school.(对划线部分提问)

___________ _____________ is it from your home to school?

77.I sometimes take the subway to school.(改为同义句)

I sometimes go to school _______________ _______________.78.李老师对我们要求严格。(完成译句)

Miss Li is _______________ _______________ us.79.他是一个八岁大的男孩。(完成译句)

He is ___________ _________________ boy.VII.短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)


Let me 80 you something about my little dog, Snoopy(史努比).Snoopy is 81 American dog.He looks very cute.He has two small eyes(眼睛), two big ears(耳朵), four short 82 and a small tail(尾巴).Now he can play many games.If I say “Go to sleep!” he goes to his bed 83 lies(躺)down.If I say “ 84 basketball!” he goes to catch a ball and puts it into a basket.If I say “Please dance 85 us!” then he dances to the music.“Can he 86 a song(歌曲)?” a friend asks me.“Sure, he can, but he doesn’t sing 87 English or Chinese.When he sings, nobody can understand him.”书面表达。(16分)






Dear Mike,__________________________________________________________________
























Module 1 单元达标测试题

It’s four o’clock.School is over.Lots of students are doing different things in different places.Wang Li and I are on duty today, we are cleaning the classroom, and some other students are talking and laughing happily.What can you see on the ground? Some students are doing sports there.Some are running.Some are playing football.Others are watching.Where’s Daming? Is he on the playground, too? No, he is reading books in the reading-room.Module 2 单元达标测试题

Spring festival

Spring festival is the most important festival in China.It’s the first day of the lunar year.People are very happy in Spring Festival.They often have dinners and watch TV with the family on New Year’s Eve.On New Years Day, People visit their relatives and friends.Children are happy, too.They are in new clothes and usually get some money.In Spring Festival, we have a lot of traditions, like lion dancing and dragon dancing.Module 3 单元达标测试题

My plan

I have a nice plan.I want to go sightseeing in the summer holiday.I am going to Qufu with my mother.I know Qufu is very beautiful.I am going to see the Temple of Confucius, the Forest of Confucius, in Qufu.We are going to stay there for a week.I think we will have a good time there.Module 4 单元达标测试题

My dream home

My dream home is very large.There will be three floors.I will have a computer on the first floor.I will study on the Internet.On the second floor there will be big beds.They are very comfortable.Many friends can stay with me at my home.There will be a kitchen on the third floor.Robots will cook food for me.I think my dream home will be very interesting.My hometown

My hometown is in South China, it’s a small village.You can see a river and lots of trees in my hometown.In the river, there are many fish.In the trees, there are many kinds of birds singing.There is less air pollution here than many other towns.People here work hard.They also have a lot of fun.At weekends, men like to go fishing.During holidays, women like to sing or dance.My hometown is a nice place to go.Module 6 单元达标测试题

The popular sports in our school are table tennis, basketball and football.I like playing table tennis, because it is more popular than gymnastics and I’m good at it.I can play basketball, but I can’t play well.Basketball is exciting, but dangerous.I like watching basketball matches.I always watch NBA.Yao Ming is my favourite basketball player.I like him very much.I like cycling.Because I think cycling is more relaxing than running.But cycling is more tiring than running.Do you like sports?

Module 7 单元达标测试题

My travel plan

I’m going to Dalian for a trip.There are many ways to get there.I think traveling by train is far more enjoyable than by plane.Maybe, it will take me twenty hours to get there.I will visit some places of interest there such as Sightseeing tower.After traveling I will have a wonderful dinner in it.Because the sea food is cheaper than that in Daqing.It will take me more than three thousand yuan for this trip, though it is more expensive, I will take it very much.Module 8 单元达标测试题

I’m Zhao Xiang, I was born in Jiangsu Province, on 6th May, 1997.Two years ago, I was in Jinan.My first school was Yucai Primary School.My first English teacher was Miss White.My first English teacher was Miss White.My first English friend was Jack.I had many other Chinese friends in Jinan.They were Wang Lin, Zhang Wei and Sun Bing.I like Jinan.It’s very nice.Once upon a time, in China, there was a young man called Yang Shi.One day he went to visit his teacher Cheng Yi.It snowed heavily.Cheng Yi slept then, so Yang Shi waited in the snow outside.He kept waiting in the snow until his teacher woke up.Then, the ground was already covered with thick snow.We should learn from Yang Shi and respect our teachers.Good education makes a country strong!

Module 10 单元达标测试题

Today, I went to the small island not far from my home with my friends.It’s in the middle of the river.We had a picnic there.We got up very early in the morning.We went to the island by boat.First we sang and danced.Then we had our lunch.After that, we played football.We went home very late.Though we were very tired, we still felt happy.What a good picnic we had today!

Module 11 单元达标测试题

Jackie Chan is my hero.He was born on April 7, 1954.His father was a cook.When he was seven years old, his family moved to Australia.Later they came back to Hong Kong.Jackie Chen’s father sent him to the China Drama Academy.Jackie Chan studied and worked for 19 hours a day.He studied Kung fu and stunts.When Jackie Chen was 17 years old, he began to do dangerous things for films.In the early 1980s, he went to Hollywood, but, he wasn’t successful.He went on to make films in Hong Kong and had great success.Finally in 1995, Jackie Chan had both American and Chinese fans, and his films made millions of dollars.Module 12 单元达标测试题

I had a wonderful trip to Guilin.I went to Guilin with my family last week.We went there by train.We were there for only five days.We saw beautiful green hills, clear water and some strange caves.We went boating in Lijiang River.We had some delicious local food.Guilin rice noodle was really delicious.We all had a great time.I hope I can go to Guilin again one day.期中达标测试卷

My sister

My sister is an English teacher in a middle school.She is of medium build with a pair of glasses on her face.She is hard-working and often helps the people in need.She loves and cares about her students.She likes singing and dances well.She is good at ping-pong.This year, she will go to Sichuan, as a volunteer, to teach English in a middle school.I love my sister.期末达标测试卷

Astronaut Nie Haisheng

Nie Haisheng was born in September, 1964 in Zaoyang, Hubei Province.He joined the army in June, 1983 and in December, 1986, he joined the Party.In January, 1998, he became one of the first astronauts in China.On October 12, 2005, he went into space in Shenzhou 6 Spacecraft with Fei Junlong.They landed safely on October 17.Nie Haisheng has a happy family.



古县中学 林玉珠 2016.04.25







3、理解能力不强,阅读理解失分较多,不能理解通篇大意,原因是词 汇量少,即使是平时默写过的单词一到考试时又不认识了。














