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编辑:岁月静好 识别码:23-1138773 14号文库 发布时间: 2024-09-14 13:06:27 来源:网络


The summer palace(颐和园)HIstory: It has a history of over 800 years, which goes back to the Liao& Jin Dynasty.Firstly in Jin Dynasty, it was built to be a temporary palace, named Golden Hill and Golden Water Pond;Then in Yuan Dynasty, the Emperor Kublai Khan(忽必烈可汗)intent to develop the water transportation system, to response, water was brought from Shenshan Mountain to the Jade Spring Hill and then to Jar Hill Pond;In Ming Dynasty, as the 10th emperor was quite fond of the outstanding sceneries here, he ordered to build an imperial residence by the lake.From then on, the beautiful place with natural hill, neat pond and colorful botany became an ideal place for emperor.The name of “The summer palace” was indeed given by express Cixi, who loved here very much.She embezzled the navy funds to have the palace rebuilt under the excuse of setting up a navy academy inside.This led to big budget deficit in economy and what was worse resulted in Chinese defeat in the Sino Japanese War in 1894.To avoid war in 1902, Cixi escaped to Xi’an with the emperor Guangxu.The summer palace, as we can image, was badly destroyed and ransacked at that moment.When Cixi returned after the war, she spared no effort to rebuild the palace and came to live here every year from April to October.The summer palace today is more or less the same look as it was rebuilt in 1903.Reputation: Over the past 50 years, Chinese Government has spent lots of money to renovating it.In 1988, the summer palace was listed as a World Culture Heritage Site by UNESCO.Difference with The Forbidden City: The roofs here are covered with plain bluish gray tiles in harmony with the landscape.So it looks more like a garden than an imperial court.1: the East Palace Gate(东宫门)

It is the main entrance of the summer palace.In ancient times, only emperor and empress can go through the central gate because of rigid hierarchy.We can see the relief style carving depicts two dragons playing with a pearl.It symbolizes the emperor’s dignity.2: The Hall of Benevolence and Longevity(仁寿殿)The hall was a political area for emperor to handle state affairs.The name of this hall came from Lun yu’s saying” those who are benevolent can enjoy a long life.”

Look at this monster, it’s name is Bronze Qilin(铜麒麟).Qilin is regarded as one of the 9 sons of the dragon, which embodies power and bravery.Qilin has the head of dragon, antlers of dear, hooves of an ox, tail of a lion and the body of a fish with scales all over it.This creature is believed to detect any disloyal subjects.Another famous spot is the Long Life Well(延年井), it is said once Express Cixi once got heatstroke when she was in the Summer Palace, she quickly recovered herself after drinking the water here and gave the name for the wishes of long life.3:Long Corridor(长廊)The long corridor is about 728 meters long with 273 sections.It is the longest, biggest and most famous one in China and even in the world.There are totally 14,000 paintings and pictures painted on the beams and crossbeams.What attracts me most is that each of these paintings is almost different from the other!So it is really art gallery!The colorful paintings on the beams include landscapes, scenic spots, human figures, stories, flowers, birds and so on.Most of These figures were copied from beautiful sceneries in Hangzhou.That is because during the inspection trips to the south of China, Emperor Qianlong was deeply attracted by the splendid sceneries there, in order to keep long memory , he order the painters to draw them on the ceiling of the long corridor for regular visit.To added, the Long Corridor was also a birthday gift that Emperor Qianlong gave to his mother.In 1990, the Long Corridor was listed in the Guinness World Records as the longest painted corridor in the world.In 1998, it was listed as a world Culture Heritage Site by UNESCO.4:The Hall of Jade Ripples(玉澜堂)In the late Qing Dynasty, it was Emperor Guangxu’s private living quarters。But after the failure of the Reform Movement in 1898, it has become a forbidden area, just like a prison, that Emperor Guangxu was under the house arrest for 10 years here till he died in the age of 38.5: The Hall of Happiness and Longevity(乐寿堂)It was Empress Cixi’s residence and she came to live here from April to October every year during the rest of her lifetime.This hall consists of 4 chambers, including breakfast and tea room, dressing room, bedroom and her office.Cixi was ratter crazy about luxurious life so that she requested fancy food, porcelain plate(瓷器盘), embroideries(刺绣),chandeliers(水晶灯)etc.6: The front Hill Area(前山景区)

The front Hill Area includes the Gate of Dispelling Clouds(排云门), The Hall of Dispelling Clouds(排云殿), The Tower of Buddhist Incense(佛香阁)and the Temple of the Sea of Wisdom(智慧海)。Express Cixi used to come and worship Gods in the Tower of Buddhist Incense on the 1st and 15th day of each lunar month when she was living in the Summer Palace.In the Temple of the Sea of Wisdom ,the statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva is enshrined in the center.This temple is the highest point of Longevity Hill.7:Marble Boat(石舫)

It is located at the end of the Long Corridor, near the Stone Pavilion.Emperor Qianlong built this Marble Boat based on a story that happened in Tang Dynasty.Wei Zheng , the prime minister in Emperor Li Shimin’s period, once said that ”Water can carry a boat, and it can also capsize a boat”.Here , “Water” represented common people and “Boat” indicated the Tang Dynasty Court.Emperor Qianlong built this marble boat for the purpose of keeping the stability of Qing Dynasty forever.8:The back Hill Area(后山景区)

This part includes the Four Great Regions(四大部洲),Suzhou Shopping Street(苏州街)and The Garden of Harmonious Interest(谐趣园).Emperor Qianlong made several inspection tours to South China during his lifetime, and he was totally impressed by the beautiful sceneries, commercial prosperity of shopping streets and gardens there.So after he came back , he ordered to built these structures imitating what he had seen in the South China.9: the 17-Arch Bridge(十七孔桥)It is the largest bridge in the Summer Palace.Seen from a distance, it really looks like a rainbow hanging across the water on the lake.This bridge is built in 1750, and it was believed that the bridge was the imitation of Marco Polo Bridge, but more beautiful.Why 17 arches? Because no matter which side you see the bridge from the left or right, the 9 arches is in the middle.As I have explained before, the number nine was the lucky number and favorite number in the ancient times.10 the pavilion of Haralding Spring(知春亭)

The pavilion stands on the islet in Kunming Lake.You see a number of willow trees and peach trees planted on the islet.This pavilion is embraced by water on all sides.When the peach trees blossom, people will know that warm spring has returned.There is also a famous saying describing this phenomenon “the duck knows first when the river becomes warm in early spring.” OK, as it is the best place to take pictures, I give you guys 15 minutes to have a short break.


