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编辑:眉眼如画 识别码:21-237983 12号文库 发布时间: 2023-03-29 02:35:05 来源:网络










注意:由一个词加 man 或 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是-men 和-women,如an Englishman,two Englishmen.但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;

2)单复同形,如deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese,但除人民币的元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如:a dollar,two dollars; a meter,two meters.3)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。例如:

people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说a person,a policeman,a head of cattle,the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss 等名词作复数用,4)以s结尾,仍为单数的名词,a.maths,politics,physics等学科名词,b.news 为不可数名词。c.the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。

The United Nations was organized in 1945.“The Arabian Nights” is a very interesting story-book.《一千零一夜》是一本非常有趣的故事书。

5):glasses(眼镜)trousers,clothes等,若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers等。



1)单数名词词尾加“'s”,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加“'s”,如the boy's bag 男孩的书包,men's room 男厕所。

2)若名词已有复数词尾-s,只加“ ' ”,如:the workers' room3)凡不能加“'s”的名词,都可以用“名词+of +名词”的结构来表示所有关系,如:the title of the song 歌的名字。

4)在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现它所修饰的名词,如:the barber's 理发店。

5)如果两个名词并列,并且分别有's,则表示“分别有”;只有一个's,则表示'共有'.例如:John's and Mary's rooms(两间)

John and Mary's room(一间)

6)复合名词或短语,'s 加在最后一个词的词尾。例如:a month or two's work


比较:Cake is a kind of food.蛋糕是一种食物。(不可数)

These cakes are sweet.这些蛋糕很好吃。(可数)


Our country is famous for tea.我国因茶叶而闻名。Two teas,please.请来两杯茶。

物质名词和抽象名词可以借助单位词表一定的数量,如a glass of water 一杯水/ a piece of advice 一则建议。





sports meeting 运动会

students reading-room 学生阅览室

2)man,woman,gentleman等作定语时,其单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定。例如: men workers

women teachers

gentlemen officials

3)数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。two-dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋

a ten-mile walk 十英里路

two-hundred trees 两百棵树

a five-year plan.不同国籍人的单复数


the Chinese

a Chinese

two Chinese 澳大利亚人

the Australians

an Australian

two Australians the Russians

a Russian

two Russians the Italians

an Italian

two Italians the Greek

a Greek

two Greeks the French

a Frenchman

two Frenchmen the Japanese

a Japanese

two Japanese the Americans

an American

two Americans the Indians

an Indian

two Indians the Canadians

a Canadian

two Canadians the Germans

a German

two Germans the English

an Englishman

two Englishmen the Swedish

a Swede

two Swedes


1.This is ___ reading-room.A.the teacher’s



2.Nothing was found but ___ broken.3.How many___ would you like? A.paper


C.pieces of papers

4.He was praised for his ___.A.brave



5.Please get me a new ___ when you go to town.A.clothes



6.There are 34___ doctors in the hospital.A.woman



D.the teachers’

D.pieces of bread

D.great brave

D.trousers D.women’s

7.Some___ are even thinner than your little finger.A.bamboo


C.kinds of bamboo

D.kinds of bamboos

8.He was born in this town and now he lives in ___.A.Building second

B.Building Two

C.the Building Two

D.Building the Second

9.Old as he is, he has ___to do every day.A.a lot of work

B.much works C.lots of homeworks

D.quite a lot of homeworks

10.Jack’s room is furnished with ___.A.new furnitures

B.many new furnitures

C.many new pieces of furnitures

D.many new pieces of furniture

11.Have you read ___newspaper yet? A.today’s


C.the today’s

D.your today’s

12.It’s not far, only ___walk from here to our school.A.a ten minutes

B.ten minutes

C.a ten minutes’

D.ten minutes’

13.Last month, he wrote me ___letter.A.a 1000-word

B.1000 words C.a 1000-words

D.1000 words’

14.He had a ___sleep yesterday.A.a good night

B.a good-night C.a good night’s


15.___is not a long way to drive.C.Three miles’ distance

D.A three-mile-distance

16.His isn’t fit for the work.Please get me ___.A.something else

B.somebody else

C.someone else’s

D.somebody’s else

17.Do you know how large ___ is? A.population of China

B.Chinese population

C.China population

D.China’s population

18.___ is too much for the boy to carry.A.The box weight

B.The box’s weight

C.The weight of the box

D.The box of the weight

19.Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest ___ shop? A.shoes




20.What ___ weather we’re having these days!


