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编辑:空山新雨 识别码:24-1004937 15号文库 发布时间: 2024-05-22 13:25:06 来源:网络


赶时髦(go after fashion)

A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited!时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋!

B: Are there any good!这有什么好的!

A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes;they looked pretty nice to me.I think you don’t like it!Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么?

B: It was dumb.I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that.这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。

A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.仁者见仁,智者见智。

B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets? 你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上?

A: Yes, I do.At least, some people certainly can.They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth.是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。

B: Well.I still think they're dumb.It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。

A: So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B: If you wear it I must speak nice!如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看!A: I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。B: Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!2 食品安全(food security)A :the problems of domestic food safety are appearing constantly,And have your heard problem of oranges? 国内食品安全问题不断显现,你听说过问题橘子吗?


A:There are fresh citrus maggots.County on a buried 2500 kilos, and several provinces nationwide have.有新鲜的柑橘生了蛆虫。县里埋了2500公斤,全国好几个省都有这种状况。

B: How terrible.Now the domestic food security is really bad.多么可怕。现在国内食品安全是非常糟糕的。

A: U.S.do better in this piont.在这一点上美国做的更好。

B:Ah, which the United States did manage very well.What is their experience? 啊,美国确实做的很好。他们有什么经验? A: the right OF FDA in the United States is power,and Very strict law enforcement.在美国,食品药物管理局的权利非常大,而且执法非常严格。

B:is there more success experience?有更多的成功经验吗?

A:It's a fairly standard market, no hawker stalls and food in the supermarket, food into the supermarket to go through inspection, so the food will not get home as domestic so fresh.要有一个相当标准的市场,没有小贩的摊档和食品在超市,食品经过超市的检查,这样只要食物不是很新鲜就不会被带回家

B:How should people buy safe food?你认为人们该如何购买安全食品?

A:When we choose food, we must remember to check its tag, confirming whether the basic information is marked on it, including ingredients, producer, shelf life and particularly date of manufacture.选择食品时,我们一定要记住查看标签,确认上面是否标注基本信息,包括配料、生产厂家、保质期,尤其是生产日期。

B:Why does food contamination occur frequently these days?为什么食品污染问题现在频繁发生?

A:Because the food manufactures are so obsessed with making money that they lose the business ethics.They no longer take food safety as their priority.因为食品生产者惟利是图,丧失了商业道德。他们不再把食品安全当作首要问题。饮食与健康(food and healthy)

A:Health is very important for our body.And healthy foods plays a very important role in it.So,what do you think is a healthy diet?健康对于我们的身体是十分重要的。而且健康的食物在这里扮演了一个十分重要的角色。所以,你认为什么是健康的饮食?

B:A healthy diet should contain all the essential nutrients.健康的饮食应包含所有必需的营养物质。

A:How could people eliminate food contamination nowadays?现在人们怎样才能杜绝食品污染事件?

B:The government should set strict rules and regulations to standardize the production of food and punish severely those violators.政府应制定严格的规章制度来规范食品生产,并且严惩违法者。

A:Why does food contamination occur frequently these days?为什么食品污染问题现在频繁发生? B:Because the food manufactures are so obsessed with making money that they lose the business ethics.They no longer take food safety as their priority.因为食品生产者惟利是图,丧失了商业道德。他们不再把食品安全当作首要问题。

A:Why do many people suffer from heart disease recently?最近为什么很多人患上了心脏病?

B:I suppose it is because the improved living conditions provide people with more refined grain and meat.Consequently, people have an excessive amount of fat which leads to heart disease.我认为这是由于生活条件改善,人们有了更多细粮和肉类。结果就摄入了过量的脂肪,从而引起了心脏病。

A:What’s your eating habit?你有什么饮食习惯?

B:I have a balanced diet and I always have meals in a regular way.我饮食均衡,而且吃饭有规律。

A:How do you keep fit?你怎样保持健康?

B:I am not particular about food and I often do exercise as long as I have free time.我不挑食,而且一有时间就会运动。

A:Do you have fast food very often?你经常吃快餐吗?