the tour will take 4-6 hours.the route is as follows: out side the east gate-side the east gate ¨Cin front of the hall of benevolence and longevity-in front of garden of virtuous harmony-in front of the grand theater building-a lakeside walk from the garden of virtuous harmony to the hall o jade ripples-in front of the o jade ripples-in front of the yiyunguan(chamber of mortal being)-hall of happiness and longevity-in front of the yaoyue(chamber of mortal beings)-hall of happiness and longevity-in front of the yaoyue(inviting the moon)gate of the long corridor-strolling along the long corridor-visiting an exhibition of cultural relics-in front of the hall of dispelling clouds-inside the hall of dispelling clouds-atop the tower of buddhist incense-on a hilltop leading from the back door of the tower of buddhist incense-on a hilltop leading from the back door of the tower of buddhist incense-inside the garden of harmonious interest ¨Coutside the south gate to suzhou shopping street-atop the stone bridge inside the suzhou shopping street ¨Con the road from the south gate of suzhou shopping street-on the road form the south gate of suzhou shopping street to the marble boat-in front of the ruins of the garden of complete spring ¨Calong the lakeside by the marble boat-boating on the kunming lake-leaving out through the east gate.(out side the east gate)ladies and gentlemen: welcome to the summer palace.(after the self-introduction of the guide-interpreter)i hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you.during our tour, you will be introduced to time honored historical and cultural traditions, as well as picturesque views and landscapes.the construction of the summer palace first started in 1750.at that time, the qing dynasty was in its heyday and china was a powerful asian country with vast territories.the monarch in power then was emperor qianlong.with supreme power and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans from all over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mother `s birthday.after 15 years and one seventh of the nation` s annual revenue spent, the garden of clear ripples was completed and served as a testimony to china` s scientific and technological achievements.in 1860, this vast royal garden was burnt down along with the yuanming yuan(garden of perfection and brightness)by angol-french allied forces.in 1888, empress dowager cixi reconstructed the garden on the same site and renamed it the garden of nurtured harmony(summer palace).characterized by its vast scope and rich cultural embodiments, the summer palace has become one of the most famous tourist sites in the world.this is the main entrance to the summer palace-the east gate on top of the eaves of the door there is a plaque bearing a chinese inscription which means ¡°garden of nurtured harmony¡± , whose calligrapher was emperor guangxu.the gate that you are now entering was used exclusively by the emperor, the empress and the queer mother.all others used the side doors.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


The Summer Palace

The Summer Palace was used as a holiday garden in the summer for the emperors and their families.It is 10km on the northwestern of BJ.This resort was famous from Jin Dynasty(1115-1234 AD).Here you will see a piece of the style of Chinese classic garden which is best known in south of China.The whole garden is 290 hectars including a large lake and mountains.Situated in western outskirts of Beijing,the Summer Palace is 10 kilometers from the central city.It is China's leading classical garden which enjoys a worldwide reputation.The Summer Palace was opened to the public in 1924 and included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1998.A whole day is needed to view it in detail.The Summer Palace was first built in 1153 and served as an imperial [im'piəriəl palace for short stays away from the capital.Empress Dowager Ci Xi rebuilt it in 1888 with a large sum of money which had been appropriated to build a Chinese navy.The two main elements of the garden are Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake.Kunming Lake,with an exquisite精细的 building in the middle,takes up three quarters of the garden's 290 hectares.The garden consists of three parts: the political activity area,the empress's living quarter and the scenic area which separately centers on the Hall of Benevolence [bi'nevələns and Longevity(1),the Hall of Jade Ripples(2)and the Hall of Happiness and Longevity(3),and Longevity Hill(4)and Kunming Lake.The groups of buildings,hills and lakes,together with the background of West Hills,give an ever changing scene.The buildings on the southern slope of Longevity Hill are characteristic of the garden.Cloud-Dispelling Hall,the Pavilion of the Buddhist Incense(5)and the Wisdom Sea(6)on the axis line are flanked在左右两边by the Wheel Hall,Wufang Pavilion and Baoyun Pavilion and are major attractions.The Pavilion of the Buddhist Incense is 41 meters high and stands on a 20-meter-high terrace平台.At the foot of Longevity Hill is the 728-meter-long passageway which links the three areas together.The passageway is famous for its paintings and at its western end is a 36-meter-long Marble Boat(7).The bridges of the western causeway西堤 of Kunming Lake are replicas ['replikə] 复制品of the bridges of famous Su and Bai causeways on West Lake in Hangzhou.The marble大理石的 Seventeen-Arch Bridge which spans跨度the Eastern Causeway to South Lake Island has balusters topped by 540 carved lions in different poses.Back Lake at the northern foot of Longevity Hill is natural and peaceful.On its bank is Suzhou Street,a replica of a commercial street in the old days.At the

northeastern corner of the garden there is the Garden of Harmonious Interest which imitates the famous Jichang Garden(8)in Wuxi,Jiangsu Province.Diminutive and elegant,it is known as a garden within a garden..Notes:

