故事发生在二战期间,当时欧洲 正被德意法西斯阴云笼罩,混乱、不 安、恐惧压抑着人们。于是,大家都 希望避开战争前往美国,但行程中最 安全的方式是绕道摩洛哥北部城市卡 萨布兰卡。
两德国秘密信使被杀死,他们的 特别通行证下落不明,纳粹少校特拉
瑟特飞到卡萨布兰卡,希望与警察局长雷诺配合抓获凶手。出现在里克酒店 的抵抗运动领袖维克多和他的妻子伊尔莎成为他们的目标。
当伊尔莎见到酒店里的黑人钢琴手阿森,不禁大吃一惊,因为通过阿森 她才知道原来酒店的主人就是昔日情人里克,只不过,他们中间存在着一个 很难解开的结,一个很深的误会。《时光流逝》的乐声一次次缓缓响起,它勾 起了情人们对往事的无限追忆。里克无法原谅伊尔莎的失约和绝情,仇恨和 嫉妒促使他始终不肯交出手中的通行证,直到他目睹了情敌维克多在酒店中 体现的勇敢无畏和坚毅以及伊尔莎痛苦的诉说⋯⋯
维克多向里克倾吐了他对革命的坚决态度和对妻子深切的爱,但是他 愿意成全里克和妻子的感情⋯⋯此时的里克已经忘却了长久的怨恨,他巧 妙设计,利用警察局长雷诺将维克多和自己曾一直耿耿于怀的恋人伊尔莎送 上了飞机。
纳粹少校特拉瑟特气急败坏地驱车前往机场欲阻止维克多离境,但是 为时已晚,正当他拿起电话的时候,里克的子弹出了枪膛。少校应声倒 地,这时雷诺局长对护 卫们说:“ 抓住嫌疑 犯!” 里克看清楚了雷 诺的眼神⋯⋯
“你现在是爱国主义 者了”,“现在是我们真正 良好友谊的开始”,里克 和雷诺又开始了他们的 畅谈⋯⋯ 剧情简介:
出品:华纳兄弟电影公司1943 年摄制 编剧:朱里叶斯·爱泼斯坦等 导演:迈克尔·寇梯斯
主演:英格丽·褒曼、亨弗莱·鲍嘉、保尔·亨莱德 《卡萨布兰卡》夺得1943 年第16 届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编三项大奖。
《卡萨布兰卡》又 译《北非谍影》,它是一 部战争题材的经典电 影。有影评认为,它几 乎囊括了好莱坞浪漫 影片的特点:紧张的情 节、多彩的性格、俏皮 的对话、团圆的结 尾⋯⋯还有一点您可 能不知道,这片子还有 编剧现写现拍的成分。在影片的后半部,连导 演都不清楚应该如何 发展下去,他们曾设想 过三个结局:其一是里 克与伊尔莎出走,维克 多留下继续进行抵抗 活动;其二是维克多与 影片链接
佳影片在内的九项大奖,英国演艺学院六项大奖,金球最佳影片、最佳电影配乐两项大奖。与《卡萨布兰卡》一样,故事都是发生在二战期间,同样以政治、道德与爱作为主题,都有 一位男主人公,他们都必须在维护生命的意义下在人类道德与个人的爱中做出抉择。不过,他们 的选择是不一样的,《英国病人》中的男主角拉兹罗选择了向德军交出地图,牺牲无数人的生命而
《杨善洲》剧情简介:总述:《杨善洲》是一部歌颂优秀共产党员、弘扬时代精神、讴歌当代基层干部楷模的主旋律电影,该片讲述了原保山地委书记杨善洲一心为民的感人事迹。开山垦荒的日子是艰苦的,艰苦环境下的快乐更加珍贵。杨善洲看着漫山遍野的树苗心生欢喜,可毒草飞机草却几乎毁掉他们的期待。尽管杨善洲不眠不休找到解决办法,依然蒙受上山后第一次巨大损失。2010年,云南遭遇百年大旱,青翠的大亮山护佑下的保山人未受大旱影响,青山是杨善洲生命的真实写照,流水则讲述着一个共产党人心系人民的赤诚。第一集:主讲信仰的力量;第二集:主讲人民公仆; 第三集:主讲永远的本色;第四集:主讲正气的赞歌。
第三篇:电影简介 卡萨布兰卡
《卡萨布兰卡》经典台词(2010-04-26 16:14:48)转载▼ 标签: 杂谈
Posted on Wednesday, March 4th, 2009 at 4:02 pm 06年吧,在往北京的飞机上看了这部影片(《卡萨布兰卡》,英文《casablanca》)的介绍,拿出随身携带的记事本摘录了几句里面的台词,事后也就忘了。今天整理的时候偶然在笔记本的末页看到当时潦草的几句话,Google了一下,找全了电影的几句经典台词。顺便也想看一下这部电影,落后了我。我摘录的
–I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca.You know I’ve never really been there.so I don’t know.我猜在卡萨布兰卡一定有很多破碎的心,你知道我从未置身其中,所以不得而知。–Where were you last night? –That’s so long ago, I don’t remember.–Will I see you tonight? –I never make plans that far ahead.你昨天晚上去哪里了?
