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编辑:海棠云影 识别码:23-874782 14号文库 发布时间: 2024-01-16 13:00:55 来源:网络


营业员客服常用英文 Post By:202_-3-3 9:22:00


1,Good morning,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,我能为您效劳吗?

2,Good afternoon , madam ,May I halp you ? 太太,中午好,您想买什么?

3,Good evening ,miss , What can I do for you ? 小姐,晚上好,您需要什么?

4,Welcome to our countelr.欢迎光临本柜

5,Welcome to Wuhan plaza.欢迎光临武汉广场

6,Please take your time.请随便看看

Conversation A S:sales(营业员)C:Customer(顾客)7,S:Good morning,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,您想买什么?

C:I’m thinking of buying a toy for my son.我想给我儿子买个玩具。

S:May I know how old is he?他几岁了?

C:He’ll be six next Sunday.The toy is for his birthday.下个星期天他就六岁了,玩具是作为他的生日礼物。

S:I see.How about this one? 我明白了,这个怎么样?

Conversation B

S:Welcome to counter madam.what can I do for you ? 欢迎光临本柜,你想买什么?

C:I’m just looking around.我只是随便看看。

S:Please take you time.If any thing you like ,just let me now.请随便看看,如果看中什么,请告诉我。

C:Ok I will.thank you.谢谢,我会的。

Exercise 1



1. Go straight on ,then make a left turn ,you”ll find the toilet 请笔直走,再向左转,你会找到洗手间的。

2.The Infornation Desk is on the first floor.(Ground floor)总服务台在一楼。

3.Please go downstairs.(upstairs)请下(上)楼。

4.You can take the escalator up to the 5th floor.你可以乘坐电梯到五楼。

5.Follow me ,please.请随我来。

6、Thls way,Please.这边请。

7、You will not miss it.你不会错过的。

8、Where is the sport-department?-It’on the flfth floor.--体育用品在几楼?---在五楼。

9、The cashler is on thls wsy.收银台在那边。

10、It’s on you right hand slde.在你的右手边。


C:Excuse ms,could you tell me where the sport-department is? 劳驾,请问体育用品在几楼?

S:It’s on the 5th floor,you may take the escalator to.在五楼,你可以乘座电梯上去。

C:Thank you,By the way,how can I find the tollet? 谢谢你,顺便问一下,男士洗手间在哪? S:Taka a left turn,then go straight on,It’s on your right hand slde ,You will not miss it.请向左转,然后笔直向前走,它就在你的右手边,你不会错过的。

C:Thanks a lot.谢谢!

S:You are welcome.没关系!




1、Do you want me to show you something? 你想看些什么?

2、Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪一个?

3、Are you interested in any speclal brand?你是否对特别的品牌感兴趣?

4、May I know what you like?请告诉我你看中了什么商品?

5、Would you like this one,which I recommend to you?你喜欢我推荐的这件商品吗?

6、It’a world-famous brand.这是国际名牌。

7、I think it looks good on you.我觉得你穿这件很人合适。

8、It is the most popular color this year.这是今年最流行的颜色。

9、This brand is suitable for young people.这个品牌适合年轻人。

10、It seems you are interested in …..?你好象对这件商品感兴趣?

11、Do you have something like this?你们有没有象这样的东西?

12、Here you are.给你。

13、How about this one?你觉得这个怎么样?

14、Wait a moment,please.请稍等。

15、I’ll be back soon.我马上回来。

16、I’m sorry to keep you waiting so long.对不起,让您久等了。

Conversation A

S:Good everning miss.Do you want me to show you something ? 晚上好,小姐,您想看什么?

C:Yes ,I’m looking for a pair of gloves.我想买一双手套。

S:What do you have in mind?你想要什么样的?

C:I’m not sure.may be a leater one.我不太确定,或许是皮手套吧。

S: Jiut a moment.I”ll get you one.(A moment Leter)Here you are.You may try it on.请稍等,我帮你拿一双。(过了一会儿)给你,你可以试试。

C:Thank you.this pair fits me perfectly.谢谢,这双非常适合我。

Conversation B

S:welcome.It seems you’re interested in this dress.欢迎光临,你好像对这件衣服感兴趣。

C:Yes.but I’m afraid it is too thick to wear in summer.是的,我担心夏天穿太厚了。

S:That’s no probelm.It is made of cotton ,so you won’t feel hot.没关系的,它是棉制的,你不会感到热的。

