然而现在我们身边,环境越来越恶化,有一次我看见一个大人在路边随便丢了一张纸,我非常伤心,心想如果每个人都丢一张废纸,那么这个世界会是什么后果呢?真是太可怕了,整个世界就会变成白色的垃圾站,越想越可怕,我急忙把这个纸片捡起来,丢进垃圾桶里。还有一次,我在电视上看见一篇有关环境的报道:福建那边的江水浑浊不清,江里的鱼都死了,浮在了江 面,每条鱼的嘴里都吐着白沫,江边还飘着白色垃圾,有小食品袋,糖果皮。。。这一景象真是惨不忍睹。人们的生活水平在提高,自身的环保意识却在下降。还有那些没有道德的伐树者,他们可有想过树给我们带来的好处呢?树为我们人类付出了那么多!那么多树为我们挡住袭来的沙尘暴和可怕的龙卷风,这些伐树者真应该静静的好好的反省一下,如果没有了树,我们的生活环境又是什么样子呢?可见目前我们环境的恶劣,也是在向我们发出了警告,提醒我们爱护环境刻不容缓!我认为爱护环境,人人有责,所以我们要从现在做起,从身边做起,不要随地吐痰,不乱丢纸屑,少用本子,用完的本子可以当验算本,看完的报纸可以练习毛笔字。把保护环境当做最重要的工作做下去,树立环保意识,做环保守护者。
第二篇:§2 几种重要的环保纳米材料
§2 几种重要的环保纳米材料
2.1 纳米TiO2
2.1.1 在治理有机污染物方面的应用
纳米TiO2光催化剂能有效地降解有机污染物,其机理就是通过催化剂表面产生的强氧化性的自由基致使有机物氧化分解.最终使之矿化。因这种氧化作用无选择性,且有较高的分解效率,所以环境中的多种有机污染物均可被氧化分解而消除。 卤代有机化合物
卤代有机化合物包括卤代脂肪烃、卤代芳香烃和卤代脂肪酸等。这类物质在美国和欧共体公布的环境优先污染物黑名单中占有相当大的比例。由于其种类繁多、应用广泛、对人类和其他生物毒性较强、对自然环境污染严重,因而研究其催化降解条件、机理及治理方法均具有重要的现实意义。Willie和Prudent等人分别用普通TiO2粉末进行了卤代脂肪烃、卤代有机酸和卤代芳烃的光催化降解实验研究,并详尽探讨了光催化降解机理。1992年,李田等人对饮用水中9种卤代有机物进行了光催化降解的实际和模拟研究,并得到了9种卤代有机物的光催化降解半衰期,结果表明饮用水中多种有机物被同时去除,水质得以全面改善。 染料
农药分为除草剂和杀虫剂,大都是有机磷、有机氯及含氮化合物。它们在大气、土壤和水体中停留时间长,危害范围广,且难以降解,故其在自然界的环境化学行为深受人们的关注。1999年,郑巍等人研究了由CMC—Na附载普通TiO2光催化降解农药的过程,降解率达50%以上,降解速率符合一级动力学方程,并探讨了以自然光为光源催化降解咪呀胺的可行性。1996年,陈士夫等人以四异丙醇钛为原料,用S—R法制备的TiO2,胶体,经烧结后生成的粉末附载于玻璃纤维.对有机磷农药进行了光催化降解研究。结果表明,浓度较低的有机磷农药在375W中压汞灯照射下短时间内被完全分解为磷酸根,效果显著。光催化分解农药的优点是它不会产生毒性更高的中间产物,这是其他方法所无法相比的。 表面活性剂
表面活性剂在工农业和人们生活中有着广泛的应用,已对水环境造成严重污染。由于其影响废水的生化处理.且进入人体后能加快肝脏合成胆固醇的速度,所以如何去除水体中的表面活性剂已引起人们的重视。目前去除水体中表面活性剂的主要方法有泡沫分离法、絮凝分离法和吸附法等,但这些方法对低浓度表面活性剂废水的处理效果不能令人满意。而采用纳米TiO2光催化分解表面活性剂的研究已为人们所关注,并对一些表面活性剂光解处理取得了较好的效果。 其他有机化合物
对于酚类、多环芳烃、杂环及含氮化合物的光催化降解,也进行过相关的研究。Oliveira等人对苯酚的光催化机理进行了深入地研究,并提出了光催化氧化模式。202_年,王晓平等人曾用自制的纳米TiO2粉末对苯酚进行了光解研究,效果较为显著。对于多环芳烃及杂环芳烃等因其结构比较复杂,产物种类多,对其光解机理还不很清楚,有待于进一步研究。2.1.2 在环境净化方面的应用
纳米TiO2粒子在紫外光照射下产生载流子(电子、空穴对),空穴能分解周围的水产生活性羟基自由基-OH,电子能使空气中的氧还原成活性氧离子,因而显示出极强的氧化能力。油污、细菌、恶臭分子等被吸附在纳米TiO2,粒子的表面而分解成CO2和H20等无害物质。因此纳米TiO2在环境净化方面有着广泛的应用。日本在这一领域的开发研究起步较早,东京大学的藤岛昭教授等人在1993年就提出了将TiO2光催化剂应用于环境净化的建议,外加20世纪90年代日本实施了净化空气的恶臭管理法,当时在日本掀起了大气净化、除臭、防污、抗菌、防霉和开发无机抗菌剂的所谓“光净化革命”的热潮,TiO2光催化剂的应用开发研究受到广泛的重视。此后一些环境净化产品相继问世,如在空气净化方面:室内用产品有抗菌瓷砖、抗菌卫生陶瓷、除臭照明灯具、防污除臭日光灯、除臭杀菌空气清净器、除臭板、除臭纸和布等;室外用产品有NO除去板、防污顶棚、防污隧道照明装置。水质净化方面的产品有泄漏油处理用的油分离玻璃珠、地下水及下水道污水处理用的有机氯化物催化剂以及防水生生物附着用的玻璃纤维布等。近年来,我国也开始将纳米TiO2光催化剂应用于环境净化方面的研究,有些产品已经面世.相信几年后我国将在这一领域取得显著成就。2.2 纳米级稀土钙钛矿复合氧化物 2.2.1 治理大气污染
随着人们生活水平的提高,交通工具越来越发达,汽车拥有量越来越多,汽车所排放的尾气已成为污染大气环境的主要来源之一。汽车尾气的治理已成为各国政府亟待解决的难题。实验研究发现,纳米级稀士钙钛矿型复合氧化物AB03对汽车尾气所排放的CO、NO和HC具有良好的催化转化作用。把它作为活性组份负载于蜂窝状堇青石载体上制成的汽车尾气催化剂三元催化效果较好,价格便宜,可以替代昂贵的贵金属催化剂。近年来,很多稀土钙钛矿型复合氧化物已经投放市场应用于汽车尾气的治理。2.2.2 纳米级SrFeO3-X ——可治理有害废水