我从不计划那么遥远的事情。A lot of water under the bridge.过去的事有如逝水.Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.世上有那么多的城镇,城镇有那么多的酒馆,而她却走进了我的。I remember every detail.The Germans wore gray, you wore blue.我记得每一个细节。德国人穿灰色,你穿蓝色。其他的
Louis,I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.路易斯,我认为这是一段美好友谊的开始。
I guess our love story will never be seen on the big wide silver screen, but it hurt just as badly when I had to watch you go.我想,我们的爱情故事永远不会出现在银幕上,可是当我看着你离去,我的心一样的痛楚。
I love you more & more each day as time gose by.时光流逝,我对你的爱却与日俱增。I was a fool to fall for a man like you.我真是傻瓜,竟然爱上你这样一个人。
How extravagant you are, throwing away women.Someday they may be scarce.你真奢侈,这样把女人抛开。有一天他们可能会渐渐消失。
I suspect that under that cynical shell you are at heart a sentimentalist.我怀疑在你愤世嫉俗的外表下,你的内心是个性情中人。I can’t remember it, Miss llsa.I’m a little rusty on it.我记不起来了,伊莎小姐.我有点生锈了。We all try.You succeed.人家都尽力而为,而你成功了。–Let’s see, the last time we met… –Was La Belle Aurore.–我想想看,我们最后一次见面是 –“美丽的晨晕”
Another precedent gone.This has been a very interesting evening.又一个惯例被打破了,这真是一个很有趣的晚上。That’s the way it goes.One in, one out.自然法则,一进一出。
You played it for her.You can play it for me.你能为她弹,你也能为我弹。lf she can stand it, I can.如果她受得了,我也可以。We said no questions.我们说过不准问问题。Here’s looking at you, kid.永志不忘。
– A franc for your thoughts.– In America they’d bring only a penny.I guess that’s about all they’re worth.– I’m willing to be overcharged.Tell me.– 一法郎买你的心事。
Well, I was wondering why I’ m so lucky.Why I should find you waiting for me to come along.我在想,为什么我那么幸运?为什么你会在那里等着我出现正巧又被我找到。With the whole world crumbling, we pick this time to fall in love.整个世界快倒下来了,我们却挑这时候来谈恋爱。
Mostly I remember the last one.The wild finish.A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look on his face, because his insides have been kicked out.最后一天我记得最清楚,当汽笛声响过后,月台上有一个人站在雨中,脸上挂着可笑的表情,因为他的内心被踢翻了。I guess neither one of our stories is very funny.我猜我们的故事都不怎么有趣。
Tell me who was it you left me for? Was it Laszlo, or were there others in between or aren’t you the kind that tells?
If I had to stay and there were only visa for one, would you take it? 如果我必须留下,只有一份签证,你会要吗?