1.the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity


2.the Hall of Jade Ripples


3.the Hall of Happiness and Longevity


4.the Longevity Hill


5.the Pavilion of the Buddhist Incense


6.the Wisdom Sea


7.the Marble Boat


8.Jichang Garden


Situated in the western outskirts of Haidian District, the Summer Palace is 15 kilometers(9.3 miles)from central Beijing.Having the largest royal['rɔiəl] park and being well preserved保藏的, it was designated['deziɡ,neitid] 指定的, in 1960 by the State Council国务院, as a Key Cultural Relics Protection Site of China.Containing examples of the ancient arts, it also has graceful landscapes and magnificent constructions.The Summer Palace is the archetypal[,a:ki'taipl] 原型的 Chinese garden, and is ranked排名;归类于 amongst the most noted著名的 and classical gardens of the world.In 1998, it was listed as one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.Constructed in the Jin Dynasty'dainəsti](1115-1234), during the succeeding随后的,以后的 reign[rein] 统治 of feudal['fju:dl] 封建制度的 emperors;it was extended continuously.By the time of the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911), it had become a luxurious[lʌk'zjuəriəs,-'ʒuə-] royal garden providing royal families with rest and entertainment.Originally called “Qingyi Garden”(Garden of Clear Ripples涟漪), it was know as one of the famous “three hills and five gardens”(Longevity Hill, Jade玉制的 Spring Mountain, and Fragrant ['freiɡrənt] Hill;Garden of Clear Ripples, Garden of Everlasting Spring畅春园?, Garden of Perfection and Brightness圆明园, Garden of Tranquility静明园 and Brightness, and Garden of Tranquility and Pleasure静宜园).Like most of the gardens of Beijing, it could not elude逃避 the rampages** of the Anglo-French英法的 allied ['ælaid联合的force and was destroyed by fire.In 1888, Empress Dowager ['dauədʒə] Cixi embezzled [im'bezl挪用navy funds to reconstruct it for her own benefit, changing its name to Summer Palace(Yiheyuan).She spent most of her later years there, dealing with state affairs and entertaining.In 1900, it suffered again,being ransacked洗劫by the Eight-Power Allied Force.After the success of the 1911 Revolution, it was opened to the public.Composed mainly of Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake, The Summer Palace occupies an area of 294 hectares(726.5 acres ['eikəs] 英亩), three quarters of which is water.Guided by nature, artists designed the gardens exquisitely [ek'skwizitli] 精巧地so that visitors would see marvelous ['mɑ:viləs] 非凡的views and be amazed by perfect examples of refined精致的 craftwork工艺 using the finest materials.Centered on the Tower of Buddhist ['budist] 佛教的Incense香(Foxiangge)the Summer Palace consists of over 3,000 structures including pavilions [pə'viljən] 楼阁, towers, bridges, and corridors ['kɔridɔ:.The Summer Palace can be pided into four parts: the court area, front-hill area, front-lake area, and rear后面-hill and back-lake area.Front-Hill Area: this area is the most magnificent area in the Summer Palace with the most constructions.Its layout布局 is quite distinctive because of the central axis from the yard of Kunming Lake to the hilltop, on which important buildings are positioned including Gate of Dispelling驱散 Clouds, Hall of Dispelling Clouds, Hall of Moral Glory德辉殿, Tower of Buddhist Incense, the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom, etc.Rear-Hill and Back-Lake Area: although the constructions are fewer here, it has a unique landscape, with dense green trees, and winding ['waindiŋ] paths曲径.Visitors can feel a rare tranquility, and elegance.This area includes scenic spots such as Garden of Harmonious Interest and Suzhou Market Street.Court Area: this is where Empress Dowager ['dauədʒə] Cixi and Emperor Guangxu met officials, conducted state affairs and rested.Entering the East Palace Gate, visitors may see the main palace buildings: the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity仁寿殿 served as the office of the Emperor, the Hall of Jade Ripples where Guangxu lived, the Hall of Joyful Longevity乐寿堂, Cixi„s residence, the Hall of Virtue ['və:tju:] and Harmony德和园 where Cixi was entertained.Front Lake Area: covering a larger part of the Summer Palace, opens up the vista of the lake.A breeze fluttering, waves gleam and willows kiss the ripples of the vast water.In this comfortable area there are the Eastern and Western Banks, the Seventeen-Arch

Bridge, Nanhu Island, and so on.On the western bank float six distinct bridges amongst which the Jade-Belt Bridge is the most beautiful.颐和园


颐和园原为封建帝王的行宫和花园,远在金贞元元年(1153年)即在这里修建“西山八院”之一的“金山行宫”。明弘治七年(1494年)修建了园静寺,后皇室在此建成好山园。1664年清廷定都北京后,又将好山园更名为“瓮山行宫”。清乾隆年间,经过15年的修建工程,将该园改名为“清漪圆”。此时的清漪园,北自文昌阁至西宫门筑有围墙,东、南、西三面以昆明湖水为屏障,园内修建了许多亭台楼阁,桥廊斋榭,山清水秀,富丽堂皇。咸丰十年(1860年),英法联军疯狂抢劫并焚烧了园内大部分建筑,除宝云阁(俗称“铜亭”)智慧海、多宝 琉璃塔幸存外,珍宝被洗劫一空,建筑夷为一片废墟。光绪十四年(1888年)慈待太后挪用海军经费3000万两白银,在清漪园的废墟上兴建起颐和园。光绪二十六年(1900年)颐和园又遭八国联军的野蛮破坏,后慈禧又动用巨款重新修复。数百年来,这里一直是封建帝王、皇室的享乐之地,解放辟为公园。1961年国务院公布颐和园为全国重点文物保护单位。


在世界古典园林中享有盛誉的颐和园,布局和谐,浑然一体。在高60米的万寿山前山的中央,纵向自低而高排列着排 云门、排云股、德辉殿、佛香阁、智慧海等一组建筑,依山而立,步步高升,气派宏伟。以高大的佛香阁为主体,形成了全园的中心线。沿昆明湖北岸横向而建的长廊,长728米,共273间,像一条彩带横跨于万寿山前,连结着东面前山建筑群。长廊中有精美柁画 14000多幅,素有“画廊”之美称。位于颐和园东北角,万寿山东麓的谐趣园,具有浓重的江南园林特色,被誉为 “园中之园”。


该文章转载自无忧考网:http://www.teniu.ccplete spring –along the lakeside by the marble boat-boating on the Kunming Lake-leaving out through the East Gate.(Out side the east gate)

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to the Summer Palace.(After the self-introduction of the guide-interpreter)I hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you.During our tour, you will be introduced to time honored historical and cultural traditions, as well as picturesque views and landscapes.The construction of the Summer Palace first started in 1750.At that time, the Qing Dynasty was in its heyday and China was a powerful Asian country with vast territories.The monarch in power then was Emperor Qianlong.With supreme power and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans from all over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mother `s birthday.After 15 years and one seventh of the nation` s annual revenue spent, the Garden of Clear Ripples was completed and served as a testimony to China` s scientific and technological achievements.In 1860, this vast royal garden was burnt down along with the Yuanming Yuan(Garden of Perfection and Brightness)by Angol-French allied forces.In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixi reconstructed the garden on the same site and renamed it the Garden of Nurtured Harmony(Summer Palace).Characterized by its vast scope and rich cultural embodiments, the Summer Palace has become one of the most famous tourist sites in the world.This is the main entrance to the Summer Palace-the East Gate On top of the eaves of the door there is a plaque bearing a Chinese inscription which means “Garden of Nurtured Harmony” , whose calligrapher was Emperor Guangxu.The gate that you are now entering was used exclusively by the emperor, the empress and the queer mother.All others used the side doors.(Inside the East Gate)

