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编辑:落花时节 识别码:89-489874 演讲稿 发布时间: 2023-05-27 13:23:53 来源:网络




























































耻辱感这个词很容易理解,即害怕被断绝关系。如果一些关于自己的事被别人知道了或看到了,别人会认为自己是不值得交往的人?我要告诉你们的是:这种现象很普遍;我们都会有这种想法。没有体验过耻辱的人是不会对人产生对爱的向往或希望建立关系。没人想谈论自己的糗事,你谈论的越少,你越感到可耻。滋生耻辱感的是一种“我不够好”的心态,我们都知道这是个什么滋味:“我不够什么:我不够苗条,不够有钱,不够漂亮,不够聪明,职位不够高。” 而支撑这种心态的是一种刻骨铭心的脆弱,而克服这一脆弱感的关键在于要有人与人之间的连系,我们必须让自己被看见,真真切切地被看见。










我大约有五个朋友这么回答:“喔!我可不想当你的心理医生。”我说:“你是什么意思?”他们说:“我只是想说,别带上你的标尺鞭子来见我。”我说:“行。”就这样我找到了一个心理医生,她叫黛安娜。我跟她的第一次见面时,我带去了一份表单,这些人都是那些全身心投入生活的生活方式,见到黛安娜,我坐下了。她说:“你好吗?”我说:“我很好。还不赖。”她说:“发生了什么事?” 这是一个治疗心理医生的心理医生,我们不得不去看这些心理医生,因为他们的废话测量仪很准(知道你什么时候在说真心话)。我说:“事情是这样的。我很纠结。”她说:“你纠结什么?”我说:“嗯,我跟脆弱过不去。事实上,我知道脆弱是耻辱和恐惧的根源,是我们为自我价值而挣扎的根源。但它同时又是欢乐、创造性、归属感、爱的源泉。所以我觉得我有困惑,我需要帮助指导。”我补充道:“但是,这跟家庭无关,没有童年那些乱七八糟的事”。“我只是需要一些策略”,我接着说。戴安娜的反应是这样的,(她学着医生那样,慢慢地点着头)。我接着说:“这很糟糕,对么?”她说:“这不算好,但也不算坏”。“事情本身就是这样”,她接着说。我说:“哦!我的天,事情全要更为混乱了!”











第三篇:Ted 演讲稿 脆弱的力量

Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability So, I'll start with this: a couple years ago, an event planner called me because I was going to do a speaking event.And she called, and she said, “I'm really struggling with how to write about you on the little flier.” And I thought, “Well, what's the struggle?” And she said, “Well, I saw you speak, and I'm going to call you a researcher, I think, but I'm afraid if I call you a researcher, no one will come, because they'll think you're boring and irrelevant.”(Laughter)And I was like, “Okay.” And she said, “But the thing I liked about your talk is you're a storyteller.So I think what I'll do is just call you a storyteller.” And of course, the academic, insecure part of me was like, “You're going to call me a what?” And she said, “I'm going to call you a storyteller.” And I was like, “Why not magic pixie?”(Laughter)I was like, “Let me think about this for a second.” I tried to call deep on my courage.And I thought, you know, I am a storyteller.I'm a qualitative researcher.I collect stories;that's what I do.And maybe stories are just data with a soul.And maybe I'm just a storyteller.And so I said, “You know what? Why don't you just say I'm a researcher-storyteller.” And she went, “Haha.There's no such thing.”(Laughter)So I'm a researcher-storyteller, and I'm going to talk to you today--we're talking about expanding perception--and so I want to talk to you and tell some stories about a piece of my research that fundamentally expanded my perception and really actually changed the way that I live and love and work and parent.And this is where my story starts.When I was a young researcher, doctoral student, my first year I had a research professor who said to us, “Here's the thing, if you cannot measure it, it does not exist.” And I thought he was just sweet-talking me.I was like, “Really?” and he was like, “Absolutely.” And so you have to understand that I have a bachelor's in social work, a master's in social work, and I was getting my Ph.D.in social work, so my entire academic career was surrounded by people who kind of believed in the “life's messy, love it.” And I'm more of the, “life's messy, clean it up, organize it and put it into a bento box.”(Laughter)And so to think that I had found my way, to found a career that takes me--really, one of the big sayings in social work is, “Lean into the discomfort of the work.” And I'm like, knock discomfort upside the head and move it over and get all A's.That was my mantra.So I was very excited about this.And so I thought, you know what, this is the career for me, because I am interested in some messy topics.But I want to be able to make them not messy.I want to understand them.I want to hack into these things I know are important and lay the code out for everyone to see.So where I started was with connection.Because, by the time you're a social worker for 10 years, what you realize is that connection is why we're here.It's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.This is what it's all about.It doesn't matter whether you talk to peoplewho work in social justice and mental health and abuse and neglect, what we know is that connection, the ability to feel connected, is--neurobiologically that's how we're wired--it's why we're here.So I thought, you know what, I'm going to start with connection.Well, you know that situation where you get an evaluation from your boss, and she tells you 37 things you do really awesome, and