I’m not interested in politics.The problems of the world are not in my department.我对政治不感兴趣,世界的问题不是我份内的事。
I’m not fighting for anything anymore except myself.I’m the only cause I’ m interested in.我不再为任何事战斗了,除了为自己。我唯一感兴趣的目标就是自己。One woman has hurt you, and you take your revenge on the rest of the world.You’re a coward and a weakling.一个女人伤害了你,你便对全世界报复。你是个胆小鬼,懦夫。
Richard, I tried to stay away.I thought I would never see you again.That you were out of my life.我尽量避开你,我以为我永远不会再见到你,你已经在我生命中消失。
– Miss Lund, she is very beautiful, yes, but you were never interested in any woman.– She isn’t just any woman.– 伦德小姐,她非常美丽,不错,可是你从不对任何女人感兴趣。– 她不只是任何女人。
Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life.如果飞机离地,你不在上面。你会后悔的,或者不是今天,或者不是明天,不过很快,并且是后悔一辈子。
We’ll always have Paris.We didn’t have… We’d lost it until you came to Casablanca.We got it back last night.我们永远拥有巴黎,本来没有,你来卡萨布兰卡后我们失去了,不过昨晚我们重拾回来了。
Ilsa, I’ m no good at being noble.But it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.Someday you’ll understand that.伊莎,清高我并不在行,不过要明白也不难。在这疯狂的世界,三个小人物就别太计较了。总有一天你会明白的。
She did her best to convince me that she was still in love with me.But that was all over long ago.For your sake, she retended it wasn’t, and I let her pretend.她尽力让我相信她仍爱着我,但那爱在很久以前就结束了,因为你的缘故,她假装不是,我让她继续装下去。
I was right.You are a sentimentalist.我说对了,你是个感情用事的人.She did her best to convince me that she was still in love with me.But that was all over long ago.For your sake, she retended it wasn’t, and I let her pretend.她尽力让我相信她仍爱着我,但那爱在很久以前就结束了,因为你的缘故,她假装不是,我让她继续装下去。(这句话我反复看了好多遍,翻译得并不是很透彻,最终我是这样理解的——llsa她尽力让我相信她是依然爱着我的,但其实这只是过去的事儿了。但是为了你能顺利拿到藏在我身上的票逃离卡萨布兰卡,所以她假装我和她的感情并没有结束,我也让她这样装下去)
The story of Les Miserables began with Jean Valjean’s being released from the prison.He is sentenced to 5 years hard labor in the South of France Toulon for stealing a loaf of bread to save his starving nephew, but it extended to 19 years because of his trying to escape multiple times.On the outside, Valjean’s paroled status prevents him from getting work.He is offered shelter by the kindly Bishop of Digne, but Valjean steals his silverware.Valjean is caught and brought back by police, and is astonished when the Bishop lies to the police to save him and also gives him two precious candlesticks.Valjean is shocked when the Bishop says he gave him the silver, then giving him more, telling him to use it to do something worthwhile with his life.Valjean breaks his parole to start a new life.Eight years later, Valjean is factory owner and mayor of Montreuil, Pas-de-Calais.He contributes a lot to the development of the city.Valjean learns a man has been wrongly identified as him, and reveals his true identity to a court before returning to the dying Fantine, promising to care for Cosette.Javert, a police sergeant who has been tracking the parole-breaker for years, discovers Valjean’s true identity and swears to put him back in jail.To keep his promise to Fantine, Valjean escapes from Javert and rescues Cossette, from the Thenardiers who have been lodging and mistreating the girl for five years.Valjean and Cosette flee Javert, hiding in a convent.Nine years later, Valjean has become a philanthropist and helps the poor in Paris.General Lamarque, the only government official sympathetic to the poor, dies, and a group of revolutionists called the Friends of the ABC plot to rebel against the monarchy.Marius Pontmercy, a member of the Friends, encounters Cosette and they fall in love, asking éponine, the Thénardiers’ daughter to help find her.During Lamarque’s funeral procession, the revolt begins and barricades are built across Paris.Javert pretends to be an ally to spy on the rebels but the street urchin Gavroche exposes him as a policeman, and they subdue him.During the first skirmish against the soldiers, éponine takes a bullet for Marius and dies in his arms, giving him Cosette’s letter and confesses to him beforehand.Gavroche takes Marius’ reply to Valjean, who joins the revolution to guard Marius.Valjean offers to execute Javert but actually releases him, faking his death.By dawn, the soldiers are close to ending the revolution, storming the students’ barricade and killing everyone but Valjean and Marius, who escape into the sewers.Thénardier comes across Valjean and the unconscious Marius, stealing the latter’s ring, before pointing a way out.Valjean finds Javert waiting for him, ignoring