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Afterthought of 《Pride and Prejudice》

Recently I read a book called 《Pride and Prejudice》,which was written by Jane Austen, a British woman writer.This book was very wonderful.It mainly told two young people who had pride and prejudice with each other finally got married and became a couple.The main characters were Darcy and Elizabeth.At a dancing party, Bingley fallen into love in the first sight when he saw Elizabeth’s elder sister, Jane.Jane’s mother, Mrs.Bennetwas very thrilled because of this.Bingley’s best friend, Darcy, also took part in this dancing party.He was handsome and wealthy.Many young girls liked him.However, Darcy was very proud.He did not think that they were able to be his dancing partner, including Elizabeth.Elizabeth had a very strong sense of dignity.She decided not to pay attention thisproud man.Wickham, a handsome young military officer in the near tower, won the good praise from others.Elizabeth was also infatuated with him.One day, Wickham told her that his father had been Darcy’s father’s chamberlain.Darcy’s father had given him a legacy.But then it was snatched by Darcy.This strengthened the prejudice from Elizabeth to Darcy.Then, one day, Elizabeth went a visit to Mrs.Catherine’s home.She saw Darcy, who was ready to celebrate the Easter Day in his aunt Mrs.Catherine’s home.Darcy couldn’t stop the feeling of love for Elizabeth.So he made an offer of marriage.But, he was still arrogant.With the heavy prejudice for him,Elizabeth refused his offer firmly.Darcy was hit hard.He firstly realized the bad result of his pride.He wrote a letter to Elizabeth and then left roughly.The letter was generally meant as followed: he admitted that he urged Bingley’s french leave because her mother was frivolous and vulgar and Jane did not liked Bingley as much as he did;What Wickham said were all lies.In fact, Wickham himself ran out of the money and tried to accost Darcy’s sister.Elizabeth was regretful wronging him and was ashamed of her mother’s behavior.She gradually changed the thought of Darcy.The following year, Elizabeth came to Darcy’s farmstead with her uncle and aunt.She found that Darcy had changed.He became refined and courteous.He was respectful by others, and he took care of his sister seriously.Her prejudice to Darcy discovered.At that time, Elizabeth received a letter from her home, which was saying that her younger sister Lydia ran away with Wickham, who was heavily in debt.Elizabeth was very embarrassed and she thought Darcy would look down on her.To her surprise, after Darcy knew that, he paid Wickham’s debt and then gave him a large number of money and let he got married with Lydia.From then on, Elizabeth changed the prejudice into the love for Darcy.Elizabeth and Darcy became reconciled and got along with joy then.But Darcy’s aunt, Mrs.Catherine hurried to reach, who wanted her daughter to marry him.She made Elizabeth to guarantee not to marry him.But Elizabeth

rejected her without hesitation.Then Darcy realized that Elizabeth had already changed the opinion of him.So he made an offer of marriage sincerely again.Till now, two young people who had pride and prejudice with each other became a good couple eventually.In general, it is a romantic story.It is full of wealth and love.Between Darcy and Elizabeth, the main bacteria are pride and prejudice that stop them to love each other at first.But in the real society, it is the main bacteria between the people when they communicate with others.What’s worse, it is also the main hurdle that people treatthemselves and matters.Between person and person, there is always some small friction.Often, the friction is in their hidden trouble, weakness, or to others.In order to lead amore happier life, we must first learn their faults.The second is to understand other people's heart.Finally understand each other deeply, you will find society is so beautiful, light, further inspired deep inside you touched, exerting their own expertise to go and work for the society, the country and the world service.In my opinion, the book 《Pride and Prejudice》 is worth reading.When you read it, you may have your own thoughts of this book.