for growth?”(Laughter)And all you can think about is that opportunity for growth, right? Well, apparently this is the way my work went as well, because, when you ask people about love, they tell you about heartbreak.When you ask people about belonging, they'll tell you their most excruciating experiences of being excluded.And when you ask people about connection, the stories they told me were about disconnection.So very quickly--really about six weeks into this research--I ran into this unnamed thing that absolutely unraveled connection in a way that I didn't understand or had never seen.And so I pulled back out of the research and thought, I need to figure out what this is.And it turned out to be shame.And shame is really easily understood as the fear of disconnection: Is there something about me that, if other people know it or see it, that I won't be worthy of connection? The things I can tell you about it: it's universal;we all have it.The only people who don't experience shame have no capacity for human empathy or connection.No one wants to talk about it, and the less you talk about it the more you have it.What underpinned this shame, this “I'm not good enough,”--which we all know that feeling: “I'm not blank enough.I'm not thin enough, rich enough, beautiful enough, smart enough, promoted enough.” The thing



this was

excruciating vulnerability, this idea of, in order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen, really seen.And you know how I feel about vulnerability.I hate vulnerability.And so I thought, this is my chance to beat it back with my measuring stick.I'm going in, I'm going to figure this stuff out,I'm going to spend a year, I'm going to totally deconstruct shame, I'm going to understand how vulnerability works, and I'm going to outsmart it.So I was ready, and I was really excited.As you know, it's not going to turn out well.(Laughter)You know this.So, I could tell you a lot about shame, but I'd have to borrow everyone else's time.But here's what I can tell you that it boils down to--and this may be one of the most important things that I've ever learned in the decade of doing this research.My one year turned into six years: thousands of stories,hundreds of long interviews, focus groups.At one point, people were sending me journal pagesand sending me their stories--thousands of pieces of data in six years.And I kind of got a handle on it.I kind of understood, this is what shame is, this is how it works.I wrote a book, I published a theory, but something was not okay--and what it was is that, if I roughly took the people I interviewed and pided them into people who really have a sense of worthiness--that's what this comes down to, a sense of worthiness--they have a strong sense of love and belonging--and folks who struggle for it, and folks who are always wondering if they're good enough.There was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging and the people who really struggle for it.And that was, the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they're worthy of love and belonging.That's it.They believe they're worthy.And to me, the hard part of the one thing that keeps us out of connection is our fear that we're not worthy of connection, was something that, personally and professionally, I felt like I needed to understand better.So what I did is I took all of the interviews where I saw worthiness, where I saw people living that way, and just looked at those.What do these people have in common? I have a slight office supply addiction, but that's another talk.So I had a manila folder, and I had a Sharpie, and I was like, what am I going to call this research? And the first words that came to my mind were whole-hearted.These are whole-hearted people, living from this deep sense of worthiness.So I wrote at the top of the manila folder, and I started looking at the data.In fact, I did it first in a four-day very intensive data analysis, where I went back, pulled these interviews, pulled the stories, pulled the incidents.What's the theme? What's the pattern? My husband left town with the kids because I always go into this Jackson Pollock crazy thing, where I'm just like writing and in my researcher mode.And so here's what I found.What they had in common was a sense of courage.And I want to separate courage and bravery for you for a minute.Courage, the original definition of courage,when it first came into the English language--it's from the Latin word cor, meaning heart--and the original definition was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.And so these folks had, very simply, the courage to be imperfect.They had the compassion to be kind to themselves first and then to others, because, as it turns out, we can't practice compassion with other people if we can't treat ourselves kindly.And the last was they had connection, and--this was the hard part--as a result of authenticity, they were willing to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they were, which you have to absolutely do thatfor connection.The other thing that they had in common was this: They fully embraced vulnerability.They believed that what made them vulnerable made them beautiful.They didn't talk about vulnerability being comfortable, nor did they really talk about it being excruciating--as I had heard it earlier in the shame interviewing.They just talked about it being necessary.They talked about the willingness to say, “I love you” first, the willingness to do something where there are no guarantees, the willingness to breathe through waiting for the doctor to call after your mammogram.They're willing to invest in a relationship that may or may not work out.They thought this was fundamental.I personally thought it was betrayal.I could not believe I had pledged allegiance to research, where our job--you know, the definition of research is to control and predict, to study phenomena, for the explicit reason to control and predict.And now my mission to control and predict had turned up the answer that the way to live is with vulnerability and to stop controlling and predicting.This led to a little breakdown--(Laughter)--which actually looked more like this.(Laughter)And it did.I call it a breakdown;my therapist calls it a spiritual awakening.A spiritual awakening sounds better than breakdown, but I assure you it was a breakdown.And I had to put my data away and go find a therapist.Let me tell you something: you know who you are when you call your friends and say, “I think I need to see somebody.Do you have any recommendations?” Because about five of my friends were like, “Wooo.I wouldn't want to be your therapist.”(Laughter)I was like, “What does that mean?” And they're like, “I'm just saying, you know.Don't bring your measuring stick.” I was like, “Okay.” So I found a therapist.My first meeting with her, Diana--I brought in my list of the way the whole-hearted live, and I sat down.And she said, “How are you?” And I said, “I'm great.I'm okay.” She said, “What's going on?” And this is a therapist who sees therapists, because we have to go to those, because their B.S.meters are good.(Laughter)And so I said, “Here's the thing, I'm struggling.” And she said, “What's the struggle?” And I said, “Well, I have a vulnerability issue.And I know that vulnerability is the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness, but it appears that it's also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love.And I think I have a problem, and I need some help.” And I said, “But here's the thing: no family stuff, no childhood shit.”(Laughter)“I

