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编辑:落梅无痕 识别码:11-774794 2号文库 发布时间: 2023-10-29 16:37:27 来源:网络


Dear Mr./Mrs.: ________(Author name)

I am a graduate student of Harbin Medical University in China.I major in “________”(您的专业).Recently, I found one of your articles, titled “__________”(Title)in Medline.I found it may help me achieve my goals in this research field.This would make a really positive contribution to my work.I would like to be able to read the full text of this article.The abstract makes the article sound very interesting.I know there is usually a fee required to obtain the full article from Medline;however, as a student, my only income is a small scholarship which is about U S $30.00 per month.I wonder if you would consider sending me the full text by Email.Perhaps you would consider this as an act of friendship between our two countries.Thank you for your kind consideration of this request.Sincerely: ___________(your name)

My Email address is: ____________________(your email)


Dear professor ***,I appreciate that you can take the time to read this e-mail.I am ***, a post-graduate student in the School of the ***, *** University in China.I am very interested in ***.We had got several mutants about*** gifted by *** in ***.Those mutants have been used to explain***.However, in my recent trial,***.In your article “***”, you isolated the strain*** and confirmed that ***.This special experimental phenomenon was very similar to that I observed.So I doubted the role of *** may involve in the strange phenomenon in my study.Because of lacking the plasmids and strains used for genetic modification of ***, it is difficult for us to construct the relevant mutants used in your articles.Therefore, I am writing to you to seek your help.Can you kindly provide us those mutants including****? It would be very helpful to us.Thank you very much in advance.Yours sincerely,Dear Professor Bruss V: I am working on immunology.And one of my projects focuses on the treatment of HBV.We want to construct a vector pHBV1.5 which your used in one of your paper(Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA,vol88:1059-1063).Construct this vector seems to be a problem hard to get over for us.One of my graduates has been working on it for a couple of months, but no progress.We are happy to find that your laboratory was the major source of the pHBV1.5.Therefore, I am writing to explore the possibility of getting pHBV1.5 from your laboratory.If you were kindly offering us the vector, it would be very helpful for us.Of course, the plasmid will never be used for commercial purpose.We will acknowledge the plasmid resource and cite your papers in all our publications based on the plasmid.Sure, We would like to sign any contract for the plasmid transfer.One of my graduates is waiting for the vector to set up his experiment, so your early response will be greatly appreciated.Dear Mr./Mrs.: ________(作者名)

I am a graduate student of Harbin Medical University in China.I major in “________”(您的专业).Recently, I found one of your articles, titled “__________”(文章名)in Medline.I found it may help me achieve my goals in this research field.This would make a really positive contribution to my work.I would like to be able to read the full text of this article.The abstract makes the article sound very interesting.I know there is usually a fee required to obtain the full article from Medline;however, as a student, my only income is a small scholarship which is about U S $30.00 per month.I wonder if you would consider sending me the full text by Email.Perhaps you would consider this as an act of friendship between our two countries.Thank you for your kind consideration of this request.Sincerely: ___________(您的名字)My Email address is: ____________________(你的email地址)

Dear Prof.XXX: I am in...............P.R.China.I am writing to request your assistance.I search one of your papers: “.......................” is published at................., Volume.., Issue..年, Pages..............but I can not read full-text content, would you mind sending your papers by E-mail? Thank you for your assistance.Best wishes!Dear prof i am very interested in you paper “cell, 2007, 34, 2341”.But i cannot get the fulltext.would u pls send me a pdffulltext? thanks

Dear ×××, I'm a researcher in ________(国家或大学)and just read an abstract of your paper “XXXXXXXXXXXX” I'm very interested to know ________(对方文章内容).It would be much appreciated if you can reply me about this.Also, could you please send me the copy of your full paper.Thanks in advance.Best regards,XXXXXX


Dear Mr./Mrs.: ________(作者名)

I am a graduate student of Xx University(大学名)in China.I major in “__Educational Technology______”(您的专业).Recently, I found one of your articles, titled “__________”(文章名)in---------(杂志名).I found it may help me achieve my goals in this research field.This would make a really positive contribution to my work.I would like to be able to read the full text of this article.The abstract makes the article sound very interesting.I know there is usually a fee required to obtain the full article from--------(杂志名);however, as a student, my only income is a small scholarship which is about U S $30.00 per month.I wonder if you would consider sending me the full text by Email.Perhaps you would consider this as an act of friendshipbetween our two countries.Thank you for your kind consideration of this request.Sincerely: ___________(您的名字)

