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编辑:烟雨蒙蒙 识别码:15-826657 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-12-06 23:20:44 来源:网络


Good Evening Ladies and gentlemen:

First please allow me to express the warmest welcome to everyone and our cooperative partner,Jaguar Land Rover Public Limited company.Thank you for attending our business negotiation!It is my great honor to represent my company Chery to give a speech here.We have a highly hope of this negotiation, and I wish we will have a happy discussion about all the subjects we will mention today.It is well known that China is a developing country and has a developing market.As the financial crisis happened around the whole world, China still has a great demand on many kinds of products.So there is no doubt that China is certainly the biggest market in the world.And as a company if you want to get the most profits for your shareholders you have to think about expanding the market in China.Now please allow me to explain the advantages of our company.Firstly, as I inferred, China is a good place for many companies to find their new market.Requirement in China is amazing.There is no doubt that Jaguar Land Rover company will get the profits you expect.Chery, as a company settled in China, a company enjoys Chinese government’s special policy and support, we are the best for you to cooperate with.Secondly, Chery is a company full of energy, and also we are a company full of innovation.Innovation is the source which helps a company to keep moving forward.We are the best in China, and no doubt it is a good choice to be our cooperation partner.Thirdly, we have remarkable abilities in research and development of motor engines.We already have put forward a new kind of motor engine recently and gained an excellent responding from the market.Compared with your company’s former motor engines made by Ford,ours are better than theirs.Last but not least, we are holding the most sincere attitude to today’s negotiation.And I hope our cooperation partner will do the same to us.Finally, I wish the negotiation we hold here a happy ending.Thank you!















商务谈判对话英语实例(8)篇二:中英文商务谈判对话 a:早上好,欢迎来到我公司,很高兴见到你们。



b: my associate and i will be interested in visiting your factory.ok? a: sure.i’ll show you around and explain our products as we go along.a:当然可以,我陪你到各处看看,边走边讲解我们的产品。b:那太好了。

b: that’ll be most helpful.a: that is our office block.we have all the administrative depart-ments there.down there is the research and development section.a:那是我们的办公大楼。我们所有的行政部门都在那里。那边是研发部。b:你们每年在科研上花多少钱?

b: how much do you spend on development every year? a: about 3-4% of the gross sales.a:大约是总销售额的3%到4%。b:对面那座建筑是什么?

b:what’s that building opposite us? a:that’s the warehouse.we keep a stock of the faster moving items so that urgent orders can be met quickly from stock.a: 那是仓库,存放周转快的货物,这样有急的订货时,就可以立刻交现货了。b:如果我现在订购,到交货前需要多长时间?

b: if i placed an order now, how long would it be before i got delivery? a: it would largely depend on the size of the order and the items you want.a: 那主要得看订单大小以及你需要的产品而定.b:我们学校要购进一批电脑和电视,我想了解一下你们的产品。a: 我们进口一种新产品,您是否愿意先看看货? b:可以。这就是我所感兴趣的那种样式。

b:ah, yes, this is the model i was interested in.a: i should be very happy to give you any further information you need on it.a:我很乐意提供您所需要的关于它的进一步的信息。b: 好的,都有哪些规格呢?

b: yes, what are the specifications? a: we have a wide selection of colors and designs.a: 我们有很多式样和颜色可供选择。

a:if i may refer you to page eight of the brochure youll find all the specifications there.a: 如果您看一下手册的第8页,就会在那儿找到所有的规格。b:好的,产品寿命呢?

b: now what about service life? a: our tests indicate that this model has a service life of at least 50, 000 hours.,about 10 years.a: 我们的实验表明这种样式至少可以使用50,000小时,大约10年.b:这是这种设备的平均数据吗?

