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编辑:梦醉花间 识别码:18-1084184 9号文库 发布时间: 2024-07-30 00:47:43 来源:网络


Lu: Today I read a book.This book about our environments is in danger.鲁:今天我读一本书。这本书对我们的环境是在危险中。

Zhang : Yes, once our environment is very beautiful.The air was fresh, the water was clean, the sky was blue, and so on.张:是的,曾经我们的环境是非常美丽的。空气是新鲜的,水是干净的,天空是蓝色的,等等。Luo: But today, everything is different.There air pollution.Factories in the towns and cities drained waste liquid to the lakes, rivers and seas.Waste gases and factories make the air dirty.罗:但是今天,一切都是不同的。那里的空气污染。工厂在城镇和城市排水废液的湖泊,河流和海洋。废气和工厂使空气肮脏。

Meng : At the same time, People are killing more and more animals.More and more animals are disappearing from the Earth forever.孟:同时,人们杀死越来越多的动物。越来越多的动物正在消失从地球永远。

Peng : People are polluting the land, polluting the water, polluting the air!People must be immediately to stop pollution.Let’s together to protect our environment.彭:人们正在污染大地,污染水,污染空气!人们必须立即停止污染。让我们一起来保护我们的环境。

Zhang : Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment.Taking care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live you can do something around your neighbourhood.张:每个人都应该贡献来保护环境。保护好我们的环境非常重要。不管你住在你可以在你的居民区做些事情。

Luo : It is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.We can do a lot of things to protect our environment.罗:这是我们的责任来保持我们的环境干净和整洁。我们可以做很多事情来保护我们的环境。Meng:Yes, we should start from around thing.For example, we should use less disposable chopsticks, green travel, and so on.孟:是的,我们应该开始从周围的事情。例如,我们应该减少使用一次性筷子,绿色出行,等等。Peng : Start from now, each and every one of us should conscientiously do not littering, do not spit everywhere.彭:从现在开始,我们每一个人都应该自觉不乱扔垃圾,不要随地吐痰。

Lu : Take care of trees, flowers and plants, don't cut down, trample on the green trees and the grass.鲁:照顾树木、花草,不要剪下来,践踏绿色的树和草。

Luo: Love flowers birds, protect birds, protect the animals.Save water, take good care of the resources。


Meng :let us join hands, from ourselves, together to protect our home out of a force!孟:让我们携起手来,从自己,在一起来保护我们的家庭的力量!

Zhang :I believe that our environment will become more beautiful.People’s life will be more and more beautiful.张:我相信,我们的环境将变得更加美丽。人民的生活越来越美丽。

Lu : Now I want to say : Let’s do our best to make our world more beautiful.鲁: 现在我想说:让我们尽力使我们的世界更美丽。


A:Hello!This is Deppon Logistics Company.Can I help you?


B:I have a courier to send to my friend.Would you tell me that if your company has the service of taking data onsite?


A:Yes, we have.Sir, would you mind to tell me that what the kind is of your expressing thing?

有的,请问先生你要快递的物品属于什么类型的B:Normal item.普通物品

A:can you describe these goods roughly?


B:There are about 4kg, length and width is 30 cm, 40 cm high大概有4kg,长和宽都是30厘米,高40厘米

A;Ok, sir.Would you mind to tell me the time you hope us to pick it up? 好的,先生。请问你希望我们什么时候上门取件。

B:Tomorrow 9 o’clock in the morning.I will wait for you at the gate of the Qingyuan Polytechnic.明天早上9点,在清远职业技术学院校门口,我会在哪里等你

A:Ok, we will arrive at there on time and then we will contact with you.Can you tell me what your telephone number is?



B:My number is 155-5555-0002.我的电话是***

A:Ok, any services do you need, sir?


B:No, thanks.没有,谢谢。

A:Thanks for your calling!




初次见面的老外跟你说了句“How do you do”, 估计多数人都会美滋滋地搬出学校教的那套,回敬一句“How do you do”。可英美人士却觉得你的回答有点买帽子当鞋穿--不对头。因为他们会觉得对话似乎没有得到回应,好像你并不高兴见到他一样。所以,当别人说“How do you do”的时候,你最好改答“Nice to meet you”或者“It's a pleasure to meet you”。怎么样,是不是觉得上面的小技巧还有点用处?那么,你知道怎么掌控好一个初次见面的开场白吗?还有谁先开口,说什么,怎样继续话题?要不要握手呢?别着急,我现在就告诉大家一些社交小技巧。它们可以让你在不同的场合游刃有余,沟通无极限。


JAKE: Hi!My name is Jake.We haven't met before, have we?