B:No, I seldom eat fast food because it’s rich in fat.And I want to keep a slender shape.不,我几乎不吃快餐,因为它含有很多脂肪。而我想保持苗条的体形。

A:What are the advantages of transgenic food?转基因食品有什么优点? B:Transgenic technology can increase the yield of the crops and give the crops such attributes as insect-resistance or drought-resistance.转基因技术可以提高农作物的产量,使它们具有抗病虫、耐干旱等特性。

A:What do you think of instant noodles? 你认为方便面怎么样?

B:On the one hand, it is easy to prepare and thus brings convenience to our busy life.On the other hand, it is harmful to our health since it contains preservatives.一方面,方便面易于准备,因此给我们忙碌的生活带来了便利。另一方面,由于它含有防腐剂,所以对健康有害。金融危机(financial)

A:We all know that in the past couple of years ,the financial crisis attracted the worldwide attention, for it's the worse economic recession since the Great Depression in the 1930s and no country is spared from the current crisis, it had more severe effects on the developed countries.我们都知道,在过去的几年中,金融危机引起了全世界的关注,自30年代大萧条起,经济衰退得越来越糟糕,并且没有一个国家能免于当前的危机,它已经严重影响的发达国家。B:I believe that it's a nature link of the ecnomic cycle.There is no reason doubt that ,after the recession , recovery and prosperity would come follow, and then it enter into another cycle.我相信,这是一个自然连接的经济周期。没有任何理由怀疑,衰退之后,恢复和繁荣会跟随,再进入另一个周期。

A:As the saying goes :“ Every coin has its two side.”Somebody went bankrupt in this financial turmoil, while some other people take the chance.For instance my cousin take the opportunity bought a suite room with a rather cheap price.常言道:“每个硬币都有两面。”在这场金融风暴的打击中,有人破产了,而其他一些人却抓住了机会。比如我的表弟趁机以一个相当低廉的价格买了一套房。

B:Of course, the government would take some effect measure to mitigate the impact of the current global economic and financial crisis rather than leave it rot.当然,政府会采取一些有效措施来减轻目前的全球经济和金融危机的影响而不让它腐烂。

A:I know.It advise the American change the way of life.我知道,它建议美国改变生活方式。

B:Do you think what caused te financial crisis?你认为是什么造成了经济危机? A:I think we can sum up the cause of our current economic crisis in one word — GREED.我想我们可以总结我们目前的经济危机的原因是一个词——贪婪。

B:What impact it will have in China.对中国会有什么影响吗?

A:The international financial crisis is becoming more and more worse, the impact on the Chinese economy is also further expansion, it even extended into every aspect of society.For example, manufacturing, energy, food, IT„ and so on..国际金融危机变得越来越糟,对中国经济的影响也进一步扩大,甚至扩展到社会的各个方面。例如,制造业,能源,食品,它„„等等。互联网的利与弊(advantages and disadvantages of internet)

A:With the development of computer technology, the Internet has become more and more popular.随着计算机技术的发展,互联网越来越受欢迎。

B:Yeah, but do you think students should surf the internet after class.?是啊,但是你认为学生在放学后应该去上网吗?

A:Yes,I do.I regard it as a great helper.是的,我这么认为。我认为网络是一个好帮手。


A:For example, you can surf the Internet for any information you need in a short time without working hard in the library.比如说,网络上你可以在很短的时间内找到任何你想要的信息,而不需要在图书管理辛苦的去查找。B:oh,it sounds so convenient.哦,那样听起来很方便。

A:Yeah,it is convenient to communicate with others by using the Internet.是的,用互联网来和别人传递信息是很方便的。

B: However, many people think that there are many disadvantages of the Internet, because there is also some information that is not good for the students.但是,不少人认为互联网也有很多缺点,因为这里也有许多对学生来说不健康的信息。

A: That’s also true.Well, it will not only have a bad effect on study but also do harm to our health if we spend too much time to play games on line.那倒也是,而且如果花费太多的时间在网络游戏上不仅会对我们的学习造成不良的影响,而且也不利于我们的健康。

B: What do you think we should do?那你认为我们该怎么做?

