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1.Which of the following statements was correct around the time of the American Revolution? The American had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants.2.Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe?

The spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.3.The following were the main Reformation leaders except

Martin Luther King

4.The following were some of the characteristics of Protestantism except

salvation through the church.5.Which of the following American values did NOT come from Puritanism?

separation of state and church.6.Lord Baltimore's feudal plan failed because

the English king did not like the plan.7.The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except

William Penn.8.The theory of American politics and the American Revolution originated mainly fromJohn Locke.9.Which of the following was NOT a denomination of Protestantism?

Catholics.10.“No taxation without representation” was the rallying cry of “

the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution.UNIT4

1.Which of the following statements was NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over,the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined.2.According to the author, the Articles of Confederation failed because of the following reasons.Which is not true?

Some new states wanted to be free from the Union.3.Which of the following states refused to participate in the Constitutional Convention?Rhode Island.4.Which of the following statements was NOT correct? When the Constitution was written, there was a Bill of Rights in the Constitution.5.Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes?The legislative.6.Which of the following is NOT a power of the president?

The president can make laws.7.The Bill of Rights consists ofamendments added to the Constitution in 1791.8.Which of the following is NOT guaranteed in the Bill of Rights?

The freedom of searching a person's home by police.9.The following were NOT written into the Constitution in 1787 except

the powers of the president.10.The New Deal was started by

Franklin Roosevelt.UNIT 5

1.The first factory in the United States was a cotton textile mill in Pawtucket, in the state ofRhode Island.2.The “American system” of mass production was first used in United States.firearms industry

3.The United States had the first standard paper currency in 1863.4.In which year was the United States rated NO.1 in terms of production capacity in the world? 1945

5.Which of the following is NOT considered as part of the service industry?


6.The United States was rated forth in the world in terms of land area and the size of population.7.The United States produces as much as half of the world‟s

soybeans and corn.8.Which of the following is generally considered as an important institutional factor that contributed to the success of American business and industry?


9.Who has extolled the virtues of farmers?

Thomas Jefferson

10.The latest technology that farmers have adopted is



1.Which of the following was NOT a Protestant denomination?

The Catholics

2.Which of the following is unconstitutional in the United States?

Public money is provided to support religious schools.3.Which of the following is NOT regarded as one of the three basic religious beliefs?Islamic

4.Which of the following is true?

Liberal Protestants and Jews join non-believers in maintaining that abortion is a basic right for women,5.Which of the following continues to have an all-male clergy?

The Catholic Church

6.Which of the following features is NOT distinctively American?

There has been very much concentration on doctrine or religious argument in the US.7.In the United States, people go to church mainly for the following reasons except forfinding a job in society.8.Which of the following statement is NOT correct according to the author?

Protestant Church is an established church by law in the US.UNIT 7

1.Which of the following was a writer of the post-Revolutionary period?

Washington Irving

2.Which of the following is considered an American masterpiece?

Moby Dick

3.Which of the following was written by Henry David Thoreau?


4.Whitman‟s poetry has the following characteristics except

fragmented haunting images

5.Mark Twain‟s work are characterized by the following except


6.Three of the following are characteristics of Emily Dickinson‟s poems.Which one is NOT? Her poems are very long and powerful.7.Henry Jameswas mainly interested in writing about American living in Europe.8.Sherwood Andersonis NOT included in the group of naturalists.9.Three of the following authors are Noble Prize winners.Which one is NOT?

F.Scott Fitzgerald.10.John Steinbeckdoes NOT belong to the „Lost Generation‟.11.Light in Augustwas NOT written by Hemingway.12.Which of the following is NOT an African-American author?

Alan Ginsberg

13.The following author were women writers who wrote novels in the 19th and early 20th century with the exception of

Willa Cather

14.The following writers represent new American voices except


15.Among the following Native American writers, whose publications are regarded as sparking the beginning of the Native American Renaissance?

Scott Momaday‟s


1.Which of the following subjects are NOT offered to elementary school students?Politics and business education.2.The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by _______.boards of education

3.In the United States school systems, which of the following pisions is true?

