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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:西方重要节日介绍

Valentine's Day is a saints day commemorating Saint Valentine on February 14.It is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other.The holiday is named after two men, both Christian martyrs among the numerous Early Christian martyrs named Valentine.The day became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.2.Easter, Pascha, or Resurrection Day, is an important religious feast in the Christian liturgical year.It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which Christians believe occurred on the third day after his crucifixion some time in the period AD 27 to 33.3.In the United States, Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day is an annual one-day holiday to give thanks to God,for the things one has at the end of the harvest season.It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November(The period from Thanksgiving Day to New Year's Day is often collectively referred to as the “holiday season,” and the holiday itself is often nicknamed Turkey Day.Thanksgiving is

generally considered a secular holiday, and is not directly based in religious canon or dogma.4.Christmas, also referred to as Christmas Day or Christmastide, is an annual holiday falling on December 25 or January 6.[1] that honors and celebrates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.His birth, which is the basis for the transcultural Western calendar, has been determined by modern historians as having occurred between 8–4 BC, and is traditionally told to have taken place in a stable within the city of Bethlehem.5.Halloween, or Hallowe'en, is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31.Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties, visiting “haunted houses” and carving jack-o-lanterns.The term Halloween(and its alternative rendering Hallowe'en)is shortened from All-hallow-even, as it is the eve of “All Hallows' Day”,[1] which is now also known as All Saints' Day.Irish and Scottish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century.Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century.Halloween is celebrated in several parts of the Western world, most commonly in Ireland, the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the United Kingdom and occasionally in parts of Australia and New Zealand.6.Mother's Day is a day honoring mothers, celebrated on various days in many

places around the world.Mothers often receive gifts on this day.7.Father's Day is a secular celebration inaugurated in the early twentieth century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and parenting by males, and to honor and commemorate fathers and forefathers.Father's Day is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide and typically involves gift-giving to fathers and family-oriented activities.8.April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day, though not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1.The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, enemies and neighbors, or sending them on fools' errands, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible.In some countries, April Fools' jokes(also called “April Fools”)are only made before noon on 1 April.情人节是2月14日纪念圣瓦伦丁的圣徒纪念日。这是情侣们表达爱意的传统节日。这个节日是以两个人的名字命名的,这两个人都是基督教殉道者,名字叫情人节。在中世纪的杰弗里乔叟的圈子里,这一天成为与浪漫爱情有关的一天,当宫廷的爱情传统蓬勃发展。.复活节, pascha,或复活日,是基督教礼拜式的的一个重要的宗教节日。它庆祝耶稣复活,基督徒相信耶稣在公元27到33间耶稣受难的第三天发生。

3.在美国,感恩节或感恩节是一个每年一天的节日,感谢上帝,因为在收获季节的结束。在11月的第四个星期四(从感恩节到元旦这段时间通常被统称为“假日季”),节日本身通常被称为“火鸡日”。感恩节通常被认为是一个世俗的节日,并不直接基于宗教教规或教条。.圣诞节,也称为圣诞节或christmastide,是一个年度假日,12月25日或1月6日。[ 1]这种荣誉和庆祝拿撒勒的耶稣诞生。他的出生是跨文化的西方日历的基础,现代历史学家认为他的出生在公元前8之间,传统上被告知在伯利恒市一个马厩进行。.万圣节,或万圣节,是一个节日庆祝在10月31日。传统的活动包括恶作剧或治疗,篝火,化装舞会,参观“鬼屋”和雕刻杰克灯。万圣节(和它的替代渲染万圣节)是缩短从所有的万圣节,因为它是“万圣节”前夕,现在也被称为万圣节。爱尔兰人和苏格兰移民在19世纪把传统带到了北美。其他西方国家接受了二十世纪后期的假期。在西方世界的一些地方庆祝万圣节,最常见的是在爱尔兰、美国、加拿大、波多黎各和英国,偶尔也在澳大利亚和新西兰部分地区。.母亲节是纪念母亲的一天,在世界上许多地方的许多地方庆祝。母亲们经常在这天收到礼物。.父亲节是在二十世纪早期开始的一个世俗的庆祝活动,旨在补充母亲庆祝父亲和父母养育子女的日子,以及纪念和纪念父亲和祖先。父亲节是在全世界各种日期庆祝的,通常涉及给父亲的礼物和家庭导向的活动。