just you.So

need she


some like strategies.”(Laughter)(Applause)Thank this.(Laughter)And then I said, “It's bad, right?” And she said, “It's neither good nor bad.”(Laughter)“It just is what it is.” And I said, “Oh my God, this is going to suck.”(Laughter)And it did, and it didn't.And it took about a year.And you know how there are people that, when they realize that vulnerability and tenderness are important, that they surrender and walk into it.A: that's not me, and B: I don't even hang out with people like that.(Laughter)For me, it was a yearlong street fight.It was a slugfest.Vulnerability pushed, I pushed back.I lost the fight, but probably won my life back.And so then I went back into the research and spent the next couple of years really trying to understand what they, the whole-hearted, what choices they were

making, and




doing with vulnerability.Why do we struggle with it so much? Am I alone in struggling with vulnerability? No.So this is what I learned.We numb vulnerability--when we're waiting for the call.It was funny, I sent something out on Twitter and on Facebook that says, “How would you define vulnerability? What makes you feel vulnerable?” And within an hour and a half, I had 150 responses.Because I wanted to know what's out there.Having to ask my husband for help because I'm sick, and we're newly married;initiating sex with my husband;initiating sex with my wife;being turned down;asking someone out;waiting for the doctor to call back;getting laid off;laying off people--this is the world we live in.We live in a vulnerable world.And one of the ways we deal with it is we numb vulnerability.And I think there's evidence--and it's not the only reason this evidence exists, but I think it's a huge cause--we are the most in-debt, obese, addicted and medicated adult cohort in U.S.history.The problem is--and I learned this from the research--that you cannot selectively numb emotion.You can't say, here's the bad stuff.Here's vulnerability, here's