B.a nice

C.a bad


22.I’m going to call at ___ this evening A.Mr Black

B.the Blacks C.Mr Black’s


23.What Darwin said was an attack on people’s religious ___.A.belief




24.There are some ___waiting for you outside.A.German

B.American C.grown-up


25.Their factory has developed a kind of ___ to help people walk.A.machine


C.a machine

D.the machine

26.There’re many ___ in my brother’s album.A.leafs

B.toys C.books


27.Yesterday I went to the super market and bought a lot of ___.A.tomatoes




29.Excuse me, can you change this ___ for me? A.five-pound note

B.five pounds note

C.five-pound notes

D.five pounds notes

30.While washing up, she broke a ___.A.glass wine

B.wine glass C.glass of wine

D.wine of glass

答案: 1-5 DADBB

6-10 BCBAD

11-15 ADACC

16-20 CDCBA

21-25 CCBDA

26-30 DAAAB




a.在一般情况下,词尾后面加 s b.以s,x,sh,ch结尾的词,词尾加﹣es,读[iz] buses boxes

dishes watches c.以 f 或 fe 结尾的词,先将f 或fe 变成v,再加es,读[vz] half → halves 注意:有时,以f 或fe 结尾的词变复数时,不需将f或fe变成v,再加﹣es.而只需在结尾直接加﹣s即可。roof →roofs belief → beliefs safe → safes chief → chiefs 例外:还有一种特殊情况,即:个别以f或fe结尾的词会有两种复数形式。handkerchief → handkerchiefs → handkerchieves手帕,方巾

d.以o结尾的词,词尾加﹣es 或﹣s,都读[z] hero → heroes Negro → Negroes potato → potatoes tomato → tomatoes zoo → zoos piano → pianos photo → photos radio → radios bamboo ﹣ bamboos e.以辅音字母加y结尾的词,先将y改为i再加﹣es 读[iz] city → cityes 注意:以元音字母﹢y结尾的名词单数变复数时,直接加﹣s,如:boys f.以th 结尾的词,在词尾加﹣s mouth → mouths path → paths B.名词复数的不规则变化


man men woman women foot feet tooth teeth

mouse mice goose geese b.词尾发生变化

child children c.单、复数形式不变

fish sheep deer Chinese Japanese中日不变英法变 这些词是可数名词,且单复数形式相同,例:There are plenty of fish in the pool.另外,fish 作为“鱼肉”讲时是不可数的。There is much fish on the plate.d.有些名词只有复数形式

clothes trousers pants glasses scissors 说明:如果要表示一条裤子,一副眼镜等,需用词组。I want to buy two pairs of trousers.重要:可数名词表示复数时,可以和few, a few, many, a large number of, a lot of, lots of, plenty of等连用。

注意:还有些名词虽然是以s结尾,但是它不是名词的复数,而是单词本身词尾为s。各学科的名称中许多属于此类名词,应把它们作为名词单数来看。例如:maths physics politics means Wales

Physics is very difficult for me.C.合成名词变为复数时

⑴ 把第一个或最后一个词变成复数

passerby passersby

son﹣in﹣law sons﹣in﹣law

girl﹣friend girl﹣friends ⑵ 把构成合成名词的两个词都要变为复数

man doctor-men doctors

woman teacher women-teachers

man servant-men servants 说明:这一类的合成名词多为由man, woman构成的合成词。注意:fish 作“鱼”讲时,单复数一样,是可数名词。chicken


2.不可数名词(表示不能计算数目的人或物,称为不可数名词,它们前面不能用不定冠词a/ an,没有复数形式。物质名词和抽象名词属于不可数名词。—— I like music.There is no water or air on the moon.A.用容器来表示不可数名词的量

a cup of coffee a jar of jam a piece of news a piece of wood

a tube of toothpaste a piece/ sheet of paper a piece/ slice of bread a glass/ bottle of water a piece/ bit of advice 注意:如要表示“两片面包”,“六杯茶”这类概念时,要用复数表示,如: Two pounds of cheese There are two pieces of information we need.B.用much, a lot of, a little, little, lots of, plenty of, some等表示多少