小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:青春

Let's take steps to banish some of the most common negative thoughts many of us repeat to ourselves.Being in a negative space is harmful to our overall well-being, because what you dwell on can easily become self fulfilling if you don't change your mindset.让我们一起行动起来,消灭那些我们经常告诉自己的消极想法吧!如果你不改变想法,而是一味地沉浸在消极的念头中,那么,我们的整个身心就会受到影响,因为“噩梦”也会成真。

1.I'm not good enough.我不够好。

This type of negative thought that can apply to many categories.Maybe you don't think you're a good enough mother or good at a sport.Even if you find yourself lacking in something, there's no need to keep repeating it to yourself.The human brain is an incredible thing.Be inspired by Dr.Jill Bolte Taylor, Harvard-trained neuroscientist who suffered a stroke that left her unable to walk, read, write, talk, or remember her previous life.Dr.Taylor took eight years to recover and has since then written a best-selling book about her experience and appeared on Oprah.Keep on working toward something, and watch the leaps and

bounds you'll make.这种消极想法有很多类型。比如你认为自己不是个称职的妈妈或不擅长运动。即使你真的发现了自己的弱点,也没必要对自己不断复述。人脑是神奇的。吉尔泰勒就是个激励的好典型,她是哈佛大学的神经系统学专家,中风后她就失去了行走、阅读、书写、交谈的能力了,甚至还失忆了。她花了八年的时间复原,用自己的经历写了畅销书,还上了奥普拉的节目。坚持做一件事,亲眼见证自己的变化。

2.No one cares about me.没人关心我。

To accurately say that your family and friends don't care about you would be a very rare situation.Maybe you're being too negative and overlooking the gestures of love they show you.They don't even have to be big gestures, but it's the little things they do for you that count.And people may be reacting to the energy you're putting out;perhaps you think they don't care about you so you don't make any effort in your relationships.Start showing people you care, so they can show you back in kind.And if you don't have good relationships with the people you know, what's stopping you from making new friends?


3.I really dislike this person.我真的不喜欢这个人。

If you dislike a person in your work or personal life, focusing on her bad qualities is not going to make things better.You need to let go of your assumptions about her and know that she is human too, which means she makes mistakes.Either you move on and stop thinking and talking about her, or learn to approach her or think about her in a positive manner.Focus on her good qualities, and repeat them to yourself instead of honing in on the unpleasant things.如果工作或生活中有你讨厌的人,只关注她的缺点有害无益。你需要放下对她的所有成见,告诉自己她也是个人,也有犯错的时候。要么就不再谈论她和想着她,要么学着去接近她,或想想她好的一面。多想想她的优点,不要再专注于让你不开心的事情。

4.Why is she better off?


Comparing yourself to someone else is never productive or positive.There's always going to be someone who is younger, prettier, smarter, or richer than you.If you keep coveting what someone else has, then this may cause you to be resentful of them, which will open a whole other negative can of worms.Remember, what they don't have is your whole package.Be appreciative of what you have, because if you want to play the comparison game, remember that there are people who are also worse off than you are.和别人比较永远不是有效率和积极的表现。总有比你年轻,漂亮,聪明,富有的人。如果你始终关注别人拥有什么,会带来你对他们的恨意,随即带来更多消极的想法。记住,你所拥有的也是他们所没有的。珍惜你所拥有的东西,如果真的想和别人比较,也别忘了总有


5.I'll never reach my goal.我永远无法达到目标。

If you think you're not going to be able “get there,” think again.There are many people who are worse off and have overcome bigger obstacles than what you are facing.Take, for example, Olympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius, an amputee who overcame his handicap to compete in the Olympics against his able-bodied peers.Everything is within your reach as long as you work hard and have a a positive attitude.如果你认为自己达不到,再想想。比你差的人比比皆是,他们遇到的困难也比你的更大。比如,奥运会短跑选手刀锋战士奥斯卡·皮斯托利斯,一个被截肢的运动员,战胜了自己的阻碍,在其他健壮的对手中脱颖而出赢得了奥运会的冠军。只要你努力付出,有着积极的信念,任何事都能够做到。


小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:目标和梦想

Are you waiting for your dreams to come true and change your life?