Dear...(author name): I am interested in your paper titled...published in...I would appreciate it if you could send me a soft copy of this paper.Thank you.Kind regards,...(your name)

Dear Dr XXX, I am a post-doctoral researcher at XX University.I have recently read your paper “__________”(文章名).I am interested in trying your approach for detecting mutations in yeast.I was wondering if you would be kind enough to send me the pETTthMutS plasmid reported in your paper.My mailing address is: David Gresham XX University Beijing, 100101 China Kind regards,I'd appreciate a file(pdf)containing yourr article: Mutat Res.2004 Mar 22;547(1-2):41-7.Directly fishing out subtle mutations in genomic DNA with histidine-tagged ThermusthermophilusMutS.Wang J, Liu J.Thank you in advance Best wishes Liu

Dear Dr.XXX, I read with interest the abstract of your article in---------(杂志名), “__________”(文章名)Unfortunately, our library does not subscribe to---------(杂志名).I would be most appreciative if you could please send me a.doc or.pdf file of the article by e-mail.Thank you, ___________(你的名字)PHD candidate ___________(你的单位)

Dear Professor Aisha Siddiqa: I am a graduate student of Anhui Medical University in China.I major in pathology.And my project focuses on the treatment of breast cancer.I want to construct a vector pTRE-HER2 which your used in one of your paper(BMC Cancer ,vol8:129 DOI:10.1186/1471-2407-8-129).Constructing this vector seems to be a problem hard to get over for me.I have been working on it for a couple of months, but no progress.I am happy to find that your laboratory was the major source of the pTRE-HER2.Therefore, I am writing to explore the possibility of getting pTRE-HER2 from your laboratory.If you were kindly offering me the vector, it would be very helpful for me.Of course, the plasmid will never be used for commercial purpose.I will acknowledge the plasmid resource and cite your papers in all my publications based on the plasmid.Sure, I would like to sign any contract for the plasmid transfer.I am waiting for the vector to set up my experiment, so your early response will be greatly appreciated.Sincerely: Jingfeng Zhu My Email address is: 2217072522@qq.com


Dear Dr.viaud, I read with interest the abstract of your article in Mutation Research, “Cyclophilin A and calcineurin functions investigated by gene inactivation, cyclosporin A inhibition and cDNA arrays approaches in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea”.Unfortunately, our library does not subscribe to Mutation Research.I would be most appreciative if you could

please send me a.doc or.pdf file of the article by e-mail.Thank you, Jiang PHD candidate Plant Disease Research Lab.,College of Plant Science and Technology, XX XX University,Wuhan, Hubei, 430070,P.R.China.Dear Dr.viaud, I'd appreciate a file(pdf)containing your article: Cyclophilin A and calcineurin functions investigated by gene inactivation, cyclosporin A inhibition and cDNA arrays approaches in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea, which appeared in Molecular Microbiology.(2003 Dec;50(5): 1451-65.).Directly fishing out my thesis of the relative gene of the certain phytopathogenic fungus.Thank you in advance Best wishes Jiang PHD candidate Plant Disease Research Lab.,College of Plant Science and Technology, XX XX University,Wuhan, Hubei, 430070,P.R.China.Dear Dr.viaud, I am a post-doctoral researcher in Liu's lab at XX XX University.I have recently read your paper “Cyclophilin A and calcineurin functions investigated by gene inactivation, cyclosporin A inhibition and cDNA arrays approaches in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea”, which appeared in Molecular Microbiology.(2003 Dec;50(5): 1451-65.).I am interested in trying your approach for detecting the same gene in another fungus.I was wondering if you would be kind enough to send me the pETTthMutS plasmid reported in your paper.My mailing address is:XX XX@XX XX.Plant Disease Research Lab.,College of Plant Science and Technology, XX XX University,Wuhan, Hubei, 430070,P.R.China.Kind regards, Jiang