shame, here's

fear,here's disappointment.I don't want to feel these.I'm going to have a couple of beers and a banana nut muffin.(Laughter)I don't want to feel these.And I know that's knowing laughter.I hack into your lives for a living.God.(Laughter)You can't numb those hard feelings without numbing the other affects, our emotions.You cannot selectively numb.So when we numb those, we numb joy, we numb gratitude, we numb happiness.And then we are miserable, and we are looking for purpose and meaning, and then we feel vulnerable, so then we have a couple of beers and a banana nut muffin.And it becomes this dangerous cycle.One of the things that I think we need to think about is why and how we numb.And it doesn't just have to be addiction.The other thing we do is we make everything that's uncertain certain.Religion has gone from a belief in faith and mystery to certainty.I'm right, you're wrong.Shut up.That's it.Just certain.The more afraid we are, the more vulnerable we are, the more afraid we are.This is what politics looks like today.There's no discourse anymore.There's no conversation.There's just blame.You know how blame is described in the research? A way to discharge pain and discomfort.We perfect.If there's anyone who wants their life to look like this, it would be me, but it doesn't work.Because what we do is we take fat from our butts and put it in our cheeks.(Laughter)Which just, I hope in 100 years, people will look back and go, “Wow.”(Laughter)And we perfect, most dangerously, our children.Let me tell you what we think about children.They're hardwired for struggle when they get here.And when you hold those perfect little babies in your hand, our job is not to say, “Look at her, she's perfect.My job is just to keep her perfect--make sure she makes the tennis team by fifth grade and Yale by seventh grade.”That's not our job.Our job is to look and say, “You know what? You're imperfect, and you're wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.” That's our job.Show me a generation of kids raised like that, and we'll end the problems I think that we see today.We pretend that what we do doesn't have an effect on people.We do that in our personal lives.We do that corporate--whether it's a bailout, an oil spill, a recall--we pretend like what we're doing doesn't have a huge impact on other people.I would say to companies, this is not our first rodeo, people.We just need you to be authentic and real and say, “We're sorry.We'll fix it.” But there's another way, and I'll leave you with this.This is what I have found: to let ourselves be seen, deeply seen, vulnerably seen;to love with our whole hearts, even though there's no guarantee--and that's really hard, and I can tell you as a parent, that's excruciatingly difficult--to practice gratitude and joy in those moments of terror, when we're wondering, “Can I love you this much? Can I believe in this this passionately? Can I be this fierce about this?” just to be able to stop and, instead of catastrophizing what might happen, to say, “I'm just so grateful, because to feel this vulnerable means I'm alive.” And the last, which I think is probably the most important, is to believe that we're enough.Because when we work from a place, I believe, that says, “I'm enough,” then we stop screaming and start listening, we're kinder and gentler to the people around us, and we're kinder and gentler to ourselves.That's all I have.Thank you.(Applause)

第四篇:倾听的力量 TED演讲稿

Listening is an active skill.Whereas hearing is passive, listening is something that we have to work at.It's a relationship with sound.And yet it's a skill that none of us are taught.For example, have you ever considered that there are listening positions, places you can listen from? Here are two of them.Reductive listening is listening “for.” It reduces everything down to what's relevant and it discards everything that's not relevant.Men typically listen reductively.So he's saying, “I've got this problem.” He's saying, “Here's your solution.Thanks very much.Next.” That's the way we talk, right guys? Expansive listening, on the other hand, is listening “with,” not listening “for.” It's got no destination in mind.It's just enjoying the journey.Women typically listen expansively.If you look at these two, eye contact, facing each other, possibly both talking at the same time.Men, if you get nothing else out of this talk, practice expansive listening, and you can transform your relationships.认真倾听是一种主动技能。普通地听是被动的,而倾听却是要花功夫的。倾听是处理声音与声音之间的关系。它也是一种与生俱来的能力。比如,你考虑过倾听也有不同的姿势,以便你接收声音吗?看以下两个例子。删减性的倾听是有“选择”的听。它会只关注你想要知道的东西,而忽略无关紧要的内容。男人通常会删减性的倾听。比如一个人说:“我有个问题。”另一个人说:“这是你的答案。多谢。下一位。”这就是我们谈话的方式,对吧,男士们? 而另外一种,扩展性的倾听是“无目的”,“无选择”的。听你脑海里并没有明确的目标而只是享受听的过程。女人通常会扩展性的倾听。看看这两位,面对面,保持眼神交流,可能两人同时都在说话。男士们,如果你们谈话时觉得索然无味,试试扩展性的倾听,或许可以改善你们的关系。