稀土钙钛矿型复合氧化物ABO3作为催化剂一般用于有害气体的治理,但用于有机污染物的催化降解的报道较少。202_年,天津大学的王俊珍等人采用柠檬酸络合紫外灯照射成溶胶,然后真空干燥和培烧制备了颗粒在2O~3Onm的SrFeO3-x,用其对染料废水进行催化降解。实验发现,纳米级SrFeO3-x 悬浮体系可使各种不同水溶性染料溶液降解脱色。染料的脱色并非催化吸附所致,而是发生了催化降解。
2.3 天然纳米材料膨润土
环境保护是当今生态环境首要课题。天然纳米材料——膨润土在环境保护中应用在国外已相当广泛。膨润土可作为有害物质吸附剂,浑浊水的澄清剂,放射性废料和有毒物料的密封剂,被污染水的防水剂、污水处理剂、洗涤助剂等,但我国开发研究应用的较少。2.3.1 在废料处理方面的应用 用天然钠基膨润土做垃圾填埋场的防渗层
国外用膨润土毯(板)、粉做垃圾填埋场防渗层的很多,尤其是德国、韩国、日本,美国用的更多,我国也已开始使用。因膨润土具有高度的水密实性和自我修补、复原功能,在理论上是接近完美的防渗材料。202_年,世界足球杯的赛场就在一个特大的垃圾填埋场上建成,其上下四周全部用膨润土毯做防渗层。而韩国16年前所建的填埋场所用防渗材料与我国以前建的填埋场一样,防渗材料的耐久性差,有的严重污染地下水。要修复这些防渗层,杜绝渗漏,需花原造价5倍的代价。 用膨润土进行核废料处理和消毒防护
国内外都有将核电站等放射性废料用膨润土稠浆包裹后装入容器深埋地下的做法,效果较好;国外用膨润土制备毒剂防护的消毒急救包,有广泛的用途。2.3.2 在废水、废油处理中的应用 膨润土在处理煤气洗涤废水中的应用
用膨润土处理印染废水、蠖气洗涤废水、味精厂等废水、废物,去除率达99.5%。有的在处理废水后再把回收物做成饲料添加剂。 用膨润土作动物垫圈料,处理废水、臭气,膨润土能使动物粪便容易分散、清理。国内大城市的需求量也有所提高,由于圈养动物场和屠宰场、水产加工场产生的污水、臭气对环境有害,可在这些场所撒膨润土,回收高效肥料,有一举两得之功效。 用膨润土处理、吸附废油
用膨润土处理快餐的煎炸废油、油污十分有效。膨润土是很好的吸附剂,用膨润土吸附电力行业绝缘油在国外很盛行;海上油船泄漏的油浮在海面上,国外是在其上撒吸附剂后结块清除。 用膨润土做洗涤用品
用膨润土洗涤羊毛等在古罗马、古埃及公元前3000年已开始,现代洗涤剂掺入一定量的膨润土,可增加其洗洁力度。2.3.3 在废气处理中的应用 用膨润土处理有害气体
国外用膨润土制成汽车排气管、过滤器,主要是充分利用膨润土的吸附性。 用膨润土制作卷烟复合过滤剂
2.3.4 膨润土在软水剂、澄清剂中的应用 在水库上游撒膨润土可使水库不洁物质絮凝沉入库底经生物净化加以处理,同时也可使水库漏水得到根治。因为膨润土能修复库底裂缝。 膨润土可使果汁、糖汁澄清。 膨润土可使硬水软化。
2.3.5 膨润土做防渗材料可抵御海水对淡水、土地的盐化 2.4 聚氨酯材料 2.4.1 绿色溶剂型胶粘剂
绿色溶剂即无毒或可以生物分解的溶剂(如丙酮、双戊烯、乳酸乙酯、乙醇等)。美国Morton公司开发的以聚醚多元醇为基础的HAS系列胶粘剂即为以乙醇为主溶剂的混合溶剂型(绿色溶剂)胶粘剂。2.4.2 可降解型聚氨酯
聚氨酯性质稳定,不能在自然环境中较快降解,从而造成环境污染,因此研究开发可降解聚氨酯势在必行。纤维素、木质素是可再生资源,具有完全生物降解性,故可以用于合成可降解聚氨酯。以木质素为原料制备聚氨酯,关键在于提高木质素与异氰酸酯之间的反应程度,而提高木质素在聚氨酯中的反应活性,主要在如何提高醇羟基的数量.用甲醛或环氧丙烷等对木质素进行改性,用改性木质素合成聚氨酯可以制得性能良好的聚氨酯,同时也降低了聚氨酯的生产成本。有研究表明:直接用树皮作为羟基组分可以制得刚性很强的聚氨酯泡沫,并且省 去了复杂的提取工艺,此外,也可使用合成聚酯多元醇制备可降解聚氨酯。2.5 银系抗菌剂
China is a developing country, and in the socialist modernization drive in the process of economic development and environmental protection often conflict.We need to protect the environment of economic development.First, we must protect the environment of economic development is the essential requirement of economic development.Economic development is to improve people's living standards.China's economic development is to solve the people's increasing material and cultural needs.Born Out of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal agricultural country.Weak economic foundation, a low level of industrialization, in the course of economic