the Summer Palace can be pided into two parts: Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake.The whole garden covers an area of 290 hectares, of whih three-fourths consists of a lake and rivers.This imperial garden features 3,000 room-units and covers an expanse of 70,000 square meters with more than 100 picturesque spots of interest.The layout of the Summer Palace includes three groups of architectures: palaces where the emperor attended to state affairs, resting palaces of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas.Entering the East Gate we will come the the office quarters.Entering the East gate we will come to the office quarters.The annex halls on both sides were used for officials on duty.This is the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity.Above the door there is a plaque bearing the same name in both Chinese and Manchurian characters.The gigantic rock in the foreground is known as Taihu rock, or eroded limestone, quarried in Jiangsu Province and placed here to decorated the garden.On the marble terrace sits a bronze mythical beast, known as Qilin or Xuanni.It was said to the one of the nine sons of Dragon King.A point of peculiar interest is that it has the head of a dragon, antlers of a deer, the tail of a lion and hooves of a ox, and is covered with a unique skin.IT was considered an auspicious creature that brought peace and prosperity.This grand hall is the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity.It was built in 1750 , and was known as the Hall of Industrious Government.Emperor Qianlong ruled that the halls where monarchs attended to state affairs would be named after them.After the rebuilding of the Summer Palace, the hall was renamed, suggesting that benevolent rulers would enjoy long lives.The arrangement of the hall has been left untouched.In the middle of the hall stands a throne made of sandalwood and carved with beautiful designs.In the background there is a screen carved with nine frolicking dragons.On either side of the throne there are two big fans made of peacock feathers, two column-shaped incense burners, crane-shaped lanterns and an incense burner assuming the form of Ludu

an, a mythological animal which was suppose to have the power to prevent fire.The small chambers on eight side were where the Emperor Qianlong and Empress Dowager Cixi rested and met officials on formal occasions.On the verandah in the foreground of the hall there are bronze statues of dragon and phoenixes which served as incense burners on major occasions.They are hollow and smoke comes through holes on their backs.Also on the veranda are Tai Ping(Peace)bronze water vats made during the reign of Emperor Qianlong.As a precaution in case of fire, a fire was lit underneath the vats in the winter to keep the water in them from freezing.(At the entrance of Garden of Virtuous Harmony)

we are now visiting the Garden of Virtuous Harmony, where Emperor Qianlong and Empress Dowager Cixi were entertained with Beijing Opera performances.IT mainly consists of the Dressing House, The Grand Theater Building and the Hall of pleasure smiles.The grand Theater Building known as the “Cradle of Beijing Opera” was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated.On September 10, 1984, the Garden of Virtuous Harmony opened its doors to visitors.There are also 7 exhibition halls with articles of daily use on display here.The staff here put up court dresses of Qing Dynasty in order to give the visitor a more vivid impression.(In front of the Grand Theater Building)

this building is 21 meters in height and 17 meters in width and features three tiers of tilted eaves and stages.All of the stages are connected to a raise ,and a winch is installed at the top.A well and 5 ponds were sunk under the ground stage.There are trapdoors in the ceiling for fairies to descend, as well as on the floor for demons to surface.The underground passages also served as a means of improving resonance and making the performers` voices more audible.Of the three main theater building of the Qing Dynasty, the Grand Theater Building is the tallest and the largest.The other two are Changyin(Fluent Voice)Pavilion in Chengde, an imperial summer resort.The building played a major part in fostering the birth and deve

lopment of Beijing opera: since the completion of the Grand Theater Building, many performances were held in it in honor of the Empress Dowager Cixi.(A lakeside walk from the Garden of Virtuous Harmony to the Hall of Jade Ripples)

we are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the Hall of Benevolent and longevity.It appears that there` s nothing special ahead.However, after we clear the rockery, we will reach Kunming Lake.This is a application of a specific style of Chinese gardening.Not far away in the lake there is a islet.It is filled with peach and weeping willow trees and serves as a ideal place to appreciate the scenery.The pavilion on the islet is called Zhichun(Understanding Spring)Pavilion and is chardcterized by four-edged, multiple eaved roofs.(In front of the Hall of Jade Ripples)

this group of special and quiet courtyard dwelling is the Hall of jade Ripples.It was first used by Emperor Qianlong to attend to state affairs.IT was also where Emperor Guangxu of the late Qing dynasty was kept under house arrest.This hall is a hallmark of the Reform Movement of 1898, Emperor Guanxu was Empress Dowager Cixi` s nephew.After Emperor Tongzhi died, Empress Dowager Cixi made her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order to continue her wielding of power behind the scenes.When Emperor Guanxu was 19 years old ,Empress Dowager Cixi relinquished power to him but continued to exert considerable influence.In 1898, the Reform Movement took place with the aim of sustaining the corn principles of the Qing Dynasty while reforming outdated laws.The movement lasted for 103 days until it was suppressed by Empress Dowager Cixi.The emperor` s six earnest reformists were beheaded and Emperor Guangxu was placed under house arrest which lasted for 10 years.All the back doors were sealed and a brick was was put up behind the wooden partition on each side of the two annexes of the courtyard.Emperor Guangxu was closely watched by eunuchs.The wall remains intact for tourists to see..Dynasty while reforming outdated laws.The

movement lasted for 103 days until it was suppressed by Empress Dowager Cixi.The emperor` s six earnest reformists were beheaded and Emperor Guangxu was placed under house arrest which lasted for 10 years.All the back doors were sealed and a brick was was put up behind the wooden partition on each side of the two annexes of the courtyard.Emperor Guangxu was closely watched by eunuchs.The wall remains intact for tourists to see.(In front of Yiyunguan(Chamber of Mortal Beings)

this was where Empress and empress dowager of China` s feudal system.However, Emperor Guanxu was not the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.The last in the line was Emperor Puyi, who ascended the throne in 1908 at the age of three, too young to be married.In 1912, he was forced to abdicate.During the short reign of Emperor Puyi.Empress Longyu handled state affairs on his behalf in the name of Empress Dowager.In 1911, a revolution led by Dr.Sun Yat-sun succeeded, and the year after, Empress Longyu announced the abdication of the last emperor of China.(In the Hall of Happiness and Longevity)

the aged empress Dowager Cixi was so fond of the Summer Palace that she decided to live here from April through October of every year.This group of buildings served as her residence.This group of courtyard dwellings consists of a forecourt and a backyard with annex courts on each side.The whole compound was basically made of wood, which is ideal for ventilation and lighting.With its quiet and tasteful layout, the Hall of Happiness and Longevity made life very easy and convenient.No wonder one of Empress Dowager Cixi` s pleasure boat.On the pier there is a tall lantern post.Flanking the staircase leading to the main entrance of the hall, there are bronze cranes, deer and vases, symbolizing universal peace.The interior layout is the same as the imperial court, with throne, a large table and incense burners placed in the middle.At mealtime, eunuchs-in –waiting would make a gigantic table out of this table and Empress Dowager Cixi would dine on 128 courses.Because of this more than 1,80

