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How to communicate with your boss
编辑:尘埃落定 识别码:15-804170 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-20 11:41:35 来源:网络

第一篇:How to communicate with your boss

An efficient way of communicating with your superiors

As a subordinator, how to report our work achievement to our superiors? How to make complaints or grievances to them? How to create opportunities of speaking to them? In what way or what to say to claim your loyalty to your boss? How to induce your boss to share his true ideas with you? How to point out your boss’s mistakes or shortcomings? How to refuse his unjustifiable requests? How to communicate with different superiors with varied characters? All the answers to these questions can be found below.1.Do not say too extreme words to them

If you always do well in your work and think highly of yourself as well as scorn the people who reflect slowly, then you will be pleased in nothing, thinking that you are the best and happily looking forward to be praised, salary increased and promoted.However, those sweet dreams are so always afar from you in spite of how you perceive yourself.Please look back carefully on the way you talk to your boss.Have you ever spoken too highly of yourself while looked down upon your colleagues? Have you complained too much about everything around you?

Actually, what you have said was fully evaluated by your boss.They might not say anything about it superficially;they probably started scoring you in their hearts.Therefore, it is quite necessary to change the way you talk in order to do good to your lifetime career.2.Do not argue about some sensitive topics

Let’s begin talking this chapter by telling a true story.When I first came to this company, the leaders have told me that I might not get a very high salary working here.The reason I chose to stay was that I wanted a place to have myself tempered and have my all-round ability improved.However, high salary was attracted to me.I was aware that people here got different level of salary.As a student who just came out of the university, lacking related working experiences;it’s fair for me to be paid the least.But I deeply believe that I will have my salary increased some day, not the first day coming to this company but some certain day later.Half year has passed, but I still get the least salary.Therefore, I kind of euphemistically mentioned this problem in front of my boss while he played silly about it.So I was a little upset about this.Then one day, there were just me and my boss in the office, and I intentionally mentioned that the rent and the meal ticket have been increased this month which meant that my salary is supposed to be increased.He said to me with smile: “stop complaining and work hard.Everyone is equally paid here”

“Is it? Is this the case?” I finally could not control my temper which I have been controlled for a long time.

How to communicate with your boss