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编辑:梦回唐朝 识别码:15-828020 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-12-07 23:24:58 来源:网络


It is generally acknowledged that the relationship among family members is now not as close as it used to be.Give possible reasons and your recommendation.With the advent of new era, family relationship seems do not get as much attention from family members as it did in the past.What factors lead to this phenomenon and what we can do to solve this problem has become a concern to many people.In my view, the following reasons should be taken into consideration.The causes are multiple.In the first place, people nowadays are living with heavy stress from all the directions.Worse still, instead of sharing happiness and sorrow with families, people prefer to turn to alcohol or gambling to get spiritual consolation.In the second place, the high proportion of time spent surfing the internet leads them neglect their mutual feelings, thereby increasing the chances of being isolated and lonely.In addition, due to the overcrowded downtown and accessible transport, people are more likely to live in outskirts which are far away from their relatives’ houses;therefore, posing a threat to reinforce the family bond.Given the severity of this phenomenon, we have no alternative but to take immediate steps to address this situation.First of all, people should be encouraged to communicate with families more frequently, especially through face-to-face talk.Only in this way can our people bridge the generation gap and remove the misunderstandings.Second, it is necessary for the families to get together regularly, not only in the forms of family dinner, but also those kinds of outdoor activities.If so, the whole family can benefit.Last but not least, it is our authorities’ obligation to offer family classes aiming to strengthen the relationships of family members, such as how to deal with the family conflicts and how to balance mutual needs.In short, this disturbing problem is attributed to many factors and I believe with the joint efforts from inpiduals and the government, it can be eventually resolved.








Step 2:不要忙着做题,先听写

雅思考试以英音为主,以英音为主的听写材料是BBC,新概念英音版(就是最新版),还有就是剑桥出版的真题系列。BBC、新概念虽然不错,但是BBC中的用词太过于正式,不贴近生活,雅思考试的题材恰恰与生活学习有关,历史政治题材很少考到,就算考到也不会想BBC那么正式;新概念句式过于复杂,要想听写完也是很受罪的事情,只适合背诵以提高写作,所以对于雅思考生而言最好的听写素材非雅思真题原文莫属。市面上的剑桥出版的雅思真题有:《剑桥雅思12345》、《雅思透析1、2》、《如何准备雅思》、《雅思样题1、2》等等,另外澳方IDP出版的《101》《202》《404》也是很好的听写素材。做过真题的人应该知道每个Version分4Section,Section1-Section4的难度依次递增,Section1、Section2、Section3以对话形式出现,都较为简单,考生普遍能跟上,而Section 4则偏难,Section4的10题都作对的人很少。所以如果你想快速突破听力,只听写每个Version的Section4可视为捷径,至于到底要听写多少Section4以个人承受能力而定,但是个人觉得听写完8个Section是最低底线。你可以用Sitaman PC复读机这个软件一句句听写甚至一个短语一个短语的听写,但是不管你怎么听写都不要事先看原文,实在听写不下来再试着偷看一眼。

Step 3:配合雅思技巧演练剑桥真题,但是只做听力和阅读


Step 4:背诵范文和套句。


雅思(International English Language Testing System,简称IELTS)是由英国文化委员会(The British Council)、剑桥大学地方考试委员会(CUCLES)和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP Education Australia)共同举办的国际英语水平测试。此项考试是为申请赴英联邦国家(英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰等)留学、培训的非英语国家学生而设,用来评定考生运用英语的能力。现在许多英联邦国家对申请本国技术移民的人士也采用这项考试,作为申请人英语能力达标的认证。







雅思考试分为学术类(Academic Module)和普通培训类(General Training Module)两种。两种类型的听力和口语两部分采用同一试卷,阅读和写作两部分采用不同的试卷,学术类试题比普通培训类试题的难度略高。一般来说,申请学习正规课程(如高等院校学位课程)者应参加学术类考试;申请非正规课程或非学位课程者以及移民申请者,只需参加普通培训类考试,考生在选择考试种类时应对此加以注意。雅思的听力、阅读和写作三部分考试在上午进行,口语考试在下午或第二天进行,四项考试考生必须全部参加。雅思成绩单一般在考试后一个月至三个月内发出,有效期两年。目前雅思考试费为人民币1150元。


