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Muzi Enterprise Propaganda manuscript(ten minutes)


当今是一个飞速发展,不断变化的时代,各种新生事物层出不穷,令人眼花缭乱、目不暇接。在此进程中各种新材料起着不可或缺的基础性的推动作用。炭材料就是各种新材料中最耀眼的一颗明星。Preview(thirty seconds):

Today is a rapid development and constant changement era, where all kinds of new things emerge in endlessly,making us dazzling.In this time, all kinds of new materials play an indispensable basic motivational role, of which the carbon material is one of the most dazzling stars.一、关于炭素(2分钟)

19世纪是钢材料的世纪,20世纪是硅材料的世纪,21世纪是炭材料的世纪。这是因为炭·石墨材料有着诸多其他材料不可替代的优良性能。在导电性、导热性方面炭材料与金属材料有相似之处,在耐热性、耐腐蚀性方面与陶瓷材料有共同性,而在质量轻、耐腐蚀和分子结构多样性方面又与有机高分子材料有相同之处。由此说明,炭·石墨材料兼具金属、陶瓷和有机高分子三种固体材料的特性,而它又有别的材料无法取代的特性。当前,炭·石墨材料材料作为新材料已广泛应用于风能、核能、太阳能等新能源领域,以及冶金、化工、机械、电子电器、信息技术、航空航天航海、军工、环保等诸多工业领域,经成为现代工业中不可缺少的结构材料和功能材料。One: About Carbon(two minutes)

The steel material was popular in the 19th century, after that in the 20th century it was replaced by the silicon material.But in the 21st century the carbon material is the main stream, because the carbon-graphite material has more irreplaceable good properties than other materials.The carbon material has similarities with metal material in electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, with ceramic material in heat resistance and corrosion resistance, and with organic polymer material in light weight, corrosion resistance and molecular structural persity.This implies that carbon-graphite material has not only properties of metal, ceramic and organic polymer material but also irreplaceable properties other materials don’t have.At present, the carbon-graphite material as a new material has been widely used in wind energy, nuclear energy, solar energy, metallurgy, chemical industry, machinery, electronic appliance, IT, aerospace, navigation, military industry and environmental protection, becoming an indispensable structural material and functional material in the modern industry.在“十二五”国家战略性新兴产业发展规划中公布的七大产业中,炭·石墨属于新材料产业范畴,并且成为这七大产业的基础性支撑材料,炭·石墨材料的每一次性能改进和技术提升都会对这七大产业的产业升级有放大性的推动作用。美、英、日、德、法等发达国家对炭·石墨材料的基础研究及开发应用无比重视。


In the seven major industries of the national strategic emerging industry development plan of the “12th Five-Year”, the carbon-graphite material belongs to the new material industrial category, and becomes the basic support material for the said seven major industries.Each property improvement and technology promotion of the carbon-graphite material will play a great driving role to the seven industries’ upgrade, so many developed countries including America, Britain, Japan, Germany, and France, pay a great attention to the basic research and industrial upgrade of carbon-graphite material.By this token, the carbon-graphite material has vast potential for future development.二、企业巡展篇(2分 30秒)

Two: Enterprise Itinerant Exhibition(two minutes and thirty seconds)


Muzi Carbon Co., Ltd.as a dazzling star in China’s carbon industry is located in Xinghe County, Ulanqab City, Southeast of Inner Mongolia in China, the intersection of Inner Mongolia, Shanxi Province and Hebei Province.At first, in 1996, company is the former Hexing Carbon Factory established in Yanqing County, Beijing.In 202_, it took over the original Xinghe County Battery Factory and established Xinghe County Muzi Carbon Factory.In 202_, the company was restructured to a limited liability company and the registered capital increased to 30 millions Yuan.李春平董事长思维敏捷、办事果敢,对行业发展、市场方向有极强的洞察力、判断力。在他的带领下,木子炭素公司从一个人员不足50人、总资产不足100万的作坊式的小企业,以中国炭素行业少有的速度,迅速发展壮大起来。

Chairman Li Chunping thinks quickly, and acts boldly and efficiently.He has very strong perception and judgment to the industry development and market orientation.With his leading, Muzi Carbon Company was developed from a small workshop business with less than 50 employees and the total asset of less than 1 million to a rapidly developing enterprise at a rarely developing speed in the carbon industry.公司现有两套完整的炭素石墨制品生产线,公司按照决策、执行、监督三位一体的现代公司治理结构运营,决策委员会为决策机构,检审委员会为监督机构;执行机构由总经理负责:公司下设的四个生产公司、四个国际贸易公司、一个研究所、一个技术中心和一个员工培训中心及其他十八个职能部门。