There is only a little butter left.Mr.Zhu has a lot of money.Do you have much money to travel? 另外,一些可数名词也可用容器表示量,如:

a box of matches four pounds of tomatoes

a bowl of beans 重要:可数名词表示复数时,可以用以下词语修饰:many few a few some plenty of lots of/ a lot of 3.名词的所有格

有些名词可以加’s来表示其所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格。例如:a teacher’s book。1.表示有生命物的名词的所有格


a.单数名词词尾加’s,复数名词词尾如没有s,也要加’s。Tom’s cap

Mary’s nose

children’s room

women’s books b.名词已有复数词尾s,词尾只加’即可。

students’bags the workers’struggle

the teachers’reading–room C.表示某人的家、店铺等的所有格,一般可以省略它后面所修饰的名词。例如:

My father and I will have dinner at the Johnson's(home).⑴ 表示几个人共有一样东西时,只需在最后一个人的名字后加’s,如表示各自所有,则需要在每个名字后加’s。

This is Tom and Jason’s room.These are Tom’s and Jason’s rooms.LiMing and WangHua’s marriage.LiMing’s and Wanghua’s marriages.⑵ 某些句子里,为避免重复,名词所有格修饰的词可以省略。Our room is bigger than Mike’s(room).注意:在有些句子中,名词所有格修饰的词,通常可以省略。John’s bike is better than Mike’s.重要:名词所有格词尾’s的读音与名词复数词尾–s的读音相同。2.表示无生命的名词所有格


the title of the song

the picture of the family

the legs of a table ⑴ 有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的东西的名词,也可以加’s来构成所有格。one month’s vacation

ten minutes’walk

today’s newspaper

⑵ 有时’s结构可以转换成of结构以示强调。the girl’s skirt= the skirt of the girl’s 注意:请注意下列词组之间的区别: the kid’s bike = one kid, one bike.the kids’bike =two(or more)kids sharing the same bike.the kids’bikes = two(or more)kids with different bikes.()1.____ team in No.4 Middle School used to help ____ with their training.A.Boys’;girl’s B.Boy’s;the girl C.The boys’;the girls’()2.—How long does it take to get to the station? —It’s ____ walk.A.six minute’s B.six-minutes C.six minutes’()3.—My prize is different from ____.—But ____ is the same as mine.A.Dick;yours B.Dick’s;yours C.Dick’s;your

()4.This is ____ bedroom.The twin sisters like it very much.A.Ann and Jane B.Ann’s and Jane’s

C.Ann and Jane’s()5.We don’t have many pens, but I can lend you ____.A.two of mine B.two of me C.my two




1.computer ____________ 2.apple ____________

3.city ______________ 4.house _____________

5.sheep _____________ 6.watch ______________ 7.tomato _____________8.child _____________

9.tooth ________ 10.foot ______________

11.wife _____________12.potato ____________ 13.play _____________

14.day ____________

15.glass ______________ 16.radio ______________ 17.zoo ______________

18.life ______________ 19.story _____________ 20.leaf _____________

21.baby _____________ 22.dress _____________ 23.butterfly _____________24.deer _____________ 25.class _____________ 26.brush _____________ 27.key _____________ 28.English ____________29.mouse ____________30.man _____________


1.Tom的足球 _________________ 2.老师们的自行车_________________ 3.学生们的课桌 _________________

4.哥哥的文具盒_________________ 5.姑姑的卡片 _________________

6.猴子们的香蕉_________________ 7.蚂蚁们的早餐 _________________

8.妈妈的包_________________ 9.姐姐的连衣裙_________________



1.这些 是Peter 的篮球吗? ________________________________________ 2.这个是老师的钢笔吗? ___________________________________________ 3.有一些书在Sam的课桌上。________________________________________ 4.有一些孩子们在教室里。___________________________________________


1.There are some butterflys on the table.________________________ 2.This is Alice dress.______________________ 3.I like tomato very much.__________________