Elementary school, secondary school.4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in American higher education?

Research institutions

5.Three of the following factors have contributed to the flourishing of large universities in America, which is the exception?

Large universities offer scholarships to all students.6.The most important reason for students wanting to get into more desirable institutions becausethey find it easy for them to get jobs after having graduated from one of them

7.In order to go to university, secondary school students must meet the following requirements except that _______.they pass the college entrance examinations

8.Three of the following universities have large endowments from wealthy benefactors.Which is the exception?

The State University of New York

9.Both public and private universities depend on the following sources of income except _______.Investment

10.To get a bachelor's degree, an undergraduate student is required to do the following excepttaking certain subjects such as history, language and philosophy


1.Black American sang the anthem of the civil rights movement, ______affirming their commitment to fight racial prejudice.We Shall Overcome!

2.The most notorious terrorist group against black civil rights workers in the South was known asKu Klux Klan.3.The reason why many young people were involved in the social movements of the 1960s was that

they resented traditional white male values in US society

4.In addition to such tactics as sit-ins, young students also added ______to educate people about war in Vietnam.Teach-in

5.According to the author, three civil rights groups provided the leadership, the tactics, and the people to fight against Southern segregation.Which is the exception?

The students for a democratic society

6.A historic moment of the civil rights movement was the March on Washington of August 28, 1963 when ______delivered his “I Have a Dream”

Martin Luther King, Jr.7.In January 1965, President Johnson declared “_______” to eliminate poverty “by opening to everyone the opportunity to live in decency and dignity.”

War on poverty

8.Unlike Martin Luther King, _______the chief spokesperson of Black Muslins advocated violence in self defense and black pride.Malcolm X

9.During the early stages of the civil rights movement, the major integration strategy initiated by the Congress of Racial Equality was known as _____to integrate interstate buses and bus station in the South.Freedom rides

10.Due to his firm belief in nonviolent peaceful protest in the spirit of India‟s leader Gandhi, _______was awarded the Noble Peace Prize in 1964.Martin Luther King,Jr.11.The one group within the counter culture best known for their pursuit of happiness as their only goal in life was called____

the Hippies

12.In the 1960s, feminism was reborn.Many women were dissatisfied with their lives, and in 1963, with the publication of _______by _________, they found a voice.The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan


1.Which of the following statement is NOT true about blacks after the 1960s?

Blacks felt that they could be fully integrated into the mainstream of American life.2.the main factor contributing to the widening income gap between blacks and whites in the 1970s was _____

black had low position and low pay in the workplace hierarchy

3.Which of the following is NOT the reason for the higher arrest rates among minority groups? The aggressive nature of these groups.4.Which of the following does NOT belong to the white-collar crime?


5.Which of the following statement is NOT true?

The Northern states did not have racial discrimination.6.Accoding to the text, which of the following is NOT a dysfunction caused by drug abuse? Drug abuse is a major cause of unemployment.7.If white-collar crimes were included in the Crime Index, the profile of a typical criminal in the United States would be the following EXCEPT

living near city centers

8.Which of the following used human beings as guinea pigs to test drugs like LSD?The CIA


1.When did the word stereotype come into use in English?

Early 17th century

2.Which organization in the United States demonstrated strongly against any laws that might restrict gun ownership?

The NRA(national Rifle Association)

3.Which of the following websites are meant to cater to young tastes?


4.Who was the author of the popular play The Melting Pot which was associated with life in America since the late 18th century?

Israel Zangwill

5.What was the major historical event that resulted in the separation of the Protestants from the Roman Catholic Church?

The 16th-century Reformation

6.Which of the following expressions represents the core value of the mainstream society in the USA?

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.7.Which of the following was President Franklin D.Roosevelt‟s main concern?

Social justice

8.According to the author, the mosaic metaphor for American image has one fatal flaw.What is it?

American is not open to change.9.The internet has several characteristics that reflect life in the USA today.Which one is NOT? People can freely download MP3 music

10.Which of the following institution is responsible for the making of the Internet?