development and economic development in the protection of the environment prevailing contradictions.Protection of the environment including the protection of people's living environment and the natural environment.Exist in the city economic development especially industrial development on the lives of the residents have a negative impact on the situation in the rural areas there is more damage the natural environment and ecological environment.The purpose of economic development is to improve people's living standards, and the process of development because of damage to the environment affect people's lives, and contrary to the original intent of economic development.Second, we must protect the environment of economic development is the strategy of sustainable development requirements.The environment we live in, our future generations have to live here.We destroy the environment of economic development, some damage is irreparable, the future generations of crime.Now countries around the world have attached great importance to the strategy of sustainable development research, vigorously develop the green industry, and pollution-free industries.China is a civilization with a long history and a big country in the process of economic development should also attach importance to environmental protection, to leave our future generations a better living space.Third, we must protect the environment of economic development is a natural law requirements.The process of economic development, if the serious damage to the natural environment, then we will be natural to be severely punished.Major floods caused damage to the environment are the inevitable result.In the floods in the consumption of manpower, material and financial fear of the expense of the environment more than the fruits of economic development.The laws of nature is merciless, who violated it who will be its revenge.We must attach great importance to the process of economic development in the protection of the natural environment and social environment.Fourth, economic development and resolve conflicts protection of the environment is the fundamental way to further economic development.Development is the last word.We can not lose the economic development and the protection of the environment, not because of the ground to protect the environment in the development of economic issues before the vine.Way is economic