Sentiment after Reading 《Pride and Prejudice》

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” If a book starts like this, we may think it will be a comedy and a happy love story.As we all know, ordinary pregnant with greatness.So Jane Austen expressed the philosophy through love that is a common thing.Her novels all described the lifestyle and social communications of families in the countries of England as what she is familiar with.The book Pride and Prejudice is the typical one which was full of Jane’s views on marriage and emphasized that the benefit on economic exerts a great influence on marriage.The conversations of ladies with ladies, or of ladies and gentlemen together, but no instance occurs of a scene in which men only are present.The uniform quality of her work is one most remarkable point to be observed in it.Here is the main idea of the book.Mrs.Bonnet had no other wish except that her five daughters could get married as soon as possible with someone who was rich.At a dancing party, it is obvious that Mr.Bingley could not help falling in love with Jane because of her beauty.Mrs.Bennet was so excited that she could not hold her manners and declared to the public that she would have a daughter married soon which frightened Mr.Bingley and made him went away.It was difficult for Mrs.Bennet to recover herself until she got the news that Lydia finally married Mr.Wickham, though the marriage was built on the basis of ten thousand pounds.Mr.Darcy offered the money and did everything departing from his will just because he loved Elizabeth so much.He could not hide his feelings any more and showed his affection to Elizabeth at last.With a series of misunderstandings towards him, Elizabeth rejected him without hesitation.This plot is the climax of the novel as the prejudice of Elizabeth to Mr.Darcy was exposed and removed since then.And the combination of the two young couples, Jane and Bingley, Elizabeth and Darcy came at last.The book contains many views, all of which have either been truncated or eliminated for this version.The relationship between Mr.Bingley and Jane Bennet remains, but in a condensed form, it is necessary to the fabric of the central love story.Also suffering greatly is the character of Wickham, who appears in only two scenes.The impact of Wickham's character is more important than his presence.Most of the rest of Pride and Prejudice is left intact, and much of Austen's dialogue is retained.Wright and Moggach add an epilogue that may annoy Austen purists-it's not from the book, but it's in keeping with Austen's style and represents a good way to conclude the film.At first sight, the main idea was the love between Elizabeth and Darcy.However, if you read the while book carefully, you will find there is no trace of the enthusiasm of love.Jane Austen made mind to explain love and tell us the marriage rather than love.The background made many different love points of views.At that time, people thought wealth is the most important thing and people are conservative.They thought aristocrats and civilians couldn’t get together.Pride and Prejudice are the two common shortcomings of the man.However, if we get into blindness, lose justness and mind we will get in trouble.So, Elizabeth and Darcy are the examples.Of course, when birth, wealthy, station and breeding are related to genteel, people will become pride and look down upon poor people.But the poor people who have a strong proper pride will show prejudice to defend against the pride.The characters in the novel all had their own opinions on marriage.Mrs.Bennet, for exampke, has only one aim-that of finding a good match for each of her five daughters.As for Elizabeth, who is the second daughter in the Bennet family said that only deep love would persuade her to marry which was why she would probably end up an old maid.Lydia

and Charlotte, however, were two extremes.The former just married for sex, while the latter married for a comfortable home and protection.Though everyone can judge in the way he likes, he can't ignore other ones.You can like what you like and hate what you hate, but you should be objective when you meet external world.I think it means that you should consider things roundly, not just partial.Inpiduality is different from prejudice.What is it? I need to think more.In my opinion, it is true that the events are for the most part those of daily life, and the feelings are those connected with the usual joys;but these are the very events and feelings upon which the happiness or misery of most of us depends;and the field which embraces them, to the exclusion of the wonderful, the sentimental, and the historical, is surely large enough, as it certainly admits of the most profitable cultivation.In the end, too, the novel of daily real life is that of which we are least apt to weary: a round of fancy balls would tire the most vigorous admirers of variety in costume, and the return to plain clothes would be hailed with greater delight than their occasional relinquishment ever gives.As we should expect from such a life, Jane Austen's view of the world is genial, kindly, and, we repeat, free from anything like teeth.It is that of a clear-sighted and somewhat satirical onlooker, loving what deserves love, and amusing herself with the foibles, the self-deceptions, the affectations of humanity.Maybe pride and prejudice was full of the funny words which were said by Elisabeth, but there were endless worries, discontentment and pities hided under the forced laughter.Maybe more discontentments will become numb, but behind enviable and approbatory happiness what will be put there.There maybe Money, numb, tears, pity and so on.But the only changeless thing is love, the precious love.英语10甲