Dear Dr.Andreas Schroeder, David Pauleen, Sid Huff

I read with interest the abstract of your article in Inderscience Publishers, “Emerging evidence on linkages between Knowledge Management(KM)governance and management strategy: the case of two organisations”.Unfortunately, our library does not subscribe to Inderscience Publishers.I would be most appreciative if you could.please send me a.doc or.pdf file of the article by e-mail: y_wenxi@126.com.Thank you in advance Best wishes Yaowei Business school of nankai university

Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin 30071, P.R.China

在课题研究中,难免碰到比较好的参考文章,但是学校图书馆却没有购买,此时向原作者索要原文是最好的办法。下面是从其他博客转引的索要文章参考模板,感谢原作者的辛勤劳动。我在此做论文简要修改,以方便直接用,第一个索要原文,第二个索要文正涉及数据或软件。Dear Dr.viaud,I read with interest the abstract of your article in Mutation Research, “Cyclophilin A and calcineurin functions investigated by gene inactivation, cyclosporin A inhibition and cDNA arrays approaches in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea”.Unfortunately, our library does not subscribe to Mutation Research.I would be most appreciative if you could.please send me a.doc or.pdf file of the article by e-mail.Thank you, Dear Dr.viaud, I am a post-doctoral researcher in Liu's lab at XX XX University.I have recently read your paper “Cyclophilin A and calcineurin functions investigated by gene inactivation, cyclosporin A inhibition and cDNA arrays approaches in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea”, which appeared in Molecular Microbiology.(2003 Dec;50(5): 1451-65.).I am interested in trying your approach for detecting the same gene in another fungus.I was wondering if you would be kind enough to send me the pETTthMutS plasmid reported in your paper.参考:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a233a58010004zs.html Sincerely yours,Knowledge Management Research & Practice 7, 152-161(June 2009)| doi:10.1057/kmrp.2009.8 Export references

Concept maps: a technique for assessing knowledge manager learning needs Nigel Martin and John Rice

Overcoming knowledge dilemmas: governing the creation, sharing and use of knowledge resources

Authors: Frost, Jetta1;Morner, Michele2

Source: International Journal of Strategic Change Management, Volume 2, Numbers 2-3, 2 August

2010 , pp.172-199(28)

Publisher: Inderscience Publishers

Title: Improving competitive intelligence for knowledge management systems

Author: Kevin R.Parker, Philip S.Nitse

Address: Department of Computer Information Systems, College of Business, Idaho State

University, Campus Box 8020, Pocatello, ID 83209, USA.' Department of Marketing, College of

Business, Idaho State University Campus Box 8020, Pocatello, ID 83209, USA

Journal: International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 200545

Keywords: business intelligence;competitive intelligence;knowledge management;information

gathering;information needs;critical intelligence needs;key intelligence topics.DOI: 10.1504/IJIEM.2005.007229

Title: Dynamic hierarchies for business intelligence information retrieval

Author: Ryan C.LaBrie, Robert D.St.Louis

Address: School of Business and Economics, Seattle Pacific University, 3307 Third Avenue

West, Seattle, WA 98119-1950, USA, ' W.P.Carey School of Business, Arizona State University,Mail Stop 874606, Tempe, AZ 85287-4606, USA

Journal: International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 200523

DOI: 10.1504/IJIEM.2005.007228

Title: Web question answering: technology and applications to business intelligence

Author: Dmitri Roussinov, Jose Antonio Robles-Flores

Address: Department of Information Systems, W.P.Carey School of Business, Arizona State

University, P.O.Box 874606, Tempe, AZ 85287–4606, USA.' ESAN University, Lima, Peru and

Department of Information Systems, W.P.Carey School of Business, Arizona State University,P.O.Box 874606, Tempe, AZ 85287–4606, USA

Journal: International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 200562

Keywords: information retrieval;open domain question answering;web search;business

intelligence;natural language questions.DOI: 10.1504/IJIEM.2005.007230

Title: Parallel competitive intelligence processes in organisations

Author: Patrick T.Gibbons, John E.Prescott

Address: Division of Strategy and Information Systems, School of Accountancy and Business,Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, 2263 Singapore.' Katz Graduate School of

Business, 252 Mervis Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA

Journal: International Journal of Technology Management 1996178

Keywords: competitive intelligence;parallel processes;integrating mechanisms;competitive

information;information gathering;information analysis.DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.1996.025425