b:is that an average figure for this type of equipment? a:oh, no, far from it.thats about 10,000 hours longer than any other made in its price range.a:不是的,相差还很远。这种比在它的价格范围内的任何其他样式都要高出1万小时左右。b:真的?这一点给我印象颇深。b: really?thats impressive.a: 我们的产品最畅销。我们的产品在国际市场上很有竞争力。b: 不过如果这种设备在我们使用的时候发生故障,该怎么办呢?

b: but what happens if something goes wrong when were using it? a: if that were to happen, just contact our nearest agent and theyll send someone round immediately.a: 一旦发生那样的情况,同我们最近的办事处联系,他们会马上派人过去的。b: 我明白了。你可以给我市场价格吗?

b: i see.will you give us an indication of prices? a: unit price is 5000 yuan.a: 单价5000元


b: could you give me some brochures for that machine? and the price if possible.a:right.here is our sales catalog and literature.a: 好的。这是我们的销售目录和说明书。b: 谢谢。我想也许将来我们可以合作

b: thank you.i think we may be able to work togeth er in the future.b:明天我再来和你们讨论细节问题.a: all right.see you tomorrow.a:好的,明天见。price b:我们学校对你们的产品很感兴趣。这次想购买电脑和电视,请报cif沈阳到岸价 a:please let us know the quantity required so that we can work out the premium and freight charges.a:请你说明需求数量,以便我们计算出保险费和运费。b:我们打算试订800台电脑,500台电视。

a:all right.here are our f.o.b.price lists.all the prices are subject to our final confirmation.a: 好吧!这是我们的fob价目表。所有的价格都以我方最后确认为准。b: 大量购买,你们提供折扣吗?

b: do you offer discounts for plentiful purchases? a: yes, we do indeed.our ususal figure is around 5%, but that depends on the size of the order.a: 是的,我们确实这样做。通常的数目是5%左右,但那还要根据订货的多少来定。b:我认为你的价格太高,我们不能接受。你们可以降低价格吗? a: 对不起,我们很难再降价了。.我可以保证我们的价格是优惠的。


b: you know for the products like yours we usually get 2% or 3% discount from european suppliers.a:the quantity you ordered is much smaller than those of others.if you can manage to boost it a bit, we’ll consider giving you a better discount.a: 你们订的数量比其他客户少很多。如果你们能试着增加一点数量,我们会考虑给予适当折扣。

b: 做为试购,这个数量绝不算少了。一般来说,试购总应得到些利润,希望你方能满足我们的要求。

b:as far as a trial order is concerned, the quantity is by no means small.and generally speaking, we like to profit from a trial order.i hope you’ll be able to meet our requirements.a:well, as this is the first deal between us, we agree to give you an one-percent discount as a special encouragement.a: 由于这是我们的第一次交易,我们同意作为特殊照顾给予你们百分之一的折扣。b: 百分之一?那太少了。能不能想办法增加到百分之二?

b: 1%? that’s too low a rate.could you see your way to increase it to 2%? a:i’m afraid we have really made a great concession, and could not go any further.a:恐怕不行了,我们确实已做出了很大让步,无法再增加了。b: 看来,这是我唯一能接受的条件了。

b: it seems this is the only proposal for me to accept.a: i wish i could cut my price, even as a personal favor for you, but my hands are tied.my money people tell me this is our bottom line.a:就算帮你个忙,我也希望能够降价,但我无能为力。财务人员告诉我这是底价。a: its only because youre such a good customer that im willing to offer you this price.a: 因为你是这么好的客户,我才愿意提供你这个价格。b:谢谢你,我真的很感谢,不过这个价格超过了我的权限。

b:thank you.i really appreciate that.its just more than im authorized to pay.b:我想现在惟一能做的就是停止谈判,然后分道扬镳吧。

b: i guess the only thing to do now is call a halt to this negotiation and part, friend.a:what do you mean? a: 此话曾经?