I am sorry to tell you that dreams don't come true.你是否还在等待实现梦想来改变你的生活?


Rather, it is your goals that can forever change your life.You need to set goals in order turn your dreams into reality.但是,你的目标却能永远的改变你的生活


Don't Confuse Dreams and Goals

Dreams are easy.They are free, too.不要将你的梦想和目标拒之门外


However, dreams by themselves are just that… dreams.然而,梦想本身也就是梦想

They are imaginary.And they don't produce tangible results.它们是被想象出来的,它们也不会形成有形的产物。

You need to turn your dreams into action.You need goals to make the visions

of your dreams real.你要做的就是将你的梦想变为行动。你需要设立目标,将你的梦想变得触手可及。

“Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life.”


Goals are all about action.Goals turn dreams into reality.目标与一系列的行动相关。目标能让梦想成真。

Goals change you and can change your life.目标可以改变你,改变你的生活。

Don't confuse your dreams with goals.不要将你有了目标的梦想拒之门外。

Dreams occupy your mind.Goals take over your reality.梦想充实你的内心世界,目标占据着你的现实生活。

What will it take to turn your dreams into goals?


Here are 10 Big Differences Between Goals and Dreams:


Goals are something you are acting on.目标是你正在做的某些事。

Dreams are something you are just thinking about.Goals require action.Dreams can happen without lifting a finger, even while you are asleep.梦想是你内心正在思考的某些东西。目标需要行动。睡觉的时候可以产生梦想,甚至不动一根手指也一样可以办到。

Goals have deadlines.Dreams are just, well, dreams.目标是有期限的,而梦想只是梦想。

Goals must have a deadline.They have a time limit.Dreams can go on forever.In fact, many people maintain dreams their entire lives without ever reaching them.目标肯定有一个有效期,它们是有时间限制的。但是梦想却能永远存在。事实上,许多人都有一个一生都没能实现的梦想。

Dreams are free.Goals have a cost.梦想不需要你支付任何东西,而目标是需要付出代价的。

While you can daydream for free, goals don't come without a price.Time, money, effort and sweat.How will you pay for your goals?


Goals produce results.Dreams don't.目标是可以产生一定的结果的,但梦想不会。

Want to change your life? Your job? Your status in life? Goals can do that.A good friend of mine made six-figures on the ebook he published.He did that.Had it stayed as a dream, his life would have been as it always was.想要你的生活,工作,社会地位有些改变吗?目标可以帮你做到。我的一个好朋友出版的电子书数量超过了六位数,他确实做到了。如果他一直让梦想只是梦想的话,他的生活还是跟以往一样,没有任何改变。

Dreams are imaginary.Goals are based in reality.梦想是想象的产物,而目标确实存在于现实生活中。

You may dream of being Superman, but that is probably not going to happen.Goals are about what you can actually accomplish.They are grounded in the reality of our world.Goals should be big, but not supernatural.你的梦想可能是做一个超人,但很可能它不能成真。目标与你实际完成的事有关,它们存在于我们的现实生活中。目标可以很大,但绝不是超自然。

Goals have a finish line.Dreams never have to end.目标有一个终点,但梦想却可以是没有边际的。

Dreams can go on forever.They don't have to have an ending point.Goals must have a specific outcome.梦想可以一直存在,他不需要有终结点。但目标肯定会有一个特定的结果。

Dreams can inspire you.Goals can change your life.梦想可以一直激励你,而目标才能改变你的生活。

Dreams can bring you motivation.They can inspire you.But, goals can change your life forever.梦想能给你带来激情,它能一直鼓励你,但是目标才能一直改变你的生活。

Goals must have focus.Dreams don't.我们必须专注目标,梦想可以不用。

Dreams can be drifting, ever-changing thoughts.Goals must be laser-focused.They must be specific and they must be always on your mind.梦想是可以随着思想的变化而变化的,但是目标必须要有焦点。它们是具体的,印在你脑海里的。