0 tales of silver would be spent each month on meals.On the east side of the Living Room is the Cloak Room.The bedroom in on its west.In front of the yaoyue(Inviting the Moon)Gate of the Long Corridor The famed Long Corridor is ahead.Facing Kunming lake and in the foreground of Longevity Hill, the Long Corridor stretches from Yaoyue(Inviting the Moon)Gate to Shizhang(Stony Old Man)Pavilion.IT is 728 meters in length and consist of 273 sections and connects four octagonal pavilions.In 1990 ,it was listed in Guinness Book of World Records.(Strolling along the Long Corridor)

The Long Corridor is one of the major structures of the Summer Palace.Since the corridor was designed to follow the physical features of the southern slope of Longevity Hill , four multiple-eaved, octagonal pavilions(Beauty-Retaining Pavilion, Enjoy-the Ripples Pavilion, Autumn Water Pavilion and Clarity Distance Pavilion)were placed at bends and undulation.Thus sightseers will hardly notice the rise and fall of the terrain.As a major part of the architectural style of the Summer Palace, the Long Corridor serves as an ingenious connector between the Lake and the hill.Scattered buildings on the southern slope were linked to creat a unified complex.This corridor can also be called a “corridor of paintings ”: There are more than 14,000 paintings on its beams.Some of them are of birds, flowers and landscapes of the West lake in Hangzhou, Zhejian Province.Others present scenes from literary classics.The majority of the landscape painting were done under the order of Emperor Qianlong, who preperred the scenery of South China.(By the door leading to the exhibition of cultural relics)

this group of temple-shaped structures are known as Qinghua(Clarified China)Hall ,also known as Arhat Hall during the reign of Emperor Qianlong.The original hall burned down in 1860.After it was reconstructed, it was renamed.Qinghua Hall is now used as a exhibition hall displaying rare cultural relics collected in the Summer Palace.The hall consists of 6 exhibition rooms with tens of tho

usands of articles of treasure on display in turn.Among the exhibits there are bronze ware, porcelain, jade assemblages from the Ming and Qing dynasties, and rare and paintings.There is also a gigantic stone slab, which is more than 3 meters in height and width.It bears the handwritten inscriptions of Emperor Qianlong is commemoration of the suppression of a rebellion in the Xinjiang region.Only this slab survived when the Angle-French allied forces set fire to the Summer Palace.(In front of the Gate of Dispelling Clouds)

Now we are approaching the central part of the structures on the lakeside slope, the Tower of Buddhist Incense within the Hall of Dispelling Clouds.The Hall of Dispelling Clouds was where numerous palatines kowtowed to Empress Dowager Cixi.It was surrounded by galleries and flanked by annex halls.In the forecourt there is a pool and marble bridges.Starting from the lakeside, there lies in succession a memorial archway, the Gate of Dispelling Clouds, the Hall of Dispelling Clouds and the Tower of Buddhist Incense.All of these structures are built on a central axis and each is taller than its predecessor.This was designed to give prominence to the last structure, the Tower of Buddhist Incense, which was a symbol of imperial power.The layout of this group of architectures was based on scenes described in Buddhist sutras.This group of structure are among the most magnificently constructed here in the Summer Palace.(Inside the Hall of Dispelling Clouds)

The original buildings on this site were burned down by the Anglo-French allied forces in 1860.A new set of structures was built during the reign of Emperor Guanxu, and was called the Hall of Dispelling Clouds, suggesting that it was a fairyland.The hall was built on a high terrace, and has 21 room.Inside the hall are a throne, screens, tripods and mandarin fans.On a platform you will see bronze dragons, phoenixes and tripods.At the foot of the platform there are four bronze water vats, the ancient form of fire extinguishers.The 10th day of lunar October was ,Empress Dowager Cixi` s birthday.On that

day ,she sat on the throne here to receive congratulations and gifts.Now we are going to pay a visit to the highlight of the Summer Palace-the Tower of Buddhist Incense.What we are now standing on is a stone terrace which is 20 meters in height.It has a semi housed stairway of 100 steps, you will live for 100 years.So, let` s go!(In the front of the Tower of Buddhist Incense)

An octagonal structure with three storeys and quadruple eaves, the Tower of Buddhist Incense is the very center of the Summer Palace, and is one of the masterpieces of ancient Chinese architecture.The tower is 41 meters in height, and is buttressed by 8 solid pillars made of lignumvitae logs.With its complex structure, ingenious layout, towering terrace and convincing grandeur, the Tower of Buddhist Incense was artfully set out by the imperial gardens and beautiful scenery surrounding it.The Tower overlooks Kunming Lake and other picturesque spots within an area of tens of kilometers.On the west side of the Tower stands Baoyunge(Precious Cloud Pavilion).IT is made of bronze and is7.5 meters in height and 270 tons in weight.It resembles its wooden counterparts in every detail.It is one of the largest and most exquisite bronze pavilions still on existence in China.Lamas prayed here during the reign of Emperor Qianlong in honor of the monarchs and their families.At the turn of the century 10 bronze windows were spirited abroad.In 1992 an American company bought the windows and returned them intact to China.(On a hilltop leading from the back door of Tower of Buddhist Incense)

Now we can see the long and snaking Western Causeway and a shorter dike that pides Kunming Lake into three areas that contain South Lake Island, Seaweed-viewing Island and circle city island.The three island represent three mountain in ancient Chinese mythology, i.e.penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou.This peculiar method of incorporating a lake a three mountains within a single garden was a brainchild of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago, bearing testimony to feudal monarchs` s longing for longevity.As the legend goes many heavenly elixirs grew on the three mythical islands.Using artificial building techniques, the an

cient Chinese built this masterpiece based on the myth to make the mythical on appear to be accessible to humans.(Inside the Garden of Harmonious Interest)

Setting a garden within a larger garden has been one of China traditional architectural styles.The Garden of Harmonious Interest serves as a fine example of this.This Garden was built under the order of Emperor Qianlong and modeled after the Jichang Garden(Garden of Ease of Mind)at the foot of Mount Huishan, Jiansu Province.IT was renamed by his son Emperor Jiaqing in 1811.The existing Garden was rebuilt by Emperor or Guangxu.Empress Dowager Cixi used to go fishing here.The Garden features 10 waterfront platforms, pavilions and halls as well as hundreds of galleries

With all of its structures facing the lake and pools, the Garden of Harmonious Interest is basically a garden of waterscape.Spanning the vast expanse of the lake and pools are five bridges, each quite different from the others.The most famous of them is the bridge known as “Knowing –the Fishing-bridge.” IT is said that more than 2,500 years ago during the Warring States Period, two philosophere named Zhuang Zi had an interesting argument by the side of a pond.Zhang said, ”Fish swim to and fro in the water.What happy fish!”