A: We should make proper use of the Internet.It is of great importance for us to separate good plants from wild weeds.我们应该合理使用网络,学会分辨好与坏的能力对我们来说是很重要的。


1.What is addiction? What are the things people can easily get addicted to? An addiction is the condition of being dependent on a drug, or the crave 渴望,乞求

to do something because one cannot stop doing it.One can be addicted to cigarette smoking, drugs and the Internet.2.Why do you think some people, especially young people, take drugs? Some people take drugs to feel good.Others take drugs to temporarily forget their problems.And still some others take drugs to reduce stress.Young people may try drugs out of curiosity, or may be tempted to take drugs because of peer pressure.3.Why is drug abuse such a threat to our society?What can we do to prevent or reduce drug abuse? Drug abuse harms not just the abusers, but also their loved ones, their family and society at large.A drug addict will resort to crime and violence or any means to get money to buy drugs.The behavior will be a threat to our society.Punishment alone is not an effective way to help drug users quit drugs or stop drug users from committing crimes.In order to prevent drug abuse, we can launch drug education programs to teach young people about the risks involved, toughen laws to prevent drug offenses, and make greater efforts to crack down on drug trafficking 交通来往.毒品交易

1.What do you think are the causes of war? War breaks out because of religious conflicts,economic disputes.Throughout the history, most wars have been waged to protect the economic interests of superpower.2.Consequences(结果,推论)of War/What damage does war do to mankind? War is a human tragedy.Millions of people die and families fall apart as a result of war.For example, in peace-time sons bury fathers, but war violates the order of nature and fathers bury sons.On the other hand, war is costly in money, resources and human lives.What is worse, disputes often persist after wars.3.What is your favorite book or movie about war?How dose it affect you and your attitude toward war? My favorite movie about war is赤壁,from the movie I know that if a country is attacked,it has the right to fight.What’s more,to prepare for war is one of the best ways to preserve peace.1.What does aging mean?How old are people considered elderly? Aging is the natural process of growing old.It refers to a decline in all areas of a person’s mental and physical abilities.People over 65 years old are generally considered elderly or senior citizens.2.How should we treat old people? Old people are an asset of society.They are more experienced and responsible.But Old age is often accompanied by various kinds of illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.A typical sign of aging is forgetful-ness.So We should treat old people with respect, affection, patience, and kindness , take good care of them, especially when they are sick.3.What problems may people have as they grow old? Many elderly people suffer from varying degrees of memory loss.A typical sign of aging is forgetfulness, decline in vision and hearing and weakening of muscle strength.1.Why do some young people pick up smoking? Some young people may have picked up smoking out of curiosity.And some young people may have picked up smoking because they thought it was cool.2.How harmful is smoking to smokers? Smoking is harmful to one’s health.For example,smoking is known as a fatal cause of lung cancer.Smoking is also found to be related to other types of cancer.3.In what places has smoking already been banned? Are you in favor of this policy or not? Why? I think all public places should at least partially ban smoking.Besides,all public places should create a smoke-free area for non-smokers.4.What troubles can a smoker have if he works in a non-smoking environment? Once you become addicted to smoking, it will be hard to quit the habit.Whether a smoker can give up smoking or not depends on his will, his determination and the support of his friends and family.5.Is smoking also harmful to nonsmokers? In what way? Smoking is dangerous not only to the smokers themselves but also to the nonsmokers around them.Passive smoking can also cause lung cancer.1.What is the general attitude toward wealth in our society? Modern life is built around money.Money, whatever form it takes, is essential for buying goods and services.In a commercialized society, money ranks very high in people's value system.2.Do you think money can bring happiness? Why or why not? Money does not necessarily bring us happiness.It brings you medicine, but not health.Happiness does not depend on the amount of money you have.A happy man is one who is content, whether he is rich or poor.3.How is life different for the rich as compared with the not-so-rich? For the rich,good education,travel,luxury and security are all readily available.While the poor attain these with great difficulty,if at all.4.Do you think wealth is a source of happiness or a source of problem.For me,wealth is a source of happuness.As is known to all,modern life is built around money.Whatever form it takes, is essential for buying goods and services.1.What is memory? Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use.2.What techniques do you use to help you remember things? Whether you can remember things well or not depends on the way you try to remember them.Don't try to memorize all the facts, but focus your attention on what you consider more important.It is impossible to concentrate if you are tense or nervous.Try to relax and you'll remember things.3.How can we improve our memory?