Goals require hard work.Dreams just require your imagination.目标需要我们努力工作,而梦想只需要你的想象。

Dreaming is easy.做梦都挺容易的。

Almost everyone has a dream.But, fewer people have goals.几乎人人都有梦想。但是极少人有目标。

Goals are hard and they require hard work.(See #3)


Dreams stretch your imagination.Goals stretch you.梦想可以拓宽你的想象力,而目标是拓展你自己。

Dreaming leads to bigger dreams.They stretch the limits of your imagination.But, goals stretch you.They increase your skills, your abilities, and change you forever.做梦可以产生更大的梦想。它可以拓宽你的想象力,而目标则是拓展你自己。它可以增加你的技巧,提高你的能力,永远的改变你。

Goals Do Come True 完成目标

Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life.梦想可以鼓励你,而目标则能永远的改变你。

Sometimes it only takes one step to change a dream into a goal.有时,只需一步,梦想就能变为目标。

Yet, it can take years to take that goal to the finish line.也有可能,需要好多年才能完成这个目标。

Always dream big, but make sure your goals are just as big.梦想很大,但请记住你的目标也一样。

Because dreams don't come true… but goals do.因为梦想不能成真,但目标可以。


小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:玛格丽特•撒切尔

Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s longest-serving and only woman prime minister, has died aged 87 after suffering a stroke, prompting a flood of tributes from across the globe.玛格丽特?撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)因中风去世,享年87岁,在世界各地引发了一阵哀悼浪潮。撒切尔是英国任职最长的首相,也是唯一的女首相。

Leaders lined up to pay their respects to the former prime minister, who revolutionised the UK economy during an 11-year tenure, as she rolled back the state and put in place some of the country’s most radical and controversial reforms.各国领导人纷纷向这位英国前首相表达敬意。在其长达11年的任期中,撒切尔领导了英国经济的革命,缩减了政府职能,并实施了该国最为激进、最有争议的一些改革。

David Cameron, UK prime minister, described the former Conservative prime minister as the “greatest peacetime prime minister”.英国现首相戴维?卡梅伦(David Cameron)把这位前保守党首相称为“英国和平时期最伟大的首相”。

“[She] took a country that was on its knees and made Britain stand tall again.We can’t deny that Lady Thatcher pided opinion.For many of us, she was and is

an inspiration.For others she was a force to be defined against.卡梅伦表示:“(她)临危受命,让英国重新站起来,再度屹立。不可否认,人们对她的评价各异。在我们许多人看来,她过去和现在都是一位鼓舞人心的人物。在其他人看来,她是一种特色鲜明的力量。

“But if there is one thing that cuts through all of this – one thing that runs through everything she did – it was her lion-hearted love for this country,” he said.“但如果说有一个中心贯穿着她的一生——在她所做的每一件事中都体现出来,那就是她对这个国家的无比热爱。”

President Barack Obama said: “The world has lost one of the great champions of freedom and liberty, and America has lost a true friend.”

美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)表示:“世界失去了一位积极倡导自由的领袖,美国失去了一位真正的朋友。”

The prime minister’s office announced that parliament would be recalled for a special session on Wednesday to pay tribute to Thatcher.Her funeral will be held at the end of next week at St Paul’s Cathedral.英国首相办公室宣布,周三议会将召开一次特别会议,向撒切尔致哀。她的葬礼将于下周末在伦敦圣保罗大教堂(St Paul's Cathedral)举行。

She will have a “full ceremonial funeral” with military honours as was afforded to the Queen Mother and Lady Diana.The British flag flew at half mast over Parliament to honour Thatcher as all UK political parties suspended campaigning for the local elections on May 2.撒切尔将享有带有军事礼仪的“礼仪葬礼”,礼遇同王太后和戴安娜一样。英国国会降半旗向撒切尔致哀,各政党暂停针对5月2日地方选举的竞选活动。

Thatcher, who transformed Britain with her free-market revolution, had been in poor health since suffering minor strokes in 2002.自从2002年患上中风以来,撒切尔的健康状况一直很差。她曾以自己的自由市场革命改变了英国的面貌。

Statesmen past and present shared their memories of the woman dubbed the “Iron Lady”.Tony Blair, the second longest-serving postwar prime minister, called her “a towering political figure”.“Very few leaders get to change not only the political landscape of their country but of the world.Margaret was such a leader.Her global impact was vast.”