C:That’s nice ,but I don’t like the color.太好了。但我不喜欢这个颜色。

S:The color is popular or young people.这个颜色在年轻人是非常流行。

C:Let me take it.那我买下吧。

S:Here you are.You can have a try.给你,你可以试一下。




1. What size ,please ?请问多大尺码。

2. What your size.你的尺码是多少?

3. What size do you take ?你穿多大的尺码?

4. Here is the one in your size.这件是你要的尺码。

5. This is a good fit.这件很合适。

6. It’s too big.太大了。

7. It’s too small.太小了。

8. It’s too tight.太紧了。

9. It’s too loose.太松了。

10.How about green?It’s size ten.绿色的怎么样?是十号的。

11.Please try it on.你可以试穿一下。

12.I’m afraid this is the largest one we have.抱歉,这是我们最大的尺码。

13.I’m afraid we liaven’t the size you want.抱歉,我们没有你要的尺码。


S:Good evening madam.晚上好, 女士.C:Good evening Would you please show me the shoes in black colour? 晚上好,你能给我看看黑色皮鞋吗?

S:All right.Do you like this one? 可以,你觉得这双怎样?

C:It looks very nice.Let me try it on.看上去很漂亮,让我试试。

S:What is your size?多大尺吗?

C:36, please.36码的。S:How about this pair? 这双怎么样?

C:This is a good fit.穿着很合适。



1、What color do you like?你喜欢什么颜色?What is yout favorite color.你最喜欢的颜色是什么?Do you think a blue one will do?你认为蓝色的行吗?Do you like this kind of color?你觉得这种颜色怎样?I think red suits you most.我认为红色的最适合你。Is this kind of color too bright for me ?我穿这种颜色是不是太鲜艳了。Brown is too oldish for you.你穿棕色太老气了。This color is quite popular.这种颜色非常流行。I like the color on me.我觉得这种颜色比较适合我。It is colorfast.这是不褪色的。It doesn’t fade.这种颜色不褪色。


C:Excuse me , could you show me a coat like the one on the model.对不起,你能给我看看模特上穿的外套,好吗?

S:Sure, you really have a good taste , madam ,What color do you like? 可以,夫人,您真有眼光,你喜欢什么颜色?

C:The grey one looks nice.灰色的看上去挺好的。

S:You may try it on , The mirror is behind you.你可以试穿,镜子在你后面。

C:Thank you , This color is quite beautiful ,but does it fsde ? 谢谢!这种颜色非常吸引人,但是它褪不褪色。

S:No, it is colorfast,不,它不褪色。

C:Then I’ll take this one.Thank you.那么我买一件,谢谢!S:You’re welcome.不用谢。

Exercise 表达商品颜色

Red 红色;green绿色; yellow 黄色; blue蓝色; purple紫色;

Black 黑色;white白色;pink 粉红色;orange橘黄色;brown 棕色;beige米色;grey灰色


1. Do you like this design? 你喜欢这个款式吗?

2. What do you think of this style? 你认为这个款式怎么样?

3. What style do you prefer? 这两种款式,你更喜欢哪一个?

4. It’s the latest fashion ,very popular.这是最新款,非常流行。


S:Good moring ,sir.早上好,先生。

C: Good moring ,I want to buy a coat.早上好,我想买一件外套。

S:We have difierent kinds of coats.I’m sure you can find the one you like.我们有


C:Yes ,I hope so.I’ve been visiting many big stores, but I haven’t found my favorite yet.希望如此。我已经去过许多大商店,但还没找到最喜欢的。

S:Do you like this one?It’s the latest fashion of this year,very popular.你喜欢这一


C:Thank you.That seems to be what I’m looking for.谢谢!这好像就是我要找的。



第七部分: 说明质量

1. This one is the highest quality.这种质量最好。

2. The quality is good.质量非常好。

3. This is made of cotton ,so it comfortable.它是棉的,穿着舒适。

4. These are more expensive , but the quality is super.价格虽然比较贵,但质量好。

5. It’s always out of stock , there is not much left.非常热销,已所剩不多了。

6. Let me show you how to use it ? 让我示范给你看怎么使用。

7. It’s long lasting.非常耐用。

8. Please handle it with care.请小心拿好。

9. You have good taste.你眼光真不错。


S:Can I help you? 你想买什么?

C;Yes ,I want to buy a cooking pot.我想买一个锅。

S:We have several kinds, all made pf different material.我们有几种,材质都不一样。

C:Which kind is most long lasting? 哪能一种最耐。

S:I think the most long lasting is stainless steel.我认为最耐用的是不锈钢的。

C:That’s all right.I’ll take one.那好吧,我买一个。




1.How much is it ? 多少钱?

2.How much does it cost? 这个多少钱?