The US military

11.Free use of the Internet in the US responds to the basic American values, except that _____it doesn‟t help create material wealth.12.Which of the following helps theorize the concept of Fraternity?Karl Marx


1.Great Charter:

It refers to the document sealed by King John of England on June 15, 1215, which contains 63 clauses.The most important are as followed: the King could not exact payment from the vassals without their consent;no freeman should be arrested, imprisoned, or deprived of their property unless they are convinced by a jury;merchants would be allowed to move about freely.If the King attempted to free himself from the law, the vassals had the right to force him to obey the law by every means possible, even by means of a civil war.It is regarded as the foundation of the British constitutionalism.2.“A-level”:

A-level—is an academic qualification offered by educational bodies in the United Kingdom and the British Crown dependencies to students completing secondary or pre-university education.3.Pilgrim Fathers:

The first English immigrants who came to America by the ship Mayflower in 1620.They came to the America to run away from the religious persecution in England.They landed the America from Plymouth and settled down in this land.4.WASPs:

“WASP” stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.It is considered the basis of the mainstream culture of the United States.The people who settled in the 13 North American colonies were mostly white European Protestant believers.The United States was founded and formed largely by Protestants.5.Wall Street:

Wall Street is the financial district of New York City, named after and centered on the eight-block-long, 0.7 miles(1.1 km)long street running from Broadway to South Street on the East River in Lower Manhattan.Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American financial sector(even if financial firms are not physically located there), or signifying New York-based financial interests.6.Independence Day:

Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.7.Hollywood:

Hollywood is the US film industry centre.It is located in Los Angeles, California.There are big movie companies, including the Warner Bros.Pictures, Universal Studios, Columbia Pictures, and Paramount Pictures.The annual Oscar Award held there attracts the attention of the world;it has become the synonym of American film.1.Democracy with a constitutional monarch:

Constitutional monarchy is a form of democratic government in which a nonpolitical monarch acts as head of state within the boundaries of a constitution, whether written or unwritten.While the monarch may hold formal reserve powers and while government officially takes place in the monarch’s name, they do not set public policy or choose political leaders.It can be defined as “a sovereign who reigns but does not rule.” This form of government differs from absolute monarchy, in which the monarch controls political decision-making and is not effectively bound by a constitutional order.2.British Newspaper Culture:The United Kingdom has one of the world’s oldest established newspaper industries.In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, as the British economy began to industrialise, as the development of the society, and as literacy levels rose through the introduction of mass education, more and more newspapers began to appear.They began to influence British society and people’s life.There are two kinds of newspaper in the UK: the “quality press” and “tabloid”.The types of newspaper can reflect the reader’s social class.The quality press, such as The Observer, The Guardian, and The Times normally carries in-depth articles of particular political and social importance and are generally read by well-educated, middle-class readers.The tabloid refers to smaller format newspaper with color photos and catchy headlines.They are usually about scandals and gossips about famous people, whether in politics, sports or entertainment.The articles are short and easy to read.The readers are normally working-class and lower class people.3.Industrial Revolution:

The First Industrial Revolution first originated in the UK.The Industrial Revolution took root in Britain for a variety of reasons.First, Britain had a huge market.Second, from the colonies in America and India, England acquired enormous wealth with which to develop its industries.Third, the enclosure movement deprived many small landowners of their property.The Industrial Revolution began in the textile industry and was marked by a series of important inventions.They were the Spinning Jenny, the water frame, the power loom and the steam engine.By the middle of the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain.It changed Britain in many ways.Its industrial productivity increased dramatically.Britain became the most advanced industrial country and also the financial center in the world.The country also underwent a process of mass urbanization.The Industrial Revolution also created changed in the class structure.(谢福之P.20)

The Second Industrial Revolution(谢福之P.149): The Second Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution, was a phase of the larger Industrial Revolution corresponding to the latter half of the 19th century until World War I.It is considered to have begun around the time of the introduction of Bessemer steel in the 1860s and culminated in early factory electrification, mass production and the production line.The Third Industrial Revolution: The first two industrial revolutions made people richer and more urban.Now a third revolution is under way.Manufacturing is going digital.4.Presidential Election:

America is a presidential government country.The presidential election is held every four years.The system of presidential government is complicated.It includes primary election, the popular vote, the Electoral College.The primary election is the first period.It is time for the party candidates won the presidential candidate of their own party.After the primary election, the candidate will spend huge amounts of money on electoral journey, competition on advertisement, electoral speeches and public debates.In most states, they work on “winner win all”.It means if one wins the most votes of states.He will gain all the votes of these states.American elections for the president are not decided directly by the popular vote, instead under the Electoral College.Each of the fifty states influence on the results equals its population.If both candidates gain 269 votes, or neither of them gains 270 votes, the president will be determined by the parliament.5.American Civil War:

In the early 1800s, the Northern states turned from farming to manufacturing.Black slavery soon disappeared in the North.But things were different in the South.The South expanded both its agriculture and its slavery.The problem of slavery became a serious political issue.The abolitionists tried to abolish slavery while the South tried to keep it.When Abraham Lincoln was elected President, the Southern states broke away and formed a new nation.Then Lincoln was determined to maintain the Union and the war broke out on April 12, 1861, Lincoln realized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroad by making the war a just war against slavery.So he issued Emancipation Proclamation.Thus England and France stood by the Union’s side.Many black slaves joined the Union Army.After a series of battles, Robert Lee could no longer hold Richmond.He surrendered on April 9, 1865.The Civil War ended.6.Separation of Powers:

The American constitutional system includes a notion known as the Separation of Powers.In this system, 3 branches of government are created and power is shared between them.At the same time, the powers of one branch can be challenged by another branch.This is what the system of checks and balances is all about.There are three branches in the United States government as established by the Constitution.First, the Legislative branch makes the law.Second, the Executive branch executes the law.Last, the Judicial branch interprets the law.Each branch has an effect on the other.


1.Grammar schools

It is a type of secondary schools in Britain.Grammar schools select children at the age 11, through an examination called “the 11-plus”.Those children with the highest marks go to grammar schools.These schools lay emphasis on advanced academic subjects rather than the more general curriculum of the comprehensive schools and expect many of their pupils to go on to universities.2.Affirmative Action Programs

Affirmative Action Programs were first advocated by some colleges in 1960.The purpose of the programs was to equalize educational opportunities for all groups and to make up for past inequality by giving special preference to members of minorities seeking jobs or admission to college.3.The strategy of preemption In an address delivered to the West Point graduates, President Bush, for the first time, put forward the strategy of preemption.By preemption, the US means that when it determines that a country which is repressive and hostile to the US has acquired or produced weapons of mass destruction or has the potential to possess such weapons, the US should use force to remove this threat to US security and should not wait till the danger becomes imminent or until the US is attacked.This has become to be known as Bush Doctrine.4.Boards of education

Boards of education refer to groups of people who make policies for schools at the state and/or district level.They also make decisions about the school curriculum, teacher standards and certification, and the overall measurement of student progress.5.Anglo-Saxons:

they were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century.They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.6.The commonwealth

The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of states which is made up mostly of former British colonies.There are 50 members of the Commonwealth.Many of these are developing countries like India;others are developed nations like Australia and Canada.The Commonwealth was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as a sort of support network.7.The functions of parliament

The functions of Parliament are: to pass laws;to vote for taxation;to scrutinize government policy, administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day.8.The House of Commons

The House of Commons is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives(Members of Parliament)make and debate policy.These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.9.A federal system

A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts, with some rights reserved to each.10.Puritanism

Puritans were those who followed the doctrine of John Calvin and wanted to purify the Church of England.They believe that human beings were predestined by God before they were born.Some were God’s chosen people while others were damned to hell.Nither church nor good works could save people.The sign of being God’s elect was the success in his work or the prosperity in his calling.They also argued that everyone must read the Bible in order to find God’s will and establish a direct contact with God.These beliefs had great impact on American culture.11.The containment policy