五、将下列句子变成复数形式。1.This dog is brown.___________________________________________________ 2.There is a book and a pen on the table.___________________________________________________ 3.That woman is a teacher.___________________________________________________名词所有格专项练习1.Today is September 10th.It's ________ Day.A.Teacher B.Teacher's C.Teachers' D.Teacher' 2.It's June 1st, it's ________ Day.A.Childrens B.Children's C.Childrens' D.Childrens's 3.This year, ________ is on May 9th.A.My mother's brithday B.My mothers' brithday C.My mothers brithday D.My mothers's brithday 4.Lin Tao is ill, so he has to go to the ________.A.doctor B.doctor's C.doctors' D.doctor'

5.—Where is Mr.Zhang? —He is in the ________.A.teacher's reading room B.teachers' reading room C.teacher reading room D.teachers reading room 6.This is ________ ball.It's not ________.A.the boy's, girl's B.the boy's, the girl's C.the boy, the girl D.boys', girls 7.This year, the most popular ________ hat is that kind.A.woman's B.womens' C.women's D.womans' 8.Look at the book, it's not mine, and it's not yours, so it must be ________.A.somebody else's

B.somebody else' C.somebody's else D.somebody' else 9.These are ________.A.newspaper of today

B.today's newspaper

C.today's newspapers' D.today newspaper's 10.It's about ________ from my home to our school.A.twenty minutes' walk

B.walk of twenty minutes' C.walk of twenty minutes' D.twenty minute's walk 11.________ is very small and white.A.The hat of your brother's B.The hat of your brother C.Your brother's hat

D.Your brother hat 12.This is ________.A.Mike and Jim's bike B.Mike's and Jim bike C.Mike's and Jim's bike D.Mike and Jim bike 13.He is ________.A.one student of my father B.one of my father's student C.my father's students

D.one student of my father's 14.Ken is also ________.A.one cousin of mine B.one cousin of my C.one cousin of me D.one cousin of I 15.________ has travelled to Beijing.A.A friend of her B.A friend of hers C.A her friend D.Her's one friend 16.These are ________ books.Li Lin bought some at the Sun Bookstore and Jill bought some at the Blue Sky Bookstore.A.Li Lin's and Jill B.Li Lin and Jill's C.Li Lin's and Jill D.Li Lin's and Jill's 17.Billy and I are good friends, I have ________.Look at this one, how sweet he is smiling!A.some pictures of Billy' B.some pictures of Billy's C.some Billy's pictures D.some pictures of Billy 18.This is ________ , and I borrowed it two days ago.A.a picture of Mr.Cox B.a picture of Mr.Cox's C.a Mr.Cox' picture D.Mr.Cox's picture 19.Can you imagine what life will be like in ________ time?(2008 河北省)A.20 years’ B.20 year’s C.20-years’ D.20-years 20.This is a ________ bike.________ is over there.(2008 青海省)A.visitor’s;My B.visitor’s;Mine C.visitor;My 21.Wang Tao is ill, so he has to go to the ________.A.doctor B.doctors’ C.doctor’s


22.This is ________ , and I borrowed it two days ago.A.a picture of Mr.Cox B.a picture of Mr.Cox’s

C.a Mr.Cox’ picture

D.Mr.Cox’s pictures 23.These are ________ books.Li Ming bought some at this bookstore and Brain bought some at that bookstore.A.Li Ming’s and Brain B.Li Ming and Brain’s

C.Li Ming’s and Brain D.Li Ming’s and Brain’s 24.He is ________.A.one student of my mother B.one of my mother’s student C.my mother’s students D.one student of my mother’s

25.It’s about ________ from my home to our school.A.thirty minutes’ walk B.walk of thirty minutes’ C.walk of thirty minutes’ D.thirty minute’s walk 26.This year, the most popular ________ hat is that kind.A.woman’s B.womens’ C.women’s D.womans’ 适当形式填空:

1.How many________(sheep)are there on the hill?

2.There is some________(food)in the basket.3.The baby has only two________(tooth)now.4.There is a lot of________(water)in the bottle.5.There are five________(people)in his family.6.Let‘s take________(photo),OK?

7.I have lots of________(tomato)here.8.The________(leaf)on the tree turn-yellow.9.The________(child)are playing games on the playground now.10.Their________(dictionary)look new.11.I see you have a few white________(hair).12.They are________(woman)doctors.13.Can you give me some bottles of ____(orange),please?