The company now has two complete set of production lines for carbon graphite products.The company is governed in accordance with trinity modern company management structure including the decision-making, execution and supervision.Decision-making committee is the decision-making institution, inspection and examination committee is the supervision institution and the execution institution was in the charge of the general manager.There are four production companies, four international trade companies, a research institute, a technology center, a staff training center and other 18 functional departments in the company.截止202_年底企业员工总人数为508名,总资产4.2亿元,实现工业总产值2.6亿元,销售收入2.1亿元,出口创汇570万美元,完成利税520万元,各类石墨产品总产量2万吨。

By the end of 202_, the total number of staff reached to 508 and the total asset is 420 millions Yuan.The gross industrial output value achieved by the company was 260 millions Yuan, sales income was 210 millions Yuan, the export earning was 5.7 million dollars, tax to complete was 5.2 million Yuan, and the total output of various graphite products was 20 thousands tons.公司现为国家级高新技术企业、自治区级民营科技企业,中国炭素行业协会理事单位、中国电碳工业协会会员,中国电石工业协会会员、中国铸造协会会员、中国电器工业协会会员。公司作为一家炭·石墨材料的专业生产厂家,一直专心致力于炭·石墨产品的生产研发,努力与世界高端炭素接轨。

Now the company is a national high-tech enterprise, a private science and technology enterprise with the autonomous region level, a council member of the China Carbon Industry Association, a member of the China Electrical Carbon Industry Association, a member of the China Calcium Carbide Industry Association, a member of the China Foundry Association and a member of the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association.As a company specialized in producing carbon-graphite material, it has been devoted to the production, research and development of the carbon-graphite products, and has made efforts to be abreast with the leading high-end carbon products in the world.公司坚持“以人为本、诚信经营”的理念,强化对员工的技术培训,不断提高全体员工的综合素质,增强企业内功,奠定公司稳定、持续、健康发展基础。

The company adheres to the concept of “people-oriented, integrity management”, strengthens the technical training to the stuff, continuously improves the comprehensive quality of the staffs and enhances the internal work of the enterprise, laying a solid foundation for the healthy, sustainable and stable development of the company.三、企业竞争优势篇(4分钟35秒)

Three: Enterprise Competitive Advantage(four minutes thirty-five seconds)


Focusing on future and market, the main products of Muzi Carbon Company cover the fine grain graphite, fine structure graphite, fine finishing graphite and carbon-based composite product, which do not only conform to the demand of global market but also meet with the industrial development direction of the country.炭素行业中,炭·石墨产品总量的16-18%为特种石墨产品,包括等静压石墨、高强高密高纯高模量石墨、碳基复合材料(以炭·石墨材料为基体与陶瓷材料、金属材料、有机高分子材料复合而成)。用途上分为:核反应堆用石墨、生物工程材料用炭材料、高温润滑剂、活性炭、化工用炭/石墨耐腐蚀材料、机械用炭石墨材料、机电行业用炭石墨材料等,此类产品涉足的行业、领域极为广阔,而且新用途被不断地开发,发展前景相当广阔,是炭·石墨产品中极具活力的产品。据统计,国内生产此类型产品的企业不超过15家。

In the carbon industry, 16 to 18 percent of the total amounts of carbon-graphite product are the special graphite products, including isostatic graphite, high strength、high density、high purity、high molding graphite and carbon-based composite material(based on the carbon-graphite material, combined with ceramic material, metal material and organic high polymer material).By purpose, they can be pided into graphite for nuclear reactor, carbon material for biological engineering material, carbon-graphite corrosion resistance material for high temperature lubricant, activate carbon and chemical industry, carbon-graphite material for machinery, carbon-graphite material for mechanical and electrical industry, etc.This kind of product sets foot in a very broad industrial field, and its new use is constantly being developed.The development prospect is quite broad.It’s a vibrant product among the carbon-graphite products.According to statistics, the domestic enterprises that produce this kind of product are less than 15.炭·石墨产品总量的2-4%为尖端炭素产品,此类产品绝大部分还处于研究开发阶段,但发展前景极为广阔。公司一直在对此类产品的国内外科研技术进展进行跟踪,五年以后有望涉足此类产品。2 to 4 percent of the total amounts of carbon-graphite products are the high-end carbon products.Most of them are still in the research and development stage, but they have a broad prospect of development.The company has been tracking the scientific research and technology progress of this kind of product at home and abroad, and expects to set foot in this kind of product in 5 years.木子炭素有限责任公司从一开始就避开了竞争激烈,利润率低,市场饱和的传统炭素产品,而选择了新型炭素这一类非常有发展前景的产品,正是因为公司产品的正确定位,奠定了企业无可比拟的竞争优势。