International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital


Volume 1, Number 4 / 2004




Linking Options

Intellectual capital, competitive intelligence and the Economic Espionage Act

Chris Carr, G.Scott Erickson, Helen N.Rothberg

A1 Orfalea College of Business, California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo, San

Luis Obispo, CA 93407, USA.A2 School of Business, Smiddy Hall, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA.A3 School of Management, Marist College Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, USA

Knowledge convergence in an open innovation process

Authors: H, Jukka Bergman1;Karkkainen, Hannu2;Jantunen, Ari Jantunen3;Saksa, Juha-Matti Sak4

Source: International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, Volume 4, Number 1, 2 December

2009 , pp.47-64(18)

Publisher: Inderscience Publishers

The reconfiguration of practical knowledge in competitive alliances Authors: Emberson, Caroline1;Storey, John2

Source: International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, Volume 4, Number 2, 5 January

2010 , pp.114-131(18)

Publisher: Inderscience Publishers Dear Dr.viaud,I read with interest the abstract of your article in Mutation Research, “Cyclophilin A and calcineurin functions investigated by gene inactivation, cyclosporin A inhibition and cDNA

arrays approaches in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea”.Unfortunately, our library

does not subscribe to Mutation Research.I would be most appreciative if you could.please send

me a.doc or.pdf file of the article by e-mail.Thank you,The reconfiguration of practical knowledge in competitive alliances Authors: Emberson, Caroline1;Storey, John2

Source: International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, Volume 4, Number 2, 5 January

2010 , pp.114-131(18)

Publisher: Inderscience Publishers



1.先用PUBMED查找你所要的质粒(不要选择任何限制),一般来说,质粒是不会写入摘要或文题的.不过我个人觉得www.teniu.ccmercial purpose.We will acknowledge the DNA resource and cite your papers in all our publications based on the DNA.We are also willing to put you into the author list that’s necessary.Sure, We would like to sign any contract for the DNA transfer.One of my graduates is waiting for the DNA to set up his experiment, so your early response will be greatly appreciated.Sincerely yours,
























范文:Dear...., I am working on......(工作背景).And one of my projects focuses on........(工作内容)Isolating ROG cDNA seems to be a problem hard to get over for us(为什么要要).One of my graduates has been working on it for a couple of months, but no progress(一定以导师和教授口气写,学生写人家可能不愿意给).We are happy to find that your laboratory was the major source of the ROG cDNA in many publications.Therefore, I am writing to explore the possibility of getting ROG cDNA from your laboratory.If you were kindly offering us the DNA(pCI-ROG), it would be very helpful for us.Of course, the DNA will never be used for commercial purpose.We will acknowledge the DNA resource and cite your papers in all our publications based on the DNA.We are also willing to put you into the author list that’s necessary.Sure, We would like to sign any contract for the DNA transfer.[BR]One of my graduates is waiting for the DNA to set up his experiment, so your early response will be greatly appreciated.Sincerely yours, [BR]


收到质粒后,一定要回去一封感谢信.并再次重申不会用于商业或临床目的.Dear Professor Bruss V:

I am working on immunology.And one of my projects focuses on the treatment of HBV.We want to construct a vector pHBV1.5 which your used in one of your paper(Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA,vol88:1059-1063).Construct this vector seems to be a problem hard to get over for us.One of my graduates has been working on it for a couple of months, but no progress.We are happy to find that your laboratory was the major source of the pHBV1.5.Therefore, I am writing to explore the possibility of getting pHBV1.5 from your laboratory.If you were kindly offering us the vector, it would be very helpful for us.Of course, the plasmid will never be used for commercial purpose.We will acknowledge the plasmid resource and cite your papers in all our publications based on the plasmid.Sure, We would like to sign any contract for the plasmid transfer.One of my graduates is waiting for the vector to set up his experiment, so your early response will be greatly appreciated.结果给我寄过来了,他是用滤纸寄的,先用500ng质粒溶解在1ulTE里,然后滴在滤纸上用塑料袋封闭,用的时候同样使用50ulTE将质粒溶解在EP管中,短暂离心后上清即可用于细菌转化.他是用空寄的,所以不需要通过海关,一般半个月就到了.