Hui asked , ”You are not a fish.How do you know they are happy? ”

Zhuang replied, “You are not me.How do you know I don‟t know? ”

Hui signed, “I am not you ,therefore, I don‟t know you.And you are not a fish ,so how

do you know that fish are happy? ”

Zhang said, “you ask me how I know fish are happy, why do you keeping me the same question?”

Although The Garden of Harmonious Interest was designed after Jichang Garden, it not only absorbed the original designs, but exceeded it.(Outside the south entrance to Suzhou Shopping Street)

Now lets have a look at longevity Hill.On the back slope of the Hill stands a group of architectures.The centerpiece of structures there are known as the Four Continents and are dedicated to Buddhism.This group was laid out and arranged in accordance with Buddhist cosmology.Aside from a main shrine and structures embodying the Four Continents, there are eight towers representing Minor Continents.The shrine is surrounded by four Lamaist pagodas and between the major and minor continents, there two platforms representing the sun and the moon.The Qing authority attached great importance to Buddhism.To further strengthen ties with the ethnic minorities who practiced Buddhism, the monarchs incorporated both Han and Tibetan styles of architecture into this group of temples.Further north at the foot of the Four Major Continent lies the Suzhou Shopping Street.Built along the Back Lake of the Summer Palace, this street stretches about 300 meters and features more than 60 stores.It includes restaurants, teahouses, pawnshops banks, drugstores dye houses and publishing houses.In order to recreate the atmosphere of ancient times, visitors will have the chance to exchange their money to ancient style Chinese coins for use here.Storefronts are trimmed with traditional signboards and ornaments.The commercial culture of the mid-18th century has thus been recreated.(Atop the stone bridge inside the Suzhou Shopping Street)

visitors may be surprise to see that this shopping street is almost the same as that in South China.As a matter of fact, this street was designed after the shops along the canals in Suhzhou.Originally known as Emperor` s Shopping Street, it was built during the reign of Emperor Qianlong.After making several inspection tours to South China and being duly impressed by its commercial prosperity, Emperor Qian

long ordered the construction of this street.The imperial shopping street was burnt down by Anglo-French allied forces in 1860.The site remained desolated until 1987, when reconstruction began.It was opened to the public in September 1990.With commercial culture as its hallmark, the Suzhou Shopping Street is a vivid representation of China` s traditional cultures.(On the road from the south fate of the suzhou shopping street to the marble boat)

This is the hall of Pines.From it to the west we can walk to the Marble Boat.The path we aree taking stretches between Longevity Hill and Back Lake.Monarchs and their cohorts used to stroll along it.Hence it was named Central Imperial Path.Along this path you will see lilacs all around.Hence, this road is also known as the Path of Lilac.(In front of the ruins of the Garden of complete spring)

Quite a few unique structures were burnt down during the reign of emperor Qianlong, among which the Garden of Complete Spring was one of the most famous.The ruined and desolate courtyard by the roadside was its original site, it remains to be restored.This group of structures cover an area of 4,000 square meters and features a number of halls built on three different levels.All of the structures were connected with galleries and stone staircases.With its natural and ingenious combination of pavilions, a hall, galleries and rooms, the Garden of Complete Spring serves as a fine model for other gardens.Emperor Qianlong frequently visited this compound.(Along the lakeside by the Marble Boat)

Now we have returned from the back of Longevity Hill to the front.There is the famous Marble Boat.This structure is 36 meters in length and its body was made

of marble.On top of it is a two storeyed structure.The floor was paved with colored bricks.All of the windows are inlaid with multi-colored glass and the ceiling was decorated with carved bricks.The drainage system channels rain water down through four hollow concrete pillars and into the lake through the mouth of dragon heads.According to a book written by Emperor Qianlong, the boat was used for enjoying the scenery and was supposed to be symbolic of the stability of the Qing Dynasty.Halfway up the slope there stands the Hall for listening to Orioles.The ancient Chinese liken the warble of an oriole to beautiful songs and melodies, hence the name of the hall which used to be a theater.Now the hall is one of the most famous restaurants in China, featuring imperial dishes and desserts.It is a must for many foreign visitors to have lunch here when then come to Beijing.More than one hundred heads of state worldwide have dined here and the late Premier Zhou Enlai has held banquets here in honor of state guests.(Sightseers who want to try the restaurant can go boating after they eat.Those who do not can go abroad right away.Those who do not feel like taking the boat can stoll along the Long Corridor to the outside of the East Gate).(Boating on Kunmin Lake)

we are now going to enjoy the lakeside scenery from a pleasure boat.As a main part of the Summer Palace, Kunming Lake covers an area of 220 hectares, or three fourths of the combined space of this summer resort.This natural lake is more than 3500 years old.This lake was originally called Wengshan Lake.In 1749 Emperor Qianlong ordered the construction of Qingyi Garden, the predecessor of the Summer Palace.Involving nearly 10,000 laborers, the lake was expanded and turned into a peach-shaped reservoir, the first of its kind for Beijing.From 1990 to 1991, the Beijing Municipal Government ordered the first dredging

of the lake in 240 years.Involving 200,000 men and hundreds of dredgers and other tools, a total of 625,600 cubic meters of sludge was dredged and 205 bombs dropped by the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War were removed.The summer palace set a precedent for sightseeing by boat.There used to be a large imperial flotilla, of which the “Kunming Merry Dragon” was the most famous.It was destroyed by the Anglo-French allied forces in 1860.To make the tour of the Summer Palace a more pleasant one, a large pleasure boat “Tai He ”(Supreme Harmony)was built.This double –decked boat is 37.09 meters long,8,59 meters wide and 10.49 meters high.It can travel at a speed of 9 kilometer per hour.Small pleasure boats are also available to tourist.Another major spot of interest on the Western causeway is Jingming(Bright View)Hall.Both its front and rear face the lake.This structure also features three two-storeyed halls of varying heights.Our tour is drawing to a close as we approach the shore.Today we only visited the major scenic areas of the Summer Palace.I have left other spot of interest for your next visit.I will show you out through the East Gate.I hope you enjoyed today` s tour.Thank you.Good-bye and good luck.