The first really big health issue is a word that Murray Schafer coined: “schizophonia.” It's a dislocation between what you see and what you hear.So, we're inviting into our lives the voices of people who are not present with us.I think there's something deeply unhealthy about living all the time in schizophonia.The second problem that comes with headphone abuse is compression.We squash music to fit it into our pocket and there is a cost attached to this.Listen to this--this is an uncompressed piece of music.And now the same piece of music with 98% of the data removed.I do hope that some of you at least can hear the difference between those two.There is a cost of compression.It makes you tired and irritable to have to make up all of that data.You're having to imagine it.It's not good for you in the long run.The third problem with headphones is this: deafness.第一大严重的健康问题,根据Murray Schafer的话说,就是“幻听”。这是一种错乱,使你看到的和听到的并不一致。所以,我们的生活中,就多了一些不在我们身边的人发出的声音。我认为时时处于“幻听”中对健康十分不利。与滥用耳机相伴而来的第二个问题是压缩音乐。我们压缩音乐,以便能装进口袋,然而也付出了代价。听听这个,是一段没有压缩的音乐。同样的一段音乐,但却少了98%的信息。我希望至少有一部分人能听出其中的差别。这就是压缩音乐的代价。为了补上丢失的信息,你很容易变得疲劳、烦躁。你需要通过想象来弥补这个空白。长期下去,会对健康不利。滥用耳机带来的第三个问题是耳聋。

Let's move away from bad sound and look at some friends that I urge you to seek out.WWB: Wind, water, birds--stochastic natural sounds composed of lots of inpidual random events, all of it very healthy, all of it sound that we evolved to over the years.Seek those sounds out;they're good for you and so is this.Silence is beautiful.The Elizabethans described language as decorated silence.I urge you to move away from silence with intention and to design soundscapes just like works of art.Have a foreground, a background, all in beautiful proportion.It's fun to get into designing with sound.If you can't do it yourself, get a professional to do it for you.Sound design is the future, and I think it's the way we're going to change the way the world sounds.不谈噪音了,我们来谈谈一些你应该去寻求的好朋友。风水鸟:风声、水声、鸟声,大自然的声音。它们都由各种不同的细节组成,对健康十分有好处,因为它们都是我们进化过程中我们陪伴我们的声音。寻求这些声音吧,对你们有好处。还有这个。安静是美好的。古人曾把语言比作修饰过的安静。我建议你们刻意地远离安静,去设计像艺术品一样有画面感的声音。有前景,有背景,并且比例协调。设计声音是很有趣的,如果自己不会做的话,可以找专业人士帮忙。声音设计就是未来,也是一种让世界变得好听的方法。

And four modalities where you need to take some action and get involved.First of all, listen consciously.I hope that after this talk you'll be doing that.It's a whole new dimension to your life and it's wonderful to have that dimension.Secondly, get in touch with making some sound.Create sound.The voice is the instrument we all play, and yet how many of us are trained in using our voice? Get trained.Learn to sing.Learn to play an instrument.Musicians have bigger brains.It's true.You can do this in groups as well.It's a fantastic antidote to schizophonia.To make music and sound in a group of people, whichever style you enjoy particularly.And let's take a stewarding role for the sound around us.Protect your ears? Yes, absolutely.Design soundscapes to be beautiful around you at home and at work.And let's start to speak up when people are assailing us with the noise that I played you early on.还有四种方法需要你采取行动参与其中。首先专心地听。我希望在我的讲话过后你们就能去这样做。这会是你们人生全新的、美好的一面。第二试着自己弄出点声响。创造声音。声音是我们都会使用的乐器,但多少人接受训练学会利用我们自己的声音?尝试训练一下吧。学着歌唱。学习演奏一种乐器。音乐家都有更发达的大脑,这话不假。也可以尝试和大家一起这样做。这是缓解幻听的非常好的办法。和一大群人创造音乐是,任何你喜欢的方式都是不错的。让我们主宰周围的声音。保护听力?这是当然的。不管在家里,还是工作中,设计并创作出好听的声音。当有人用我之前播过的噪音来攻击我们的时候,让我们大声地给予它们还击。