After reading:Pride and Prejudice


Jane Austen is this novel’s writer who is a famous writer in the world,and she is famous with her a series of novels.I still remember the first sentence in this book.It reads :“It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must in need of a wife.” The undertone is very clear : the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession.Love seems to be a perpetual theme all the time.And the main story in the book Pride and Prejudice is not a exception.The writer tells us her views and attitudes about love and marriage in this book.Mrs.Bennet had five daughters,and marrying all her daughters was her biggest wish.In a genteel ball, Mr.Bingley , a friendly young man,also the host,fell in love with Jane at first sight.Jane was Mrs.Bennet 's first daughter who was simple,pure and never speaks evil of others.Darcy ,who was Bingley 's good friend ,a very proud man who seemed to always feel superior, was fond of Jane’s sister,Elizabeth.But his arrogance behavior and the smear from Wickham led Elizabeth to misunderstand and was biassed against Darcy.Darcy couldn't restrain himself from loving Elizabeth ,so he proposed to her.But his attitude was still so arrogant ,Elizabeth declined firmly.This hit made Darcy noticed the consequence from proud and conceited for the first time.Leaving a long letter to explain the things around him and Elizabeth, he left her painfully.She felt regret after reading it.Not only feel guilty for misunderstanding of Darcy , but also ashamed for the behavior of her mother.Elizabeth gradually changed her views of Darcy.When Darcy met her in his own manor again, his sincere attitude and dignified behavior made her considerably surprised.Finally ,they walked out of the frog which was pride and prejudice.It could be called a happy ending.There are seven different marriages presented in the novel.Excluding the Gardiner and the Lucas, the remaining five marriages contrasts each other to reveal Jane’s opinions and thoughts on the subject of marriage.The marriage between Darcy and Elizabeth reveals the characteristics which constitutes a successful marriage.One of these characteristics is that the feeling cannot be brought on by appearances, and must gradually develop between the two people as they get to know one another.In the beginning, Elizabeth and Darcy were distant from each other because of their prejudice.The series of events which they both experienced gave them the opportunity to understand one another and the time to reconcile their feelings for each other.Thus, their mutual understanding is the foundation of their relationship and will lead them to a peaceful and lasting marriage.This relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy reveals the importance of getting to know one’s partner before marrying.The marriage between Jane Bennet and Bingley is also an example of successful marriage.Jane Austen, through Elizabeth, expresses

her opinion of this in the novel.The last example of a marriage is a of a different nature than the ones mentioned above.The marriage between Mr.Collins and Charlotte is based on economics rather than on love or appearance.It was a common practice during Austen’s time for women to marry a husband to save herself from spinsterhood or to gain financial security.However, Jane Austen viewed this as a type of prostitution and disapproved of it.In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen dramatizes this form of women inequality and show that women who submits themselves to this type of marriage will have to suffer in tormenting silence as Charlotte does.In Pride and Prejudice, Jane has denounced the elements of marriage and society that she found distasteful.These are the conclusions of her observation of the people in her world.However in her writing, Jane has also reflected her own enjoyment in life among these people with and without their faults.About my opinions:

Believe it or not,I have read this story no less times no matter book still is movie.I read it again and again,and the more time I read the story is more than a love story I found.I like this story for the outstanding characteristic of the characters.A good book not only can bring you exciting,but also give you some further thinking.From the Pride and Prejudice,I learn a lot.First,it’s stupid to judge a person by the first impression and always have prejudice on the person who you don’t like.In a word,we can’t judge a person without any further recognise or by other people’s words.Just like Elizabeth,under Wickham’s evil speaking she judge Darcy is a pride and masty man and began to have prejudice on him,and kept misunderstanding him.As a result,she was failed to see the merits of Darcy.Other example,Mr.Binely persuaded himself run away from falling in love with Jane for having heard Darcy’s word that June didn’t like him,at least no more deeper than him.This hurt two loved heart.They even almost missed each other.By the way,we can learn that pride sometimes will make you far away from others.You can’t deny that the country people didn’t like Darcy very much no matter how rich he.For,he always feels superior to the country people.And,because Darcy’s pride,he offended the girl he love.Then, After reading this book, I cloudn’t forget how eager Mrs.Bennet wants to marry off her daughters.Why is she so crazy about that?I know it’s because of money.Money is very important for our lives.Money is required for food, shelter,and clothing, so many things in our life need money.With money, you can make your life more comfortable.You will be able to buy a big house with servants.But, Can money determine everything?How could a marriage maintain without love but just for money?From the marriage between Charlotte Lucas and Mr.Collins, we found that their marriage totally depended on the position, money, and the background, not the love.Most women choose the men who can satisfy their material comforts to be their