b: true, everyone raised his/her prices but you seem to be at the high end of the scale.b: 我们有一定的预算限制,所以我只好去别家问问看。

b:but, we have a budget we have to stay under, so well have to shop around some more.a:i sure hate to see you go across the street.weve had a good friend relationship for many years.a: 我很不希望看你找别家,我们的朋友关系已经维持多年了。b:这种事是难免的。b: these things happen.b:我这次来,也可以顺路去拜访其他厂商,所以我告辞了。篇三:会展英语对话(最新修订版)9月2日



1.that’ll put us both in the picture.这样双方都能了解全面的情况。2.then we’d have some ideas of what you’ll be needing.那么我们就会心中有点儿数, 知道你们需要什么了。12.i can’t say for certain off-hand.我还不能马上说定。3.better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking.有些实际材料拿到手总比坐着闲聊强。4.it’ll be easier for us to get down to facts then.这样就容易迚行实质性的谈判了。5.but wouldn’t you like to spend an extra day or two here? 你们不愿意在北京多待一天吗? 6.i’m afraid that won’t be possible, much as we’d like to.尽管我们很想这样做, 但恐怕不行了。7.we’ve got to report back to the head office.我们还要回去向总部汇报情况呢。8.thank you for your cooperation.谢谢你们的合作。9.we’ve arranged our schedule without any trouble.我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了。

10.here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends.would you please have a look at it? 这是我们为你和你的朋友拟定的活动日程安排。请过目一下, 好吗? 11.if you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask.如果对某些细节有意见的话, 请提出来。

12.i can see you have put a lot of time into it.我相信你在制定这个计划上一定花了不少精力吧。

13.we really wish you’ll have a pleasant stay here.我们真诚地希望你们在这里过得愉快。

14.i wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us.我想能否在我们访问结束时为我们安排一点时间购物。


16.i’ve been looking forward to visiting your factory.我一直都盼望着参观贵厂。

17.you’ll know our products better after this visit.参观后您会对我们的产品有更深的了解。

18.maybe we could start with the designing department.也许我们可以先参观一下设计部门。


让我介绍你认识,这是我们的总经理,李先生。it’s an honor to meet.很荣幸认识你。

nice to meet you.i’ve heard a lot about you.很高兴认识你,久仰大名。

how do i pronounce your name? 你的名字怎么读?

how do i address you? 如何称呼您?


what line of business are you in? 你做那一行? keep in touch.保持联系。

谢谢你的光临。don’t mention it.别客气

excuse me for interrupting you.请原谅我打扰你。

i’m sorry to disturb you.不起打扰你一下。excuse me a moment.对不起,失陪一下。

excuse me.i’ll be right back.对不起,我马上回来 展会谈判英语必备句型

1、would anyone like something to drink before we begin? 在我们正式开始前,大家喝点什么吧?

2、we are ready.我们准备好了。

3、i know i can count on you.我知道我可以相信你。

4、trust me.请相信我。

5、we are here to solve problems.我们是来解决问题的。


7、i hope this meeting is productive.我希望这是一次富有成效的会谈。

8、i need more information.我需要更多的信息。

9、not in the long run.从长进来说并不是这样。这句话很实用,也可显示你的“高瞻进瞩”。

10、let me explain to you why.让我给你一个解释一下原因。很好的转折,又可磨炼自己的耐心。

11、that’s the basic problem.这是最基本的问题。


13、it depends on what you want.那要视贵方的需要而定。没那么正觃的场合下说:那要看你到底想要什么。


15、are you negotiable? 你还有商量的余地吗?

16、i’m sure there is some room for negotiation.我肯定还有商量的余地。

17、we have another plan.我们还有一个计划。准备多么充分!胜利一定会属于这样的人!