雅思考试流程 1.上午9:15-9:30 AM 考试人员解说考试注意事项及考试流程。2.听力考试30分钟 听力考试:先由考生将自己认为正确的答案作笔录。录音播放结束后,允许考生用10分钟时间将答案填在标准彩色答案卡上。此部分有4小部分,共40题左右,每节有10个问题,包括填空及选择等。播音时,每次有约10秒的停顿,考生应先看问题,后听录音。3.体息5分钟,但不得离开考场。

4.阅读考试60分钟 阅读考试: 考生阅读文章并将答案填入试卷上。有2或3篇阅读文章,约40个问题。试题包括填充、选择题、是非题(回答True, False或not Given)等。供阅读的文章较长,内容多,不可能精读,要快速读出大意和文章中的数字、名字、时间,注意上下文的意思,要特别注意控制时间,遇到不会做的题目,先略过此题做下一题,有时间再回头做。5.休息10分钟,可以离场。6.写作考试60分钟 写作考试:通常第一篇字数至少150个字,花20分钟;第二篇字数至少250字,约花40分钟,字数不可太多或太少,否则会扣分。7.口语考试15分钟 口试的考试时间会在公告板上公布,并列出考生在何时与哪一位考官负责。考生必须在所列的时间前报到。考试时间一般在当天下午2:00或第二天。口试考试:考生必须在口试开始前先填好考试表交给考官。





词汇:建议使用《剑桥雅思词汇精典》 吴建业 外研社

练习:剑桥雅思1—7(1-3的题型虽然老了,但是其难度水平还是很值得我们操练的)。其他的所谓真题就不用看了,没有多少借鉴意义。阅读强化:《无词阅读法》 祁连山 中国水利水电出版社

《雅思阅读真经》 刘洪波 中国广播电视出版社

听力强化:个人觉得没有什么好的参考书目。有一个好的方法:听写剑桥雅思4-7的听力的听力稿这是唯一既能够提高听力准确性有提高听写速度的方法,对于口语和词汇也有帮助。口语:《十天突破雅思口语》 慎小嶷 机械工业出版社

《生而为赢》 群言出版社(里面的发音非常标准,是美式发音,这个要注意雅思并不是规定只能用英式发音的)写作:图表题可以使用《剑桥图表》;论述题《品读剑桥》这两本书直接在百度上找就是了 再有就是自己好好学士最重要的,没有捷径可言。祝楼主一考就过!

《新托业听力详解及实战试题》 《新托业考试官方指南—听力·阅读》 新托业考试语法和词汇详解及实战试题》 《新托业阅读详解及实战试题》 用到的备考资料包括: 新托业考试官方指南标准试卷

新托业听力详解及实战试题(人大14套)新托业全真题库Part1,2,3,4/新托业全真题库Part5,6/新托业全真题库Part7 由于时间原因,人大那套试题只做了一半,其他的资料都在考前做完了。一些体会大家参考一下:


4.全真题库Part5,6要严格按书上要求卡20分钟来完成。题目难度和真题接近或稍简单,真题中考察词汇要比考察语法的多,另外还有几道考察时态和语态的题目。Part6完型部分要注意一些书面习惯表达形式。例如:enclosed is…/in an unlikely event of …/this is to inform you that…平时在国内较少接触英文材料,这些问题只要稍加注意就能形成记忆,不至于在考试中丢分。强烈建议做完这部分的题目后整理错题本,把没见过的词汇和短语抄写下来时时翻看。







3.Part3、4时候听到question 41 through 43 refer to the following…时一定要快速扫一下3道问题的题干部分。实际考试时发现这段文字要比平时练习资料中念得慢一些,所以预读的时间会稍稍充裕。我的经验是,如果有看到where、when、who时证明题目要考查细节,听的时候就要特别关注相应的细节信息。而看到what,往往考察的是文章大意。预读完之后我习惯于不再看屏幕,而专心听录音,这样获得的信息量往往比较完整。4.part5、6一贯是我的强项,印象中没有遇到太多问题。Part6习惯只读出现填空的句子。5.part7难度不大,所有的文体、场景都在之前提到的资料中遇到过,所要做的就是尽可能的快速识别场景加上关键词定位而不需要全文阅读浪费时间。题目选项中同义转述和原文复现的都有,原文复现的情形较多。值得一提的是机考中文章和题目分栏显示,各自都有进度栏,做题时一定要确保进度栏做到底,切忌漏做。所有题目完成后右上角会有items review的选项,可以查看是不是有漏题。不可以提前交卷,时间一到系统会自动提交。考试最后五分钟屏幕会出现提示。