Memory is like a muscle---the more it is used, the better it gets.So if we want to improve our memory,try to use our memory to the utmost.Learning new skills could stimulate our brain.1.What is the purpose of an oral presentation?

Our performance in oral presentations will form an important part of the overall assessment of our work.We are often expected to give oral presentations to our classmates and teachers.2.How can we make our presentations more effective?

In giving an oral presentation, we should not only organize information and ideas coherently but also deliver the speech in a clear and vivid way.Using charts, photos and computer graphics can help us to get our message across.3.What is OHP and what are its functions?

The OHP is a device which projects enlarged images from transparencies onto a screen or a white wall.Using an overhead projector enables the audience to see the charts, diagrams and photos clearly.Using an overhead projector enables the audience to follow a presentation more easily.1)In what sense do you think we can regard the world we live in as One World? The world in which we live gives birth to the human race and nurtures the human race.Besides,Contacts between cultures promote understanding among peoples of the world.What’s more,With the rapid development of transportation means and the information technology the world is getting smaller and smaller.So we can say that........2)Do you think people in the world are largely similar? Why or why not? All human beings have the need to eat, to have shelter, and to work.They also need to love others and be loved.We, people of the world, are one big family, for together we exist, and together we try to make the world better for all.Although people in different countries have different traditions, they all seem to celebrate certain days such as New Year’s Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, etc.3)What are the traditions of birthday celebrations in some Western countries? How do they differ from the Chinese ones? Cakes, lights, and candles are often associated with the celebration of a person’s birthday in many Western countries.In China, special noodles are served for lunch in honor of the birthday person.The noodles are extra long to symbolize longevity or a long life.1.What do cultural differences mean? People from different countries speak different languages, keep different value systems, and have different ways of looking at things.These differences are generally called cultural differences.3.What problems may be caused by our failure to recognize cultural differences? Failure to recognize cultural differences may cause many problems.On the one hand, those who are uninformed about cultural differences may have difficulty communicating with their business associates from other cultures.On the other hand, inability to recognize cultural differences can make mutual understanding difficult.A certain amount of small talk about the weather, family, and personal hobbies is expected before getting down to business with your foreign associates.4.How can we deal with cultural differences? There are many ways to deal with cultural differences.For example,we can avoid unintentionally offending others by learning the basic characteristics of other cultures.For instance, we may ask our foreign friends about their everyday customs or take time to explain certain common customs of our own culture to them.1.What kind of friends do you think are true/good friends? A good friend is a real friend, and a real friend is a friend for life.A friend is, as it were, a second self.First, a friend is one whom you can count on, trust and talk to.Second, a friend is someone who will listen to you when you talk about your problems or before whom you may think aloud.What is more, a friend is a person who will help you if you are in trouble.Just as the saying goes: A friend in need is a friend indeed.2.How do you make friends? We should make friends with those who are kind-hearted, compassionate, caring, honest and thoughtful, because they are sincere and reliable.So don’t try to win a friend with gifts only.The only way to have a friend is to be one.3.What is true friendship? Friendship involves affection and intimacy.Friendship is based on warmth, trust and shared experience.True friendship is a plant of slow growth, the value of which can stand the test of time.True friendship is like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost.4.How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? Life without friends is like life on a desert island, and life without friendship is not worth living.Sharing joy and sorrow is the way to show your deep friendship.If you tell your joy to your friend, your joy will double.And if you pour your sorrow to your friend, your sorrow will be reduced by half.5.How can we keep friendship alive? Sharing your joy and sorrow with your friends can nurture friendship and keep friendship alive;keeping your friends informed about yourself can improve friendship, and make friendship permanent;remembering important days in your friends’ lives can promote friendship and keep friendship fresh in our minds.