husbands at that time, just like Charlotte Lucas.She married Mr.Collins although she shared no common interests with him.She didn’t love him while she married him indeed.She persuaded herself to tolerate her husband’s strange and foolish behavior, and her only comfort was her big new house and rich material life.While in my eye, it’s really unfortunate to rest hope on the material comforts for her rest life.Although sometimes it’s necessary to consider the property, position, and background in the marriage, it’s stupid to marry just for the money.Charlotte Lucas married for the possession not love, and on the other hand, Mr.Collins married her because he needed a wife, not for love, either.Their marriage seemed to be necessary but not happy.But how to maintain the marriage without love? Fortunately,I don’t know morethem in the end of the book.



Many people simply regard pride and prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time.She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters.The characters have their own personalities.Mrs.Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters.Mr.Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr.Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior.Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different.Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others.Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion.Mary likes reading classic books.(Actually she is a pedant.)Kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia.Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate.When I read the book, I can always find the same personalities in the society now.That is why I think this book is indeed the representative of the society in Britain in the 18th century.The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s favourite topic.But this little topic can reflect big problems.It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century.You can find these from the very beginning of this book.The first sentence in this book is impressive.It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”.The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession.people always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories.In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs.After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man.I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs.Bennet wants to marry off her daughters.If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time.Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions.Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives.Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions.Jane Austen told us that

money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century.In “pride and prejudice”, the sister of Mr.Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them.From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband.The society, the relatives would not allow them to get married.In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind.A lot of parents try hard to interfere their children’s marriages.Education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence one’s marriage.Marry for money is still a big problem in our society.We can’t help thinking: can money determine everything?

Austen left this problem for us to think.The genius of Jane Austen lies in this perfect simplicity, the simplicity that reflects big problems.Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote “pride and prejudice”, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively.The plots in her works are always very natural.The development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics.I think the depth of pride and prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic.Today, her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time.傲慢与偏见英文读后感

The first sentence in this book is impressive.It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”.The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession.people always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories.In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs.After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man.I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs.Bennet wants to marry off her daughters.If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time.Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions.Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives.(读后感

www.teniu.cc)Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions.Jane Austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century.In “pride and prejudice”, the sister of Mr.Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them.From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband.The society, the relatives would not allow them to get married.In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind.A lot of parents try hard to interfere their children’s marriages.Education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence one’s marriage.Marry for money is still a big problem in our society.We can’t help thinking: can money determine everything?