The US put into effect the containment policy in the late 1940s.By containment, the US meant that it would use whatever means, including military force, to prevent the SU from breaking out of its sphere of influence.In order to contain communism, the US fought two wars in Asia: the Korean War and the Vietnam War.12.Comprehensive schools

Comprehensive schools are the most popular secondary schools in Britain today.Such schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general education.Pupils can study everything from academic subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking.13.The three traditions of Christmas in Britain

①Three typical British traditions on Christmas are: the Christmas Pantomime, the Queen’s speech over the TV and radio, and the Boxing Day.②The Christmas Pantomime: It is a comical musical play usually based on a popular traditional children’s story.There are two main characters in the play: “the principal boy”, played by a young woman, and “the Dame”, played by a man.③Another British Christmas tradition is to hear the queen give her Christmas message to her realm over the television and radio.A third tradition is Boxing Day, which falls on the day after Christmas.People used to give Christmas gifts or money to their staff or servants on this day.And now they mostly do shopping, pay visits, enjoy eating or just relax.14.The declaration of Independence

①It was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Congress on July 4, 1776, when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule.②The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.③It also explained the philosophy of government: the powers of governments came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of governments was to secure the rights mentioned above.④The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.15.The making The general direction of Britain’s foreign poliof Britain’s foreign policy

cy is mainly decided by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.The Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the main government department, plays a significant role in the making of Britain’s foreign policy.Many other government ministries such as Ministry of Defense also play a part in formulating and carrying out the government’s decisions.But an extremely influential player is the Treasury.The Treasury makes decisions on how much money other departments can have each year.16.The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and inpidual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.17.The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act

It was passed in 1944.It was soon popularly called the “GI Bill of Rights”.GI was a nickname for the American soldier.This nickname came from the abbreviation for “Government Issue”— the uniforms and other articles issued” to a soldier.The Act promised financial aid, including aid for higher education to members of the armed forces.18.Independent schools

Independent schools are commonly called public schools which are actually private schools that receive their funding through the private sector and tuition rates, with some government assistance.Independent schools are not part of the national education system, but the quality of instruction and standards are maintained through visits from Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools.These schools are restricted to the students whose parents are comparatively rich.19.The House of Lords

The House of Lords consists of the Lords Spiritual, who are the Archbishops and most prominent bishops of the Church of England;and the Lords Temporal, which refers to those lords who either have inherited the seat from their forefathers or they have been appointed.The lords mainly represent themselves instead of the interests of the public.20.Cricket and “fair play”

Cricket was one of the first team sports in Britain to have organized rules and to be played according to the same rules nationally.The reason that fixed rules were applied to cricket so early on was a financial one: aristocrats loved betting on cricket matches and if people were going to risk money on a game, they wanted to ensure that the game would be played fairly.People from all walks of life play cricket, but in the 19th century, cricket became a sport associated with the upper class.It was a kind of “snob” game played by boys who attended public schools.As generations of public school boys grew up to become the civil servants and rulers of the UK and its colonies, cricket became associated with a set of moral values, in particular the idea of “fair play” which characterized British government.

第四篇:英美文化课后答案 Chapter 4 Religion

Chapter 4 Religion

Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1-10: TFTFF/TFFTT11-20: TFFTF/TTFTF21-28: TFTTF/FTF

Fill in the blanks with the correct information.1.salad bowl2.Christian3.Catholics;Protestants4.Protestants5.Westminster Cathedral

6.William Shakespeare7.St.Paul‟s8.389.the needy;the weak10.“help yourself” 11.tolerance;acceptance12.The Roman Catholic Church;the Protestant Church13.White Anglo-Saxon Protestants14.John F.Kennedy15.Jesus‟ birthday16.Silent Night17.The Last Supper18.the Bill of Rights19.Self-improvement20.Christian21.archbishop22.direct23.Reformed24.monarchs25.Reformation, supremacy26.presbyteries, bishops

27.Act of Settlement28.Church and State29.Bible, prayer30.Fundamentalism;Protestant

31.secularization32.fundamentalist churches33.new evangelism34.melting pot

Choose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1-10: DBACC/DCBDD11-20: CDACB/BDCBA