Hello, my fellow friends,Welcome to Lijiang---this beautiful place.It’s my great honor to be your guide.Today I will take you to the ancient town of Lijiang.A Brief Introduction to Lijiang

We will get there in a few minutes.So now I will give you a brief introduction to Lijiang.It is located in Lijing Prefecture in the Northwest of Yunnan province.The population of Lijiang Prefecture is over 1 million involving 21 nationalities, for example, the Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Pumi,etc.And later you will see the houses of Naxi people in the ancient town.LijiangPrefecture is the major tourist area of Yunnan Province.It contains beautiful natural resources, unique minority amorous feelings, age-old minority cultures, and rich tourist resources.The scenic spots are mainly scattered in Lijiang County and Ninglang County.We can conclude them into:” two mountains, one town, one lake, one river, one culture and one folk custom.”.Two mountains refer to Yulong Snow Mountains and Laojun Mountains, one town is Dayan Town, one lake refers to Lugu lake, one river is Jinsha river, one culture is Dongba Culture and one folk custom refers to the Moso people’s custom, which we call the “Aixa”.What does that mean? I will leave it to you to discover.So you see Lijiang, with its rich resources in plants and animals, the natural beauties and the amazing minority folk customs, attracting more and more tourists from home and abroad.Soon we will get the the Ancient town of Lijiang, it has a history of almost a thousand years.The scenes are unique and unconventional.It is one of the best historical, cultural cities at the state level in China.It consists of three parts: Dayan、Baisha、Shuhe.So why is it called Dayan? Because it is in the middle of Lijiang basin, and the Lijiang basin looks like a big inkstone, and in Chinese the pronunciation of that is “yan”.What’s more,it is also a unique city throughout China.Have you heard about it? Yeah,it is a city which has no walls.It expresses the open-minded character of Naxi people.TheEntrance

Ok, everyone, this is the entrance of the Dayan town.Maybe you have already notice the couple of the water wheels over there.Do you know the function of it ? It is used to transport water and to make use of hydropower to grind grains and crops.Besides it is the Chinese Characters written by Jiang Zeming.And there is an eye-catching pillar, we call it “Dragon Post”, which means the water dragon and indicates the wish to avoid the fire in the town.Let’s get inside and have a look.The Dayan town is famous in China for its old and simple architectural style and the elegant art for the lay-out of the town.In the town the Yuquan River winds in many streams across the town and past all the houses.The roads here are parallel to the streams, and the door of each house is facing a stream.Whatever street and whatever lane you go in ,there is a small stream with small bridges across it here and there.As a saying indicates : A house beside a stream with a small briage across it makes a wonderful scene which you can only find here.” That’s why we regard Dayan town to be the “Oriental Venice”.SifangStreet

Here we are.In the center of the ancient town, here is the Sifang Street.It is a place for country fair trades.Since ancient times, Sifang Street has been a collecting and distributing center of all kinds of products with travelers and traders going and coming everywhere.On a market day people of different minorities in their unique costumes come here to do business and make the place crowed and noisy.If you spend a whole day here, you can experience the poetic changes here.In the morning, the street stretch its arms and woke up;in the midday, it becomes a busy man;When the night comes, the light is on, it changes into a dressed young lady;And at night it becomes quiet and fell asleep.Why the street has a name of “Sifang”? There are two kinds of explanation, one is that the ancient leader in Lijiang named it with a meaning of “spread his power around”, and the other is that “Sifang” in Chinese means four directions, and the street has people and goods from every area.Do you know how do people clean the square? They create three wooden boards as a movable sluice in the western river.When the water overflows, it will remove the sluice, then the streets can be washed automatically.How wonderful!


Now you can see the Kegong Archway.“Kegong” means achievements in imperial examinations.A question for you,do you know why do people construct the archway? It is used to commemorate three successful candidates in imperial exam at provincial level.What amazing is that they all came from the same family.So you can understand how much people care about the imperial exam.Ok, that’s all for my introduction, now you have 30 minutes to appreciate the nearby scenery, help yourselves!Please be careful and take your time!