development.It is necessary to strengthen environmental awareness and use our brains.Economic development and environmental protection are not necessarily contradictory.On the contrary, economic development should promote environmental protection.Extensive multi-level high-technology development, industrial pollution-free green.The development of the economy, the prosperity of the country, the level of development of productive forces, people conquering nature's ability to transform nature will be further strengthened.People not only have the ability to protect the environment, but also the environment can be rebuilt.Desert will be transformed into farmland.Economic development is the way to protect the environment.Fifth, the whole society should attach importance to developing the economy and protecting the environment.At present many places, there are many sectors of the expense of the environment and developing the economy.This is historical and practical reasons, but look at the use of the development issue, people will be even more profound understanding of the economic development process of the importance of environmental protection, leaders at all levels should establish environmental awareness, from the strategic height of the development of knowledge economy and the protection of the environment , based on the overall situation into consideration in the protection of the environment at the same time vigorously developing the economy and improving the people's standard of living.In short, protecting the environment and economic development are not contradictory.In the process of economic development must pay attention to protecting the environment.Because pollution will, of course, cause harm.Earth is a circle of the world.In fact, there is no absolute on the planet waste.All things can be recycled.But human intervention so that the deviation in this cycle, there has been not the cycle of things.For example, the Styrofoam boxes years ago.If this is the case, then, is a vicious circle.That the Earth's resources will be consumed End.Well, the earth dangerous.Protective measures should be as close to the Earth's self-cycle.Prevention should do more “farsightedness” and not always stare in the economic goals.Should be from the perspective of the humanities and natural starting
Which should receive priority in china,economic growth or environmental protection?