Explain the following terms.1.The Reformation

The Reformation refers to a period of time in the history.In 1517, a German monk, Martin Luther, led the breakaway from the Roman Catholic Church.The new Christians called themselves „Protestants‟ because they were protesting against the teachings and customs of the Roman Catholic Church.Their demand for reform led to this period in history called the Reformation, which later spread all over the European continent.2.Puritanism

Puritanism is a church broken away from the Protestant Church.Puritans objected that the Protestant Church of England had not moved far enough away from the Roman Catholic Church.They do not have archbishops and their services and the decoration of their churches are very simple.At the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century, many Puritans suffered from persecution from the Church of England.Then, to seek freedom to practice their own religion, they escaped to the New World, where they set up a new nation later: the United States of America.3.The Church of England

The Church of England came into being during the Reformation of the 16th century.It is the state religion of the U.K.It is the most important denomination in the U.K..The monarch is head of the Church of England.The Archbishop of Canterbury of the Church of England is regarded as the spiritual leader.Today it is characterized by being both Catholic and Protestant.The Church of England plays an active role in national life.4.Worship

Worship is a form of Christian service.Attending religious services provides an opportunity

to glorify God among a gathering of fellow believers.Most services tend to involve prayers, singing, bible reading and possibly a sermon.Christians can worship together in public or on their own in private.The main day on which Christians gather together to worship God is on a Sunday.Other forms of worships include baptisms, weddings and funerals.5.Charity

Charity means the giving of help to those in need.The Roman Catholic Church believes that God brought love to the world, so humankind should do good deeds in return to keep the world a nice place to live in.In its earliest days the Roman Catholic Church met the needs of the lower classes.It taught people to work hard as a way to salvation.The church also called for charitable work, giving help to the needy and protecting the weak.It is still regarded as a moral obligation to help the poor, the elderly and the handicapped, and so on.6.Melting Pot

The melting pot is an expression used to describe societies experiencing large scale immigration from many different countries, just like the U.S., where people of different cultures, races and religions are combined so as to develop a multi-ethnic society.7.WASP

“WASP” stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.It is considered the basis of the mainstream culture of the United States.The people who settled in the 13 North American colonies were mostly white European Protestant believers.The United States was founded and formed largely by Protestants.8.Self-improvement

Self-improvement is one of the most important values mainly held by Protestants in the U.S.Instead of going to priests for forgiveness of their sins, inpiduals get guidance, forgiveness, and grace directly from God in order to improve themselves.Some Protestants‟ lives are changed through this.Others believe a relationship with God will improve their lives and will lead them to Heaven after death.Because of these Protestant ideas about personal religion even non-religious Americans often actively seek personal growth and self-improvement.9.Volunteerism

Unpaid service is common in American social life.People think helping others is a way of self-improvement.Inpiduals make themselves into better persons by contributing some of their time or money to charity, education and religion.This philosophy is called volunteerism.Many Americans believe that they should show their love to people in need by devoting part of their time and wealth.This idea comes from the Christian belief that if you love God, you will also love your neighbors.10.Presbyterian

Presbyterian: a member of a branch of the Christian Protestant Church that is the national Church of Scotland.11.Episcopal

Episcopal:(of a Christian Church)that is governed by bishops.12.Anglican

Anglican: a member of the Church of England or of a Church connected with it in another country.13.Kirk

Kirk: a name often used for the official Church of Scotland.14.diocese

diocese: a district for which a bishop is responsible.15.secularism

secularism: the belief that religion should not be involved in the organization of society, education, etc.16.Non-conformist

Non-conformist: a member of a Protestant Church that does not follow the beliefs and practices of the Anglican Church.17.fundamentalism

Fundamentalism refers to a belief in, and strict adherence to, a set of basic principles.It was originally coined to describe a narrowly defined set of beliefs that developed into a movement within the Protestant community of the United States in the early part of the 20th century.18.religious pluralism

Religious pluralism is a loosely defined expression concerning acceptance of different religions.It is used as the name of the worldview according to which one‟s religion is not the sole and exclusive source of truth, and thus that at least some truths and true values exist in other religions.19.cyber church