DEBBIE: No, we haven't!My name is Debbie.JAKE: Nice to meet you, Debbie!

DEBBIE: Nice to meet you, too, Jake.JAKE: Are you a new student?

DEBBIE: Yes, I am.What about you?

JAKE: Yeah, me too!

JAKE: What're you studying here?

DEBBIE: Journalism.I want to be a journalist.What about you?

JAKE: I'm doing law.But I'm thinking of doing business studies instead.DEBBIE: Do they allow you to change?




再来看一段James Taylor和Wang Dong之间的对话。James Taylor是AEC Advertising 的总裁,Wang Dong是China Bright Advertising Company 外事处的秘书。她负责到机场去接从未谋面的James Taylor。

Wang Dong: Good morning.Are you James Taylor?

James Taylor: Yes, and...Wang Dong: Welcome to Beijing, President Taylor.I'm Wang Dong, the secretary of the foreign affairs office from China Bright Advertising Company.Please call me Wang.James Taylor: Oh, nice to meet you, Wang.Wang Dong: Nice to meet you, too.How was the flight?

James Taylor: It was OK, though I feel a bit tired.Wang Dong: Would you like me to help you with the luggage?

James Taylor: Oh, thank you.Wang Dong: Please follow me to the gate.The company car is waiting for you outside.大家已经意识到了吧,这段对话适用于正式的社交场合。二个人用 Nice to meet you 相互问候。Wang Dong 在自我介绍的时候不仅说了自己的姓名,还说了自己的职务和此行的身份。3 Wang Dong 称呼对方为President Taylor,这是一种正式的称呼,而不是用Mr.James或者James。Wang Dong 的用语十分礼貌,恭敬。


Brief greetings:

--Hi!(for informal situation)

--Hello!(for informal situation)

--Hullo!(for informal situation)

--Good morning/afternoon/evening.(for more formal situation)Extended greetings at the first meeting:

--Nice to meet you.(--Nice to meet you, too.)

--How do you do!(--Nice to meet you.)(for more formal situation)


A: Excuse me.I’m afraid I got lost.Can you show me the way to

the station?


B: I’m walking that way.Let me lead you the way.B:我正朝那边去。让我给你带路吧!

A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?


B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。

A: Oh!I think I’m lost.Can I go from here to the railway station?


B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.B:顺这条街一直走过两个街区,然后左转。

A: Excuse me.I wonder if you could help me.I’m looking for the


B: Boy, you are lost.It’s across town.B:哇,你是迷路了。它在城的那头。

A: Oh!What bad luck!How can I get to the Museum?


B: You can take a No.24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus

to get there.B:您可以在此乘坐24路公共汽车换乘83路公共汽车到那里

A: Is there anything I can do for you?


B: I’m looking for a black, leather bag.B:我在找一种黑色的皮包。

A: How’s this?


B: I’m just looking


A: If you need any help, let me know.A:您有什么需要帮助的尽管说。

A: Do you want to buy something here?


B: These shoes are great!


B: What is the price of this?


A: This one is eight hundred dollars.A:这个800美元。

B: That’s too much!


A: What can I show you?


B: Do you have this shirt in a small?


A: Let me check.Yes, we have.A:我给你找找。是的,我们有的。

B: May I try it on?


A: Sure.Let me help you.A:当然,我来帮你。



Congratulations!(祝贺您!)、Happy Birthday!(生日快乐!)、Happy New Year!(新年快乐!)、Merry Christmas!(圣诞快乐!)、Happy a nice holiday!(假日快乐!)、Wish you every



Wish you the very best of luck in your job, every successin your

future endeavours, good health and a happy family!


To wish you joy at this holy season.Wishing every happiness will

always be with you.请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。

Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year.I hope you will

continue to enjoy good health.常用圣诞祝愿语:


Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!


Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the

coming year.愿圣诞的快乐一年四季常在。

May the joy of Christmas be with you throughout the year.常用生日祝愿语:


Sincerest congratulations on your birthday!


Way to go!You made it through another year.祝你生日妙不可言,整年沉浸在幸福里!

Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness!



Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。

From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.给你们全家感恩节的祝福。

Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.


1、问路的几种表示方法:a.Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the museum?


b.Could you tell me how I can get to the museum?


c.Would you please tell me where the post office is?


d.Excuse me, but please tell me how to get to the railway station? 请问,去火车站怎么走?

e.Excuse me, but I'm trying to find a chemist's shop.对不起,我要找一家药店。

f.Would you please tell me if there is a hospital nearby?


g.Is the zoo far from here?


h.Will it take long to get to the airport?



a.Go along the street until you come to the traffic lights.沿这条路一直走到红绿灯那儿。

b.Turn right / left at the second crossing.(Take the second turning on the right / left.)

在第二个十字路口向右 / 左转弯。

c.Take a number 46 bus, and get off at the square.坐46路公共汽车,在广场下车。

d.It's on the corner of Huaihai Street and Xizang Road.在淮海路和西藏路的路口。

e.Go straight ahead along the bund and then turn left.沿着外滩往前走,然后往走转弯。

f.There is a post office at / on the corner of Smith Street and Beach Road.史密斯街和海湾路的十字路口有个邮局。g.The hospitai is on the corner of Yuhong Jie and Xinzheng Jie.医院位于育红街和新政街的街角上。

h.There's a bus stop across the street on the corner of and Bellflower.在街对面,切里街和贝尔弗劳尔大道的转角上有一个公共汽车站。

i.Take a number 10 bus going down Cherry.乘沿切里街行驶的10路公共汽车。


It's only about ten minutes' walk.那儿离这儿只有走大约10分钟的路。

it常被用来表示距离,后面可以跟表示距离的名词短语,也可以跟“名词(表示时间)+ 名词(表示行走方式)”,要注意撇号的位置。例如:

It is three miles to the lake.这儿离湖有3英里的路程。

My home is not far from here.It's only five minutes' walk.我家离这儿不远,走5分钟就到。

It is one hour' ride from Shanghai to Suzhou.从上海坐车到苏州有1小时的路程。


How long will I get/arrive there?


How long will it take me to get/arrive there?

到达那里将要花费我多长时间? How far is it?



Which bus should I take?




关于友谊的情景会话 A:Hi, B:Hi...A: what’s wrong with you? You look so bad!你怎么了,你看起来很不好

B: Nothing.什么也没有。

A:There must be something happened on you,you can tell me。别这样了,能和我分享下吗

B:I Don't Want to Say,Let me stay alone for a while.我不想说,让我一个人呆一会

A:Come on, maybe I can help you if you tell me what happened。来吧,让我听听发生了什么让你伤心的事,或许我能帮到你 B:Ok, well,I feel like my friendship have finished,I am very confused。好吧,我告诉你,我感觉我的友谊完了,我很困惑 A: What?!Why?!什么?!为什么?

B: Last Sunday, I had an appointment with my good friend to go shopping.I was waited for a long time。上周日,我与她约好去购物。我等了很长时间!

A:It's just a little thing.这只是小事情

B: When I ask her the reason that she didn’t came.She said that she was watching movie with another one!It makes me very angry and sad。


A:oh!That is terrible!But, everyone would make mistakes.Maybe she forgot it!哦!这是可怕的!但是,每个人都会犯错误。也许她忘了!B: But how can she forget?!I have prepared for this appointment for a whole week!但是她怎么能忘记呢?我已经准备好约会!整整一个星期!A: calm down, calm down.Don’t forget when you were in trouble ,she is the one who helped you.冷静,当你遇到困难时,是你的朋友帮助了你.B: Well, well.I will give it a try.what do you think about true friendship ? 好的,好的。我会给它一个尝试。你认为什么是真正 的友谊 A:I think ,true friendship is like health,the value of which is seldom known until it is gone.我想,真友谊是像健康,这是很珍贵直到它失去后才懂他的价值。B:I see, I will treasure my friendship。我懂 了,我会珍惜友谊的 A:good luck to you。祝你好运。B:Thank you.