From the beginning, Muzi Carbon Company chose the new type of carbon with vast potential for future development rather than the traditional carbon products in fierce competition, low profit and saturated market.Because of the correct product orientation by the company, it has laid the foundation for the incomparable competitive advantage of the enterprise.产品质量是品牌价值的基石:




Product quality is the cornerstone of the brand value:

Muzi Carbon Company has 17-year carbon production history and more than 30 core engineering and technical experts with over 20-year carbon working experience, who are in the research and development center, design department, central lab, quality management department, etc.The production quality management is under strict control according to ISO9001-202_ standard.The company is the only enterprise that uses self-produced blank to do the fine-finishing machining of the graphite at home.Excellent product performance, quality pre-sales, sales and after-sales services can be ensured.Muzi Carbon was renowned at home and abroad.在这里,简单地介绍一下炭石墨产品的成型方法,(分别给出挤压成型石墨、模压成型石墨、振动成型石墨、等静压石墨的简单工艺流程3D演绎图)

In here, the molding method of carbon graphite product will be introduced briefly





process three-dimensional deductive diagram of extrusion forming graphite, molding graphite, vibration molding graphite and isostatic pressing formed graphite respectively).品牌战略是营销制胜的核心:公司注册了“木子”牌商标;公司的现有客户已发展到400多家,涉及的细分领域有60多个,出口贸易涉及60多个国家和地区。公司市场开拓工作在中国炭素行业排名第一。国内电石行业用的开炉工具石墨电极的市场占有率为85%以上,出口美国的石墨·晶蜡复合阳极的市场占有率为90%以上。Brand marketing strategy is the core of marketing winning: the company registered the “Muzi” trademark;the company's existing customers are more than 400, the involved subpision fields are over 60, export trade involves more than 60 countries and regions.The company's market development is at the first place in carbon industry of China.It takes up more than 85 percent in the market of blow-in tool graphite electrode used by domestic calcium carbide industry, and over 90 percent of the market share of graphite • crystalline wax composite anode exported to the United States.技术创新是企业发展的助推力 :公司生产的细结构石墨系列产品获得科技部、环境保护部、商务部、质量监督检验检疫总局四部局联合评定为国家重点新产品,细颗粒石墨阳极产品获得一项国家发明专利(专利号:ZL2007 1 0090789.4)和一项外观设计专利(专利号:ZL2007 3 0009605.8),石墨·晶蜡复合阳极属国内独有产品、正在申请国家专利;公司与中科院山西煤化研究所、湖南大学炭素系、中南大学材料系、中钢吉炭研究所、哈尔滨电碳研究所等机构及国内外炭素专家均保持着密切联系与长期合作关系,公司开发的专有技术有20多项,每年研发投入的资金数量都占销售收入的6%以上,公司每一年都会有3-5个新产品投放市场。

Technological innovation is the drive-force of the enterprise development: a series of products of fine structure graphite produced by Muzi Carbon Company are recognized as national key new products by Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Commerce and General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.Fine grain graphite anode products won a national invention patent(patent number: ZL2007 1 0090789.4)and a patent of appearance design(patent number: ZL2007 3 0009605.8).Graphite · crystalline wax composite anode is the domestic unique product, which is being applied for the national patent.The company kept close contact and long-term cooperation relationship with carbon experts at home and abroad and institutions such as Shanxi Coal Chemistry Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Carbon Department of Hunan University, the Material Department of Central South University, Jilin Carbon Institute of the Sino-steel Corporation, and Harbin Electrical Carbon Institute.The company has more than 20 proprietary technologies.The amount of funds annually for research and development accounts for more than 6 percent of sales revenue.Each year there will be three to five new products to be launched to market.四、企业规划蓝图篇(1分43秒)

Four: Enterprise Blueprint(one minute forty-three seconds)

公司的发展战略规划是将公司总部、研发中心及深加工基地设在北京延庆,在内蒙古呼和浩特建立投融资服务中心,天津作为国际贸易窗口,内蒙古兴和县作为生产制造基地。The development strategy of Muzi Carbon Company is to establish the company headquarters, research and development center, and further processing base in Yanqing, Beijing, to setup investment and financing service center in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, to construct manufacturing base in Xinghe County, Inner Mongolia, and to install an office in Tianjin as an international trade window.公司于202_年在北京延庆新征18亩非生产性用地,拟建设公司总部、研发中心,在内蒙古兴和兴旺角工业园新征生产性建设用地356亩,拟总投资10亿元兴建各项同性等静压石墨、大规格细颗粒振动成型石墨两条生产线,加上原有的挤压成型石墨和模压成型石墨两条生产线,利用四种成型方式制造种类齐全的炭·石墨材料,并对各类炭·石墨材料进行精深加工和复合处理,延长产业链,提高产品的使用性能和附加值。



