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How to Write Achievements on your CV.In sales it is not the features that are purchased, it is the benefits of the product or service offered.In job searching, you might be an expert in your professionWhat Have You Done?


* to increase your company profits / revenues

* to demonstrate you are a high performer

* to satisfy your customer / clients

* to improve quality or service to reduce costs

* to increase quality

* that you are proud of

* to increase efficiency


* trained/supervised others

* received awards/decorations

* instituted new procedures

* reduced inventory levels

* identified problems

* installed new systems

* increased safety

* decreased scrap

* reduced absenteeism


* What were the results ?

* What did this mean ?

* What could the company do now ?

* So what ?

* For what ?

* By how much ?

* How many ?

* Which ones ?

* Why were you chosen ?

Employers are more interested in what you can achieve for them, than the skills you possess.The interviewer will try to establish what benefits you will bring to the company, and where your benefits might be greater than those of other candidates.Your CV should be presented as a benefits package to the your prospective employer, a useful tip before the interview is to practice putting together useful phrases starting with:-

Which means that........?

Which resulted in.........?

So that..............?

The benefit was..........?

We gained because.......?

The advantage was.......?


S.T.A.R.represents 3 ways to begin to demonstrate your achievements, or in other words how your key skills are applied in work.S describes the “Situation” T = the “Task” as does the A, the “Action” expressing specific activities or or what you do hands-on.R is the “Result” describing the impact or consequence of the tasks or actions taken.The results are your 'value' and will be expected by hiring managers to select candidates.Your STAR examples should illustrate your depth of

knowledge, level of ability and value for each key skill._____________________________________________________________




Situation / Task


While in the Consumer Division as Product Manager, I was assigned to a team of product developers on a high risk product.Action


I performed market research and carried out customer surveys that identified historical market trends for annual projections and successfully rewrote the proposals.Result


This eliminated redundancies, increased efficiencies and provided and opportunity for success.__________________________________________________________


Situation / Task:


I was responsible implementing a research project for a new product development group.Action


I developed a team of researchers, conducted research, wrote survey reports, and chaired focus groups.Result


All goals and requirements established by the customer were met and product was abandoned saving the company £12 million.__________________________________________________________




I was responsible for overseeing the development of Desktop Services for high value customer accounts.Action


I defined product services and a rollout strategy for the operations, developed a business plan and successfully sourced funding.Result


Product was implemented on time and within budget, this also provided complete customer satisfaction and repeat business.___________________________________________________________


The results are your 'value' and will be expected to be seen on your CV by hiring managers.Your STAR examples should illustrate your depth of knowledge, level of ability and value for each skill.Identify the time frame(begin-end dates)for each STAR example and monetary or time savings to the company if you can.__________________________________________________________________

When you are finished, go back to each job and think about what you might have done above and beyond the call of duty.What did you contribute to each of your jobs?

> Did you exceed sales quotas each month?

> Did you save the company money?

> Did you solve a problem?

> Did you develop a new procedure?

> Did you promote a new product?

> Did you expand business or attract / retain customers?

> Did you improve the company's image or build new relationships?

> Did you improve the quality of a product?

> Did you do something that made the company more competitive?

Write down any achievements that show potential employers what you have done in the past, which translates into what you might be able to do for them.Quantify whenever possible.Numbers are always impressive.Remember, you are trying to motivate the potential employer to buy...you!Convince your reader that you will be able to generate a significant return on their investment in you.You are selling yourself so stress the benefit and contribution you can make to your prospective employer.Achievements in your CV

Successfully applying for a job means showing your employer that you are more suitable than the other candidates.Job application numbers for a particular vacancy vary from tens to hundreds.You will usually need to be short-listed among the first twenty in order to be offered an interview.Only CVs that have impressed the employer will make it to this stage.When recruiting people, employers reduce the CV list to around forty or fifty candidates.The difference between the chosen candidates and the others is a well presented CV and cover letter.What did they do differently?

The way they presented their achievements.In this tutorial we will explain how you can word your achievements in a more suitable manner.Employers are attracted to achievements because they want the applicant to repeat them in their own business.How Employers look at your Achievements?

Employers receive dozens and sometimes hundreds of applications when they begin recruiting, so in order to stand out in a crowd;your CV should identify and then highlight those aspects of your career that promote your abilities.Employers want employees that will add value to their organisation.This value

adding can come in the form of raising profits, reducing expenditure, improving staff morale and productivity etc.In order for you to demonstrate the value you can add to an employers business you need to detail past achievements that cover some of these ?value adding? aspects on your CV.If you can add at least six significant achievements on your CV you will have the edge over other equally qualified experienced candidates when it comes to being short-listed for an interview.So what specifically is an achievement?

Achievements are the results that you personally bring about while fulfilling a certain role.It is not the same as duties that you perform as listed in your job description.Everyone with that same job has those!You want to identify that something extra that you did which benefited the organisation.For example:

Rather than stating that 'you were responsible for a team of 10 people', you could instead say that you 'planned, arranged and hosted a team building away day, which resulted in improved communications within the office'.Meanwhile employers are most interested in profits so identifying areas where you increased profit margins is always a good achievement to mention.As are any things which you did that were instrumental in reducing expenditure and increasing efficiency.Not all achievements have to have occurred in the workplace.You can mention your Involvement in a community project that had a positive result, or sporting

achievements.In this tutorial we will explain how you can word your achievements so as to reflect you at your best!