Cyber church is the extension the church universal into cyberspace.It includes different aspects of Christian community online, especially by those who view this phenomenon as a subset of emerging church, the developing expressions of the faith in relation to culture change.Translation

1.Christianity was first introduced into Britain by the Romans in the first century BC.2.Before the 20th century, Judaism had been the only important non-Christian religion in Britain.3.British society was more tolerant of Jews than most other European nations.4.After the Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church in Britain experienced much persecution

and discrimination, and had difficulties in surviving.5.It may take diocesan bishops a number of years before they qualify to take their seat.Questions for Discussion

1.Christian Churches: Protestants, Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Churches.2.The fate of America has from the very beginning been closely linked to notions of religious

destiny.The Puritans presented themselves as God‟s Chosen People, searching for the Promised Land.Although the Constitution declares the separation of Church and State, religion has always pervaded American political life.During inaugural ceremonies, U.S.presidents take the oath of office on the Bible.Almost all American presidents have claimed affiliation with an established church.3.New telecommunication technologies would boost cyber churches – especially among

professionals, baby boomers, and perhaps large segments of the elderly in the U.S.One can find religious news and chat groups abound on the Net.Currently, Christian denominations, especially Roman Catholics, dominate cyberspace, accounting for almost 80% of the 10 million or so websites devoted to religion.Recently, an increasing number of religious organizations are using computer technology to spread their message via the Internet to people everywhere in the world.


1.The civil rights movement

It is one of the most important of all social movements in the 1960s in America.Rosa Parks’ spontaneous action in 1955 was believed to the true beginning of the civil rights movement.The black students’ sit-in at a department lunch counter in North Carolina touched off the nationwide civil rights movement.During the first half of the decade, civil rights organizations like the SNCC,CORE,and SCLC struggled for racial intergration by providing leaderships,network and the people.In the latter half of the decade, some black organizations changed their nonviolent tactics, and emphasized on more radical means to end discrimination and raised the self-image of the blacks.The civil rights movement produced such great leaders as Martin Luther King.Jr, and Malcolm X, who inspired a generation of both blacks and whites to devote their lives to fighting for racial equality in th US.2.A federal system【联邦制】

It is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constiuent parts, with some rights reserved to each.3.King Arthur

It is said that he was the King of England in the 5th century and united the British and drove the Saxons back with his magica sword,Excalibur.His real existence is in doubt.He is the central figure of many legends.4.The Anglo-Saxons

They were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century.They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.5.Riverdance[大河舞] It is a very popular form of dancing based on Ireland’s intricate[错综复杂的]folk dances which are rearranged and modernized and adapted onto current stage performance.Dancing is traditionally part of Irish culture.It is usually accompanied by the Irish pipe and fiddle.The music usually sounds fast and furious.Most of the action

is from the waist down, with the arms held rigidly at the sides.6.The House of Commons

It is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives(members of parliament)make and debate policy.These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.7.The Commonwealth【英联邦】

In the author’s opinion, the Commowealth is a voluntary association of states which is made up mostly of former British colonies.There are 50 members of the Commonwealth: many of these are developing countries like India and Cyprus;others are developed nations like Australia,Canada and New Zealand.The Commonwealth was set up as a form for continued cooperation and as a sort of support network.8.Maoritanga

It is the Maori word for “Maori culture.” It refers to all the elements of the rich cultural heritage of the indigenous people in New Zealand, including their language, customs and traditions,9.The “Washminster” form polity

It is adopted by the Australian government.It is a mixture of the US Washington system of government and the British Westminster system.This means that the political structure of the government is base on a Federation of States with a three-tier system of government.However, the chief executive is a Prime Minister, instead of a President as in the US system.10.Yellowstone National Park

It is the oldest and one of the largest national parks in the US.It is named after the Yellowstone River that flows through the area.It is known for its geysers and hot springs among other natural wonders.counterculture[反主流文化]