In 202_, the company had newly gained 18 mu of nonproductive land in Yanqing, Beijing, for the company’s headquarters, research and development center;356 mu of productive construction land in the Xingwangjiao Industrial Park of Xinghe County, Inner Mongolia.The company will invest one billion Yuan to construct two production lines for isotropic isostatic pressing formed graphite and large size fine particle vibration molding graphite.The company will unite the said two new lines and the original two production lines for extrusion forming graphite and molding graphite, by four forming method, to produce full range of carbon-graphite material and conduct the further processing and composite processing to each kind of carbon-graphite material, extending the industrial chain and improving product performance and additional value.Muzi Carbon Company established Beijing Muzi Tianlong Carbon International Trade Company in Yanqing, Beijing;Tianjin Muzi Carbon International Trade Company in Hebei District, Tianjin;and Inner Mongolia Muzi Carbon International Trade Company in Hohhot.A new technical innovation project with the annual output of five thousands tons for isostatic pressing formed graphite has been formally under construction on May 8th, 202_ in the Xingwangjiao Industrial Park of Xinghe County, Ulanqab City, Inner Mongolia.After all being put into production, Muzi Carbon Company will become a new carbon high-tech enterprise at home with the most complete product variety and excellent product quality, the longest industrial chain, the best development



第一部分 企业形象(片头)

“兴” 百业、倡同赢、通万道

“和” 四方、聚五湖、连四海

—— 此为“兴和”

第二部分 企业概述


第三部分 企业管理


第四部分 展望

























“以质量求生存、以创新求发展”,隆生公司以此概念,为客户提供电脑设计、广告策划、印刷各类包装彩印袋、可吸果冻袋、果冻封盖膜、直立拉链袋、高温蒸煮袋、真空袋、医药包装、拉链袋、热缩膜、日化洗涤用品包装等。先进的技术,严格的管理,高品质的产品,使隆生公司在市场上树立了良好的口碑,赢得广大客户的认可和信赖,产品遍布全国及世界各地,与世界著名品牌 “新奇士”,国内知名品牌“金丝猴”、“盼盼”、“汇源”、“雅客”、“蜡笔小新”等有着长期良好的合作关系。











第一部分 企业形象(片头)15年的创业历程,展示着我们不断的追求; 显著的经营业绩,记录着我们不懈的努力。拓展新气象,打造高品质。吉林英海,与您共创(LOGO)第二部分 企业概述




2、吉林省凯士龙节能材料有限公司在202_年开始和德国瓦克公司合作,全面引进了 “瓦克”可再分散乳胶粉先进的生产工艺。

英海牌系列产品有EPS,XPS板材粘结剂,抹面胶浆,瓷砖粘结剂,嵌缝剂,柔性腻子、聚苯颗粒等,年生产量达到了2万 吨。





3、长春新英海建筑装饰有限公司:从事外墙保温施工多年,积累了丰富的外墙施工经验,年施工能力为100万平米,近年来主要施工项目有中海紫御江城、吴中印象、吴中家天下、吴中君子兰、亚泰樱花苑、亚泰桂花苑、亚泰梧桐公馆、力旺格林春天、力旺康城、华翰四季花园1-4期等的工程及万科地产外墙保温的长年供料。在行业内于202_年率先通过了ISO9001:202_质量管理体系认证,并且第一批获得吉林省建筑节能技术(产品)认定证书,近年来先后获得吴中集团授予的“沈哈长三市样板观摩银奖“、华翰集团授予的“202_年诚信满意单位”和“质量过硬工程“、东北区名人名企编委会授予的“东北区最佳诚信企业”、省百行百业信誉评委会授予的“3.15诚信示范经营企业”等荣誉称号。在提高产品质量和服务质量的同时公司领导高瞻远瞩,积极调整经营战略,和国内一些知名地产商形成了长期战略合作伙伴关系,实现了目标市场的占领,提高了企业的竞争力。公司设置了业务部、生产部、工程部、物资部、财务部、核算 部、综合及人力资源八大部门,拥有员工100余人,其中专科以上学历25人,具备各类职称人员16人,组建了一支技术精湛、管理过硬的人才队伍。公司注重对员工进行科学系统的技能知识再培训,并建立娱乐室,篮球场,丰富了员工文化生活,每逢春节组织大型年会活动,表彰先进的同时,还推出员工自编自演的文艺节目,加强了企业凝聚力,为企业登上更大的舞台打下坚实基础。第三部分 展望