So I'm here to tell you that we have a problem with boys, and it's a serious problem with boys.Their culture isn't working in schools, and I'm going to share with you ways that we can think about overcoming that problem.First, I want to start by saying, this is a boy, and this is a girl, and this is probably stereotypically what you think of as a boy and a girl.If I essentialize gender for you today, then you can dismiss what I have to say.So I'm not going to do that.I'm not interested in doing that.This is a different kind of boy and a different kind of girl.So the point here is that not all boys exist within these rigid boundaries of what we think of as boys and girls, and not all girls exist within those rigid boundaries of what we think of as girls.But, in fact, most boys tend to be a certain way, and most girls tend to be a certain way.And the point is that, for boys, the way that they exist and the culture that they embrace isn't working well in schools now.1:08How do we know that? The Hundred Girls Project tells us some really nice statistics.For example, for every 100 girls that are suspended from school, there are 250 boys that are suspended from school.For every 100 girls who are expelled from school, there are 335 boys who are expelled from school.For every 100 girls in special education, there are 217 boys.For every 100 girls with a learning disability,there are 276 boys.For every 100 girls with an emotional disturbance diagnosed, we have 324 boys.And by the way, all of these numbers are significantly higher if you happen to be black, if you happen to be poor, if you happen to exist in an overcrowded school.And if you are a boy, you're four times as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD--Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.2:02Now there is another side to this.And it is important that we recognize that women still need help in school, that salaries are still significantly lower, even when controlled for job types, and that girls have continued to struggle in math and science for years.That's all true.Nothing about that prevents us from paying attention to the literacy needs of our boys between ages three and 13.And so we should.In fact, what we ought to do is take a page from their playbook, because the initiatives and programs that have been set in place for women in science and engineering and mathematics are fantastic.They've done a lot of good for girls in these situations, and we ought to be thinking about how we can make that happen for boys too in their younger years.2:50Even in their older years, what we find is that there's still a problem.When we look at the universities,60 percent of baccalaureate degrees are going to women now, which is