In the wake of the Free Speech Movement and the New Left, there appeared a phenomenon that historians called the “counterculture”.The counterculture rejected capitalism and other Americans principles.They had morals different from those taught by their parents.Some group of youth tried to construct different ways of life,.Among the most famous were the hippies.They thought new experience through dropping out, and drug taking.But it was music,rock music particular, that became the chief vehicle for the counter cultural assault on the traditional American society.The counterculture exerted a great influence upon people’s attitudes toward social morals, marriage, career and success.Martin Luther King, Jr.A black Baptist minister, he was leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the civil rights movements of the 1960s.To promote his philosophy of nonviolent protest against segregation and other kinds of social injustice, King organized a series of “marches”, including the march on Washington of August 1963, when King delivered his famous “ I Have a Dream” speech.As a civil rights leader, King worked not only to end racial discrimination and poverty, but also to raise the self image of the blacks.Due to his strong belief in non-violent peaceful protest, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Price in 1964.He was assassinated in the city of Memphis in April 1968.13.Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon was the former President of the United States.He won the elction in 1968 and was re-elected in 1972.While he was in office, he contributed to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the US and China and visited China in 1972.Shortly after he was re-elected ,he was involved in the

Watergate scandal,for which he was forced to resign from the presidency.1.Explain your understanding of how the United States is governed according to its constitution, including its polity and the check and balance mechanism of governing.if Congress proposes a law that the president think is unwise, the president can veto it.That means the proposal does not became law.Congress can enact the law despite the president’s views only if two-thirds of the members of both houses vote in favor of it.If Congress passes a low which is the challenged in the courts as unconstitutional, the Supreme Court has the power to declare the law unconstitutional and therefore no longer in effect.The president has the power to make treaties with other nations and to make all appointments to federal positions,including the position, of Supreme Court justice.The Senate,however,must approve all treaties and confirm all appointments before they become official.In this way the Congress can prevent the president from making unwise appointments.2.How do you understand the saying: ”British history has been a history of invasion.” ?

Before the 1st century AD Britain was made up of many tribal kingdoms of Celtic people:a powerful cultural originating in central Europe.Then in 43AD Britain was invaded by Roman Empire, and England and Wales became part of the Roman Empire for nearly400 years.As the Roman Empire came under threat from the east, the Roman armies and Roman protection were withdrawn from Britain, and Britain was again pided into small kindoms, and

again it came under threat from outside, this time from Germanic peoples:the Angles,and the Saxon.In the 5th century AD it is said that a great leader-King Arthur appeared, united the British, and with his magical sword, Excalibur,drove the Saxons back.whatever Arthur’s success,legend or not,it did not last,for the Anglo-Saxons did succeed in invading Britain,and either absorbed the Celticpeople,or pushed them to the western and northern edges of Britain.From the late 8th century on, raiders from Scandinavia, the ferocious Vikings, threatened Britain’s shores.Their settlements in England grew until large areas of northern and eastern England were under their control.1066, the Normans, from northern France, whowere descendants of Vikings.Under William of Normandy they cross the English Channel and in the Battle of Hastings, defeated an English army under King Harold.This marks the last time.that an army from outside the British Isles succeeded in invading

3.Your understanding of the characteristics of American religion and its social functions

First of all, American with different religions live together under the same law.The Bill of Rights in the US Constitution

insists that there should be no state religion.That means that the government has no right to interfere in people’s religious affairs.The freedom of religion and the separation of state and church guaranted in the Constitution is believed to be the basic principles against religious persecution.Secondly,the religious beliefs of Americans continue to be strong with social progress.Every Sunday morning, all over America people pour into the churches.Half of American Protestants are active church members, and there are few who habitually stay away.Not only the Catholic churches,but the Protestant ones too,are flourishing,and new ever-growing suburbs.Through all the social and economic changes religion has remained a constant factor.Thirdly,in the united states every church is a completeluy independent organization,and concerned with its own finance and its own building.if one goes to a Protestant church,he or she will hear morality preached,but not a word of doctrine.Churches and religious sects are expressions of group solidarity rather than of rigid adherence to doctrine.
