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编辑:春暖花香 识别码:23-1138764 14号文库 发布时间: 2024-09-14 13:01:22 来源:网络


校长室: School Master Office 常务副校长室: Deputy Vice-School Master Office 教务处: Dean Office 教研室: Teaching Research Section 办公室:Office 总务处:General Affairs Office 少先队大队部:Young Pioneers Group Headquarters 一、二年级办公室: Grade One to Grade Two Office 三、四年级办公室: Grade Three to Grade Four Office 五、六年级办公室: Grade Five to Grade Six Office 英语办公室:English Office 体育办公室:P.E.Office 计算机办公室:Computer Office 电脑房:Computer-Room 综合室: AV Room 多媒体 Multimedia Room 阅览室:Reading-Room 打印室:Printing-Room 广播室:Broadcasting Room 会议室:Meeting-Room 实验室:Lab 仪器室:Instrument-Room 体育器材室:Equipment-Room 卫星接收室:Satellite Received Room 少先队队室:Young Pioneers Group-Room 储藏室:Store-Room 心理辅导室: Psychological Guidance Room 党员活动室: CPC Members Activity Room 停车场:Parking Lot 学前(1):Kindergarten Class One 学前(2): Kindergarten Class Two 学前(3): Kindergarten Class Three 学前(4): Kindergarten Class Four 一(1)班:Class One, Grade One 一(2)班:Class Two, Grade One 一(3)班:Class Three, Grade One 一(4)班:Class Four, Grade One 二(1)班:Class One, Grade Two 二(2)班:Class Two, Grade Two 二(3)班:Class Three, Grade Two 二(4)班:Class Four, Grade Two 三(1)班:Class One, Grade Three 三(2)班:Class Two, Grade Three 三(3)班:Class Three, Grade Three 三(4)班:Class Four, Grade Three 四(1)班:Class One , Grade Four 四(2)班:Class Two, Grade Four 四(3)班:Class Three, Grade Four 四(4)班:Class Four, Grade Four 五(1)班:Class One, Grade Five 五(2)班:Class Two, Grade Five 五(3)班:Class Three, Grade Five 五(4)班:Class Four, Grade Five 六(1)班:Class One, Grade Six 六(2)班:Class Two, Grade Six 六(3)班:Class Three, Grade Six 六(4)班:Class Four, Grade Six


院领导:(翻译门牌)院长办公室 President 书记办公室 Secretary, Committee of Chinese Communist Party in CAS 学术委员会主任办公室 Chair, Academic Board 副书记办公室

Deputy Secretary, Committee of Chinese Communist Party in CAS 副院长办公室 Vice President

高级顾问办公室Senior Advisor to President 工会主席办公室 Chair, Labor Union 监事会主席办公室 Chair, Inspection Board

院长助理办公室 Assistant President 注:除高级顾问、院长助理、监事会主席、工会主席、学术委员会主任外做两块。

中层:尺寸18cmX45cm 全为1块


Director, President’s Office 教务处处长 Director, Office of Teaching Affairs 学术委员会办公室主任 Director, Administrative Office of Academic Board 学生工作处处长 Director, Office of Student Affairs 党委办公室主任

General Office Director, Committee of Chinese Communist Party in CAS 党委组织部部长Director of Organization Department, Committee of Chinese Communist Party in CAS 党委纪检办主任

Director of Discipline Inspection Office, Committee of Chinese Communist Party in CAS 党委宣传部部长Director of Publicity Department, Committee of Chinese Communist Party in CAS 高等教育研究所所长 Director, Institute for Research on Higher Education 保卫处处长

Director, Office of Public Safety 人事处处长

Director, Office of Human Resources 招生处处长 Director, Admission Office 后勤处处长 Director, Office of Facilities Operations and Logistic Service 图书馆馆长(杨林)Librarian 人文学院院长 Dean, School of Chinese Language Studies 经济学院院长 Dean, School of Economics 工商管理学院院长

Dean, School of Business 艺术传媒学院院长 Dean, School of Fine Arts 外语学院院长

Dean, School of Foreign Languages 城市学院院长 Dean, School of Civil Structural Engineering 信息工程学院院长 Dean, School of Information Technology 体育学院院长 Dean, Department of Physical Education