14.There are many________(fox)in the picture.15.I would like some apple________(juice).I am very thirsty.参考答案:

1.sheep 2.food 3.teeth 4.water 5.people 6.photos 7.tomatoes 8.leaves 9.children 10.dictionaries 11.hair,hairs 12.women 13.orange 14.foxes 15.juice 参考答案:










10.表示时间的名词,可直接在词尾加's变成相应的所有格,twenty minutes是以s结尾的复数形式,直接在词尾加',选A。

11.有生命的名词,一般使用's 名词所有格结构,选C。






17.我有比利的照片,应是画面内容是有关比利的,不是所有权归比利,故应用D。18.对照片所有权归考克斯先生,照片没有生命,故用of所有格形式, 故选B。19-26 A



第一章 名词




名词的数指名词的单数和复数形式。可数名词表示“一个”时用单数,“两个以上”时用复数;不可数名词表示量时,通常用“数词+单位+of+物质名词”的形式,如 a piece of bread(一片面包),变为复数时,只须将单位名词变为复数,如:two pieces of bread(两片面包)。


1.一般情况下在词尾加 s.词尾读音

shop---shops(商店)在清辅音后读 [ s ] bag---bags(书包)在浊辅音后读 [ z ] window---windows(窗户)在元音后读 [ z ] 2.以 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的单词在词尾加es。

class---classes(班级)词尾读音[ iz ] box---boxes(盒子)match---matches(比赛)brush---brushes(刷子)3.以“辅音字母 +y” 结尾的词,变y为 i 加es.story---stories(故事)词尾读音[ iz ] 4.以“元音字母 +y” 结尾的词,在词尾直接加 s key---keys 词尾读音[ z ] monkey---monkeys 5.以 “o” 结尾的名词,复数一般在词尾加“s”, 但个别加 “es” tomato---tomatoes(西红柿)词尾读音[ z ] potato---potatoes(土豆)zoo---zoos(动物园)photo---photos(照片)*(以 “o”结尾,复数加 “es”)

6.以 f或 fe 结尾的词,多数变f或 fe 为 ves.leaf---leaves(树叶)词尾读音[ vz ] knife---knives(小刀)7.不规则名词复数的变化


sheep---sheep(绵羊)deer---deer(鹿)English---English(英国人)Chinese---Chinese(中国人)*(不规则名词变复数)口诀: 男人,女人a变e;

鹅,足,牙齿oo变ee; 其实老鼠也好记ous变ic;



1.主要是在词尾加’ s 构成。如: This is Tom’s desk.这是汤姆的书桌。That is Mike’s book.那是迈克的书。

2.如果原名词已经有复数词尾s ,则仅加一个’.如: the teachers’ reading room 教师阅览室

the pupils’ pencil-boxes 学生们的文具盒

3.如果原词是复数形式,但不是以s 结尾,变为所有格形式需在后面加上’ s。如:

the children’s palace 少年宫 men’s room 男厕所 *名词所有格口诀:




computer ____________ apple _________ house _____________ sheep_____________watch _____________ tomato _____________ child _____________tooth________ foot ______________ wife _____________potato ____________day ____________ glass______________radio ______________zoo______________ life ______________ story_____________leaf _____________ baby_____________dress _____________ deer_____________ class____________ key_____________English____________ mouse____________man _____________country _____ tooth ____ mouse __ boy____________ tree horse ______ bus______________ fox _____ baby family _______ photo _____ piano _____ woman____book____________dress____________ sheep__________ tea__________box________strawberry_________ peach_________sandwich__________ paper_________ juice__________ water____________ milk___________ rice__________

people __ fish___________


1.I have two____________(knife)2.There are many ___________ here.(box)3.There are many ___________ on the road.(bus)4.A few ___________ are drawing on the wall.(boy)5.The ______________ are playing football now.(child)6.Please take two _______________ for me.(photo)7.I like the red ________________.(tomato)8.Would you please clean your _____________ now?(tooth)9.Do you want some _________?(milk)10.There are ten __________ _________in our school.(woman teacher)