Theoretical cliche
From the ultimate goal of human development, we need to address both the symptoms and root causes to solve the environmental problems thoroughly.To effect a permanent cure, we must give first priority to the development of economy, and optimize the economic structure fundamentally to block the source of the environment problems;To take temporary solution,we also should give priority to the development of economy, so that we have the technology, capital and other supports for solving the environmental problems.Only in this way can environment protection be provided for human survival and development.反方一辩:经济发展是指社会能够提供丰裕的商品来改善人类的物质生活,环境保护则是采取一定的政策措施来保护生态平衡。经济要发展意味着企业需要更多的厂房与原材料来保障商品的供应——那便存在一个问题:自然分给人类的土地与原材料是有限,经济优先发展就一定会侵占原本不属于人类的自然资源。
The economic development refers to society can provide abundant commodity to improve human material life;environmental protection is to take certain policy measures to protect the ecological balance.economic development means that companies need more workshop and raw materials to ensure the supply of goods——then there is a problem, that is nature land and raw materials to human is limited, economic priority development will occupy nature resources which originally do not belong to the human.二辩盘问 Two debate questioned
My fellow debaters,please allow me to ask.The economy is the temporary matter, but the environment is of the ten thousand generation, which one is more important? When Economic develops slowly, people can also eat rice;how can we still survive if there is no environment.正方二辩:不好意思对方辩友,恐怕我们今天讨论的重点是优先权。并不是说经济优先就不搞环保了,只是环保处于较次的位置,跟中国现状一样,政策虽然说要重视环保,但一般县区还是经济发展优先的,也就有资本的大城市才比较重视搞环保,相信大家心知肚明
Sorry, I'm afraid the key points we debate today are the right of priority.Economy development first does not mean totally ignore the environmental protection, the environmental protection is just in the inferior position.Just like the present China, although the policy attach great importance to environmental protection, economic development receive priority in the general counties, there is only capital cities would likely take it seriously to environmental protection, everybody know it in our own heart.反方二辩:请问正方三辩,如果发展经济优先的话,很可能造成环境成本大于经济效益的情况,这样的经济是发展还是倒退?
Excuse me, my fellow debaters.If economic development receives priority then it is likely to cause the environmental costs to be larger than the economic efficiency, such economy develops or backs up?
This kind of situation is there truly, but not every moment.The situation in each industry is different;we cannot draw conclusions from one part.But according to your point, in this case the economic benefit is negative, then if we changed environment first, we can turn it into profit? I don't think so.正方二辩: 我们知道环境的保护是预防为主,防治结合,而预防和治理都要依靠技术的发展,那请问对方二辩,如果没有强有力的经济基础支持科学技术发展,那么以科技为支撑的环保从何谈起呢?
We know that the protection of the environment is mainly prevention, and we should combine prevention with treatment, and the prevention and control depends on the development of technology, then my fellow debaters, if there is no strong economic basis for science and technology development, then don’t mention the environmental protection supported by the science and technology.反方二辩:你的问题未免抽象了点。科技发展无止尽,经济发展也没尽头,什么时候算得上是“强有力”呢?但是环境保护是迫在眉睫,耽误不起。
Your question is a little abstract.Science and technology develops endlessly, so dose economic development, when will it be considered as “strong"? But environmental protection is imminent, which can't afford to delay.正方二辩:请问反方三辩,经济发展是让人们享受到丰富的生活内容,包括衣食住行娱乐,这难道不是现在社会上人们的普遍愿望吗? Excuse me, my fellow debaters.The responsibility of economic development is to let people enjoy a rich life, including the basic necessities and entertainment, isn't it now the people's universal desire?
People`s expectation is not necessarily that good.I believe that people tend to live in a life of happiness, and at the same time, survive in a healthy and harmonious natural environment
Excuse me, my fellow friends.In the primitive society, human ancestor`s environmental protection work is good, but to them Economic development is very backward, so it has been living a life of the earliest people, should we return to this kind of life according to your meaning?反方一辩:人类祖先确实需要发展经济,但若是在这个过程中砍完了森林,污染了河流,使衣食都不再有保障,恐怕也无法发展下去了。我想问的是,核电站是经济发展的产物,但众所周知,几次核电站的泄漏带来了环境的极度恶化,请问你怎么看?
Human ancestors do need to develop the economy, but if cut out the forests, pollute the river, making Food and clothing are no longer guaranteed in this process, I’m afraid it cannot develop any longer.What I want to ask is, nuclear power station is the outcome of the economic development, but it is well known that a few times nuclear power leakage has brought the environment extremely worsened, what do you think of it?