杨林校区:(18cmx45cm)一块 经济学院 School of Economics 人文学院 School of Chinese Language Studies 工商管理学院 School of Business 艺术传媒学院 School of Fine Arts 外语学院 School of Foreign Languages 城市学院 School of Civil Structural Engineering 信息工程学院 School of Information Technology 马列部 Center for General Education Courses 大学外语教学部 Center for University-level Language Courses 体育学院 Department of Physical Education 龙泉路用:(40cmX60cm)一块 经济学院

School of Economics 人文学院 School of Chinese Language Studies 工商管理学院 School of Business 艺术传媒学院School of Fine Arts 外语学院 School of Foreign Languages 城市学院 School of Civil Structural Engineering 信息工程学院 School of Information Technology 马列部 Center for General Education Courses 大学外语教学部 Center for University-level Language Courses 体育系 Department of Physical Education

行政部门:(18cmx45cm)红颜色的做2块, 其余为1块 教务处 Office of Teaching Affairs

教学设备管理中心Teaching Facilities Service 招生处(龙泉)Admission Office

学生工作处 Office of Student Affairs 团委 Committee of Chinese Youth League in CAS 就业指导中心(龙泉)Career Placement Center 财务处 Office of Finance

马列部 Center for General Education Courses 培训部 Office of Non-degree Programs and Extra-Curriculum Study 后勤处 Office of Facilities Operations and Logistic Service 学院办公室 President’s Office 保卫处 Office of Public Safety 学术委员会办公室(龙泉)Administrative Office of Academic Board 车队办公室 Office of Transportation Service 教学督导组办公室(龙泉)Office of Academic Inspection Team 党委组织部 Organization Department, Committee of Chinese Communist Party in CAS 党委纪律检查办公室 Discipline Inspection Office, Committee of Chinese Communist Party in CAS 党委宣传部 Publicity Department, Committee of Chinese Communist Party in CAS 党委办公室 General Office, Committee of Chinese Communist Party in CAS 人事处(龙泉)Office of Human Resources 国际交流处(龙泉)Office of International Affairs 基建处 Office of Infrastructure Development 信息处 IT Office 图书馆办公室 Library Office 董事长 Chancellor, Director of Board 董事会办公室 General Office of University Board 董事会办公室主任 Director, General Office of University Board 董事会办公室副主任 Deputy Director, General Office of University Board 董事会法律事务办公室主任 Director, Advisory Service to University Board on Legal Affairs 会议室4个(办公楼408、504、后勤楼、杨林辅教楼3303)Meeting Room



校长室Principal’s Office

副校长室Vice Principal’s Office 党支部 Branch of the Party 行政办公室Administrative Office 总务处General Affairs Department 财务室Financial Office 教科处

(一)Teaching and Research DepartmentⅠ 教科处

(二)Teaching and Research DepartmentⅡ 工会Teachers’Union

教育督导工作室Educational Administration Supervision Office 团委CYL Committee 安全办公室Safety Management Office 德育处 Moral Education Department 亲情室 Family Contacting Room

心理咨询室Psychological Consultation Room 行政会议室Administrative Meeting Room 支部活动室Party Member Function Room 教师会议室Teachers’ Meeting Room 文印室Printing Room 广播室Broadcasting Room 图书阅览室Reading Room 音乐活动室Music Classroom 美术活动室Art Classroom 体育保管室 P.E.Equipment Room 卫生室 School Clinic 科技活动室 Science Room 劳动制作室D.I.Y Room


(一)Computer RoomⅠ 计算机室

(二)Computer RoomⅡ 物理实验室

(一)Physics LabⅠ 物理实验室

(二)Physics LabⅡ 化学实验室Chemistry Lab 生物实验室Biology Lab 远程教育办公室Distance Education Office 物理实验准备室Physics Experiment Preparation Room 化学实验准备室Chemistry Experiment Preparation Room 生物实验准备室Biology Experiment Preparation Room 七年级办公室 Teachers’ office of Grade Seven 八年级办公室Teachers’ office of Grade Eight

九年级办公室Teachers’ office of Grade Nine 男厕所(4块)Men’s Room 女厕所(4块)Women’s Room


Class 1, Grade 7 Class 2, Grade 7 Class 3, Grade 7 Class 4, Grade 7 Class 5, Grade 7 Class 6, Grade 7 Class 1, Grade 8 Class 2, Grade 8 Class 3, Grade 8 Class 4, Grade 8 Class 5, Grade 8 Class 6, Grade 8 Class 1, Grade 9 Class 2, Grade 9 Class 3, Grade 9 Class 4, Grade 9 Class 5, Grade 9 Class 6, Grade 9


