(opinion)The discussion about _____ is a very controversial one.Those who criticize(/oppose/object to/are against)_____ contend(/argue/hold)that _____, but people who advocate(/favor/are for)_____, on the other hand, maintain(/assert/ claim)that _____.From the personal perspective, I maintain(/hold/believe)that _____.(agree/disagree)When it refers to _____, the discussion of this issue among inpiduals and in society as a whole has come into vogue during the last decade.It is commonly accepted that _____;however, I disagree with the statement.I maintain(/hold/believe)that _____.(I partly approve this claim and there are several reasons and instance as follows supporting my view.)(advantages/disadvantages)Just a few years ago, the idea of _____ seemed far-reaching for most Chinese.Now, however, we are all aware that everything has two sides._____ is no exception in its development.With the advert and popularity of _____, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of discussion.(discuss both views)_____ now plays such an important role in so many people’s lives that it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is a blessing or a curse.People’s opinions are pergent on such a complex and controversial topic.Advocates maintain that _____.Opponents, on the other hand, contend(argue/insist)that _____.Obviously, both sides have over-simplified this issue.Actually, its value to people and society depends on how it is used.(problems&solutions)According to a(n)survey(/investigation/analysis/statistics/report)released(/conducted/made)by _____, there is a growing(/increasing/declining)number of _____ who(/which)_____.To be specific, ______.(What amazes us most is that _____.)Among countless factors which directly and indirectly influence _____, there are several conspicuous aspects as follows.正文段:

(opinion)(agree/disagree)The main reason for my propensity to _____ is that _____.What is more, _____.Moving on to wider themes, I agree with the statement that _____ without reservations for the reason that _____.Naturally, _____.It can be given a concrete example that _____.Another equally essential factor why I advocate _____ involves the realm of _____.No one can deny that _____.Obviously, it is imperative that _____.Meanwhile, a recent survey(/a typical example)will make this point clear and acceptable;_____.However, we should concede that dispite the merits of _____ mentioned above, overextented _____ will be indeed counterproductive, even harmful.The harm it produces is, in my opinion, both palpable and profound.For inpiduals, it has a debasing impact on _____;for society, it may promote a negative tendency toward _____.(advantages/disadvantages)(discuss both views)On one hand,1._____ has brought a number of(/ a lot of)benefits to us(/people).2._____ benefits us in many respects.3.The benefits of _____ can be perceived in many aspects.4.We get a lot of benefits from _____.5._____ has brought about many changes in people’s life.6._____ is a beneficial activity, in which we can obtain many advantages.First and foremost, _____.What is more, _____.In the end, _____.On the other hand,1.Just as a coin has tow sides, _____ also has some bad effects(/ill effects/side effects).2._____, on the other hand, have its disadvantages(/negative points/problems).3.However, _____ has also brought about(/given rise to/led to/resulted in/caused/created)a lot of problems.4.Good(/Superior/Wonderful)as A is, _____, it has its own disadvantages(/brings its own problems), too.For one thing, _____.For another, _____, Finally, _____.(problems&solutions)

The reasons(/causes/factors)for _____ are complex(/varied/profound).Some attribute it to _____.Others put it down to _____.Still others owe it to _____.In my opinion, however, three(/some)factors shout louder than others(/weigh heavier than others/stand out from others).The most critical

reason lies in _____.Moreover, _____.Another important factor should not be ignored._____.Among a myriad of suggested solutions to _____(/measures against _____ /plans for _____ /moves toward _____ /ideas on _____), three have begun to stand(/stick)out.First of all, _____.An equally effective measure(/solution/recipe)is _____.Last but not least, _____.结论:

(opinion)(agree/disagree)Weighing the pros and cons of _____, I strongly commit to the notion that _____, not only because _____, but also because _____.(advantages/disadvantages)To sum up,the key point is how to make good use of its positive aspects and avoid its negative points.While taking advantage of _____, we must try to find ways to reduce its disadvantages, namely, _____, to a minimum.(discuss both views)In any case, whether the ultimate effect of _____ is beneficial or detrimental, one thing is certain that _____ in itself is neither good nor bad.It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to society.(Weighing the two sides, both arguments seem to be reasonable, after all.)(problems&solutions)To promote(/suppress/cultivate/popularize/curb/enhance/root up)the issue in question, the public attention(/more stress/more emphasis)should be placed(/put/focused)upon two proposals(/moves/measures/solutions): _____.