First, we have never pledge that the economic development certainly will destroy the environment;second, the situation you said is only rare;third, nuclear power station leakage because the technology is not strong.But economy is the foundation of scientific research.反方二辩:但是核电站可以再建,那些污染了的土地和地下水怎么办?没有了这些,我们的生活怎么办?你愿意生活在核电站附近,还是一片山清水秀之间?
But the nuclear power station may be reconstructed, how about these polluted land and the underground water? Without land and water, how does our life manage? Would you like to live nearby the nuclear power station, or between pieces of beautiful sceneries?
Please note that the construction of nuclear power stations is precisely to satisfy millions of people's living power.With the electricity, our machine can be operated, the production can rise, and there must be any way to make up for the environment.I also want to ask, are you willing to live in a place two hours stop a electricity or a place with abundant power.反方三辩:你的意思是破坏了环境然后再去弥补。为什么要先污染后治理?为什么要兜这么大一个圈子呢?而且我国的经济建设里程已经证明,先污染后治理是错的,行不通的。
You mean to make up for the environment after destroying it.Why management after pollution? Why to pocket so big a circle? And the economic construction of our country has already proved that treatment after pollution is wrong, it won't work.正方四辩:我不得不说我方真冤枉。是你给的前提,说核电站泄漏了,严重污染了环境,而我方坚信是可以挽救的。而且事实上,包括核电站在内的很多工业厂子,都种有青草绿树,他们在搞经济的同时,并没有放弃环境的保护。
I can not but say that we are really undeserved.It is you who give the premise, said that the nuclear power station leakage has polluted the environment seriously, but we believed that is can be saved.And in fact, including nuclear power stations, many industrial factories, plant all kinds of green grass and trees, while they practice the economy, they do not give up the protection of the environment.反方四辩:但是仅仅不放弃就可以吗?再怎么注意也无法保证无污染,这样日积月累下来,依然会是一片惨状。必须把环境保护放在第一位,每个工厂都严抓,才能从根本上阻止环境的恶化。
But only does not give up possible? However do we pay attention to the environment, we cannot guarantee there will be no pollution.As time goes on, it will still be a miserable situation.So we must place the environmental protection in the first place, each factory should be managed strictly, only in this way, can we prevent the environment from worsening fundamentally.正方三辩:对方辩友请从事实出发,经济发展必然会付出代价,我们已经在努力使代价降到最低。
Opposite party debates , please to start from the fact, the economic development will definitely pay the price, we have been trying to make the price to a minimum.反方三辩:降低应该有个标准吧,这不是你我能定的,是自然环境定的,等到他揭示这个标准时,只怕为时已晚了。
Reduces should have a standard, which is not you or me can decide, it is the natural environment, when he reveals this standard, I’m afraid it is too late.四辩总结
First, I am a supporter of environmental protection.Having a healthy ecological environment is the premise of the sustainable development.But, if we blindly protect the environment, and neglect the economic development, then it has not any good for both economical development and people living standard.At the same time, I must stress that the economic development not necessarily destroy the environment, such development also violates the natural law.While develop economy, we must give dual attention to the environmental protection, this is the concept of sustainable economic development.反方四辩:过去的发展道路走的就是先污染后治理的模式,结果呢,环境问题突出,局部地区已经到了威胁生存的程度:再者,先污染后治理的模式不但成本高,而且治理效果也不理想,处于一种被动的境地。因此,必须从源头开始防止污染,也就是发展过程首先考虑对环境的影响,只有这样,才能有望在将来解决环境问题。
The past development road is a management-after-pollution pattern, the result is the environment problems standing out, and some areas even reach the extent which threat survival;Furthermore, management-after-pollution pattern not only costs higher, but also is inefficient, sometimes in a passive position.Therefore, we must start to prevent pollution from the source, that is to consider the possible influence on the environment during the development process.Only in this way, can we except to solve environment problems in the future.
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