18、let’s negotiate the price.让我们来讨论一下价格吧。

19、we could add it to the agenda.我们可以把它也列入议程。20、thanks for reminding us.谢谢你的提醒。

21、our position on the issue is very simple.我们的意见很简单。

22、we can not be sure what you want unless you tell us.希望你能告诉我们,要不然我们无法确定你想要的是什么。

23、we have done a lot.我们已经取得了不少的迚展。

24、we can work out the details next time.我们可以下次再来解决细节问题。

25、i suggest that we take a break.建议休息一下。

26、let’s dismiss and return in an hour.咱们休会,一个钟头后再回来。

27、we need a break.我们需要暂停一下。

28、may i suggest that we continue tomorrow.我建议明天再继续,好吗?少提这种建议,中国人一定要学会如何在谈判桌“熬得住“,很多时候不是“技术战”而是“神经战”。

29、we can postpone our meeting until tomorrow.我们可以把会议延迟到明天。

30、that will eat up a lot of time.那会耗费很多时间。


id like to introduce you to the new members of the project group.(我想要给你介绍项目组的新成员。)商务 英语 口语

如果无法成行,被邀请人应委婉地向对方回绝: im sorry, but i have another appointment.(对不起,我另有约会。)如果欣然接受,可以说:

that sounds great.商务英语 口语(那太好了。)在商量好时间、地点之后,双方都应准时赴约。一般说来,在吃饭时,大家会谈论一些轻松的与生意无关的话题,当餐具被收起,甜点上桌后,就可以提议: can we talk a little bit about the project?(我们能否谈谈有关的工作计划 ?)这样双方就比较自然地转入工作话题了。

午餐结束后,应由邀请方料理付帐的事情: well take care of the bill.(我们来付帐。)双方告别时,邀请方要向接受邀请的对方道谢: were glad you joined us.(我们非常高兴您的赏光。)我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。

2.you are going out of your way for us, i believe.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。

3.its just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient of you right now.如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。4.i think we can draw up a tentative plan now.我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。

5.if he wants to make any changes, minor alternations can be made then.如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。

6.is there any way of ensuring well have enough time for our talks? 我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判? 7.so our evenings will be quite full then? 那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗? 8.we’ll leave some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you.如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。




“to tell you the truth”,“I’ll be honest with you…”,“Iwill do my best.”“it’s none of my business but…”。

为了避免误会,我们可用释义法确保沟通顺利进行。如,“we would accept price if you could modify your specifications.”我们还可以说:“If I understand you correctly, what you are really saying is that you agree to accept our price if we improve our product as you request.”


I “会听”

要尽量鼓励对方多说,向对方说:“yes”,“please go on”,并提问题请对方回答,使对方多谈他们的情况。

II 巧提问题

用开放式的问题来了解进口商的需求,使进口商自由畅谈。“can you tell me more about your campany?”“what do you think of our proposal?”


进口商常常会问:“can not you do better than that?”

对此不要让步,而应反问:“what is meant by better?”或“better than what?”使进口商说明他们究竟在哪些方面不满意。进口商:“your competitor is offering better terms.”

III 使用条件问句



如:“what would you do if we agree to a two-year contract?”

及“if we modif your specifications, would you consider a larger order?”




(4)代替“no”。“would you be willing to meet the extra cost if we meet your

additional requirements?”如果对方不愿支付额外费用,就拒绝了自己的要求,不会因此而失去对方的合作。









[摘 要]

英语条件句是商务谈判中的语言特点之一。对商务谈判者来说, 熟练运用和掌握英语条件句是必需具有的谈判技巧之一。商务谈判者在商务谈判中,恰如其分地掌握和使用好各种条件句,是使谈判获得成功的重要因素之一。

[关键词] 英语条件句 商务谈判 运用







我方问:I shall be in Beijing for a week and I should be grateful if you could let know the day and time which would suit you best, as I can then go ahead and fit in my other appointments.我将在北京逗留一星期时间。我将非常感谢,如果您能告诉我什么时间对您最合适,因为我将依此安排我其他的日程。

对方答:I shall be pleased to see you at 11:30 on 9 June and would be grateful if you

would confirm the appointment on your arrival in Beijing.我会很高兴于6月9日上午11:30接待您,并将非常感谢,如果您能在抵达北京后再确认一下。