Hi everyone, welcome to Baiyun Mountain.Now I will introduce the famous mountain to you.The Baiyun Mountain is located in the south of Song County, only 180 kilometers away from Luoyang City.It was proclaimed a national forest park by the Ministry of Forestry of China and became a national protection area in 1998.It was honored one of the “Top Ten Spots in Luoyang”and one of the 4A spots.There are beautiful hills and strange rocks with many stories.With the total area of 45 square kilometers,the Baiyun Mountain has two perfections and four wonders.About two perfections,one is its good location.It covers part of the Yellow River Valley,the Changjiang River Valley and the Huaihe River Valley,and is the shared source of the Baihe River,the Yihe River and the Ruhe River.The other is its varied topography.It has 37 peaks over 1,500 meters above the sea level and an open basin in the middle area.As for the four wonder,the first is animals and plants.There are 1,991 kinds of plants and 204 kinds of animals here.The second is its comfortable climate with rich rainfall,cool summer,and fresh air.The third is its various natural wonders such as steep peaks like the Baiyun Mountaion and the Yuhuangding Peak,its forest such as azalea,waterfalls and pools such as the Ninedragon Waterfall and the Black Dragon Waterfall,and caves such as the White Cloud Cave and so on.The fourth is its unique geology.It has the stratigraphic successions of Paleozoic Era igneous rocks, and veinstones.The Baiyun Mountain collect not only the grandness of northern mountains but also beauty of the southern ones.It becomes a comprehensive spot for sightseeing, holiday, and scientific research.It is composed of five scenic spots with their own beauty.They are the Baiyun Mountain,the Yuhuangding Peak,the Nine-dragon Waterfall,the Natural Forest and Small Mount Huang.(Before the entrance gate)This grand building with white walls and yellow ridge is the entrance gate.“Baiyun Mountain”was written by Qigong,a famous calligrapher.Its style is a copy of honorific arch with two middle posts about 13.3 meters high and the two side posts about 12.3 meters high.The couplet on it says that it is the fairyland with rich forest,luxurious plants,beautiful peaks,white clouds and clear water.Looking from the Viewing Stand you can enjoy the Baiyun Mountain covered with mist.The peak towering into clouds is the Baiyun Peak,about 2,058 meters high.The road to the center of the spot zigzags around the mountains.The temperature of the hottest days is lower than 26 because of its altitude,rich forest and moist climate.It's a good place for summer holiday.There are seven beautiful peaks bathing in white clouds all the year round in the Baiyun Mountain Spot.A cave at the top is named the White Cloud Cave.With many wonders,rich trees and animsls around us,we feel as if we were in a fairyland.(At the foot of the Baiyun Peak)The Baiyun Mountain is grand,grotesque as well as beautiful.While climbing you feel fresh and can enjoy the beauty of all the mountains.We will get to the top after mounting many steep peaks.Along the way from the foot to the place about 1,800 meters high,we'll get to the Rest Pavilion when we have conquered three peaks.(Before the White Cloud Cave)This cave hides behind rich tree and clouds.It is about 27 meters deep,6 meters wide and 3 meters hingh with a plain room inside and many side caves.There is an ever-running stream inside.It was said that the White Snake stayed here before she went to Mount Emei.(On the top of the Baiyun Mountain)At the moment,you experience that “I'll climb up to the summit and the mountains below all look tiny!''This large rock lying here with a stone mouse on its back is the Stone from the Heaven.(On the Heaven Bridge)This wooden bridge connects the northern peaks with the middle ones.Standing here,we can look up at the Sky Seam and down at the deep valley.(On the Immortal Bridge)This is a unique stone bridge named Immortal Bridge with natural openings and surface,and with pines and flowers around.It was said that Iron-stick Li,one of the Immortals changend the stone into this bridge.Now we're at the Jade Emperor Peak.We'll see many natural wonders here.(At the White Clouds Lake)This man-made lake is about 500 meters above the sea level.It is clear,and harmonious with the environment around it.(At the Jade Emperor Pool)It was said that the Jade Emperor had bathed here.It's a wonder with beautiful mountains,trees,and flowers,and chirping birds.A saing goes that there are four distinct seasons and different climates simultaneously in mountains.The plants here are a good explanation for it.The higher the altitude,the lower the temperature.The plants are in vertical distribution.From the bottom to the top,we can see different plant belts in order along the road,such as broadleaf mixed forest,birch belt,and azalea belt.It was honored a natural museum by experts.(At the Jade Emperor Steps)The steps,about 1.5 meters long and 0.4 meter wide each before us,have 198 steps in total to the Jade Emperor Peak.The next stop is the Jade Emperor Gate.Through it,we'll get to the top of the peak to appreciate sunrise and clouds.(On the top of the Jade Emperor Peak)Now we are standing on the top of the Jade Emperor Peak,about 2,212 meters above the sea level,the highest peak in this scenic spot.It's one of the best places to watch sunrise.These beautiful flowers are azalea flowers,some of which are red,some are white,and some have other colors.They spread over the mountains.The total area of these azalea trees covers over 1,000 mu.They bloom in May and June.Please look at this azalea tree,and it is the biggest one here,covering 60 square meters.Well,we have got to the beautiful Nine-dragon Waterfall Spot.The main attraction is the rich forest and waterfalls in quiet valleys.It's the best of the Baiyun Mountain Forest park.They are the Black Dragon Pool,the Yellow Dragon Pool,the Pearl Pool,and the Nine-dragon Waterfall.Please look at this flat stone beside the water.What's it like? It is like a crocodile, looking at the stream.(At the Black Dragon Pool)This is the Biack Dragon Pool with waterfall falling down from the cliff ten meters above it.”The pine in the rock twists like Playing with the Black Dragon Pool", so people name it Black Dragon Pool.Nobody knows how deep it is.The workers had texted it with two 70-memterlong ropes.Finally they had to give up because the ropes couldn't reach the bottom.(At the Yellow Dragon Pool)IT gets its name form its shape.Under it there are two jars about 20memters high with glossy wall.Between the runs out of the pool and froms a waterfall falling into the two jars with scattering drops and loud sounds.With a greeting pine on the top, they from a beautiful picture of waterfall and pine, a good place for taking pictures.That is the highest jumping stand in Asia now.(At the Pearl Pool)The tiny stream from thetop carved the rocks yearafter year and formed a pool.It is said that tigers had here.So it is called Tiger-bathing Pool.This cliff we see is the Thousand-feet Cliff or the White Dragon Cliff.On its top.a plank road about 500memters long was built.On the left, the White Dragon Waterfall falls downabout 60 memters.A folk song says that the White Dragon Cliff is so dangerous that even the hawk and the Immortals can't walk om.You see, streams through the upper pools fall down here like a roaring dragon, and you can take a picture here.This hanging viewing stand is part of the 800-memter long plank road.From the viewing stand, you can the clear sky, steep cliffs, beautiful pools and listen to pines and birds.(Before the Nine-dragon Waterfall)This waterfall about 103 memters high is like a big curtain.Under the sunshine, rainbows arch over the waterfall at about 9:00 in the morning.This peak before us can match with Mount Huang.So people call it Small Mount Huang.The highest peak is about 1,845 memters with many steep peaks around.the pines in the rocks extend their hands to greet visitors.(Beside the Gong and Drun Cave)The Gong and Cave is hiding in trees, about 34 memters deep, 17 memter wide and 18 memters high.IT is said that indicated favorable weather for crops when the songs gong and drum went out.Beside this, there is a small pool in the cave.It never overflows and people can't make it dry.Nobody knows why.Please have a try if you like.Walking toward south from the Baiyun Hotel, we enter the rich forest, the mixing belt of plants and animals both living in South China and in North China.There are over 200 kinds of animals and 1,900 kinds of plants.The coverage of tree is 98%.The temperature is no more than 26℃ in the hottest days.It's a good place for visitors to explore and spend summer holiday.Here you will see various trees such as metasequoia, Chinese yew, beautiful flowers and grees and some rare animals such as deer, etc.The Baiyun Mountain is the world of wild fruits such as hedgehog hydnum, pilose antler, ginkgo and so on.Now, we have to say goobay.Hope you have had a please trip here.Please take our regards to you families and friends.