School teachers used to be the source of information.However,some people argue that teachers are not as important as before because there is an increasing variety of information resources.What is your opinion?(08年4月24日考题)要对上面的句子进行重新描述,最简单的就是用同义词替换,请看下表:

Know: recognize




realize 3.使用短语进行替换

Some say that building more roads will help reduce the traffic congestion in big cities.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this.Do you support or oppose this statement? 在这一段话里,可以替换的短语如下所示:




1.名词并列: n1,n2,n3,…

这种并列又可以具体通过以下2种结构实现: a).A,B,C,… and other Xs b).X,such Y as A,B,C,…

i.Reading,writing,listening and other academic subjects could be learned from books,or primarily from books.ii.Some knowledge,such academic subjects as reading,writing,listening,could be learned from books,or primarily from books.iii.It is of great importance for people to read imaginative literature,such as poetry,novels or mythology.iv.It is of great importance for people to read novels and other types of imaginative literature such as poetry and mythology.2.名词性成分并列: n.+ what/how/whether/if… 这种并列又可以具体通过以下2种结构实现: a).what=something that b).how=the way/manner in which i.Most parents educate their children merely by instinct rather than proper pedagogy,and usually do not care about their relationship with children and how much neglect influences the future development of their children.ii.Most students are eager to obtain knowledge,but they lack the sense of what is good,or what is necessary and how much a deficiency in the concept of viewing the situation as a whole would mislead them.iii.My fellow Americans,ask not what your country can do for you,ask what you can do for your country.My fellow citizen of the world,ask not what American will do for you,but what together we can do for the freedom of man.(John Kennedy)3.形容词成分并列: a).a1 and a2+n b).a1+yet/but+a2+n c).a1,a2+n+that…

d).a1,a2,so a3 that/as to…

i.a small town à a small and peaceful town a good teacher à a good and very impressive teacher a stupid decision à a stupid and incorrigible decision ii.a simple yet effective method a direct and simple yet magically effective method an irrational yet understandable decision a fair and balance,yet undesirable decision an obvious yet not the most significant reason iii.Most students can hardly stand for his typically dry and dull lectures that would normally continue at least several quarters without giving any essential information.iv.The impact that technology has had on our daily life and society in general,is undeniable.It will become even greater as computers get faster,smaller,smarter,and so inexpensive that virtually everyone will be able to own one.v.A class led by a lethargic teacher could be extremely dull,and so boring that drives everybody in the class into sleep.vi.Learning in essence is a process that is time-consuming,painstaking,and so hard that virtually only persistent few can finally have a sense of real achievement.4.副词成分并列: a).ad1 and ad2+n b).ad1+yet/but+ad2+n c).ad1,ad2+prep…

d).ad1,ad2,so ad3 that/as to…

i.A conscientious teacher always prepares his lecture carefully,intelligently,and with the full consideration of all possible aspects concerning the subject.ii.Apart from energizing the athletes, physical strength helps them plough into the games enthusiastically and with confidence and even act as a deterrent force to their rivals to some extent.5.动词并列: a).…v1,v2+ing,v3+ing… b).s1+v1+ing,s2+v2…

i.An absent-minded teacher lacks drive to make class intensely focused,often preparing nothing in advance,wandering among random topics,thus wasting and killing times of industrial students.ii.As a result of this, food dealers have made huge profit from it, thereby promoting the sector as well as creating more jobs.6.句子并列: a).…, and therefore/thus/consequently b).not only/simply/merely…but also/…as well/even… c).neither…nor d).not that…but that… e).that引导的宾语从句 f).that引导的定语从句 g).that引导的主语从句

i.Books keep records of thoughts and ideas, and are therefore the major source from which people obtain knowledge.ii.Chinese children unfortunately have few rights to make their own decisions, and consequently often have to do things that they do not enjoy doing at all.iii.Modern vehicles have extended the range of people’s activity, and thus made much more goods available to local markets.iv.Computers have not only brought convenience, but they have also made people learn more.v.Not that emails or telephones have made people less personal, but that people themselves have become less personal.One of several possible reasons is that people usually lack of adequate communicating skills.vi.However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds.二、从句的使用