You might feel the same way if you were sitting in my scat.如果你坐在我的位置上,你会有同样的感受的。



In case the contractis concluded on CIF basis,the insurance shall be effected by the Seller for 110% of invoice value covering al lrisks,war risk,S.R.C.C.risks(i.e.Strikes,Riot,and Civil Commotions).(在到岸价基础上订立的合同, 将由卖方按发票金额110% 投保综合险、战争险、罢工险、**险和民变险。)

由于涉及到双方或几方面的利益, 用英语拟订、书写这些商务合同、文件或条约时,所给的定义、条款和内容必须做到精确无误,除用词恰当外, 还经常使用从句、短语用来修饰和限定其内容。此句中就用了in case 引导的条件状语从句。

(2)。在谈判中用于讨价还价。在谈判过程中,当对方提出可行性建议时,我方还没有把握了解对方的真实意图时,可使用以下这样的条件句型:“Let us assume that we agree on that … unless”“我们同意。。除非。。”。这既赞同对方意见,同时又为自己今后补救打下基础。例如:

Your proposal appears to be acceptable.Let us assume that we agree on that point, unless I find any objectionable in them.您的建议似乎是可行的。我方同意那一点,除非发现


在对方尚未完全接受我方条件之前,往往还会做些最后的讨价还价的努力。常用句型有:“We’ll accept …if you accept …”“如果你方同意。。我方会考虑同意。。”此句型明确告诉对方我方会接受的条件,作为交换,对方应该接受我方提出的条件。


We’ll consider accepting your proposal on idems 6 and 8, if , as a package deal, you accept our proposal on idems 3 and 9.我方会考虑接受贵方第6、8项条款,而作为一揽子交易,贵方应接受我方的第3、9项条款。

万一对方仍然不肯作进一步让步,那我们再说这样的话即使生硬,也是迫不得已了:If you insist on your price and refuse to make any concession, there will be not much point in further discussion.如果你方坚持自己的价格,而不肯做出让步的话,我们没有必要再谈下去了。或:

If the price is higher than that, we’d rather call the whole deal off.如果价格比这高,我们情愿放弃这笔交易。”



含蓄条件句是指不含IF引导的条件句。最常见的有动词或其它词类变化而来的名词化结构的句子。名词化结构句子往往含有条件、原因、目的等语义。这是英语中的一种意合句式。英语名词化结构的句子常用于英语信函、文件正式文体中。商务英语所用语言正式、精炼,用词严谨、规范,常有一定的格式和套话。这是商务英语外贸应用文中询价函电中常用的句型之一:“ Your early reply to our specific inquiry will be highly appreciated.如蒙早日答复我方的具体询价,将不胜感激。”句中主语reply是由动词变化而来的名词,整个主语部分含有条件语义。


条件问句(conditional question)就是“一个条件句+一个问句”组成,这个问句可以是特殊问句或者普通问句。典型句型有两个:“What +… if…?” 和”If …+ then?”。



我方问:What would you do if we agree to a two-year contract?

对方答:What if we modify our specifications, would you consider a large order?





Large quantities of home-made washing machines have been popular on the local market.The quality is good, and the price per set is just 190 yuan.How can the wshing machining be salable if we import yours at 380 yuan per set?近来,在当地市场有大量的国产洗衣机十分畅销。它们的质量不错,价格仅为每台190元。如果我们以每台380元的价格进口你方的产品,怎么能够卖得出去呢?(梭伦,2001)






[1]梭 伦:《实用英语谈生意》[M].北京:中国纺织出版社,2001年,54,57,58,555


[3]曹 菱 赵雪梅 张平赵 蕾:商务英语谈判[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001,41

[4]刘 园 李 魁 郑 毅:《国际商务谈判》(第二版)[M].北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006年,174~176