三、将下列句子变成复数形式。1.This dog is brown.___________________________________________________ 2.There is a book and a pen on the table.___________________________________________________ 3.That woman is a teacher.1.This sheep is white.___________________________________________________ 2.There is a desk and a chair in the room.___________________________________________________ 3.That man is a doctor.三、选择填空

()1.There are two ______ in the room.A.Chineses B.Englishman()2.The old man will have ___________ out.A.two tooths B.two teeth()3.____________ are sold in this bookstore.A.Children’s books B.Children books()4.Some friends of _________ will come here.A.John’s B.John()5.Can you give me ______________? A.some papers B.a piece of paper()6.There are ______________ on the floor.A.some box B.some boxes()7.The __ in our yard are very beautiful.A.cloth



()8.Tom is one of the Chinese _____ in our school.A.boy


C.boies()9.A cat has four ____ , doesn't it?



C.feets()10.There are three ____ and five _____ in the room.A.American, Japanese B Americans, Japanese C.American, Japanese()11.Can you see nine ____ in the picture?



C.horse()12.The _____ has two______.A.boy;watch B.boy;watches

C.boys;watch()13.The _____ are flying back to their country.A.Germany


C.Germans()14.The girl brushes her _____ every day before she goes to bed.A.tooths


C.teeths()15.I saw many _____ in the street.A.peoples B.people C.people’s()16.The green sweater is his _________.A.brother B.brothers C.brother’s()17.They come from different ______ A.country B.countries C.a country D.countrys()18.How many ______ do you see in the picture? A.tomatos B.tomatoes C.tomato D.the tomato()19.They are______.A.woman teachers B.women teachers C.women teacher D.woman teacher()20.Would you like _______ ,please? A.two glass of water B.two glasses of water C.two glass of waters D.two glasses of waters()21.Most of ______ live in _______.A.Germans, German B.German, Germen C.Germen, Germany D.Germans, Germany()22.There are some ______ in these _______.A.knifes pencil-boxes B.knives pencils-box C.knives


D.knives pencils-boxes()23.______ like ______ by air.A.Greens, travelling B.The Green, traveling C.The Greens, travel D.The Greens, traveling()24.I wonder why ______ are interested in action films(武打片).A.the people B.people C.peoples D.the peoples()25.There is no ______ in the plate.A.apples B.oranges C.rice D.eggs()26.My uncle has three _______.A.child


C.children D.childrens

四、判断正误,并改正错句,正确的打“ √ ”

1.The house is my brother.________________________ 2.He has visited many country.______________________ 3.They are Englishs.______________________________ 4.This is Tom red bike.____________________________


1.Tom的足球 _________________ 2.老师们的自行车_________________ 3.学生们的课桌 _________________ 4.哥哥的文具盒_________________ 5.姑姑的卡片 _________________ 6.猴子们的香蕉_________________ 7.蚂蚁们的早餐 _________________ 8.妈妈的包_________________ 9.姐姐的连衣裙_________________ 10女孩们的苹果_________________

六、把下列句子翻译成英文 1.这些 是Peter 的篮球吗?

________________________________________ 2.这个是老师的钢笔吗?

___________________________________________ 3.有一些书在Sam的课桌上。________________________________________ 4.有一些孩子们在教室里。___________________________________________ 6


名词所有格变化规则: 1 可数名词单数记人名后+‘s 2 复数规则的后面+‘ 3 不规则的复数后+‘s 4 两者或多者共分享一物时 在后者+‘s 5 两者或多者分别所有时 分别在后+‘s

名词所有格变化规则: 可数名词单数记人名后+‘s 2 复数规则的后面+‘ 3 不规则的复数后+‘s 4 两者或多者共分享一物时 在后者+‘s 5 两者或多者分别所有时 分别在后+‘s

名词所有格变化规则: 可数名词单数记人名后+‘s 2 复数规则的后面+‘ 3 不规则的复数后+‘s 4 两者或多者共分享一物时 在后者+‘s 5 两者或多者分别所有时 分别在后+‘s

名词所有格变化规则: 可数名词单数记人名后+‘s 2 复数规则的后面+‘ 3 不规则的复数后+‘s 4 两者或多者共分享一物时 在后者+‘s 5 两者或多者分别所有时 分别在后+‘s