从句的使用是提高写作得分最有效的一种手段,雅思写作中主要涉及的从句主要是名词性从句,状语从句和定语从句,朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生既可以单独使用这些从句来组织句子,还可以采用从句套从句的方式来提高句型的复杂度。7.从句套从句: i.Those who feel that sports stars salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent is very few, and the money is the recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful.宾语从句+定语从句+表语从句

ii.This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis.定语从句+状语从句

iii.The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young adult who passes directly from school to university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world.宾语从句+定语从句

iv.But overall, I think that this is less likely today, when academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career.宾语从句+非限制性定语从句 v.Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are promoted because they have good impacts for the majority of people.名词性从句+状语从句



i.Not only should the parent spent more time with their children, they should also try to communicate with their children more often.ii.Only in this way can this issue be effectively solved.iii.Nor a bad environment will make people healthier.iv.Only in very few regions do the residents have enough water for their daily needs.第一,定语从句。

这应该算是写作中最常用的一种句型之一。适当地运用定语从句可以给你的文章增色不少。例如,下面的这两个句子用上定语从句马上就变成了一个漂亮的复杂句。Bad books contain evil much description

thoughts.In them, there might be , and sex.about violence, superstition

→ Bad books, in which there might be much description about violence, superstition, and sex, contain evil thoughts.第二,状语从句。


1.原因状语从句:常由because, as, since和for引导 Eg: Nonetheless demerits.尽管如此,我还是赞成太空探险,因为它的好处远远大于坏处。

2.让步状语从句:常由although, though, even though/ if, as long as和notwithstanding引导

Eg: Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence be obtained at any age and at any place.尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明教育能够在任何地点、任何年龄进行。3.条件状语从句:常由if, on the condition that和providing that引导 Eg: If you want to achieve

something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared.假如你要取得成就或要实现你的雄心壮志,你必须努力工作、艰苦奋斗、准备好条件。4.时间状语从句:常由when和while引导

Eg: When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。5.目的状语从句: 常由so that和in order that引导

Eg: Millions of people have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills andtechnology 保持优势。

so that they can keep a favorable position in job market.成千上万的人们不得不花费更多的精力和时间学习新的技术和知识,使得他们在就业市场能

that education can , I am still in favor of space travel, for its merits far outweigh 第三,宾语从句。Eg: Some people claim

that government should be mainly responsible for the environmental pollution.一些人认为政府应对环境污染负主要责任。

Eg: Many experts point out that, along with the development of modern society, it is aninevitable result and there is no way to avoid it.许多专家指出这是现代社会发展必然的结果,无法避免。第四,同位语从句。Eg: It is an undeniable increasingly serious.环境污染变得越来越严重是不可否认的事实。

Eg: No one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for average workers to master those high-technology skills easily.没有人能否认这一基本事实:对于一般工人来讲,轻松掌握这些技术是不可能的。第五,主语从句。

Eg: What has caught our attention

is /It is noticeable that the environment in

.fact that environmental pollution becomes both the rural and urban areas is deteriorating 值得注意的是农村和城市的生态环境都在不断恶化。

Eg: It is universally acknowledged that environmental pollution becomes one of the most serious problems in China or even the world as a whole.众所周知,环境污染问题是中国乃至世界面临的最为严重的问题之一。第六,强调句: It is + 被强调的内容 + that Eg: It is cars and factories that release environment.汽车和工厂排放大量的废气,使得环境被污染。第七,倒装句。

Eg: Only if the government will take some appropriate this intractable problem be tackled.只有政府采取适当的措施,这个棘手的问题才能被解决。第八,被动语态。

Eg: Every means should be tried to protect the environment on which people live.人们应竭尽全力来保护我们赖以生存的环境。

measures, will

a great deal of gases, polluting the 第九,分词结构:包括现在分词和过去分词。

Eg: Tourism, which is a rising industry, has become the major source of economy, playing crucial role in many Asian countries.旅游业是一个新兴的行业,它成为经济的主要来源, 在很多东南亚国家起着尤为重要的作用。

Eg: To be more specific , government should stage some relevant

.laws or regulations to severely punish the factory producing a great number of pollutants and the people littering or spitting deliberately 人进行严惩。第十,插入语。

一种独立成分,与句子的其它成分一般没有语法上的关系,大都是对一句话作一些附加说明或解释。它通常由一个词、一个短语或一个句子构成,位置较为灵活,可置于句首、句中或句末,一般用逗号或破折号与句子隔开。Eg: Computer, an indispensable conveniences.电脑,我们生活中必不可少的一部分,给我们带来了极大的方便。

Eg: College students, lacking social experience, are easily cheated.大学生,没有社会经验,容易上当受骗。

part in our life, has brought us great 具体来说,政府应该出台相关法律法规对制造大量污染物的工厂及故意乱扔垃圾随地吐痰的