After reading:Pride and Prejudice

英本102班 201003401207 庞莲娜

About the story: Jane Austen is this novel’s writer who is a famous writer in the world,and she is famoused with her a series of novel.s.Mrs.Bennet had five daughters,and marrying all her daughters was her biggest wish.In a genteel ball, Mr.Bingley , a friendly young man,also the host,fell in love with Jane at first sight.Jane was Mrs.Bennet 's first daughter who was simple,pure and never speaks evil of others.Darcy ,who was Bingley 's good friend ,a very proud man who seemed to always feel superior, was fond of Jane’s sister,Elizabeth.But his arrogance behavior and the smear from Wickham led Elizabeth to misunderstand and was biassed against Darcy.Darcy couldn't restrain himself from loving Elizabeth ,so he proposed to her.But his attitude was still so arrogant ,Elizabeth declined firmly.This hit made Darcy noticed the consequence from proud and conceited for the first time.Leaving a long letter to explain the things around him and Elizabeth, he left her painfully.She felt regret after reading it.Not only feel guilty for misunderstanding of Darcy , but also ashamed for the behavior of her mother.Elizabeth gradually changed her views of Darcy.When Darcy met her in his own manor again, his sincere attitude and dignified behavior made her considerably surprised.Finally ,they walked out of the frog which was pride and prejudice.It could be called a happy ending.There are seven different marriages presented in the novel.Excluding the Gardiner and the Lucas, the remaining five marriages contrasts each other to reveal Jane’s opinions and thoughts on the subject of marriage.The marriage between Darcy and Elizabeth reveals the characteristics which constitutes a successful marriage.One of these characteristics is that the feeling cannot be brought on by appearances, and must gradually develop between the two people as they get to know one another.In the beginning, Elizabeth and Darcy were distant from each other because of their prejudice.The series of events which they both experienced gave them the opportunity to understand one another and the time to reconcile their feelings for each other.Thus, their mutual understanding is the foundation of their relationship and will lead them to a peaceful and lasting marriage.This relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy reveals the importance of getting to know one’s partner before marrying.The marriage between Jane Bennet and Bingley is also an example of successful marriage.Jane Austen, through Elizabeth, expresses her opinion of this in the novel.The last example of a marriage is a of a different nature than the ones mentioned above.The marriage between Mr.Collins and Charlotte is based on economics rather than on love or appearance.It was a common practice during Austen’s time for

women to marry a husband to save herself from spinsterhood or to gain financial security.However, Jane Austen viewed this as a type of prostitution and disapproved of it.In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen dramatizes this form of women inequality and show that women who submits themselves to this type of marriage will have to suffer in tormenting silence as Charlotte does.In Pride and Prejudice, Jane has denounced the elements of marriage and society that she found distasteful.These are the conclusions of her observation of the people in her world.However in her writing, Jane has also reflected her own enjoyment in life among these people with and without their faults.About my opinions: Believe it or not,I have readed this story no less times no matter book movie.I readed it again and again,and the more time I read the story is more than a love story I found.I like this story for the outsdanding characteristic of the characters.A good book not only can bring you exciting,but also give you some further thingking.From the Pride and Prejudice,I lean a lot.First,it’s stupid to judge a person by the first impression and always have prejudice on the person who you don’t like.In a word,we can’t judge a person without any further reconigse or by other people’s words.Just like Elizabeth,under Wickham’s evil speaking she judge Darcy wad a pround and hatest man and began to have prejudice on him,and kept misunderstanding him.As a reselt,she was failed to see the merists of darcy.Other example,Mr.Binely persuadeed himself run away from falling in love with june for having heard Darcy’s word that June didn’t like him,at least no more deeper than him.This hurted two loved heart.They even almost missed each other.By the way,we can learn that pride sometimes will make you far away from others.You can’t deny that the country people didn’t like Darcy very much no matter how rich he.For,he always feels superior to the country people.And,because Darcy’s pround,he offended the girl he love.Then, After reading this book, I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs.Bennet wants to marry off her daughters.Why is she so crazy about that?I know it’s because of money.money is very important for our lives.Money is required for food, shelter,and clothing, so many things in our life need money.With money, you can make your life more comfortable.You will be able to buy a big house with servants.But, Can money determine everything?How could a marriage maintain without love bue just for money?From the marriage between Charlotte Lucas and Mr.Collins, we found that their marriage totally depended on the position, money, and the background, not the love.Most women choose the men who can satisfy their material comforts to be their husbands at that time, just like Charlotte Lucas.She married Mr.Collins although she shared no common interests with him.She didn’t love him while she married him indeed.She persuaded herself to tolerate her husband’s strange and foolish behavior, and her only comfort

was her big new house and rich material life.While in my eye, it’s really unfortunate to rest hope on the material comforts for her rest life.Although sometimes it’s necessary to consider the property, position, and background in the marriage, it’s stupit to marry just for the money.Charlotte Lucas married for the possession not love, and on the other hand, Mr.Collins married her because he needed a wife, not for love, either.Their marriage seemed to be necessary but not happy.But how to maintain the marriage without love? Fortunately,I don’t know more them in the end of the book.