Define Achievement

By defining the objectives of a particular position, it's possible to determine the achievements that employers will value.Business objectives are very similar, but objectives in a particular position focus on specific business objectives.Employers are looking for achievements in specific fields.By defining the objectives that a particular position asks for you know which achievements to present.If you write about such achievements, you stand a far better chance of being invited for an interview.Skills will help but achievements are proof you can implement your skills in practice.How to Define an Achievement

An achievement means that a particular objective has been reached.Achievements are defined by: 

 Describing what was used to reach the objective.What objective was reached.Example: Used new sales channels to increase market share beyond the state borders.The result was a 25% increase in turnover for the company.What does the above statement say? Skill used: creativity, sales channels, initiative.An achievement statement must impress, “increase turnover” will not get you anywhere unless you define the results, preferably with actual figures.Vague adjectives are to be avoided since they do not give a clear indication your results.When employers read impressive achievement statements they will want to discuss this further and analyse if you can implement these achievements in their business.Securing an interview is not an easy business;you have to provide the right reasons for potential employers to want to speak to you!









































I treat the work of a serious and responsible, others in good faith, good communication and coordination.Have a strong organizational skills and team spirit;motivated, diligent in learning can continue to improve their ability and overall quality.Proficient in computer IT hardware and software technology, IT technology development around the strong interest;team awareness and adaptability, good compression capacity, like the challenges facing the difficulties;focus on the life of coherent, work planning.In the future work life, I will be full of energy, study the spirit of hard work to complete the established work tasks, and steadily improve their ability to work with the company at the same time.I am cheerful and lively personality, interest is more widely, treat people in good faith.In the school reading professional for mechanical manufacturing and automation, usually like to see more hands and more hands-on, and in school through their own efforts to complete the self-study undergraduate business management courses, have a certain self-learning ability.During the school was awarded the first prize and a variety of honorary titles.Department of literature and art department has served as secretary of the post and secretary of the post, a serious and responsible at work, in the study also did not neglect, in life there are passionate and lively side.University of this three years I did not come, at least I learned a certain amount of expertise, my organization and management capabilities have also been a certain upgrade, let me in the competition in a certain advantage.Respectable, responsible, initiative, hard-working, for pressure, to be creative;have a strong organizational skills and teamwork spirit.英文简历中个人评价篇二

Familiar with mfc, sdk, multi-threaded, gdi +, winsocket, etc.;familiar with a variety of network protocols, such as: tcp(tcp, tcp, etc);familiar with the various network protocols, such as: tcp / Ip, http, soap agreement;in-depth understanding of xml, has rich experience in xml development, proficiency in dom, sax analytical process;familiar with sqlserver, can independently complete the system analysis, design and development.Have good programming habits, be able to write high-loosely coupled module.Have a strong team spirit.Good at summing up the development experience, to the rational use of design patterns for development, love programming, and has a good self-learning ability, adaptability, work enthusiasm.Have a number of project team leader experience, can quickly integrate into the team, adaptability and self-learning ability.Be able to work hard, be able to correctly deal with the difficulties encountered in life and work in the study proactive, serious practical rigorous, modest and studious.英文简历中个人评价篇三

I am optimistic and cheerful, strict self-discipline, treat people with sincerity, can be hard-working, active work.Familiar with vb and c ++ language;master sqlserver to carry out various operations on the information, such as query the student information table;understand sql database application technology and dreamweaver web production.Easy to integrate into the collective culture, with others to establish a good relationship.A team spirit, sense of innovation, aggressive, responsible for the work, can adapt to high-intensity work.I have been working in software testing and quality assurance for many years.I have many years of experience in technical and management positions.I have a clear understanding of the software development process and I have learned through my own continuous learning.Accumulated a wealth of technical and management experience.Strong ability to learn, hardworking persistent toughness, can endure hardship, thoughtful, assertive, serious and responsible work and beginning and end, frank, open-minded, good communication with people, a good team spirit.英文简历中个人评价篇四

Work pragmatic, rigorous, focused, practical ability to analyze and deal with problems, the work of the planning, coordination and coherence is better, with strong thirst for knowledge and positive initiative, good at independent thinking, a good team awareness.Foreign bank work experience, ibm host(z / os)project development experience, familiar with cobol, db2, compilation.Self-confident, able to work effectively;cheerful, frank, has a good ability to collaborate with colleagues to form a harmonious working atmosphere.Proficient in computer hardware and software technology it, it is around the development of science and technology have a strong interest;team awareness and adaptability, good compression capacity, like to face the challenges and difficulties;work is absolutely hard, serious and responsible, hoping to get your company Of a valuable interview opportunities.English is fluent, you can use English to communicate and write technical documents.Cheerful and lively, like innovation, challenges.Like sports, love reading.Full of curiosity about new things, willing to accept new knowledge.A team leadership, able to think independently and good at communication;calm, wise, able to work under pressure.


Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。

Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.


A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。

Work well with a multi-cultural and perse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。

Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。

Initiative,independent and good communication skill.


Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。

With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。

Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。

Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。

Be highly organized and effecient.工作很有条理,办事效率高。

Willing to learn and progress.肯学习进取。

Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。

Positive active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。

Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。善于同各种人员打交道。

Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。

Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。

Be elegant and with nice personality.举止优雅、个人性格好。

The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。Being active, creative and innonative is a plus.思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。

With good analytical capability.有较强的分析能力