a significant shift.And in fact, university administrators are a little uncomfortable about the idea that we may be getting close to 70 percent female population in universities.This makes university administrators very nervous, because girls don't want to go to schools that don't have boys.And so we're starting to see the establishment of men centers and men studies to think about how do we engage men in their experiences in the university.If you talk to faculty, they may say, “Ugh.Yeah, well, they're playing video games, and they're gambling online all night long, and they're playing World of Warcraft, and that's affecting their academic achievement.” Guess what? Video games are not the cause.Video games are a symptom.They were turned off a long time before they got here.3:52So let's talk about why they got turned off when they were between the ages of three and 13.There are three reasons that I believe that boys are out of sync with the culture of schools today.The first is zero tolerance.A kindergarten teacher I know, her son donated all of his toys to her, and when he did, she had to go through and pull out all the little plastic guns.You can't have plastic knives and swords and axes and all that kind of thing in a kindergarten classroom.What is it that we're afraid that this young man is going to do with this gun? I mean, really.But here he stands as testament to the fact that you can't roughhouse on the playground today.Now I'm not advocating for bullies.I'm not suggesting that we need to be allowing guns and knives into school.But when we say that an Eagle Scout in a high school classroom who has a locked parked car in the parking lot and a penknife in it has to be suspended from school, I think we may have gone a little too far with zero tolerance.4:55Another way that zero tolerance lives itself out is in the writing of boys.In a lot of classrooms todayyou're not allowed to write about anything that's violent.You're not allowed to write about anything that has to do with video games--these topics are banned.Boy comes home from school, and he says, “I hate writing.” “Why do you hate writing, son? What's wrong with writing?” “Now I have to write what she tells me to write.” “Okay, what is she telling you to write?” “Poems.I have to write poems.And little moments in my life.I don't want to write that stuff.” “All right.Well, what do you want to write? What do you want to write about?” “I want to write about video games.I want to write about leveling-up.I want to write about this really interesting world.I want to write about a tornado that comes into our houseand blows all the windows out and ruins all the furniture and kills everybody.” “All right.Okay.” You tell a teacher that, and they'll ask you, in all seriousness, “Should we send this child to the psychologist?”And the answer is no, he's just a boy.He's just a little boy.It's not okay to write these kinds of things in classrooms today.6:00So that's the first reason: zero tolerance policies and the way they're lived out.The next reason that boys' cultures are out of sync with school cultures: there are fewer male teachers.Anybody who's over 15 doesn't know what this means, because in the last 10 years, the number of elementary school classroom teachers has been cut in half.We went from 14 percent to seven percent.That means that 93 percent of the teachers that our young men get in elementary classrooms are women.Now what's the problem with this? Women are great.Yep, absolutely.But male role models for boys that say it's all right to be smart--they've got dads, they've got pastors, they've got Cub Scout leaders, but ultimately, six hours a day, five days a week they're spending in a classroom, and most of those classrooms are not places where men exist.And so they say, I guess this really isn't a place for boys.This is a place for girls.And I'm not very good at this, so I guess I'd better go play video games or get into sports, or something like that, because I obviously don't belong here.Men don't belong here, that's pretty obvious.7:06So that may be a very direct way that we see it happen.But less directly, the lack of male presence in the culture--you've got a teachers' lounge, and they're having a conversation about Joey and Johnny who beat each other up on the playground.“What are we going to do with these boys?” The answer to that question changes depending on who's sitting around that table.Are there men around that table?Are there moms who've raised boys around that table? You'll see, the conversation changes depending upon who's sitting around the table.7:36Third reason that boys are out of sync with school today: kindergarten is the old second grade, folks.We have a serious compression of the curriculum happening out there.When you're three, you better be able to write your name legibly, or else we'll consider it a developmental delay.By the time you're in first grade, you should be able to read paragraphs of text with maybe a picture, maybe not, in a book of maybe 25 to 30 pages.If you don't, we're probably going to be putting you into a Title 1 special reading program.And if you ask Title 1 teachers, they'll tell you they've got about four or five boys for every girl that's in their program, in the elementary grades.8:11The reason that this is a problem is because the message that boys are getting is “you need to do what the teacher asks you to do all the time.” The teacher's salary depends on “No Child Left Behind” and “Race to the Top” and accountability and testing and all of this.So she has to figure out a way to get all these boys through this curriculum--and girls.This compressed curriculum is bad for all active kids.And what happens is, she says, “Please, sit down, be quiet, do what you're told, follow the rules,manage your time, focus, be a girl.” That's what she tells them.Indirectly, that's what she tells them.And so this is a very serious problem.Where is it coming from? It's coming from us.(Laughter)We want our babies to read when they are six months old.Have you seen the ads? We want to live in Lake Wobegon where every child is above average, but what this does to our children is really not healthy.It's not developmentally appropriate, and it's particularly bad for boys.9:24So what do we do? We need to meet them where they are.We need to put ourselves into boy culture.We need to change the mindset of acceptance in boys in elementary schools.More specifically, we can do some very specific things.We can design better games.Most of the educational games that are out there today are really flashcards.They're glorified drill and practice.They don't have the depth, the rich narrative that really engaging video games have, that the boys are really interested in.So we need to design better games.We need to talk to teachers and parents and school board members and politicians.We need to make sure that people see that we need more men in the classroom.We need to look carefully at our zero tolerance policies.Do they make sense? We need to think about how to uncompress this curriculum if we can, trying to bring boys back into a space that is comfortable for them.All of those conversations need to be happening.10:20There are some great examples out there of schools--the New York Times just talked about a school recently.A game designer from the New School put together a wonderful video gaming school.But it only treats a few kids, and so this isn't very scalable.We have to change the culture and the feelingsthat politicians and school board members and parents have about the way we accept and what we accept in our schools today.We need to find more money for game design.Because good games, really good games, cost money, and World of Warcraft has quite a budget.Most of the educational games do not.Where we started: my colleagues--Mike Petner, Shawn Vashaw, myself--we started by trying to look at the teachers' attitudes and find out how do they really feel about gaming, what do they say about it.And we discovered that they talk about the kids in their school, who talk about gaming, in pretty demeaning ways.They say, “Oh, yeah.They're always talking about that stuff.They're talking about their little action figures and their little achievements or merit badges, or whatever it is that they get.And they're always talking about this stuff.” And they say these things as if it's okay.But if it were your culture, think of how that might feel.It's very uncomfortable to be on the receiving end of that kind of language.They're nervous about anything that has anything to do with violence because of the zero tolerance policies.They are sure that parents and administrators will never accept anything.11:45So we really need to think about looking at teacher attitudes and finding ways to change the attitudes so that teachers are much more open and accepting of boy cultures in their classrooms.Because, ultimately, if we don't, then we're going to have boys who leave elementary school saying, “Well I guess that was just a place for girls.It wasn't for me.So I've got to do gaming, or I've got to do sports.” If we change these things, if we pay attention to these things, and we re-engage boys in their learning, they will leave the elementary schools saying, “I'm smart.”