已卸任和在任的政治家们共同悼念有“铁娘子”绰号的撒切尔。英国战后任期第二长的首相托尼布莱尔(Tony Blair)称撒切尔为“一位伟大的政治人物。”“不但改变本国政治版图、还改变世界政治版图的领袖人物非常少,撒切尔就是其中的一位。她在全球播下了深远的影响。”

George W.Bush, former US president, described her as a “great ally” who “strengthened the special relationship”.美国前总统小布什(George W.Bush)称撒切尔为一位“强化了美英特殊关系的伟大盟友”。

Thatcher had a particularly close relationship with Ronald Reagan, the former US president.撒切尔与美国前总统罗纳德?里根(Ronald Reagan)之间保持了一种极为密切的关系。

With Reagan, she helped bring about the end of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall.The British prime minister saw herself as the perfect intermediary between the two countries, having struck up constructive relationships with both Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet president, and a man with whom she told Reagan “we can do business”.她和里根一道促成了苏联的解体和柏林墙的倒塌。这位英国前首相把自己视为美苏两国间的完美中间人,与里根和苏联总统米哈伊尔?戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)都建立了富有建设意义的关系。她告诉里根,戈尔巴乔夫是一个“我们能和他打交道”的人。

Mr Gorbachev said Thatcher helped end the Cold War: “Thatcher was a politician whose word carried great weight,” he said in a statement on his website.“Our first meeting in 1984 marked the beginning of a relationship that was at times difficult, not always smooth, but was treated seriously and responsibly by both sides.”


Lech Walesa, Poland’s former president and anti-communist freedom figure, said Thatcher was key in hastening the fall of the Iron Curtain: “She was a great person.She did a great deal for the world, along with Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II and Solidarity, she contributed to the demise of communism in Poland and central Europe.”

波兰前总统、反对共产主义的自由派人士列赫?瓦文萨(Lech Walesa)表示,撒切尔在加

速“铁幕”(Iron Curtain)倒塌的过程中发挥了关键的作用:“她是一位伟人。她为世界做出了巨大的贡献,她与罗纳德?里根、教皇约翰?保罗二世(Pope John Paul II)和波兰团结工会(Solidarity)一起,推动了波兰与中欧共产主义政权的终结。”

Her other great success abroad was in the Falklands War against Argentina, which invaded the islands in 1982.Thatcher defied resistance in her own cabinet to send a 25,000-strong task force to the tiny archipelago, which troops eventually recaptured after two months.撒切尔在海外的其他巨大胜利,还包括1982年的英阿福克兰群岛战争(Falklands war,又称马岛战争)。她不顾自己内阁的反对,向面积微小的福克兰群岛派出了2.5万人的特遣部队,最终于两个月后夺回了该群岛。

Her legacy was just as long-lasting at home.A succession of prime ministers, Labour and Conservative alike, have felt unable or unwilling to depart from the blueprint she established of a state serviced by privatised utilities and free of the stranglehold of organised unions.撒切尔在国内留下的遗产同样意义深远。历任首相,无论出自工党还是保守党,都感到不能或不愿背离她为英国设定的蓝图——公用事业私有化,企业不受有组织工会的钳制。


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Once, while taking my boat down the inland waterway to Florida, I decided to tie up at Georgetown, South Carolina, for the night and visit with an old friend.As we approached the Esso dock, I saw him through my binoculars standing there awaiting us.Tall and straight as an arrow he stood, facing a cold, penetrating windhave finished the course-I have kept the faith.对我而言,它是最初的记忆,也是始终的挑战。实际上,对每个人来说,人生之役,生存之役,都是一种挑战。圣.保罗不朽的教诲,也一直并将永远鼓舞着我。但愿,在到达生命之途的终点时,我能够认为自己打了漂亮的一仗,不仅走完了人生的旅程,而且一如既往地坚持着自己的信仰。