I think the ideal life should be happy and comfortable, had a full and happy every day, don't have to worry about food and clothing live line, to do what you want to do and do, create their own value of life.例如,可以抽出时间看自己想看的书,见自己相见的人和去自己想去的地方。

For example, you can take time out to see oneself want to see of book, saw that they meet each other and to the places they want to go.工作对于一个人非常重要,因为工作是一个人实现价值和满足基本需求的需要。

Work is important for a person, because the work is a person value and meet the needs of the basic requirements.对于处理工作与休闲的关系,我认为工作时应该认真工作,提高工作效率,休闲时应该尽情享受,体验生活的乐趣。

To deal with the relationship between work and leisure, I think work should work in earnest, improve work efficiency, should enjoy leisure, experience the fun of life.白领应该是受过高等教育,工作能力强,衣食无忧的人,不喜欢,因为白领的生活方式不健康,比如:吃饭很快,不吃早餐,过度饮用咖啡

White-collar workers should be trained in higher education, work ability, desultory person, don't like it, because of the white-collar lifestyle is not healthy, such as: eat quickly, don't eat breakfast, excessive drinking coffee


A、巧玲:hello。Let’talk about the Telephone today.We know The telephone is one of the most welcome and useful inventions.No wonder more

and more families have got to use their own telephones today.电话是目前最受欢迎和最有用的发明之一,怪不得越来越多的人已经使用了自己的电话。

The telephone makes things easy in many ways.Especially, after the mobile telephone

appears, communication becomes easier and rapider.电话在许多方面使事情变得简单,尤


小慧,can you talk something about telephone?

B 小慧:YES,To students and people going out for business far away from their homes,the telephone can shorten the distance between them and their families.Thus they will get

comfort whenever they are homesick or they run into trouble.With the help of the telephone,people can keep in touch with anyone at any time and in any place for urgent help.、After all,there is this constant reminder of how he brought the human family into closer touch.毕竟有了这


B 小慧:But I don’ know the Telephone audio principles 但是我不知道 电话的传声原理

C 美容:Each phone is attached wires, an attached microphone, an earpiece

attached,Our voice into the telephone lines to carry current to the other

side of the handset, he heard our voices ;The other spoke, the sound of the

telephone line into a current spread of our handset,We heard his voice.每个电话都连着两根线,一头连着话筒,一头连着听筒,我们说话的声音变成电流通过电


线传到我们的听筒,我们就听到他的声音。With the development of societyTransistors replaced the old vacuum tubes ,and by the 1960s communications satellites eliminated

the necessity of landlines.Today, bundles of glass fibers carry calls on laser beams of light.随着社会的发展晶体管取代了真空管,到了60年代,通信卫星又消除了对地面线路的需要。


美容问:You all get the你们都明白了吧~?我们集体回答“是yes,ok”

A 巧玲:慧敏,Do you know the history of the telephone?

D 慧敏:Yes ,第一部电话的诞生It's the birth of the first telephone in theJune 2, 1875

telephone was born, Alexander by the Americans.Graham.Bell invented the telephone

1875年6月2日电话诞生,是由美国人亚历山大.格雷厄姆.贝尔发明的电话.The first voice to travel over a wire was even a surprise for its inventor.Alexander Graham

Bell.He was experimenting in his laboratory late one night, and quite by accident he

succeeded in transmitting a message to his assistant in the next room.What Mr.Bell could

not know at the time was that that night in 1875 would mark the start of a revolution in

communications.下面我们看一个视频了解详细的历史吧~please look at theVideo.(放完后

~ B 小慧:下面由来我介绍电话种类型有哪些~ The following types of origin of

introduced me to call what ~

Our study should end here我们的学习就到这里吧~ Thank you谢谢大家



























[1]Larry A Samovar.Communication between Cultures [M].Beijing,China:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,202_.