3.It is 240 yuan.240元。

4.It’s 15 yuan altogether.总共1580元。

5.Can you make it cheaper? 能否便宜些? 6.Can you come down a bit ? 能否再降一点?

7.Any discount ? 有折扣吗?

8.If you have a VIP card ,you can get 10 percent discout.如果有贵宾卡,你可以得到9 折优惠。

9.Is it on sale? 这个削价出售吗?

10.These goods are on sale today.今天,这些商品降价销售。

11.We don’t ask for second prices.我们货无二价。

12.This is the bill ,please pay at the cashier’s.这是单据,请到收银台付款。

13.Wait a minute please ,I’ll make out your receipt.请稍等,我给你开论*。

14.Would you like to pay it in cash or by credit card? 你是愿意用现金还是信用卡付


15.Yes ,we accept visa ,Maser and American Express card.是的,我们接受维萨、万事达


16.It’s free gift.这是我们的赠品。

17.It’s free of charge.这是免费的。

18.Anything else? 还需要别的商品吗?


C:Please show me that white T shirt.请给我看看那件白色的T恤。

S:Here you are.给你。

C:It’s in good quality.How much is it ? 质量很好,多少钱?

S:One hundred and eighty yuan.180元。

C:Oh,it’s too much ,Can you come down a bit ? 哦,太贵了,能否降一点?

S:If you have a VIP card ,you can get 10 percent discount.如果有贵宾卡,你可以得到9 折优惠。




1.Thank you very much.谢谢你。

2.Thank you for your advice.谢谢你的建议。

3.I’m glad you enjoy it.很高兴你喜欢。

4.My pleasure.没关系。

5.You’re welcome.没关系。

6.Not at all.不用谢。

7.Don’t mention it.没关系。

8.It’s very kind of you ,we can’t accept tips.您太客气了,我们不收小费。


C:Thanks a lot.非常谢谢!

S;You are welcome.不用谢。




1.Thsnk you for shopping.谢谢惠顾。

2.Hope to see you again.欢迎下次光临。

3.Have a good time in WuHan piaza.祝您在武广购物愉快。

4.Good-bye and good luck.。再见,祝你好运。

5.See you later.再见。



hello everyone.it is really my honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself.i hope i can make a good performance today.now i will intorduce myself briefly.my name is roro, i was born in

zhangzhou city.i was graduated from fuzhou university.my major is eb.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 202_.i spend most of my time on study , i have passed cet6, and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.in december 202_, i began work for a small private company as a common worker in fuzhou city.because i want to change my working environment ,and i`d like to find a job which is more challenging.so i decided to change my job.i think i`m a good team player and i`m a person of great honesty to others.also i am able to work under great pressure.


Everybody is good!My name is XXXX, graduated from xx school xx professional, elective xx.While at school, major in the professional class have xx(here add applied position related courses or say into position required courses for elective courses, especially important), according to the knowledge, but also in some specific project fact, such as institute unique JingpinKe xx, in which the main modules, or as responsible for xx group work, applied the xx xx(apply for related courses)skills, financial knowledge and so on, have achieved what kind of xx results.In practice, deepened to xx improve recognition and the actual operation ability this kind of work.In addition, in school also attended some club activities, such as xx(here best say 1-2 samples as college xx anniversary activity or courtyard luck would), in which the students and strengthen the communication, fully understanding team collaboration brings the efficiency of team cooperation and responsibility, a new experience and knowledge.personality, first is more honest and optimistic, enthusiasm.Secondly, with team spirit, steadfast effort, strong sense of responsibility.Here recruited your enterprise of xx position, it is to build his learned into full play, and study here growth.





一、20xx年总结 工作总结

xxxx年11月23日,我开始加入到xxx部门,跟着老员工学习,第一次参与订单登记和后台管理;第一次参与英文客服订单验证工作;第一次参与问题单、完成订单回信;第一次接触到 chargeback、投诉处理。在这里,我看到了希望,因为我可以学到工作中的不足












工作总结ppt | 工作总结怎么写 | 工作总结开头 | 工作总结结尾 | 工作总结报告


Hello everyone.It is really my honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself.I hope I can make a good performance today.Now I will intorduce myself briefly.My name is RORO, I was born in ZhangZhou city.I was graduated from FUZHOU university.My major is EB.and I got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 202_.I spend most of my time on study , I have passed CET6, and I have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.In December 202_, I began work for a small private company as a common worker in FUZHOU city.Because I want to change my working environment ,and I`d like to find a job which is more challenging.So I decided to change my job.I think I`m a good team player and I`m a person of great honesty to others.Also I am able to work under great pressure.