his nemesis’ threats.Javert, morally confused by the mercy of Valjean, commits suicide by throwing himself in the Seine.Marius recovers but is traumatized by the death of his friends.Marius and Cosette plan to marry but Valjean, concerned his presence would threaten their happiness, makes plans to leave and reveals his identity to Marius, who promises to remain silent.Cosette and Marius marry but the Thénardier's crash the wedding to try and blackmail Marius, Thénardier saying he witnessed Valjean carrying a murdered corpse and showing the stolen ring.Marius assaults Thénardier, who reveals Valjean is at the convent.Valjean reunites with Cosette and Marius, giving them letters of confession, before peacefully dying, guided away by Fantine and the Bishop’s spirits.2.Les Misérables is a 2012 British-American musical drama film directed by Tom Hooper and scripted by William Nicholson, Alain Boublil, Claude-Michel Sch?nberg, and Herbert Kretzmer, based on the musical of the same name by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Sch?nberg which is in turn based on the 1862 French novel by Victor Hugo.Les Misérables premiered in London 5 December 2012, and was released 25 December 2012 in the United States and 11 January 2013 in the United Kingdom.The film received generally favorable reviews, with many critics praising the cast, and Jackman, Hathaway, Eddie Redmayne and Samantha Barks being the most often singled out for praise.The film won the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy, the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy for Jackman and the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress – Motion Picture for Hathaway.It also won four British Academy Film Awards(BAFTA), including the Best Actress in a Supporting Role.It received eight Academy Award nominations including Best Picture and Best Actor for Jackman, and won three, for Best Sound Mixing, Best Makeup and Hairstyling, and Best Supporting Actress for Hathaway.Hugh Michael Jackman(born 12 October 1968)is an Australian actor, singer and producer.Jackman has won international recognition for his roles in variety of film genres.He is known for his long-running role as Wolverine in the X-Men film series, as well as for his lead roles in films such as the romantic-comedy fantasy Kate & Leopold(2001), the action-horror film Van Helsing(2004), the magic-themed drama The Prestige(2006), the epic fantasy drama The Fountain(2006), the epic historical romantic drama Australia(2008), the film version of Les Misérables(2012), and the thriller Prisoners(2013).His work in Les Misérables earned him his first Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and his first Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy in 2013.In Broadway theatre, Jackman won a Tony Award for his role in The Boy from Oz.A four-time host of the Tony Awards themselves, he won an Emmy Award for one of these appearances.Jackman also hosted the 81st Academy Awards on 22 February 2009.3.Javert is the incarnation of the law.Born inside a jail, he hates scum.He used to believe that people never change, which means a person who commit a crime is always a criminal, tending to choose the way of evil subconsciously when he met difficulties.He is strict and merciless to each criminal, busy hunting them then to arrest them.He follow the orders of superiors in order to keep social order.He has adamantine faith, just like a stone.So the suicide is reasonable.Valjean show him forgiveness.There was a chance he could kill Javert, take his revenge and live a happy life without the worry about found as a convict, but he let the police sergeant go, even telling Javert the address that can catch him.Javert has to admit that Valjean becomes a kind man.He is affected and comes to hesitate.He can’t decide whether to forgive Valjean’s sin and reprieve the crimes.The world he has known is lost in shadow.He lost the standard.He wants to escape from the world of Jean Valjean, so he died.Law and moral code sometimes conflict, everyone have different answer about how to deal this situation.The question has no standard answer, discussed over the century.We need laws to make society function smoothly, but we need love and tolerance to live like a man.People can be changed by other’s kindness.Sin should be paid, while we should allow people to atone for their crime.